: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL' PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENINO, MAY 30, 1911. 13 battle of tha Philippine and the heroea of naral engagement were all remembered. , , :' -.' Probably th moat lmtrss.lv . r vloa wti held at Venice, where floweri war oast upon the water of th Pa- elflp In honor of the aailor dead. In Are You Married to Your Facts? Well, if you are, you will Have ' f ; ' 1 Loa Aotelea monater memorial aervlce were held at the Tempi Auditorium and In Central Park, In Memory of Chaplan. (Sparta I Pfip.tr t Tta jiwrwl.1 ' good grounds for a divorce! South Bend, Int, May 10. Faculty and student of the University of Notre Dame, with a number of prominent gueata, took part today In interesting eserel attending the dedication of a atatu of the Rev. William Corby, a Roman Cathollo prleat who won fame a a chaplain In the aervlce of ta Con federate Btatea army. The atatue, which la a replica of a almllar memorial of Father Corby erected aoma yeara am at Gettysburg, etande on the university campua .In front of the nail that bears his name. ! J ;i Matchless Skies and Verdure of Earth Make Glorious Setting for Decoration Day --Aaras IPX I ; v i S?Ur ! . viS i I f v Ill .. --AW' - r: "'. Cv.' r." Ml OS -r 1 ' leading topic of discussion will b the i application of mechanical engineering- I ' c'!,e,, manufacture. . ........ ; .VX m f 4 i !- Aniurn nr - I I f 5 1 .. , r 'l.sr-T--..--1 I ' - I i nwen mice nniuc 1 1 ft -A -if rj -i .i;-'! I I (Continued From Page One.) , feP ' ' ' ' I I ' ' I II Memorial Day in Chicago. SlrUI DUpetrh ! Tb .1 .- I Chicago, May 10. Governor Deneen, Mayor Harrison and other notables re viewed the Memorial day parade Id Chi cago. The parade waa one of the larg est of recent yeara and Includod vet erans of th Civil war and Spanish war, detachments of cavalry and artillery from Fort Sheridan and the full strength of the IUJnols Naval Reeerve and National Ouard organisations of Chicago. Michigan avenue, Jackson boulevard and other thoroughfare through which the procession moved were profusely decorated. Musical Congress. (ftperUl Dl.p.U-S to Th Journal.) London, May I. Th fourth congress of th International Mualcal aoclety waa formally opened today with interesting oeremonlcs at ths University of London. Representattvea of many of the coun tries of the world were in attendance. The congress will last five days. The mornings are to be devoted to papers and discussions dealing with the art and science of music, while the afternoons and evenlnga are to be given over to re citals and concerts in which many musi cians of international reputation will take part Mllwaiikle cemeterlea a'er made Smooth Ilk well trimmed lawna - In readiness for today. The earliest cars carried the people with baskets of blos soms so thst visitors found th gTaves banked with multi-colored flowers. Ther were two formal programa thla morning Lone Fir and at Mllwaukle, ; where the A. J. Smith post, O. A, R., dedicated its monument "To the Un known Dead.'' At Lone Fir cemetery, the U. 8. Ma- 'line band gave a sacred concert while the graves were being decorated. The - exercises began at 10 o'clock. At t:S0 O'clock member -of Sumner poat rath er ed at th hall. Grand avenue and East Tine street, and marched to the cem-j tery. Carrlagee were provided for those who were not able to keep up the vmarrh. , Frlonda gathered early at thla ceme tery and began placing flowers, wreaths and foins on tha graves. Th cemetery by noon presented a pretty sight, as the national colors wer also used In profusion. The Monument circle was covered with bouquets, and a large flag waa held at half mast. The concert waa given at the platform provided near the circle. The afternoon aervicea begin at 3 elook. . For the afternoon ther wer an nounced music and addresses in South Plata block, under the auspices of Lin coln-Garfleld and Georjre Wright posts, O. A. R with John F. Shields as speak er of th afternoon, hla subject. "Amer lea." and an address by Dr. Luther R. Dvott at Lone Fir cemetery. At J p. m. it was ordered that traffic liver Morrison bridge be suspended by the opening of th draw, that th menv bers of the Women's Relief Corp, aux iliary to George Wright poat, might scatter roses on th surface Of th water in honor of the aailor dead. The United Spanish War veterans began gathering at the Knight of pythalo hall this morning, that they might prepare for the afternoon parade from Second and Morrison, wher th members of th O. A. R.. Llnooln-uar- fleld and Georg Wright posts had grath ered to march, all together, through th streeta to South Plaza block, wher th muslo and speaking was scheduled to begin at 3 p. m. ' Woman Bsrr Lunch0. The medal-decorated veterana of th Civil war assembled Informally at th Second and Morrison headquarters thla morning. At noon the women of the Rollof Corps served puncheon. Some of the veterans spoke of ' the sadness of the meeting. One said pathetically that Georg Wright poat had lost eight mem bers since th first of January, that nearly all remaining were feebler than Giviocco GrovQ C'-j'rteiy Hair - -' J In Memory of nishop. (SpecUl DUpatcb to Tb Joornal.) Baltimore, Md.. May 10. An Impres sive memorial aervlce for Biahop Paret, who waa head of th Episcopal diocese of Maryland for 25 yeara. waa held In Emmanuel church today as a prelimin ary to the annual dlocrsan convention. The principal eulogy was delivered by Bishop John Gardner Murray, who suc- Loa Angrles Observes Ray. c ceded Bishop Paret upon th tatter's (United rreae Lw4 Wire.) death last year. Loa .Angeles, May 10. Lo Angela and lta suburbs participated elaborate- 1 Tests In Dublin have shown that th ly In memorial services. The dead of I wind will carry disease bacteria 200 feet the Civil and th Spanish-American and aa high as so feet into the air. vn ware, th soldiers who fell in the 1 when there 1 a heavy rainfall. mm m)WlmiWWA mi rM mm & WATCH FOR THE American Gentleman Tailors9 ANNOUNCEMENT IN TOMORROW'S JOURNAL pedalsieFoldlieLeallllneipG-Caiii'lt Scenes in local cemetery early today, where sorrowing graves of dead. laid flowers on last year. They speculated, too, on the number who next year will anewer roll cau. There are In Portland aeven post of the G. A. R.: Ltncoln-Garfleld and Georgo Wright poat on th wat side Sumner post, meeting at Grand avenue and East Pine; Gordon Granger, Benja min F. Butler on the eaat aid; A. J. Smith, at Sellwood, McKlnley post at Montavllla, Auxiliary to each Is an organisation of the Women's Relief Corps, Mark nistoric Spot. (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal Port Clinton, Ohio, May SO. The membership of th historical and patri otic societies of Ottawa and neighbor ing counties, together with a number of distinguished guests from other parts of the state, participated In the exercis es today at the dedication of tablets marking two . of. the most hlsorlcal points In i northern Ohio. One of the memorials is on the sit of Fort San- doskl. th-first fortification built by white men in Ohio, located on Sandusky Bay, north of - this place. Th second monument marks the northern end of the old French and Indian trail from Lake Erie to the Ohio river, known aa the Sandusky and Scioto rout and later as Harrison's trail during th war of 1812. grave th memorial has bn erected by public subscription. - Mechanical Engineers Meet. (Special DUnatcb to Tha Journal.) Pittsburg, Pa., May 10. Th annual spring meeting or th American society of Mechanical Engineers was opened here this afternoon with a reception at I the Hotel Schenley. Th membership of th society Is nearly 4000, and in cludes distinguished engineers living in I all parts of th country. Th preei- dent 1 Georg Westinghouse, tha noted Inventor. At the business sessions or the meeting beginning tomorrow th Ctopi Dandruff and Scalp Diseases iuA Bettora Gray Hair To lta , natural Color. Want Hair? Try wlseo. 4' Swissco is th latest -and moat scien tific Hair Remedy our product" repre senting years or stuay ana soienuno research. Thousands of dollars have been Spent to produc th wonderful hair grower. v -. - To prov its efficacy w start yon with a bottl free If you will send lOo In-stamps or silver to pay postag w will send you a free trial bottl with astonishing testimonials to prove .our claims. i, '-. J 264S P. O. Square, Cincinnati, Ohio, Swissco is on sal at druggists and drug departments at 60c and 1,00 a bottl.! ,r -- ' ; For sal and recommended in Port land by ' .' .-,- .THE OWL. DRUG CO. Rooserelt at Lincoln Unveiling. tSDeclal DlRoatch to Ths Joarnal.k Newark, N. J May 80. Colonel TheO- dor Roosevelt was th chief speaker today at the unveiling of a statue of Lincoln on th plaxe In front of the courthouse In, thla city. Lincoln post of th Grand Army of th Republic conducted th ceremonies, which were or a most impressive character. Th statu is a gift to th city from th late Amos H. van Horn, who he Queathed 126,000 for th purpose. Th memorial Is of bronco and was designed by ' Gutson Borglem. It shows tha martyr president in a characteristic at tltude, seated on a bench, with his fa miliar high' hat at hla side. The monu ment Is 6 feet 6 Inches high and 9 feet 4 inches in width. - Taft Talks to Veterans, iSalaH) BnpeSH f Th jAornal.t' Washington May 0. With solemn and impressive ceremonies Memorial day was observed in the national capital today on ..a more elaborate acale than for several years past.- Business was suspended In all the departments of the government. Public Interest . centered chiefly In th exercises at th Arling ton National cemetery, wher President Taft delivered th memorial address be fore the department of the Potomac, G. A. R. "Other speakers of prominence wer heard at Oak Hill cemetery, the Congressional cemetery and other, bury ing grounds wnr siep counties inou sands of th herolo dead. ' : : , i:r;o-:' '" ""Jl i " ' - k - Memorial to Vlcttais. : k(8pedal Dispatch to'The Jouraat) Two Rivera, Wis., May 80. A simple memorial shaft with an Inscription tell ing, th tal of on of th most dis astrous shipwrecks in th history of Lake Mlohlgan was unrlld in th little eemeterv hare today in memory of . th unknown victim of th wreck of tho steamer Vernon. Th Vernon was lost off Twin River point th night of Octo ber 27, 1887, and but on of th 64 per sons - aboard was ' saved. Eighteen bodies wer picked up and claimed by relatives, : whils seven others wer un identified and were burled In on grave Parisian Sage A Hair Grower, Dressing and Eeautifler That Delights All Womankind Tea; Dear Madam: Keep a bottle of I Parisian Sage In your horn and you will hav th most delightful and Invig orating hair dress ing known to man kind. I It drives out dandruff; makes the scalp Immacu lately white, stops all Itching sensa tion and prevents tho hair from fall ing out, fading or turning gray. As a grower of luxuriant hair and a beautlflor that puts life and a radiant- luster into the hair Parisian Sag Is guaran teed. Large bottle 60 cents at Wood' ard. Clarke St Co.'a, and druggists every' wher. Girl with th Auburn hair on very bottl. Go-Carts $6.50 Opens and Closes With One Motion. No. 70 Generous size "Sturgis" carriage in black enamel finish; 12 inches between arm rests; tubing pusher arms and angle, steel frames; good springs; wheels black enamel. 10 inches, with J-inch rubber tires, patent foot brake and new unlocking lever, upholstered in medium grade imitation leather in gray and black colors. Go-Carts $9.00 Opens and Closes With One Motion. No. 80 Large, wide carriage; finish all black enamel; 13J4 inches between arm rests; deep seat; tubing pusher and angle steel frame; resilient springs;, wheels enameled black, 10 inches diameter, with i-inch rubber tires; pat ent foot brake, and new unlocking lever. Up holstered in imitation leather and well padded, in tan and black colors. Go-Carts $13.50 Opens and Closes With One Motion. No. 800 A large, roomy "Sfurgis' carriage, UVa inches between arm rests: dees teat: roomy hood; wheels bright tinned, 10 inches diameter with yi-inch rubber tires; patent foot brake and new unlocking lever, eqnipped with Luxury Back, which with the seat rests on new Luxury Springs, making a perfectly soft sleeping bed, eliminating all jar or jolt Upholstered in medium (Trade of imitation leather and heavily padded. Colors, green. tan and black. RUN DOWN CONDITIONS - Their Cause and Effect. Run down conditions are caused by a lack oflxpn In th blood and malas slmllatlon of food. If you ar on of th unfortunates who hav drifted into thla state, ohang your diet, eat foods that are rich in mineral elements ' of nutrition, and taks Vinol, our dellclou cod liver and Iron tonic (without oil). which supplies Iron to th blood In th most easily assimilated form. A cas I reported from Mattoon, III. Mrs. O. M. Watrou was In very poor health for years. Bh was weak, all run down, no appetite, and only weighed 7 pound, ; Bh had doctored ,f or a long Urn without benefit Vtnol was recom mended. Eh, tried It, and in less than a year she was In perfect health and weighed 117 pounds. Vlnol crats an appetite, reestab lishes perfect digestion and makes good, pur blood.' In this natural manner It builds up th run down, weak and de bilitated, and replaces weakness with trangth.- ; -r .V :,.:'( Try a bottl of Vinol with th under standing that your money will be re turned if It does uot help you. Wood- ard, Clark Co druggists. Portland,-) Extra Specials in Fine Silverware for Wednesday $2.50 Values In Dessert Spoons $1.35 We are closing out a special lot of Silver Dessert Spoons, plain polished handles, triple-plated ware, at this d 1 5 C Wednesday special for only, set of six ) 1 Ut7 $2.50 "Crown" Silver Knives and Forks, Set of 6, $1.65 These are the genuine "Crown" quadruple plate, in plain patterns, set of d1 -CtZI six each, Wednesday only at DJ.UU1 Silverware In Sets or Single Pieces Attention is called to the fact that we are able to supply the demand for full silver sets or sinde pieces, and at prices much below the exclusive dealer. The expense in con ducting this department is very slight, and we are not compelled to demand the jew eler's profit. We extend liberal credit in this department. Make your own terms of payment. Investigate, the quality of our goods and the low prices. Fine Best Quality Diamonds We carry a superior grade of jewelry in this department, and are prepared to furnish any desired article in guaran teed goods. Rings, pins, brooches, chains, etc., made to order if desired. Sold for cash or credit. Solid Gold Watches Handsome designs in Sold Gold Watches, 20 and 25-year guaranteed cases; Elgin, Waltham and other celebrated and standard movements, at spe cial prices. Also gold-filled cases in the Elgin and Waltham movements, in all sizes. Watches for ladies and misses. PrlcesS 10 Up-Easy Terms EASY TERMS TO ALL THE ir i ' ml rSSTIl! i It nam .s ifwss r-sw First and Yamhill Second end Ycxnhlll LOWEST PRICES OK ANY :plach IN, TOViI :" la th Twin Rivers cmtry. Over this A .,