The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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ia mil rArruuui
' . iir iiiii if ii iiljiil.
' i ; , v v j
V BUNOALOW Tjrrlo Musical .Coraady
Accompany in "The Nymph'- ' w .
rBAKlO--Joha Belnpoli in Th Mld
s - dleman." -
ORPHUUM Orpheum Circuit Vud
- villa. - " " ' ' '
OBANO8uniYn A Consldtne, vaude
' ' Valla.' '-" . .' 1
btahT arcade, oh jot. tivom
; - First run picture. 11 a. m. to It P- m
Charged Her $1 to $ Help Her
Wah; So She Would Be;
. Free; He Kept Change. -:
i Weather Conditions.
Th north Paclfio hjg .PrMIUI! ' hJ.
nmn anutneasiwara na i'"- i
tilalna' storm has diviaea.
;.That she" had to par her husband 81
moderate I tin he helped her do the family
! hac oantrai thl morning wakhtna- waa tha testimony thl tnornlnc
ovar A rlaona and Naw Mexico, whiiaona of Mr-: jtj, p. crim" In tha circuit
-;BnThaW5Si(.oS!! court.; wh.r. aha la aeeking tor a di
, ately hlsh on tha New Knaland coast, voroa from John lV.Crlm. IJ la oppos-
. iu. h In. hata Vallan In aoutheaatem . ... . -
S ihsiw ,n;o"d, thii w . witht
d-rstorm waa reported from Manitoba. bu b.jnf ,4 ,or lt ,B, aaJd.- "I had
R&emM&E& to pay him ,1 for hatpin, with, tha
fniton. ioutEern Utah. Wyoming and wash. I -van bought hla clothes. , Ona
i waatern South Dakota. Much , cooler day ! cava him 20 to gat a new auit
. weather obtaina tar tha plalna and middle and Mr. dim want down . town and
Atlantic atatea. Mjw""""''! bought a lit eult and epent tha other M.
-Se"unt-pVrVt rl? a g.raUy early. tha, momln, - and UaUfUd-to
balOW normal, ana may ra mui wv' i vvisa -iau jucvimjr. bibb, nra. vnra
; normal in many eaaiern
. ' " i? 1 1 " V
C. Daggett Is Only Inde
pendent 'Candidate ;for
j; Counci!man-at-Large. '
Inrtai aiaa fflVArflhlA iOr
weather during the next M houra In thla
dlatrlot. Light froat will form Jnn-
terlor weatern Oregon, and heavy froat
" eaat of tha Caacade mountain. ,
' - v FORECASTS. '..! ' -
lbrtland and vicinity Fair tonight
and Sunday! northw.aterly wlnda. - ;
Oregon jrair loniani, '". frizr
.... in her kitchen. McCanty taatlfled . lat-
lair I v. - ttry a . A . u
er that Wolf cams to the Crim board
ing houae in an Intoxicated condition.
MeCanty . further - teatlfled ha never
kieaed tha woman or ahe never kleaed
him. ; He alao aatd ha haa been engaged
to lire. CHm'e, alitor for two year. Sh
la nor,ln;.tha eaat,;.4-' ' e v
wnen Mr. ana jara. crim aeparaiea in
Interior weit. an heavy froat eaarpor-l.";Z''JZZ'ZVmvi
lnn Rund&v fair, nortnweaieriy wiuui. ..v., .-- ..---.-.
' waahlngton -Fair tonight, with heavy llye on their acreage near tha city, and
froat eaat portion; Sunday fair, weatarly aoa would keep boarder. Tha wife
r' wlnda. V iVt..W freat- taatlfled thl mornlnc ahe thought thla
IdahoFair tonight with, heavy rroai, arnu,,enUnt WM th tor ha would
? Sunday fatr. v WAT from ana Bn would be
I annoyed. The Crtma have bean .mar
rlad alnca 1197.
' ' Bnnawaar Olxt OanghV-Mary K. Dal
ley, U year old. waa taken In charge
yesterday evening by Deputy 'Sheriff
Hunter a ahe alighted from a -train
from MeMlnnvtn. from which place aha
had run away after being eenteneed to
the Boy and Qlria' noma oy joun
Pearae. Tha girl waa adjudged delin
quent upon the complaint of her a later,
Mr. Mattle Campbell, with whom, ahe
haa been living. Teatarday morning tne
girl packed her clothea and left the
Campbell home. Sheriff W. O. Hender
on of Tamhlll county, telephoned Sher
iff Stevena to arrest tha arirl when ah
arrived In Portland. Tne xamnin coun
ty aherlff arrived thla morning and took
the girl to tne aetenuon noma.
iiiaMj firimlaal ' Taken Huao Al-
brecht, aent to tha atata prison In 107
from thla county, . but who escaped a
year later, waa brought into tha county
Jail thla morning on a government
rharrn Ha waa arrested near Klamatn
for ateailng horses off tha government
nnn . a deserter circular from the
mvarnment waa received at the aherlf fa I
office a few daye ago and Deputy 8her- fleMd by th. bofTfl jontjy, u directed
Iff Leonard recognlaed Albrecht a pic- that 0M b plaed mt th interaction
tura on tha circular. He deerted from of T,ibot Rom4j ana Greenway atreet.
the army last month at San Francisco. Numerous burglarla have been corn
When ha waa brought Into the county mlttti ln thlu yl0nlty of late, tha noo
Jall thla morning, Deputy Sheriff Phil- turnal operatora finding th darkneaa
llpa again reoogniaed .Albrecht and he favojjio t0 tnetr operatlona.
will now be turned over to tha army Tha jra directed the city auditor
- poet-at Vancouver, ! 1 3 sell at auction triangular atrip Of
Jn Columbia park, the ground be-
Two Horses Burned Fire wMch broke lng dealred by the Peninsula Hospital
out laat night In a , barn on -asx I association.
between Eaat Ninth and a-aat lenin
atreeta, completely destroyed tha barn,
' two adjoining aheda and resulted ln th
death of two horses owned by Jamea
Daly. Tha barn and aheda were the
. property of W. J. FennelU Tha cause
of tha fire la not known, but tramps
ara believed to Da reaponsiDia. jih
Competition waf again manifested ln
tha blda reoelved yesterday afternoon
by the city executive board for atreet
Improvement work. In some instances
as 'many aa a doaen ' blddera . making
tenders on atreet work. Tha largeat
bid opened waa that of tha Barber
phalt company for tha improvement -of
uoueg and otnor atraata wiin an aa
phalt pavement Tha amount of , the
bid waa 60.7S5.1. Carter Brother
were the low blddera for tha trading
improvement of Dekum avenue, . the
amount of their tender being $11.-
881.1. .
Though few arc lighta -have been or-
mid Vale has very
prosperous season
8 pedal Dispatch to Tea Journal)
Mid vale, Idaho, May 26. During tha
.creama of th two horae. aa tha flatnea Wut yr about WW worth of re-1-
enveloped them waa extremely pameuc ' !
and attracted a large crowd of nelgh-bave been built here. The new brick
bora Several patrolmen reaponded to and concrete buaineaa blocks ara aa fol-
th. alarm. For aome t me the name I wwa. Vuu ccuiuwa t.vv,
I iciuiw orvn. aivvv, vrnau
tngton County, $5506; W. L.'Anderon,
$8200; W. L. Anderson, $2500! Weln
J I T..ha ft 1 Q1 1 Mn. ..m l" vvv, aoiuu., vvwvv.
Tylfr "wf tie WSS ciunt; commliMon tor
notice, a steamer will be proviied to '
hatwun via vnn II.
a K . I
' t - A
C. L.
Sending Power to Equal That
t of Any Ship on Coast; Goes
r to Ventura for ' Crude Oil
Cargo. . .
threatened nearby building.
Tanoouver Servlo. Ef f active Mon-
Welser at Mldvale to replace tha old
wooden bridge at this point. Tha new
, carrv Daaeeiurera
land and Vancouver, connecting with
trains lo ana trura rvumra, ...,..-... ... . ... f . ,
ing the regular weekday schedule, while P18 ylu b 150 Teet ong
the ferry la undergoing tne require a
weekly Inspection. Thla ateamer will
only carry passengers, having no faciM
tlea for vehicles or animals. The fre
quency of the aervice will alao ba im
proved on the above date. Sea time
cards.- P. R., L," eV P. Co. '
passed him. The boys threw cherrlea
in the gacea Of persona in the car driven
by Mills. The latter attempted to over
take the car in which -the boya were
riding and ran Into the auto driven by
Sues for $10,000 Damage . Suit to re
cover damages to tha amount of $10,000
waa started thla morning ln tha circuit
court by the Pacific Bridge company
against the Oregon Hassam Paving cora-
tJommlt Suicide A marp who regis
tered under the name of Carl Miller at
1 tha Olympla hotel, 151-152 North Sixth
atreet. committed auiclde in his room
" .1.1. k Inh.lln. lltnmln.HAff
" "iV5 V..r;r;V, vTh. Pany. The two concerns entered into
p o...jr an agreement in 1909 over cruahed rock.
odor of gat iTtrace'd it Vo Tml Tha paving company turned It- part of
z""L, h !t . i.aa,t ha saw U contract over to th Columbia
Tg tubefnjUVthbed oZ S'iS&fS'S
and immediately informed J. Norton, the t to jf" W fal,ea ttt
,w..ri.t Tiia .rnna.. toak ahara-a of ou agreement
proprtetor.- The coroner toon charge or.
tha remains. No papera were found to
Identify tha man and the.only clue la
tha name he registered under.
Discharged Kla y olver Ha rry Tur
.tier at midnight last night drew an au
tomatic revolver at Park and Alder.
: atreeta and fired five ahot into the air
In rapid auceeaeion, Patrolman Thatch
er,, who waa near tne acene, waa at
tracted by tha shooting. He arrested
Turner. K search revealed the revolver
In hla sock- At police headquarter ha
said ha waa out for a good time and
wanted a Uttla excitement A charge
of carrying concealed weapons and of
discharging firearms ln the city limit
wee plaoed Against him. .
Interesting Beport The quarterly re
port of the, Portland Railway, Light &
Power company for the quarter ending
March 31, filed with City Auditor A. L.
Barbur this morning, shows that the
company carried during the four montha
16,813,996 passengers. , Of these 8,617,-
07S were carried on transfers and 761,
691 free. The company hauled 92,785
tona of freight on Its line during tha
earoe period.
C. L. Daggett 'is the only independent
candidate for councUman-at-large in the
present campaign. Hi fight 1 directed
toward the unexpired term of Gay Lon
bard, for which Ralph C Clyde la the
Republican nominee.
Mr. Dag-aett waa bom' in Maine In
1857. He became a mechanical engineer
and in 1885 moved to Ceuer d'Alene
City, Idaho.. In 1890 he waa elected
county commissioner there. Three
years later he removed to , Cascade
Locks, and worked aa an engineer for
the government for four yeara, until
the completion of the lock. He re
moved to Portland In 1897.
Mayor Lane appointed htm auperln
tendent of the garbage creamatory In
1905 and he held the place four year
einee which - time, fee- haa-been -ena-afred
in the mercantile business at 914 Wll
llama avenue. Last year he waa the
Democratic nomine for sheriff, losing
to R. I Steven.
Mr, Daggett makes jtbe following
announcement of nia , platform:
First I shall favor the commission
form ef government
Second The Immediate construction
of Broadway 'bridge. And my policy
shall be to encourage realy accesa be
tween East and Weat Portland.
Third Equal Justice to all special
privileges to none. -
Fourth Equal consideration to labor
and capital, without discrimination to
wards either.
Fifth Just and generoua wages for
an tabor. .
Bixm Keauotion or taxes, yet a pro
gressive administration of city affairs,
Seventh Cheaper and better atreet
and free and open competition ln atreet
Eighth I am against the construc
tion of any sewer, the outlet of which
might endanger the health or life of
any section of the city.
Ninth I shall oppose the vacation
or the streets without Just compensa
lion to tne city.
Tenth I am against vice in any form.
ana win no au x can to Stamp it oat
Hleventh I shall oppose graft in
any tormV' andrif elected, wnr Immed.
uueiy puuiun - any information I may
..Before sailing for Alaska early next
month th Associated . Oil company's
tank steams Aaunclon. Cantaln Bridg
ets will have a new and more powerful
aendtng apparatus added to her wire
lesa equipment, which I expected to
make her sending power equal to. If
not superior, to that of any on tha
Whll th Asuncion's preaend sending
I apparatus la not as powerful aa that
which will be installed before ah leaves
for Alaska, aaya Captain Brldgett ahe
ha aent messages over 1S0O mile and
has heard another steamer speaking for
a distance of over 5000 mUea. the occa
alon being on one trip of the liner
Tenyo Maru from Ban Francisco to the
orient When the Asuncion heard the
Tenyo talking the latter was some dis
tance south of Yokohama. It was fig
ured out that the distance over which
the message traveled waa aomething
over 6000 miles.
The Asuncion left down from the
I tanks at Portsmouth at midnight laat
night on the last trip that she will
tnaks out of thl port before some time
In July She will -proceed to Ventura
rher ahe will take on a part cargo
of high grade crude oil and from there
aha will proceed to Oavlotta to complete
the cargo with the same grade of oil
which she will discharge at Richmond
about Thursday or Friday.
After discharging the Asuncion will
have her boilers and tank cleaned for
the long voyage to Alaskan watera and
will have the changea mad ln her wire
less apparatus.' She will then load
$8,000 barrela of fuel oil which win be
discharged at St Michaels for the
Northern Steamship company, which
operated a lino of steamboats up the
Yukon river aa far as Dawson. She
will sail from the Oolden Oate June
and Captain Brldgett expects to be back
there to load another cargo of oil for
Portland by July 8.
Tacoma . and Everett where she will
load lumber1 and poles for Ban Fran-
miiviig nrf hi iiainiir wiiiuii i
scheduled to arrive at the Oak street
dock early next week from Baa Fran-f
else i are ' the Despatch Monday with
genera) freight, the Caaco Tuesday with
general freight and the Shna Tak Wed
nesday with 13,900 sacks of cement -.
It is reported that Jack Grant and
James White, proprietor of the Sailors'
home, have applied to th State Sailor
Boardinghouae Commiaslon for license
to act as shipping master,
'- " ;', MAItlNB KOTEg
Astoria, May 17. flailed at 7 a. m.
Steamer Fairhevn, for Port Ludlow.
Sailed at 9:10 a. m.--8teamer Aaunoion,
for San Francisco,
San Francisco, May $7. Arrived at
11a. m. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from
Portland, Sailed last nightSteamer
Casco, for Portland, . ,
Eureka, May Z7. sailed last nignt
Steamer' Despatch, for Portland.
Havre. May 14. Arrived French
bark Buff on, from Portland.
Ban Pedro, May 28. Arrived Bchoon
er Alvena, from Columbia river. Sailed
Schooner Annie M. Campbell, for Co
tumble river.
Aberdeen, May it. Arrived Steam'
3. B. Stetaon, from Portland.
South Bend, May It. Arrived
Steamer Tho. L. Wand, from Portland,
Astoria, May 28. Left up at 2:20 p.
m Barge- Gerald C Tobey. Arrived
down at 4 and aailed at p. m. Steam
er Breakwater, for Cooa Bay. Sailed
at 7:10 p. m. Steamer Johan Poulaen,
for Han Francisco. Sailed at 1:80 p,
m. Steamers J. A. Chanalor and North
land, for San Francisco. Arrived at 7
and left hp at 9:30 p. m. Steamer El
more, from Tillamook.
San Francisco. May 26. Arrived at
1 p. m. Steamer Falcon, from Port
land. Sailed at 1 p. m. Steamers Bear
and Roanoke, for Portland.
Astoria, May I7 Condition at the
mouth of the river at 8 a. m smooth:
wind northwest 12 miles, weather.
Tldea at Aetoria Sunday High wa
ter. 0.08 a, m., 9.7 feet: 1:21 p. m. 7.4
feet Lew water 7:01 a, m., 1.5 feet;
:bi p. m., s.i reet.
The new Victor records now on aal
at Sherman, Clay and company's store
are soms ef the finest over put out
The . voice ef the' greatest operatlo
stars may be heard, a well aa the latest
song hits.' Th records of the famous
Vessel la Italian band are delightful,
while the new numbers by the Imperial
Ruaalaa Balalakal court orchestra are
wonderfully produced. A number of
negro dialect song, catchy and tuneful,-are
among tha month's offering.
"Mother Oooa,' aung In a clear, un
derstandable way, will be a delight to
the children, and tha latest song hit
by Charles K. Harris, "Will th Roses
Bloom In Heaven," la another beauti
ful selection. Then there are some of
the old' songs, the songs everybody
love, sung in a beautiful way by great
singers. The variety la aa complete a
anyone could welt wlah; the quality can
not . be Improved.
Dally River Readings.
Schooner David Evans Clears
Japan With 1,007,003 Feet.
Having aboard the largeat cargo of
lumber that has ever been stowed
aboard her, the British schooner David
Evans, Captain Sanders, cleared today
for Osaka, Japan. She haa aboard 1,007,
092 feet of Oregon fir, valued at $14
(99.80. the cargo being ahipped OA own
er'a account by Balfour, Guthrie tt Co.
After discharging In Japan the Evana
will return to thla side or tne pacino,
going to British Columbia, where she
will load a cargo of lumber at vancou
ver for Osaka. The schooner la sched
uled to leave down tonight for the
She needed but two more men thla
morning and It waa expected that they
would be secured before noon.'
Captain George M. Shaver Leaves
. Sunday on Trip to Alaska.
To resume his duties as pilot on the
Yukon river Captain George M. Shaver
will leave Sunday night for Seattle
and take the steamer Jefferson, which
sella from there Monday for Alaska.
Captain Shaver is a pilot on the steam
er White Horae operating between
Whit Horae and Dawson and every
fall he returns to Portland to spend the
winter with his relatives here. Other
Portland men who are engaged In the
steamboat business In -Alaska and who
left earlier in the month for the north
are Captain George and Harry
Ocean-Going Craft Will Carry Pas-
eengers Exclusively.
At the Supple shipyards there will be
gain relative to the malfeasance of any launched at 2 o clock this arternoon tne
official. new gas passenger yacht Bayocean,
which waa bunt ror tne t. b. rotter
Realtv company to operate between
Portland and Tillamook, carrying pas
senrera exclusively, invitations nave
been Issued to a large number of per
aons to be present at the launching of
the craft and it is expected that a large
crowd will watch the craft slide from
the ways Into the water. The Bayocean
la said to be the only craft of ita type
on the Pacific coast-
EUGENE'S $100,000 GAS
Jovdos Fined $10 D. J. Jordon, a bot
tler, employed at S2T Waahlngton street
was fined . $10 this morning by Judge
Grand entertainment to be given Tues
day, May 20, at 8:16 p. m., at the Cen
tral M, B. church, corner Fargo street
and Vancouver avenue, by the Amend
Frand one-armed string orchestra.
' . .-.- ',
"The Kan and the Mayor" Dr. Trim
ble's subject ; at Centenary Methodist
church, corner) Eaat - Ninth and Pine
aZ:ZJ" streets. Sunday at 7:45 p. m. All voters
,1.. a w pr..i, u I Invited. Communion at 11 a. m.
agalnet him by Mrs. A. E. Clark, the !
wife of 'an attorney. ' Jordon waa ar
retted Thursday morning by Patrolman
'Burke at the Heillg theatre at the re
quest f Mrs. Clark, after he had per
sisted for nearly an hour ln annoying
. her and attempting to jostle her out of j
the line of prospective purchasers for
Decoration Day .Celebration In Alta
mead, Montavllla, under anapicea Ascen
sion church. Prise awarding of lot In
Altameadv Raoea, dancing and baseball.
Admission free. M-V car. ;
(Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.)
Eugene. Or.. May 27. The new 8100.
000 gas plant that has been under
course of construction by- the Oregon
Power company for the past six montha
was placed in operation yesterday af
lemoon, ana tne new noider, with a
capacity of over 100,000 cubio feet of
gas. was filled for the first time. Eu
gene Is now using "water" gas Instead
at coal gas and under a low pressure
r&tner than a high pressure, as with
tne old system.
800 Gendarmes Will Aid Police in
Trouble at Antwerp. '
Antwerp, May 27, Notices were post
ed ' yesteday ln the waterfront district
by th Seamen's International committee
calling on seamen to get themselves in
readiness to go on sfri
ke upon receipt of
the signal.
Tn nrder to cone with antlclnated dla-
The cut-over was made orders and aid the local police, 800 gen-
yeeteraay without causing annoyanoe
to the patrons of the system.
The 'new gas plant has a capacity
or 21,600,000 cubic reet every 20 days.
Thjs is sufficient to supply a city many
tiroes the size of : Eugene, Indicating
the raith that the eastern capitalists
who are back of the Oregon Power
company nave in the future of Eugene.
The new plant is of the most modern
type and the builders declare it to con
tain the latest ideaa ln gas plant con
struction that it is possible to obtain
Free Speech "The Attack ln Portland
On Free Speech" Is the subject for ren-
2r. F. JB. Yofkum, founder Of pisgah leral diseusalon before the People's For-
Homes in Los Angeles, Cel., an instl- uin Sunday evening. Medical building,
tuMnn where all sorta and conditions- of I Alder., and .Park. - Free.
man anil wnmaii' awt Vaettlvad and af fnrt I ' " . ".
men and women are received and effort
made to reform them, will hold meet
ings at Second Baptist church,' - East
On or About Kay 15th we will remove
to 181 West Park (Mammlo building).
Hv-tith andAnkenr atreeta. Mar 27 to Everything at closing out price;, some
31. First service Saturday, 2 o'clock
p." m. Teaching s the full gospel, re
claiming the sinner and healing .the
sick. The public Is Invited. Jv : ;
day before. E. H. Moorhouse; ft Co.,
! 411 Washington atreet
- . Unique Bntertalament An entertain-
v ment to be .glyen at the Central, M. E.
: 1 church Tueaday evening,' May 80, . will
be unique ln that the orchestra is com
posed entirely of one-armed players, the
V only orchestra of Its kind ln the world.
The entertainment will begin at 8:15.
The Central M, E. church la located at
" the corner of Fargo street and Van-
couver avenue.?- l-vUv w
Decoration Say - Exonraioa C a a cade
Locks. $1 round trip. . Steamer Bailey
uatsen leaves Aiaer atreet oook -at
a. m., returns 6:30 p. ra. .Phone Main
914 A-5112. -r ... v ' h -V .a'
,; ... -ArfVi .. "' .:".); -f .'.
-' Bteamer Jess . gait ins for Camas,
Waabougal and way. landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. , Leave Washington atreet
dock at 2 p. m. . .. . .'; v
' -W. iv' Wis and associates, ftalnieas
dentlata. Third and Waahtnarton. ;
Capitalists at Eugene.
(Special Dhtpateli to The Journal.)
jsugone. ur., way zi4 s.
A. -
wvwm kui r cry iiiina.
40S Wash
' t CNts S800 Jadgmant A Judgment for
' 2800 waa given C.' A.1 Foster yesterday
a In' the circuit court' against E. U Wills I Ington atreet
for damages to the former's automobile I jj '-.-. . s
j".- in a collision en the Slough road last I Seaside Wheeler European hotel. . ,
! fall. -'Mills' was .returnlhg to the city, - xJ. ,-:-' - Jl2k
1: whsn a? machine loaded with . boys sr. Oonrtaey. 227 Marquam bldg. .
D. Slnkler.
Clyde A.- Heller and William Brock,
of Philadelphia, members of the firm
of Rhodes, Slnkler & Butcher, who
have backed the Portland, Eugene &
Eastern Railway company of thla city
and other - enterprises ' ln the Paclf 10
northwest during the last few years,
were In Eugene yesterday accompanied
by A. Welch, of Portland, general man
ager of the company; L W. Anderson,
ef Tacoma, who la associated with
Welch, and William Pullman,- of the
Baker Loan and Savings bank of Baker,
or. .The properties of the ; company! where
were- Inspected here and at Springfield,
and the party left during the after
noon in automobiles for Portland, go
ing over the route of the proposed electric-
railway to toe built by the P. E. at
E. from Eugene to Corvallls. It la be
lieved here that aa a result of the visit
of the Philadelphia capitalists the work
of constructing thia road will be or
deted soon. The company haa a survey
between the two .cities and haa ob
tained a good part of the right-of-way.
j5nglD(tbas l?fijrai)wajt48npeliji
' mil. or inor? J-,.u:S .-.'Jif-.-:.
darmes have been sent here by the Bel
gian government
To. load flour cargo th Bank Line
steamer Orterlc was towed through the
bridges from the Inman-Poulsen mills
at 8 o'clock last night.
Carrying a full list ef passengers
and all the cargo that .she can take,
the steamer Golden Gate; Captain Erlck
son. is scheduled to sail tonight for
Captain Al Loom Is took out the
steamer G. K. Wentworth last night
after she had been out of commission
for some time and she will resume her
towing operations ln connection with
the Weown. .
The steamer. Monarch has been
chartered for a moonlight excursion
down the Columbia river . tomorrow
night' the steamer leaving the dock at
the foot of Washington street at 8
After towing the barge Gerard C
Tobey from Astoria to Skamokawa, the
tug Oneonta turned,. ber over to the
towboat Ocklahama and the latter la
bringing her up to the Columbia dock
She is scheduled to arrive this
Lewlston ..
Rlparla ....
Umatilla ..
The Dallea .
Vancouver .
Portland . .
Albany ....
Salem ......
r 0.2
o P
c s
( ) Falling.
(Continued From Pag One)
Carson, chief counsel -for Haaey In the
trial. He wrote to Captain D. H. Jar
vis, treasurer of the ayndlcate, a fol
low: '
"My Dear Captain: The Inclosed ac
count of VI. B. Morlaey haa been sub
mitted to me by him. I do not claim
to hav personal knowledge of all of
the Items therein mentioned necessar
ily I could not have such, but I do know
that Mr. Morrlsey waa taking care of
several of the government's witnesses.
I saw him take them into restaurants
very many times (it waa generally
rumored around Juneau that th ma
jority of the government's witnesses
were broken), and I have not the least
doubt that Mr. Morrlsey cared for them
ln the manner shown ln hi account.
in addition to thl. I wish to ex
press my appreciation of the service
rendered by Mr. Morrlsey, not only in
Juneau but also at Valdes during the j
aesslon of the grand Jury there. I
found him very efficient and competent
and bis acquaintance with any of the
government's witnesses and control
over them placed him In a position to
be of the greatest possible service tn
defending this action.
"I scarcely need tell you that Mr.
Morrlsey is an expert accountant em
ployed by Mr. Heney. of Cordova. He
Is anxious to return there promptly to
resume his duties and I trust that
you will treat him ln a very liberal
manner.- Toura very truly.
Syndicate Gets 3tvnge.
Haaey, ln his second trial, was found
"not guilty" -of "shooting, wKh Intent to
klU," but waa found guilty of "attempt
ed manslaughter" and waa sentenced to
serve 18 months in the penitentiary.
He protested vigorously against being
made the "goat but the memorial
states he received a fat honorarium ln
return for keeping quiet and thereby
preventing the. prosecution of men
"higher up" in the Alaska syndicate.
This syndicate employed five attorneya
and paid them big fees. Among them
was Thomas R. Lyons, law partner of
Louis P. Shackelford, then the Repub
llcan national committeeman and chljf
dispenser of federal patronage for
The prosecution at Juneau was con
ducted by the United States district
attorney, John J. Boyce, and the Jury
was empaneled by United States Mar
shall D. A. Sutherland. Sutherland and
BoVcj were discharged from the gov
ernment service through the syndicate's
pull" at Washington. District Attorney
Harlan, of Valdes, who flrat ordered
the arreat of Haaey, was also dismissed.
Pull also gave m Judgeship te T. R,
Lyons, associate counsel for Hasey.
The only effect the memorial to the
senate committee has had haa been to
prevent confirmation of President
Taft's appointment of H. L. Faulkner
as United States marshal at Juneau.
But Faulkner has the Job by temporary
appointment by Judge Lyons. Faulk
ner, Alaskans say. Is a tool of the
A Com$roallv0 Custodian
4 Per Cent
Line V
a 1
For the convenience of
its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8.
114 Second St.
Cor. Washington, Port
land, Oregon.
to rvamr omn Aire
Xalaaaa, Xalao. Chahalis, .
Central la, Taeonaa, Seattla,
iTintt, 2selUagaeni, Hew
Westminster and Vanoon
ver, aV O. -
3-Trains DaiIy-3
International Zilmltad.
The dayllrht train, 10 a. m.
imm own,
For busy buslnoaa men,
I n. m.
sxoma xrJri romass.
The night train. 10:30 p. m.
All train froa north
Bank station, atteveatn amd
Hoyt trt.
Ticket; aleeplng and par
lor car reeervatlona at city
ticket office. 122 Third at,
and at depot
3C. sioxsoir, O. . ft T. A.
AaVCaTfgl.n OKAY,
a. e. r, ft r. a,
29. X.
Seat are new selling.
Monday, May 29
Arrangement of plays for engagement:
Monday night May 29 laJLOBBTX
Tueaday night. May 30. 4
Wednesday matinee, May 21
moarso ajtd jtust
Wednesday night Mav 21
Thuraday night June 1
2CBKCXAJVT or nanca
Friday night June 2.TWaiVFTat aTvXT
Saturday mat, June 2 AS TO XT XJ3CB XT
Saturday night June 2 2LAXXXT
Prices, both evenings and matinees: En
tire lower floor 32; balcony, flrat i rows
21-50; next 6 rowa, 31; following rows,
76c; last S rows 60c Entire gallery,
60a Curtain rises at t and 2 o'clock.
. w a
If We Would Tall
en -r. . .
LOT It -
W could often make a nice extra Profit
by aklmplng a little In the quality of
the hardware we sell. But thl a tore
haa aarnad a renutation for denenda-
bility and we don't propose to lose t
even ror an extra prouu
here you
can depend
What you boy
upon now and
Mat every day, 2:45; 2 evening per
formance. 7:46, 9:18. Th popular
Nothing but laughter and music. New
songs, choruses, costumes. All favorites,
West and Vack, Jeane Fletcher, other.
Prlcea 16c, 26c. Mats. 20c. Chorus Girls'
Contest Friday nlgbt
afternoon. ,
Chief Engineer Paul, of . the San
Francisco-Portland steamer Beaver,
went to - the upper Columbia on the
steamer Bailey Qatsert this . morning. -
Carrying paasengers and freight the
ateamer . Sue H. Elmore, Captain
Schrader, arrived at the Couch atreet
dock at 9:80 .o'clock this morning. '
When she sails tomorrow mors lng for
San Francisco, the ateamer Beaver will
have a, large Hat of .passengera and n
full cargo of freight ; i . s
jjTha : steamerlOlson.'. ftiMkhonyiCap :
tain Payne .cleared thla .morning . for
Russia has 67,612 miles of navigable
inland waterways, Germany 11.293,
France 7862, Austria-Hungary about
4000, England 3906, Holland 3260, Swe
den 2187 and Belgium 1440.
ICAXH s A 1090
a purir a f-otr
uiv m , a n An a na
tester Gabriel and his company, lea-
neue s'Armona, oeorg Moore, xom aia
wards, The Kamba Japs, George Anatln
Moore and Cordelia BAager, Browning
and lWwIs, Oerard and Hnt-ell.
rzix il
, 48 Third Street ; J-
-CrWC3 IX Main a and A-63S0
00. XV. Baker, Mgr.
The eminent actor
aupported by the Baker Theatre Com
pany ln his greatest success
A great play, remarkably played. Spe
cial Summer srbek prices, 26c, 60c.
Matinees, all seats 2So.
Next week "Strongheart." '
TTnaonalad Vandevlllew
it.l THIS WEUr Special engagement
George Primrose World-famous Min
strel, Bchrode and CbapeUe, Three
Burns Slaters, Tallman, Griff, the Bng
liah Mimic. Fantagescop.
Popular prices; mat, oauy, a:au. i:ao, a.
GRAND Week May 32, 1911
ooMFAirr u
"A Vlght ln an En
glish Music Ball.1
IVobse ft. Stirling
Sadie Sherman
Jack Ooldie
aarrowa-Xaan cas
ter Company
Mat. every day. 2:80, any seat 16c. Eve.
performances 7:30 and 9:15; balcony,
16c; lower floor, 26c; box seats, 6O0.
The Dandelion and
Other Flat Leaved
Weeds With v
Lawn Lime
In 48 Hours
Onaranteed If nsed eeeording to
directions on the oaa. Sou by
dealers or ' -
Front aad Taylor, Portland.
At Fountains & Elscwhcn
"; ;-vi Ask f orWMiMiM
Thl Original and Csssta ;
Patriotic Service
Taylor St Methodist
Sunday Night
Dr. fienj. Young, Pastor
Morning sermon "The Grateful Man."
Evening topic, "Why W Love Lincoln."
. Luclen' E. Becker will. play one of his
Own compositions, "American Fan taste."
Mrs. Rhea Carson will sins "The Star
I Spangled Banner." . -
Foster & Klelser
High Grade Commercial and Electric
Bast 7th and Xaat Everett Sts,
nones aast 1111 1 B-aaa.
ortland Printing House Co.
Book, Catalog and Commercial
Book Binding and Blank Book Making.
388 Taylor St. Phones: A228I, M 6201
Thi Food-drink for HII ltu
At restaurants, hotels, and f ountanu,
Dc&mvigoraring sad gustaiomg.
Keep it on your sideboard at horn.
Don t travel without -:
K quick UBca prepared In a minute.
Tale bo imitation. Jnrf MyCAUCri''
la No OombiaoorTruoi
Main 622
A 3136
Clanm aad bwtlfia ba ban,
PreaMttM a laxatiaat tTO.
MuT.r Valla tg ator i Chrey
Hair o Its Tmtarul Oolar.
waip oi a -i. inf.
Trad rreha
Br. Theodore S. Thomson
Offlos Honrs 10 to 4.- '':
407 Gerllager ldg, td and Aids.
Fhone-Kia taotl A-0809
Screen Doors and Visdov. j
Keep out th fly and avoid Sickness
by ordering screens from
est tmrow ays. ar. ;
PhAne-Woodlaw JUi. C-Stl.
; a-