THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY : EVENING. MAY 27 1011. 11 tW'-.',.'.'! AUCTIONS T ! MEETING NQTICES '-'-.V'4I Preliminary Notlcy. OREGON IODOB, a. ana communication if. Special this (Satur- ''A: I ' . -m - - . . ... . m day, evening at ociocs, T&VvMasonlo Temple. Work In E. rLjy A. degree. Visiting brothran ' nnrrilaTv. Invited. - By orjer W. M. A- J. HANDLAN, v " ' secretary, I EXCURSION given by Webfoot camp no. ft, on iiaiiey uatsert, win leave Aiaer street. dock at : a. tn., eunaay, May 18. . ,' - V if. W. A.. kOSE CITY CAMP-l-Monday. a,lln-tlra,.h Vltv TO.ahtn aAn na wn.t ro I ?. :n " J - P . ur s THBJ wivnun v i amn. pnono cierK. Main. A-taea RARE ORIGINAL ANTIQUES OF 1HD r. Nl A, . Oregoa .Base camp, meets; for sale ndtsES ei Grand : Auction Sale i " - v . i ' . in ii i ' rL3 zs w lid . Virginia Antique, f Furniture AJompanys Or BAXTXXOXB. KABTbAVS TiimiIi lunTiiMi Caulaa hall 14 And Jefferson.' T. F. B., Portland lodge No. 209. meets ww. mgnta. k. p. Dan, utn m Aia.r. V MARRIAGE- LICENSES V Arthur Lusssn. .441 Id st. ' 21. , and Jessie Madison, 2 J. -. Alfred Ogden. St Johns, Or., II, and Hattla Krtckaon, ji. ,-, , Geo. Hurt Oil. HoteL II. and Kate .. af .7 7 1 Andrew tmiock. ooianeia,' Nevaat, I 18, and Florence Shepard, 10. John Wllllamaon. Canbv. Or.. 41. and I Harry. Flayd, " B JltH t, 11, and Buy a email houae and nice lot. 'All Bortha Brrhant 11 I rarden truck and complete to houeehold -r liaWlllUJMD UldlllWV ; New modern 6 end room bun ' s valowe, all rrady to move in, wlta , cement floor in baaement, laun dry traya, cement i walka around liorae, larve Uvlns room with fire- r ,j place and bookcaae. dining room . with beamed eel 11 nr. paneled v walla, plat rail and buffet: Dutch ' " kitahan flnlahail In white wood- work J 'walla tinted; linen eloaet, larce reception hall - with Jiall aeat and cloak room; aewer In: ,4 cloee to vchool and carllne. I have aeveral one and two etory , bunralowa of thia type 'that are , bercaina and I can make terme to eult you. ' George A. Roaa, owner and builder, Id and Alder. . Phone Tabor 1461. Prlcee 210 to 18100. J:, at 209 Fourth ; St. ; ; Near Taylor v ;: . j . ' .,' . " iThig collection, compriefa maay apecW mena of the Chippendale. Sheraton. Hep- nlewhlte. Dutch Maraaretre. Lou la XV. r.,, XVI and colonial period!, old Engllah Btltieon Pomeroy. 108 H Union a.. It, Ua very low price of 00. mantle ana granoiainer , out oiuun, 1 ina jane onaver, 11, 1 f . . Sheffield plate. 014 bronaee, fine calna,! Alexander Oreeiy $4H 1st et, 11.1 , ' ' SIOODOWn at aaaa. ate. ---. . t""2 - - .A nva rtX,-,t- jt. A. tieaa.-L.anta. ur.. 11. ana CTnma 1 " $10 per.Month Harry Waaenaar.'lOl Montana at, 14, f?0 Included. Thla place la only one id Luoy Sawdon, 20. BlTCk from car and le being offered at Wtch "5?'B '? atM ' Robert., il Mbltlon and auction aale. Sam kno'; l&i H 12th kL. IT. and 10- Helen Blott, zs, Buya jrood 6 room Itouae all plaatered, J. L. SMITH. NEW TODAT Thoriiaa Thompaon, 1009 Mallory ay Take W.-W. car to Ivanhoe atatlon, ro . .nit mhorSHie. 44. I north H block to .-office. Plione geU- Hellwood 1742. How to Get to Glisan Street Half Acre Tracts 44. and Ingebor; IHifte, 44. nort?,J1t, Anna Knnoacn, l. A Splendid Opportunity to Buy . C.; SUITS. & GO.' - ; a New . Runalnw. - Fijrnished weddlnir and vialtlna card enaraTerai iv.,,, ir.,Kn. .... and monogram. etatiooera. Waahlnrtoa """-T Vn lot wVr in and nald pidg..-waemngton at. het.- irq ana etn, itnr Prlce 12500. fSOO to I&00 caah, auua -jor rent, an eiaea .. unique 1 oaianoe to suit, purcnaaer. . . ' Tailoring Co.. 109 Stark at. I Au- p. I JI n.u.. CLAftKM BROS., florlata. fin. flower. UUU 04. narRbOIl TttJajiy OU, at J floral deelgna. Itt Morrleon at. I rim tu-m. DEAT1IS AlO FUNERALS Stop Paying Rent WHEN tUOO DOWN FINN At the residence of her brother, Will purcheee I room houae, 40x108 lot 400 Sacramento at. May 26. 1911. Mlaa with 12 foot alley tn rear, north front Katharine Patricia Finn, young-at 115 per month and Intereat Trice j wa .A aw- i-A- - a.--. J 1 1 la MK AA T A e A4 mm XTm avuaae half anuainipr or ins ike rkiriuK mnu j uii i wav vw. e w vu i bviwi.. SEE THEM SATURDAY P. M. Finn. Funeral will take place from the block from car line. Inquire Frank Bol SU'NDAY p. m. Service, at St Mary'a church. 2 Main 628 or A-4594. t DECORATION DAY p. m. Friend reepectfuliy inviua. in terment Mount calvary cemetery. Do You Want to Build? I DESIGN AND BUILD ARTISTIC MlTiHrixlTlrrlonHB and armialntAncra are reapectfully Invited to attend the H0U8E8, FLATS I AND APARTMENTS: Par directions call at office todav. aent from Dunning & McEntee a chapel. BUILD. I WILL ASSIST TOU TO . - . n . i Fomorrow (Sunday). May 28. a4 :0 a. I FINANCE TOUR BLILDINO. ur pnone DCtwcen I una o lonigni. m DeceMed waa a member Iron Mold fir nhnne h etwee n fl;SQ anrl 10 ere Union Na 139. Interment Multno- " ' ... v I mah eemetery. Buiiua uuu k vuu , Telephones Ex 20, A-2050. r rr t srirxn 4U. AV. A-fva.aie, gjt HENRY BLDO. 120 Monthly Hawthorn District - 7 rooms and den. Bleeping porch, flre- G KEEN Joe G reei., 1229 Eaat 12th. at. BELLINGER -Adeline Bel!lner. P'f.. ,'ur"' JnJI "l.T" 'L.!!? Cook avenue. May Z, age bl. heart i "" "uv . aieeaee. I etc. Canh 2400. DECORATION DAY we will HATTOqrv.-H -1 ,L. i .11 :4 1U llWh IJ II, M I, PIKUU - ... Krrviw i iip in i ii it-1 i v ill in ri- rviDi r awM a 'aa sinx ijrm4k4siAM UTrsisiT " M -" - estcd parties who telephone that L VM? S "urJ?n. - j ,k I i Vt A v J A 7 wwii, f w w inai wwaa J uiey woum iiKe 10 go. Prices $700 or $600. Terms $70 or $60 down, balance Bt $14 or $12 per month, j 7 MAGNIFICENT HOME. Worth 120.006 for much leee: has t 28. are 16. rheumatism. I rooms, large, beautiful finish in eastern NUGENT William Nugent County "a oan; select aoors, perreet oait noors. Poor Farm. May 18. age 4. tubercu- dudTtronuowTl'VakV imVll hole. MALENCA -Mary Malenca, St Vln- Pfjt WJTl.Wu"' tt5 ",; cenfa hospital, May z, age as. pnta- jTitr":-"' . A I BCAUlJUJii n,01U.JNUl!;. JARVIS Belle Jarvls, 176 Russell st, J Corner. 10 minutes from postofflce, xfnv i? ig. nnmimonia. I Hawthorne car, 7 rooms, furnace, fire- LANAN Stella Lanon, , St Vincent's I place, select neighborhood, 16000; ,11000 f. . . i ... ! I .h hillnn 7 nr iAnt Mnat . 1 1 thi, fIos. in ... Liti; h ' PROVIDENT INVESTMENT & TRUS ?C...fMSJ?,CJe Jewel!. Mount ' Ta- I 1.TEE COMPANY. ua:a uuaiu w a a gauss mm.. aiai auavii. 478, A-IOZZ. why: pay rentt We will aell you a home and you can aridat any other time. . See it I FUNEBAL pikectoks . j uUsn, TurrKet ' -3r A4r ai ain4-a. w. av s I pssaaaaawiissasasjsessasasaafaaaasa harrlwAful flnAfeV tin tins? hs.rlAa WlB.s.VWJiyilJJAX UhdertaJt. pavnt inTe.tTent .S Trute. Co.,1 isui ii iii its ' ' . . muaoru in i xoi, zo twin) or Traae. uwners. ta,l 7th and Plna Main 410. R HARTanotC. contractor and builder; bungalows of all new, mod ern and typical styles now built from 1100 up. can or address w. n. Hart- oer cultivation,-ideal a na nea p - oor, May-1 fr,--e- 6 Tr hemorrhag No property shown Sundays, but Imax m. bmitr fionst. ieo r-ii . . . . opp. Meter ft Frank'e. Main wc win biivw il x ilk: i u any iiit'in lJj -if A; r Ith at,! 7115. ' FOR SAL& 'BOUSES 1 -Br"ir"i "H a L rXJ Lryi-sa ajim HXjiI, HOMES 01 SAJT PATKENTS. room house, ' I stories, alK modern fast front. beauUful lot.' many shads trees, block from carllne; street Im provements paw. new, ready for occu pancy, 409 oaao, balance monthly pay- Bungalow, I rooms, large attlo.flre Pee, furnace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floora, east front all street improvements paid, H block from ear, 1100 down, baiance oa moataly pay- k room a, ' i story, square borjee, fust f""'a compisteo. oaa rioora, nrepiaoa, buffet. Dutch kitchen, all other modern conveniences, 100 feet from carM $409 sua. Balance montaiy payments. y Wa liav mt,i1 aIIim timtAa and Dunraiowa. rontainina ail moaern con veniences, vhlch will be completed soon. Let us show thorn to you before you buy. , PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TRUS- . - TEN COM PANT, . . ' SOI, 101 Boerd of Trade bl.lg. Marshall 471. A-1022. I room, strictly modern bunga low on E. Caruthers st, near 26th, 401100 lot, full basement, full front porch, paneled dining room, built In buffet wood hoist. Dutch kitchen, gai and electricity, one extra room f Intahed In attlo. Price 11009; terms to suit on balance. J. E. ' IW1EK 122 Board of Trade. Marshall 710. VOn SALKLOTS ; ' 10 SHU- : CORNER' 100X200 Graded Streets, Cement Walks 5 D. : '42000 ""CASH NO TEfMS Located on R E. corner El Itth and Holman ate. Go out and look at It and then aee owner at 291 Burnslde St Corner 6th St. 68 ii 101. 1 75x100. on 21st st. between Knott and Brasee (80 foot street). Here is a buy if taken by the 1st of June will make someone a nice profit in a very snort time. All improvements in ana paid ud to date. 13100 for the lot and a half, and but 11100 to handle, balance lour years at per cent, inquire or Sheffield & Riely 90S YKON BLDO. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1 1-1 lots on car line at Flrland; fine location. 12000. 1 lot at St. Johns, on St Johns ave. and Jersey street. 1700 1 lot on Jersey street, lot 2, block 2, MolHrngsrs subdivision, fftno. Fina farm. Moore's valley, Yamhill county, 1100 per acre- partly Improved. JAM KB CUNNINGHAM. Phone Tenor 2194 CONOENIAL neighbors wsnted; fruit land beautiful scenic surroundings. rivers, mountains, boating, fishing; near electric line, one nour a rifle rrom rori land. Am lmprovln- 40 acrea for my own home; want congenial nelghbora on remaining acreage; will aell In 1 to 10 acre tracts. If you want an Ideal lo cation for permanent or summer nonie, ,hl. I. .m..m .n..nU X'. h.,. l.n HERE 18 A CHANCE FOK THE CASH j in Oregon" Further'' partlcularVad": r. ... I " owner, y.S9, journal Oak Floors, Shower Bath 6 Room House $4000 New house with furnace, fire place, fixtures, sleeping porch, shades, cement floor in base ment, laundry trays, walla tinted, street work paid for, V4 block Tiorth of Rose City Park car. on 46th st. This Is a beautiful home complete In every way. ready to move Into 21500 rash, balance 1100 per year, including interest. Phone Owner, Tabor 2227 nace, full cement basement Beamed celling, wood lift, shade trees, cement waias. aii ror izooo. Four 6 room rottaces. flreDlace. Dutch kitchen, full baaement. waah trava. builtln bookcases, writing desk, cement waiKs. yzzoo. New 6 room strictly modern, on cor ner, szouo. 6 rooms, partly modern. 11600, New 4 room, modern. 11250. AIho othem Knuv term A1! In one block Of car line. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE i nave aacrincea ineee new nomes rnnvirp ijitb nna itvitt i um three to five hundred dollars each for INSIHK LOTS 50x63 FEET 11250 SOUTH PORTLAND BARGAIN. Right on macadam road. 60x125, near Jones' lumber mill. United Railway trackage; lot facea two streets. I need the money and will sell this property cheap. If Interested address Owner, -685, Journal. cash or half cash. Take Mount Scott car. get off at Mil Jard ave. See JOE NASH. OWNER. no agents, or pnone Tabor Z31Z Hartman & Thompson Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg.' 100 ACRES $8000 A-4558. lAd assistant 60 miles south of Portland, on raJl- ZELLER-BYRNES CO., 694 Williams iT goo "1mb.?nand CpasVVure0,weUUw! HEMs'tOCK-1687 B. 11th. Sellwood ll; Sreoy running "reanTDaMlnghrouh also 694 Dswson. Wood lawn 1874. entire tract, mile rrom two towns, mmn aitv urtrrsirsi aood school. OnatofflCA and hiiulnna an. FOR BALK -HUIBK8 01 rordlngly; entire tract practically level, Quality of soil loose deep loam, the part under cultivation ideal for rohard or feneral farming; four daily passenger raina to and from Portland. No com mission. Deal direct with owners. 25000 cash, balance on good terms. ADDXX8S B. Si J., Xm Bob 106, XjATAYSTTB, OB. J, P. Finley & Son Third and Madison. I ROOk j 32J Campbell st. Specifications Lady attendant Main 9. A-1699. I and plana In blue print furnished free; I FRPU Undertaker; lady assistant I i""1' nesigns to select rrom. IL.II VI I B-I888.. B-781. M, tn-Aiaer, F577C7TM Undertaking 53 Main LnlUoUlN 6183. A-2235. Lady ass't moil' rimtf llMntA,. . I T want to Ml mv 1mm nlarA An sor to F. S. Dunning. Inc. E, 69. B-2616 Tabor Heights. 14000 will buy it and It rnwinn HfiLMiu. undertaker, isft " a migntv nice. juac . ior ine money Id st Lady sesistsnt Main 607. Call Main BZgi. si Kauway exchange HOUSES BUILT on MKT PAYMENT IPLAM on MiTLVfAiD FO Call Main 4810. 602 Beck Bldg., 7th and Oak Sts. River front 1 ustDEiroa noPZBTT PARK DEEP WATER SAFE CLOSE IN R. R. STATION ON PLACE. There Can Ztever Be an Addition to the WILLAMETTE KSVCB Vo Other Baaidanoa Vmnart rtas Wna. BiMy Increase la Value at the Same Bate 1 beautiful home there; If Interested let OWWl BB rBOXTT. aCAXIT 1496. A-2495 Mortgage Loans SQfo Jo E Cronan 7QJ( - v 90S Spalding Bldg. REAL ESTATE TBAKSFEBS 'sw'ajsa-esasaasi 11160. - MOST ANY KIND OF TERMS. West of 39th One block from WAVERLY RICHMOND CAR. The temporary house . of 3 rooms, doesn't amount to-much, but the lot is worth price asked: large trees in front yard, garden planted to vegetables And roses, good chicken coop; It beats paying rent snd some day you could have a i . . , i . . i i. u.m. ie ... us tell you all about it. We will make the terms very easy. GEO. T. MUOKK CO., 618 Ablngton bldg. SI 500 Bungalow A nice 8 room house, large hall, clos ets and patent toilet All plastered and tinted In 'fine shape. . Hot and cold wa ter. Nice big - front porch, also back porch.. Electric fixtures In and In use. Full basement Lot 40x100. block to Alberta car on E. 14th. . Lot Is all I -CERTIFICATES of title made by the graded and in nice shape. 2400 cash, IMSAUTIFUL RESIDENCE Corner. 10 minutes from postofflce. Hawthorne car. 7 rooms, furnace, fire place, select neighborhood, 16260; 22000 cash, balance 7 per -cent. Must sell. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201 203 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 471. A-1011 WILL rrl new, modern 7 room house. No. 401 Roseiawn ave.. on very easy terms, price 28250; also 6 room house, No. 407. at 13150: handy to car. church and school. Owner, 820 Chamber of Commerce. SAVE commission and buy from owner a new bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, hot and cold water; 40x160 lot block from -car. Price 4)1400 150 down. 116 per month. Ed Miles, sixth house south or Mount Hooit car, wain street. jLients, FOR SALE 6 room house, 60x104 foot lot, good basement, fruit trees, rose bushes, right oi two carlines, 20 min utes walk to heart of city. CaU at own ers. 681 Mary street Take Brooklyn car, get off at East 12th street. L ACRE, with house, fenced, ground reaay ror garaen rine water; House hold goods, 18 minutes to Portland. Or egon Kiectric; s diock to station, iuo, 2J50 down, balance to suit. '146 N. 21st st. Main HAWTHORNE AVE. 6 room bunaalow. 23100: a awell Cal ifornia bungalow. - wl ttr every tmprove- maftit. mwai iemnt aMnwnllra .t In 1n M ' lannAw trail.' llgntmg fixtures ana shades; ready to move into; i&oo down ana izo a montn. WAVERLY HEIGHTS 6 room huna-alow. 13150: larae rooms. bath, fireplace, pvery convenience; splen did lawn; near boulevard and street cars; inspiring view; for quirk sale, 13160; (boo down and yzo a month. J. P. FORD A CO.. 611 Board of Trade bldg. Phonea Main or A-2667. t CORNER LOTS 50x100 FEET $is50 INSIDE LOTS 60x100 FEKT 1165S On East Everett and 22d st. north. In Darch addition. N'"r two carlines, wlth- In easy walking distance. Not suburban property. Call and see me and get terms at on grounns, any nay. WM. T. DArtCM, uwner.- ACREAGB 07 MODERN 7 room bungalow, Portland Heights, beamed ceilings, paneled liv ing and dining rooms. Dutch kitchen. casement windows In sleeping rooms; oatn, gas, eiectriciiy, etc. un lot. Price 16500. Terms. 6 room house, full lot, Mississippi ave. 1970A Terma 1 acre, home place, variety 60 fruit trees, 4 room house, 34900, terms. 9 acres near Cedar Mills, Tualatin i valley: 2 acres cherry orchard. 6 In grain; large barn. 14500. Terms, UAKNKt ft HANSKN. , 518 Railway Exchange. Main 1066, A-7746. 10' Acres $50 pen Acre Ten dollars down, five dollars fer month, 6 per cent. Land lays evel and plenty of pood spring water, 26 miles from Portland, 1H mllee from railroad. This Is the very best garden or fruit land. See this at once If you want a snap; must sell. Call 640 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 7967. ACREAGE, "4 '.ST sasatsasiaaa mmm0a00 I SAY1 -r -82 Blocks' Is That' Right mm - ,. 1 ' iay.j3 FOR SALE FAIIM3 17 APPLE. PEAR, PEACH AND CHERRY TREES. Strawberries. - blackberriea. currants and raspberries. .. our DiocKs south of Mt. Tabor. Easy Monthly Terms. All Aav Riindnv Main 1254 f. J. LONG 620 Henry bldg. WEBSTER .ACRES . mmi mmm ranch TMtt FiS BEilV a CAROEOII TRACTS SUBURBAN MIES " $8 Per Acre s -. w': 140 acrea in evergreen, Lincoln coun ty, Oregon, 114 mile from railroad eta- , tlon, old burn, . no Jrockl, no graval, hill !ant very rich, some bench, suit able for- fruit vegetables and grain, all excellent for pasture, the place for, dairy, sheep, angora goats and poultry, pasture all year, plenty of timber for farm nse, pure spring water, train to . market every morning at 6:10, Price 16 per acre, 1280 cash, balance 217 per month; might take a clear lot at caah value for half. This Is your chance to get a farm on terms that you can meet Francis I. McKenna, 727. Chamber Of Commerce, Ma I n 4621; A-8141.fc High Class Acreage .v 100 acre, on the Oregon Electrles all platted Into 6 acre tracts; 46 aeres of crop goes with the place; all fenced! fair houae and barn; family orchard and berry patch. All goes for 2179 per acre. 17000 cash. Mi"ht consider good trade' up to that amount Balance to suit at. 6 per cent. . H. A. CHANDLER REAL ESTATE CO. 410 Lumbermena Mdg. Phone Main 8764, ' A RARE BARGAIN 142 acres, 290 per acre, nil level, sandy loam, 80 acres In fine crops of wheat, oats, vetch and alfalfa, all kinds of timber and fro its, two dwellings, Urge barn, outhouses snd sheds, running water all the year and fine wells; mowing mschlne, wag on, harrow, plow and cow; all goes, Terms, 32600 cash, balance In year at 6 per cent Intercut. Principal pay-' ments optional If Interest Is paid. Ad dress Box. 65. Marion, Oregon 20 ACKliS IN BEAVERDAM AND UP LAND. 16000. Half nf each; 300 narks of onion, to each acre of tieaverdam were raised last seaHon; bIho fine axparagus, lettuce or celery; upland suitable for potatoes, strawberries, etc.; good 7 -room house, ' barn anrl onion-house; fine creek ana good water; mile from electric sta tion and 6 miles from Vancouver, Wash. DAVID LEWIS, room 2 Lumbermena bldg. FRUIT LAND9 Mosier Fruit Land 45 1 TO 6 ACRE TRACTS JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. Opening prices 2350 to 2550 ner acre: terms 10 per cent cash, balance very eaay monthly payments. If you are In the market for a nice 1 to 6 acre tract luat at the a-atewav of the city of Portland, do not fall to look over these matchless tracts. For fullest particulars call at office or send name and address for literature. J. O. ELROD, Owner. 611-519 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or. -J- Si Little Farm for City Men The very best soil, some having fruit trees and bearing berry bushes. One mile south of Monta villa, on Division st. Bull Run water and car to be only 4 blocks from property. Sold In sere, half acre and quarter acre tracts, on your own terms, and just as cheap as if you bought acreage in- bulk and paid all cash. Let us show you this property. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 40 acres, 6 acres planted. 13500. 40 acrid, 20 acres part planted, 14600. 40 seres, Improved. 13500. 40 acres, wild land. 31500. 1 40 acres, wild land. 31000. 160 acres, Including stock. Imple ment, rood house, barn. well. 25 acrea cleared, 300 tM-arlng trees, ready to move onto, at 166 per acre. 1-3 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Three miles south of Mosier on coun ty road. For particulars, phone Wood- iswn ins, H3 Kerny st. FRUIT LAND 400 ACRES. DALLES-DUFUR DISTRICT. About under cultivation, 135 per acre, land all around this piece selling for not less than 50 per acre; can ' make term a. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 61 Ablngton bldg. I Must Have $3500 Cash 100 acres, adjoining Mosier View or chards. 25 In young trees, 60 seres ready for plow, balance light clearing. You must buy within 10 days or I'll hang on somehow. 111,000, term, oa balanca. S-684. Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 Free Government Land f Homestead, well located, good land. plenty water. Comparatively level. Lo cation charges reasonable. W. J, Cook. 502 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Mala Si7. ' HOMESTEAD 320 acres, rich black loam. 2U miles from Held. Or., 8 from railroad survey: will sell relin quishment and Improvement, "cheap. 8 680. FOR RENTFARMS 14 4 acres, plowed and ready for. planting at Garden Home station. 20 minutes' ride on Oregon Electric, 240 for season. P-B83, Journal. SMITH CO. HERE la your chance to get a nice piece of acreage for a nome, mostly all in cultivation, 10 acres and up, short ride from Portland on the electric line, lays between the electric line and the H. p.; sou Is mellow, deep ana ricn, wen drained; price from 1165 per aore up: small cash payment or clear lot as first payment: will give work to psrttes tlmt hv either hulMlna fenclna or rlnarlna 6 room house and corner on Alberta hand- art oniric if von want to e-et out yard; 2 blocks of Mississippi ave. and 2 an y0Ur life: come in and let s talk it uiuckb imra jnicituu iuku muum, '"Mover, (ieorge Little, sns Henry niog. .Inn. wnWK Itia vnitnav wltK ttvn-ia Ron I i " Mitchell, 401 Kauway isxcnange bldg. Phono Main 4842. Only $1800 SUBURBAN home, 6 rooms, wired, pat ent bath and toilet lxt 40x100. alley: cheap; I2&0 down, terms. K-6H4, Jour nal. Cleveland Acres Adjoining the town of GRESHAM. on the Mt. Hood Electric R. R.. near depot: offers the best value of any acreage on ,u. 1. . y A iM ne e.nn. Bir . a .11 . I wio uiMinci. emit in ii.iii. ' iiuiii vuo Y owner, 6 room 2 story, all modern to three acres: terms easy; there are no east front, block from car completed rockg .tumps or rough land; soil of today. Cash or terms. 821 Commercial. quainy; let us show you this A BARGAIN. iDroDertv: Its worth while: have autoa nouse ana 101, 2o, no casn, rest leaving ornce oaiiv terms. Phone Woodlawn 3044. MODERN 8 room house, panel dining room ana nan, uutcn Kitcnen ana enameled oatn, brass electric fixtures, 3 blocks M. v. carllne. Price 63500; -zooz k, Morrison ana sutn sts. - Title Trust company, Lewi. Bldg, balance 216 per month 4th and Oak. lawyers Abstract A Trust Co., capltai 1200,000. 6 Board of. Trade bldg. Portland Trust company to R. W, Fidier, lots 2Y 24. block 14, , West Portland Park 120 Artnur b. waits ana wire to Wil liam C. Cook et al. lot 24. block 128, University Park... 1,000 Alice b. fowen to Art ii, oassin, west 83 14 feet of lot 8. block 1. Richmond addition 1,600 jjaaa instate company to uamer Ine Maxwell, lots 21. 22. - 23. block, 11, Eaatnioreland, . . . . . .". . 8,150 investment . company- io Myrtle M. Dickson, lots 29. 31. block 28. Irvlngton Park. . , . . . . , 600 rohn B, Goddard to Clarence Sam-' rle. lot 1 2.. block 84. Brentwood. 1.100 tl. . iiennessy ,io ivatnrini Mfinth. Iota 21. 22. block 1. College Plaoej f..ft t vr. , . '1,000 A. b. otone to ' A.' it ? Bnoepnaker",' . lot 4, block 9, Trousdale.. v... 1,000 Helen L, Stratton to Carroll B. x Ftrattoru lots 9 and' 10. block 89. Piedmont addition ......... 2,000 8. L. Eddy and wife;, to Henry -:, Hennlng, 60 foot tract on East Twenty-seventh street 2,750 George A. Riggs tt al to Lewis' . Nelson. lot 28, block 2, Te- - ; tonka Park addition j ........ vf . 260 Alice M. Allen to -William L.'- , , Herman, lot 6, block 2L Wal- - v hut Park 1,000 Hugh C;,'GearIn et al to "Arti y Rohde efal lot 1, block 146, ' city . , ; i rr.i i i. v. . .- 24,000' A. N. Searle to Oharlea-L' Hat-' v . . field, lot 2, block. 9 Stanley ti ; G. W.' Priest and; wifeMbut-aw : 3 . fence E. Iri est. lot 3. 3,. ; - ; Poster's addition ... i-rt-s a Same to WUllam U-iPrleat lot 1 block 8, Porter', 'addition. . . . Same to qeorge" R. Pri-a, lot 17,- AMERICAN. INVESTMENT CO., jti X4tn ana Aioerta. Phone C-1110. 600 T a nrt'in e4 1 At .Tuiif y Ua 1a A aa a - atr ffj im. P Jtil A I "T tar- mx -'w3 ' ' ceV4 4itpa a xi ..Al -vgvrMsri r M W ' l a 41 S MUST HAVE 1800. My 5 room bungalow cost me 13100; will sell f?r $2400; 1800 cash; need money. This Is a chance for bargain hunter.. $26 Yeon bldg. . A Dandv Bareain ..... Modern7 6 room bungalow, paneled dining room, tlate Tail, window seats, tinted, wired, large corner 61x111, fruit trees, berries, garden, roses, shade trees, fenced; 11860.' from owner: good 4Js eount for cash. Take Mt Scott ear to Myrtle Paris, .direct soutn on 68tn t, iv o. Diau. BEAUTIFUL Rose Citv Park bungalow for sale, xrom owner. 11280 cash or trade Put. you - in possession. ,; R-684, Journal:' -!f 1 .- . FIVE room house, modern. 21650: $500 cash, balance $16 per-jnonth. 'Call or address E. to. Rogers., ill 4 m sve., Lents, south of car track. EIGHT room houae, corner lot. 91x109; rosea, Dernes; ana ram trees; room for cottages: . 14500. on terms, kr owner. 259 Skldmore. Woodlawn 1899. W. H. HERDMAN has everything In : houses and lots wantea. - ah . prices. irvlngton." oibsb, n;sst' zts. 6MALL house with .1 Jots, dose to car , line; $1400: $100 .cash? bal. flCpar month. ; Frank T. Berry,' 4 N. 6th at FOR SALE 8 room house . and $ lot., S. E. 80th, Flrland. $18001 MUT down. 6 i room house, bath,- welt built, 1 near Union ave. - Good car eervfee. Price $1850. $80 down. Tabor 1071. , BARGAIN Mod" room house; must ONTT. fine mixed orchard. 16.000 feet raspberries, chickens houses and runs, large garaen space, gooa s room house, near 2 carlines; Ulness compels to sen. xaDor iou. Who. Will Get It? An uD-to-date little home. West side. Close In. For sale cheap. Call M. 8416. C. E. Haas. 176 12th St. BUILT TO SUIT YOUR PURSBT If you have lot and little cash, will build and loan balance. v A. C. FURLONG. CONTRACTOR, 688 Chamber 6f Commerce. Main 2061. SMALL furnished house and lot EOx 100; 16 young fruit trees, nice gar den, 8 blocks from - carllne, 8c fare; $550; small payment, balance monthly, Frank T. Berry. 4 N. 6th st. FOR SALE cheap, Seller's equity of 4300, in $1600 home, 8th ave. and Fos ter Road, Lents, $10 per mo., payments on balance 6 per cent Phone Tabor 3180. W. B. Chambers, R. F. P., Lents, Or. A NICE HOME ON EASY TERMS. . 7 room modern house, lot 100x106, 14 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of straw berry and berries. See owner, 1936 E. Taylor. MODERN, up-to-date house, 4 blocks from Union ave., will sell cheap. Owner leaving town. Would consider automobile as part payment 834 East 3th st North. Woodlawn 3J3T. New Cottage t rooms, large attic, store room. Term'.. 416 Failing bldg. FRONT ; ST.- business property. Good income ior sale cueap. now is vour chance- for a bargain. Call M. 8416. or 176 12th' st. C. E. Haas. MODERN 6 room house, 2 lots, close - to carllne: owner must saoriflca Buy thia -for 12200 on easy terms. Frank T. Jerry. 4 w. stn st. $2240. 6 room modern house. Myrtle I'ara. Mt. ticott car. 4320 57th St., 3400 cash: by owner. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE LOTS 16 HAWTHORNE AVE. Fine building lot, $800 If you have the cash, you'll take this if you want a home. Absolutely clear, M5i phnes Main or block from the avenue; $800 cash. bldg. Phones Main or A:2657. 8 ACRES $800 PER ACRE 200 FT. FROM MT. HOOD LINE. K mile f rorrf the city limits and miles this side of property selling at $1400 an acre. No brush or gravel. Best soil. The cheapest piece near this is $1000 .n sere. A good platting propo sition. Half cash will handle. J. P. Ford & Co., 513 Board of Trade CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port. J. P. FORD Sk CO.. 613 Board of Trade land, walking distance to good town, bldg. Phones: Main or A-2667. running -water, best soil, free wodd, fHAVld 'sQme choiceiofcrTnHAlv': "Plendld fruit district view of Colum- THORNB AVE. and also on Division bla river and snpw peaks, 2 acre. $260; St. for sal cheap, for cash, or will aores jwu; iv acres ouj; i per take first mortgage if improved. Also cent cn. easy payments, other tracts some cheap building lots in the Mt nr'lw4ial" J5 W-JPS1" Scott district FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., Take Mt. Scott car. get off at Ml!lsrd 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. ave. See Joe Nash owner, no agents, or , i r L l i i phone Tabor 2312. dfia Suburban Home $50 CASH and. $18 each month will! jo acres. V, mile from electric line. bUY tWO lots On East 6th St North. I Tmll ernm Pnrtlanil' nn mnln t,. This property is not restricted for busl- pled road; all in high state of cultiva- ness, consequently t is the Dest buy tlon; 2 acres of bearing orchard. 200 to be had in this district Price $900. bearing grapevines, good water; large noowi.iiTji'i'i in rn Ground floor Lewis Bldg. Phones M. 1743, A-174S. REALTY OPERATORS, 269 Oak. Acreage Any slsed tract you may de sire from one-half acre up to twenty acrea, located in the beau tiful valley Just west of Coun- -ell Crest, only 40 minutes' ride from center of the city and the most fertile soil In Oregon. ' ' We have 43 people that have bought from two to-four times each on this property; let us re fer you to them. Come, let u. how you. Fine 6-year-old orchards, .also berry patches and gardens that demonstrate the soil. Go look. $260 per acre and up, with small cash payment and monthly In stallments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 36. 102 4th EtT A-1500 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 , $850 , , ' 4 room house, 2 block, from Monta villa car line. Lot 60x117. Will ex change for small confectionery and cigar store, i Otto & Harkson Realty Ca. 133 H First street. BEAUTIFUL 20-ACRE TRACT. For sale or exchange, ' 10- acre, of ; fine black shot land, 6 In prunes, trees loaded; 14 In potatoes, 1 in sugar corn; strawberries, loganberries, tomatoes. cabbage, grapes; school across street ; 4 mile from street car and 5 stores. . David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermen, bldg. email STATION 10 acres of which 2-3 is In bearing orchard, the trees are young and in fine condition; the place is fenced, has a creek runnina through It. some timber and fairly good dwelling and outhouses. Also 200 chickens, one noree ana cow. Only JO miles from the court nouse, Price 26500 cash. A. UHUKKUAMU Room A. Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. Phone Main 5080. WILL TRADE MY 4 or 6 room house, both new. for chicken ranch, olosa to car, river and road. Value $1500 and $20J0, respectively. No mortgage. Take Mt Scott car. get off at Millard ave. See JOE NASH, OWNER, NO agents, or phone Tabor 2811. " . . BEAUTIFUL 10 ACRE TRACT TO TRADE. : ' All in cultivation and soma fruit; close to carllne and stores; will ex-' change for home. David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermen. Mdg. - ' . 640 ACRES, In vicinity of Mt Hood R. R to trade for other property, or ' buaineas; will pay difference in cash. This land will make you money when tbe railroad starts this summer. - Ed Hsll, 881 Front. Main 2208. 200 FEET FROM ELECTRIC STATION ON INTERURBAN. About 9 acres all cleared, 6 room house, good barn 30x50, 3 f'ood poultry houses with screened n runs, over 150 chickens, fur niture, rugs, etc., 2 acres In wheat 6 acres of oata, 1 acre po tatoes, 84 apple and cherry trees. Owner is traveling man and his firm has transferred him to Cal ifornia. Must sell by June 1st Easy terms. Inquire at 338 Chamber of Commerce. barn and outbuildings. Inquire of own. er, 270 E. 16th St. BARGAIN LOT. Near Kenton carllne and factory dis trict: must sell at once; $32.60. and $5 month. Look this up If you want a great buy. H-685, Journal. $900- Corner ' op Portland boulevard. 100x132 feet, street improvements of tbout $125 not included. Terms casn. James v. ugaen. stu mis slssippi. Woodlawn 202, C-2008 I MUST sell my 5 acre tract near North Plains, finest land Jn Oregon; leaving on account of ill-health, $250 down, balance on termg. M-505, Journal. METROPOLIS. Lots cheap. 2 blocks from bank, in Kenton greatest manufacturing center in the northwest; alao several houses and lots. Phone owner, C-1390. $26 MONTHLY buya 6 room house, bath. jlMluyi -. pauviw uiuiiiaj-ruvxu WJLU plate rail, cement basement, lot- 6 Ox 10. A BEAUTIFUL 6 room home $3500; -$600, $25 monthly. -f room- bungalow 12000; 1300. $20 monthly. Phone Wood lawn oriTiu $350 CASH takes my.' $3000 modem ' bunsalow. at 12650: on ImDt-oved street near ear.,: This jok-e. Have to sell. P-688L Journal - NJBW. 4room modem houae, garden up. iT; --- casn, ij.sw. per.. montn. ex yswego iw jonns. , . j CHOICE building lots 60x100, with city water, on good carllne: 1400; nothing down. 810 ner month. Inauire for Mr. Leonard, 84 4th st. Columbia Trust Co. FOR SALE By owner, block on Alberta and Riley sts.. dandy location ; I need the money; terms to suit. 309 Cook ave. . E-2162. IRVINGTON bargain, lot 60x100, fine residence site, E. 19th st, near Stan ton. 11400. Phone evenings. Owner Main 2009, or S-681. . - OWNER, lot, Jersey st, St. Johns; rea sonable If sold at once. P-688, Jour- nal OVERLOOK For sale, my eoultjr. one or two fine lot.,' one-half block from car. : See owner at 420 E. 38th. CHEAPEST lot In Overlook, save $200, . for - a short time only. Call Camp. Fbe"eMatn 8817. - i . . HAVE-buyer waiting for building lot H. E. JAMES Ca, S8 10th (near Stark). 10 ACRES. 10 MILES. Fine level corner on two good roads; nartlv cleared, well dug. small house. good soil, contains enough gravel for drainage. Ideal chicken ranch, $360 per until June i, tnen nce is raisea. X. O. BARKER, 827 Mohawk bldg. M. 1902. Tabor 2029. $650" 4 aeres, Improved with a small- house. Close to station. would consider a cheap lot in Portland as part pay. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 138 H First street. 2 ACRES $760. SIDEWALK ALL THE WAY. One mile to electrto line, fine soil. Easy terms. X. O. BARKER, 117 Mohawk bldg. m. iu... xaDor zozv. Uli AND 10 ACRE tracts, close in, good electric car service, $100 to $250 per acre, big values, easy term.. 3. W. Hefferlln Realty Cof 201 Corbett bldg., both phonea SALE or exchange, acreage tn Willara- OREGON ranch and timber land, near , foruana. Mi F. josiln, 212 Couch bldg. 4ft ACRES choice Hlllsboro land; mile to electric line; i acre in ciover, rest in berries, potatoes and vegetables, 2 room well built house; fine well; bare land Is worth my price of $1250; $600 cash, balance easy terms, owner, 418 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 20 acres, 18 miles to court house, 2 miles to United Railways car, half in high state of cultivation; good barn, small house, all In crop; cow and calf; lays level, dark loam soil. Price $2350, $1700 cash This is near Bethany. P-68Z, journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 88 ACRES, deep black soil, cleared, halance in Dasture. and timber, run ning water, level, close to school. church, store, etc. tnicaiy settled neighborhood, near electric carllne, a very desirable close-in suburban prop erty st tne specaar low price et ajzs per acre, or will sell half for $110 per acre; good reasonable terms. - Call phone or write us today. . J. W. HEFFERLIN REALTT CO. 203 Corbett bldg., both phones. CHICKEN RANCH CHEAP. $200 down and easy terms- take a 2H acre tract stocked with 100 leg horns. Three room house on place. Just Outslde . Oregon City. Must be taken' quick. - -' PORTLAND INVESTMENT ft REALTY v COMPANY. . -s. . -- r--'- " 717 Yeon Bldg. ' ' ; 10 j ACRE farm... 5 miles , from city, 1 ette valley termsJwner.M'11.104Clu-rerv-eetrle 11-frH: e ens and mock, d, teleptions. In- quire East 33" WILL TRADE my $1600 equity in new 6 room bungalow; price $2500; for Portland lots or acreage near Portland. -There Is a mortgage on house of $1000' running three years from date. Addess JS-685. Journal. ' - - 14 ACRE RANCH ON CARLINE. All in cultivation, with fine houae and ' beautiful new outbuildings; close- to high school and 7 stores; cash or trade, $8500. David Lewis, room 2, Lumber, mens bldg. " . .- ... ...... -. . , WE HAVE 8 overlooked claims. J 60 acres each, subject to homestead; ad joining land selling from $30 up. - This Is good fruit land and - located near Goldendale. Wash. Call 627 Henry Mdg. 160 ACRE EASTERN OREGON WHEAT RANCH. ti, To exchange for Portland horn or lots; close to R. R. and river. David Lewis, room 2.- Lumbermena bldg. ON account of ' sickness will sell or . trade 46 acre peach orchard located ' in northern California. Actual value : $4(00. - Price $3800, terms. E. Rhyner, Garfield ave. FOR sale or trade, 6 room house, two lots, ' all Improved, berries and fruit,-, fine location, 1 block from carllne. Must be sold by 1st 122 2d ave. Lents, Or. $700 equity in modern bunaatow. Trade for lot or acreage. West side. On electric. Will give some cash and aa- i . sume some. P-689, Journal. - J FOR SALE or trade, 60 aore farm with cattle and crop, for house and lot ot house and 1 or 2 acres near Portland. 1 Owner, 181 1st at, ' V $350 Portable building, 14x28.' rente -for 16 ner-month, exchange for team "'' and wagon or player piano. Phone Tabor - 2998. ' . ' """""" FOR SALE or trade for farm, 75 room . town; 8 railroads, long lease, near de- pot.. Inquire 417 Fenton hulldlng. f -"VICTROLA" or piano wt n ted In pay-. : ment on a.eooa tot. a. ivnaeraunt. , Room A. dumber Kxcnange. SMALL planing mill for sale, good U- Cation, cioac m, or:, win uauu. ior ; mail ranch. 0-688, Jmimal. - WE exchange.-what you have for what you want, pkpish & bahh-b, 444 Sherlock bldg.. Id and Oak. , ; IF YOU have anything to H or ex change aee ua Northwest Realty Ca. 617 Board of Trade. - See Mr. Morrow. IF you want to sell, buy or trade, Shoemaker,- 626 and 627 Henry bid. Main 4466, A-7414. .., .-"o -' " 10 acre - tracts, also vacant lots to et. . . ehana-e. What have VOuT V. T. lir-r. ry. 4 North 4th. Phone. A-1h-. WE handle trades In rl ent'at a. where o noarn or irnit r.i: -I WILL buy, sell or Tra'i ami.- ?' FARMS, acreaue, ! t y Jf 'U -r fi : . 1045 thamit-r or . un.turi ; t, V: