The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Be Named Speed King of
American Automobile
Drivers. ; :
Dili Hil
S2000 FOR GAfilES
? 5eaton Hits Batter and Resul
Proves : to ' Be-: Disastrous
r. to Beavers.
When Tommy Beaton whanged "Buck1
' . Wttvtr on tb arm In the fourth ln-
nlng yesterday he paved the war for
i to 1 rlctory for Ban FrancUoo in
a food cam played befor the admir
ing aye or a. Friday matin erowa.
v Portland atarted off Ilk a winner on
-Cacki Henlaywho had speed td spar
. yesterday regardlee of th fact that
the Beavere made vn blngle oft the
t attenuated on.
With one down Bbeehan singled and
.. went to third on Pecklnpaugh slagl
Whan Tannant throw badly to Henley,
who covered flrat, on Murray ground
. or, thaahaa aoored. Pack want to third
rand Murray to acond,- Barry. gobbled
la Beaton' foul popup and Chad bourne
grounded to Tennant , " -'. 'v . " , :.
. With one out v Weaver waa hit by
Beaton tn tha fourth and took third on
. Tmnant's single to right. HcWs able
r to aeora after Melchlor" long . fry to
" Xruegar. ,v .'
Shaw kicked In with two-bagger
Jo left field in tha sixth Inning, with
- on down,, and It waa easy tor him to
' aoor ; on . MoArdle a lngl to center
, that rold-'twit Krucgera underpin
i nlng, McArdl going to third. Weaver
and Tennaat wr flyouta
Peck opened the ninth with a hit
but Kuhn. batting for Murray, waa a
long out to Shaw, and Barry, hitting
. for Beaten, waa retired on called strike.
Then Pecklnpaugh tried to ateal second,
but waa out on- a mighty cloao de-j
4 Scoret
Chief ' of - Polices Furnishes
Amusement for Fans in
v Close Game;;
............ 4 114 0 0
i.. ......
Bhaw. If
McArdl, aa
Weaver, cf
Tennant lb
Melchlor, rf .........
.Mohler. 2b
Vltt. lb
Berry, o
Henley, p ............
. (spetlal DUnatci t Tee Waal)
Victoria, B. C. May , 87. Th Nicks
advanced atUI higher In th percentage
column by defeating th Victorian yea
terday by th, aoor of I to I In th
bat played gam of tn aerie.
Frank Eaatley,.lata of th Baa Fran
cisco eaJ.: pitched a plndld-gam,
keeping ' th " bits ' scatter throughout
th nln Inning. ,. ..
Th Nioks started t aoor In tha tint
Inning when two playara crossed - th
rubber in th fifth. Inning and tha fifth
tauy came in in aighth frame.
Th Vlotoriane aoored their tuna In
th aeoond Inning on two Bin fie and a
two-baa hit Their other tally waa
made on William' error. i..
Btarkall waa hit hard from th open
Ing Inning until th cloa of th gam.
Mundorff ' and Caaey - each got three
hit: Mundy batted four tlmea and
Caaey three time. Btovall mad two
hiu out of five trip and Mensor two
out of four trip. Harris and Eaatley
failed to get a blngle during tha gam.
Victoria' chief of nolle rrew
cited and prottd a dclkn rendered
by, Umpire Baumgarten. and went uton
tha diamond only to be removed by th
order or th nmplra, Th chief instated
that h knew more about umpiring than
Baumgarten. but h finally aettled down
and the gam continued.
Williams wUl likely u Oarrett or
Archer aralnat th Ialandera today.
while RouMholder will aend Saga,
i noma or Beiiora against th Nlcka.
Th acore: x
A R. B- TT Wrt A V!
Mundorff. lb ........ 4 vs. 11
jaey, zt f a S I
William, lb i 1 r Jtl
Menaor. . .. ... . .-. 4 : 1 4
Kpeaa. ct , 1 - 0 ' I 1
Miner: er a a
Ort. If 4 0
Pacific Coast ; Championships
Be Made Great Fea
ture at Centennial.
t 6 IT 10 I
' Rodaer. 2b
Ryan, cf
t Kruee:er. If ' . . .
Rappa, lb
Hheehan, 8b . . .
v Peckinpauf h, aa
Murray, c ..... .
Beaton, p' .....
; uarry
Totala II
, 29
Aa a h. pa a. e.
,4 0 0 3 1 0
, a 00 s so
,4 0 11 0 e
4 0 110 1
4 0 0 14 0 0
j 1 v s 0
4 0 1110
2 0 0 4 3 0
j - 0 o - . a
1 0 .0 0- 0. 0
10 0 0 0 0
Harrla, c
Eaatley, p
Totala .
1 7 17 U 1
110 1
0 0 7 0
i I I 0 1 2 t
m i Ti t? 14 "1
Aa R. IL PO. A. E7.
I 0,0 3 0 0
.40 1 1 I 0
4 0 0 4 3 -0
rf ' ...... 4 0 0 I 1 0
4 1 2 I 4 0
..... 4 1 2 S 1 0
...ii.... 4 5 - 0 0
;.. 4 i t 1 1
.0 1 0-0 0
Batted for Murray In ninth.
"Batted for Beaton In ninth.
' San Frntdco . ,.0 0 0 1 0 1 0J 02
3 nita ;..t...i 0 0 1 0 3 0V1 01
J. Portland 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
J Hlta ll 0 0 0 1 0 2 17
f 6truck out--Br S-aton t. by Henley 5.
f Baaea on balle Off Honley 1. . Two
: base hit Ryan,- Bhaw. Doubl play
Murray to Rodger. Sacrifice fly
J Melchlor. Stolen baaea Rodger. Hit
;'. ty pitched ball Rod gera. Weaver,
: Murray. Balk Beaton. Tim f game
On hour 10 minute. Umpire Fla
t; ey- -- - ? - -- '
Vernon. "VVlna tn Eighth.
San Francisco, May 27. There waa
' plenty of excitement fof the spectator
in- yeaterday' game between Vernon I
i and Oakland when Vernon brought in
, two run In the eighth, making the
aoor 6 to 6 against Oakland. Plenty
;. or neavy hitting waa don.
, Score by lnnlnga:
vernon 1 0100022 04
Oakland .,.:..,0 I 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 B
-.. , wiwnM uarson, uitt and Sheehan;
Knight, Flat and Pearca.
Davia. lb ..
Raymer, 2b
Goodman, lb
Keiiar, a
UII1I.H m.0
Howard, lb
Devoft. e . .
Btarkall, p .
Totala 1 ...24 I 8 17 12
Portland ...I 0 O 0 3 0 0 1
Victoria 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Stolen bae Mundorff. William.
Menaor. Miller. Million t. StarkelL Rmn.
rifle hit Harrla. Two-base hits Mun
dorff, Caaey. Kellar. Devogt Double
plays Mensor- to William; Kellar to
uootiman. Htrucit out By Eaatley 1,
by Btarkell 3: Baaea on balla Off Fitrtit
ley I. off StarkelL Hit by pitched ball
.HSuey, wuiiama 1. massed ball D-
vogt. Time 1:45. Umpire Baum-
Aatorla, On. May 17. Aatorla' can.
tennlal commute last night aoproprlat
d 2000 to atag tha. PaclflO athletlo
champlonahlpa, which hav bn award
ed to th Aatorla Athleuo dub for 1911.
and which will probably b held August
if. Aatorla lost out to Seattle on th
Pacific nrthwst" rharnplonahip.-- fcut
energetlo work on th part of T. Morris
Dunn, secretary of tha P. N. A- suc
ceeded In landing an even larger aeo
tlonal meet Th California cluba wr
perfectly willing for Aatorla to' hav
th . champlonahlpa during thia city's
eentenntal celebration and- will and
stronr team a. .
A otiarter mil cinder track will b
Immediately oonatraoted In th baaeball
park and th field will be placed In 00 n-
amon ror in meet. This cinder path
will be tn only on of- It ais In th
northwest. .
Athletsa will b rreeent from Califor
nia. - Oregon. Washington, Idaho and
Montana athletlo cluba and college and
th meet promise to b th blggeat vr
bald In th northwest.
T. SC. a A. AtoUtM la KNt
Th Tonng Mm' Christian Asaooia-
tlons of the northwest hav volunteered
to hold an association) champlonahlp
meet at Aatorla during th centennial,
with th ol provision that Aatorla pro
vide th medals for th noint winner.
Thia Astoria haa gladly consented to
do and th various associations are tak
ing a mall vote on tha proposition. Th
Portland T. M. C. A. Is working hard
to land th meet for Aatorla and it will
be little less intereatlng than tha P. A.
A. champlonahlpa.
Astoria's centennial oommltte I go
ing In strongly for th athletlo end of
th entertainment which will ao doubt
prove very attractive to th sport lov
ers of th northwest'
Best Exhibition Ever, Given on
; Local Floor.. Entertains
Chimmie's. Column
1 - -
Th T. M. C. A. eload th "gym"
clasa year last night at th association
with on of the best exhibitions of
marching and apparatus work that waa
ver witnessed on th local floor.
Th exhibition was opened with
marching axerclaea. In which all th
classes - from - th- preparatory - tath
aenlor were on th floor at tha sam
time. Th work throughout showed th
remarkable training given th boy by
Instructors Orllley, Lea and Smith.
Th next evnt on th program waa
an Indian club drill by th junior clasa.
Thia waa followed by. a-wand drill in
which ' both of th bualneas koy'a
clasa took prt Perhaps th feature
of th ntrtalnmnt waa th exhibi
tion of Mr. Daly on th ting. H did
all tba stunts commonly dono by pro
fesstonal performers and throw In 1
few 01 his own which kept th spec
tator 1q breathleaa suspense through
out his exhibition.
Basketball Oam to White a.
A basketball gam between two teams
of tba Busln Men'a claaa followed
and resulted la an I to 4 victory for
th Whites.
Beversj tncg race between the jire-
naratory and Junior classes kent ' the
aodleac In a good humor for the final
xhlbitlona on the parallel and hortcon
tal bar by th aenlor leadora clasa and
th Business Boy's A class.
jjui one accident marred the pro
gram when Edward Lang ley lost his grip
on th bar while doing a giant whirl
and slightly sprained his arm. Lang
ley got a big hand for his gamoneaa
when ha returned and aucceasfully ao-
compnened tn giant awing.
Th entertainment was concluded by
n jnaian club drill and tumbling by
tha intermedial claaa.
Wolgast and Burns Clash in
20 Round Battle Today
in the South. '
Chalk up another victory tor the
Seals. They tincanned our Beaver
brave in yesterday's battle. 'Portland
wllL have to take the next two games
In order to come out on th long end of
th series."
With ftutor on tha mnnnA tnr i
Beavers fhi. afternoon and Elmer Koest-
ner heaving 'em over for th McCredle
lteit"Tookas irmt oagnrto-cop-the
game th! afternoon.
The handsome trio, Powell, Browning
and 'Airy Sutor warmed up la front of
the grandstand. Thia little party take
plaoe every week and always on Fri
day. -These rrixaly 'bear' are great
hunters and tak delight in showing the i
fair ones how eaay It Is to stop ground
ers. !
The crowd was tha largest for om
time. The fair onea are aure" loyal to
(Onlted Press teased Wlre.l
San Francisco, May 27. Th
th only thing that prevented Frits
Holland, tha northwestern mldlewelght
from handing "Brick" Burgesa of Oak
1b4 "lwp pwdr" after n of the
hardeat Bluffing matches on th card
at Dreamland last night Th bout
waa a gruelling fight Holland was the
aggressor throughout Burgess was
"all in" at tha and of four rounds.
Vic Hanson and Pat Cornyn. middle
weight, ' went foar fast rounds to a
draw. Rufo Turner, the veteran colored
fighter, mad a plaything of Willie
Meehan, who waa "peeved" when he
failed to get a draw. Meehan waa sub
stltuted for Jimmy Smith of Australia.
Th bout between Gunboat Smith and
the team and the players are beginning Mexican Pet Everett was called off by
to wish that every day was ladlea day. j th' Mexican physician. Sailor Pe-
Senaton Blank Angtla.
Loa Angeles, tMayVlT; Sacramento
nut out to Angle by a- score -e-f -f
to in yesterday' gam which was
- conspicuous for the absence of error.
The local team,'gof a aextet of hlta off
. Bacramento'a.; pitcher but good fielding
prevented tnem zrora ecoring.
ficor by Innings:
Jos Angeles 0 0 0 9 0 0 O'O ft- 0
.Sacramento , .... .1 - 0 0 3 0 J 0 1
oa-iieries criger ana ADDOtf Atral
lna and Lrohn. ,
At New Tork R. II. E.
Philadelphia 3 0 4
New Tork 5 t
Batteiiea Burns, Alexander and
Dooln; Raymond, Matthewaon and Mey
At Pittsburg R.H.B.
Cincinnati 4 8 8
ttaburg t 9 0
Batteries Smith and Clark: Adama
and Gibson.
Umpire Kletn and Doyl.
- "At Boston. " R.H. H.
Brooklyn ...3 6 1
Boston. . . ... . , ..710-1
Batteries Barger and Owen; Curtis
and Graham.
Umpires CDay and Brennan.
Itrosky won from Patsy McKenna.
Doc Anderson says It wouldn't seem Douglas got the decision over
natural unless we lost a gam one In I Hayes.
awnii to tn Beats, wnat 00 you know 1
about thatT Oh, sure, Doc doean t car
for a coupl of game.
If Oscar Vltt bought hla lady friend a
package of nlcknacks would it Sutorf
Panicky? Worse than that, but for Sat
urday afternoon It ought to beat the
Buddy Ryan took the fair ones by
storm when be rapped out a alxxler to
left center for two bags. Buddy al
ways was a great "Friday" and the fair
ones never overlook a chance to applaud
anything that Buddy does.
Powell "almost" atarted a riot when
Wasco, Or., May 37. Th field meet
here yesterday was a grand success,
lOOO people being present to enjoy the
track athletics and ball game. The Grass
Valley nine took the prise in baseball.
In athletics tha score was. Grass Val
ley, 64; Wasco, 42; Moro, 14; Kent, 6.
Lynn Smith of Wasco won 3 firsts
and " Howard Bowles of Wasco won 3
firsts and tied In hurdlea for first place.
Knighton of Grass Valley waa th best
man. In that team. Eicock of Moro and
STANDING OF THE TEAMS h. swapped screeches with th fette Kton f' r,7 "M Wh
in th grandstand. The Seal outfielder "f ' !" ,
Psxlfie Coast League.
Won. Lost
Portland ............. SO
Vernon 29
Pan Francisco ....... 80
........ JO
again with Vancouver yesterday, when Eoi Angeleg 'III I .' '. '. 22
a aoorwot I to 0 was registered against . . - '
Vanoouvar. B. CL, May tT-Luck was r-""
Bporan. uara ana strand both pltohed
good games. Strand allowed three hit
'but th game waa lost In th fifth when
"a triple and double wero mad. '.'-. '
Score by innings: - . " : .... .
Vanoouvr . ...... 0 0 0 0 S 0 "- t
Spokane ........0 0 0 0 t) 0 0 0 S
Scor by innings?. ,, '.,",.-,.r , i.; i
iJJ,ri?arclar an(1 twlaj . Btrand
j ana Oatdlek. ; t
. Northwestern League. . ,
' i Won. Lost
wpoitane 2S
Vancouver 23
Tacoma ., 20
Portland .............. 17
Seattle , 13
V National League.
' " 1 . ' Won. Lost
New Tortc ........ 28
Victoria ......... .... 8
' ) a; -
Tacoma Blanks Seattle.
Seattle. Wash m4 fTca,i. I Philadelphia
ysterdar gam with Tacoma by not lV2!?.' ' II
bjlng able to bunch hits and prevent Si',f, ?2
th errors of th Infield. v Sint!;" Jf
... 10
t5cor bjr innings "
jSeattl ;.s.,.,...,o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tacoma ...1 0 0 2 1 d 1 0 6
- Batteries Seatorr-and Sheau Higglns
'."and1 Burns:- iwtv;-. v.f . " .
Ht. Louia ......
BrooKiyn ............
Boston r.. 0
American League.
'was so tickled over finding someone to
josh that he begged Kid Mohler to let
him stay on the bench and the Kid did.
- - .'
"Cack" Henley hit Murray on th fin
ger with a -pitched ball. .Tom limped
: on his big toe and Henley picked up
th bat and started to ahow Finney
where th dent was. The Joke wouldn't
go and Murray took a base on balla
Manager George Btovall of
land haa notified Mister Eugene "Rub
ber" Krapp that unless he can get the
ball over th plate with a little more
regularity he will have to look for an
other job.
Ota Johnson, th ex-Beaver slugger,
is suelng his wife, Edith Johnson, for
a divorce at Muncie, ma.
Pounds' band of Wasco, consisting of
20 musicians, furnished the muslo for
the day.
nr nnn nnrif. iiinm n
484 1 Lie linn nnnHhd vvuniu
' 1 . nr-tAnn iai rfm Ma asp
2 I ncUUnU lnl rUUL uAMC.
The University of California base
ball team whioh now holds th Colleg
iate championship of the Pacific coast
CI eve-1 will play Multnomah club's team, Tues
day, May SO, on Multnomah field, at
8:30 o'clock. California has defeated
Washington university and also Tacoma
and Seattle high school teams.
They will play two games with Unl
versity of Oregon at Eugene befor
they leave for horn Friday on the S. 8,
Bear, ',
Ban Francisco, May 37. Eager to ae
th 20 round battle her today between
Champion Ad Wolgast, th "Michigan
Wildcat" and Frank la Burn of Oak
land for tha lightweight crown, hun
dred of fight fan war at th door
of th battleground, th Eighth street
arena, early this morning.
Reports from the training camps of
the fighters war that they war both
in th shape of their live and that
both were supremely confident
The 10 to 4 odd on m ar O. K.,
aid Wolgast. "Tom Jones, my man
agar, and I hav between u bet 6I00
on th go. principally that I will win
with a knockout That's what I'll try
for. Tou may he sur If I war not
confident I wouldn't put up my cash.
"I've got th weight height and
reach on Wolgast" said Burns. "Of
course he's th champion and he's ur
a tough boy. But I don't think he can
put tn away. So sure am I of this
that I am not going to stall to aav
th money my friend hav bet that
I'll atay 18 rounda. I'm going after
Wolgaat from the belL No crouching
for mine tbla time. I ahall try to win
by a knockout and I think I can allp
It over. False odda and the title never
won any battles."
Money oa Oakland.
That the optimism of Burns Is shared
by many of hla friends was seen today
In the betting. Considerable money
came out to place on the Oakland boy,
who Is generally conceded to be game,
at least and the opinion Is general that
If he loses It will be simply because
Wolgaat carries too many guns and
not from any lack of grit on his part
James W. Coffroth. wno is staging
th bout, expects that when the gong
sounds for th big scrap 11.000 fana
will fill the arena to th door. Th
preliminary, between Willi Canol and
Charlny Rogers, both San Francisco
boys, will be started at 3 o'clock sharp
and the nig fight will come at 8. Can
ole and Rogera meet for 10 rounda at
128 pounds ringside.
Koran at SUagsld.
To get a line on the styles of Wolgast
and Burns, one of whom will be hi
opponent here on July 4, Owen Moran,
the little British star, will be at the
ringside this afternoon. Moran, with
his manager Charley Harvey, arrived
last night from . New Tork. After to
day's bout he will go to Laka Tahoe,
there - to put In aome rough prepara
tory work for his battle on Independence
Of course it looka Ilk Wolgaat in
today' fight" Moran aaid thia morn
ing. "H haa th experience. Bat thia
boy Burn la good, toov- I look to see
rushing fight and it need cause no
on surprise if Burns, with his peculiar
defense and his queerer attack, proves
too much for th champion. It' not
all Wolgaat by any means."
Indianapolis. May J7 Another lndl
cation that the running of th 100 mil
International awvopstak race here Doa
oration day will result in, on of th
greatest outlays of money th automo
bil manufacturer of th country hav
ver mad cam today with th an
nouncmnt that "Wild Bob" Burman
will b literally crowned th "apeed
king" of America befor th start of
th big event The gold crown which
will be presented to Burman Is set with
diamonds and rubles, and Is valued at
110.000. ,
After receiving th crown, Burman
will attempt to fewer th track record
for th quarter mile, half mile, kilome
ter and th mil. The first three rec
ords ar now hold by Hsmery of Oer-
many. Barney Oldfleld still holds th
mill record of 31:63 second msds on
the track her. Burman recently cap
tured th mil straightaway record held
by Oldfleld.
Germans to Establish Park.
(Salaa Boreas f The Journal.)
Sal am. Or, May 37. Definite work
for obtaining three or four suburban
acre for park purpose haa been start
ed by th German club of thia city: Fol
lowing out the customs of eastern cities
where there are similar organisations
the Salem German club decided to lay
out an attractive park near th city to
be used a summer garden and plo-
nlclng ground.
$760 to 1800 per acre lot on
eaay terms. Between Port
land's I and 7 mil circles,
just east of city limits,
where taxes are low. Graded
streets. Water under pres
sure. Portland's do lus
acreage addition.
Visit Amon' Acre Sunday.
Take O. W. P. (Caaadero or
Grtaham car). Leavea First
and Alder streets at a quar
ter of the hour, any hour.
Get off at Gilbert Station
and walk north on Buck
ley avenue. HOWARD 8.
AMON CO., 626-6 Yeon bldgv
Main 1400; A-3113.
New Tork, May 27. "I look for the
prettiest race this year In the history
of the National league," said Secretary.
Heydler today to the United Press.
"To my mind it's a cinch that the
four clubs now tn the first division are
going to be pretty closely bunched until
the end of the season. I wouldn't at
tempt to pick a winner. ,
"Cincinnati must not be counted out.
St. Louis and Brooklyn are going to
cause a lot of trouble, "and will play an
Important part In the pennant race.
They are likely to upset the dope sheet
right along. If Boston had a better de
fense it too. would have something to
say as to who wins the pennant even
though It has no chance itself."
1 1
h CO! r
n All m
? 8 -..;rf
A. G. Smith M. D.
Loading 8pcloilt
for Mon :'
X am th only Specialist la Port
land wb use hi tru nam and
photograph la hi announcement.
and treat my patient personally.
and am not a mdlel company,
medlsal institute" er a "medical
system." All men should know who
th doctor 1 thy consult ' and
hould carefully consider whether
they desire to entrust their health
with a hired doctor of a medical
company. I use my photograph a
that when you com to m per
sonally you will rocogals tn. la
vestigat my personal standing be-
ror accepung ireatment rrom a uo
tor of unknown Identity or. rspute
Are You
m treated In a satisfactory tnan
ner by your present doc tori I b
carrying out hla promise? Ha b
cured you in a reasonable tlm, and
lived ud to hi ruaranteesT Ar you
paying him exorbitant price for
medlclnet Doe h mDloy thor
oughly up-to-date and
methods, wnicn would a approved
by the regular family doctor T If
you cannot answer th question
ravoraniy 10 yourseu, com ana have
confidential talk with m abont
your cass. It will coat you aothlng.
Cured In Five Dave
1 car uca aiaoraera aa . varico
Veins. Hydrocele. Plica. SnMlfta
Blood Poison, etc, completely .and
nermanentlv. often with only a I ri
fle treatment No evr operation
employed, nor detention from busi
ness. I especially oIielt tubborn
and long standing caaes that tbel
doctor have failed to our.
Examination Free?;
I offer not only FREE consulta
tion 'and advice, but of everr mm
that come to m I will make a care,
ful examination and dlas-noai with
out charge. No ailing man ahould
neglect Jnis opportunity to get l-
pert opinion about hi
ir you cannot call, write for dlaa.
noals chart My of flee ar onen all
day from. A. M to I P. M, and
Bunaays xrom i to j.- -
Dr A. G. Smith
834M Morrison Brreet, Oe. Bce4.
reraaad. Of.
VWelI -;pnerMire8-fbr pight.Yr
nttiir YorkV Mayl37.M'tt. Wells! the
.ngiiBn cnampion. began 4 preparations Boston ........ . ,
here-today for his bout here next Friday J ew 1yorlc
v HiRni wn.n jac- uooaman. He will then
;:go to. Milwaukee, where he has an offer
' t meet Packy : McFarland. Wells has
w ii.ii iiiai, tiivvvHwraieu lora Aonsoaie
gold belt, which he won by defeating
Freddie .Welch. .
--' - Won,
Detroit .............. 20
Philadelphia ...... i.,. 19 ,
(Chicago ............. 17
18 .
Cleveland ............ 16"
Washington .......... 13
St Louis ............ 12
9 .
... 16
'82 ,
London, May 37. Harry Green of
ndon today won the Polytechnio Har
rier Marathon race, Bngland'a classic
Foley Kidnev Pills
Actio, i
McCarthy Is Farorlte).
' Los Angeles, May 17. Johnny McCar
thy of San Francisco, will tep into th
ring at Vernon this afternoon a slight
favorite over George Memslo for their
20 round encounter.. In hi .last fight
lOalted Press tease Wire. I
P. C. I New Tork. May 37. Interest in th
lil pool matoh between Alfred Da Oro, the long dlsUnce event covering the course
world's champion, and Charie Weston. I in two nour to minutes ana z 4- sec
reached high water mark among th onds. Mike Ryan finished second.
local enthusiasU today when it was yan lea to tne Z3a mile, when Green
learned that De- Oro had broken hla own took the lead and finished a full mln-
world's record bv a soor of 600 to 877 I ute ahead of Ryan. Th othor contest
during the play last night Tonight the nt wer TeaU'r outdistanced. Forty-
n it' MMni wirit. in. ri I nr K mnn nr . ....... . -
De Orb, 198; Weston, 169, y
.f.59 I
PmJi 1
Ban Certainly Counts.
Sheridan: Or., May 26. Sporting Ed!
tor of The Journal. We are writing you
here, Wolgast slipped th rollers under ascertain your opinion In regard to
Memslo and Memslc says that 4f he 1 PlT that tsam up on our grounds In
Quick la
G1t promptV relief from BACK
ACUfi, KIDNEY and BLADDER I narieg . will be staged at 8 o'clock.
beaten by McCarthy h will retire from
the . ring. McCarthy is in H splendid
arhapa. - Th first of the two prellml-
I.ARITIES. i-A ' nasltivA hnnn
PEOPLE and for WOMEN.'
F. a Rexford, 1S New Tork Ufe Bldg.,
Kanaaa City.. Mo savs:y 'lhad a se
ver attack of a cold Which settled In
ray pacic ua ajcuieya qa I waa in great
S naln from mv tptlilhlA... 'iw.
v ommended . Foley Kidney - Pills and I
V used two oottles of. them, and they hav
1 none roe wona p-ooa,- 1 can recom
: mend Fqley Kidney Pilla to anyone who
auffer aa I did.T ; . v: -
1 f Skidmore Drug Co two atoresMaln
store 1S1 Sd st. Branch store, Morrison
and weit pars. woodward Clark
-. : Secret Articles for lTlght. .
Tulsa, Okla.. May 27. Fight fans here
are speculating today over the terms of
secret articles wnicn. cave ten signed
between Jim Flynn and ' Carl Mortis,
who are" scheduled to fight 15 rounda
her on th afternoon of July 4. It 1
said Flynn Is to receive more than $5000
for hi end of th purse. Both hay
a graed hot to fight between, trow and
tbe,Fourth,::...i. g-Hi-u?,-t
Salliyanlrim Go Draw.
Sug Cf
: . (Ualtrt Prase Leasra Wtre.v
. Milwaukee, May 27. Jack Twin Sul
livan, and Porky. Flynn,- who boxed 10
rounds to a draw last night are today
arrangiBranother match beforertha Nenri
Star Athletic club. ' Both finished strong
tn last night's kattla '
a . gam played her recently.
was a man on first and third bases,
with on down. The batsman hit the
ball to third base and th. runner on
third, catching th signal for a bit and
run, was aearly to th home pan when
th third baseman got the ' ball. The
man on first was also nearly to second,
so that th third baseman threw- the
man going to first out The man on
second hesitated an instant and. then
tried for third oh the throw to first
but waa caught easily. Does the run
count! v The visiting team protested,
claiming th core did . not count aa
"Cyclone" Is Ambitious.
Chicago, May 37. Before "Cyclone'
Johnny Thompson gets a crack at Sam
Langford, he will hav to fight Phil
Bchlosberg, th navy champion, If Phil
ha hi way about it When "Cyclone1
T.t. challenged 8am It stirred Bchlosberg
a chance at th Boston tar baby. The
Hammond, Ind., Athletlo club -has of
feredto atage th bout If Stohlosberg
succeeds in arranging a - right with
Thompson. . -
Witness Greatest Henley. "
'Doited Press Lsxm -Wi.f
Philadelphia, May 37. Great crowds
lined the river bank along tha Schuyl
kill today to witness th greatest
'American Henley regatta ever held in
the history of th American Rowing
th man scored on the play that re- fociaUon. Pennsylvania has a boat en-
tired th aide,-they calling it a double
piay Tour yry-. truly, ' v
Per J. L. Payne, Manager. ,
If the runner on third base waa aero
horn plat before tb second out was
accomplished he was entitled .0 score.
S Rule 9XtfflctatBascball Guide.-
. 1 " " - .
Journal Want Ada ttrtaa raaulta.
V ..:!. . ''. ''-1 - ' .-!-
tered in every race.
Wants Decoration Day Game. '
. Th Wallc Slgu company' base
ball team desire a gamvfor Tuesday,
Decoration day. Th slfnmen would
Ilk to play an out-of-town team if pos
sible. Arran neuients can -bo mad by
conrerring with jcawara Taylor, man
ager, 814 Oak street or Mala S17L .
Vancouver. Wash., May 27. Farmers
of Clarke county are Jubilant over the
prospects for a splendid prune crop this
year. While the weather has had the
effect of holding back all fruit trees
from . rapid development It has V bean
about right for the 6000 acres of prune
trees which have' mde Clarke county
famous. The local prune is of unusual
excellence on account of Its sugar con
tent and lta firmness under shipping
Tb. first prune orchard in th county
was set out by Arthur Hidden in 1876.
About two acres of land situated at
what is now mapped as Twenty-sixth
and Main streets, Vancouver, held on
of th best orchard in this section for
many years up to 1907, when it was
cut up into building lots. Prun rais
ing became recognised aa a real in
dustry here in 1890, when some or
chards were yielding aa much as three
tons to the acre. The soil and ollmate
were so favorable that the industry ad
vanced very rapidly. A larg number i
of people are now engaged in picking
iu, (i utjcn, must ti tuciu uciiib ayn
and othr foreigners, few white peo
ple caring to toil so hard, a good deal
of the picking being done while the
pickers are on their knees. Besides the
picking season extends into, the rainy
term, work in the wet not being rel
ished by the whites.
There -are over 4000 acrea devoted to
the raising of other fruits besides
prunes in Clarice county. Crops of ap
ples and cherries will soon acquire fam
at the progress now being made. There
are being marketed each year 260,000
pounds of cherries and with th thou
sands", of young trees coming Into bear
ing there is bound to be a tremendous
increase in the yield within th. next
few yar.
More than 3000 tons of apple were
raised by Clark county farmers last
year. Strawberry culture is also pro
gressing, fin flavor and good lze be
ing tn feature, it is claimed for
the soil of this county that practically
any fruit that can b raised elsewhere
on the Pacific coast can b grown (in
this section: that it, re main a f or the pro
gressive farmer to giv th same at
tention to tb production of fruit her
that 1 given- in other localities that
hav become famous for th Quality of
tn product snipped to the markets
of the - world. Thousand of acre of
th moat product! v , land Ar awaiting
oevciopmni. tnougn much la being f-
aone in sou lining now that shipping
lacuuie aav on largely aodd to.
If rtt ar worried
about a special aft-
I saant, eraanlo wax-
tracted and chronio caaes cured. All
burning, Itching and inflammation
stopped In 24 hours. Cures Affected in
seven days. Consultation free. - If nn
abte to call, writ for list of questions.
.Of flea Hours 9 a, in, to,.s
Sundays. 10 a. m. to 1 . p. m. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co.
"834V4 WAJOCnrCrTOV ttMMVr..
r-;? -' oorar Itrst, Portlaad, Or. f,;.;;
. I -kay fTueh L..L,
taah in my wflUH '
taat 1 wilprv my ahity bafar I aaa
n oaat Toa don't nd money to be
gfa my treatment TOU MAX PAY MS
Dr. Lindsay
Th Old XUabI SpMlallst.
Corner Alder and Second streets. Pri
vate entrance 128Mi Second. Portlasd,
ur. wince nour a, m. 10 s p. m.
Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
, Every A7i
la IntjtrmtnA And alwraM 1
I know about th woaderful 1
IMAIVELWhirliBf Spray
Tae aew Vaclaal Srrinta,
Ask mwr srasotst fori
H. If he cannot insplr
no other, t send stamp, ,
tnr Illn.trsUll hook MUSd.
Elms fall sartloiilars and lree
ona lnmluabl to laalsa.
Uim 0, 44 las) SM H. WW tOag,'
for sale by Bkldraora Dni Co, Weodaid.
Oatk Oa. aad Laoa-Davla Drac Oo. a atoraa.
J hair Cbin taadtatn t
eetj and ret eura won
derfully. It a a a r 4
many mala - ana remai
sufferers of all kind t
slcknefs, Inelqdlng Chron
ic ana private ailments,
when other remedies fait
Sheir madiola ar arau
w. If pecaw.e. Ooo.
ultaUon ,; for ladle . by
Mn. L L CkaiMra. Chan, for man by
firs. a. a. Mr chanTT Call or writ.
Ck at 3E. Okaa Chinas Medloln C
an aV akw
bN KlttXrl
Bing. Cheng
exxxxss Do&xoa
Cures all diseases of
men and woman by
us of . th . famoua
- Chines nerba
omoa movm
to it . m
to f p. m.
Offlc. room It.
B38V4 Aid BV,
er 133 H 1st k.
11 a. m. to
i o. m a to li a
383 ruador. Bet, 4th aad Sta,
BBdM Mwrisoa St, X aad Sa.
VortlMd. O. !
fMiNI am r" n
turn m r
,i ! if r l
k. J .A
PUla la U4 irn,iiK
", aaum vita hiua KibMa,
i . m b . .. . . r . . .
All disease cured Kld
. ' i net. Stomach. Heart and
i''ldver trouble. Consti
pation, Piles, Blood Pois
oning, 1 Lumbago and
Khaumatism cured by
th us of hi wonderful
J Chine herb with great
suoom. No matter how
chronic, w cured wher
other failed. Buf ferare.
don't bm misled. ' Con
sultation fr.. Writ for symptom blanlc.
Offlc hour 10 a. m. to p. m.: all r
Sunday st. Lady attendant taeWomgC U
nas Harb Oo, 143 Hi Bd st,PorUaad, O.
A iAi.1hr,,
:Vfff : 'r.i fc...
I ,11