The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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I ENDEAVOREIIS WILL I Sunday Services of the Portlajid Churches I
i i if l. i i fiLH iiiMbnir
10:48 a. m. and I p. m.i 8. S
Y. P. 8. C IP, 1 p. m. . . .
Urge Portland Delegation to
; Attend International Meet
f;ing at. Philadelphia, June 19
i ; to 25.
Father of Christian Movement
to Be Presented With
Watch and Chain.
i, ' . A Jarre .delegation of prominent Fort
' " land Baptiata expect to leave soon for
; attendance at the International Baptist
conference beginning- In Philadelphia
- ' June 16. From June 19 to 18 Ilaptlst
, leaders from Asia, Europe, South Africa
1 'and Australia will confer. There will
be reports of Baptist struggles and
successes, but the emphaala of the Kath
arine will not be Baptist, but Baptist
service. This aervlce will report on
'.. missions, dependont racea, education, ar-
bltratlon and Chrlatlan unity.
'. ' Tba president of the Baptist World
Alliance, who will be present and will
' preside until a new president Is elect-
d. Is Dr. John Clifford of England.
one of the foremost men of Oreat Brit
- aln, not alone aa a Baptist, but as i
Christian and publicist Ills history
la also of lata eloaely related to Free
. Church development In England. Tnere
. comea also from England Sir George
TV. McAJpine, president of the Bsptlst
Union of Great Britain, chairman of
the Baptlat Missionary society, and one
f the moat Influential and generous
- laymen of the north of England.
Exceptional Interest centers In the
delegates whs come to Philadelphia
from Rusala and southeastern Europe.
Against almost mediaeval persecutions,
' Baptist ministers have won their way
.In Greek and Russian Cat hollo la mis.
Rev. W. retlar. who will be at the al-
liases la one of the best known men
In St Petersburg, where he la the cham
pion of religious freedom. He la paa-
' tor of the largest Baptlat church In
the Russian capita.!, and the founder
", of eleven other churches In the same
city, chiefly worshiping In halls. On
several occasions he has been granted
; the ubs of the hall of the City Dogma
for his services. f
The arrest missionary end nuhltratlnn
( 'Interests of the Baptists will be con-
sjaerea. These run into the millions
of dollars each. The foreign societies,
one with headquarters In Boston and
another with headquarters In London,
'have work In Burma, China. Japan and
India, that requires outlays of $2,600,-
. 000 s year.
, Portland will be well represented at
- the , International Sunday School con
vention which will be held In San Fran
cisco June 10-17. Mors than one hun
dred of the moat representative Sunday
? ( school workers - In the United States
I are Included on the program of speakers.
fThs Open Bible and the Uplifted
Cross" will be the general theme em----phasUing
-tha-valua -of -method in the
Christian! education of the youth and
t r the adult. Evangelism will be given
; special stress and Dr. J. Wilbur Chap
) man will be heard on the subject twice
-daily. .
J Previous to the convention there will
4 bo a missionary conference for werk-
-ers west of the Rocky Mountains, with
denominational discussion of problems,
. and raaas meetings In the interest of
home missions. Following the Sunday.
scnooi -worKcra, incmseives, win be de-
f partment conferences with leaders of
worid-wido experience.
. Aftw the formal convention opening
wun aaaresses by tna governor of Cal-
rirornla and the mayor of San Francisco,
'the serious work of the convention will
be entered Into. One Of the features
of the conference will be a parade where
iV 1MO0 workers will participate, each
carrying a Bible.
- The wlxty-thlrd annual session of the
Willamette Baptist association of Ore-
Ron will be held with the Highland Bap
. tist Church, corner of Alberta, and East
Sixth streets, beginning May 31 and
.: k ending June I. E. A. Leonard will net
as moderator and A. E. Patch as clerk.
Rev. Charles B. Elliott Is pastor of
Highland Baptist church. Each church
. In the Willamette association Is entitled
to four delegates aside from the pastor.
- .and -one additional-very- hundred
members or fraction oyer one hundred;
, also one delegate for the women's so
'J cieties and one for the Baptist Young
' People's union. Visitors are made wel
V eome. The program follows:
Wednesday, morning Organization
. . said business. 19 Opening hymn and
!. prayer; appointment of committees;
i- reading of church letters; report of coin-
., J' i mlttee on enrollment; report, of com
nrlttee on program; devotional aervlce,
I .W. 'J. Beaven.
1 -f Wednesday afternoon Sunday school
S sna noma z opening hymn and prayer.
-ids irrganisea scnooi," Albert
Ehrgott. 8:20 Discussion. 2:30 "The
Best Curriculum," J. R. Hargreaves. 2:45
Discussion. 2:56 "Soul Winning in
the Sunday school," D. M. McPhall. 8:10
Discussion. 8:20 Devotional service.
i,v7. J. Beaven.. 2:3S-r-General Discussion
7ir Sunday school problems, led by C. B.
Many of the Endeavorers will be
glnd to learn of the rr.oVement sug
gested by the Endeavorers of the stste
of California, and put In action by the
Endeavorers of Texas, to present Dr.
F. E. Clsrk, the father ami president of
the Christian Endeavor movement with a
beautiful watch chain wherein each link
will represent a state and will have
the name of the state engraved upon the
It Is suggested that each society, dis
trict or union take a penny offering for
that purpose and forward same to G.
Evert Baker, state president of Oregon,
who has charge of the Oregon link.
This chain will be completed and pre
sented to Drr Clark at the twenty-fifth jal.. T.
International Christian Endeavor con
vention to be held at Atlantic City, in
July of thla year.
No communication Is to be sent Dr.
Clark Informing him of thia movement.
Remlttancea must be msde at once in
order to have a part In thla token.
The Fourth district of the Portland
Christian Endeavor local union will hold
Its regular monthly meeting .Friday.
June 2, at Kern Park. An address will
bo given along the line of Christian
Endeavor and special music will be fur
nished. This meeting having already
been planned will not Interfere with the
mass meeting of the several districts
to be held in the Third Presbyterian
church on Friday evening. July 2, as
most of the young people Interested In
the local union at large will give their
preaenta at that meeting.
The mass meeting Is to bsve a confer
ence led by Endeavorers specialized
along certain ltnea. The T. M. C. A.
quartet will furnish the music.
The state president and city local un
ion president having held a conference
relative to the convention plans of the
Chrlatlan church to be held In July In
the city of Portland, will on that even
ing present the same to the mass meet
ing for approval. A large chorua Is be
ing organised to furnish the muslo at
the Christian Endeavor meeting to be
held In conjunction with the conven
tion July t. Dr. J. W. McMlchael will
have charge of the chorua.
Many of the organlsattona besides the
Endeavorers, embracing the Christian
workers of all churches, are planning
to have a part In the convention which
the Christian church, known aa the
Disciples of Christ, will hold In July.
The Brotherhood of the First Chris
tian church held an open meeting
Wednesday evening around tho supper
table and planned for all of the Broth
erhoods of the different churches to be
preaent and take part In the Brotherhood
meeting of .the . convention. Mr. . Mc
Klbben of the First Presbyterian Broth
erhood, and Mr. Lukens, president of the
Centenary M. C. Brotherhood, being In
attendance at the meeting,-Indorsed tba
plan. All Endeavorers interested In the
Brotherhood movement are urged to
bring this matter before their attention
and arrange to have every Brotherhood
organisation represented in large num
bers at that meeting aa well as at the
: gasttss.
FlrstWhit tm Tsrairth and
rajrlor. Rev. Walter Ben well Hinson.
B. Y. JPV U, i;15; '1'emple Bible school
classes, :45. Toplfs,' 'he Wandering
jew.' "The Blue and the Gray."
A rleta duty-fourth street and For-
lA..'!iaw avenue.' Rev. u. ai. juc
PhalL Prayer meotlna-. 10:30: mam-
ing srvle, H: Sunday school, IJTiq;
. r. p. v.. evening service. 1:30.
East SideEast Twentieth and An
"'. Rev, Albert Ehrgott Services, 11
to lJ, :io. Topics, "Peace Among
en, -I'race With God."
Highland AlDerta and iJlxth. Rev.
C. B. Elliott B. Y. P. U.. 7;
. b.. io. Services at 11 and 7:30.
Sellwooo Taooma and Eleventh. Rev,
F. H. IIsvm it T in- ft tL. IS:
. r. lj.. i-ia 1
Calvary East Eighth and Grant Rev.
J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:10; 8. &. 10;
B. T. P. U., .I0.
Immanuel. Meade and Second atreets,
Rev. h. 8. Black Preaching at 11 and
; b. b io; Flndlna- Out ciuo. s:ia.
Grsce Montavllia. Albert E.
Patch; H: 8. 6.. 8:4; V. P. M., :S0.
Topics, "Home Altars," "When Msy I
Judse My BrotherT"
University Park Rev. E. A. Leonard
will preach both services, 11 and 7:30;
. H.. 10; B, Y. p. V.. 7.
Sunnvalda ITartv.flrst anil
iiiwmorm; b. b., 9;4S Conratf wyss,
St. Johns tOerman) Rev. Karl Feld-
mem. a. a.. t:46: 11 and 7:e: Z. P.
T;4; S. ft. 'I; T. P. 8. C 1:30
Mount Tanor fiwmoni and Pretty-
man. mr. m. ttnarp. ii ana a
S. 8., 10. - ' . .
Spokane Avenue East Seventeenth
ana Spokane; ev. V. A. Thompson. 11
and 7:80; morning theme: "Christ I Iks
news." Kvenlns: "Life's Idea la " Hun.
nop Moniavuia. East seventy
eighth street, Rev. Henry L. Nave. S.
8., 10; 11 and 7:10.
Kenllwnrth-r-East- Thirty-fourth and
iadstono. Kev. M, C. Martin, pastor.
Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Tows
send: services, io and 7:30: 8. &, K
Anabel Rev. R. N. Mclean. tr
lo. 11 and 7:45; 8 8.. :46: E. E. T
xriniiy uaaota street. Rev. A. Rob
inson, ii a. m., t:io p. m.; C E f:4l
S. S-. 11:30.
Vernon Wrarant and Eaa: Kinatesntni
rtev. ueorgs w. Arms, Jr., I0:l0'sna I
Roae cfitypark Eaat Forty-fifth and
Hancock; services, 11 and 7:4s. ,Rv.
Boudlnot Seety. -
cwnase 146H First 7:4; S. 1:41.
St Johns Rev. Robert Gray, acting
pastor. 11:30 and 7.30; a 8. B. Y.
P. V.. 6:30.
Chinese Mission SSt Burnslde strest
8. 8., 7; J. G. Malone. superintendent
First Oermsn rourth and Milt Rev.
J. Kratt 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 0:46.
Second German Morris and Rodney.
Itev. Frederick Bueerraan. 11 and 7:30;
6. 8., 0:46; V. P. U.. 4.45.
East Forty-flth Street Corner East
Msln. Rev. A. B. Waltz. 10:46 and 7:45.
Topics: The Christians' Main Bounce of
batlsfsctlon." "A Sick Man's Will
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. 8. 8, 10,
11 and 7:3d; B. .Y P. V.. 6:30.
Mount Olivet Seventh and Everett
Rev. R. H. Thomaa 11 and 7:30.
Swedish Hoyt snd Fifteenth. Rev.
Frederik Linden. 10:46 and 7:45 S. 8.,
13: a Y. P. U.. :30.
Tabernacle East Forty-first and Hot-
Sate. Rev. F. E. Dark. 11 and 7:30;
. H, 1:46.
Third Knott and Vancouver. Rev.
W. J. i Beaven, 11 and 7:43: 8. 8.. 10:
B. T. P. U.. :16. Toplca, "Behavior of i
Christian Love." "Our Debt to the
Dead. "
First Presbyterian church. He Is sched
uled to corns here June 1. Dr. Boyd is
an older man than Dr. Foulkes. He Is
noted In Detroit as a religious teacher
and ss a leader In religious thought.
Coming from Detroit to Portland, it Is
expected that he will Inaugurate here
many of the methods which he has
there found most effective in a. minis
terial capacity. An elaborate welcome
for the new pastor Is being arranged
by the members of the First Presbyter
ian church.
Dr. Reagor, pastor of the First Chris
tian church announces that all prep
arations have been made for the open
ing of the International Convention of
Christian churches which will begin In
Portland next Sunday. A notable pro
gram of speakers has been arranged
and It is certain, says Dr. Reagor, that
they will be here according to promise.
The three largest churches of the city
have been engaged for the leading ses
sions Pf Ibe .greatconvention. A num-
ber of the smaller churches will be uti
lised as places of meeting for committees.
The last of a series of three mass
meetings for men will be held tomor
row at 3 p. m. In the Heillg theatre.
under the auspices of the Young Men's
Christian Association. The speaker of
the afternoon will be Dr. Walter Ben
well Hinson, pastor of the First Baptist
church or White Temple. Portland has
become well acquainted with Dr. Hln
aon since he came here to succeed Dr.
James Whltcomb Brougher as pastor at
tna White Temple. So great has been
the power of his preaching that some
times people are turned away from both
Sunday morning and evening services.
Taylor Street Rev. Benjartfin Toon,
D. IX, 10:30 and 7:46; 8. 8., 12:16; E. L..
Trinity Eaat Harrison and Hemlock;
Rev. W. E. in galls. 11 and 7:30: E. I.
0:80: a 8, 10; class meeting. 12:16.
Grace Twelfth and Taylor, Rev. John
H. Cudllp, 10:30. Topics, "The Skepti
cism of Thomss." "Ood s word to Me.
First Norweslan-Danlsh Ela-bteenth
and Hoyt Rev. John Clauson. 11 and t:
8. 8.. 10; Y. P. M., 7.
Bunnyslde Esst Yamhill and Thirty
fifth: Rev. William H. Fry. D. D.; 11
and 7:30; E. L., 1:15. Morning, sermon
by H. P. Blake. Evening topic: "The
"Modern Pharisee."
8t Johns Rev F. N. Sandefur: 11
and 8: E. L.. 7; 8. 8.. 10.
Epworth Twenty-sixth and Bavler.
Rev. Charles T. McPhereon; 11 and
7:46; a 8., 9:46; E. L., :46. Topic,
evening subject, "The Glory of the
Yosemlte"; morning, 'The Program of
Jesus." .
Chinese Mission Chan 81ng Kal; 11
and 7:30.
Laurelwood, Sixty-third street and
Forty-second avenue. Rev. Asa Sleetlk
a 8 10; E. L.. 6 :3c ... ..
, Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo
atreet Rev. C. L. Hamilton. 11 and 7:30:
8. 8.. :46; E. L.. 6:80.
Norwegian Danish Corner Vancouver
avenue and Skldmore streets; Rev. C
J. Larsen, 11 and 8; S. 8.. 12.
Japanese Mission 12l North Fif
teenth. Rev. Ellsen Rlbara, 0:30 and
3:30; 8. 8.. 8:30. '
Swedish BorthwlcR and Beach. Rev.
J. N. Burdell, pastor, 11 and 8; 8. S 10;
a. l... i.
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt;
G. A. Waasa. 11 and 7:80.
Second German Stanton and Rodney;
Rev. E. E. Hertxler. 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 9:45;
E. L.. 7:30.
Centenary East Pine and Ninth
streets; Rev. Delmer T. Trimble. D. D.
?astor speaks at li a. m.; Epworth
.ensue 8. 8., 3:45 a. m. "The Man and
the Mayor."
WOodlawn William J. Douglas; 11
and 8; 8. 8.. 10: E. U, 8:30.
Montavllia East Pine and Eighteenth
streets; Rev. Harold Obrg; 11 and 8;
8. 8.. 10; class meeting. 12; E. L.. 7:16.
Sellwood Eust Fifteenth and Tacoma.
Rev. Lester C. Poor. 11 and 7:30; J. B.
L, 2:30; E. L.. :80
The Clinton Kelly Memorial Fortieth
and Powell. Rev. W. H. Hampton. 8.
S.. 9:46; 11 and 7:30- E. L 6:80.
University ParkDawson and Flske.
Rev. W. R. Jeffry. J.: 11 and 7:80.
African Zlon Thirteenth and Main.
Rev. W. Matthews; 11 and : S. 8.. 1;
C. E., 7.
Mount Tabor Esst Stark and Sixty
first Rev. C. C. Rarlck, 11 and 7:30; E.
I.. :S0; 8. 8 :45. Toplcsr - "God S
Plan for Man."
Patton Mlehlsan avenue and Carpen
ter. U. A. watters; ii ana . & 9.. 10
IS. L.. 7.
Lents Seventh and Gordon. Rev. W,
Boyd Moore. 11 and 8; 8. 8.. 10; E. L.
Woodstock J. D. Voce; II and 7:30
S. S. 10: E. L.. 6:30.
Oak Grove Rev. James T. Moore. 11
and 8: 8. 8.. 10.
' Weslersn Qleason snd East Fiftv
third streets north. Rev. G. C. Wicker.
11 and : 8. 8.. 10: Y. P. M.. 7.
Patton Alberta street and Michigan
avenue, Rev. K. S. Myers, preaching.
11 ana; a. iu; tu. u., o:ju.
St Mary's Pro-Csthedrat Fifteenth
aid Davis Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D,
Low uiass, 6, I and 9. High maaa and
sermon. 1L VesDers. Instruction and
oeneaicuon, 7:46.
St Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and
couch kl Kev. James Rauw. v. a.
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon.
m. an. v espt rs, Daneoiction. s:zo.
St Francis, East Eleventh and Oak
Rev. J. H. Black. Low mass, 6. 8:80
and 9:io. Jlig ,l maaa and sermon, 10:30.
Vespers. Instruction and bensdiction,
St Lawrences', Thlrtf and Sherman-
rtev. J. c. Htighea. law mass, , 7 and
3:30. High mass and sermon. 10:30.
Vespers and benediction, 7:30.
St Mlchaela (Italian), Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathera. Low mass, I.
High mass and sermon, 10:3. Vespers
and benediction. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Low
mass, , 8 and 9. High mass and aer
myn. 10:80. Vespers and benediction.
7 .10.
Ascension, Montavllia Rev. J. P.
Fltspatrlck. Maaa at 8. Hlxh Maas with
iwrtnon at 10:30. Sunday school at 9;
benediction at 3:80.
8t Patrick s, Nineteenth snd Bavler
Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass. 8. Hlsh
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
ruxalem will be given out.
St Stephen a. Forty-second and East
Tayior Kev. w. A. Waltt Low mass,
8:30. Hlsh mass and sermon. 10:3.
Holy Rosary, East Third and Union-
vary Rev. a. B. LAWier. law masa, I
7 ana nirn mass ana sermon.
io:so. vespers ana oeneaicuon, 7:10,
Sacred Heart Mllwaukie Rev. Gre
gory Roble, O. S. B. Low mass 8- High
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers snd
oeneaicuon. 7:30.
Holy Cross, University Park Rev. J.
P. Thillman. C a C Low maaa 8:10.
High mass and sermon, 10:10. Vespers
ana Deneaicuon, 1.
Holy Redeemer, Portland snd Van
couver Rev. Ed K. GantwelL C S3. R.
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon.
iv:aw. oeneaicuon, .
StAndrew's, Ninth and Alberta Rev.
Thomaa Klarnan. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10. Vespers, instruc
tion ana oeneaicuon, 7:is.
St Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell
Valley road Rev. F. Dillon, 8. J. Low
Biaas. 8 and 9:30. Mass, sermon and
seneaicuon, 10:10.
8t. Stanislaus (PolIsM Mrvlan4
and Failing Rev. Charlea Seroskl. Low
mass. a., nign mass and sermon. 10.
"" ' : v M. B. Cfenreh Month.
' 'Union Svsnue and Multnomah streat
r c II 1 - . ... a a
Stsnton; Rsv. - H. XL BandstedV. 0; S, cmn oy rr,,,,n -law u.
Swedish - Mission Seventsanth andi - .-'C ' , . ' .. 1 " 'v, ,". i.,.. W
a a, 10; YvP- :. ' . .. St Johannes, OSrman, Hsmtltdrr Hsil,
Ellro Chapel Michigan avenue and I "ar Gray a Crossing Rev, K. G. Heess.
Skldmora. Rev. B. J. Thorsso, Uj & , lS'vlce st ; S. a. 10. r v. v
n.m..r'.n..' iitk ',., Vaivscsallat, . '
Uo (Sellwood). , It cTEbellnav 10:301 f' "Churoh of theGood 1 TidingsBroad;
. a.- :80. ...v 5,. , .
filllott (:tS Address. "ReUeion in the
Homa," M. Wi se Jones.
. s 'Wednesday evening, 7:45 Song serv-
lee. Report on svaogellsm, J. M. Nel
son. 8:16 Annual sormon. H. S. Black.
Thursday morning Discussion of
. church problems. 9;30 Opening Jiymn
Vud prayer. 9:40 Report of committee
on aigest or churoh letters and discus
sion of local church problems. 11:30 De
votional service. W. J. Beaven.
1 Thursday afternoon State and city
; missions. 2 Opening hymn and prayer.
2:10 A . conference on state and city
missions with opportunity for discussion
j and questions, conducted by F. C. W.
; Parker. 4:30 Devotional service, W. J.
'' Beaven.
. ' Thursday evening Missions. 7:45
Song service. 8:00 Report on home rois-
Bioos, W. R. Frerlchs. 8:10 Report on
foreign missions, F. H. Hayes. 8:25
Address, 'The Value of the Evangells
tio Spirit In All Our Missionary Work,"
Donsld D. MacLaurin, Walla Waila.
4: Friday morning Educational reports.
. SO Opening hymn snd prayer. 9:45
The Pacific Baptist, J. A. Clarke, 10:00
r Mcjninnvmo couege, ut. L. W. Riley. ins j-acinc uoaflt Theological
Bemlnary, C. M. Hill. 10:80 The Pub-
. Jieation society, J. L. Whlrrv. 10:45
Closing' business. 11:80 Devotional
. service, w. j. heaven.
Friday afternoon Women's work and
B. T. P. ; U. 8:00 Women's Home Mls
' slon hour. Mrs. C. H. Welch, presid
ing. .3:80 Women's Foreign Mission
hour. Mrs, M. Xt. Drlggs, presiding. 4:00
B..-Y. P. U. Reports from societies
8:30 Business and election of officers.
:00 B. y. p. u. supper.
t Friday evening a X. P. V. rally. 7:46
'Song service. :00 Special music
4:10 Address, "Training for Service,"
K B. Doty. 8:26 Music. s:80 Address,
,-" Study the Bible," W. B. Hin
son, Closing hymn and benediction.
! Portland Presbyterians are awaiting
with the greatest Interest the arrival
of Dr. John Boyd to succeed Dr. Wll
lUm Hi rata Foulkes as pastor of the 1
Central East Twintfetn ana Sal
mon: 11 and 7:45; Dr. J. T. Ohcrmlej,
Topics, "The Light of the World," "The
Struggle With Knvlronment.
Rodney Avenue Rooney nd Knott;
Bernard W. Bass, pastor. Topics
"What Think Ye of Christ," "Light
a ven.
First Corner Park and Columbia.
10; Y. P. S. C. EL, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.
m. Tonics. "A. t-anaioate ror wnom
tho Christian Should Vote," "Our Hero
ic Dead."
Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wrlitht 11
and 7:30; 6. S., 10; U E., 6:30.
AiaAatnna Rev A. H. Milliter fta.
At the last regular meeting of tho I vIpab 11 and 7:80: Bible school. 10.
Retail Grocers' association it was da- 1 St. John. Lively street J. R. Johnson.
eided to adopt the weight plan In future I pastor; S. 8.. 10; Preaching at 11 and
retailing of fruits and produce. The'7:S0; C. E.. 6:80.
system win De initiated June 1. By
this plan bananas and like fruit will
be sold by the pound rather than by the
dozen or other numbers. The grocers
feel that since they must buy fruit
and produce by the pound It is only
businesslike and consistent to sell by
the same method. The prices to the
consumer, they say, will remain prac
tically the same, however.-
This matter will be taken up at the
National Grocers convention to be held
in Denver Juno 13, 14 and 16, when a
larte delegation will attend from Port
land. Among those who will g-o from
thia city are Dan Kellaher, J. W, Rob
erta, E. C. Gunthed. F. W. Funk, John
Malley and President Perry, of the
State Grocers' association.
Ir. observance of Memorial day all
members of the association will close
their stores on Tuesday, May 80.
Montavllia I. O. O. F.. Villa avenu
and Eightieth street. 8. 8. at .
Sellwood K. Thirteenth and Lexlng
on streets. B. Jones, B. S. and church
service. 10:30 to 12; J. C. K. 4:30; S. C.
E. 6:30; evening service, 7:30.
(United Prau Leased Wire.)
New York. May 27. Mrs, K H. Har
riman announced here today that . she
will endow and Immediately erect the
greatest unlversHy in the world. In
either southern California or Nevada.
The institution will be named for and
be a memorial of the late E. IL Hani
man. It has not aa yet been definitely
decided which of the two states will be
favored, but the probability Is believed
to be strong that California will be
First Presbyterian cnurcn. Alder and
Twelfth Dr. W. H. Foulkes. minister.
Morning worship, 10:30; Bible school.
12:10; Christian Endeavor meetjng, 6:80;
evening worship, 7:30. Sermons by Dr.
William Rader of San Francisco. Even
ing address by Rev. W. 8. Gilbert of
Mispsh East Twelfth and Powell.
Rev. Harry Leeds. 11 ana 7:80; a 8
10: C. E.. 6:80.
Calvary Eleventh and Clay, Rev.
Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:30 and
7:46. Bible school, noon. Topics: "The
Burden." "The Citizenship of a Man."
Fourth First and Glbbs; Rev. Donald
Mackenzie. 10:80 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 13: C.
E., 6:80. Morning address by Miss Eva
M. Clarke, a native of India, on "Strange
Custom's of a Sttange Land."
Marshall Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth; Rev. C W. Hays, 11 and
Hawthorne Parle Twelfth and East
Taylor; Rev. J. B. Snyder at 10:30 a.
m. and 7:30: 8. 8., 12; Y. P. 8. C. E.,
6:30. Rev. M. C. Martin.
Forbes Sellwood and Gantenbeln;
Rev. Henry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:3; a a,
10; C. E., 8:30.
Piedmont Cleveland and larrett;
Rev.J. E. Snyder, 10:30 and 7:30; 8. a.
Third East Thirteenth and Pine; Rev.
William Parsons. 10:30 and 7:46; S. 8,
f.2, ..TClcsi. "The Cultivation of Spir
ituality," "The Protestant Foundation."
- Westminster Kaat T.nth a oral-
4 IsTi- Rsv.- Uanry - Marco tic 10:3tf and
Trinity church. Nineteenth and Rvar-
tt streets. Rev. A A. Morrison, rector.
Services at 8 and 11 a. m.. and 8
p. m.; 9:46, ctunaay school.
St. Matthew a. First vnd Canithwa
Rev. Wm. A. M. Breck; 6. 8., 10. Servtcs
11 a. m.
Pro-Cathedral af Kt. Rtennan. ttia
Marxyr lnirteetn ana Clay. Rsv. R
M. Ramaay. Holy Communion, 7:80;
prayer and sermon. 11 and 7:lut Ruada.
1 , n -
Church of Our Savior-'-Woodstock
Vespers, 4. Holy communion snd ser
mon on the 4 th Sunday of each month
at 11 a. m.
St. David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbot t. Holy
Communion, 7:30 and 11. Evening
prayer and sermon, 7:45.
St Andrew's, Portsmouth Holy
eucharlst and sermon, 11; prayer and
sermon. 7:80; 8. 8., 10 a. m,
All Saints. Twenty-fifth and Savler.
Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. 9:45. 8. 8.;
11, morning service; evening aervlce 8.
St. Mark's. Twentv-flrat and Ma.
halt Rev. J. E. H. Slmnson. Holy
tuimn.i, i.itu; a. a., s:o; 1-10 ly eucnar
ibi ana sermon, w evensong ana i
mon, 7:30.
St John's Churoh Fifteenth and
riamey .Kev. x. ' Jr. BOwen. a 8.
evening; prayer ana sermon. I.
Good Shepherd Graham and Van
couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and, o. a., v:to.
Ascens'on Chaoel Portland n.irhi.
urace Memorial. Raat flevntnth
and Weldler Rev. George B. Van Wa
ters, i-rayer ana sermon. 11 and 7:80.
St. Pauls. Woodmere. Ha ' Oswald w
layior b. .. z; service. 3.
Bishop Mo.-rls Memorlsl chapel. Good
oimniii nospiiai, nev. wiiuam R
Powell, chaplain. Holy Commnnloi.
7 a. m.; ward services, 2; prayer and
St John's. Mllwaukie. Rev. T. V.
Bowen. 8. 8.. 2; evening prayer and
aei.nun, a.
di. micnaei ana ah Angeis. corner
e.sBt rniny-eigntn and Broadway., Rev.
Gerald C. Potts, curate. 7:80 and 11 Holy
Grace Enrllah - f Mlaaaurt UrnulU
Kerby and Parro. Itaw. . Cart Haasold.
10:30 and T:30; a 8.. 818O. s
St. Johannaa Pvnlnaular a vantia and
n-upairicx atreet. Rev. E O. iieeas. pal
lor, a 8.. 9:80; public worship, 10:45.
Lumeran srea cnurcn.' Williams ave
nue snd Iyy street Itev. B. A. BsrrsvU,
pervioes at n, and 7:10.
Evancelical i Evnon Garman Hamil
ton's halL near ilrarf 1'rnaalna. Mount
Scott carllne. E. G. Jieese, pastor. Serv
Ice st 11; a 8, 16. ,j - ,:
Seventa-Say Adveatlst
Central churoh Corna Rtavnnrn and
East Everett streets. O. W, PetUt pas
tor, realdunoe 64 Eaat Rlxtaanth atreet
Services: Sabbath school, 10 a. m.;
oreachlna. 11 a m .- aundav nlah
preaching, 7.10; Wednesday night prayer
service, 7:30; young people's masting,
Friday night 7:0. - .
Montavllia church-Eightieth and
East Davis streets. A. M. Dart; pas
tor. residence 14H Faat Hrarlc at raat.
Services; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.;
preaching. 11. a,.m. .prayer meeting.
Wednesday1 night 7:60. Sermon by pas-
ir on vur Mauon a career outlined
In' the Prophecies of the Bible.-,
Mount Tabor churcb hanal Port
land sanitarium. A. M. Dart pastor,
residence 1636 East Stark, street Ser
vices: Sabbath school, I p, m.; preach-1
lag. 4 p. m.; orayer meetlur. Wednaadav 1
Ight. 7:30.
Albtna church Corner filrtdmnra and
Mallorv avenue. H. Ilaafft. nutnr raa.
Idence 608 East Everett street Services:
Sabbath school, 11 a. m.; preaching, 12
a. m.; prayer meeting,, Wednesday
ulght 7:30.
Ni-andlnavlan nhiiMl 1.1. .41-.
Johnson, residence, Arleta. Sabbath t
acnooi, 11 a. m.; preaching, 12 s m.,
prayer meeting, Wednesdsy night, f :30.
Lents' church a F. Folkenberg, pas
tor, Mllwaukie. Or. Services: Sabbath
school, 11 a. m.: preaching, II a. tn.;
prayer meeting. Wednesday night T:80,
Seventh Dav Advanflat rhnmh '
Eleventh and Everett - atraeta . TTldar
A. M. Dart on "The Sabbath from Eden
to Eden. Song service 7:45 p. in..
preaching I p. m.. Sunday. April 21.
traiteA SiwUms ta Christ,
Radical Sixth and Mechanic, Rev. Oe ,
rA. Mirtln. ll and 7:30; 6. a. 10;
e lb S.30.
1r"t Jjist Fifteenth and Morrison,
Rv. R- 8 Showers, 11 and . a a
14; JE-A 7' TP,C. "His Living Pres
ence," "Victory for Men."
Alberts Eaat Twenrv.Navanth al
Sumner, Rev. John W. Soreoher. 11 and
7:80; 8. 810; C. JL. 6:30. !
Third douth Mount Tabor; Rev. C. '
P. Blanehard 11: & 8., 10; a B, t. I
Treniont Wisdom and Curtla. Rev. f
ynti. 11 and 7:30. a a. 10. C
E.. 6:30. .
South Mt Tabor Sixty-seventh street
Rv-C. P. Blanehard. Il and 8: 8. B..
-' ,v-i . ', owiaiers or Jesus
Christ evening, "Active Service Band."
way and Eaat Twenty-tourth. Itev. J
D. Corby. 10:46: a. a. 13; Y. P. B. C. E..
6:80. Topics, "Unlversalist Belief in Obd,
Christ and Man." . t ; , .;v . . ,;,
i-" ' ' ervloes for ins 9eaf.
' United Presbyterian Grand avenue
and Wasco Rev.. 8. harl tmBola, 10:80
and I; C E.. 7: sermon Interpreted by
Mrs, F C. Metcalfe Topic, ,,"A .Big
BoaL" is , ' -:X , V
1 v;:! f 1 SClseellaaeens.'. ' ' i
Church st the Hrethren munkardat
Borthwlck and Killlnsswoith avs. Rsv.
ueorcs c. cart' U ana 7:i; a a. 19;
C W.. 6:30. . - ' bf-.-- -
. Swedish Coma Salvation Armv-416
Burnslde, 11, 4:30 and a. i ,
' Volunteers ot America X Burnslde
sire i, j:ao ana s:s. v r '
New Church Bocletv (Swedenboraisn)
Eleventh and Alder, Knlghta of Py
luiaa nail, ur service ana eermon. ii.
Portland . Fellowship Selling Hlrsch
hail. 8 p. m. ,.
T. wTa A Rev. William Parsons
win speak st I o clock -
Chrlatlan - and ' Missionary Alliance
B. Ninth sad Clay atreaU.- Rev.C- A,
Chrlanisn, 11; 8. 8., 10. Sermons by
Rev. P, J. Stone, of Tacoma.
Commons Rescue Mission 21' North
Front street Special services, 8 and 8.
Penlel Mission 224 Madlaon street
Services 8 snd 8 p.- m.
The Churcn of Uod. 361 Falling street
Rev. J. T. Neal. pastor Sunday serv
ices at 10 (German). 8:30. 7:46 8. &.
nrst Madison and Park. Rev,
uutner k. vyoiu u. u.. II and 7:45
Bible school, 10. Topics: "The Empire
of Spiritual Manhood," "The Safety of
St Johns Re-. G. W. Nelson; 11 snd
8; S. 8.. 10.
Laurelwood Rev. William H. Meyer.
8. 8.. 10 and 8; C. E., 7:15.
Sunn yside East Tavlor and ir
iniriT-iourm. nev, J. j. ataub: 11 and
7:30: S. B., 10; C. E. 6:30. Topics: "The
unanowaoie maaa Mown." i ho nra
est Battlefield of History."
Hassalo Street Eaat Seventh and
Hassalo. Services, 11 and 7:80: 8. 8..
10. Tonics: "The Earth Full e ,
Knowledge of the Lord." "The Fighting
Highland East Sixth and Preaeott.
Rev. E. 8. Bollinger, 11 and 7:30. Topics.
I uo v.w. n nuu t luuuut ui IUB vnurCD,
An Unceasing Warfare.
First German East Seventh and
Stanton, Rev. John H. Hopp; 10:30 and
i.eii; a. :it;. u. m., :so.
University Park Haven, near Daw
son, Rev. W. C. Kantnr. CD: fi s..
10; preaching 11 and 8; Y. P. 6. C. E., 7.
AiKiriBun iueinuriai uonrrffannn. i
East Twenty-ninth and Everett streets'
Rev. Herbert O. Crocker. 8. 8.. 10: worJ
ship, 11 and 7:30.
Waverly Heights, Twenty-sixth and
Clinton streets, L. 8. Wlney. pastor.
Worship 11 and 7:30: 8. 8.. 10.
Pilgrim Corner Missouri and Shavar
streets. Preaching-at 11. 8: S. 8.. fl:4K?
C. E., 7.
St James' English West Park and
Jefferson. J. Allen Leas. 11 and a.
Topics, morning address: "Deceiving the
Spirit." "Tho Old Homestead."
Betanla Danish 640 Union avsnue N
Rev. J. Scott 11 and 8; S. 8.. 10. Topics
"When Does Jesus Not Need to Speak
In Parables?" and "How to Secure an
Ideal Mayor for Portland."
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and i
Irving. 11 and 8; S. a. 9:46
United Norwegian 45 N. Fourteenth
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:80; a a. 9:46.
Zion's German Chapman and Sal
mon; H..H. Koppelmann, 10:16 7:46: a
a, 9:16. . .
Our Saviour's (Norwegian Synod)
East Tenth and Grant O. M. Holden.
Services,. 11 ; a S., 12; T:S0, address at
Voelkers ball, Mississippi avenue, bs
tween Beech and Falling streets. Ser
vices,, a S t.
St Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton. Rev. A. Krause 10:30 and
7:30; S. S.M 9:80. '
Trinity German Missouri Synod)
Williams and Sellwood; J. A. Rim bach.
9:16; S. 8, 10; T:30.
Swedish-Angus tana Jtodner aui4
Flrat Churcn of the Niunn. v..
Seventh and Couch. Rev. A. O. Her
rlcks. 8. 8.. 9:46: nre&nhln. nlA.
11 and 7:80. T. P. M T. ! v t a
C., street meeting. Union avenue and
Burnslde street 7 p. m.
Sellwood Church of the Nasarene,
Fifteenth and Tacoma avenue. Rev. L.
R. Blackman. 8. 8.. 10; preaching serv
ices. 11 and 7:30.
' Bren t wood Church, of ths Nasarene,
Bixty-aeventh avenue and SUty-flfth
street A. Wells. K ft lft-
services. 11 and T:30. " ' '
ecanainavian church Comer Eaat
Reventh and Ankanv imt-Mmtm r ... r
Erlksen. Preachlna- 11 and T.-ao:
prayer meeting, Thursday T:80.
Waited Presoyterlaa.
Third East Thlrtv-aavann, -
Rev. J. I Acheson. 11 and 7:30: a d'
10. ' '
Flrat Sixth and Mmi..
Frank n Witt trindiVJ tHWlVj, S:Z1:
- CE". ,':39- Topics, "Wishing
for Wlnss." "Uaworthw riff!r.i.i. ;
City's Disaster." '
The Church of ths Strangers Grand
?r.And- W?se Rv. 8. Earl Du Bols,
10:30 and 7:30: 8. S.. II: r m n.-t.l
tian Endeavor, 6:80. Topics, "A Coward
ly Regiment" "A Tall Tower."
a ent,0JBrrreLb nd Kftpatrlck streets.
8. 8H 10:80. Preaching at 8 by Rev S.
Earl DuBols. Sermons hv nv aik-..
Gordon. . ' i
Bvsarelloal Associations.
First English iast Sixth and Market
lo'eYt"pFAB'7CUlVe,: 11 " 7:: & S'
Memorial Esst Flahteanth and pik.
ueiiD, iuurna xievernng. ii and 8; a 8.
North Portland (German) corner
i wrniy-ijrai ana rettygrove streets. I
Stocker 8. .3;. at 10; sermon at 11 and
Bs . -1.. 7.15.
.. . . . .
t s--(n
6:30 a. m.;l:S0 testimony and praise meeting st f.
X. tn, t:. A. Bixtn ana i ayior streets.
K, R. Perkins, religious director. Meet-'
ins for man st 3. , , ... v.
-First Spiritual Society AllSKy.HalT,
Third . and Morrison Conference, 111,
mediums' meeting, 3; lecture,. Mrs, A. '
Bslley, I.' ' i ' : - ....,
Universal Religion Sermons at I and '
8, by J. I. C, Grumbine, subiect "Com
munion With Departed Spirits;" "Unl
vereal Religion." T t-x s ; v ,
Rosaouclan Fellowshtn Bocletv. 619
Marouam bulldlnr Interoretation of the
Bible according to Rosecuolan -philosophy;
Sunday evening, 8. , .
Christian Union Mission. 411 Wash
Inslon street l m. i . t
' Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Esst
Tenth snd ghermsn streets. . frervloes
ij:46 ana t. . b., io. , n ...j ...,
Bunnyslde W.- C. T. 'TJ. will meet tm
Bunnyslde M. E. friends Congregational
and 66th Street. - -Rose
City : Snlrltual : Church, Drew '
hall, .162 Second -street "near Morrlsoivl
Special services front 3 to 6; lecture st r I
P. m., followed by -tests and messages
from the spirit world by Flora Lyon.
. International Bible atudenta, Portland '
servlcea, Oddfellow's hall, East Sixth
and Alder atrceta.. B. 6.. 1:80 p. m.:
discourse. I p. m.. , Discourse by Wil
liam A. Baker. . t i
St Johns Services, lift South Ores
ham street" Discourse at 7:30 by Wil
liam A. Baker, subject "How Are the
Dead Raised Up. snd With What Bodies
Do They ComeT" , , . .
Pentecostal Mission, corner First and
Washington: streets Services 11. 12:30
snd 7:30.
Plsgah Mission, Drew hall, 161 Second
Street 2 o'clock.; ' .-, .
, ').., lionor Dominion, .rrwnlej-.
' . (Mpaclal DlaiMtch Tee Insraal.) ' v
' lyondon. May 27. Sir Wilfrid Laurtar
and the other colonial premiers hers to .
to attend the Imperial conference and
tho coronation ceremonies. Wars ths
guests of honor at a luncheon given by
the Eighty blub at the Hotel Cecil to
day. Mr. L,Ioyd Oeorgs preelded.
A D. SMOar,
eeeeaifaTtaTereM eevs
e naaiia Hutni.
Tho intarlor of this hotel has besa
eomplotoly rsflttsd. and tvsry gppoint
ment now me-st ths .pprovml of tht
mot discrlmiruvtinf. $400,000.00 r
csntly upended on its iplsrior. Ersry
thiru7 new and modern. ,. , a A
TheN Hotel Oregon
The le&dinff hotel of Portland.
New, modern, fireproof and
centrally located. .. .. .. ..
Cm a, wrnaxr, Pass. M. C. Diexiff sen. Mas,
First Qerman Tenth and m
Bens, 10:46 and 7; 8. 8., :80. " "
tnilMiTuniitei, ,
First East Sixteenth snd Poplar.
Rev. 8. 8. Mnmey; 11 s. m. and 7:30
R- "?!. -Bt 10 Keystone , League,
Christian Endeavor. 6:80; Linas Bittner.
Ockley Ortn-:iv tmi txriT.
Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 1: a a io.
C. E., 0:30. Topics. "Peace Verana Wa
"God's Thourhta at TTa: What a r,.im
Of Hlmr
St Johns Ivanhna mnA Inhn -r AM
C. P. Yates; a 8.7107 " " '
rrss Methodist,
FlrSt hUrCh Rut Mlnth anA Mill
Rev. B. F. Smalley, pastor. Evangelis
tic preaching at 11 and 8; struct meet
ing. 7; 8. 8.. 10; T. P. M6:3u.
Second church Rest iri.nH.r. k.
tween Fifty-third and Fiftv-fUrth
streets. Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11 and
T:30; 8. 8., 10: lass meeting, 1:30.
St Johns 11 aud f :30.
Christian Science,
First Church Of Chrlat Rnnttlah 1la
cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale. 11:
, k. , buujotji v.. iwod sermon,
"Ancient and Modern Neeromuiev aiiaa
Mesmerism and Hypnotism Denounced."
Decona wooamen s naJL jsast Sixth
and Alder. 11; subject of leason!
'Ancient and Modem Necromannv aiiaa
Mesmerism and Hypnotism Denounoed."
Church of Our FatTipr Tnmhlli and
Seventh, Rev. W. G, Eliot Jr.; Rev. T
L. Eliot. D. D., minister emeritus. Ii.
:45: S. S.. 0:45. TodIcs "A Rteadv ai "
The New Patriotism.'1 '
Advent Second street between Hall
ana i-iincuin. unester ir. jj, smith.
Preaching, 10:30 and 7:80; 8. S., 10; y.
M;. 6:30. Topics. "Seven Thunders."
Mtjn's Need of a Revelation."
Trlends' Church.
Runnvslde Main and East Thlrt.
fifth. Lindley A. Wells, lv and 7:20:
Bible school. 10; C. B., 6:30.
Lents Center street, Myra B. Smith:
11 and 7:30; Bible aohool, 10.-
" Xeforaad.
First German Thirteenth and Davis
streets, G. Haf ner, pastor. , Services
5th Annual Rose Festival
The New Perkins Hotel
Corner of Fifth and Washington Streets
We are now booking reservations and urge all who intend to be with
us during the week of the Carniv of Flowers to
Write Us Now for the Accommodations Desired
Descriptive booklet of hotel and program of events mailed to you
' for the .asking.
Oregon's Greatest Hotel
With Private Baths
'Wit fnfiliga-sa
ftfaropaaa Flam
Xodsts .
austanraai, .. '
Keadq Barters
Temrtsts aaS Ooss.
mareial Tra velars.
Spsolal vratss made
to famUiaa . and
elngle sntlemeiL
Ths manassmset
will bs pleased at
all times to show
rooms - sad sive
prloea. A moders
Turkish Tiath es
tabliahmaat la ths
hotel. Catering a
'specialty. oT7 X
Kanfmaava. affnr,
The Bowers Hotel
- V Eleventh, Near Washington St :
Largest Cafe in the city. Service unsurpassed
50 ROOMS . .$1.00 PER DAY
50 ROOMS ,..Y..... ..$1.50ER DAY
Special Rates to- Permanent Guests ,
lamole Rooms for Commercial Traveler.
H. C BOWERS, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Vst"- rSS1
Formerly Manager Hof el Portland
IB W r ' I
. Geary Street, above Union Square'
. - Just opposite Hotel St. Francis
: : European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
Kew tted and brickttrnctur. FurnUhad at
cost of $200,000. ErerT comfort and con
venianee. Oa carliaea transferrins all over
city-' Omaibua mt trains and ateamera.
CM (or Booklet with map of Saa Francises
'Willi1 i'l
' "Tht House of Weleonur
Beginning May 1 our rates will be aa follbws: Oat
side back rooms, $J per day; single front rooms,
$1.50 per day. Our oronibus meets all traina.
.Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel
- Proprietor Manager
Hot and Cold Water ' Long Distance Phone
WiSE.M-- RATES $1.00 & UP