The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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r : ;-
Thousands of Dollars
' 5 A. M. Today, : ,
V......;,.;.....,,.. ' ti t9
' VpokftM ..,.,....... .;..., 49
acMthrtoid 40
aa matUto ....',,..., 4a
VortUa4 ......;.......,..
' . . , . . , , . - -
"are offered for loan. f yon wlah to',
' plaoa a mortgage the Bah financial,
offers anado by reliable firm la todaya .
. money o loa column. .
. Tha weather Fair tonight' and
Sunday; northwesterly wlnda. ;' ',:
VOL. X. , NO. 72.
$3,000,000 BLAZ
24 -t. 31
orncMi cum f im
n m I6M nJTiras.
I 3XI G ATI 0 M ' 0 F.
; .... , .., , .... ...V ; ... 4, I - . .
' niimtl tmm ''a . . a .
,. kuxhliuhi says
V.'. .S II UIIIIUII II III llllllll ' I
i a i a s-w ii m "sw m mm m m mm as im
Committee of Eight Congress
; men f Begins;' Inquiry Into
Overcapitalization "Item and
.. . .hi vi yvu
- 1-,
Many Other Magnates Prob
ably Will Be, Called by In:;
'- vestigating Body.
-ICltd Pitas Um4 Wlre.1
Washington, May 27. With John W.
Gates as their first witness, eight con
gressmen, sitting oa a coramltU today
begah th lnvet ligation of the United
SUtaa Steel Corporation, the steel trust
It Is reported that the Investigation
may be mad an instrument for an at
tack on steel stocks by market manipu
lators. ' Gates, through - the Republic
Iron ft Steel company, is endeavoring to
force a steel price deollne, and his tes
timony Is expected to be sucn aa will
cause drop In that stock In tAe market
Following GaHs on the stand will be
Judge E.-H. Gary, head of the steel
trust, and Gustava Schwab, J. PTerpont
Morgan and Andrew Carnegie are . also
expected to reveal the Inner, workings of
the steel trade.,
Oates'x testimony befora the congres
sional committee todar was principally
regarding ; the absorption of the Ten
nesee Coal and Iron company by the
trust. He aald that Grant Bchley and
Charles Guthrie, president . of v the He
public Iron and Steel company, formed
a syndicate to acquire the majority, of
th Tennessee company's stock. . ,
"I took 200,009 shar,'. said Gates.
There were 10, II or 15. men in the
syndicate. Outhrte andT Schley were
empowered to sell certificates of . the
stock at any time provided, they got a
profit -. Wben Outhrle died, he war sue
eoeded br I. C Hanna.
.s Tin 10T I'Tetorned from Europj and
AAniweirotraUftntf ' pending between
Henry a Frlek, B. IL Gary, J P. Mor-I
gan and Bchler, Hanna and their asso-j
elates. Morgan, Frick and Gary sought
(Continued ott Pag .Three.)
Dreamland, ; 0ne ,of ! Coney'
Great Amusement Parks, Is
Swept "by Fire 'That Does
Immense Damage." '
Firemen Foed to Shoot An!
mais Which, Loosed by
Trainers, Menace Life.-
Daniel F. Cohalan, who has ' been
nominated by Governor ; John A.
Dlx of New Yurk to succeed James
A. O'Gorman i ohtho aupreme
court bench of New York; the po
sition having become vacant when
.O'Gonnan was sent to the) United
, 'States senate to succeed Channcey
i M. .Depew.; .;' - , -
Juarez Weeps From Joy Over
Outcome of , Revolution
; Rebel Chief's , Favor Sought
by Horde of Capitalists.
(United frM Lmmx! Wire.l
New York, May 27. Roaring, scream
Ing and howling as though a legion of
mends had broken loose while they
charged madly through Its crowded
streets, a horde of wild animals early
today gave Coney, island such a senna
tlon as it never tew before, while
flames, surrounding them On every side
Henna up ij.uuu.woo worth of the flimsy
buildings of Dreamland early today and
put me lives or thousands in danger,
Nearly 150 of the animals, freed from
Boetock'a show In Dreamland, were cre
mated1 by the flames, which started In
the Hell Gate scenic railway at
o'clock. ....
Thousands who packed the streets of
the resort In greve peril through the
trainers and caretakers of the beasts
opening their cages and allowing lions.
tigers, leopards and baboons, maddened
by their burns and the eight of the
names, to race through the narrow
Firemen Shoot animal.
una nreman snot a leopard and a
deer within one block of where they
were liberated. -The police chased
Hon. lor blocks aniLispnt -hla head .with
an ax after they had emptied their re
volvers, into the animal. In the height
of " the excitement a huge baboon, his
fur afire, was slain a ha rose .on bis
hind feet to do battle with the firemen.
To add to the terrors of the scene.
thoauafediiVaf vamAlI' carti1dfcs' fa th'
hooting galleries of Dreamland ' eg'
ploded during the fire and It Is con
sidered remarkable that a, ecore-of fa
talities were not occasioned by their
discbarge. .''
It was at first reported .that six bab
bles in the Incubator near Dreamland
entrance had been burned alive, but
after the fire was controlled at $ o'clock
this morning it was learned that the
show Infants had been rescued ltvthe
nick of time. In all the fir awept 16
(Continued on Page Three.)
Pearson Syndicate Said to Be
Behind $500,000 Option
"Takenon t Rich Property
'. Nabbed From Guggenheims
Located Near Big Combina
tion's Group of Mines and
on Copper Railroad.
In First Statement Since Prl-
Opponent; "Likens Him to
Tweed, Cox, Quay.
i (Sficljl Dlipat-k to The Jnnraatl
Seattle, Wash., May 17, The Morgan-
Guggenheim syndicate, generally con
demned throughout the country for its
alleged connection with the coal land
muddle In Alaska, has lout another rich
prise, for Benjamin Daggett of San
Francisco has put up 1500,000 as an op
tion on the Alaska Calumet Copper
companies' property in Alaska.
This copper property is located only
29 ' ' mll8 from the famous Bonansa
mines owned by the Morgan-Guggenheim
syndicate and tapped by tne recently ftn-
riahed Copper River ft Northwestern
road. ,
" Malar Xea Surprised.
Alaska mining men here were gen
Oinely surprised to learn that this prize,
Its fabulous richness being indicated by
the optional sum, had been gobbled up
under the very eyes of the Guggenheims,
over whose road Its ore will have to
be shipped to tidewater.
Daggett Is reported to have been act
ing for the Pearson syndicate of New
York, and London, which It was recently
learned Intended to Invade Alaka.The.
fight for the control of Alaska's wealth
Is now three-cornered, the United States
Mil Ing, Refining ft Smelting company
also , having recently signified Its In
tention of entering Alaska to flghthe
Guggenheims for control of Ita vast an-
United, wealth. -..-,,-,
. Owned by Seattle MTea. f
The property on which "the Pearson
syndicate has paid so larga an option
price Indicating its early purchase, has
been owned for years by Seattle men,
J. M. Davidson contracting with Mr.
Daggett for Its sale.
The property consists of thirteen of
mo mum wviitr ciaima in AiaflKa. A I im
. . , . . i vl j
parr ol engineer, ana a large crew I v
ft mn will Via .an f ' t. I wor.
1st to develop the property, the only
work done so far having been but nom
inal and sufficient to hold the claims.
i " - rj iv ' i n a , j
Says Simon Has Always -Op
posed New Form of Gov; V
ernment Until Now.
Portland Already, Wearing
Smile as . Small Army of
Workers ."Gel Busy."
Chief Orders Unsightly, Weeds
': to Be ;HembylEidfrom t'i
Vacant Lots.
Results from (ha clean-up crusade of I
the Woman's club are highly satlsfao-l
the committees directing
"Clean up the city!
Chief of Police A. M. Cox has so
the I ordained and every patrolman has been
notified that he Is a sanitary Inspector o anoloele to make for bit six years
The first coat of dirt Is off tha face I ana mat no musi peer inio every croon iof ,ervCe in the city eouncll. ' The op
of Portland. It was reDorted today. "na corner or an piacea on nis oeai i pc-gmc-ii na, tried by Innuendoes and
Raking "Mayor Simon for his past re;
ord as an aesembty politician.' and de
claring the mayor is now trying to de
ceive the people in his advocacy of a.
commission form of government, A. O.
Rushlight, the Republican nomine for'
mayor, today turned his guns upon his
Independent opponent' la the first state-
ment he has made sine the close of the
primary campaign. , ,
The Republican nominee arraigns Si
mon and the commute in charge of the
mayor's campaign as an effort to break
the effect of the primary law. pointing
to Simon's past previous insistence upon .
party regularity. He accuses Simon of
using the methods of Tweed, Quay. Cox '
and Ruef. -" r
Mr. Rushlight closes his statement by
pledging himself It use his best efforts '
to bring about adoption of the commis
sion form of government aa soon as he.
takes office as mayor, and. takes a slap
at Simon's reeent difficulties la the po
lice department The statement reads:
'Assembly advocate and machine pol-
Itioians are rallying to the support of .
their boss4 under the guise of a cltlsens
committee. The opportunity, in their
mlnds.'has come to dowir the wttl of tha ;
people and repudiate tha direct primary .
law, --
, "A clique of so called protectors of tha
people met and engaged.tha services of
a professional organiser, and with: the
use of unlimited funts; are attempting
to work dp a sentiment against my can
didacy, after my having come before the '
people in an honest., dignified manner .
and secured the Republican nomination, ,.
despite a campaign of vilification and
slander by tbe opposing candidates in
the late primaries., , -
' Vtaads en Beoord. -1'
have always been a consistent sup
porter of the people's rights and have
' (United Prets Leaied Wire.l
, El Paso, Texas, May 27. In Juarez,
where, destiny has .transformed. him
from a timid rebel Into Dia'-master,
Francisco 1. Madero. Jr.l theoudxy
physician, 1 today is tasting the .-fruits
victory-aad - dtscoverlnx'' anew-zth.
VMt.B. n m .Ka - 11... . . J . ..-
i i n-li: i n.!J I " Vlu bw ui an me worm
uaie lur nwiwuwi is raiu iorj winner. ,
juares last night paid a general tri.
Mayor ' Addresses Meeting of
- General :Committee; Xandj-
', :; . .. ... ....... ... ... '..
High Compliment.
("Dedal Dltpetrh to Tbe youmal.t
New York. May 27. Charges of jury
bute to Madero,. hundreds of men and I bribing have been openly laid against
women, weeping- rrom'.ooy. crowdinr to I k rtixrMnhAlm nvnrUr.te. In lt ef-
JS0. t:i??lrle?inttr tort to grab Alaska land, as the result
' b..- I to the publication here or two interest
William F. Woodward, elected Ohalr-I rin wd.ii, .v. -i.'-.!- .- ,f Ing documents. The Guggenheims ln-
man of the Simon campaign committee I ?p.n win .f' I fhience over of f iclal Washington, In
of 105 at a meeting held yesterday aft-1 rebel chief. Three month rn h n.A eluding President Taft, is also declared.
ernoon, this morning announced the ep- front this city to escape a -United States! The story goes back to the killing of
poimmeni or an executive committee warrant -for conspiracy against a two railroad laborers on September 25,
. ftY.J. wnich w.,u assume charge of friendly powe Today the warrant was 1907. The Guggenheims had started to
tne ngnt ior,tne reeieouon or. tne quaaned. . .. ,'.;,v . ki,im . itn. fronValdes. Alaska.' to
nm5L0r' ... , . 1 .1 Tu8dy Madero Will be a gTiest here Fairbanks, but abandoned it Popular
I'D aacvuuTV vuiujiuimq uvumjbvo vi or aiinnuPE in TnH nmrtarw Af Ki a TTit m 14 a la nbana tA lraa im tha
a-,, , . . . m . . . I - w v tun vur I UBUinuu lt7A ViaOAauo tw a-aa,v v-v
wiuieun jc, ywuwiu, ciiH.arxna.ias rnuiua KtEtes army. na tn rrnvn ll
Mecflcnan. a. al .Heart, u. ja. uodd ana i fAnitAifatn whA ir MAvtn a.... i m m a t, k..n i k
CharlesF. Beebe. Although no secre- vllegesMn Mexico. are stUl flocking to the big syndicate, fired upon a groupl
Henry K. Red,' who has been in gen-1 heels in the ante-room of c the man ill work. , Edward C. Hasev was one
eawg. m nc.uuuBri.crB, wui cun I wnose . errorta oniv : B. .-. T.W.- Aavm man I A ih .lavara I
jinue as tne executive orncer. .- they openly pooh-poohed. . , ; -.- : , Thenc fieti are related In a nooular
. - an . . .a . .. . - - i '
Amu. oii .m.muoni vi mo u i . ,. , atm-im v w.v - s a aiihrninm lt nf th
of 05 responded to ..the call for thel .- . .v.'r....i ' TTnii s.. RPnatt. tudiciarv eommit-
,......., " , , i today, Maaero aaidij . (.'.,:: ... .' i tee' wnicn . comroie aimiuui u.yyvmv
wmcn were aaaresses .ny unairmani .t .v..n mm v. .., .im.nti
Woodward and Mayor Simon. The lat- -..i. ! -a ; .-..-..- . -.vIT-Jl; I ? Indignation In Alaska over the killing
ter came to to-meeting in reeponee io 8top to pacflVithe dlssatlsflad .DOPUr the trial of Hasey in race or
a telephone call becaueene of the com- hif.. . Th I i..-r,ni ?Iirv onnoaitlon bv William B. Hoxxatt then
mlttee wanted to be sure that the mayor I present government must i nut down I tovernor. The two documents published
, Is, committed . to .the . commission-forrn I Tn November .' a.. nAttnn.i. .. ia J I today bear upon - Hasey's first trial.
Of government , ., 1 wm nominate m' for the treaideni.v. I when the Jury disagreed. ,
Mayor ravora .Commission, . Ibope . there wlU be other, candidates. . . Qneer Scpease Aooount.
The mayor repeated the statement he I We will, have .a fair. sauara. contest I The first Is an expense account of M,
made im his acceptance, that he will I and I eball be willing, to abide by what I B. Morrisey, alleged jury briber for the
new charter embracing the commission 1' Officials of the Mexican Northweat-
(Contlnued -on Page Three.)
(Continued en Pae-Three.)
Judge Catena of the circuit court,
and head of the -Juvenile court" system,
made it plain this morning that parents
will hereafter be held responsible' for
the attendance of - their - children at
; school. He fined CarJ Denner, 789 Eait
:, Twelfth street North; 15 for falling to
. keep his 10-year-old daughter In school
f, "The: parenta are the proper ones to
iee that their children are in school,"
said the judge. "It Is a responsibility
they should not evade, or be allowed to
: evade. There Is not a child In this city
but what would be tn school every day
, should the parents take them in charge.
The parent becomes careless, and allows
lhe boy or. girl ttf"roamat Jelsura over
th city. .There la no need of such
parental ..carelessness, and whenever
such a case comes before me, X shall
noia .tne parent responsible."
:. During the last-ew o month the Den
ner child baa been absent half tha time.
Excuses were given the . teacher and
probation officer by the parenta, but
an investigation showed none Of them
to be well founded. The case cam be
fore (he judge- In juvenile court this
morning: and the evidence showed the
father had taken little or no interest In
the attendance of the daughter. . He
was given the fine, and then told it
would be revoked If lie kept the child
laachooL'A'Tle-' probation of flea ia .to
awwwavv vt . x v , VKVi-l Vie LI I V . ajLt icnu-
ance. andJf it la not In school the f atl.
er will again be brought. Into court
'f United Pirm T.ated Wire.) '
Columbus. Ohio, May 27, The state
legislature adjourns " next Wednesday,
at which time the life of the senate
bribery Investigating committee will ex
pire. ' '
AS a result of the .delay Incident to
the refvaal of the editors of: tha local
newspapers to testify, on. the ' ground
that the committee has no legal stand
ing, the committee has thus far been un
able, to summon any of the accused leg
islators who would- have gained im
munity by testifying., t r" . ; . - v
; trjnltsd Pitwa Icamd Wlre.1 . ' V -Rome.
May 17. Auxiliary - Bishop
Prendergast of Philadelphia, was to
day . named a. archbishop - to- succeed
the late Archbishop Ryan. .
Alaskan syndicate, which fought to
save Jtiasey. it rollowa:
; Seattle, Wash., May 6, 190,
Katalla company, in account with
, , M. B. Morrisey.
.xuiivj'fj r. .bivou iroin
John A. Carson $660.00
Balance due me 483.40 tl.13t.40
Expense on S. a Farallon Cor-
dova Juneau ,f
Occidental hotel, for M. B. Mor
risey Occidental cafe, for witnesses .
Alaska grill, for witnesses ....
Cash to Jimmy Kelley
Cash to J. E. O'RUey
Cash to F. Hummel
Cash to J. A. Brings
Cash to Tom Corcoran
Cash to William Garster
PH fA tX71.lfhV S-w. V. .
Expense entertaining witnesses
and Jurymen
Personal expense for March and
April . . , ;
Expense cable F. E. Toungs .
Hotel Seattle, th to 8th (esti
mated) .. ., ,
Rent of typewriter
"W wtl h.v. bm nlftLT . " " " ny
. - . .. . . .-! VCII.
Dngnt as tne smue ot tne sunsmne tnat The Rose Festival la bringing hundreds
we hope will brighten the entire Rose 0 visitors to tbe city and all the back
Festival week," was the announcement yards must be as neat as the parlor
made by the busy women In charge of I floor, and the front yards even neater,
tbe work. ' . I Vacant lots must be renovated.: Tin
Improvement was noted in the num-1 cans .must be assigned to Goat Alley
per or tin cans cartea away, tne vacant i ror consumption.
lots from which had been removed of-1 Chief Cox this morning nailed a bul
fensive weeds, and tha number of baae-lletln of March 25 on tha boards for
ments that had been cleaned out I the benefit of the patrolmen, which
"The committees will thoroughly pa-1 orders this clean up and the captains
trol tha city within the next three days," I of the police have been Instructed to
said Mrs. A. C. Newill president-of the I teie tlfUr urea '-to ifetT-tiinnp on"; mnd
woman's cjud, this mornmtr. we uro-1 see to it mat tne order is ooeyea.
pose to keep tbe police department I Many complaints have been made po
busier than ever before in its history I The Journal office of late concerning
directing people to obey the city law I the weed nuisance on vacant lots. With
which compels the clean-up expression
ox good citizenship
"And we will not be at all slow to
tell the newspapers about the worst
places," continued Mrs. Newill.
Further reports of the clean-up cru
sade committees show conclusively that I synopsis . of ordinance
the work is. barely started and can be I hereby reprinted
only Incompletely done In the week des-1 Section 1. Tha permitting of grass,
ignated as "Clean-np Week." A special weeds, thistles, cockle burrs or any
plea has been made for cooperation by other thing of the weed kind, or of
the cltlsens. It Is pointed out that vines, bushes, plants or other growths
every householder, if he would see that I within 120 feet of a graded street, ex
the Rose Festival but little more than
a week off there are property owners
In Portland, It seems, who are not pub
He spirited enough to keep lots owned
by them In presentable condition.
For the benefit of these a short
No. 18,000 is
9.00 his own premises are tidy, would soon I cept such as are grown for ornamental,
Expense incurred! at Valdes dur
' ing rand Jury session
Ticket Seattle-Cordova (deduct)
- I1.1B5.40
" . -45.00
. w . H.088.40
ICnttrM Vnii-tlia XT. .
W. H. Boxle is tranoml nounaJ.! nf ihi
Alaskan syndicate. This . account was
paiq oji tne recomemndatlon of John A.
(Continued on Page Seven.)
see all the city in such a condition of I good or fuel purposes to exist or grow
cleanly beauty as would awaken all I above a height of 10 inches on any lot
dormant municipal pride. or premises at any place between ; the
The city will be cleaned only by each I curbing or where the curbing should be
householder dolnr his or her individual I in front of such lot or premises is here-
duty In Improving the appearance of I by declared a public nuisance.
their own premises," it has been said. 1 Section 2. The owner who permits
To the Rose Festival will come hun-1 such growth In such places is hereby
dreds. and It Is hoped thousands,, of declared guilty of maintaining a publlo
visitors. Many will be considering per-1 nuisance. It shall be the duty of such
manent locations here. A dirty, "down I owners to cut or remove or cauae to
at the heels" town will compel disgust I be cut or removed such growths..
not admiration or a desire to stay, It Is Section . If such owners fall to
stated. The statements made about comply with the law It shall be the
Portland will be complimentary only If duty of the mayor and executive board
the city deserves compliments; the ad-lto cause the removal of the nuinance
vertlslng received will be valuable only I and the cost of the same shall con
Insofar as it is commendatory, are fur-1 stltute a lien against the property af
ther comments. I fected.
The Woman's club today repeated Its I Section 4. The total expense of such
anneal to 'forward the clean-up crusade removal shall be filed in the docket
by voluntary servitfe. not to watt until I of city liens within 30 day's after the
compelled by the Operation of city law. I nuisance shall have been removed by
tne executive board and the mayor.
slanderous methods to Impugn my mo
tives, but the fact remains that the rec
ords of the city council -are open to
every one to ascertain the truth for
themselves. - - s -' ,
"Lest the people of Portland forget,
be It - remembered,1 that - Mr. - Simon, -through
tha past years of machine pol
itics, with padded , conventions ' and
packed assemblies, . haa advocated the
adherence to the Republican party and 1
the election Of Its candidates. It Is a :
(Continued on Page Three.).
New Lessees. Michel & Stern-
berg, Sign Uq for Five
Year Term.
Extensive improvements are planned ;
for the Macleay building., at the corner
of Fourth and Wabhlngton streets, when
It Is taken over by the new lessees. Max
Michel and Albert Sternberg. The lease
on the building was signed this morn
ing, possession' will' not be given' for ..
more than a year, when Woodard, Clarke
& Co. remove to their new location on
West Park and Alder streets. ?
Max Michel Is i a well known habere
dasher of this clty, and Albert Stern
berg Is a prominent business man of
Albany. They- will convert the lower .
floor of -the building into retail stores,
and will thoroughly overhaul, the build- ':
ing, adding ' many - valuable improve-' '
ments. The lease will run five yeara v 4
Women Readers Attention!
' Four pages of The Sunday Journal Magazine are devoted exca
sivelv to interests of women. .These oases are prepared arid edited by
women who know of what they write. Marion Harland's page deals with
'affairs of the home, of kitchen; suggestions concerning health and beauty
are handled by Mrs. Henry Symes; Adelaide Byrd presents an instructive
page tor the needlewoman; while late teatures ot the season s tashtotis
appear in color, on the back page of the , Magazine Section each Sunday.
Peary's rival claimant for polar honors discusses his side of the
famous controversy in an interview with Etiward Marshall to appear in
tomorrow's Sunday Journal, prpmising xiew and startling developments
before long. .; . , - , '
f ' Other interesting features of . tomOrfoVs issue include:
WOMEN. . - V . , '
The Sunday i ourtial'-Tdmorrow
(United r.-ei LeaMd Wlr.
Washington. May 27. That the senate
will on Monday probably vote a aecond
Investigation of tha election of Senator
William Lprlmer of IlUnois, and that it
probably will be the signal for tha resig
nation of the "blonde boss", was. tbe
prediction her in legislative clreles to
day. It is generally believed the senate
will vote an' investigation. . .
Many senators believe Loriracr; will
resign rather than subject bis friends to
the notoriety of another investigation.
Springfield, illl.; May 17. If United
States Senator William:' Ixirimer, as a
Washington report predicts, resigns, be
fore the. state legislature adjourns here
next Wednesday, it mease that the legls-
tature must seleet hia .auceessor. If
he resigns after adjournment of 'the
legislature, Qovernor Oeneen will ap
point his euccessor to serve, until the
legislature convenes again. .
The antl-Deneen members of the leg-,
lslatur today are planning not to ad
journ, sine die., but merely to take a
recess,' thus making it possible fur thi
legislature to reassemble at any time
to ballot for the . senatorslilp. .
Belated Blayday Cornea Blotiday.
Albany, Or., May 17. May Pay exf r .
clsea of Albany college,, which re t i
have been held early in and
postponed on account nt ym l ---1
tr, will be held next Mor.''y tn si-cn'l-
ano with the original j .4.