VTHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING,' MAY 28, 1911. 17 " HOPS AT 25 CEHTS BREAK RECORD FOR CONTRACTS HERE YAKIMA BERRIES - OUTSIDE CATTLE HTO PORTLAND IN LARGE NUMBERS PACK OF SHAD TO Sale of . 100 Bales by Aurora, ; Firm at 3c Above Previous .;; Price Startles Trade Crop ' Backward ; - " v Portland WboUsal Kukti Eggs lower. Chickens weaker. Btrawberrle firm. New potatoes lowsr, , 'Hop contracts 15a Eastern eggs eomlrig. . Wheat market firmer. . ' With a single movement the hop market locally was lifted front IS to 35e a pound for contract on tha 1111 growth. A purchaie f 10,000 pounds or 100 bales was mads late yesterday evening at an advance of to above anything neretorore oriered irnre ror contracts. The purchase was made by Julius Wolf of Silver ton from Mlshler ft Grlbbl of Aurora, who are both growers and dealers. ., It has been known for soms time that bona fide contracts would-be worth more than tin's pound but until the Factual offers had been mads the newa oould not stand publication. Soma time ago Mlshler ft Cribble were approached by a hop dealer nnd given to under stand that u thry really wanted to au a contract (hey could do far better than 22c. The sale reported at 15o la the consequence. According to Mr. Wolf, who made tha fiurchaae at the season's highest mark, t has been Impossible to secure con tracts at tic. Mr. Wolf made a trip through tha vallev and Is said to have com home empty-handed. ( Sale mscltea Trade. Th sale of the hop contract her at 25c a pound has excited tha trade. Soma time ago The Journal gave warning to I arowers that hops should be wortn more money and that In contracting at prices that prevailed at that time they were taking all the chances. . Tha result has been Hint growers saw the wisdom of withholding their crops from tha market and sharp advances In the price nave resuiieo accordingly. iirinnr nom. Ing by growers would seemingly stlnv ulate the trade. Crop prospects all along the coast are In exceedingly poor condition. The vinos are backward and unless warm weather appears soon there Is little chance of tbe larger portion of the crop maturing. mis is true or canrornia as well as of Oroaon and Washington. A private message to. the local dealer states that tne yarae m Aiennocino ana Sonoma are In worse condition than, previously reported, owing to tha eon. tlnuatlon of rainy weather and tha absence-ef sunshine. - Oatsld Markets Timer. An advice from New Tork says the market there Is vary firm, although no lata business has been reported owtnsr to the lack of offerings. New tork Quite a Liberal Shipment Re- ; ceived- TodaySells at'- $4.50 Per Crate:; ) ";f: Quit a Urge lot of strawberries cam forward from Worth -Yakima to the Front street trade tod a v. . The abloment consisted ef Clark seedlings and was In excellent condition. In fact th -fruit was among the best seen her this sea son. Bals were generally mad at 14.10 per crata for 14 s. . ' A small lot of Hood River fruit cam forward and found an excellent demand at $4.75 to 15 a crate on account of th excellence of th Quality., The fact that luimt smwotmti are coming in mis direction Indicates that th Puget sound marketa have dropped severely in prtoe and that Portland la tha bast ahlDDlns 1 point as usual. Few Willamette valley strawberries are coming forward on account of th evcesalv rains and -lark of -eunshln. Most of the fruit coming forward from this section recently ha been rather mushy and therefor did not command top prices even though tha market wm famished for supplies. California strawberries are . coming forward tven slower than during the past few days ana prices range from 11.75 to I1.H0 per crate for 16a. accord- lng to quality and variety. COME TO YARDS yV . v ' L Sixteen Loads Shipped; From ' Colorado " to : Local 1 Meat CompanyMarket Is Very Weak at North Portland. Three Columbia River Canners Are Putting Up Product This Season. - hnr movMiunt shows in bales: P.ecelpts for week.,,,,,,,, .53 Receipts f rom 8ept 1 71.665 Receipts same time last year.... 61,014 Kxporta to Europe for week 810 Kxporta: from September 1...... 47.860 Exports same time last year.... 41.13 Imports for week tl Imports from September 1 14,101 Imports same time last year 4.61T Hop price in New York ohow per nnund today: State. 110, prime to choice, nom. II Steto. 1910. medium to good, nom 17 Pacific Coast, 1S10, prime to ch. 22 Pacific Coast, 1010, med. to good 11 Pacific Coast. 1909 1 Pacific Coast, older growths.... 10 Uermans. 1910. ner lb., nominal. Foreign -crop advices are not eneourt-aging- but the aeason abroad is said to be too young to mane a gooa esumaie of the coming crop. Price abroad ar exceedingly firm with an advancing tendency; . -. EASTERN EGGS COMING a nonnd. The tomato market In gen eral la famished for supplies. Peas are in suon gTaat supply that the prle baa been reduced to 4H06o a pound. An excellent shipment bf egg plant cam forward from Florida by express this morning. Quoted at tto a pound. FROffT ITRtfET OTJOTATIOJil . rata, riowr a xay. WHEAT Nominal Track delivery- Club, 86c; blues tern. 94c; fortyfold. 81 Kc; Wllliamette valley. 86c; red Rus sian. 4c; Turkey red, 10c. OATS Nommt.1. Producers pHc Track, No. 1 whit. 119.60; gray, 128.50 e 19.90. BARLET Producers ntlee 1910 Feed. Ill; rolled, 19.50; brewing. 119. MILLSTUFFS Belling rrlce Bran. 126; middlings. 111; shorts, 1 10.00; chop, tl9f26. HAT Prodneer'a nrloe 1919 Telle timothy, fancy, I17ll; oni!nary, 115 17: eastern Oreron. 91 9.00 1 11.09: mixed, tl6.00fiiK.00; clover, 111.00) wheat, tlt.00011.00; cheat. llt.OOQ 11.00; alfalfa. 114.00; oats. 11.0901l.oJ. Xa the ptockjrarda. ' .' ' North Portland Hogs steady; cattl very weak; sheep steady. I South Omaoa Hose 10 to lln higher; cattl steady to strong; sheep 10 to 16c lower. ' e Chicago Hogs 6c higher; cat- e lie strong; sneep steady. , . e ; PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. lings. Cattl. Calves. Sheen. ?rldsy .. huraday Wed. . . . Tuesday . Monday . Sat Week ago 841 28 218 91 197 17 .1173 431 42 8 614 llt6 88 111 22 6 19 t "i 3 - On account of the great demand for canned fish which packers are unable to fill with salmon, several operators of tn lower Jojumbla are putting up siusd.- - Th fish are Mai packed in pound palls and in halves and are being put uj wjih ma least possioie expense in the expectation of finding sales around (5 to 10c a do.en which wonld nut them In competition only with th vry ohiapest grade of aalmon. It ia stated that three canneries are now DMCklna- Shad. Mea-ler Warren and tne Columbia Klver rackers' Asaocla lion being Included. Til.. H-.r M W , . . a.w m , ,un w&.simu iihb iw ri mnvr lib eral to data And flahermer. have found soma difficulty la disposing of their naum at any price. Tne rrean nsn mar ket haa been over-aunnllad with shad and wiilie the quality I exceedingly good, prices have been the lowest for eTerai years. The run of salmon la somewhat bat ter but is still very small and packers have plenty of time on their hands to taKe care or the shad offered. wo runner sales of Itll rack of sal mon have been reported althouch an Astoria advice aavs that a further freo- ziei tion nas been squeezed from the price. i ne canned salmon market abroad la thua reviewed by Coltman ft Anderson under Liverpool date of May 5: ..MaK rea is in lair aemana ana quotations are unchanged at from 26s Id to 26c 9d. Brit ah Columbia sock- eye Spot 1 pound end half-pound flats 10461 '844 I 809 1645 Sixteen loads of cattl came forward from Colorado today but are said to nave oeen snippea to mat point rrom western Nebraska. A local mut mdi. pany was the receiver and the purchase I or better demand and value of one was made st the shipping point. I pound tall- are slightly dearer, and Two local meat Interests are now I nominally zs to IM 6 a. and one-pound bringing hi cattle from the east and I fats 29s to 80s 6d; half-pound flata, tnia leaves nut a small demand for the " io ys oa. . tl.iO; ordinary, 1.90; new, t -New, 15; Australian, $4.50; Supplies Being Landed Here From 17Hc to 10c Per Dozen. Shipments of eastern egg are again coming to this market and the quality generally Is , said to be poor. Hot wea t har ' ee-os ' from the east can be landed TiOrO as low as 17 Ho a dosen and the best quality at 190. Local eggs are weaker In consequence, and tha price has been . generally . reduced to zoe dosen for candled. . SPRING CHICKENS WEAKER - v.' i t Market Likely to Drop Several Centa "Almost Any Da jr." - Th the ooultrv market, spring chick' ens ate showing considerable weakness and drop of several centa a pound la expected within a day or so. Hens and regular fowls are moving out very slowly at the prices quoted and tne re is some umk oi a runner re- . ductlon in values. 9 . CLASS SEASON TO CLOSE la End of .' Operations for Season Sight; None Offering. , The open season for razor clams closes In Oregon.. and Washington the last of the month ana at present only nominal offerings are showing here. The season for crabs closed June 80 and will remain closed during July anl August, while tne ciam season closes during June, July and August. NEW POTATOES LOWER Texas Stock Down to 8 W Centa Per Pound Along, the Street. New potatoes are selling on Front street on account of the greater offer ings from Texa. ' New stock Is today generally quoted at 3 He a pound. The ' decline has been "forced by the Texas arrivals which are likewise Invading California. . : - CABBAGE FIRM AT 8 CENTS Market Shows Scarcity and Los An geles Stock Is High. , Market for cabbage Is firm at 8c a bound along Front street and stiDDlles at the high prices are limited. Present offerings are from Los Angeles and ar of small sized heads. - Quality is quite fair. FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS Vf ATTtl Si A . . ft. If Willamette. 14.80 per barrel: local straight. tt.l60ftr aker. 14.41 4.44; export grides, ft.009t.80. Batter, Krr Povdtr. BUTTER Extra creamery, cube and tubs, 14c; prints, 15 Me: ordinary frlnts. tOOttc; storage, lie;, dairy, 1015a. EQOS-Local. extras, 10c; case count, fresh. It HO 20c; spot buying prloa, 19 He f. o. b. Portland. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland, per pound. 24k POLLTRT Fancy hens, 18He: fowls, 1I018HC per lb.; broilers, 16027c lb.; fryers, 28 tt 80c:-geese, 12e: llv young ducks. 27H4?l5c; old ducks. 180lOo, turkeys, alive. 24c; dresd-Jlkc: pigeons, tl dosen. UHKKHI tcw orrnn rancv nu cream, trldeta and daisies, lte per lb.t young Americas, no; storage nets. 110110; California flats. 14c. rrntts ana WaejetabI. POTATOES Belling prices Best t.t5t.49: good. li.ZB. Buying carloads select. $1.10; ordinary, $1.90; new, occ. ONIONS cmrlle. 70 tc per lb. FRE8H FRt'tTB Urnges New na vels, $2.60(98.25 box; bananas, to lb.; lemons, tt.804rt.00: grspe fruit, tl.lt: oineaeoles. t0Te lb.: tangerines. 11.16: strawberries, Oregon, t4.60f74.76 per 24 box orate; California, $l."6l.i) per 15 box crat. VEGETABLES Nw turnips. 71c; beets. T 6c: carrots. 76o dos. bunohes: cabbage, $1.60 pr cental; tomatoes, Mexican,' tl per box; lugs, 12.75; beans, loniio id; Horseradish, JOlOc; green otrions, 160 per" dosen; pep- pers, bell. 16c per - pound; head lettuce, O07Ra dosen; hothouse, $1,600 1.71 box: radishes, llo dosen bunches: olty ( ) per. doien;. eggplant, 14a per io. cucumijers, fi.ss per aosen, pees. Icj cauliflower, local. ) dosen; asparagus, local to 06c doien; extra fancy. 76?90e; Walla Walla. $1.40 box; rauoarn, ifpinc in. .,. ... APPLES 1 1 00 9 1.71. Ifeeta. risk aad Frovtsssna. FRESH BEEF Wholesale slaughter ar prices: Best steers, lM0o. ordi nary. OHOJOc; beat cows. ttftHc; or dinary, v true. DRESSED MEATS Front street bos. fancy, lOo per lb. ; ordinary. 0 9 1 He ?er pound: neavy, so; veais, extra On? nrrflnarv. 8c: Done SUc: anrlnv iamD, hquo; muuoiL so: goata, o; beef, 9c: ' . . , T.ARD Kettle leaf, tierces. llVa lb.: steam rendered, tierce, 10 o per lb.; compound, tierces,- b h mpound, tierces,-8 Helper lb. HAMS BACON. ETC. Haras. 14UO ltc; breakfast bacon. . 16024c; boiled ham. ts 25c: picnics, 11 Ho lb.- cot tage roll, IS Ho per lb.: 'regular short 14c: pickled tongues, 6So per lb. ITitstu nominw nwa coo. ivo per ID.: flounders, 0c; halibut, I to: striped bass, tOo: catnsti. 1212Hot salmon llo per lb. " soles, Topper 'lb.: shrimps, 12 Ho lb.; perch lOtc; torn cod. to; lob sters. I6e; herrings, ter black bass, too; sturgeon, . ItHc 'lb.j - Columbia smelts. 1 H to lb. ; . silver smel ts. to lb,; black cod. 7Hci crabs, small, tl; large, $1.50; medium, 11.25 dos.; dressed snad, to: ros snsn, mo; inaa roe, zoom. OTSTERS-flhoaiwater bay, per gak Ion. : per 10O sacK. ti.60; Olvm- er gaiion, ss.za; per.iso 10. sacK otc can. ts.f product that comes forward her. At souin umana today there was a teady to strong tone In the cattle mar ket with steers at I6.75&6.10. It Is fenerally figured that It costs about Ho i pound to bring cattle from the micaie west to tnis market. Ueneral rang of cattle: Best steers $ 40.0 Fancy grain steers 6.60 Ordinary grain saeers 0.26 Ordinary steers 6.00 liest grass steers 6.40 Best cows 6.75 Medium cows B. 2506.60 urainary cows o.vu vo'jt to rair cows 8.0OW4.0O Bott bulls 6.00fJ5 2fi f ancy ban- 4.7 Ordinary bulls 4.004.25 CALVES. Best light 7.60 Ordinary 0.85 Poor t.00 4.00 Only Eastern Hogs Here. Arrivals In the hog market consisted entirely of eastern stock. Eight loads came through from Nebraska to a meat company and did not enter the trade at all. The market for swine is generally considered firm at North Portland with values unchanged. At South Omaha today there was a strengthening of demand in the swln trade and prices were boosted 10c to lfto with ioi at ia.si. iwa means iz.ub to land at Portland or other Pacific northwest points as compared with 16.76 the beat price obtainable here at this time. Nominal swine values at North Port' land: Best blockers t t.75 Medium light 6.6 Heavy packers 6.60 Retirh packers . ........ . 6. 00 6. 80 hogs and an advance or 6c was quoted. aeon Trad Soloing, While sales of wethers were made a a out of practically 26c from recent sales, the sheep and lamb trade may be considered fairly steady at North Portland, although expectations are for lower prices. Sales of lambs are still reported up to 16.60 for best quality. At South Omaha there was a weaker feeling for sheep and lambs today, with prices 10c to 16c lower, although th run was small. Yearlings were quoted at 4.85O6.60, wethers 4.6Bi(5.25, iambs 17.006)8.00. and ewes. 14.6006.60. sheep and lamb prices at North Port' land: Yearlings $ 4.65 Wethers ' 4.60 Ewes ;. 4.004.25 Lambs 6.60 Among- the nippers. Cattle Cox-James Commission com- "1911 pack Very little business Is reported having taken place recently. Sellers are asking 82s to 32s $d for ohe pound flats and 19s to 40s for half pound flata. SECURITY MARKET pany. Longmont. Colo., 16 loads; C. C. CiarK A Son. Arlington. Or., one load cattle and calves; Philllppt & Large, (Vest bcio. ur- one ioaa came ana calves. Hogs Henllne A'Ohlinger, Nebraska, eight loads; R. Ford, Carlton, Or., one load. Sheep and lambs W. B. Kutrz, The dalles, ur.. rour toaas; rsurwoua et Overton, Harrlsburg. Or., two loads; L, EL West, Oakland, Or., two loads. Yard's Official Prloea. trnllowina' the official prices. They represent demand, supplies and quality outung: - eUALr AINU IjAMDO. Average Lbs. 141 lambs . 67 1 26 lambs 54 146 wethers .107 STEERS. 177 mixed 20 steers ,16 steers 20 steers tfi atApra 26 steers 1267 99 ..1151 .1165 .1160 .1160 Price. 16.60 6.60 4.50 4.25 $6.20 6.20 0.20 6.15 6.16 dos.; e canned eastern. BSe eastern In shell. tl.76 0S pr 100. Sops. Wool , anfl sTlda HOPS Contracts, ' 1911 crop, 15o; 1910 crop, choioe, I0llo; prime to choici, 19o; pirn, lje: medium, 16 11401 W growths iTHOISc TALLOW Prim, per 0k. t No. and areas lOI Ha. ,-m wooii nemiiuu, ii wiiiamsrt valley. 14O160J eastern Oregon, UO CH1TYXSV . WWUQU, sc. 6 ' HIUES rrr niffos., uhv iho.i.s RMIi,- tttoijtv; onus, green, eajt, lb-; kips. tHOTHo; calves, green, it It? per in. k -. , 4. MUHAllv 1I1, Beiecioa. aovsio. The IT. S. Weather Bureau Seada Out : Notice-to Produce Me -. ' . Weather bureau sends out the fol lowing forecast to shippers: Protect shipments as far North as ' Seattle sgalnst temperatures of about 40 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 82 de grees;: soutneast to ttoise, so degrees; semth to Siskiyou, 10 degrees. . Lowest tf4Jiperature at Portland tonight, about 42 degrees. -1. : : -. s ' - LOCAL TOMATOES RIPE- First Hothonse Stock Offered Bella 9X 40 Cents Per Pouna ' r " A .matt ItnlntMant itl Iaa.1 kalk!... tomatoes was offering on the atrxt to- A w kv ' Tavff , JL Qnlawl , nV ...nKll.. ,w of sjxcelUnt quality and aold at 403 drooerisa. Brats. STTOAK Cube. tt.l; powdered. 15.40: fruit or berry, 86.40; try granulated, t5 40; D yellow. $4.70; beet, $5.10; Fed oral Fruberry. to less tbaa fruit or berry; Honolulu Plantation oane granu lated, to less. - (Above quotations ar SO days net BICE Japan Nfc L 4UOSei No. t, 4c: New Orleans bead. 54 4H: Creole, H& D1TM-JV.M. half iFWInfUl lAOa. tft SB rer ton: 50a, $9 00; tabl alty, 60s, tit; 00s. 117: bales. I2.1fc:extra fn bar rels. Is, 6s and 10s. ?4t; lump rock, tzo.oc per ion. . HONEY New. tl.78 per ease. BEANS Small whit. t4.tli , lam white. 14,16: pink. 86. jl; bay $5.99; Llinas 1 7.26; rede; 16.lt NORTHWEST BAKi STATEMENT Fort land: Banks. -Clearings today .......... $1,818,783.64 Year ago 1,877,200.31 IO as today .. .,..$ 68,422.77 Balances today ...... k.... 198.664.81 , Year , ago , . . ....... .... 114,633.70 i-.-t-. Seattl Banks. -.v" Clearings today . ......... .$1,668,892.00 Balarfcea; today -106,649.00 GETS CLOSE TO DOLLAR May Reaches High Mark at 9c tn Chicago Pit Today. Chicago, May 26. May wheat went within a single fraction of the dollar mark today, touching tha high point at 99o and closing; at an advance of Ho over yesterday, while other deliveries were from H to Ho up. ' Both Minneapolis and Winnipeg re- Sorted a slow cash trade In wheat to ay, but the latter told of probable ex port business. Foreign markets were generally high er. With Paris up H. to c, Antwerp He Berlin He and Liverpool H to d. Argentina wheat shipments 1,800,000 bushels, compared with 1,968,000 bushels a year ago. - - The extreme hot weather in the wheat country added to the strength of both old and new crop deliveries. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbook & Cooke company: WHEAT. Open. High. May .... 99 H, 99 July .... 89V 89 Sep. .... 88 88,i CORN, May .... 64H 55 July .... 68H 64 H Hep. .... 64 H 64H OATS. Mav .... 30 30 July .... 85ft 36H Hep. ,.A JA :!. . 7 . ivkk. Jw ay ; July ....1500 1610 1495 Sep. -....1453 1452 1443 'LARD. ' May .... 821 823 820 July .... 827 832 , 820 Sep. .... 25 840 827 RIBS. . May .... 800 800 ' 787 790 July ..,.803 807 797 797 B Sep. . 100 t02 795 ' 795 B Close. . 99H 89H 88 H B 54 A 64 C B MA 35 80 B 85 A 1497 1497 1445 ; 82 823 830 IS LITTLE CHANGED New York, May 36. Securities were dull today with practically no Im portant change In values. Closing was general a few fractions higher, but some of the leaders were lower. Kes-ular dividend of 37 He wss de clared by Nevada consolidated, uoiu fleld Consolidated paid the regular divi dend of 80c and 80c extra. American stocks wertr irregular tn London today. Cut in price or steei pars oy tne gubllc Iron dc Steel Co. has been met y the Steel corporation. Sales of copper metal the last 10 days aggregate over -76,000,000 pounds. POUDHASR FLOODING MILL; WHEAT VERY FIRM Market as High as 95c for Bluestem With Only Smal Supply Offering Balfour Guthrie Plant Turned. ,7 irortnwsst Wheat Crop. Pendleton, Or. Wheat grow ing well, but needs sunshine. Wall Walla. Wash. Wheat needs warmer weather to simu late growth. Plenty of moisture. Condon, Or. Wheat outlook best In years; warmer weather now necessary. Heppner, Or. Wheat now sup plied with almost sufficient moisture to end of the season. More sunshine would help. North Taklma Wheat outlook is promising. Another flouring, mill was added to Portland's industries today. Th wheels at the new plant of Balfour. Outhrle e Co. were turned for the first time this morning and the machinery started with arceiy a mien. Until June 1 the plant will be op erated more as a test than anything else" but on the first of th month flour msklng will start In earnest. The new millers report success in securing order for the first run but this consists mostly of export business as no effort whatever has been made to land local orders until after the plant has really started. The wheat market remains very firm with club ranging from 86 to S6c and Diuemcm rorm to te. in latter is i premium of a cent over the quota Ions reecntly offered and Is due to the demand from new millers both her nd In ythe north. FISHING INDUSTRY .,B .Description ,1 Openj Hlghl Low Amal. Copper (jo. Am. c. & jr., c Am. Can., c. Am. C. O., e. . Am. Loco., c Am. Sugar, c Am. 8melt, e. ., Anaco. Mln. Co Am. Woolen, c Atchison, c... B. A O., c Hcet Sugar . . . Bklyn. ft. T... Can. Pa., c Cen. Leather, r.. A (l w . c . .. C. M. & S. P...123 Ches. St Ohio... 82 Colo. F. A I., a. 83 H Colo. Southern, c Corn products, c 15 Dels. & Hudson n a n. a. . c Erie, c 3ZH General Electric 1164 61 79 233 SI 123H 82 32 14H 129 1ZB 184 1792 34H 122 82 33 33 16 '15 84 60 19 108tf 43 108 34 60 'io 107 43 107 128 129 128 122 105 8 122 105 Ot. North.. pH Inter. Harvest Inter. Met Lehigh Vallev Kan. City South. Louis. & Nasn. . . M.. 8. P. & S. S. M. M.. K. & T., C. Mo. Pacific . . . National Lead Nevada Cons. . N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. & W. . Nor. & West, o North American. No. Pacific, c. . . Pacific M. 8. Co Pennsylvania Ry. P. O.. L. & C. Co. Pressed 8. J.. c. Reading, c . . . . . Kep. l. b., o. Rock Island, c. St. L. & 8. F 2pf1 St. Im ft w., o. Pacific, c . . . Texas & Paclfio T., St. L. & W., c U. raciric. c U. 8. Rubber, c. U. 8. Steel Co., o do pfd Utah Cooper . . . Va. Chemical ... Wabash, c V.' IT. Tel Westlnghouse El. Win. (Jen., o Qoldf, Cons. ... 6 0 Mex. National .. so! 81 Ore Lands I 62 62 Hon Com Total sales. 299,000 shares. 169 ? 118 Z5 22 188 41 78 119 60 8i '6l 31 16114 129 12 1? 34 19H 107 42 107 82 76 123 105 so ts 77 119 47 69VS '804 74H Kg 80 1 30- 62 31 Money closed, i Per cent. Salmon Ran Hotter. Astoria. Or.. May 26. It looks a If the run of salmon nas entered tho river and deliveries of fish confirm it on every man's tongue who is in touch with th trade, except from upstream points as far as Clifton, where, as yet there hss been no access of th royal beauty. Oil Bothers Fish. Th Dalles, Or., May 26. The pres ence of oil In the river Is believed to be oartlv responsible for the small catch of salmon In th Columbia at this time. Th run to dat has consisted principally of blue backs or sockeyes. Bad (or Fish. Boise, Idaho, May 26. Storms and cold weather not only bother the fruit growers and farmers of Ura state, but the fish hatchery superintendents as welL according to State Game Warden Ben Oray, who said that 1,000,000 gga had been taken from the Warm River hatchery, but that the cold weather of the past few days had stopped J.he run. "The weather condition nave every thing Xo-do with the fish," said Mr. Oray. "There are few eggs obtained In cold or stormy weather, and the fleh are just ss liable as the grain or the fruit trees to feel the effects of a storm. "Stormy weather, of,t any description has -a detrimental effect on the flsa production. Conditions with the fish 1a this stste are good right now, and the outlook was never "better, but It will 1 a good thing for th hatcheries wha the weather clears up." . v - ' " 1 I " ' I l 1 i i . s THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK t PORTLAND, OREGON ' - UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital .$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits . . . 800,000.00 OFFICERS J. C AINSWORTH, Prea. R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier .R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier Wr A. HOLT, Assistant Cashief DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK SSTABXjaXZO 188. nooiro ajtd wAsxixcrTOir aTBzara PORTLAND, OREGON CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $350,000.00 The Merchants National Bank solicits th business and cordially In vites ths aceounts of individuals, firms and corporations, feeling assured thst the unexcelled facilities and thorough knowledge of local conditions acquired during our twenty-five years of banking experience will render relations, once established, permanently agreeable and mututally beneficial. 3ft. 3V STTmXAJf, President GEO. W. . a OATCnEIxa, Asst. Cashier. SC X KOX.BBOOK. Tloe Sfrestdeat. mOYT. Cashier. a XTS3Ua, Asst. Cashier, FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS . $750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains LUMBERMENS NATIONAL. BANK , Bonds Investments Timber Lands Neuhausen & Co. 701-2-3-4-S LEWIS BUILDING. PORTLAND. OREGON E V E R Y W E E K. these 'directors Meet, deliberate old the affairs of the bank, and apply their careful business judsrnent td its transactions. bttyomzs o Txa Afrknrar rrATSjaurr or THE PHILADELPHIA CASUALTY COMPANY OF BALTIMORE. IaT THE STATE OF MARYLAND. on the list day of December, 1810, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. . Amount of capital paid up..... ... 3 600,000.00 XV OOKB. Premiums received during the year. $ 839,018.88 Interest, dividends and rents received iuring year.. 52.368.02 Income from other sources received during the year. 1,771.28 Total lneorrfe $ 893,150.98 O. K. Weatwortb Obas. . Xussell F. 8. Brumby Sr. X. A. J. Mackenxle George O. Blngbam ZJoyd J. Waatworta J. B. Waosler Geo. HWasrsoa John A. Keatins; Kobert Treat riavM B. O. Ciawford ON 5TH AT STARK DX8BTTU BBCB HTS. Losses paid during the year, including adjustment expenses, etc -. I Commissions and salaries paid during the year.... Taxes, licenses and fees paid durinjg the year Amount of all other expenditures... TOtal expenditures ittlTS. Value of real estate owned...... $ Value of stocks and bonds owned Bills receivable Cash in - banks and on band , . Premiums In course of collection and in transmission Interest and rents due and accrued Tota) assets admitted In Oregon. , - - ' UABXX.XTXES. dross claims for losses unpaid Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding" risks . . Due for commission and brokerage All other liabilities 8S5.270.93 841.135.12 24, 680. fid 44,958.70 11,065.923.41 10,000.00 880,729.97 3,007.60 354.305.83 210.630.88 10,164.29 $1,248,838.21 I 381,878.23 . 813.997.54 82.203.47 29.444.60 500,000.00 MORE BITULIT "WHYS" 1IC Taeoma Banks. Clearings today ..........8 tsaiancee louay 679,098.03 24,085.00 Journal Want Ads bring; results. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and 4fer Bltnm. Inous Pavements. 806-808 Electrlo Bldtw , Portland, Or. Oskar tiubec Lanaa-etv -. . .- - ToUl liabilities 31, 287.031. 84 I t 826.963.28 4.466.89 3.375.19 1,668.17 1.697.63 Total premiums in force Dec. II, 1910.., BtramrBSB nr oitxaov ro txb tbab. Gross premiums received during the year premiums returned aurtng tne year Losses paid during the year. ...................... t. ., . . Losses incurred during the year. ................... , j . . . . -. THE PHILADELPHIA CASUALTY COMPANY (Seal.) By ROBT. Q. llAZELDINE. Secretary. ' Statutory resident general agent and attorney fof service: GEO. T. BCHALK. OXAUC a OBAKAJC, 01 Agents, 118 stark Btyet, 3ortiaad, Or. "I have used an auto mobile since 1903 and have experience with many , kinds of street pavements. None are so satisfactory or so pleasant 'to, rida , over as bitulithic, and this ' applies to all kinds of ' weather." Dr. Tames Sawyer, Nashville, N, C Overbeck & Cooke Co. Ommiaion Merchants . Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Carain, Etciv 21M17. : Board of Trade BulHbj ' . . . - h - K embers CMoego Doard ef Tfa4. CerrM pendents ef Logan 4 Bryas, . - Chios go, w Ters. Bestoa, We have the only private wire seaaeetiof Portland wltk the '. -- ' eastern eachange. V 'I