THE OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, i TUESDAY EVENING.. MAY 23, 101L V il I mi I I .. .1. U ' . l! ::' TOXIOHT'Sf AMUSEMENTS', HBIUO-MJlanche Rinf In '.Thi Yankee i Olrl." ' ' .' """ ' BUNGALOW f-yrlc Musical - Comedy . company In "The Nymph." '' ' BAKKK John Sainpolts to .fThe ,Mld dleman.H ' - ' ORPHEUM., Orpheura Circuit Vaude- villa. k 1 v, . PANTAGES Vaudeville. V ORANl-uUlveu Considlne, raude. STAR ARCADB. OH JOT, TIVOLX First run picture. 11 a. m. to llp-m. -V. Weather Condition. An area, of hlsa nressur la central off tha Naw England coast, and another v, hi all pressure area . ovarllea western Canada and la spreading aouthward over "". tha northarn ttockiea, causing cooier weather In tha Pacific northwest. Over the rest of tha country tha pressure 's raiativelv lowr- Snow ha fallen In Al berta, and light rain In Saskatchewan, Montana, aouthern Idaho, In the Ohio and upper Miaslsslppl valley ana lake region, In tha aaat gulf etatea and In " tha St. Lawrence valley. Thunderstorms were reporiea (ram nsvro, imauumina - Kanaaa City,-- Tha weather is cooler In western Pennsylvania, and warmer In eastern New York. New Jersey. Texas and aouthern Saskatchewan. - - Atmoapherlo condition ara unsettled, but are favorable for showers tonight In southern Oregon and soutnern laano. and generally fair weather throughout tha remainder of tha district Tempera turea will continue moderately low, and portb to northeast wlnda will obtain. SY)RJCf!AST. Portland and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wednesday. North to nortneast wind. . . Oregon: Fair north, ahowara south srtlon tonight, weanesaay lair. nnn east x IN "THE YANKEE GIRL" fiaaatHi-ajv.yrjaa.y ... i fcj to nortbea wlnda. Washington: Fair tonight and Wad uif. Narthaaaterlv wind. 14. Cai IT. I- -maK ihrtwiri antitfk .uau.v. mi uv. v... portion tonight Wedneaday fair. needs Aooldenb. Ylctims Beoovering. Helen and Margaret Beckett, tha two little daughters of William Beckett 174 East Nineteenth street, who were atruok by a streetcar on Alberta street about a week ago, ara rapidly recovering- from their Injuries. Mr. Beckett says that tha girl were not playing on tha atreat aa was stated at tha time of tha acci dent, but that thay ware on their way homa from a neighboring grocery ators and were In tha act of crossing; tha atreet whan tha car, running at a vary high rata cf spaed, struck them. Helen received tha mora serious injuries, say Mr. Beckett Margaret earing her Ufa by clinging ta tha fender for a dlatanea of 10 feet or mora. Margaret la but five years of age and tha fact that aha clung to the fender until the car was brought to a stop Is regarded as tha moat remarkable feature of tha acci dent treated oa ClvU -Warrant Suit 'by C. C. Coulter against W. J. Dennis on a note for 1600 haa been started in the circuit court The -sdalntlf f allege the note 1 overdue and unpaid. Dennis was arrested Saturday avenlng upon civil warrant and gave ball of $1200, Tha warrant Is not on a criminal charge, but waa secured upon a statute which provides that an alleged debtor leaving the state oan be taken Into custody. Dennis was thought to bo ', leaving the state, but It later devel .' oped he waa moving; from one hotel ta another. Woodlawn Tire Station Through tha effort of Counollman John H. Burgard the City will be enabled to spend all of , tha appropriation of 13000. set aside for a fire station at woodlawh, for equlp ' ment the engine house alta having been given to the city for 26 years for noth ing, with the option of buying It at Ha appraised valuation at the and of that period. Tha donor Is tha Portland Rail way, Light & Power company. Tha alta consists of a triangular atrip of ground bounded by Dekum and Durham av enues and Madrona atreet. on their necks oauaed by tha rubbing of t their oollara. - Robert Tucker, president of tha Oregon Humane eoclety. was la the municipal court-this morning' and prosecuted tha ' case. , Schrador was found guilty and fined $10. An appeal will, probably be taken.' ; ; ,( . not 1 rosv John Barne, who as serts that his nam Is also BUUe Olson. a recent arrival from 8an rranolscd, ; was shot in the nose at 1 o'clock this J morning In the Naw England restaurant at 14 North- Third atreat. by Special " rpuceman jonn Honoris, in a scum In which Barnes reached for his hip pocket aa If ha Intended to draw a gun. Barnes walked Into tha restaurant, and haloing himself to soma potatoes on ona of tha tables started to depart. Rob ert drew hla revolver and fired at tha man, tha bullet striking tha man in tha nose and fracturing hla cheek bona. Barnes was removed tonha St. Vincent hospital In tfhx Rad Croaa ambulanoe, whare ha Is under tha care of Dr. Zelg ler. His wounds ara not dangerous. . ' Tagracia t Con riot edVPhlrtp Cambroa, Joseph Waddle, Jamas Cook and Marx Salem, who wars arrested last Friday by Sergeant Oolts on tha charge of vagrancy, vera all found guilty In tha municipal court this morning by Judge Taswell. Philip Cambro. age IT, was turned over to tha Juvenile court, Joaeph waddle was sentenced to go day on tnej Tn- )oeal - of tha story- of The rockpHa and Jamea Cook waa given it Tankee Girt"' la laid In a South Amerl daya at tha aam placa,' Mara Salem r-nuhii,. . known aa tha Isle of waa let off with a auepended eentenco. Brllllantlne, and the latin atmosphere These younrwin wera In tha habit of which prevail rives opportunity for hanging around Eflckeon's saloon, much that la picturesque and romantic It haa a sort of unlaue story that la Discuss Tehlole Farad A meeting of told In a hutnoroua, satirical kind of tha committee havlna- tn charaa tha a way. and a great deal Of convincing h,u vmai mrmA AU Thnria. I matter that, delivered aa it la by clever of Ross Festival week, haa bean called OI "ol? com"1""" 'Tr? :eaaatasS4gKBasl ft $1000 NOW GOAL or wrui Blanche Ring. Two; Uttle Friends of Hal Blind Boy Add $1 to the Amount Now Gained. e- Teddy mi' S Previously acknowladged.fMI.14 "Two Little Frleads" of , Biy, or i.e - TeUl tt.l4 for Thuraday evening tn tha offlcea of the chairman, Dr. Emmet Drake The Una of march will be decided upon, the place of vaiioua entries fixed, and gen era details of the parade will be dis cussed. Speeder Flaed $3S. Louis Oevurts, of the firm of L Oevurts A Sons, was fined 126 by Judge Taswell thla morning for speeding hla automobile last Sunday evening on Tenth atreet, near Washing ton atreet The young man aald that f jri ,1 , It wa the first time that he had driven stand the mechanism and thla being hla flrat offenae the Judge was lenient tatlort, never fail to ret over the foot lights end amuse the auditor. During the progress of the piece Mlaa Ring alnga a number of new aonga and alao a few of the old ones bv war of rood measure, which are varied In their atyl and . .plentifully pleasing In Hit and measure. There la a lot of good material in The Tankee Olrl" and It 1 well charged with comedy, and aa It haa re ceived enconluma from not only the great metropolis, but all the large clt- for all who conalder It their privilege to attend. Parents and Teacher. -The Parents' and Teachers' .circle' of Sellwood will meet at the Sol I wood public echool to morrow afternoon at S o'clock. An elec tion of officers will be held. It will be decided at this meeting whether or not tha work of the circle will be con .tlnued, Rome of the members have It Is said shown but little Interest In the meeting during the past year. Rep resentatives of the State Mothers' con gress will fe in attendance, among them being Mrs. Thomas J. Hawka and Mrs. Hawkins. Price Brought for Hearing Millard Price, arrested in Sacramento on com plaint of H. T.' Green of Portland, who accuses Price of the embezzlement of aoout $1200, waa returned to Portland this morning by City Detective John H. Price, who had been making a trip through California. Mrs. Millard Price, the wife of the prisoner, accompanied her husband back to Portland. Millard Price Is accused of having decamped with funds furnished by Green for the Portland Poultrycompany at the Wash ington atreet market ' To Entertain Arctlo Club Prep ara s tlons are being made by the trustees of the Alaska club for the entertainment oz iso memoera or tne Arctio Brother hood, which will meet In thla olty In November. Commltteea on flnanoe, ad' vertlslng and subscription were named laat evening by President S wanton. The committees are composed of: Subscrip tion, President Swmnton, J. Frank Sin not, W. H. Bard; finance, E. H. Collls, W. H. Downing, H. Y. Friedman; ad vertising. Lute Pease, B. J. Daly. Before Grand Jmry County Auditor fin P IR nilTDriFS DaM..Al XMm .tl. k..TAM aV. ... .A I w w f w w bj saw w saw Jury this morning going over the busl- REAL FUNNY THING ness or nis oince with mat Doay. jo peciai point waa COVerea, n saia, with a rmcnrA of tinlnn. .nnm.nee- oui aiong wim me line or general in-1 meBu behind It tha Ad club haa "sone Teeugmuoa oi mil cwuniy oiiicea, m, t.,i on- Kfr" with' nnnnnMi. auditor waa called to tell bis official mMlt of ,t iuncheon In the Rlcharda cafe tomorrow. "SubDoena." aDneara In hnln lilaflr lAttmrfl at thm n rf fnrtnf rirm vsnsges javaew-A tire wnicn i .ki .nrf u,in. vu uui( wvuiu rim follows: nIfnl" . norZz owvens, "Portland Ad club va. Joha Smith (or i am riaae sirrcu in ssuu is mo r hnmrw th momhi, AArm.A h. cut mat oniy tne rortamoutn rire com- in th nam- of roolnM. h,r. pany responded to the call. Fart of the by commanded to appear la the dining Iv. v y k . ' ' "' room at Rlcharda reaUurant, Wednea- m tou.. uwuain tiw nM.wr. fluy. Mu' M 1911 1I-1X ahara tn H I . ti Ann I 1 iu-ui.u m nv. awer to tha rhrn nf Mnr 1A ftl w n mt m r t tit .1 . . v, m, " i mm tAt Th rina wtl K. e i. u. win meei tomorrow at ocioca in rrhanm.n rir.t In room 301 Ooodnough building. Ml.a ,,,. 1ud- M w w.ii t.f.n. aeoretary clerk, chairman of the day. "Two Little Friends of Teddy" from Bly, Or., have sent Teddy, waif of the Baby Home, a whole dollar, to add to the fund. which 1 U bo spent, for his education. It brings the total within a few cents of $170, and la aooepted a aa Indication of the continued Interest In tha little fellow, who will, have no chance at all to make good, unless given that chance by thk kind hearted people of Portland and Oregon. An effort la being made to lnoreee tha Teddy fund to 11000. This will take him from the Baby Home- and put htm In school for two or three years, or perhaps longer, dependent on the cost By that time he will have gotten a good tart toward ability for self-support, which Is the ultimate object ec those who are interested In the fortunes of the bright little fellow. The money se cured will be spent under the direction of a board of trustees, appointed aome time ago, and consisting of George W. Bates, George a. Long and Mrs. T. H. Ransom. The money aa received by The Journal, or by any of the trustees, is de posited for Teddy In the Oeorge W. Batea A Co. bank. Franoea Oottahall will speak on "Law Enforcement' and Mrs. Flora McKlnney of Seattle will give a talk on "Law En forcement In Seattle." SxfclMt at Lincoln Bonool-rhere will be aa exhibit of the domeatlo art de partment In the assembly room of tha Llnooln high echool Wednesday, May 24, from 2:80 to 4 o'clock, and the Jef ferson high school Thursday, May 26, in room is ana 4. ta puouo is in vited. "An Intellectual banquet served table d'hote. The whine course will be served while Oeorge N. Davis sings the Ad men's Home Sweet Home with varlga tlona. Two meat courses F. H. White field will tell ua about commissioners of various kinds (ad solicitors take no tice) William a U'Ren will talk on single tax. Don't miss thla opportunity to clear your mind on any point about .. J J.BU Will WIBWir questions and he knows. Now cornel1 Shooting Affray on Lewis Grade. (Special PUpatcb to The YoeraaLt Chehalla, Wash., May 21. Two sub contractors on a sewer Job In Eaat Chehalla were lodged In the Lewi county Jail today charged with shooting Oaetano Sessa, a laborer employed by them. The men are Croslo Moruoa and Antonio Oalach. Seasa was shot In the hip but Is not seriously wounded. A dispute over money matters la given aa tha cause. ft Xrs. Xrflrs a lUtOe, Pacific coast representative of Health Culture, says that jnagaatne haa aecured an able man to aucceed the late editor. Dr. Lataon, true version of whose death will ap pear In June Issue. Asked the Judge If They Were Full. A party of Joy riders speeding down Waahlngton atreet early Saturday even ing came to a audden stop at the corner Look him in the eyes when he Is tell- I of Fifth street, where ther saw the ing you our sample shoes, worth 13.60 crowds standing In front of the Am to 16, are only 12.60, and you will see I erican Jewelry company and asked the that he Is telling the naked truth. Boa- I question of a gentleman who waa a good ton Sample Shoe Store. Ill Fourth, oor.l Judge of Jewelry and who had Just Alder, under 6 and 10c store. " stepped out of the store. If they were full of people Inside, to this the Judge Berry Flekers Special: Season round made the reply; "You bet' your life trip rates. Hood River and -White Sal-I they, are ao . full-of-buyers the sales man. ' Steamers Bailey Qatiert and I people cannot handle the crowds." that'a Dalle City; dally from Alder street why they have to aak ao many to wait dock. Phones Main 14, A-6112. outside for awhile and then you ask. "Are they full." Why the counters and All Work Guaranteed. If I won't ahow cases are full of the best things guarantee It, I don't do it if I I ever saw In jewelry and to think thev ever did It, it'a guaranteed. Dr. Elof must get out of their present location T. Hedlund, dentist. Washington bldg., so soon they have not time to find Tfh 270 H Washington at other place. Therefore they are forced 1 to aaorlfioe their entire stock of dia- Oa or Abont Kay lflth we Will remove mondi. watches and lewelrv at lEo on to 186 West Park (Maaonlo building), the dollar. Tell your rlenda. Mention Everything at closing out price aome the American Jawelrv Mmunr Rlht days before. B. H. Moorhouae ft Co, 0n the corner Fifth and Washington 411 Waahlngton street .treets. See the yellow elan. Look at I thm An th trnnAm AlmnlmvmtA fn tha muwnm tuu nn, niunT . Ttnnrm mm at a m m Klsslonary to Speak Mrs. Banks, 14 yeara a missionary to the people dwell r lng In the wilds of Africa, will deliver a lecture on 'Thrilling Experiences In Africa" at (he East Side Bapttat church tomorrow evening. Mra. Banks will ex hibit what la said to be the most com plete set of African curios in the United States. Fined for -Abasing Mule -Perclval Schrader. foreman for Joplin A Meeks, grading contractors, waa arrested yes terday afternoon by Mounted Patrolman Swennes on the charge of cruelty to animals at Fortieth avenue and Forty fifth streets. He waa charged with working two mules that had big sores when you buy your pants of me; $4.60 values. 68; $1.60 values, $2.60. Jimmy Dunn, 116 Oregonlan building; elevator to third floor. STotloe of Bemoral The office of the Child Labor oommlsslon has removed from 106 Jefferson street to 260 hi Third street, room Is. A handle may be fastened on a steel umbrella rod by filling the hole with powdered aulphur and Inserting the rod red hot , taXstemational UmlWd. I The daylight train, 10 a. as. in OWL, For busy business men, 6 p. m. xobs idra Exraxss. The night train. 10:80 p. m. All trains from Storth Bank station. Eleventh and Beyt streets. I Tickets, sleeping and par lor car reservation at city ticket offloe. 122 Third at. and at depot jr. Dicrsojr, o. Mil ABCJUBAX.D OKAY. A. O. T. k 9. A, S Steamer Jess staxkms for Camas, Waahougal and way landings, dally ax eept Sunday. Leaves Waahlngton atreet dock at S p. m. - arrare'lfoyed. For transfer com pany, now at Park and Davis. Main 8980, A,-i$23., . Oleaeon Piano Soheol now moved to fifth floor, Tilford bldg. , Paclflo phone. Open all summer. W. A. Wise and associates, namleea dentists, Third and Washington. Br. P. M. May, graduate chiroprac tor. 101$ E. 4th, North. Hear Sr. Jf. B. Toaknm at Second Baptist church, Eaat 7th and Ankeny streets, May 17 to $1. F. W. Baltes and Company inyite your inquiries for PBINTING Phonti j Home A 1165 First-andiOak- Sr. B. C Brown, Bye. Ear, Maranam. Sr. Courtney, 22T Marquam bldg. Ye Oregon Grille. A single visit To this popular grill will convince the most skeptloal that we are doing the grill bualneas of the city. - Exceptional , musical programs and excellent service Is the secret Slgnor Marino, the celebrated Italian violinist, and his orchestra of eoloUts, are sOll entertaining our patrons,, both at lunoh and during evening hours. .THE KEYSTONE. TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S, STOMACH BITTERS When the dii?etive system needs toning and strength ening, take the Bitters promptly. It does the work. Try a bottle today. a. g. r. k A DENTISTS one: price: BO XOBB BO Ull Consult our advertised price carefully men oome to us ana you will nnd that we do exactly aa we advertise. Bet ter etllL brlnsr thla "ad" with von. r. the work performed, then pay ua the aaveruaeo. prices, we rut. crown, treat, out pain. These low prloes buy "best ouaiiiy" oentistry. The one genuine sale of 1911 where you can be'sure of finding genuine bargains is at the Big Removal Sale 5th ind Alder 5ih and Alder d mm f t-t V r 5th and Alder 5th and Alder June Brides and Graduates f Line I service Y to rvrovr norm aid i Birtin ooLVMiii, M Balama, Kelso. Ghehalla, Oentralla, Taooma. Seattle, Y Byerett, BeUlngkam. Bew ' Westminster and Teaoou- Te, ' B. ' a K 3-Train8 Daily-3 a 1 Can take advantage of the im mense reductions we are mak ing on our entire stock of Mar quisette, Batiste and Silk Dresses while the assortment . of styles, colors and sizes is at its best Beautiful Marquisette and Batiste .Dresses Made of the finest of mate rials. All the new styles, with round collarless yokes and ki mono sleeves. .Jhe waists and skirts are trimmed in fin est Valenciennes laces and real Cluny, embroidered with heavy Bulgarian embroidery, in white, coral and white, king's blue and white, and black and white. Dozens of beautiful models, to select from, and at such price reduc tions which mean a saving of one third to one half. v $20 Values ..$12.45 $25 Values $14.95 $30 Values $18.75 $40 Values $24.75 One Special Lot Of Silk Dresses and Marquis ette Dresses grouped together for Wednesday and Thursday )nly 20 val- P 1 A 7 C ues at J I V. I O You must see these beautiful dresses to appreciate what wonderful bargains we are giving. 11 See The New Reversible Coat Two coat In one. one side Imported black satin Duch ess, reverse side Kings Blue, Gold, Pink and all the evening shades. They have the new kimono sleeve, and are so made they can be worn, aa pre ferred for atreet, afternoon and evening wearQ7C Our apeolal price I AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG TUtATajlof rnonesi Haia 1 and A-liaa. Tonight. 1:1a. Tomorrow Night Special Prloe Matinee Tomorrewi Lew Field and Fred McKay present " ramoua Charming Comedienne, BLANCHE RING I In Mil steal Comedy Snecees. r. "TXTB TABXBB MMlm" Harry oilfoll eo Player It v Special Orchestra. , ' ' 1 , Evening: Ixiwer floor, tl. $1.80; bal- t7to, rows, too; gallery, 10s. Tomor- I im, . lusiinn; uiwvr iiuvr, f&.pv, ot IQc; gallery, 31c, 15c ; - BAT SAZB OYBBB NEXT THURSDAY xxzua 8rfermaaoes BeglaiBlB7 Monday. May 29 JVXXA SOTHERN&filARLOVE Arrangement of plays for engagement: Monday night. May it ItACBJBTK Tuesday night. May 10. TAknro of rxa sajurvr . Wednesday matinee, May II BOiCBO AB3 SVXJMV Wedneaday night. Mar II BOkiO ABB JTJXjBT Thuraday night, June 1 ItiEaVCnEABT OF TTWICB Friday night. June I.TWEIFTB Jna-HT Saturday mat, June I A YOU UU I Saturday night. June I SAHUY Prloes, both evenings aiid matinees l En tire lower floor It; balcony, first rows 11.10; next rows, II; following rows, Ttot laat I rows fOo. Entire gallery, iOo. Curtain rises at I and I o'clock. BAKB R Kal? A-aaeo Oee. b Bakes, Mgr. Tonight all week, matinee Wednesday and Saturday, tne eminent actor, . JohnSainpolis Supported by the Baker Theatre C la Hla Greatest Sucoesa, "The Middleman" A Oreat Play, Remarkably Played. BDeclal summer stock prloes: tea, Mo Matinee, all eeata, ISo. , xi - - irn in.i1iis BUNGALOW THEATRE i22& Mat every day, 1:41: t evening per.. formancee, 7:41, 1:15. The popular LTRIC MUSICAL COMEDT C9. la "Til mtrmV ' - Nothing but laughter and music New songs, choruses, ooatumee. All favorites, Weet and Vack, Jeane Fletcher, others. ' Prloes ISo, 16a Mate. IOo. Chorwa OirisV Contest Friday nignu Profit by (be Experience ol Others Before You Boy a Piano Profit by the experience of others, who own or have heard a Bush & Lane. The full, pure, limpid tone of the Bush & Lane piano and Its easy touch make it a favorite among musicians, while it is admired by everyone for its beau tiful finish. Every BUSH & LANE PIANO is sold wkh a written guarantee for a period of 20 yearsdirect from our factory to you at factory prices and on EASY PAYMENTS BUSH & LANE PIAR0 CO. 386 Washington St, Bet. W. Park and Tenth. BCAIB A A, IPSO j XATZBBB BTBBT 9 At Vaster Gabriel and his company, Za beue D'Armooo, oeorge xoore, worn e wards, The Bamba Japs, Oeorge Austin Moore and Cordelia xsAger, Browning ana xewis, aerara ana snw-eu. QRAINO Week May 33, I9U FBJBB XABBOI OBIOXBA& t, London Pantomime Company ; In "A Night tn an Kngllsh Music Halt" utxwm a rriBiiwo, sabzb ssxm- JACX OOUZB, BABBOWS- SUrOASTXB COHFABT OBABDASOOFB. Matinee every day, 1:10, any seat lfo. Evening performances at' 7:10 and 1:11 1 balcony, 15o; lower floor, ISo; box seats, 50a ' s- . Vaeaale Vasderffl. av.r. TXZS WZXK Special Bngmffemen George Primrose World-famous Minstrels , SohrOde and G9appaUe. rax, J prices. - Maunee oaaxy. I: tare. Tallman. Qr rantageeoope. popular p Three Buns Sis-1 the Engllsfe BCbsOo, 10, T:t0. . '"Every little moment saved has a' value all Its own.4' Phone B. A O. i Transfer company when In a hurry to catch your train, ' The only company 'In the city that checks your baggage at your home or hotel. Main 6980, A-43Z3 Klamath Man to Jail. Frank, Klrre of Klamath was sen- P 3 loster & Klelser High tirade Commercial and Electric tenced t0 days in the oounty Jail by United States Judge Bean yesterday for negligence- in allowing a 'forest fire to spread in the Crater -Lake national for. est.', .In sentencing Klrre, Judge Bean) ?'' 't IT 'dthera: wascQnsldaf abledoibt in 1-1?- II ter had been decided by . the Jury. The ( , , Bast Tth "and Bast BvereH Sts. jury recomjnended mercy in its verdiot, V A. 'Fhones Bast 1111 1 B-saae . ' - it - , BBXSOB WOBK, per tooth A M AA B3-oarat OOU OBOWBS 2)4.1111 oiowii vavv ortland Printing House Co. T$? ZrA&2?mi?: Book. Rittlir end Oonunarota) V piAww xjjjBxm twnen otner work PrflHting Jj Wlmpl. SO., con Gold rilUngs-Aeeordlsc to also, fl iitUng Berves and Treating Teeth- wuo9 so fx.ow ezfza. - f nil Set of Teeth. $5,$70,$10 Aooording to quality of work desired. AU Work Oaaraateed for 18 Tears. ALBA BROS. XBXXABU FAXBXBSS BSBTXBrS Open I a, m. to 8 p. m. Sunday I to 1 p. ra. Phone Marshall 1146. Mm W, Ooraer Sd and Morrison. TTpetaira, Xatire Cornea, Have your ticket read "Burlington" WhenYouGoEast Tour one-way or round-trip ticket to principal eastern destinations Include the Burlington's hlgh-claaa serrloe, whether you go Via St Paul, Scenic Mississippi, Chicago. Via St Paul, Scenic Mississippi, St Louis. Via Billings, Kansas City, St Louis. Via Billings, Omaha, Chicago. Via Billings and Denver. Via Denver, Kansas City, St Louis. Via Denver, Omaha, Chicago. Via Kansas City and St Louis. Via Kansas Gty and Chicago. Via Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis. Burlington trains ' their equipment, electrio lighting system, dining unrtM. afftaiaiie anmloTas. the "tone of mmrwUm." thib "Ctn Tm" . BASEBALL BBOBBATZOV VAJUC Cor. Vangha and Twettty-fonrtli PORTLAND vs. SAN FRANCISCO HAT 83, St. SS, SO, 7, tS. Games begin week daya 3:00 p. m. Sun daya 1:10 p. m. Admission Bleachers tie; grandstand IOo; boxes I Bo extra. Children, bleach ers, IOo: grandatand 1So- Iadles day Friday. Boys under IS tree to bleach era Wednesday, . ;:j;.ti.v -;' : n-.s; t . serrloe, efficient employes, the "tone of servioe," their "On Time", ep- zwnon wiu wnuuia ttot jou;mac u u ma sing si yoxu rguie yon see that the Burlington forma part of your eastern journey. Book Binding and Blank Book Making. 388 Taylor St. Phones; A 2281, M 6201 v. Very Low Excursion Fares to the East In Effect Frequently Each Month Ask Initial line egente or the undersigned for rates .via the Burlington. NewDep arture Tne cast ef tatermeat hare ) greatly redneed by the Xolmnn . UndertaklBg oompaay. s Heretofore It has been the custom ef funeral directors to make ehargea for all incidentals connected with a f u neraL. The Kdward Holman Undertak ing company, the leading funeral - dU rectors of Portland, have departed from , that ouatom. When casket I furnished by ns w make no extra charge for embolmlng, hearse to cemetery, outside box or any aervices that may be re quired ef us, except elothlng, cemetery and carriage, thus effecting a saving ; of III to 17 en each funeral. ,, , THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKINU CO. ESQ TBXKD ST. COB. SATJIOB. A. C SHELDON, General Agent 100 TiMIrtlsJidrt1 Screen Doors and Windows Keep out tha fly and avoid Sickness by ordering screens from ,. ; ; .. WARD DUOS. .. sat tnrzoir atb. B. -.;v Phone Woodlawn ilJ. C-Ut. 1GB Main C2H -a ry-frtr- ilk ajtltvw 3r t-.'-V.v;.!:-