The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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matlon rfrrln to th tariff on wood
pulp and papr- H aald:
. "tieap paper. If w expct to retain
tha print paper Industry la America,
can be secured only by ths adopUon of
a reolproclty olaus In 'the treaty, Th
Canadian provinces ar trying to -fore
American print paper mills to mov
across th boundary- ?'-'" ' '
(Special Diapatcb to The JoaraaL)
to bass final action, th stata board ff
sundardliatlon of - colleges adJourBa .
yesterday afternoon, -after adopting res
olutions to the effect that colleges' and!
unlversltls heretofore - enjoying tha
privilege, of high -schooli corlflrstlon
under thsold law b treated as standard
colleges in thg sens of tha w:'Uw
until such, a tlm as th national bureau
of education or tha stata board of stand,
ardlsatl. shall take deflnlt (action
In standardlxlng tha Institutions of Or
gon. ' Th purpos of this action was to ,
treat equitably th students graduating
front th colleges and universities th '
Minister Says in Sermon That
-.Thomas s People's
Giberl Forced to; Descend at
: lBlarritz for Fuef v . :
flotent Information at hand upon which
present yaar. ,.- ., -.: 'f . ' -
Garros Falls: , . .
' -'. ' (i ".(!' ; .: . ;':'. .: '.' t - '
- -s . "i ' i ! 'V . .V.-. V : : V ' : I . ; ! .
-;,--- T,-.,- f.-... ..v . J
Havlna preached agatnat both Ruah
. nh nd filmon. candidates for
mayor, from hit pulpit, Albert Ehrgott,
" minister of th East 81de Baptist church
, issued a statement thla morning ap-
' MMrn thm candidacy of George H.
': Thomas. Mr. Ehrgott aald:
"I am convinced that Mr. Thomaa la
the onlr candidal before the people
, who truly desire to represent all tha
i people. I consider him tne only truiy
Indenendant candidate. H baa risen
from tha ranks of workingmen. and he fuU hyrapatny with both workers
n4 cmDlovera.
. "He atanda fully committed, too, to
the commlaalon plan of government.
and under Thomaa aa mayor w would
.' be more likely to secure the apeedy
adoption of tha commlaalon plan than
under Rushlight, who already has an
nounced a policy of tardineaa In acting
upon tha commlaalon plan, or wow
Mayor Simon, who If elected, togather
with a number of business men would
no doubt find It convenient to loae their
Interest In that form of government u
their sanction of a continuance of tha
present form, because the oniy reason
they have approved tha commission plan
Is to oppose Rushlight.
"Mr. Thomaa, though a Democrat la
In a true sense tha only Independent
candidate. Inasmuch aa be atanda for the
-Interests of all tha people. He la in
tba best aense the peoples' candidal
Unqualifiedly believe that the economic
and moral interests of Portland would be
best conserved with Mr. Thomaa aa
maror. I am not a Democrat, only a dtt
sen. anxious for the highest welfare of
Greater Portland, and this la an un
aollcited and voluntary contribution."
(Continued Front Paga One.)
ready being made as the reault of a
reported maaaacra by rebels In Torreon.
Information from that place, through
a Chinese merchant at Cludad Porflrto
- Diax, haa reached here that 171 Chin
ese. 70 Japanese, on German and 12
Spaniards were ahot down In the atreeta
f Torreon after lta capture by the
- Tba Chinese charge d'affaires hare
has already : made . representations to
the Mexican government on tha matter
and 'Vigorous protests by tha represen
tatives of ,. tha countries : wbosa
subjects suffered are sura to be made
as soon as verification of. tha maaaacra
la received.' ,..!
(Daftta Prass LaaaaJ Wtie.l '
El Paso, Texas. May IS. With the
accession ttf Madera to power In Mexico
ladepeadent revolutions will be handled
with an iron hand, according to an an
nouncement at Madero's headquarters
. here today.
The revolt in Lower California, fost
ered by the Mexican Liberal . party,
which Is opposed . to Madero, will be
-the first attended. General proaco will
be sent against tha Lower California
-, rebels. '
- Reports that General Flgueroa', who
heads 11,000 men was aligned with the
.Liberals were branded as false by
urosco, toaay.
. Washington, Mar t a. United States
-onsu4r Agent-Crot hers today tele
i grapned the state department from Tor
co, xnai 2vif unineae war
siain mere in rioting on May 15. He
aald tha cause of the maaaacra was Ihat
me mung raoeis alleged mat the fed
rala had armed the Chinese, who fired
. on the insurgents. After the first out-
oreax oraer waa restored and the re-
mainaer or me cmneae colony was pro
tected. ine persona of Americans, Crothers
' ere respected and their prop-
erty was protected from pillage.
- Two Armies Near Tie, Juana.
San Diego, Cal., May 2 J.Two armed
Mexican forces were reported east of
Tia Juana today, one being reinforce
ments for the liberal army and the
other federals under Colonel Majol.
The rebels were reported near Tecate
last night but their number could not
be learned. The federals are thought
vto have passed near Campo and gone
toward Enaenada. The rebel attack on
fcnaenada may be again postponed. The
rebels made no effort to stop the fed
erals crossing Plcachos Paaa
About 150 refugees are living In and
about Tia Juana.
All But Pew Slain.
(United Hwm LeatMl Wire
Eagle Pass, Texas. May 23. Tourists
arriving hare today from Torreon, Mex-
" rMnf1' that lut dn of the
Chinese there were slain In the recent
massacre by insurrectos. They assert
SnanUri l?'"' K
, Spaniards and one German perlshei
, Madero FamUy i'n Frisco.
t 0"? l'r Le-Md Wr. i
Ban Francisco, May 28. Mrs Alberto
-Madero. aunt of Francisco Madero
tthe leader of the Mexican revolution, is
; now It San Francisco. She' la accom
" ?.n,eV.h,r tl"-"mil children ani
claco girl, who is her secretary Rh
probably will remain here unm after
J tha Mexican trouble la over
fo,, '-- rii., 3","'l'''l'iiiliii..i..f.,. ... . ' ' J ' i
Photograph showing th htroc
the capture of the city
leys on a building In which the federals were barricaded during the rebel attack.
fgDedsl DUnateh to The Joarnal.)
iTiintt nr.. Miv 33. Frank. 14-year-
old son of Mrs. Lee, who resldea in the
western part of th city, was instantly
killed late yesterday afterrtoon by be
ing thrown from a horse. His neck
was broken. His foot caught In the
stirrup and he waa dragged half a block
before his foot came loose. People who
witnessed the occurrence Immediately
ran to the boy's assistance, but be was
dead when they reached him.
Eng foe-Florence in Day, Maybe.
(Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.k
Eugene, Or., May 2i.-Steps are ba
ng taken to estaonsn an luwmuum
stage line between Eugene and Maple
ton, making it possible to, make the
trip from this city to Florence In one
day. A steamer will take the passen
gers from Mapleton to Florence, in
auto will leave Eugene in the morn
ing, arriving at Mapleton In the middle
of the afternoon, and the boat will ar-,
riv at Florence early in the evening
Returning a boat will leave Florence in
ths morning and the stage will leave
Mapleton for Eugene some tun before
noon, arriving In Eugene in the evening.
The roads are getting in shape for auto
mobl travel and if the project Is a
success the service will begin early-in
June. , . . v
Part of Siaslaw- Bonds pe-Solo.
(Special DUptch to The Jonrnat.) -Eusrene.
Or.. Alar .23. The Dime Sav
in as bank of Detroit, Mich.,, has agreeJ
to take the bonds of the Portpf Sluslaw,
the First National bank of Eugene,
which offered better terms. havlng(.de
cided to withdraw its offer. The te-
trolt bank secures 1116,000 of the bonds.
(Special Dhpateh to Tba Journal.)
White Salmon, Wash., May 22. In a
box of eggs recently Shipped to a local
restaurant was one which bore the neat
ly written addresa of a young lady In
Nebraska. A letter was sent, corres
pondence became regular and last night
a waiter In the restaurant packed his
suitcase (or Nebraska The young wo
man, "sixteen years 'old Jlgbt. auburn
hair and blue eyes," expressed as much
surprise at the distance her matrimonial
medium had travelled as the reader will
be that eggs have to be shipped from
so far east to the Pacific northwest,
where poultry raising is so easy.
Bonds Sell for Bungalow School.
'Special Diapatcb to The Journal.'
White 8almon. Wash., May 2S. A
two room bungalow school house Is to
be erected In the Cameron district three
miles north of this place, the $1600
bonds at 8 epr sent having been taken
by Perkins A Co.. of Portland.
Who Wants a
Nice Head of Hair?
Easy to Get One in a Few
Weeks by Using Paris
ian Sage.
Lack of nourishment that's he rea
son hair tans out, grows tnin, raaea
and turns grey.
Dandruff germs dig into the hair roots
and rob the hair of its nourishment
Parisian Sage th dellghtrully re
freshing hair grower and beautlfler not
only completely destroys these germs
but penetrates Into the roots of the
hair and furnishes the stimulating
nourishment that causes hair to grow
abundantly and lustrous.
Parisian Sage is guaranteed to put an
end to dandruff; stop falling hair and
scalp itch in two weeks, or money back.
Large bottle 60 cents at Woodard,
Clarke & Co., and druggists everywhere.
"I ued Parisian Sage and It did my
hair a great deal of good. I find It a
very good hair tonic, the best I ever
uBed. It's ' a very good scalp cleaner,
hair grower, and beautlfler." Tours
very truly, Allca Baumgartner, Hague,
N. T.
She Likes Our Style
Of doing things up, of making her soiled
Shlrt-Waista look like new again. And
so does every one of our patrons who
nave testea us wun in meaning ana
Presslns- of their
both oper
We take
Infinite pains with
th operations, and
we have a system of doing this work
which insure - the safety of the most
delicate fabrics, auch as laces, gloves,
etc. W would ilk to add you to our
long list bf pleased patrons.
Kail or
ders gives prompt attention.
SS"8S Third fJtfcst. Halmoa aad Mala.
x"'l i-lla'1" :J V. f ,
wrought bj rebel builitg at Juares
from the federals. The picture-ghows the effect of a succession ot vol-
(fatted Prtss Leased WlrO
Washington, May 23. Th minority
report of the committee on Judiciary
was filed yesterday afternoon In th
senate. It protests against the direct
election of senators on the ground that
the resolution, as framed, removes the
federal supervision of the elections.
Senators Clark. Nelson. Dillingham,
Sutherland. Brandege and Root signed
the ' minority report. In an appendix
Root, Dillingham, and Braadegee op
posed in tha entire plan for th dlreot
election of senators.
The house rules committee has de
cided to grant Congressman Victor L.
Berger of Wisconsin a hearing on Sat
urday in support of his resolution pro
posing a federal Investigation of the
manner In which J. J. McNamara was
taken from Indianapolis to Los Angeles.
(t'ol'wl Ptcm Leaard Wlm.l
Seattle, Wash., May 23. Lacking one
vote, oouncilmen favoring the bill pro
hibiting smoking on street cars, failed
to pass It over Mayor DIUlng's veto.
fluy T. Ketcheson, editor of the Pacif
ic Drug Review was fined 126 In police
court yesterday morning for speeding
F. Jackson, while trying to prevent
Dr. J. A. Pettltv from passing him,
made 25 miles an hour up Hawthorns
Make Your Home Glaci
by using our paints and varniskes
This is the time of the year to brighten your home inside
and outside with some of our fine Paints and Varnishes.
We sell good Paints and Varnishes Sherwin-Williams'
Bestmade to be used. They will giye the longest serv
ice and the greatest satisfaction. We call your attention
to the following list: : 7 ' ' . V
SKerwin-Williams Best Paints ancl Varnishes
House Paint. . ; . . .75c Ot. $2.50 GaL
Floor Paint ....
Porch Floor Paint .
Flat Tone Interior Colors
Floor Varnish . . . . ..;
Furniture Varnish
Linoleum Varnish
Screen Enamel
Family Paints ....
Oil Stains ,
Enameloid, for bathrooms and
Hand Craft Mission Stain
Other Aids To Home Decoration
Sapoline Enamels, all colors ....... . .... ;15c, 25c, 40c .
Sapoline Gold and Silver Enamel .15c.25c.40c
Janalac Varnishes and Enamel. .20c Pt to$3.00 GaL
Chi-namel Varnishes and Enamel 35c l2 Pt to $3.50 GaL
Alabastine Wall Tints .55c Pk Five Pounds.
Dekarato Wall Tints '. 50c PkgrFhre Pound ,
Kalsomine Brushes . . -. . . . .v ; .50c. 75c, $1.00
Paint Brushes ... .. .35c to $1.25 -
Varnish Brushes . ... ... .10c to $1.00
We carry all makes of Furniture Polishes and can fur
nish them in any quantity. - . , . . :
Ask for a copy of the Home Decorator, a fittle maga
zine containing suggestions for home decoratipn. - '
Information andvfolor cards free at otir Paint Dept.
Woodard, Glarke Co.
Waa ington and
during the battle which resulted In
avenue and waa arrested near Orand
avenue by Evan a He was fined $26.
Edward H. McAllen of S28 Has
salo street was fined SIS for reckleaa
driving at Tenth and Washington
Fred A. Bennett a garage owner was
found guilty of violating a traffic or
dinance In turning a corner on?" the
wrong aide but sent en o was suspended
In his case.
Election tn Philadelphia,
(Uslted Press Leased Wirs.t
Philadelphia, Pa., May 13. Much In
terest la manifested In tha special elec
tion In progress In the Second congres
sional district today to fill th vacancy
caused by the death of Representative
Joel Cook. William 8. Reyburn, son of
Mayor the Republican can-
dldat. Th Democrat candidate la
Henry Baur, a young lawyer. Th dis
trict has a normal Republican plurality
of about 17,000, In a total poll of from
to.000 to 8S.000.
Charm and Elegance
Of True Beauty
(Stlllwell In Fashion.)
"Every woman delights in a vel
vety skin and fin complexion, but
few realise th harm done th skin's
delicate surface by smothering It with
powders or cosmetics, writes Mm.
Stlllwell la Fashion.
"A mayaton lotion gives grand re
sults and is quickly prepared by dis
solving a amall original package of
mayaton In eight ounces of witoh-
haxel Message this freely Into tha
skin everr day and you will be sur
prised how soon It Is cleared and beau
tified, while the complexion takes on
the charm and elegance of true beauty.
"Nothlnar equals mayatone to protect
the skin from changeable weatner, tan
or freckles. It is easier to us and
more satisfactory than powaer, is
greaseless and will not grow hairs."
65c Qt, $2.00 GaL
75c Qt, $2.50 GaL
.75c Quart
'............ ..90c Quart l
,50c Pint
.50c Pint
,40c Pint
...... . . . V. 15c, 25cvx45c '
.40c Pint :
kitchens. .... .90c Quart
. . 50c Pint .
Fourtk Streeta -
4 , (United Frass teased Wlra.1 V
San Bsbastian, 1 Spain, Mar II'
Aviators Garros and GlberL vrho are
competing In - th Parls-tadrld aero-
plan race, arrived bar today from
Angoulsm at :it a. m. , Gibert was
lost in a fog for two hour, most of
which time he spent flylnr . over th
ocean. Jle alighted, at BlarrlU to ra-
plenuh his fuel supply. - Ths distance
from Angoulein her lw 210 miles, but
Gibert estimates he covered moir than
800 miles. Garros fall eight miles from
here end waa slightly injured. '. - .
Both Garros and Olbrt lft Anfu-
lerne at 6:11 thla morning. Vedrln lft
at 7:15 and arrived her at !: a. m.
(Onltad Ptms teaaad Wlss.1
Washington. , May tl. John Norrls,
repreeentlng th Amartoan Newspaper
Publishers aaSocIgtlon, presented today
to th senate finance committee tnfor-
Big Stock
From East-Side
. v ' rums
t AND U P . I
" - -- IS? : ; . I
Yesterday over a carload of pianos was. sold at the . big new Eilers store, 'Seventli and Alder,
.Purchasers found every piano and player piano exactly as advertised. Eilers Music House
has been built'up by honest business methods and truthful publicity, and the present big sale,"
disposing of the large stock from the discontinued East Suie store, is again making hosts of
friends. Today of fers a greater bargain feast than ever, as the entire East Side store stock
of Pianos, Baby Grands and Player Pianos has now been removed to the new building. The
little prices and easy payments will sell them rapidly; so don't delay Here are Just a few of
tne dozens of snaps: .
Now at
Seventh and Alder
iT L vrT vPiu" iff
r- . : . t m s mm-Forwi stores m Hmm&mmm'i
GWR-Of the New -
FOR SUMMER is in the box
It will be out May 29 1& ;y
IsarVs, . , Chest, feabody at Csanssaor. Troy. sT.T.
. . 44lrs M I mw a vam I
' v. - j "7 .
.asaaw a tr ....r ..aewa. m asj .-. , j , i ....... -i.r ir-r. a.
A i I ...... ... .1 .
xx '
The NaUon's
Largest Dealers