The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 19, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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f Company Proposes ; Pumping
: Catherine Creek Water
.: - (Special XHtpatck te It JoanuJ.) ;
l;,l.tfnlon,' Or.," May A nw corpora
tion ; has. entered ' the field of eastera
' Oregon ilind.VRlon county ' for develop
t ment and reclamation of land between
Union and La Grand., It la the East
ern Oregon: Realty company:' and the
."principal 'promoter are r. A. Harmon;
' Manager of the Eastern Qregon Light
' JPowar', company, - Ray Nye, president
of the same company, ana several bji
f . .The company ..bad become .owner of
10Q acres of semi-arid land In Union
county. 'Up to the present this land Mae
nrodwced practically nothing. Soma wa
terries been brought to portion or It
from a alough, which has been dammed
and Conserves a email portion of thla
water from th snow and epting rain
fall. ' The portion aecurlng water in thla
manlier, however, la vary amall and jnn-
' certain. The plan or tne company ia to
uae the water of Catherine reek whloh
t Iowa through the town of Union . and
from which the town get It water aup
' ply, and Improve the present alto ao
there will be an abundance of water far
; the entire tract the whole season. Ca-
' therlne creek la a beautiful stream ear
tying enough water the year round to
Irrigate much of the Grand Bonds val
ley If necessary, A pumping plant will
be Installed.- ?r "v M;"rrrr
" Mr. Harmon say thla la only tha first
of a number of similar projects under
consideration by this company.
i iJ Ill
't t.
(Continued From Page One.)
Mexican eoneul nj others here today.
Pryco waa arrested several miles from
the border line by American soldiers
after he hid apent a night and part- of
yeaterday in this city. . Captain Hop
kins and Lieutenant S. A. Mllburn of th
rebel forces were also arrested. Mllburn
was later released. Pryce and Hopkins
are held at FOrt ltosecrans.
.Pryce was arretted upon telegraphic
orders from Minister of Foreign Affairs
pe La Barra of Mexico. The Anti-In
terference league here, headed by John
Kenneth Tomer, th. author, will at
tempt to secure Pryce's release on ha
beas corpus, r ; .
4Turrter artd-Attorney-R B.-Klrk-rep-reaantlnr
th league, announced they
would take two ouree first, to Instt
ute habeas corpus prooeedlngs for th
release of Pryce, and ssoond. to try to
have General T. H. Bliss, commander
of the United States troops here, arrest
ed on a charge of baring ordered an Il
legal arrest .'..--. -
? r i-f- - i- -nil i, ' ii .1 ."....(- ' '1
1 v (Vetted Ytmm Ism4 Wt. ' "
. Paris, May It. Scoffing at plans by
which It i sxnected to end th rebel
lion la Mexico, Vlo President Ramon
(Corral, Whoa resignation along wltb
, that of President iJias, has been prof-
I fared by 'the administration a a oon
reasion to the lnsurrectoa. declared tow
i- day that tha resignation of. Diss would
never and the revolution.
A s - for myaelf said Corral. "I do
not Intend, to resign until I hear di
rectly from General Dlaa. Our Tesig-
nation would not aettie the issue, si
believe It Is certain that th revolution
will continue throughout the affected
areas, at least In guerilla form."
I - (TJnftrd Pmas Unud Wlia.t
4 El Paeo, Texaa, May 19. Elated, at
h victory f his son wbO he bellevsaj
will soon be the constitutional president
of Mexico, Francisco Madero Sr. today1
lauded th boyhood of the lnsurracto
Chief. .7 -,
( "If you had known my son when h
was a boy." be Said, "you never would
bav seen In him th leader of a suo
oeaaful revolution.. He was always
'oulet and studious. v He nvefc fought
with his playmates, and was never
-spanked inTiis iire." .
Bhe brought only tS refugees - from
Kneenada. It is expected, however, that
the steamer Benito Juares, now. on her
way VP th coast from Masatlan will
- Blnger Hermann, ex-congressman and
sx-commlasioner , of , the general ? land
offlc and th best known man In Ore
gon, U lnr Portland enreute to hi horn
In Roseburg- after an absence Xrom th
state of four months, during whlah bo
mad" an extended tour of th countries
bordering on the Mediterranean Sea.;
Mr. Herman went abroad In search of
health and morns to his native heath
In splendid physical condition, declais
Ing that1 he is enjoying better health
than b baa for many years. . '?
We sailed from New Tork .Febru
ary i, direct for th Strait of Gibraltar,"
said th returned traveler, , "and after
entering the Mediterranean we stopped
at very point of Interest on th Eu
ropean, Aalatlo and African: coasts of
that sea. Just four months', time was
required to make th cruise with short
side trips In -Greece and' Turkey, and
a week's sail up the Nils a far as an
cient, TbebM y ' ,.;'. i,,'f-
Mr. Hermann was a witling talker on
any subject but politics, although he
spoke wistfully of a week's stay In
Waahlnrton and recounted with an evi
dent ahow of pleasure bla meetings with
old congressional friends. . v
"i nav no aspirations to . return to
congress," said the Douglas county
statesman, "and any announcement that
shau again be a candidate for th
congressional nomination was 'entirely
without my approval."' , A
Mr, Hermann had no opinion to ex
press on th Democratic free trad bill,
In 'fact,' ha said 'that h had not read
th bill and' had paid no attention to
the newspaper comment upon It. lie
leaves tonight for, his horn at Rose
burg. J.,,;; rr-r;-;:.-! , 'r
Gas Ughtand Telephbrto Com
. panies Want Public Utilities
i i .1 . iV.,;:.
John H. Burgard wr a mU as b
approached- the city auditor's offlc
yesterday afternoon. "I am filing my
acceptance of . the - Pemocratlo nomina
tion for councilman at large to succeed
myself In th unexpired term of former
Councilman Devi In,' said Mr. Burgard.
This, -acceptance is an unexpected
pleasure, as I sought only th Republi
can nomination. I am glad t get both.
" ' ' i ' 1 1 in i i ; f ,.iV.''
Journal Want Ad bring ulta
f'iV ?:, v's .' ''' .-;w ;
. Wsshiogtes Boreas ef The JoamaLt ' '
Washington. May It. Th Washing
ton Gas Light company and tb Chess.
peaks, Jb Potomac Telephone company,
af ten years of bitter opposition, bav
Joined In indorsing th proposal to cre
ate a public utilities commission for th
District of Columbia. - The proposal em
anated from progressive sources,
; , The demand for tha creation of such
a'veommlaslon has been ' Insistent for
many years. To the surprise of ' th
original proponents, these ; two ' publlo
utility corporations bav found that af
ter all their own interest will, be ad
vanced by providing, an official agency
to settle disputes between th . people
and the corporations concerned. - ' '
Probably in no stat conditions affeot
Ing publlo utility corporations are ss
chaotlo as In th District of Columbia.
Th district is governed by three com
mlssloners appointed by th president,
but congress lsglslates directly for th
dtstrlot Th result Is that, a dosen
committees In th hous and senate are
continually investigating alleged abase
and listening to complaints by tha peo
ple as well as demands by th corpora
tions. . There 1 neither rhyme nor res
son in th preeen t system.-. The - com
missioners have no authority. The in
terstate commaro' commission lias pan
tlal authority over the streat railways,
but n central body axlats in whloh may
center aU proceedings arising from tb
relation between the peopl and publlo
service corporatlona 'i,
.. - -mi - -' lJ .'
-Walla ' Walla, 1 , Wash May ll-Con-structlon
of . a . macadam, road ' from
Walla Walla to Free water, was th
main them of discussion at tb pionlo
of th , Ferndal and V Hudson Ray
granges in t Freewater. , The - rain and
wind prevented th picnlo . being held
outdoor, but tb crowd gathered in the
Odd Fellows temple. "The Walla Walla
Freewater road may b Jointly built by
Umatilla and Walla Walla counties.
' - Oregon residents have 1 a. bias, pre
posed by Judge J. W. Maloney of Pen
dleton and County Commissioner W. M.
Cockbura of Umatilla county whereby
tb county will pay hail the labor and
furnish the rock crusher, residents ben
efited to pay the other half. This plan
met favor, and It was. generally taken
for granted that If the road Is built to
the atet Una, .Walla Walla county will
flnlslf It. , , y ,;
- Howard 'A. Noble of St Paul, adver
tising agent of th ' Great Northern
railway and the Great Northers Steam
ship company, is In th city today.
Edward F.- Seavolt, motion picture
man, of the "See America First" car of
the Great . Northern railway. Is la tb
city.,' v .. , " . .
4n OnWlifrv'.
.Nov ldev:, . n , : ' 1 .J1 :,..-v.. , M: Ncwr Uzi
. ' M . t
Kryptok lenses the Invisible bi
focal. Is- the beat and only lens.
Ask your friend who wears them
and see what he baa to say about
them. Two pairs of glasses In ,
one. No need of loalng one pair, ,
as is often the case when . you
have them ssparat. . ,,-'-.. ".
sTpker Flat Xrypiok leases,
apbs Kenlsons Kryptok tenses.
Torle Xryptok bsasea. , '
'aVdd tXOt tot geld-fined rresass,
tasert, aad 9SM for gvlsV-flUed.
frames, riinls. i :
I Glasses for Distant
STAPLES, lire Jeweler .-tSS5&
10,000 Prs. 61 World's Best Shoes Now on Sale a
Remember, the newest Spring stylet are here for men, women, misses, boys anH chil
dren in all sizes. ' Just i few of the hundrecb of styles on sale are quoted below. See
the big display in our windows. Bring the entire family in and have them fitted with
'A; -nm
lOQO Pairs
Of Men's High - Grade
$350, $4 and $S Shoes and
Oxfords in the newest
spring styles, in tans, black,
; patents and vicis, in all
shapes and sizes, at;
31,98 02.48
Sale Price5S.
Thee eou. ; .-...,t vamps, dull
Mntttra. mint nna .r!.
real beauty for the girls, all si, on
1sb Aass saw tk Z. I
ci.:. o tV iv
y w ii.
CHaeAa 1 11 a.
Women's $3.50 Patent
Coll Pull Tor But
ton Oxfords
v Black Velfet "Short
Vamp Pomps'
Ensnadans Oain Oonrafe. :,
' ' '(TTaltcd Pnm Lmm4 W1ml . ,
? Ban Diego,! Cel.. May 1. With the
tore - of defenders at Ensenada con
stantly increasing, residents of that
eity are not o nervous as they were,
about the attaoks by the rebels, accord
ing to reports ..brought here today by
passengers on tne steamer Ban Diego.
a mr or axQuxuTa
TTLB -Rich royal black velvet,
made on th newest "Meda" . lat;
extra abort vamp, ornamented with
a long oblong buoale. band sewed
soles, Cuban heels ,.02 50
Silk Hose 49c
The price doesn't indicate the
quality. For they are regular
, 75c grade. Black and all coir
ors, usie topi and teetf " wo
.men who want daintiness1 and
value will appreciate ilQ-,
these. Saturday . . .... rtVC
Have youMroken -rib replaced
at our
Umbrella Hospital
We' do repairing, re-covering, :
put on new -handles, do any
thing needed to make your uih
y- brelja as good a new., And
charges .are. reasonable, v., r ,
; Oh, yett
. We, clean gloves, too, v
;: Gloves for - the populace.'
'. i 309 Morrison St,"" -V;
Opposite Postofflce." ;
,Made of Cbrom Box Calf, Blucher
cut, heavy solea, slses S to 1J..08)
Slse 12 to 1. ........ .,..fl-2
Sixes Hi to I .... .......... . II.Ed
Sale Price
onuianra rtn
Blses C to .i'...........,,.J.:.95e
Pises ti to 11........ ...,.1.29
Blses S H to ............... 1 198 I
Women's $3.50 Patent
Colt Dress
A Sum HI1 1 l.W worn einrm.
OVS DSBSSEXfj Made of Extra
ooi l rsuni voii; UUU lone:
newest "Nethersole" Plain Toee;
Short Vamps : Hand Turned Solea,
Arenm uauiwo no9im, , . . igX'48
03 2-Strnp
A CUm RTIH Patent eott
vamps, -dull kid tops, 'stub" toes.
Win ttna . ntnlalnii ul ..k.
i. 91.98
ITbincn's IS.S0
Tai Call
Ballon Shoes
Patent colt vamns. all natant and
dull kid tops.. "HI toe" shape, short-
xoreiop, sewea, in pair. ... ..sjx.Va
Misses' Stioes
A neat comfortable summer shoe,
mu, i m new enaae or tan
calf, very soft and easy, "round toe"
shape, sewed soles, military heel.
for ...w ....ta.50
'VATjail ef
1000 ' VAZM of Kisses' ' and Boys.
I1.7S. SS and SS.6 Fine Dress Shoes
and -Oxfords, newest spring styles.
in tans, black ana patents, all sises
at. . . . .SSeV S1.29. S1.79
::247 Morrison U
'Bt Act, Third
' m4 ''JJocond '; -v
f7 Fourth tJt.,' ;
i.. o a , t a sjsuaai .- - , l .
f I V-Sll l 11 V I 11 1 I li. Mt I 1 ( I 111:1 1 Sf
1. V"- 1 I 1 f V I V J ,11 V 1 1 T' 1 1
247 Morrison
St.; Bet.; Third
17T Poarth W
Women?s Knit
1 nmnm
Complete Imes.from the bestNmanu
facturers offered to you at the lowest pos
sible prices the' fouowing items for ex
ample i . .
A Special Showing Tomorrow
Womenfs Knit Vests Pants
1 ' and Corset Covers
Unlimited assortments of styles in this re
markable offering. Perfect-fitting, seasonable-weight
garments that are usually
sold at from one fourth to one third more
than -you are asked to pay at this sale.
Included are Women's Fine Ribbed
Bleached Cotton Vests, made with high
neck and long or short sleeves; Knit Cor
set Covers made with high neck and long
or short sleeves or sleeveless; -also low
neck with short sleeves or sleeveless. All
have hand-trimmed neck and front Knit
Pants in ankle and knee length, made
with French band or equestrian top. All
skeijarftrep.resentedjn ..these., garments,.
and the values will surprise you C(r
at only OUv
Children's Hose, Special Values,
the Pair ....LOC
These stockings are particularly recom
mended for their wearing quality They
are made of best quality French lisle,
with linen heel and toe, and. Qme,in a
fine 'rib. All sizes, f or boys' and girls.
Special values for this sale at, OZ
the pair i LoC
.- t;i-
Union Suits' on' Special Sale
Now at
A special showing of a splendid, line of;
Women's Form-Fitting Union ; Suits. -They
come in medium weight in !i fine
rib and ar made of fine bleached cotton.
Shown in high-neck, long-sleeve style, In
.ankle-length, -wimaront-aiid-neck-nand-
trimmed. All sizes at one A A
price . .;....v.fPlUU?
Women's Hose, HanH-Ernbroid-
ered . V. w .. .;.... ..f
At this price you have choice from an un
surpassed showihg of silk-embroidered
patterns. High-grade Silk Usle Stock
ings In black and the. popular, new shades.
I hey come full fashioned and have rein
forced heel and toe. 'All sizes
at, the pair
'.'J 1 H'p ,
Sale Suits, Coats, Skirts,; Waists
... V -
You will rind the best bargains in the city here Sattuay. -Don't miss this re
markable sale. v.
At $12.50, $15.00, $17.50
The prettiest, best quality Suits for the
money possible to buy in Portland. They
are man-tailored throughout. Materials
are of the best. 'Coats are lined with
strong silk or satin. The colors comprise
the new blues, grays, greens and tans.
You will find here a becoming style for
every individual.
At $8.50, $10.50, $12.50 to $25
The v(ery newest styles in the most fash
ionable materials and most desired col
ors will be shown here tomorrow. Ma
terials are fine quality covert cloth, crav
enette and all-wool serges. All wanted
plain colors and novelty mixtures. Un
fined or lined throughout, with fine grade
satin lining. Handsome, stylish garments.
At $3.90, $490, $5.50, $6.50
Just received the most complete line of
Dress Skirts we have ever had. Altaian
voiles, panama, serge, shepherd checks
also a large variety of novelty mixtures.
''Thesrgarm"ents" ari-hiade r1n?Iiiive
styles, including the panel effects, back -
ana front. These skirts will fit you with-;
out alteration. Extra good values.
Specially Priced $2.50 J
A rare offering of pretty Jap Silk Waists,
made in a dozen different styles, prettily;
trimmed with lace and medallions; also
plain tailored. These waists will laun-1
der beautifully. Come and seeSmem
Extra specially priced for this
sale at only
.98 May Sale of Muslin Undepwe&p
Combination Suits, Best
$2.50 Values, C?1 HZ
on Sale at . . 1 I O
A fine line of Combination
Suits, shown in the combi
nation Corset Cover and
Drawers or Skirt Made of
fine quality nainsook, with
dainty lace and embroidery
trimmings. Well made and
neatly finished garments.
Reg. $2.50 val- tjf
ues at this sale.tD 1 I O
Corset Covers, 75c C flr
YIuesat .. ; . ; . . tj lC
A very special showing of pretty Nain
sook Corset Covers, daintily trimmed
with laces, embroideries and ribbons.' A,'
good variety of patterns to select from.;
Keguiar. 75c values special tor;
; this? sale v-V- st
Muslin Gowns,
$U541.50 Val;.;
A large vanety t ; of , new
styles to select from in I the )
high : or ilowectlmcelsV?
Made of fine quality nain-
sook, cambric or Masonville i
muslin, trimmed with daln-,
ty embroideries, laces ; and
ribbons. All made good full
size and neatly trimmed.
Regular M values :
special for this sale (QA
at only ....v;..;yOy
; . 07wd
. Chemise, : Regular H Z gy
$1.00 Values . ...". DL
A showing of pretty (demise, made of a
very good quality cambric,1 trimmed witlj,
fine embroidery , insertion and .linen ; lace
edging! i Full -length i chemise,' finished
fi. 4 - m , frfc 4 . 'sal
with lawn ruffle. Regular $1 H
.values for this sale . ; ;