: , .,v' y;THE ' OREG6N OREGONCHAPTER ' in MINING . nnimnrnn rnnrnirn bUlMtto rUKIHCU 'TT.'"f ' dfi mi iii NORWAY'S NATAL DAY CELEBRATED First Annual Meeting "of. New - Organization to Be Held Next May Congress Does - . Much Work. Speechmaking, Vocal and In strumental Music Rendered 2500 in Attendance. . At noon today, th Oregon chapter of the American Mining congress wan or - ' g&rilsed by -delegates to the Northwest . '.. Mtnlnr consress now In session In the assembly room of the Portland Commer . del cJuh. Officer are-being elected tw Afternoon. The flrat annual meetin ." will be held the aecond Tuesday of next May and probably In Portland. - " Tha report of the committee on or 1 ganlsatlon wu adopted with very few material changes, and following It came ' tha Introduction of the report or me .. iwnmlttM on resolutions, which acta forth tha foHowln features: Urging the Commercial club of Port " laad to assist In advertising tha min- ' ing resoureea of the state of Oregon. .YaluaW ogrsttoa. . Urging tha federal government to push the completion of the geological ' ; survey of Oregon, especially tha mining districts. Better roads. Recording of location notices In du ' nllcate. Appointment of a state mine examiner i whose report enouia do exniouea 10 . every prospective purchaser of mining stock. location of government assay office Jn Portland. irre bureau of mining to establish and carry In effect a system of scien tific Jnveatlgatlon or mineral aeposus In the northwest with a view of deter mining the method of reducing these ores to the extent that their develop merit may -Justify. ' Indorsement of the resolution adopted by ' the national mining congress at Los Anseles looking forward to a ' general revision- of the United States land laws office; that lawa should be ao amended as not to allow filing of homestead, desert or any other location while there may exist any claim for mineral until abandoned or proven that no mineral exists there. . - - Urge that bills now pending In con gress, known aa the lease bills, should b defeated and that the representatives of Oregon bo instructed to' use their Influence carrying out the wishes of the mining people of the state In this re spect , ; Hear Woedrqw Wflaoa. . Urge that corner stakes marking ' claims be more distinctly and perma nently marked than with a lead pencil, which marks ,are, easily- obliterated, when one stake cannot be distinguished f rom another.. i -i, . This afternoon , Governor "Woodrow : Wilson will address the mining men, afterrwhlch the meeting -will come to a close. ' ' f The early morning session was devot ed to reports from the various mining districts In , the . state. C. G. Coutant, editor of the Sogue River Courier, was one .of 'the speakers for Josephine . county.... f; V ' ,- I IEF TAKES HAM, , if Standing room was at premium last night at Masonic Temple when the Nor wegian people of Portland celebrated Norway's natal day. "The Seventeenth of May.- as it is' In Norwegian, "Den Ryttende Mai." It is estimated that the audlenoe numbered, about 2500. A very Interesting program, appro priate to the , occasion, waa rendered, oons) sting of oraory, music and song. The principal address In honor of the day was delivered by Rev. Lyng Ham sen of Seattle, who eloquently portrayed the historic events tint gradually led to the adoption of the Norwegian consti tution at Eievold In 1814, a constitution Indicative of the deep love of the people for liberty, the country and the sea. Ex -Senator C. W. Fulton spoke elo quently of the accomplishments of the Norwegian people who have settled In America and declared that it has been established without doubt that the Norsemen discovered America Jong be fore Columbus, but that owing to the condition of things at that time no ad vantage was taken of the discovery and It was not made known except among the tea rovers of those days. He spoke builder wTo7innu?npc.e " Mnau Ensenada Better Prepared for throughout the entire world. The address of welcome waa delivered V.' i? If 3 V t? 7 ' I - Vv Jj ' J ' - urn Ice Box of Mrs. Otto Braue Robbed Burglar Forgot ' a Package He Brought. ; ' Tt land Is property of Carl 8. McNaaght: la the rlr ! 3. D. Newell, engineer la charge) of .th -Umatilla ' . government project for the part three years.- ' v v- . ' JAPANESE JOIN ' MEXICAN ARMY on coins by Norwegian Vice .Consul Endre M. Cederbergh. Arthur von Jessen, pianist, played a number of selections; a violin solo was played by Harry Gardner, Miss Rose , Robinson favored with soprano, solos, and the Norwegian Singing society' rendered several selections, among them Grieg's "The Great White (Multitude" with soprano solo by Miss Robinson. Frits Hanleln charmed with a cello solo. The organisations under whose aus pices the celebration was given were the Daughters of Norway, the young people's societies, the Sons of Norway, the local lodge L O. G. T, and the Nor wegian Singing society. . , 1SBHE1NS ELECL Possible Attack of the Insurrectos. CARSON MODERATOR IEF i (United Prns Leased Wire.) - - Tacoma, Waalfc May 1$. Following the canvassing , of the votes cast at , Tuesday's recall election, F. H. Pettlt, elected commissioner of public safety and .. Ben J. Weeks, chosen commissioner of light and water, will be Inducted into of- ' flee, probably late today. Commission er Pettlt announced the appointment of H. R. Fraser as chief of police to suc ceed Thomas Maloney, the present head . or the department,. ... Fraser has. been In the forest ranger service for a number or years and last year acted as -Inspector at large for ; the state of Washington. FULTON PARK CLUB , BACKS AUDITORIUM PLAN At a meeting of the Fulton Park Improvement club held Tuesday evening the members indorsed the auditorium amendment. The club also planned to hold a mass meeting in Weber's hall next Monday evening to give all those Interested In -the large asphalt improvement cam paign a chance to air Its views. The Improvement means the laying of about six miles of asphalt pavement, with : curbs and sidewalk, and includes Mac adam street, the main thoroughfare In that district. ; The majority of the property owners want the Improvement in arid have been working hard for It, but some few, who do not seem to see the Im mense benefit the entire district will derive are opposing it BREMERTON, WASH., TO BE TORPEDO STATION (United Pn Leased Wire) Vallejo, Cal., May 1 8. Word was re ceived at Mare island today from the navy department that It has been de cided to establish the new torpedo boat , station for this coast at Bremerton Wash. ,, ' .PAPKE AND SULLIVAN UZ SIGN FOR 20 ROUNDS (Halted Prew Leased Wlra., New York, May 1J. London dis patches received today announce that Billy Papke and Jim Sullivan, the Eng--. llsh champion middleweight, have been signed to meet for 20 rounds June 6 In London for the championship of the ..world. The fight Is to be for tio.ooo Slde. Eugene Corii will referee. 40 MONEY BURNERS ' BURNED THEMSELVES ' Winnipeg. May Jg. Forty automo bile, aggregating in value approximate ly $180,000. a building valued at 160,000 and 140 gallons of gasoline went up In the flames of the most spectacular fire Winnipeg' has witnessed In years when the Central garage caught - fire lat rvlgnt sod waa totally, destroyed with Its contents. , . - Tha garage had an extra heavy sup ply of gasoline on hand, the Winnipeg Oil cfmpanyauteara being at the tanks delivering when the fire broke out The s tesnl, was burned to death and , the 1 drlveV o la the hospital . - . . . , (Colted Pren Leased. Wlra. I Atlantic City, N. X, May It. More than S0t delegates are here today at tending the one hundred and twenty third general assembly of the Presby terian church. The chief gossip of the convention Is whether the charges against the Rev. Francis Brown, presi dent of the Union Theological semi nary, and Rev. William Adams Brown, of the same Institution, will be pressed. If they are It Is expected that the as sembly will be seriously divided. The two accused divines .refused to accept the biblical version of Christ's birth and his actual bodily resurrection, The retiring moderator, the Rev. Charles Little, - of Wabash, Ind., preached the principal sermon at to day's assembly. Late this afternoon the Rev. John F. Carson of Brooklyn was elected as the new moderator, receiving (44 votes. - (Colted Press Leased Wtra.4 Ban Diego. Cal.. May 18. Should the rebel forces in Lower California attack Bnsenada, the capital city, in the next few days, they will rind tne xeaeru forces there greatly strengthened and prepared for a fierce battle. More than ISO Mexicans from San Diego and Los Angeles, who are loyal to Diss, left on the steamer San Diego last night for Bnsenada, where they wlU join the federal forces. All were given transportation but none will re ceive any compensation for their ser vices. - They were given an enthusiastic farewell at the wharf, where their rel atives and friends gathered and a brass band added to the excitement aa the boat left the. pier. Reports from Eneenda state that SO trained Japanese soldiers have Joined the federals and will aid In defending the city. The Chinese there have char tered a steamer, which will sail out to see at the first sign of the rebel at tack. The Japanese wlH aid materially the soldiers now at Ensenada, it Is said. Barbed wire fences have been strung about the town and a large supply of dynamite is said to be at the disposal of the federals. Although - there, are no cannon in the city, the gunboat Guerrero, stationed there, has a small battery. - - - A fierce battle Is certain, local Mex icans declare.' in case) the rebels at tempt to take the city. . y , , , ., CITY'S SAN E FOURTH IS TO COST $3000 (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Vancouver, Wash., May 18. Plans for a. -rousing Fourth of July celebra tion are well under way in Vancouver and some of the biggest attractions ever brought to the city are being ar ranged. The principal attractions will likely fa-motor boat races on the C-f forcec and lumbla river and a military parade, Motor boats from the sound cities to San Francisco will be here to compete for championships and prises, while the military parade will eclipse any former undertaking of a like nature. It will be a sane celebration In so far as- cannon crackers and fireworks will be eliminated. Mayor Klgglns has ap proved such procedure and the celebra tion will be carried through without the usual din that marked former cele brations. I A purse of $8000 will be raised among the business men and citizens of the city. A committee composed of George A. Brown, A. J. Dorland, W. J. Kinney and A. J. Bennett, have been selected to work with Chairman C. C. Turley and J. J. Padden in raising tbe needed amount. CONFERENCE TO DECIDE PLANS OF INSURGENTS IN LOWER' CALIFORNIA ' (United Prase Leased Wfra.V Ban Diego, Cal., May 18. Whether tfle rebels under General Fryoe, who cap tured Tia Juana last week, will con tinue the fight In Lower California or whether they will disband at once, will be determined at a conference tonight between John Kenneth Turner and Gen eral Pryce. Turner is due here from the Los Angeles "Junta of the Mexican liberal party this evening and will meet General PiVce either here or at Tia Juana. Pryce was In San . Diego last night visiting at the Grant hotel incognito, He is expected In again tonight, but It Is possible that he will change his plans and receive Turner on tbe Mexican side. The situation which has resulted from the understanding between Madera's the . Mexican - government REVERSED IN GASE OF ELUS PEION Mandate WiU Come at Once Permitting Municipal Plant to Go on Ballot. Supreme Court Says. ' (galea Boreas of Tie JearaaL) Salem, Or., 'Key 18- At ti3 o'clock this afternoon the supreme oourt handed down aa oral decision reversing the lower oourt ana denying an lajuaotloa in the ease of Woodward vs. Barbux. The mandate will be Issued at oaoe. This is the Ellis mnaloipal paring- plant oaee. LINE TO OKANOGAN VALLI :V IS IN SIGHT Great Northern Promises to if Right of Way Is Not Too High, brings about a crisis In the affairs of the liberal, army. Heretofore the Lower California rebels have stoutly asserted that they were not In sympathy with Madero and that they were pursuing an Independent cause. With peace made by Madero and the Mexican government, the combined forces of the two can be turned against the Lower California army with tbe effect that resistance . At the local juntafrere Is a -strong opinion to the effect that the fighting would be continued as long as possible, but the Junta at Los Angeles Is supreme and General Pryce must abide by Its decision. Turner will remain here over Sunday and address a meeting at Germania hall Sunday night RESIGNING , DIAZ TO YOUTHS OFF ON TRIP HURRY TO EUROP E TO IAST A' YEAR (United Press leased Wire.) Havana, May 18. That President Diss f Mexico will go to Europe almost Im mediately after his resignation as chief executive of Mexico was admitted here today by Rafael Chausal,, Plat's private secretary, who Is here on his wav to Europe to prepare for the coming of his employer. "I have no doubt," said ChausaL "that President Diaz will keep his word and reolgn. I expect him to start for Europe few days after he retires." Oregon City, May 18. Bert Statta, of this city, and W. A. Thompkins of 181 Hamilton avenue, Portland, will leave Oregon City. Monday on a trip to Mon tana. They will first go by boat to The Dalles, and from there the boys In tend to Journey on horse back. In this way a few days will be spent In Yellow stone park. The boys expect to be away from Oregon City about one year on this trip. They Intend to visit all the principal points of interest along their route. ... Sulfa for . Divorce. (Special Dispatch to Toe Journal.) Oregon City. May lg. Arthur D. Hal- liday filed suit for divorce against Ger trude M. Halllday. Monday. He charsea desertion on November 27. 1909. They were married at Eureka, " CaL, August n, lane, ana nave one child, zh years age. 1 Fanny Vlau filed suit against Bellna viau for a divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. The cou ple were married at Oakland, Cat. Sep tember 4, 1910. ,v- QUALIFICATIONS OF v SIGNERS OF PETITIONS UNDER ARGUMENT TODAY of w, X MU Campbell Wing. (Cnlted Press "teased Wire.) " Portrush. Ireland. May 18. Playing in brilliant form, Miss Dorothy Camp bell, the Canadian and American cham pion, today won her match In the fourth round of the British women's golf cham-. plonship. This leaves Mlse -Campbell among the eight who will fight It out In the fifth round. ' : -' 1 " -i The exportation of aluminum by the United States has increased more than tea times in the last sight yean. - (Salem Boreaa of The Journal.) Salem, Or.. May 18. Whether or not a qualified voter Is entl- -tied to sign a petition for the Ini tiative and referendum though e he may not be a registered voter, e was the question submitted to the supreme court by arguments and briefs this afternoon by At torneys Frank S. Grant, L. B. La tourette and Martin Watroug of Portland. The negative was up held, by Attorneys W. D. Fenton and l A. McNary of Portland. The question will be decided not later than Saturday, as the issue' Involves whether or not the proposition for bonding the city 1 or romana xo purchase a munic ipal paving plan fets on-the bal tot .. '. - - t,. ........ I. (Special Dispatch to The iearsat) We na tehee, Wash., May 18. A defi nite agreement to build Into the Okano gan valley, if right of way lrHecured reasonably, has juat been made here by Louts Hill, president of the Great Kortn em, Mr. Hill's statement was made af ter recriminations had been exchanged with members of the Wenatchee Com mercial club, who protested vigorously because this line had not been con structed. President Hill Intimated hold up for rights of way. A committee was promptly appointed to see that the Great Northern got right of way. Mr. Hill then said: I shall send General Right of Way Agent J. H. Coleman from St Paul 41 rect to Wenatchee Immediately after my arrival In 8t Paul. If ha succeeds In securing the right of way we need at a reasonable figure, we shall let the contract at once for construction of the line from Wenatchee to Pateros." This would complete the gap between Wenatchee and the Okanogan valley. No doubt exists here that the Wenatchee Commercial club will be able to make possible the realisation , of this prom ise. Coincident with the visit of President Hill to this city, the announcement was made that President Williams of the Milwaukee had committed himself to committee from this city. He volun teered that he would strongly recom mend to President Earllng of tbe Mil waukee board of directors that a branch from Beverly be built at once, extend ing northward through Wenatchee to the Okanogan valley. The North Coast has been very ac tive in these parts of late and their right of way agent, Charles Woods, has made two trips hers since the first of the year. He did not Hesitate to say that he Is urging his people to let him buy right of way on the east side Of the Columbia river at once. .Thelf plan is to enter tha Okanogan valley also. The Commercial club committee will soon wait upon officials of the Canadian Pacific and urge ah extension of their line Into this territory-- By keeping all these Irons hot, it Is proposed to keep up a persistent campaign until north and south, line of , transportation has been obtained. e j y s ' - V . ! Debit One nice. Juicy por ! tortious steak.'., ......v. $1.08 Choice) ham v....; l.SI, e urni-Hair oosen erg . . . Jt ) I " ' r- t. ..... j j ..... - Foregoing are tha entries made in the household expense book today by Mrs. Otto Brauer, m East Twentieth street North, following a t raid "upon her' ice bo by a burglar. '-' rr .i- ' Through the; visit of the ' miscreant Mrs. Brauer is out Just 12.40.' The vic tim Is duly, thankful for the half dosen egg. wbJth the thief in some.1 unac-, countable manner left 'Iff a paper sack on the lawn la the rear of the residence, "Perhaps the robber'on second" thought concluded he would leave enough pro vender for our breakfast," declared Mrs, Brauer, after taking stock of the larder this morning. "But whatever ' might have been the motive for this charitable get on his part, tha burglar certainly annara arnm mui aififl a mtua nam wnan Moritz Gerek bf -Lents. Writes them. tround T I the nie-ht before he mirht have secured ADneai IO GOVemOr tO liet lorn real cream and a box of strawber- H IT) JUStlCe. " " Brauer Mves to t Vernon.. Her nouse m la cusincK woere uwr uwgn bors are all well to do, and she oannot think that any on living in that vloin I tty is guilty of the act .'She aays that ' the burglary was 'evidently performed by a "weary Willi.' Accordingly she has declared war on all tramps. "I am patiently waiting for a second visit from this ' pecuilef individual. Should he again come, and I am fortu nate enough to catch a glimpse of him, I will invite him into the kitchen and ask him bow he liked the steak," she said. . SAYS BANDIT BAND LURKS NEAR CITY Melvln - Matson, .Member; of ; Centerville, ,Wash.,;: Party,; "! Tumbles 'Head'- Foremost I " From Trail into Deep Water. ! ' . - :. , tleedat WsDStch te Ttm JoeraeU . ' . Klickitat. Wash.. Mar IS." Melvln f Matson, member ofr a Centerville, Wash-, party, while fishing In the Kllokltatj river, tumbled head foremost from m i trail at point where tne river was 19 ' feet deep,' and was drowned. ;, Matson . rwag a' native of Klickitat county, 21; years old and the youngest son of Lar-i son Matson, a - farmer. A searching , party worked down U river as far as WahkUkus without discovering unr-, thins mor.than his he. The aocident? occurred at "Tar Bratton's, fiv miles' above th .Intersection ef . the Little , KlloklUt '- W . OLD FRIENDS ID ENTER : BUSINESS TOGETHER (Speelal Diana ten to Tbe Journal.) , Vancouver, Wash., May 18. A new undertaking establishment will , be opened in Vancouver on June 1 at the Wall building, Twelfth and Mam streets, by V. H. Limber and R. V. Richardson, under the firm name of Limber & Richardson. A five' year lease has been taken on the building and they- are having the interior deco rated .and arranged to suit the conven ience of a first claes undertaking es tablishment. Mr. Limber was engaged in business at Forest Grove, Or., for a number of years and Mr. Richardson was engaged at Brownsville. They are former schoolmates and graduates of th same class, and through friendship conceived the plan of entering business together "and selected Vancouver as their field jof ' operation. They expect to have one of th finest undertaking establishments on the coast.': . AnU Vlj "Campaign. , Following up Its anti-fly, campaign the Consumer's, league today, requested the People's Amusement compny to ex hibit the film showing ths danger from the . common housefly 1 on ' Friday ' and Saturday at the Little prpheum on Sixth street, -The request was acceded ( Balsa Boreaa of Tbe foarnal.) Salem. Or., May 18 A report of a bandit band in the vicinity of Portland came to Governor West today in a letter from Morltx Gerek of near Lents, Gerek appealed to the governor in broken Eng lish to capture th robbers, declaring that if necessary ha would take th mat: tar up with th German government. He wrote in part: 'Portland, Or., May the lTth the 1 111 Dear Sir Do you know that a rebel lion la In progress in your state there lngtno oount ywhat take possession of ington county what take posssssioa, of the peoples home ransakt th home destroy the homes and move away the homes 'and build other buildings some where el from that material. This .case happened ' with my own nome for what am paying taxes for to the state of Oregon and Washington county. 1 wish you bring this matter for the court la the relght shape. There are together man bandits and 4 women bandits has to be capturet th. aherllf of Wash' Ington county I suppose Is not able to do so otherwise he had to arrest them long ago everybody In Tlgara villa kaows that those horde bandit exist but every bod ' is afraid to '. make a complain against them they think the do them som harm but 1 am the man what not afraid of those robers how the tought 1 would never make a complain ven 1 get no satisfaction from thi government 1 make a report to the Ger man government whlct wlU thl matter Battel. Yours Very Respectfully. V e,i- MORITZ GBRBK. 101 Hartford street, U. P. Station,. Port land, Oregon." 4 MOORS ATTACK EL FRENCHTR0QPS;KILL14 fTTolrad Prase Leases' We. 1 Paris, May 18. The minister of war today received dispatches stating that a Trench detachment was attacked by rebel Moors-near Debdou on Tuesday and two officer were killed and II men killed and wounded. The French repulsed the tribesmen after a hard fight According to Sheriff Hancock of Washington county, Gerek has some lots In Weet Portland Park on one of which was a shack, which some one removed about a year ago. The sheriff visited the place with Gerek last .fall, but ob tained bo clue to warrant arrests. SAYS COMMISSION PLAN FOE TO GRAFT The commission . plan . for Portland means elimination of corporate graft and greed, declared p. O. Lively in an address before the Progressive Busi ness Men' club at luncheon In the Rich ards restaurant this afternoon. "Our present form of government is rebus-like," declared Mr.- Lively, "Wo never know what will be the answer or what will be produced. The commie slon plan in businees like, applylnr the same methods that prove successful In the administration of business organ isations. "I have seen proving of the commls- i . i i n.. , a siun pian m icLiiao, a has, wucrej iub cost of Improvement has been reduced and .where public Improvement on a greater scale than has ever been fourtd possible, has actually been' - accom plished." .' v "What w have first to do. declared Bstmaster Charles B; Merrick, "1 to educate the people Into belief that they must pay for what they get, A cer tain heavy taxpayer defeated the com mission plan for Portland the last time by purposely fixing the salaries of tbe commissioners too high. The East Sid Business.' Men's club . proposes the ap pointment of a commission charter com mittee of 15 'Jn case the mayor's ap pointments are unsatisfactory. . Un doubtedly we will be called upon to vote on two commission: plan charters, and neither will be successful unless th people are educated to know what th commission plan means.',. Upon motion of the secretary, Henry M. Browning, the club unanimously recommended th appointment of D. O. Lively as on of the commiralon com mittee of 15. Albert Ehrgott said It looked as If the council the people were about to elect would block the plan. The attendance today, was the largest in the history X)f 'the club; 'the meeting the most enthuslastia-. ", , Water Test at Weet Stayton. - Special Dispatch- to Tbe Journal.) - West Stayton, Or., .M 18 The de pot grounds at West Stayton, th eenter of activity in - the . Willamette valley irrigation project, are to be improved at one." General Manager J. P. O'Brien, Superintendent Fields, . Assistant Super intendent Blood and 6ther officials of the ' Sojithern . Facifle company, were her yesterday to look over the grounds and ascertain what bad to be dona In order to try out th canal of th Willamette Valley Irrigated Land com pany, a far a completed, water was turned into th first mil of the sys tem ' yesterday. Rain ha temporarily Interfered with construction work but only a few more weeks remain to bring the water to Weet Stayton, which Is the first unit of th company's project. Governor on Trip. (United Frese tsssed Wlre.V ..Sacramento, CaL. May lO-Governor I Johnson left at t o'clock today In hi famous campaign automobile on a three days' trip through th San Joa auin valley Los Angeles. No speeches are scheduled until be reaohes the southern city, where on Monday evening he will address th T. M. C. A. 'at a publio banquet "' V ..j,:. - - Journal Want Ad bring result. KiAH FALLS' FROM BANK INTO KLICKITAT, DHS CLOTHING OFWOMATf BURNED ENTIRELY OFFf Then (Special Diseatek t Tbe JoernaLl Wenatchee. Wash, May 1 v Mrs. Ora Kahf was filling th cup at tachment of a denatured alcohol lamp from a gallon can th fluid in th large, can exploded and th biasing stuff al most instantly burned very stitch of th terrified woman' clothing from her body. Nothing was left but her stock-; Ings, and when these were taken err the skin peeled with them. The force. of th explosion- was ao- great that the; sides of th galloa can flattened. Mrs. Kahl' agony was so excruciating it , was necessary to put her under opiates. chance for recovery is poseinie. , f ASK RECEIVERSHIP FOR ' STAYTON WOOLEN MILL: Creditors of th Stayton Woolen Mills company, at. Stayton, Marion . county, v..w iti a. natlHnn In th . ' TTnited States district court - asking "ibat the' eomDanv be declared bankrupt and that aome setU'erkent for the benefit of cred- , itor be made. The petitioners claim to represent about 14200 indebtedness, and claim th eomnany owe a much larger amount of money than it 1 able to pay.: Two of the largest creditors on tne list are th Stayton Watr Power com pany, with a bin for water, and Lee Brown & Son. It 1 alleged that May i P C. Frere brought suit against -thes-v oompany to collection a egoo mue. ana a a result of this suit th -defendant's property nas peea aswny. ... -a Win Ft Y KNOWN PRIEST ; i . DIES IN PHILADELPHIA; ' Waited Prsse UwaadWlre.) - J ; PbUadelphls,.May II. The .Very Bey. James MoGllL a M., one of the most WMsly known Catholic priest in the United ' States, died at St. Vcenfs her today, aged 14 year. a. Father Mo Glll founded St Vincent's college In Los Angele.' H retired from aotlv work in th priesthood - through ill, health In 1910. - , i t - - ieritanca Tax Paid. ; 7 rtMted Press tsadWtee.i' ; ': Sacramento, Cat, May 18 Th um of $184,461 was- paid into th offlc of th stat controller today as the bal ance of the inheritance tax on the es tate of th late Ella J. ' ("Lucky") . Baldwin, over whos mony th sensa-i tlonal UUgaUon in Los Angeles waa started. : ... Trtdav's 1 naymenl-'Brln; the Amount: ta tsaid on i th esUt up tr" 8214.461. y CHICAGO -SIZZLES IN ' ITS HOTTEST MAY DAY (Dnlted Pren Leased Wlr.t r Chicago. May 18. Chicago Js sluling and scorching in th hottest May day In the history of the local weather bu reau. By noon two deaths and a score of prostrations were reported,-and so relief from the' hot wave, which has held the city in its grip for three days. Is In sight : ;-; --' - Gurgon Fasto, an Italian, was over come om state street and died before reaching a. hospital. - Stanley Schroeder was Overcome and In falling . to the sidewalk his neck was, broken. A mi ',,'.. Editor to Visit Yosemite. (OnitH Ptvaa Leased .Wlrert ' San Francisco, May 18. The annual excursion Jof the California Pros as sociation will this year be taken to the YoeemltTyettey,7na -f the editors . wUl leave San FranctBCo, May 24, andreturn May 21. It is estimated that PvUparty will number nearly 100. . sV 1 A Decided Success All critic are unanimous in , declaring : - Miss Isabelle D'ARMOND 1 ORPHEUM THEATRE The pefet singing commediene's . rendition ot - iWI,IliJultPimngForYou,, . ,tnd "Alamo RagM ' J' : ..'- " ji-.-' H "-'if; a As being well . worth the price . ,of admission. "I'M JUST PINING FOR YOU;-with its pleasing tnd plaintive tale ana lovaoie meioay tnat always appeals. v -"ALAMO RAG" is one of those peculiar fag.songs, entirely different from any other song fit the kind ever . written. Very catchy 1 fr J-USv . the Only One ... ..... . Pi 1- t- 6 i 1.:' and captivatmgt 'Special, per copy -'I: 'V.. '' -(IJi ' Your Choice at 15c Per Copy " "Let's Make Love Among the Rosea "Who Are You With Tonight?" "You'll Do the Same Thing Oyer and Over Again."1.- ... y ' ... ' ' "On Mobile Bay.". t 1 "We've Always Kept ; the Golden Rule." - ' ? - - . .. The Vale Of Dreams.-1 - "When the Moon Swings Low." v; "They're All Good American Names.'' "Winter." . - - . ,- -. ' "', 'Jvnt a Chain of Daisies'.' . . ; "Daisies Won't TelU! - : , : ; ; : "'Harbor of Love . .: ; -y- "In the Summertime. ' - . "Kmmallna Lee. .- ?.'n "Down- in the Old Meadow Lena" ; "in My Dream of Tou. J "Silver ,neu. ..... ..,4 . "Mayb You're No.t Who Love Me." "Sugaf Moon." "My Irish Dearie." "Love Dreame." "King Chanticleer." "Band, Band, Band." Instrumental Lily of the' Kile Waltses. Dolly Madison Walts. . Enchanted rNlghts, , i v Polalre Waltses. .' , Maxine Waltsee. ' Chatterbox Rag.; s Chanticleer Rag. ; Georgia Rag, Borneo Rag. ; - i, Royal Fluah Rag. pearls novelette. -Hula-Hula Intermecso, Indian Summer. ' s - rf Per GCopy ! .1 322 Washington St And hundreds of other sent and instrumental hlta f-'-rv aa per copy xor postage. . v,,.-..;f:: When ita muaie. "Go where the crowds 'go. V mm THE SONG SHOP Je'rotna.'einiciK Prop