; WEDNESDAY 7' EVENING, MAYv 17;.' 1911 " " ; v', Y. vr.VL V-' '- ; . Men in the iiome, JS?5i - - JLow L.ost Dishes . ; 'J It ,, f '7Mi:r-ix4: ' ' X ! -lit fit - ... , oi'Tk i'f i7. t ! i . 7". r ' ;. y ' tA' u n ; - foil .t5h v v . riN Society bet for hr mother. Ww. WVM- WnM.( The ltvlpf room fH Dnnif fu.loa ,oi Boptcta Broom """" ,m . hnaiitiful jtold bOMf or .-r iti, whtt. 'ortn owi the SoW deylopea tn the da nty coUa- tlon served by Mre. wimara ""' - a. u i. jars, viioitw ' n k. .'nil mm. John Sheperd. Floating . about the room w.ere Ml" JfJ" on. MUeMeta Buehner. MlM Gauld. Mlaa CaroHne Wflaon and Mtaa Margarita Buehner. Mra. Jamea Canby , and Mra. William tt Skene praalded at th. nimrh bowl in the hall. .. AaalaUng Mra, Talbot about the room were Mra. - William Waxrena, Mra. J. O. Qauld. Mre. Darld C. i-wie. Mra. Harriet McArthur and Mra. H. C. SheTlin. TTn'J4 , r!hriton srrlTCd home ' the first of the rd;from Pale Alto. Cat, where he h ' been, uienoiaa; '' unlveralty. Mr,; and Mra. A.. .Charts ton returned; a-week. ago fronjj.Oplcaro where they apent-a ioruunt urn. vu.o.1 E3. Froehllch enUrtalned .Hit m. hridca lunclieon. whloh la the) fMetf 'aarlea. t Jaflrr aha ezpeoU to lve. A mouna 01 p weet peaa wmtered the table, circled by Mra. Charlea E.' Rumelln. Mra.. Mark OI1U Mra. Ouatave Bruera, Mra. Thomae Gray. Mra. Frank Nau. Mra. Raymond Holman. Mra. Elliot Taber aham, Mra. Benjamin Oadaby, Mra. C. i rr.. Mr. M A. M. Aahley. Mra Yank Ueltliemper and the hoateea. Pink roaea and pink g-iaaiou aecormw m library and living room. Mra. Bumelln and Mra. Thomaa Oray won the nigh aeorea at bridge. '.. Mra. Oeorge W. Slmpeon, Mra. Me- Klnley Mitchell and Mra. Nathaniel T. ' Palmer have aent out Invttatlona for a bridge afternoon at the Portland Heighta club next Wedneeday. r Mr. and Mra. Xj. J. Shell and Mra Larkln Shell have taken an apartment In San Franlcaco, where they will re main for a month. i Mra. Frederick Rosenberg (Mlaa Gene- I viava Kallv) left Sunday for Seattle hurt' ah win nasi a month aa the gueat of the Mlsaea Conaldlna. Mlaa Lena Slmpeon, daughter of Mr, mr,A xirm flvnrc W. SlmDion. has won distinction by her election aa grand dlrectofeaa of the Dix aoroHty for the nnrtharaar Mine BlmDSOB. wno IB a student .at MUla college, waa appoint ed delegate from Portland to the na tmnai nix conclave' which met In San Kranclsoo a fortnight ago, and her elec-;: tlon took place two weeka age Monoay In the Rose room of the Palace, fol lowing a luncheon at the ' hotel. Miss h'lmpson has Just completed her third year at MUla. She wlli, return home tomorrow. Mlaa Maud Mastio had aa her guest last week at Eugene. Mlsa Dorothy Kamsdell. Mr. C. L. Mastio la plan tilnt; .to SDend the week end with Miss Mastic. tt: EXASPERATED wife writes .unatsne is sick ox nouaeKeepwg. managed a - noma, and' now, 'ana haa given ud In despair and moved to a hotel. .Sha says, "My i nerves are rrascied, my eyea are dim and my poor back ,1a broken from following up my men folks and picking up things after therh. I hkVe a husband who drops his cigar hashes an .over the 'hohse"who throws ail the bath towela on the floor, usea the face towela to blaok hla ahoea and distributes hla clothes on the back Of'everychnlrwlthln reach. , ."My eon fa 'a cigarette smoker, and a pip 'collector. After ha haa4 finished with a dirty, .lit ernelllng pipe, he throws It Into ; the linen closet regardless of where it may finally rot hla soiled collars' '; he throws under "the bed, al though'' there' Is always a laundry 'bag handy; .' At the. table, m hnsband. In variably upsata the gravy or the marma lade on the snowy tablecloth, and one morning recently I found my aon filing hla 'fountain pen over the breakfast table that was Just ready for te morn ing meal. .. '? . i "When t -remonstrate with them, they call me 'Mra. Worry,' and taunt i 1 Mra. George J. Gould and her little daughter Gloria, photographed at the wed ding of Jay Gould to Miss Annie Douglas Graham. Little Gloria la the next of Mra. Gould'a daughtera eligible to become a duchess, princess or lady or the wife of an American millionaire. Among the Portland people enjoying automobile toura through the Atlantic ttntaa this sDrtna are Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Morgan and their daughtera, the Minna Mildred and Lillian Morgan, of irvlngton. The Misses Morgan are both studenta of National Park seminary, near Washington. D. O. where Mlsa Mil dred Morgan will be graduated eany In June. The Morgana have planned an extensive motor trip, before returning home, to cover a part of the southern states and extend into New York and New Encland. which will brlnr them back to Portland in about five or six weeka. '--.. e a Mlaa Delta Wataon, Mlaa Helen Cake, Miss Gretchen Klosterman, Miss Mabel Shea and Miss Geraldlne Coursen were among the week-end guests at the Chi Omega sorority house In Eugene. me with the fact that, all I do la 'to cook a little and wash a few dishes. They add Jhat J ought, to be fUdJthatl; (new linn sore) no wotm. jay naunu boasts thai feerteould do' the little work i do, twice aa 'Well and three times aa quickly with one hand tied behind him. He eaya keeping house la Just play, that I ought to be thankful that I've got a house and a husband whoae only fault la scattering things. Then, he calls ma extravagant and saya that he knows ha could have much better food at half the amount I spend. "So, Pm golna to a hotel, wherehereJ are ervaata to do the work I hare Deen doing for twenty-five years. I hate to give up my home, but I can't 'atand the thoughtleaaneas of my men folks any longer." What If this woman would go down to her husband'a office and leave half eaten chocolate creams of oocy con slstency about hla desks and on his rugs? What If she would powder her face while sitting at his desk, and leave Mrs. Robert L. Aldrloh will be a bridge little dabs of white on the, arm of hla hostess tomorrow. cnair wnere nis coat aieeve wni eaten lit. or suck, nair pina 'through' the un- intarast for tomorrow centers In thai signed letters so neatly typewritten T May tea to be given at the home of Ana wnen tne nuaband raised an aw . Mrs. H. Q. Chapln, 23 Wasco street, for f 1 row about the careless dropping the Patton home. SONGS IN RAG TIME The audience at the Unitarian ohapel last night heard the melodious notes of tho wild birds of the wood and meadow In realistic mockery when Henry Oldya of Washington,' D. C, gave an Inter esting lecture on blrda and their habits, Interspersing hla remarks with exact re productions of the songs of the various feathered tribe. That the muslo of the birds is re. produced In our popular alra la the be lief of Mr. Oldya. To prove hla asser tion he gave an Imitation of the singing or the Baltimore oriole and showed that this bird elnga only in rag time, while the Carolina wren, warbles such strains as are to be found In the more senti mental eongs of the human family. The western meadow lark, aald Mr. Oldya, Is more musical than the east ern members of hla family, and ha con siders the eastern woodthruah the best of song birds.' He also gave the .field sparrow credit zor many musical notes. Mr. Oldys was Introduced by William L. Finley,, president of the Oregon Au dubon society. Beginning and ending. the lecture, Mr. Oldya gave , a ' repro duction of a bird . concert the notes heard In the early morning and in the late evening that waa thoroughly en joyed. " . MT. SCOn WILL HAVE ROSE CARNIVAL QUEEN .- The Mount Scqtt district will be rep resented at . the Rosa Festival parade I more strongly tnan, ' aver before. 4 At a meeting of the committee of affairs last evening a contest for the choosing of & queen to represent the district was .inaugurated. -t , Sixteen candidates will enter the field to vie in the race for queenly honors. 'i na vi at m mm ruaniA tt.'hita uri.i. Barnes, Lucy Lloyd, Maggie Dustln, Helen Buokiejr, oertrude Nelson and Edna Hartelv. Lavern Schinr. I.nv.in I Hurrv. Erma. Jamaa. .Tnaontitn Tnwntv Martha Barnes, Edna Masters, , Hattle Brandt, Hilda Barman and Fay Be- and scattering Of things about his of fice, what if his wife murmured tender ly,, - wny,, jonn, it seems to me that a husband -who haa a wife with no worse fault than- sea tterinar chocolate creams from one end of the room to the other should bless his stars for his rood luck. and ahould with a thankful heart spend bis days removing the sticky sub stance 7" Her Dearest friend. From the Boston Globe. "I dont like my new gown venr well." said the lady. "The material la awful ly pretty, and the style Is 'all right, but it needs somethlnar to Imnreva tha hint of if "Why," suggested he dearest, friend. 'don't you let some other girl wear itv l t It Oh, Sugar! Though "Russia Lamb" went in eelrpse, Aa Kuril lambs will de, The honeyed terms from honeyed lips Keep drlDDlna- ever new. The very next ease on the list Was such a loving one. He told how they had hugged and kissed And called her "Honey Bun;" And one in many flowing hand. wnen uupid gave the hunch, , i Poured out his soul to beat the band . And ''called her' "Honey Bsnch."' The climax now is capped by one , r Who with a 1 ovine "ign - - -Wrote thtisly to bls honeyfban: "My Own, Dear Sugar Pie." Rt V Ichard Llnthicum. K K K Loafers. Well, aome folka say they are loafers, and some folks say they are bums, The fellows that sit about in the parks aa soon as the sprlnirtlme comes. And maybe It'a true that they're loafers and mayoe its true tnat ineyre bums" . But ! can't aea- that a man la bad when nature and he are ohums. t The wanderlust is a mightyjthlng when -lt'-mos you and won't let so. Which the man who lives In a house In spnnr aoea not ana cannot Know, For the stars don't shine for the man that Bleeps under a roof all year And the sounds that the loafer knows by heart ne doesn't even hear. He doesn't, know the feel of the wind that the loafer of outdoors knows. He doesn't know its kiss on his cheek when It wanes him oat of his doze. He doesn't know .the myriad sounds that make up the stillnes of night. He "is only friends with .the smiling sun and not witn tne paie moon iis-nt. He doesn't know the way to rest. Just sit ana sit and sit. And dream and doze and drift and dream and. doze and sleeD'a bit He ; doesn't know -the "don't care"', feel when his clothes are all fringe and rasv - And it's not for the bum, but for Indoor men that the hours of llvlnr dras-. He never has basked In the warmth of the sun as a miser revels in sold. Aa back to (he gates of the sun and the moon 'tne nlghfe chill blackness rolled. Ha likes a game of chance, he will say, tack of' cards or the dice to shake. But he never has played at the game witn tne rates, wnen a nickel for food Is at stake. Oh, well, . aome -live In frne houses; they are warm, they are snug, they are dry And they never will miss the bis out doors, tne aun and the stars and the SKV. And when thev travel they ride In trains, an easy and nleasant wav. But they don't know th a Joy of the rest at t night, wnen you've hoofed it about ail day. And tha envy is not in the heart of the men wnom tne world and the cops can oums. For the bench in the park Is the best he asks, and nature and he are cnuma. Journal Want Ads bring; results. Summer . . ' Excursions .V to the East KaF 18, IT, 18, la, fct, S3, M, 88, 87, as, 8. - 7 run 8, 7, , 10, 10, 18, 17. 81, 88, 8; 30, July i. a, a, , o, a. i, so, 87. 88. Angus 8, 4, 14. 18, 18, IT, The tiller of the soli la not affected by business depressions. Tha nation inust s eat Today's, classified ; section can now you, wh era sucoesn is assured. Where- yon jure your -own master, where I 81. 83.' eptembas 1, a, 4, 8, a, 7. 'h, 1 nm1 1 CHICAGO AND RETURN. ... $72.50 ST. LOUIS AND RETURN . .. . tr . .$70f00 NEW YORK AND RETURN .., ...$108.50 BOSTON AND RETURN. $110.00 3T. PAUL;: MINNEAPOLIS, DULUTH, : OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST; JOE AND RETURN.. V;.. ......$60.00 " Tlcketa allow fifteen (15) days for golngpassage, final return Mmlt October 81. Go one way and return another If 'you wish,' atop overs allowed; within limit in each direction Ride on the ORIENTAL LIMITE1X through Standaid and Tourist Sleepers, Portland to Chicago, -In 72 hours with out changa. 7 Servloe and scenery unsurpassed. . -iicxeiB.ana sleeping car' reservations at Cltv Ticket Office. 1J1 Third traat. Foruand, or at De- . FVIa'AaU'HU JIU V (s , . By Anna B. Soott. ;-: Prune Toast Ona cup Stoned prunes, ana cup whipping cream, two - table spoons sugar ona teaspoon lemon Juice, toast Mash prunes, add" one tablespoon sugar and; lemon" Juice,' mix well, ahd'put on the toast -.Whip the cream with the other tablespoon' sugar, spread over , the prunea and garnish with maraschino or candled cherries of pieces of currant jelly. Baked Codfish Cakes Two cupa cod nsn, two cups mashed potatoes, 1 cup milk, one .tablespoon .butter, one table spoon flour, bna'.egg; one teaspoon onion Juice, 'one teaspoon finely chopped pars ley, dash white ' oepper, dash . paprika. Soak, tha. codfish in cold water 1 hour, drain and put ever fire in saucepan with two quarts cold water, when It reaches the boiling point remove and pick apart ao as 'to 'remove all bones, chop fins, add to the mashed, potatoes, mix well and add tha pepper, parsley, rP rtka and sauce, made aa follows: Put butter Into saucepan, add onion and flour, add cold milk . slowly, stir until smooth .and creamy.' Now mix all well together, put Into buttered dish or dishes;, brush with the well beaten egg; bake in hot oven 39 mlmitea. Tomatoes and Eggs One cup atewed tomatoea, four eggs, one teaspoon but ter, half teaspoon onion Juice, one fourth teaspoon , salt, dash pepper... Pot the butter In saucepan, when It begins to cook, add the tomatoes; beat the eggs In a aoup plate with a silver fork until light add to the tomatoea as soon as they are at the boiling point; stir until tha eggs are set, then serve on toast or garnish with toast Whole Wheat Oems Two cups whole wheat flour, three fourths cup milk, two eggs, two teaspoons baking powder, half teaspoon' salt one tablespoon melted but ter. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder Into a bowl, add the milk, well beaten eggs and melted butter, mix well; heat the gem pans and brush with melt ed lard, put 1 spoonful butter In each part of pan; bake 10 minutes In hot oven. Cream Cake One third cup shorten ing, one cup sugar, two eggs, one third cup milk, two cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, cream the sugar and shortening together, add the well beaten egg, then the milk very slowly. Sift the flour and baking powder, and add. Bake on two Jelly tins sr cake pans on brown paper In moderate oven 20 minutes; spread each cake with currant Jelly and one with the cream filling; when the filling has cooled a little put the layers together with the filling between; spread the lemon frosting over the top. Cream Filling One and ona half cups milk, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, one egg, one tablespoon sugar, grated rind of half, lemon. -Put the milk on In top tf double boiler, mix th eonstarch with a little cold water, add to the well beaten egg; add this to the boiling milk, then the sugar and grated lemon rind, stir constantly until It thickens, then add Just a few grains of salt , Lemon Frosting Mix one tablespoon lemon Juice with XXXX or candy sugar until it is of the consistency to spread. t at at Potatoes and Carrots. The Good Housekeeper has found a new way of ssoking potatoes.' Whes she boils peeled potatoes to mash, she also bolls a' few carrots, and when sh makes the well-liked dish from' tha left-aver mashed potatoes aha does It thus; ,' She beats up . the : potatoes -and adds a little cream or milk and then places them 1 In- a casserole.. . Bha then cuts -the carrots into dice- end- places them f Intervals over ' the top of - the dish,' pressing them down so that, they look' Ilka a taosslo design. Then, after it cornea 'from the oven, she adda a sprinkle of parsley and places a tiny scarlet plmlento in tha middle of the dish. It makes a gay looking dish and the ether' vegetables add to the taatl ness of -the potatoes,, at at ' at .Appreciated Art. . . Nephew-boy is only -three, . Full of Joy and Jumps and dances; Full of life 4s hoy can be, - Full 6f laughter, pranks and prances. Nephew', thinks that 'I can draw. Nephew boy will madly caper. Such delight you never saw When I take a pen and paper. Big his eyes with expectation. Ink his cheeks with sheer delight Breathlessly he takes his station At', my side, enraptured quite. Qulok his breath comes, lips are parted; uuiet stands ne ss a mouse s started, ANOTHER "ZION CITY;. IS SEE'S NEW PLAN ..,iiu';(0slts( Press Leased Wtre. . ' .. Chicago, .,J4ay ...JV-TfWhile awaiting trial. Evelyn Arthur Bee, founder of the '"Absolut Ufa" cult, la preparing to establish a second "Zlon Cty" near Chicago. . . ," Bee aays . that he Is. going in, for, edu cation as well as industrial community life.. Papers for tha Incorporation of the ''commonwealth university" have been filed in Springfield. The incorporators are Bee and hla faithful band Of women followers: Mrs. Felicia Blake Rees; her daughter. Mona Reea; Mrs. Lucy M, Bridges and Mra, Elisabeth - M.v Spear. K' i., , ' , PHILIPPINE INQUIRY : URGED BY SLAYDEN ' ( ... -; 1 .f -- .- : Cnlt4.vPTa. Lmm4 Wire.) r - Washington, . May IT. Representative Slayden, Democrat Texas, presented la , the house a - petition signed by Ameri can identified with 'the Philippine In dependence movement ' demanding - an Immediate Investigation Of Philippine afaflra"and attacfclngDean C. Worces ter, tha governor of. the Islands, as un popular snd inefficient- Then demands, to set thin "Auntie, draw a great big house. House is made, with facile motions. Six straight lines and two aslant; Grass around. In wavy oceans, . What a very clever aunt Nephew views with satisfaction This surprising art; a span Of A second, and .a ' fraction, Then f'Now, auntie, draw a man," Man la made: a circle wobbly Makes his head; two o's his eyes; Mouth Is wsgelsh, feet are hobbly; Great is nephew-boy's surprise. Next, demands he, "Make a horsla. Make a boat and make a train." Auntie makes them, for of course he Never has to ask in vain. "Make a dog, a pig. a kitty." Auntie's art, must never fall; All are made alike, but "pltty Piggy" has a curled-up tall. Auntie wants no approbation Of the rubllo's fickle heart Nephew-boy's sppreclatlon Quite contents ner witn ner arc. at at at Neck Bleach. You can bleach your brown neck to a milky whiteness. All that is neces sary is to use tne following BKin blancher according to directions: 1 ounce strained honey. 1 teaspoonful of lemon Jules. 6 drops of oil of bitter almonds. Whites of two eggs. Enough fine oatmeal to make paste. Spread this thickly on a piece of cot ton ciotn, tnree incnes in wiam, ana tie as a bandage around the throat Four or five of these applications should bleach neck to a satin whiteness Remember this Is not a face bleach and that oil of bitter almonds Is a poison and must not be swallowed or left In the reach of children. t at at The Barefoot Lass. The barefoot. lass who lightly trod j ne leary lane iona: years ajro tHow many years I do -not know) . fas- Rraoeful as the ferns that nod Beside the shadowy brooklet's.' flow. Although her grace none could deny We breathe a patronizing sigh And from our memories bade her pass. Since she was but a barefoot loss. J T a Tine Ona 'mongat other folks who playhouse where the the night. plod, I sought how Filled seats unto the rearmost row Becautso a dancer, all unshod. Reveled In paces swift or slow. I paid five dollars to get by The tlckot taker'H. eagle eye, I Viewed her through an opera glass It was the self-sumc barefoot las! Washington Star. SaturdaySpecialTrain TO a5TTBrs ASTORIA : and -y CLATSOP BEACH POINTS May 20th and Every Saturday DuringSumnier 4 Leave Portland .2:30 P. M. Arrive Astoria .5:15 P. M. Arrive Gear hart :58 P. M. Arrive Seaside . . . . ; ...v. .6:05 'feM. RETURNS SUNDAY EVENING r 7 Leaving Beach Points and Astoria after dinner arrivingPort- land 10 :15 p. m. FULL SUMMER SCHEDULE, SATURDAY, JUNE 3 This includes fast trains, .leaving Portland 9:20 a. m.. daily, leaving Beach points after dinner daily and Monday morning, in addition to the Saturday afteroon train from Portland. , LOW ROUND - TO1F FARES ,,' $ 4.00 Daily, limit six months. 1 $ 3.00 Saturday and Sunday, limit Monday. $15.00 five round trips, limit one year. Arrange. Now for the Summer at the Beach T CITT TICKET OrTICI, TTTTBCJOTO BTAXX ITS. VOBTX BAIT tsTAK9,?SMTEaTXH: AST StOTT. r f v-. ITfiV Stores and Now for Rent in the New mmm Motel" Covering Entire Block Embraced by Pine, Ash, Third' and Fourth Sts. Applications will be received in behalf of the Multnomah Hotel Company for the abpve stores and concessions by MATHEW GEVURTZ, with I. Gevurtz& Sons, cor. Second and Yamhill sts. 7? :i: r -.ft','- .ii.;7 - 7tJ v;- ; l,-7 your Income la a certainty. - V