The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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i friroB'. sale notsns y :
xtv y WW' UVW W WW . X"""A
' ' t -m r k....i..iA
. . w wvuri u rwiii uwiiun, ...
- Paneled dining room. beamed cell- i
V - in g. large attlo. large kltchon find ..
pantry, gaa and electricity, fix- ....
Tst?' lures anA window bllndit graveled
street, Bewer ana temmi wiiki
in end paid for. Price $2860, No
- -oornton, gee-o wnetv-
toi Gerllnger bid.; 21 and Alder
j X i ,Phone Main 1970,.-
'"'-'Neat little S room house and one lot.
Plenty tit ahade tree. Only 2 blocks
to car Price $575f $l75,cash, bal, SIS
per month at 6 per tenV ,
:V -. a ion
jrtoaern nouse witn a rooms.- riasterea
na piumoea ana . nne iota oniy iivtfo,
eaU terms wlf Vnu iir' Inolclnsr fn
' good home, reasonable, aee ua before
h buying. . ... 4
Half block eaat of Graya crossing. Take
in i. ecou car, 4c anq Aider,
??:'"" for bale norsKa el
, v - ;, UTES OUT. ' -
Furnlehed' room new modern houaej
lot (0x109, all graded; young roee buabea
aet out . this aprlng; all furniture In
the house, contilattng of MOO piano, ,$65
range.- $15" heater. ?5 table, dining
room ohalra, $16; dreaaer 145, couch $25,
rockera 17. maeaalne rack 18. center
lapie , Axmintur rug zo, i Daa,
apringa and mattreiaes $3d. . In addition
to thle there-ere- iaca eurtalna,wh
tuba, rinaer. wheelbarrow, lawn mowor.
ahovela and other garden tools around
tne piaoe. Tne prico la 3iuo, iiwuv caan.
11000 mortraae runa 2U ' yeere at 7
per cent) balance can be arranged oi
contract in montniy paymenia. yvniaooa
We will aell you a home and yon can
pay for It on eaay monthly paymenia.
Our houses Include furnace, . fixtures,
hardwood floors, Intlnr, shades, . etc
Provident Inveetnfent ie Trustee, Ca
101, ioi Board' or Traae, uwaers.
- For Sale by Owner
-; If. looking for- a barraln in a -nice
modern bungalow; beautiful light fix
tures, good location, zo minutes to city,
awer this. W-648. Journal.
$500 Down
and balanoo al 126 per month,
with 7 per cent Interest, will buy
a snlendld up to date 8 room home
and lot 60x100, blocks from car
line on east side.
' OEO. D. SCHALK, , v ' .
m Stark at. i - .
Main i2, A'2382.
6 Room House ;
x A SnaD
Oak floors, shower bath,' cement floor,
fireplace, furnace, electric lighting fix
tures Price $4000. $1600 caeh; addresa
vwoer, m-us, journal. ,
bua i enuBi nome, $4000 on. easy
' . terma; beautiful room houae on E.
aj it; moaern in every particular
just oewg oompietea; large living room.
plains . room, reception nail, Dutch
kitchens 1 Bleeping rooms and sleeping
porcn, iuh oasement ana rurnace; blrda
eye mania floors. . intoHnr flnlah
handsome; best ear service in cttv. In
vestigate this. McAllister & Luedde-
: P1"""- i iiiiectric mag.
Main 4519.
402 Beck bldg., 7th and Oak ate.
Do"You Want to Build?
$30 Monthly.
Hawthorne District
.7 rooms and din; Bleeping porch, fire
place, furnare, gaa and electric fixtures,
built In buffet and bookcases, mirror,
21ft Wash, at., room tit. Phone Main
v ,-Gardeis -
cr Acre Lots Z '
single or In groups of two er
more. Every lot fronts on graded
street, near electric car, between
4 and 7 mile .circles. -on east
. side.' . Good, pure water under
pressure piped to every acre lot.
Lrlces low at $760 to $900; easy
terms. Howard 8. Amon Co., 426- v
8 Yeon bldg.' Main 1400, A-J213. v
'( Irvinton
Reautlful lot, eaat front, fine
view, near - Knott; a snap at
$1300; aome terms; lots adjoining
aelllng at $1860. -
: E, R, Markham
20S Gerllnger bldg.,J24 and Alder.
Do You 'Want a Lot 2 Blocks
From Reed Institute for $4j50?
We have several 40100 font lnt. i
blocka from- Reed Institute site, at thla
price. Tne atreetcar is within s to -6
blocks of the lots. It takes 18 minutes
to reach them from 2d and Alder. Con.
aldertng location, it ia cheaDeat croo-
eny in rortiana. jor- runner particu
lars can at our orrice.
$08-101 Railway Exchange Bldg.
Phones Marshall 2684. A-7480.
Fine lot, nea carllne; improvements
!ain ior, price only oui terms;, mis is
209 less than lota are selling for in this
ocatlon and the price o Improvements
not included; besides thia low price there
is an -opportunity or getting oacx i
for water mains which have, been paid.
Call on C. p. Pfluger A Co.. suite 12.
mumey Ding., q ana Morrison.
'Bargain Sale,:v,'i
'V ON - , .
ONLY $189 TO $180 PER ACRE.
. . s ' EASY . TERMS. .-.
Get In -on the rround floor.,- Thla la
ine last opnoriunicv to aet cnoice acre
age at these prices. We are Juat put
ting this beautiful tract on the market
land making thla attractive offer for a
snort time oniy.
This la all nice level land. No rock
or gravel. Good soli. AH has been cul
tivated ana nart la in cron now. Bev
oral of the lota are nart I r In bearlnr or
I chard. Por poultry, berry, fruit and
garden raising, all conditions Ire ex
ceptionally favorable; The 1 excellent
I shipping facilities bring the Portland
market for all your-oroduca riant to
your door.
. or a nome and a paying investment
you can rind notning -ore aesiraoie.
We can prove to you thut a rapid rise
In vslue Is certain.
This nronertv la bounded on one aide
dv tne Oregon uiecino car una ana on
another side by the main county road.
it adjoins tne station wnere a new
townalte haa been laid out. Here we
already have a store, .livery atable and
frelKht dcDot. Hnhool and church are
A. 3S00. near.
You cannot buy acreage with as good
soil and location anywhere else on any
RJ.HJ,AT ELECTRIC I f or tRe prl(.e we are offering this at.
oiauu". . I we absolute v guarantee .this exactly
-An slsed traet you may de
sirs from .one-half acre up to
twenty acres, located In the beau
tiful .valley just west of .Council
Crest., only 40 minutes ride from
r. center of city and the moet far-;
V tile soil in Oregon. T.
v we nave l people that have
bought from two to four times
Leaoh on thla property, let ua re- :
fer-you-to-thenj, Come:let us
ahow you. "
Fourth atreet Una of Southern
Paciflo extends across-center pf
-i this tract, thla line to be eleotfl-
' fled this season, buy in ahead of
the Improvement and get the ben
efit of the rise.
- Pine 6-ycar-old Orchards, alae
berry patches and gardens that
demonstrate the soil, go look.
$280. per acre and up, with email
caah payment and monthly instal
ments. x
-. 102 Fourth st.
Main 38. x
J S L. . R ViT i ii as represented ana lr you nno it otner-
t ranaf erred him .to California, roust sell wlBe wln )ve you a deed t0 any
this week: room noust i well built, good rlv, acre iot .n th, trmct absolutely
barn. 80x60, 8 new poultry houses with free If y0 buy wo wlll pay all your
yards fenced. 2 food wells, one large ' "
incuoator and orooaer, its cniovens, one nron into our office
room furniture.
and we will
'"' sv """a i a-iadiv aive vou anv lniormation you
I rugs, dishes, ate. S I mav desire. Remember our price on
to oats 2 acres to wheat, 1 I thla rholp mt: onlv JlfiO to $180
all nlanted. 4 acres of ud- I rnm rhnnu mnr int
acres sowed
acre notatoea
lolnlnc land nlanted to corn and pur-1 u.. i.' lei ec 1aitA
chaser gets whole crop, ' 84 apple and A 1 Ull I '
cherry treea. 1 large malsga grape vine. f, f, nILL
Thla Ilea In the -Tualatin valley. Tne
price Is right. The land is rignt. and
the terms are rlaht. ' Inquire at 888
Chamber or commerce.
419 Henry bldg. Portland, Or.
SB 0 SB 8 8 SB S SB SB S
8 $4200 80 acres, 4 miles from S
8 R, R. station, 2 miles from boat S
landing 30 miles south of Fort- B
S land, aores in cultivation, some S
v una timber, aores in hops, spring
8 and creek, on main county road. 6
8 room house, large bam, very best of b
g soil; give, good terma.
a lllAA A A . 1 1 . H
8 8 miles from R. R. station and boat S
S landing, 7 acres In cultivation, aome S
8 timber, balance brush, good family S
S orchard, small fruits, . all fenced, 8
S rail and wire, IV, story house, barn 8
S 20x80, other outbuildings, very beat S
B or soil. This la a snam. erive terma. a
a . s
S - $200949 acree on Cowllts river, 8
8.3H nil lea from R. R. and boat land- B
8 ng; ,10 acres in cultivation, fam- 8
a nr small iruui, wan uia o
8 creek, aome timber, 1 story frame 8
8 house 7 rooms, barn 10x30. 1 horse. S
8 cow, aome chickens, farm imple- S
8 ments, fine soil, on main county S
o roau, mue to scnooi; give gooa o
a terms.
8260040 sores. 8 miles from S
8 good town on main line of N. P. R. 8
8 R.. on Cowlltx river. 1U miles from 8
S boat landing; 2o acrea In cultlva- 8
S tlon, ' 8 acres in bearing orchard, B
8 mostly app'ea, in first class shape, 8
8 small fruits, 5 room house, barn, 8
8 well, spring and email creek, very 8
a Dest or soil. J cow. 4U cmcgens,
8 bronrt sow. anme hav. farm ma-
8 chtnery, household gooda; give 8
8 good terms. This Is a snap.
Absolute Bargain
5 1-2 Acres $1385
All In high state of cultivation and
Owner Is traveling man and firm has rron. iiM heantifuiiv. timt Hk a nr.
transferred him to California; must sell dM1. flne .oM. pn mAln COUnty
this week; room house, well built, macadamised road, 18 miles from Port-a-ond
barn 20x60. 8 new poultry nouses 1 i-nli i kii t,m irio ,tiHnn trif
with yards fenced 2 good wells, one I car 'fare w',th 56 minute car service;
Nice 4 roonihouse on Gladstone and
K. 89th at., W-W car passes door, lot
Is 80x146, lmprovomenta In and paid for,
Anlv ftlftrtft tnti. WIm Ml. a In.
cludea some of the household gooda, bet
,v ter hurry if- you want this, for some
,.; one la going to get ' a snap. C. P.
' Pfluger Co., auite IS MUlkey bldg.. Id
and Morrison.
NICE, new, comfortable tent bungalow,
built for your use, under our free
'rent offer, wa give you the use of it
for the entire summer at no cost to
yourself. Call at our Gregory Heights
office tomorrow and investigate; end
of Rose City -Park car line,
Gregory Inv. Co,
convenience and Just finished,
Sightly location on 29th at, (oor. 80tbJ,
In the beautiful restricted Irvington
Park addition. For quick sale $2860,
$500 cash, $20 monthly. Owner, 1020
Yeon bldg.
Worth $20,000 for much less; haa 9
rooms, larae. beautiful finish in astr-rk
fsd oaK; select doors, perfect oak floors.
Most modern possible; beat loctonHol
laday addition. Wlll take small house
part payment. Irvington. East 27$; C-
lovg. n Menu, w. n. nercinian.
Js JBY OWNElfFjne 8 rooffv modern
house, -hall, bath and pantry,
parartnisnea, ,. line tawn, bearing
fruit trees, and oes; half bloc-from
ear, 16 minutes' ride from central part
of city, $1900. good terms, . Call Sun
gays or evenings. 1T Idsho sfc
PIEDMONT SNAP If you are looking'
for a coay new 8 room home it Is
worth your while to Investigate, "corner
100x100. with -gartge. everything first
class and complete, furniture for sale,
am leaving city. Owner, $6000. Wood
lawn 2693. 222 Alnswprth aye,
$200 down, $16 per month and Inter
J est, purchases S room dwelling, hot
IIU ' . . 1 . , . ' I' ' V T. I LI I II 1 1 J ,
upper Aioina, I ti;n rrom two canines;
price $2600. Inquire IS 8 3d at. Main
328 or A-iBl. . .
R room bungalow, not quite finished.
on full alsed view lot at Creston. There
is a amau z room nouse wen bunt, on
back of lot, which ia thrown in. If you
want a snap, investigate. jered W,
German, 829 Burnaide. M. or A-2T79.
ItODERN" 8 room house, fine lawn; 4
blouka f rom -Unton ava. wjn -takt a
gooa automoone as part payjnent.
Rose City Park Lots
One block from the new club house
alta, a "block from the Alameda drive.
one and a half blocks from the car line,
facingeaat; the best location .In Rose
City Park. Sidewalk paid for, "Caved
street paid: lota 8 and 9. block 100. on
64th and Stanton streets: next to the
corner. Phone East 92, pr B-1J62.
Evenings East 723.
$880. $60 DOWN.
A bargain in finely located lot about
00 feet south Of Hawthorne aw. kIk
41 2-2x100. for IMKO with IfcA Hn an4
$10 monthly; don't let thla get by you;
rou can make a couple of hundred doi
ars profit on It before vou have had
It pay lotion on it. Take cars to co'-iwr
43d and Hawthorne ave. Oflfca on cor
ner. Portland-Paciflo Inv. Co., 41 Rail-
wnj aAcimiiiic,
Make your selection from these beau
tiful level lots in . FERN PARK addi
tion, all cleared. Inside city limits. Bull
Run water, no building reatriotions. 6
cent carfare. Will bo only 6 blocka
from Mount Hood electric.
k Tikl M-Y-Cr -Sv'aOth at.
Phone Tabor 876. . 2002 E. Gllsan at.
larae incubator and brooder. 169 chick
ens, one s noie wonarcn range, gooa in
dining room furniture, I rugs, aisnes,
etc.; 6 acrea sowed to oats, 2 seres to
wheat: 1 acre potatoes an planted, 4
acrea of adjoining land planted to corn
and purchaser gets whole crop; 84 ap
ple and cherry trees. I largeMalaga
rrape vine. Thla Ilea in
of Commerce
In thickly settled district. Price $1885
360 raan, balance to suit.
Cooperative Realty Co,
619-20-11 Railway Exchange.
Seveial 8 and 10 acre tracts we can
ley. The fkich. ia munii me, now sen you. aii in nign state or cui
ND IS RIGHT. AND .THfii tickms tlvatlon. only M
the Tualatin
mile to electrla sta-
Tnntilr 1 AAA PhAmhllP I t(nn - in ri t mn 1 an vIaw
Kacn tract rronts on rlne county road,
and Joins the Oregon Nursery Co.'s
farm. You can't helD but like this land.
Only 13V4 miles from the court house
at Portland by wagon road. The price
m -riant inn inn terms are easy. A. ti.
Vaughan, 904 Yeon bldg. Phone Mar
shall 2436.
10 Acre Tracts
We have a few more left at $89
per acr4 20 miles from Portland;
terma 10 . per cent cash, balance
very eaay terma.
Realty Dept
2013 Lumbermena Bldg.
"Marshall 1479, Home A-3SS8.
80 Acres, $3500
On good county road. 1 mile from
school, only 4 miles from R. R. sta
tion: m miles from boat landlne: fair
buildings: jrood well: several hundred
cords of wood. This Is a snap and must
he sold this month: $2600 in cash will
handle it.
J. B. ATKINSON. Vancouver, Wash.
Phone 1 8-1 19, 401 Washington St
$660 .BUYS a W acre tract on the west
side' lies beautifully. Terma to ault
you. Did you ever consider what you
can raise on i U acre and how much
cheaper you can live on a acre than
you can on a lot? Terms to ault you
uii nnyining we sen. M. k. iee, 811
Amen's Acres
"A splendid acreage addition on
the Powell Valley road, graded
street in front of every lot. ex
cellent waterSinder pressure for
lic-.c. lawn and garden. Soli
f -1 to all garden products,
ln.rl'is, chickens, etc. Near car
Hue. A few choice acre lots left
at $760; terms.
626-6 Yeon bldg.
Main 1400, A-3218.
$60 Per Acre
Sacrifice for Cash .
Flat site near Belmont and E. 26th,
worth $1780. Price $1426. -
Residence lot near Sandy road and
East 80th, worth $1200. Price $960.
East 28th and Davis Sts. E-A Car.
LARGE beautiful lota, 80x120; water
piped to each lot; only SO minutes' car
ride. Thla property la In line for fast
development. If you are looking for a
choice Investment or a home sits, it will
pay you to sea thla before you buy.
Terms $?S down and $S a month. M.
jv. i-ree, -ij corneit oiog.
$166 CASH and amall monthly or quar
terly payments will buy a beautiful
corner 100x100 feet, 1 block from Union
ave, Thla ia ona of the prettiest build
ing sites In this whole section. Price
267H Oak 8t,
Phones Majn 1743, A-1748.
10 acres of A-l land on county road
near Beaverton, price $126 per acre.
Actually worth twice thla price but
must be sold at once to close estate.
Thla la a spot cash deal. The McCarthy
Co, 422-3 Yeon bldg. Main 8983. A-89S1
6 ACRES nice cleared land In crop.
good deep tlch soil: you couldn't ret
it located any nicer. Onlv Vi mile from
elect rjc station and close to Portland.
This piece of land has every advan
tage, and we are going to sell it at
$276 per acre and only 10 per cent
down. Better aee thla at once. A. E.
Vaughan, 004 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2436.
168 ACRES. 40 In a rain and hay. faml
ly orcnaro, berries, & room bouse,
barn. 6 other out buildings. 26 head
cattle, 1$ hogs, 16 goats, 2 horses, 100
120 aores. 44 milea from good 8
8 town, on main fine of N. P. R. R... 8
8 IU miles frem boat landlna. 3 S
11 mmmmA flAA 01)11 ft fir fAO R
8 cords of shingle bolts worth $8 per 8
a corn, spring ana creeic, very Dest ui n
S soil, good location; price only $20 B
S per acre: will divide and sell 80 8
B acrea: arlva s-oori terms. 8
$6000 204 acres. 3 miles from a 8
8 (rood town on the Cowllts river. R. S
a R. statl on nn1 hojtt lending: 86 8
I acres in cultivation, 40 acrea tim- a
h Dr, g . acres bearing orcnara, smen a
8 fruits, well, spring and cYeek; all S
8 fenced; 6 room house, barn, fruit
a nouse, on county road, near scnooi n
8 and church: verv best of soil; H S
8 cash, balance In exchange for Por -tH
8 land proDertr. This 1b a. bargain, h
8 8
8 tlfioo 80 acres, 22 miles from 8
S Portland. 6 miles from R. R. town 8
8 snd boot Isndlng; aome fine timber, 8
8 good eoll. Terms, H cash. A snap. 8
8 $300060 acres on Cowllts river. B
S 3 miles from R. R. station and boat B
S landing, 12 acres In cultivation, 8
8 20 acres timber, family orchard. 8
S well and creek, fenced, house 18 by 8
8 24, barn 30x40, one team, weight 8
8 2800 lbs., 1 cow, 2 dosen chickens, 8
8 wagon, mower and rake, all farm 8
8 machinery and household furniture,
8 Telephone In house; price $3000. 8
8 8
S 206 Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and S
S Alder. Office, Main 8430. Res 8
8 East 1708. 8
8SS8SS88S8888B88S 888
You Can. Name Your Own
Price for My Valley Farm if
You Have Any Cash
Or will trade for good Portland prop
erty, close In. up to 310,009. Net income
from lease this fall at least $1000. Will
sacrifice about $4000 on place for quick
deal. 80s Kelly St., near uibDS, or
phone Main 6827.
2 1-2 Acres
3 Room House
Close to good school and electric car.
and city: oeaveraam son. an ciearea.
Price $1100, terms; or will trade for 6
room bungalow.
1046 Hawthorne Ave., Cor. E. 88th.
$3000 EQUITY, in $6000 close-in prop-
. ertr, will mane lease on present
house at 6 per cent on . mil valuation
good apartment sue, . i40uv; mortga
now due. will extend If desired; w
accept good 4 or 8 passenger car to
Iiooo; will tag aome real estate ana
arrange terma Tor balance. ' -
. . el-i0-lU Yeon Bldg. ;
You ; Can Name Your Own
v Price for My Valley harm i
You Have Any Cash
Or will trade for good Portland prop
erty close In up to $10,000. Net Income
rrom lease tnis ran at least siooo. win
sacrifice about $4000 on place for quick
deal. 803 Kelly st,V near Glbbs, or
pnone iwam nazT.
On Hawthorne carllne. close to city
para; new, 8 rooms, run basement, con
crete foundation, - fireplace, bath and
electric fixtures, front and back
porches; 66x100 corner,-, north front.
Price $4500. No Incumbrance. Trade
for not less than 40 acres in Washing
ton county: must be good land. R. M.
Hood. 604 Lumbermena bldg.
fO TRADE My home in I
vington as Dart payment on
ranch, Must ive m country
Will sacrifice, Answer, this
paper, u-643, Journal, -
Stock Ranch
Pine Lincoln eountv stock ranch- 460
acres, including uu to 000 bead of cat
tle, sheep and goats; farm Improve
ments and furniture. Price $40 tier acre:
exchange for Portland or Vancouver
property. R. M. Hood, 804 Lumbermens
120 ACRES, 8H miles southeast of Ore
gon City, near new electric Jlne; 80
cultivated: nouse. barn, outbuild hea:
Well and spring; fenced and cross
fenced: 60 acres cultivated, fine nr.
chard, on fine road, for good residence
up to $6000; Z-679. Journal.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Hotel lease 6
years, 88 rooms well furnished, par
lor, dining room and office: also bar
room and pastime parlor; license and
iquor siock; doing good business. Room
in i hk at.
8MALL wood working plant, more
orders than It could f I r last season:
now turning orders away. Will take
good realty, whole or part. N-641,
FOR SALE or trade, hotel of 42 rooms
in a good live town of 1600 Inhabi
tants- fine location, splendid business.
For further particulars addreas I. F.
Daugherty, Sheridan, Or.
For Sale or Trade
2 lota In Railway addition: value 1400
for rooming house near same value. H.
G, Johanson, 807 Foster road. Lenta, Or.
1AVK 60 aores 21 miles east of Port
land, to trade for modern T ranm
house in city. West side preferred.
162 E. 76th.
1 A a n t lAA.tlAn fr-r vi- Vi 1 n V. , I
you better. Nortnwest Exchange, 228-
rooming houses for bale ft.)
. : -S0!VfE BARGAINS;-.
' '- ' 4: 3. I , ' ' '
ROOMS $890. H 'U'. ' 7
Good ."furniture and carpets, house'
ranta for ,$30. Location, Ideal for , rent- ; "
rooipk.- ,,k..-. : ;:ij.Aw..:.
, ' 1$ ROOM8---$88.; - ?
Location near the . custom house;' all
full of good atesdy tenants. , Clearing
$178 per month.. Will make eaay terma.
'''" I "ROOMS $259 ? i I'r-J''
This is a little home rtaht In town:
no carfare, $100 cash down buys this. - -
. 7 ROOMS $659. r ' "" , ,! "
' All Rrusaelii rnrnAta ami Iron beds ...
lOoatd In Nob Hill district, $269 caah
down handles this. , , ... , .
On this 22 room house, located on Mor
rlsorf st good 3 year lease at $109 per
month. Now when we say "make us, .
offer," wo mean Juat that, -so act and -act
quickly if you want a anap. , '
at.t. Tirrmi AMr rtrTwi nnvrD
Associated Investment Co,
13 Rooms
Good furniture, close In. full of room
ers. must sell, wlll sacrifice for $280 If
taken at once.
19 Rooms
All housekeeping. 8 vears' lease, close
In, good hardwood furniture, all rented,
$1000 will handle It.
32 Rooms
All housekeeulng. 8 vears' lesse. dears
$160 per month, 1750 handles thla.
20 Rooms
WaahnarAn atraat V.4 1 t aslnea
good lease, $1000 will handle If taken
thla week.
31Q Henry bldg. Cor. 4th and Oak sts.
IF YOU want pn honest deal In a nice
little rooming house of 9 rooms that -
is clearing $70 month, come and aee thla'
place on 10th st. Price $760 and only
$350 cash. Johnson A Johnson, 168 10th.
86 rooms Good furniture Fine loca-
tlon and price Is right Part caah. J,
Nichols Co., 616 Yeon bldg. )
MINING and Industrial stocks: tele
phone and other bonds bought and .
acid. C. 8. Fletcher, 126 Abtngton bldg. '
HALF Interest last year brought a
man $4260: If vou can convince owner
that you are willing to work, are honest
snd of a disposition to suit his, these
qualifications will be worth $1000 to
you in buying an Interest that Invotcea
$6600. Address -124. Journal, for meet-.
NEW 7 room modern house, near Burn
side bridge, en east side, trade for
rarm. varue not to exceed laoou. ht
owner, m ju. nn St. w.
If you want to trade your house for
an improved rarm witn an tne stock
crops and Implements, we have them
to 100 acres. Angeles Trust Co., 826
vvasn., room 4ip. ynono Main &si.
WILL trade first class talking machine
ror good oicycie. Portland monograph
gency, sou Aider.
- .lnr4 anrt l.vol mnA nlontv at ducks and Chickens: full equlpmen
good soring water. 26 miles from Port- tools: price $58.60 per acre. Address
land, 1H miles from etation, thla ia the E- W. Fisher, Hotel Burton. 148 Yam
very nest or garden or rruu lanci, and
la $40 per acre cheaper than other land
in this vicinity, same soil, aee thla at
onoe if you want a snap; I must sell.
Phone Main 7987
80x100 LOT, cehient walks In and
paid for, $760. 876 down, $15
monthly. M-508, Journal.
anap if taken at once. Owner 884 East
neighborhood, 10 minutes from postof
8th st. N. Phone Woodlawn-308
6EVEN room modern house, select
netgnoorpooa. iv trimuiws irom postot-
flee, $2000 cash, balance terma. Provi
dent Investment A Trustee Co., 201, 20$
Board of Trade. . .
BRAND new 7 room shingled bungalow"
now occupied by owner. $2660: terms.
Located at tst utn ave. Mt. Kcott
car, 1 block aortji from Myrtle Park
station, n ,
V ,7Sots66 (iXsti. . 1
4 rodm house with barn and" chicken
house. See owner, Mrs. Lucchesl, 61st
ave., 4 blocks from end of W. W. caf
line. - 'i
FOR SALE Modern 4, room nous oh
Aineworth ave. Price $2660. Part or
all caah. N. Worthy, owner,- 816 Aine
worth ave. v
MY $826 equity In 6 room modern bun
, gafow on Mt. Scott car line. Will
take $625 caah. Aot Quick. 8-845,'Jour-
r.kt ; -
ALMOST new, 4 room modern house.
Bath, hot water,- garden in $1600.
$1.00 cash, $13 60 per month. (12 Os
wego St., St. Johns. , .
, POR-SALEv-New 2-room house, lot
60x1 0i.. facing oounty road; $426. $2)
down, $10 per month. Near car, w.
Chrlstensen, Office. Maltwet.. Lenta.
fbR SALE $125. down, $20 per month,
buys 4 room house, reception hall,
toilet and bath, nice la Wji, close to car
line, py owner, w& t. TZd-N.
Just the Place for That Little
Home of Yours
lW acres. 9 blocka from Coun
cil Crest car, adjoining Tualatin
View Park; $776 cash, balance at
2 per cent monthly; must be sold
- by June 1. '.
Keasey, Humason & Jeffery
$33 Chamber of Commerce.
Beautiful Country Place
8 acrea, alt In full bearing orchard.
In fine shape: new 5 .room modern bun
galow; nea on main county macadam
ised road, 12 miles from Portland, 7
blocks from electric station; fine houses
S7ii7ff?"''loicl "in T -ii '--'j "-l-jn: n I Tides: hoc rar rare, sb minute
KUUR level lots,' all cleared and ready -or a hnu- tn Mch rr,,.i
?U.'aiM churches;, etc.; ft F. A and
-leiepbone. rrico is:&; eo casn, baJ-
atores and railroads; these are good for.
a nice home " or aplendid investment;
wlll aell the 4 foTlOO; terma. Owner,
1016 Chamber of Commerce.
HAVE several beautiful lota for sale;
fine locations; $1800 each! Irvington.
A number of 5 and 10" acre tracts of
fine Cleared farm land cheap; close to
cityv XV1888;. Eaat J7, Up., agents, W.
H. Herd man.
$10060xl00 on Blandena at. 190 feet
from "l." car. Cement walks. A
good location for a home. Naar
nigh school, grammar sohool.
churches, etc Phone Woodlawn
ZU3, tJ-.DOS.
anoe easy. Just aa advertised.
Cooperative Realty Co,
K18-20-2I Railway Exchange,
Double corner on E. $8th end Ella
worth, one of the finest view plaeea on
the. east side. Pavement and sidewalks
in. - Only $1800 on easy terms. Phone
Tabor 2823.
60x100, all. cleared lots, fine moun
tain and river view; $io down and $10
per- month; $500. Smith-Wagoner Co.,
811-312 I.owig bldg.,
FOR SALE Sightly lot in Elmhurst; ti
xlOO feet. $1100. $300 cash. $28 ner
month. Ownera hold adjoining 60. foot
lots for $900. Address 821 Savler. Fhona
A-7743. '
$450 LOT 85x100 feet, future business
lot on Grand ave. $8 per month' will
buy It. . I
C m s d,
SO! 1 Vfl K PI
Rare Bargain in Acreage
Cheapest land. In the valley aultad par-..X-
tlcularlf . -
For garden purposea. Level, yet good
drainage. Located half way between S.
P. railroad and Salem Eleotrio. 70 min
utes' ride from tne city. 14 acres, $1759.
6 acres, $899. Beautiful surrounding
country in moat prosperous part of the
valley. Owner, 199 Fifth at, Hovenden
Piano Co,
aorea at Garden Home, 26
mlnutea out on Oregon Electric, -
cleared, balance mostly cleared ;
2 blocka from station; adjoining
carllne. Price $1300. Phone Red
$84, Oak Grove, owner.
7U acrea. all in crop. 1L miles from
Portland, on main road, 1 mile from
station; new house and barn, 2 cows,
pigs chickens, etc. riee owner, 61 N
12th st.
FIVE and 10 acre tractB,' only 18 miles
rrom fortiano; river and rail trans
portation; ideal truck gardening land
excellent for berries, fruit, chickens, etc.
Terma only $50 down and $10 a month.
M, 15. Lee, sil tjoroett bldg.
$180 down, balance $720 at 6 per cent,
all In cultivation; mile from eleo
trie station; finest fruit, garden and
poultry site. I. E. T 421 Stark at
Margnaii ztu.
40 ACRES FOR $1700.
Rich soil. Willamette valley, 28 miles
eoutn o rortiana, near n. k.; isoo eaan
win nandie.
826H Washington St., room 416.
Buya choice 5 acresr 'near electrio sta
tion, easy to clear, only $1000. Smith-
Wagoner Co., 311-312 Lewis bldg.
r Tigard Station
14 acres, all In high state of cultiva
tion; 1 mile from Tlgard atatlon. on
Oregon Electric; 1H acrea of young
ore tiara, rmr nam. 'good wen; lies
fine, right on main county road;
land adjoining selling for $800 ner
acre; will take $2750; $600 cash for thla
Cooperative Realty Co
819-20-21 Railway Exchange.
FIVE acrea 1H milea from Multnomah
station. Oregon Electric railwav.
mile from West Portland school,
$275 an acre. B-668, Journal.
CLOSE In acreage; sal or trade; own-
Robert A Miller, $38 Worcester
Two Acres
Fruit Trees
Lot S minutes from car. 19 mihin
full bearing apple treea. Snitaenbarga:
easy terms. R-827, Journal.
On E. Kllllnsworth, right by the city
limits. Every inch -4n cultivation and
level aa a floor. Just right to subdi
vide or to garden. Will sell at 3500
less per acre than any adjoining It.
Price 81600 per acre. 31800 will handle
(enure piece. .This is near 42nd at and
a money matter, can and see it. Amer
ican Investment Co.. H. 24th and Alber
ta, rnoneu-uio.
FOR SALE or exchange, fine acreage
in Willamette valley, terms. Owner.
Mershsll 1044.
ACRE: running water: 7 cent fare;
price $800. Terms $26 cash: balance
to suit. Owner. Main 306.
i t RbOM modern house, cacoeta. gaa
and wood ranges, close In. E. 14th
and Aiornaon, . . inquire - or. owner. IVl
"JR VINGTON nome, 8 -rooms, on- Broad
.way, near 21at Owner, -504 Tenton
'bldg. '-',.. ; . '-.; ' '
26 monthly "buys $2159 bungalow, I
rooms, eiectnc nghts, l bleak to car.
'' phone. owner, East 2741.- ' '
4 room bungalow.; 41250: lion
wwn, osiance -terms to suit yoursei-.
Owner. B-i 4. Journal. - ;
' BUNGALOW for aileK Will accept lot
up to $1100 'as part payment: terma.
'48 Marguerite ave. Call mornirtgg..
-Woodstock: home.-. Must su 'uick:
A. snap. -N. J. Day, Taylor at 4ock.
BEST BUY in Portland on West Stark
and i ssia-iote sq. on canine now
building, Empire Realty ft Trust com
pany, 403 Yeon bldg. Marshall 349,.
LARGE LOT near Rose City Park. ce"
ment walks, graded streets, Bull Run
Water, $660. No agents. No commls
Sion. Owner, 201, 203 Board Of Trsda.
LARGE lot for sale, street graded,
water and aewer in,, reasonable price.
Owner. Bellwood 1748. '
OWNER savs sell 102x160 feet near car
at the very low price of $1200. Phone
Woodlawn 203. C-2008.v "
-;'.. business- L6t.' ',- " "
On Will lams ave,; must be sold. Room
feOOD lot 69x100. near Rose City car;
: frnt sscrlflce. $40,.cah. Owner, H,
Smith, Marshall ?8. - ; !
RtiSE CITY lot $300 i under value. Small
payment down. Bat li tnOBth. Call
$$, 10th, near tsura, t . .4 :
S ACRES short distance east of Oak
Grove, Oregon City carllne, soil is
first class, no rock, running water, only
tzuvu, part mmn, Daiance iu years s
per gent Thla soil is especially adapt
ed for cherries, pears or grapes, I am
closing out all the property (hat I own
In and around. Portland and this tract la
all I have left If you want a amall
suburban, home you Can drive a good
bargain with - ma, Bee me, room 301
Gerllnger bldg,, for a few days.
VS. 3, AND 19 ACRE, tracta, close in,
good electrio ear servioe, $100 to $260
per acre, blgv values, easy terms. J. W.
Hefferlin Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg..
both phqnea. - ' '
$20nd $25 Per cfe -"
If you want genuine grain and alfalfa
Und In Oregon, I have- H. Call Harry
Beaufort. 64 Gllsan st.. near lth.
CITY aeriV near Mkiaoor. iUona Own-
;aj. jLaar$8u,-::i:T.: . ...v...
Farm of 160 Acres
Multnomah County
Crop all In: will sell stock and
implements to the renter, and
give him privilege of cutting and
selling 2000 cords of wood for
cutting and slashing the brush
"on land cut off by renter; and
give half the crop now in; stock
consists of 2 cows, 2 good mares,
7. years old, one stallion, Perch
eron, 5 2 brood sows with pig. 1
aaollne donkey, 1 Mitchell &
ewts drag"saw, 1 new mowing
machine, 1 hay rake, 1 disc har
row, 1 smoothing harrow, one 14
Inch plow, 1 . cream separator, a
fair house and barn, a good yousg
orohard, 1H acres: lots of small
tools If wanted: price $8500; $3600
cash, or lease $ to 5 years; terms
to be agreed.
W. W, Espey
r ill Commercial block.
High and Sightly Tract
Twelve Miles From City
Five acres planted to 2-year Spltcen
berg and Newtowns. a few Gravenstelns
for family use. This is one of the
choicest pieces In the Willamette val
ley, overlooks Tualatin river; choice
building spot, at $426 per acre, easy
terms. Boating privileges on Tualatin
river, which is. 200 feet wide at this
point and unobstructed- for milea. T-
640, journal.
FRUTT land for sale. 264 acres, 160
cultivated, balance open pasture and
some timber; good biifldlngi, 11 acrea
in orchard, all under fenoe; watered by
springs; situated In tha Highland fruit
district of Yamhill county. Price $66
per acre; M cash, balance on easy time
at 6 per 'Cent Interest. Call on or ad
dress I F, Daugherty, Sheridan, Or.
10 acre tract, 4 miles from Mosier,
$1409. Terms. 6 acres cleared, ready
to plant, balance easily cleared. Own
er. 914 K. Yamhill. Tabor 256. Best
buy In the district.
I OR SALE or trade for automobile. 1
h. p. gaa engine, 204 E. 19th at N,
Mast 440, ..
WANTED Full lot east side. Ihslde
mile circle: .cash. Best bargain gets
ir., uwners oniy. james w. juorris,
lOSr'TOiowIee ave.
WANTED Not leaa than 10 acres o
gravel land for chlckena; must have
small house or cabin and water. State
terma. No agents. D-649, Journal.
We Can Locate You
Timber claims. 2 to 6 million fest:
also good homesteads, close in. Amadon
Bros.. Z16 Lewis bldg.
HOMESTEADS located near Portland,
best soil, fine climate, near R. R.,
homes of vfalue. cultivated farms, wheat.
alfalfa, fruit, potatoes snd stock at $12
per acre. Koom zi, zp7 Obk st.
GOOD homesteads In John Day. vslley,
eaartern Oregon: good farm and fruit
land, well watered. Main 6338. Ad
dress A. 8. SHADDUCK. Portland, Or.,
general delivery.
VlAUL-iTL- A ri TT, V. il,Ul I ,1
11VI.II UII3 J UrM III J "I'l"" i vuuiiij. XV
miles from Sheridan. 100 seres tllla-
abie land. Creeic on place. R. H. Nelson,
oil Lgr'."!,u. Ping.
Only $250 Cash Required
7 room newly furnished house; fur
nace heat, fine west side location. Price
10 Rooms, 2 Years' Lease
Mostly all new furniture; rent 345
Price $800. Located near 18th and
Washington st.
Must Sell by Thursday
. 14 Rooms, Only $900
This Is a forced sale; fine west side
location; wen rurniatted; rent only $40.
Trice only $900. This will not lust long.
802-4 Board of Trade Bldg.
17 ROOMS, furnace heat, swell loea-
tion and a money maker; aome cash,
terms on oaianoe. u-l
48 rooms. 24 furnished, the balance
tenants furnish, this can be bought thl
week at a bargain. (17
10 rooma. good furniture, rent $20.
laitse 2 years; this is a place where
$200 -will put you in possession.
13 rooms, swell location, owner leav
ing city; any reasoname orter consia
16 Yeon bldg. '
WANTED To rent a farm of not less
than 10 acrea: must have a amall
house and good water and be near a
good town. Address E. D. Greener,
1711 Berkeley st.. Portland. Of.
.S acrea atTIgsrd, all otea red, "5 mln
utes from station, running stream.
Good for gardening. 3175i). Easy terms.
Address B-657. Journal.
A FEW good timber claims, vicinity
- ftledtora, about three minion feet, p.
im. viuinm, wnamoer
10 acres, H mile from electrio 8
S car, 7 mtles from Portland, an In S
8 cultivation, all in crop, 2 acrea In S
8 spuds, y acre strawberries, 2 8
8 acrea sweet corn, 6 acres oats and 8
R vetch, some small fruit lease for S
S 2 years, 6 room house, barn, fine 8
8 location; price oniy inog. m
J. H. BrUCLUB. a
305 Gerllnger bldg. S
Main 8430. 8
ROOMS, close in location, well fur
nished with Iron beds, good bedding, gaa,
bath, furnace; rent only $30; fine for
either roomers or noaraers; tnis is just
the place for you with $250 caah, aa you
can pay the balance easy monthly pay
826 Washington st, rooms 291-292.
109 acres, fruit and agricultural land.
Near Auburn, CaL, 49 milea S. E. of
Sacramento. Part can be Irrigated.
Creek, free water. All can be culti
vated, 19 acrea improved. Part In bear
ing fmlt and berries. Thla place Is
way under value for quick sale. Will
take in 81600 in Portland property. 32000
cash. 3760 can run. Makes $40 per
aore. Is worth $75. Full description
at office. W. F. Miller, 218 Board of
WILL TRADE my 280 acres of Cali
fornia oil land for Portland property.
What have you to otter! 8ee Grungstad.
1024 Chamber of Commerce.
FARMS, acreage, j
trade. 1035 Chember of
Main 8089.
Rooming House Truth
46 rooms. 4 year lease, brick, close In.
income $624 month, rent and expenses,
$217. I am past 78, -nuf sed. See my
agent, wroaastreet s Kxcnange, 271 H
Aiornaon St., room
Hotels, Rooming and Apartment Houses,
Phone Main 3560. A-3475.
322-24 Failing Bldg 8d and Wash. Btm.
Portland's Leading Hotel Broker.
GOOD country hotel of 18 rooms, lot ,
100x100, good fcteel range, furniture '
and fixtures, all goes for $2000. it Is 13
miles from Portland, in good R. R. town,
about 40-regular boarders and -roomers
If you want a snap see this at onoe, good
terms. 401 Ry. Ex Phone Main 4841.
l Restaurant
Small place, which makes the most
clear money of any small place in thi
city; good lease and good trade. Call '
and see it. 316 Davis St., cor. 8th."
Price $750 Today -
A money maker. Call at 88 13th at :
We'll explain why they are forced to ,
almost give away.
LARGEST realty firm in tne city has
openings for three experienced land
salesmen. Liberal commissions offered .
to the man who can get results. Ad
dress E-644 Journal, giving full par '
ticularg concerning previous experience. . :
WANTED Young" man to Join delec-
tive agency; only. $350 required; -money
secured; special line of work;...;
will teach you the business; state
height - weight etc. first letter. T.841,
FOR SALE One half Interest in well i
established and nicely furnished real
estate office. One of the boat known r
In city, enjoying a reputation for hon
esty and square dealing. - Can refer to.......
any of our old clients. . A-671, Journal, v
DENTIST'S opportunity, pleasant loca- r
tlon on coast good future: $160 takes v
chalr. new LL engine, lathe, vulcanlzer
and furniture. , For particular! addresa " '
M-68, Journal. - -
CORPORATION and furniture for aale:
" also three' off lcea for rent Snap If
taken today. ,
en Boara or .Traa-
Confectionery' and Bakery. . ,
Shoe Shone.
Tea and Coffee, ,
Speer it Co. 1000 Bolmont at
ONE fourth IntereaCfor sale In beat
equipped dye Plant in Portland. This -Is
worthy of Investigation; will ex-
change for good property. 834 Henry
bldg. Main 3209, A-7709. .
Dandv little place on Waahlngton st, ;
will sell at aacrifice. 3 years' lease, a ,
rhef can clean up $250 per month; price
linn, rt-szg. journal
$126 WILL secure $400 ' worth of a
nulclr selling course in music: every -
home wants one; will-retail for $700:
aicKneas reason zor aeiung.
FOUR room flat near 23d: part or all
of furnishings for sale, bargain.
Would rent one room If object . Call
742 Gllsan. Telephone Mala 800.
1000 CASH A woodworking plant that '..
turned orders away-)ast season; doing '
so now. Balance easy terms. N-4i0,
ournal. ., '
GOOD business lot with two atores, both
rented ror six years at it per cent on
the investment. $3000 will handle,. M.
808. 823 Chamber of Commerce. -
$100 INVERTED 15 yeare ago, earned
to date xio.vuu. write ior booniei.
San Francisco Home Builders, .-. 171
Phefan bldg.. Sari : mwelaco, I Cal. '
AUTO repair shop, on . paying basis, 1
will sell ior less tnan invoice. Far :
ties leaving state. Call on or addrtsa
E. 8. Osborne, 4Z Belmont et
$1769 eaulty In thoroughly modern I
room bungalow. Rose City Park car.
Will take 4 or 6 passenger car or lot
in same district to 31009. M. L. Galla
gher, owner. 819-20-21 Yeon bldg.
fF Yet: have anything io sell or ex
change see us. rnonnwest neaity uo.,
17 Boera ot traae. nee mt. Morrow
IF you want to aell. buy or trade, see
Shoemaker, 626 and (37 Henry bldg.
lit! m-titl
WANTED Rooming house. 1
rooms, - no Jung, I boo ror II
mnnt 8-641. Journal.
TO EXCHANGE 6 tocka In
profitable - manufacturing
auto or auto true
I io U
lrat pay
Plant for
t-s, journal.
WE handle trades In real estate any
where. 698 Board of Trade bldg.
S LOTS Boyero. Colo., for Iota ia Ore
gon; value $600. ; Tabor 904. : '
l WILL buy, sell" or trads anything.'
WE WANT to trade thia 240 acre wheat
ranch, all. fenced, level land in culti
vation, for good stock of groceries
worth-$4000 to $6009. This is worth
looking up. See Johnson & Johnson,
188 10th st. 'j '
ROOMING nousee. s.ny sue, at prloee
to suit; we buy, aell and exchange.
4 H Henry bid r. Marshall 964-
44 rooma, apartments, ' new, modern,
etc; ewell location; special price for
quick Bale. Room 711 Rothchlld bldg.
40-ROOMheteforLeale, terma reason
able 318 H Washington st, - Vancou
ver. Waeh. .
Close In. Must" be
15 rooms, lith at VCloi
sold at once. - Snkp.
quire $8 10th near Stark.
Price $75.0. In
FOR SALE Moving picture outfit In
eluding new No. 5 Powers machine.
8000 feet new film: will teach buyer to
operate. Address or call 230 First st.
some capital- Good opening for right
man, Scott Boxorth, 701 Spalding bldg.
SPLENDID Investment requiring .
about 8600: I am willing to furnish
good security for your money, bo that
you run no rlsK. can Marshall 1018. ,
DRUG store doing good paying bust
fieas, going out of retail business; ?
ce invoice. Owner,-Phone Tabor 466. ,
MY laundry must sell this week; go to v
ray agent and make an offer. Call at '
615 Yeon bldg. J. E. Nlchole Co.
BARBER shop for sale nearby country
town. No opposition. Lewia 4b 8(enger,
10th and Morrison. -r ,- . ,'.
$1000 wanted; will Insure investor In 99 '
days; no brokers need apply. .C-159, -Journal.
- . ' .
FOR 8 ALE Coffee house doing lildsy .
business. Owner leaving city, v 189 Vi .
E. Alder st. .-J:'
FOR SALE by owner; an established
.business; bargain. 450; sickness. Pan
American coffee CO.. st ront.
DRUG store in growing eastern Ore
gon town: win taae property fit part.
M-61. journal. - ' f
WANTEJ- A partner In real estate e
- flee Call 417 Board of Trade bldg,
flee Mr. Morrow.
PRINTING efioe for sale, gooi mate'
rial; will atand Investlj tion. AdJreaa
III K, izm norm.
, 600 Business Cards SI
Rose City Prlntery. 1;H id,
GROCFfrtY stvie 'tuf sale, y "o-Tr-r. V.t
Falling st. - ,-4; , ., il' ,
FOR. ,SALK flrot-ry a- nVm i,7,,-
tci in gool location. j-mtr
r of Commerce. U. F. LeerOit. Board of Trade bldg. terms.
a A tpj.e-iai aentrai t ikik iet4 tX
years-- lease; oricK, one rioor. isuv; 1 Rkn ta l kajji i iur sai. et
jioom. t itoincnua piag. . norm ia si, , i