The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 15, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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.t . v. cnimnn 3 Kant Sixty-eighth
street, 82, and Margaret Bjornetad, 23.
" i Harold Farreil, 8R4 Klrby gtreet, 34,
and Beatrice Hayseth, 23. '
Royal Watson, 62 H North Sixteenth
treat, 29. and Dell Evans, 29.
Charles Danneles. M East Seventh
treat, 25, and Dorothy Brlggs, 19. .
Leo Van Avery, 9 East Eighth atreet,
I 1IH Kfirtnn 1U . .
B. D. Miller. 1094 Kelly atreet. 35,' and
Minnie CfcMfr, 34. '
Orville uAwn, 626 Mississippi avenue,
26. and PeFl Kerne. 20. '
J. L. Hudson, 667 Zanlta, 22, and Ida
agrana, ze. .
Tonle Thomas. Bull Run, Or., 23. and
Goldle Menbyl6 ,,..,, ....
: Hilt Robo4toru,. Imperial hotel, 21. and
Maude Hotel. 1$.
BUSINESS-and -warehouse DroDerty on
the went aide. If you are looking for
a high clnn investment,' let us tihow
you wnatwe navei M, tt,ui, mi cor
bett bldg. " - - v '
CONFIDENTIAL 'transaction in ran
PERRY To Mr. and Mrs F. E. Perry,
flood Samaritan hospital. May 12: a
riil N
Fred Whlttenberg, 60 Seventy-second
atreet north, May 12; a girl. '
MASON To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mason. Fifty-fourth avenue and Seventy-second
street, May 11; a girl.
LANG HOIS To Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Langbols, Powell Valley and Oregon
City road. May 12; a boy. . ..
LISTER To Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Lis
ter. 1425 Moore street. May 6; a girl.
EXTRQN 8o Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ex
tronj 6S1H Montgomery street. May
CARLSON To Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carl
- son. 1082 Maryland avenue. May 10; a
NEW 6 room cottage, lot 33 1-3 "
by 100 on E. 20th at. Just south
of cdd'a addition; .exceptionally '
well built and conveniently ar
ranged. This house is Inside of
the 2 mile circle. Price only'
"UOOdr -easy terms. "We are own7
era.- Phone or call.
Main- 8712, A-1332.
Ground Floor Lumbermen Bldg.
$500 ; Down '
and balance ' at 126 per month
with 7 per cent Interest, will buy
a snlendid up to date room home
and, lot 60x100, 2 blocks from car
line on east side.
228 Stark st
Maln 892, A-2392.
THOMPSON In this city. May 14. An
naMay Thompson, at the residence of
her (parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Thompson, 462 Salmon st. Funeral ser
vice will be hold from Krlcson's chapel,
409 Alder St., Saturday, May 16, at 2 p.
m. Friends respectfully invited. Inter
ment Greenwood cemetery.
LURSEN In this city May 13, atsthe
famllv residence. 1244 Belmont street.
Caroline E. Lursen, aged 70 years. The
funeral services will be held at t tie
above residence at. 2 p. . in. Tuesday.
May 16. Friends Invited. Interment in
Rlvrvlew cemetery.
6 Room House
A -Snap'
Oak floors, shower bath. Cement floor,
fireplace, furnace, .electric lighting fix
tures. Price 34000, $1600 cash; address
owner, M-503, Journal.
3 room house. 1 atorlea. all modern
east front, beautiful lot, - many shade
i !-?, diook rrom carilne, street ira-
provemenis paid, new, ready ror oocu-
ymucy, bvv casn, Daiance mommy
r. , .
Bungalow, 5 rooms, large attlo. fire
place, furnace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch
lei tnhmn Via rAfnnA 1 & . . Vrnnt nil
treet Improvements talrl, block f rom I On Virginia St., STREET CAR PASSING
-.., uuwu, oaiaineaen inonimjr I rtwrvM VY. We are CJOSING ou i
t M I Ilk. , M nf..Mk.M.n 1 . .
Close In
West Side Lots
$500 to $900
. 9 rooms, etory, square house, Just
being completed, oak floor,-fireplace,
buffet. Dutch kltchon. all other modern
conveniences, xoo reel rrom car ouw
casn, balance monthly payments. ,
the remainder nf an KSTATtt and have
oniy 10 lots left.
2 LOTS AT 8600 EACH.
6 LOTS AT 3700' EACH.
9 LOTS AT 8900 EACH.
10 per cent down and 2 ner cent per
month. Graded streets. Cement sidewalks.'-
Bull Run water and sewer. All
in mil nall rsii- 19 mlnutna Trrtm mial
we have several other houses and ness center, 8 carllnes.
buni-alows, containing all modern con
veniences vhloh will be cornpiti soon.
Iet US shoitr thnm to voil before you
201. 203 Board of Trad- blg.
Marnholl 47S. A-1022.
GUYER In thla'city May 14. William
J. Ouyer. of Friend. Or., aged 30
vecra. 9 months and 27 days.
CAMPBELL Howard Campbell, Paaa
dna. Cal.. Mav 7. aae 23: Diilmonalla.
GRESSEN Alfred Grtssen, 650 Spokane
avenue, May 12. age 42; cancer.
WELLS Elsie Wells, 471 East Everett
street May12, age 20; child birth.
CALD1N Romano c'aldin. Sellwood hos
pital. May 11, dge i. Bionmcn iruuoiB,
BACHOL8KY Paul Bacholsky. St.
" Vincent's hospital, May 10, age 66;
WOOD Harry Wood. 812 V4 Madison,
May 2, age 36; tuberculosis.
MORAIN Adell Morain, 629 East Eigh
teenth atreet. May 12, age 67; cirrho
sis of the liver.
MUESSIG Sabastlah Muesslg, May 12,
age 64; gun shot wound, suicide.
M'KINNON Peter McKlnnon, Ht. Vin
cent's hospital, May 11, age 66; peri
tonitis. . 3 w
'TIERNEY Michael Tierney. 100 Idaho
atreet. May 11. age 73; apoplexy.
CLARK Louisa Clark, 1019 East
Twelfth street. May 11, ago 69; neph
ritis. -
TAYLOR Jahn Taylor. 668 Corona ave
nue. May 11, age 64; sarcoma of
icEKEL Frank Kekel. 1052 Macadam
road. May 12, age 27; Hodgklna dis
ase. HAGUE Jennie Hague. Good Samaritan
hospital. May 31. age 24; gun shot
wound, suicide.
ADAMSON Harriette Artamson, 1328
nrftld. Mav 12. aae 77: paralysis.
CUMMINGS fnes Cummings, Tacpma,
Wash., May 12, age 38; pneumonia,
CKON Johti Cron, Multnomah hospital.
NEW strictly modern 9 room house at
Knott & East 21st street, corner lot,
66x104. Price 39000, 84000 cash, bal
ance to suit.
New. strictly modern 9 room house
near Knott on East 21st street, lot 48x
104. Price 37600. 33500 caah, balance
to suit. -
304 Henry building:.
rhonos. A-2707; or Main 2707
LOW s--Wlth
( rooms and a sleeping
porch, large living and dining
room, fine fireplace, lot 60x100,
street lmprovemnnta all paid,
aloa worth 32000. Price 84600.
Terms, 31000 cash, balance
monthly. Telephone or caM.
Main 3711, A-1332,
Ground Floor Lumbermen's Bldg.
This Is noslttvelv the chaaDeat buy in
Portland today.
Council Crest's
Southern Slope
We have a fee lots left In this won
derful addition, and to close them out
we now offer exceptional Inducements.
Bull Ran water, graded streets. Im
provements all paid! We will sell then
remaining few lota vorv cheao ON YOUR
The Spanton Co,
269 Oak st.
BJT0I! ffilll
Little Farms
For City Men
The very best soil, some having'
fruit trees and bearing berry
hushes. One mile south of Mont
avllla. on Division st. Hull Run
water and car to be oniv 4 blocks
from property, gold in acre, half
, acre, and quarter acre tracts, on
your own terms, and lust as eheap
s if you' bought acreage In bulk
and puld all cash. Let us show
you this property,
269 Onk st.
Owner Is traveling mn and firm has
transferred hlni to California, must sell
tills week: 6 room "rmuKC. well built, eood
tiarn, 80x60, 3 new poultry houses with
varus lencea, z good woiis, one large
Incubator and brooder. 159 rhlrkens. ona
6 hole Monarch range, good set dlnlnc:
room furniture, 2 rugs. diHhes, tc. 5
acres sowed to oats 2 acres to wBeat. 1
acre potatoes all nlanted. 4 acres of ud-
Jolnlng land planted to corn and pif
chaser gets whole crop. 84 arDlo and
cherry trees, 1 large tnnlogn grape vine!
This in the Tualatin valley. Tne
price Is right. The land Is right, and
tie terms are right. Inquire at 33S
Chamber of Commerce.
Dandyittle Ten Acre Home
Neat 4 room cottage, good barn and
line cnicKen nouses and parks, gojd
well, 6 acres under cultivation, fenced
and cross fenced, all manner of small
fruit, some personal property goes with
me place at tz&uu. Terms.
An Ideal Home,
Located on a fine automobile road
and Oregon Electric line, consisting of
io ni-ren or me lineal sou, no iruil
trees, apples, pears, almonds, cherries,
walnuts and fruit of all ktnMs uiul of
the best variety. Fine stirlnn. a-ood
well, pump and elevated tank, carriage
house, nice lawn with some large pine
trees, roses and shrubbery, good 8 room
house with fireplace, bath, full base
ment, all rooms extra large. This Is an
Ideal home, 4 miles from heart of Port
land. Price only $5200: terms.
Brong-Steele Co,
Ground floor Lewis bldg.. 27ty Oak st.
Coirn r 4th. Portland. Or.
See Dryer.
ssssrfssmy . i. . ..i I'lmiiai
RooMixa houses for sale B3
- m m m . . t '
159 Acres at $55 Per Acre
18 miles from Portland, In Washington
county, 2 miles from railroad station, 30
to 4i) acres in cultivation, balance some
timber and pasture, easily cleared, fam
ily orchard, fair house and barn; nd
jolning land cannot be bought for less
than $100 per acre and up; terms $1500
cash, $1500 In 8 to 4 months, balance
8 to 5 years at 6 per cent. ,
310 Henry Bldg.. cor 4th and Oak Sts.
' '13 Rooms .' 5 . .
ers. must sell, will sacrifice for 3266 If
taken at once. , . ... - . . . '
. '16 Rooms " . "
All housekeeping, 8 yearn lease, close
In, good hardwood furniture, all rented.
$1000 wlir handle It. , , , " -
32j Rooms.
All housekeeping ( years lease, rleara
$150 per month, $750' handle this,
20 Rooms - ;
Washington street hotel, transient,
good lease, 31000 will handle If taken
this week. ' ".
310 Henry bU'g, Cor, 4th and Oak ets.
SEE THIS FOrt 3600. A t.
8 ROOMS, dose in location, well fur.
nlshed with Iron beds, good bedding, gas, -bath,
furnace; rent only '380; fine for
either roormrs or boarders; this la Just
the placo ror you with 3250 cash, as you
can pay tlio balance easy monthly pay '
3264 Washington st, rooma 101-203.
, on
Main 4810.
602 Beck bldg., 7th and Oak sts.
Do You Want to Build?
$3000, 8 YEARS AT .
i 32000 CASH,
Here Is a fine home at about tlOOO
less than value, 7 rooms, full basement,
furnace, flrepluco, beamed ceilings, flna
iignung rixiures, pousnea oaK Iioora,
gas, electric lights, litre lawn, roses,
SOOd barn or nm lor 71WIS0 vnrth
6000; price 85000 with 32000 or less I In "Eastreed" new addition, beautiful
eaah itnwn on, I nma lno- I location, in residence district, about 3
straight mortgage for 33O00 at 6 per hlocks from carilne. In the vicinity of
range in price from $550 and up. includ
ing sidewalks, graded streets, and water
to each lot, these lots can be had st
10 per cent down, balance In monthly
payments.jthere are no agents on thi
ground. Call and nee us and we will
show thA hMt hnrralna In fh ritv nlno I
cent. PortlHnd-Paclflc Inv. Co.. 418
Hallway Exchange. Marshall 2763.
Buy From Owner
$300 Cash
8 good lots. 160x104. and 6 room mod- wn Imv. In m fin lnrnllnn Kfi IntH in
em cottage; fine lot of fruit tres, .all Laurelcrest, overlooking Laurelhurst, 1
bearing, good chicken houses, and block from- rarlin that ran h had at
irnn uniy i m, diocks irom car, close ui same terms.
to E. 2d St.: nrlei-33260. Can vou PETERSON PLITER.
beat It? Call 763 Greenwood ave. Main 297. 411 Swetland bldg.
A FEW good tlmlx-r clalrnH, vlclnltv
MNjford, about three million fret. P
K?flijljinii 823 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED To rent a farm of rot less
than 10 acres: must have a small
house end good water and be near a
1711 Rerkeloy St., Portland. Or.
Owner Is traveling man and firm hn
transferred him to California; must sell
this week; 6 room house, well built,
good barn 30x50, 8 now poultry houses
with yards fenced, 2 good wells, one
large Incubator and brooder, 159 chick
ens one 6 hole Monarch range, good set
dlulng room furniture, 2 rugs, dishes,
etc.; 5 acres sowed to oats. 2 acres to
wheat; 1 acre potatoes all planted. 4
aeres .of ad Joining land planted to corn
nnrt mlrclm-Her rili wlinlA cron: 84 Hn-
pie and cherrv trees, 1 large Malaga ! bull. lings, dandy orchard, all kinds of
grape vine. This lies In the Tualatin ! berries, running creek near house, (food
vallev. The PRICE IS RIOHT! THE I fishing, loo acres under plow, 100 good
Today's Specials .
4R1 aero first-class stock ranch, aood
8 room houHe, 2 large barns, other out-
ARE RIOHT. Inquire at 338 Chamocr
of Commerce.
A Dandy Bargain
Do You Want a Lot 2 Blocks
320 Monthly.
Hawthorne District.
7 rooms and den, sleeping porch, fire
place, furnsce. a-as and electric flxturas.
built laj buffet and bookcttses, mirror,
326 H Wash. L. room 616. Phone Main
May 10. age 52: pneumonia.
5JAX M. SMITH, florist. 150 6th at,
opp. Meier & Frank's. Main 7216.
Dunning & McEntee uttnen'
every detail 7th and Pino, Main 430.
A-466S. lay assistant.
J. P, Finley & Son T
Third and Madison.
Lady atendant. Main 9 A -1 590.
I rnU Undertaker; lady assistant.
LunL-ll B-1888. E-7S1. E. flth-Alder.
Nice 4 room house on Gladstone and
E. 39th st., W-W car passes door, lot
Is 50x145, Improvements in and paid for,
prlco only $1600, terms; this also in
cludes some of the household goods, bet
ter hurry If you want this, for some
one is going to get a snap. C. F.
priuger & Co.. suite 12 Mulkey bldg., 2d
and Morrison.
Good 7 room buncalow with
frontage, fun cement basement, floor
ana wasn trays, electric lights with good
fixtures, water, gas and gas stove goes
with house, fireplace built in, bookcases,
good lawn and rose bushes, 60x100 lot,
one block from car and school. Coma
and look It over; good terms. Take
A car io hi i zsd.
Modern 6 room buneafow. naneld I C D J li!i..i t - fftCAO
dining room, plate rail, window r seats, M ' Ulll nWU IMMIlUie IU1 $HVV f
tinted, wired, large corner 6.1x111, fruit have several 40x100 foot lots, 2
trees, berries, garden, roses, shade trees, blocks from Reed Institute site, at this
fenced; $1850. from owner; good die- price. The streetcar is within 2 to 5
count for cash. Take Mt. SfcOtt car to blocks of the lots. It takes 15 minutes
Myrtle Park, direct south on 68th at. " reach them from 2d and Alder. Con
No. 6130.
""why Pay rentt
We will sell you a home and you can
pay ror it on easy montniy payments.
Our houses Include furnace, fixtures.
narawooa rioors, imung, snades, etc.
Provident Investment 4 Trustee Co..
zoi. Moarq or j raoe. owners.
Fbr Sale by Owner
If looking for a bargain In a nice
modern bungalow; beautiful light fix
tures, good location, 20 minutes to city,
Answer this. E-643. Journal.
slderlng location. It is cheapest prop
erty in Portland. For further particu
lars call at our office.
308-309 Railway Exchange Bldg.
Phones Marshall 2584. A-7430.
Every convenience and Just finished,
sightly location on 29th st. (cor. 30th).
In the beautiful restricted Irvlneton
t'ark addition. For quick sale 22350.
Owner, 1020
Co., Main
Lady ass't
EAST SIDE funeral directors, success-
sor f. F. S. Dunning. Inc. E. 52. B-2526
EDWARD HOLM AN, undertaker, 220
3d st. Lady assistant. Main 507.
ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. 6fll Willi ama
ave,: both rhones: lafly assistant
EEMSTOCK 1687 E. 13th, Sellwood 71;
also 694 Dawson. Woodlawn 1874.
IN EffectAprll 1C, 191L
Dally or Sujiday.
1 time, 8c per line.
2 consecutive times, 7c per line per in
sertion. 8 or more consecutive times, 6c per line
per Insertion, or 7 insertions for price
or .
No ad counted for less than 2 llnea.
The abov rates apply to "New To
day" and all other classifications except
ing the following: "Situations Wanted,
To rtent nd Wanted to Rent" ads.
The rates in these classifications are:
6c per line per Insertion.
Three insertions for the price of two.
Seven Insertion for the price of five.
No ad taken for lees than 16c.
1 time, 9o per line.
8 consecutive times, 8c per line per. In
sertion. 7 or more consecutive times, 7o per
line per insertion. ,
The above ratis apply to "New To
day," and all other classifications ex
cept the following: "Situations Wanted,
To Rent . and Wanted to Rent" ads.
The 'rate in them classifications la 70
per line per insertion.
No ad charged for less than two llnea,
r 16c.
$500 rash. 320 monthly,
xeon tililg.
Worth $20,000 for much less; has
rooms, large, beautiful finish in esstern
red oak; select doors, perfect oak floors.
i mobi modern possitue; best location Hol
laday addition. Will take small house
pact payment. Irvlngton. East 273; C-
I agents. W. H. Herdman.
I BY OWNER Fine 5 room modern
nouse, nail, bath and pantry,
hardfinished, fine lawn, hearing
fruit trees and loses, half block from
car, 15 minuses' ride from central part
of city, $1900. good terms. Call Sun
days or evenings, 147 Idaho st.
Why Pay Rent
When you can buy a 4 room house orf
corner 101 one diock to car for $150
cash and $10 month; house Is furnished.
Morrison st., room 62.
Corners and Inside Tots. Kinglo
or ln groups of two or more.
Water under pressure for house,
lawn and garden." Every lot
fronts on graded street. Near
electric car. bet. 6 and 7 mile
circle on east side. Prices low
at $750 to $900. Easy terms.
Howard S. Amon Co., 626-6 Yeon
bldg. Main 1400 or A-3213. .
10 Acre Tracts
We have a few more left at $60
per acre; 20 miles from Portland;
terms 10 per cent cash, balance
very easy terms.
Realty Dept
201-2 Lumbermen Bldg.
Phones: i
Marshall 1479, Home A-388S.
2 acres at Garden Home, 25
minutes out on OlMJon Electric,
'j cleared, balance mostly c leared ;
2 blocks from station; adjoining
carline. 'Price 31200. Phone Red
8S4, Oak Grove, owner.
timber, balance fine side hill pasture
partly open, balance oak timber, 214
miles from good town with 2 railroads,
near Tmpijua valley. 300 acres could
be plowed. Prlco $25 per acre; some
trade. If Interested have photo at my
office and can give full particulars.
Also have 40 acres, 10 acres cleared.
2 'i miles from town of 3000. Part
trade. Price $2000; terms
Rooming Houses
We have tha larcust ll In
e buy, sell and trade them. If you v
are in the market, see our liat before '
buying. We can sell 20 per cent cheaper
"inn an; 111 m in ine city. Tnere a a
reason Come and we will explain It t
you. Peters, 16 N. 5th st. .
Rooming House Truth
45 rooms, 4 year lease, brick, cfose In', v'
Income $524 month, rent and expenses.'
$J17. I am past 76, nuf sed. See mv
gen t Broadat reefs Exchange, 371 V4
Molsonstroom 62. '
THE TAClfTcliKlT7Fr rn
Hotels, Rooming and Apartment Houses,
rnone Main S560. A-3475.
322-24 Falling Bldg 3d and Wash. 8t. ,
Portland s Leading Hotel Broker.
' 10 R00MST6 '
In looa,lon where rooms are always
i. r ,r . : r 2 monthly.
Price 33S0, tfms. Jeters, 15N. 6th sr.
NINE rooms close Irt on fo"th-stT$12i 7$ '
income a montn. $40 rent; this place '
clears $70 month and can he bought--r
for $760 and only $360 cash, balance
monthly. See Johnson & Johnson. 168
Ewen Realty Co.
You Can Name Your Own
Price for My Valley Farm if
You Have Any Cash
Or will trade for good Portland prop
erty close in up to $10,000. Net income
from lease this fall at least $1000. Will
sacrifice about $4000 on place for quick
deal. 803 Kelly St., near Glbbs. or
phone Main 6.127.
SAVE commission and buy from owner
,.. a new bungalow, 6 rooms and bath,
hot and cold water: 40x100 lot. Vt block
from car. Price $140p, $50 down, $15
per month. Ed Miles, sixth house south
or wt. neon car. Main street Lents.
Rose City Park Lots
One block from the new club house
Sit. A hloclf frnm llA Atomiili Hrlun
BARGAIN FLATS I on ,, half kii,. t " - ,i' I'
310.000 $6000 cash, balance niKiimod I tuning uif tkA k. , i
3. - - , . . 1 " " r 1 1 1 1 . j imni mi nuiin ill i,uno
-6-7 room Wats; Income $95 per month; City Park. Sidewalk paid for, paved
S?71AfurnltVr for. ,"ale;, piac,? worth street paid: lots 8 and 9. block 100. on
$12,000; must be quick sale: call owner. I Kfith nrt stnn -.i.t.. w .
648 East Taylor, near 12th. East 6000. corner. Phone East 82' or n.iss?
160 DUVVW, ifALAJMCIi; MONTHLY. 1 evenings i-jast 118.
6 ACRES short distance east of Oak
Grove. Oreuon Citv carline. soil Is
first class, no rock, running water, only
$200 part cash, balance 10 years 6
per cent. This soil Is especially adapt
ed for cherries, pears or grapes. I am
closing out all the property that I own
In and around Portland and this tract Is
all I have left. If you want a small
suburban homo you can drive u gool
bargain with me. See me, room 201
Oerlinger bldg,, for a few days.
168 ACRES. 40 in grain and hay. fami
ly orchard, nerries, t room house
barn, 6 other out buildings. 26 head
cattle, 15 hogs, 15 goats. 2 horses, 100
ducks and chickens; full equipment
tools; Tirlce J.jJ.50 per acre. Address
E. W. Fisher, Hotel Burton, 248 'i Yam
I hill.
TO TRADE My home in Ir
vlngton as part payment on
ranch, Must live in country.
Will sacrifice. Answer, this
paper, 0-643, Journal,
Will Trade
One of the best built bungalows In city,
4 rooms, built in China closet and kitch
en cabinet, large closet, large front
porch, large woodshed and wash room,
east front, lot 57x133, yon can't dupli
cate for the money. See It and we will
trade if you have a good cigar, pool
hull or delicatessen. R-649, Journal
PIEDMONT SNAP If you are looking
for a cosy new 8 room home it is
worth your while to Investigate, coiner
100x100, with garage, everything first
class and complete, furniture for sale,
am leaving city. Owner. $5600. Wood
lawn 2503. 222 AJnsworth ave.
ALL members of the. Alumni of the
University of Oregon and friends are
earnestly requested to go to the offices
of Charles Schnabel. 606-608 Chamber
of Commerce. Tuesday, May 16, at 6
o'clock for the purpose of discussing
matters of vital importance to the Unl-
verslty and Ita future existence,
Oswego Property
Good 7-roorn cotta&e. with 3. 6 or 9
lots. aiso otner property for sale.
Prices right.
c. H. ELSTON, owner,
Oswego, Or.
A nice moaern bunaaiow. 6 rooms. I w w i,Auir nrwn t -nn
1 1 V . , , '. , , ' - , ' I j,''....,. I, I 1 I 1 1 1 . T A .
lull uBDniinn, iinnrjru timing luuril, loll X880. 50 DOWN
J??' Jk" 1i?t"orne,. ave-; p.r,ceL A bargain In finely located lot about
Sfi uuui evcmuii po j-pet south of Hawthorne ave.. site
Tabor 824. I 41 2-3x100. for $880. with $50 down and
SEVEN room modern house, cornar iv montniy; don t let this get by you;
lot. select niahhorhood. Sunnvsldu you can make a couple of hundred dol-
car, 10 minutes from po6toffice, $2000 Mars profit on It before you have had
casn, Daiance terms, provident invest- 1 ' Fr on u. j bko cars to rciw
mont & Trustee Co., 201. 203 Board of 43d and Hawthorne ave. Oflfce on cor
Trade. ner. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., 418 Rail
WILL sacrifice new home for $700 way cxcnanire.
cash, House not quite finished, lot 40
by 126. close to W-W and Mt Scott car-
lines; bargain or all bargains. 608 Com
mercial bldg.
$200 down. $15 per month and Inter
est, purchases 5 room dwelling, hot
and cold water, deep lot with allev.
Upper Albtna, 1 block from two carllnes;
price $2500. Inquire 128 2d st. Main
628 or A-4596.
A Bargain
House snd lot $7257 part csfdi. Lot
worth $725 alone; 6 minutes' walk from
Piedmont car barn. Phone Woodlawn
FOR SALE by""owner, a modern 10 room
house on lot 50x150, on Willamette
boulevard; magnificent view, 2 blocks
from carline, facing on 2 streets 14
fruit trees, easy terhis. Call in
Grand ave.
MODERN 8 room house, fine lawn; 4
blocks from Union ave. Will take a
good automobile as part payment A
M. W. A., ROSE CITY CAMP Monday. Uth st. N. Phone Woodlawn 3037.
Selllng-Klrsch Mdg.. Washington near crm,:, J '. u : ....
10th. Phone Clerk. Main 8294. A-4885 -Neighborhood. 10 minutes from nos of-'
R. N. A.. Oregon Rose camp meeta j fiCe. $2000 cash, balance terms. Prqvl-
juesaBy cvciuuBB, ow imii, u kuu nent investment &
FOR SALE Nloe new bungalow, full
lot,' 6 rooms, bath, cement basement
on Mt Scott line.i and If taken Boon
llKAn. With 1900 n n h Va mmantm
I - - ' UWXl-O, U
commission. inquire Marshall 1456.
$166 CASH and small monthly or Quar
terly payments will buy a beautiful
corner 100x100 feet, 1 block from Union
ave. This is one of the prettiest build
ing sites In this whole section. Price
267 V4 Oak St
Phones Main 1 743. A-1748.
$660 BUYS a hi acre tract on the west
side; lies beautifully. Terms to suit
you. Did you ever consider what you
can raise on a acre ana now much
cheaper you can live on a 4 acre than
yon can on a lot? Terms to suit you
on -anytmng we sen. m. n;. x,ee, sxi
cornet! ning. ,
60x100 LOT, cement walks In and
paid for, $760, $75 down. $16
monthly. M-503, Journal.
T. F. B., Portland lodge
209. meeta
Wed. nights. K. P. hall. 11th Alder.
- -ft, -C. SMITH &
Wedding and visiting card engravers
and monogram stationers. Washington
bldg., Washington st-, pet. ra ana 4th.
PRESS suits for rent,! all slaea Unique
Tailoring tn sua marx
Board of Trade.
Trustee Co., 201, 203
BRAND new 7 room shingled bungalow.
now occupied by owner. 32660; terms.
Located at 6824 40th"" ave. Mt. Scott
car. 1 block north from Myrtle Park
station. , -
IRVINGTON home, 8 rooms on Broad
way, near 21st. Owner, 504 Fenton
ilAVE several bcauti f u 1 lots for sale;
fine locations; $1300. each; Irvlngton.
A number of 6 and 10 acre tracts of
fine cleared farm land cheap', close to
city, c-istis; cast its. no agents. W.
H. Herdman.
$1060 60x100 on Blandena st, 100 feet
from "L" car. Cement walks. A
good location for a home. Near
iiign cuiiuoi. Bru-uijiiar senuui,
churches, eto. Phone Woodlawn
202. C-2008.
LARGE beautiful lots, 80x120; water
piped to each lot: only 20 minutes' car
ride. This property Is in line for fast
development If you are looking for a
choice Investment or a home site, it will
pay you to see this before you buy.
Terms. $25. down and $5 a month. M.
E. Lee, 311 Cchett bldg.
Double corner on E. 86th and Ells
worth, one of the finest view places on
the east side. Pavement and sidewalk
in. Only $1800 on easy terms. Phone
Tabor 2923.
$10 DOWN $5 A MONTH.
Make vour selection from thA hn.
tiful level lots In IKnN PARK addi
tion, all cleared insida citv limits Hull
Ruu water, no building restrictions 6
cent carfare. Will be only 6 blocks
from Mount Hood electric.
Take M-V car to E. 80th St.
Phone Tabor 376. 2002 E. Gllsan st
1, 2. 3 5 AND 10 ACRE tracts, close in,
good electric car service. $100 to $250
per acre, big values, easy terms. J. W.
Hefferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg.,
both phones. .
$20 and $25 Per Acre
If you want genuine grain and alfalfa
land In Oregon. I have it. Call Harry
Beaufort. 546 Gllsan St., near 16th.
STOP the rent. Pay $7 month. Chick
ens, garden, acreage home, 30 minutes
out; block to car. Smith, 232Vi Wash-
Ington, room i
CIjOSE. In acreage; sale or trade; own
er. Robert A. Miller, 333 Worcester
80 acres Hood River land for house
and lot. Price $3000. Five acres. Im
proved, at Jennings l.odge to exchange
ii in.v uuiisu. Aioeri vveicn et Hon
911 Lewis bldg.
10 rooms, best little transient house on
Washington, and a monev maker,
everything very nice and fine, don't
miss this chance. Sue Johnson & John
son. 168 10th st.
Cigar Store
Doing $25 dally, good lease, cheep rent,
will Invoice $650. Price If sold Monday,
$360. Peters, 16 N. 6th st.
room, close Im west !!
$30, fine home, rooms all renteit teav
ing city, will sacrifice on easy terms.
Call S8 10th. near Stark.
ROOMINO nouses, any mr, at price
to suit: we buy. sell and exchanra.
yi nenry oiqg. Marshall 64.
WE HAVE tn buyers. We need the
houses. List your rooming houses
with us. German-American Realty Co..
207 3d st. Main 404. '
40-ROOM hotel for sale, terms reason
able 313 V4 Washington st. Vancou
ver, Wash.
MINING and Industrial stocks; tele- '
phone and other bonds bought and
sold. C. 8. Fletcher. 126 Ablnrttw bldg,
Tin shop doing galvanized Won fur
nace and all kinds of Job work; full set -of
tools and 8 fooi brake; low rent and '
leaRe; a bargain. "Shirley the Rent
Man," 285 Russell street Phone East
TEN acres at Witch Hazel Station,
level, all seeded to clover: flepn rich
soil, well located. This Is a bargain,
$300 per acre: very easv terms. Phnna
or call for particulars, Main 3712, A-
Room 2, Lumbermens bldg.,
6th and Stark sts.
FOR SALE or exchange, fine acreage
in Willamette valley, terms. Owner.
Marshall 1044.
''- 'Ss"Ws
Vi ACRE; running water: 7 cent fare;
price $600. Terms $25 cash; balance
to suit. Owner. Main 3069. '
I HAVE buyer for 20 to 40 acres, most"
ly clear. M. tJenz, ziid Murnside St.
CITY acres near Mt. Tabor. Phone Own:
er. East 3SC0.
Am- sized tract you may de
sire from one-half acre up to
twenty acres, located in the beau
tiful valley Just west of Council
Crest, only 40 minutes ride from
center of city and the most fer
tile soil In Oregon.
We have 43 people that have
bought from two to four times
each on this propertv, let us re
fer you to them. Come let us
show you.
Fourth street line of Southern
Taclflc extends serosa center of
this tract, this line to be electrl- '
fied this season, buy in ahead of
the Improvement and get the ben
efit of the rise.
Ffhe 6-year-old orchards, also
berry patches and gardens that
demonstrate the soli, go look.
$250 per acre and up, with small
cash payment and monthly Instal
102 Fourth st
Main 38. A. 3800.
FRUIT land for sale, 254 acres, 150
cultivated, balance open pasture and
some timber; good buildings. 11 acres
In orchard, all under fence: watered by
springs; situated In the Highland fruit
district of Yamhill county. Price $55
per acre; H cash, balance on easy time
st 6 per cent Interest. Call on or ad
dress I. F. Daugherty. Sheridan. Or.
GENERAL merchandise store and 9 liv
ing rooms, own building and 12 town
lots In Odell on railroad. In heart of
Hood River vallev. Dolnir from uma
to $1800 per month. Ill health reason
for selling. A bargain at 116 000 Tarmi
Cash and trade. Address T. W. Atkin
son, Odell. Or. ,
FOR SALE OR TRADE Hotel lease 6
years, 88 rooma well furnished, par
lor, dining room and office; also bar
room and pastime parlor; lldense and
liquor stock; doing good business. Room
21. 267 Oak st.
WILL exchange my 160 acres in Polk
s county for , city property; 80 acres
good bottom land, balance timber, about
,uiiu,vuu lect; an ideal stock ranch.
Call -226 Failing bldg. Marshall 1063.
L Restaurant
Small place, whlyh makes the most
clear money of any Small place in the
city; good lease and good trade. Call'
and see it. 316 Davis St., cor, 6th.
In the heart of West Side business dis
trict, cheap rent, doing $30 dally; well
worth $600; yours if taken this week,
$250. Peters. 15 N. 5th St.
LARGEST realty firm In the city has
openings for three experienced land
salesmen. Liberal commissions offered
to the man -who can net results Ad.
dress E-644 Journal, giving full par
ticulars concerning previous experience;
WANTED Young man to Join detec
tive agency; only 1350 reautred:
money secured; special line of work;
will teach you the business; state
height, weight etc, flrart letter. F-641.,
A SMALL wood working plant more
orders than it could fill last season;
now turning orders away. Will take
good realty, whole or part. N-641,
jimii i:ui.
DENTIST'S opportunity, pleasant loca
tion on coast, good future: 2150 takes
chair, new LL engine, lathe, vulcanlzer ...
and furniture. For particulars address 1
M-68. Journal.
FOR SALE Up to date moving picture
show, located In heart of business dls- "
trlct. west side, for further Information
apply, S16 Broadway, corner East 1st :
Street, rfrst 1303.
We Can Locate You
Timber claims, 2 to f million feet;
also good homesteads, close in, Amadon
Bros., 216 Lewis bldg.
HOMESTEADS located near Portland,
best soil, fine climate, near R. R.,
homes of value, cultivated farms, wheat,
alfalfa, fruit, potatoes and stock at $12
per acre. Room zi. zt7 pan st
FOR SALE or trade, hotel of 42 rooms
in a good live town of 1600 Inhabl
tants; fine location, splendid business.
tor rurtner particulars address I. F.
oaugnerty, tsneridan, or.
6411 ACrt.&-.S; In thtk tor, 11a Uanlinl,!....
valley. Canada. Will sell or trade for
city or farm property. Call 630 Wor
cester block. Phones A-6446. Marshall
Zll 1.
WE EXCHANGE our property, regard
less of location, for that which suits
you better. Northwest Exchange, 228-8
tienry Didg.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 80 acres,
6 room house, good barn, fenced on
8 sides, 15 miles from The Dalles, 11
from Diifur. See Johnson & Johnson, 168
10th st ;
GIVE me en offer, cash or exchange
for $134 equity In lot 12. blk. 76. Ir-
vlngton Park. Balance $341, $12 per mo.
I -mn, journal.
FARMS, acreage, city property for
trad 1036 untmDer or commerce.
Mam austt.
IF YOU have anything to sell or ex
change see us. Northwest Realty Co.
617 Board of Trade. See Mr. Morrow.
LOT wanted, or equity in lot, as first
payment on a dandy, new, modern
bungalow near Hawthorne ave, balance
of price In monthly paynientH. Phone
Tabor 2!42. Evenings Tabor 324.
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker, 626 and 627 Henry bldg.
Main 4S&, a-7 4;i.
WE hah'dle'trades in real estate any
where. 808 Board of Trade bldg.
CLARK B BROS., florists, fine flowera
sr.! floral designs. 289 MorrlsmW st
Buy of Owner
765 E. 41st 8 bldcka W. W. car, $
room modern bungalow, double front,
wide porch on two sides, fireplace, re
ception hall, built-in window seat, full
cement basement,1 walls tinted; electric
lights; fruit trees and many -roses;
175 Hamilton ave.,r lot 42100,
"house not modern but - 4 large com
fortable rooms, bath, papered, hard sur
faced street, cement sidewalk, . eewcr
and water main all In end paid for;
$2600.. .
397 Monroe st. Just ' east of Unloet
: ave., lot 60x126, abundance of fruit
and flowers, and old 4 room lathed and
plastered house: $6A00. - .
'Portland addition; each $460.
Bayard at., lets 81 and SS.sblock 23.
Peninsular addition No. J: etfeh $300.
. Lots 1x2 'and 3. block 87, Kenton. S
blocks 'west of bank and car, ; Ten per
rent psh,- balance 2 per . cent fnontU.
Phone owner, p-1390. t. Af v
FOR SALE 6 room cottage, cotner lot,.
one 'diock rrom canine n i&ex ztn
street. Phone East 5198. 660 Elliott
avenue, Land addition.
ALMOST new, 4 roojn modern house.
tfatn, not water, 'garnen' m 11600,
ioo cash 312.60 per, month. 613 0-
we?o St., St Johns,
FOR SALB New 2-room house, lot
60xlW, facing county road; 3425. 32)
down, 310 vper month. Near car. W
Chrlstensea, Office Main st, Lents.
STOPthe rent, pay 37 a month; chick-
ens. garden, acreage home; 8) min
utes out, bfeck to car. Smith, 232
Washington, Room "18.
. buys 4 room house, reception hall,
toilet and bath,' nice lawn, close to car
line, py owner, 8ft b. 7Zd N,
FOR SALE Sightly lot In Elmhurst, 71
xlOO feet, 31100. $300 cash, $25 per
iftonth. Owners hold adjoining 60 foot
lots for $900. Address 921 Savler. Phone
(460 LOT 26x100 feet, future business
lot on Grand ave; $9 per month will
buy It
267 U. Oak St.
$660 BUYS AN
$800 LOT IN
Part cash, balance 810 per month
j-64e, journal.
376) to $900; terms; on Powell
Valley road, between 6 and 7 mile
circles. Known as AMON'S
ACRES. Half mile north of Gil
bert Station, on O. W. K electric.
Take Cazadero or Gresham car at
a 'qnarter of the hour any hour
of the. day. We will be on land
all day. Or phone for appoint
ment. Our automobiles leave our
offices any time of day.
625-6 Yeon bldg.
Main 1400, A-3213.
Fruit Trees
Lot 8 minutes from car., 10 mature
full bearing apple trees, Spltcenbergs;
easy terms. R-27, Journal.
8 ROOM modern house, carpets, gaa
ana wooa ranges,, close in, to, i4tn
and Morrison. Inquire of owner, 813
monthly buys $2160 bungalow. E
rooms, electric liahts. 1 block to car.
Phone owner, East 2741..
SNAP $600 cash and $25 per month
nuya- room modern nouse. owner,
Wood lawn I 860. ' , '
li-HOOM house forsalc. cheap; terms,
' Inquire 867 Carutherg at.
'ton'. BUT equities In city' property. - '
H. E. James. Co., 8$ lgth, near Btark.
BUYin Portland on West Stark
. and 62d, lots 50, on carline now
building. Empire Jiealty & Trust com
pany. 403 Yeon Mdg. Marshall 849.
LARGE LOT near Rose City Park, ee-
ment walks, graded streets,. Bull Run
water, $660. No agents. No commla
slon. Owner, 201. 203 Beard of Trade.
LARGE lot for sate, street graded,
water and sewer in, reasonable, price.
Owner. Sellwood 1746. -i
OWNER sava sell 102x150 feet "bear car
' at the very low nrice of $1200..Phone
Woodlawn 202. C-2008: -BY
' OWNER--Fin lot block and one-
half from Albert car line: 1180. Call
$60 Per Acre
Part cleared and evel and spl'enty of
good spring water, 86 miles' from Port
land.,! hi miles from station, this is the
verysfteet of garden or fruit land, and
Is j 40 -per acre cheaper than other land
In tlris . vlclnltyAsame soil, see this at
once if you want a snap: I must sell.
Phoha Main 7967.
FIVE and 10 acr tractaonly 18 miles
from Portland; river and rail trans
portation; ideal truck gardening land;
excellent for berries, fruit, chickens, etc.
Terma only $50 down and $10 a month.
M. B. Lee. 311 Ooroett bldg. , '
$50 CASIf. $15 MONTH,
Closs to lcctrin station, hot a rock
on tf, black soil, gently rolling, almost
S acre, only $1000.' , Owner, 811 iLewis
ld ,;'. ' .
WANTED Full lot east sld.i. Inside 8
mile circle; casn. esi Dargain . gets
it. Owners only. James W, Morris,
1621 Knowles ave.
I 5 LOTS Boyero, Colo., for lots
I con: valuo $500. Tabor 904.
in Ore-
WANTED Not less than 10 acres of
gravel land for chickens; must have
small house or cabin nnd water. Stat';
terms. No agents. D-649, Journal.
WANTED 10 acres of cheap gravelly
ground. No agents. W-624. Journal.
I WILL buy, sell or trade anything.
H. F. Lee. 1015 Board of Trade bldg
WILL trade good automobile for sub
urban lots; value $600.- R. Buetikafer,
265 Salmon.
a is
60 acres, with 15 acres nf plant
ed orchard that we will Bell at a
very reasonable figure If taken
soon. Considerable very easily
cleared; stream of running water.
Near FirwoOd on theMt. Hood
Electric. Priee$4000; terms. Call
and soe us. 1012 Chamber X Conv
merce. , Phone Main 3510.
If ypu want to trade your house for
an improved farm with all the stock,
crops and iiiiplements, we have them 6
to 100 acres. Angeles Trust Co., 326H
Wash., room 416. Phone Main 6381.
$110 EQUITY in lot 4. blk. 70, Irvlngton
- Park for quiet room in private resi
dence, close In. Balance $316, 310 per
montn. r-mc, journal.
CORPORATION and furniture for sale:
also three offices for rent Snap If -taken
617 Board of Trade.
Confectionery and Bakery.
Shoe Shops.
Tea and Coffee.
Speer & Co., 1000 'A Belmont st
RESTAURANT, daily sales $35; cheap
rent, long lease; one of the cleanest ;
places In Portland; worth $2000; owner
has other business and must sell. $1000;
terms. Call 88 10th st;
ONE fourth interest for sale in best j
equipped dye plant In Portland. This
s worthy of Investigation; will ex
change for good property.
Dldg. Main 3ZU0. A-7709.
624 Henry
WILL trade firfet class talking machine
for good bicycle. Portland Phonograph
agency, aau Aider.
roK SALE or trade for automobile, 13
h. p. ras engine, 204 E. 19th at N.
Fast 440. B-1963. .
You Can Name; Your Own
Price for My Valley F.arm if
You Have Any Cash
Or will trade, for good Portland prop
erty, close In, up to $10,000. Net Income
from lease this fall at least $1000. Will
sacrifice about $4009 on place for quick
phonlla -8321. .. .
16 ROOMS 16
- Kumace heat, cheap rent, lease, clears
$115 monthly; $250 puts you la posses
sion, peters, 15 N. 5th st
A HOME SNAP. .. . ', "-.
10 rooms, good furniture. lease" for 2
yearsent $20. j'Otir own room-and $25
cleftc'teer month, $250 will put you In
this, 'Balance like rent, 'see v owner 294
Wllllaitt's ave; no agents. , ,
. 24 R00MS24 :
Transient bouse, -pall on ene .floor, close
to Washington.-at, clears 250 monthly.
Price $1800;4?rma. Peters; 128 10th st
$1000 CASH A woodworking plant that '
turned orders away last season; doing
so now. Balance easy terms. , N-640, '
GOOD business lot with two stores, both
rented for six years at 17 per cent on ; '
the Investment. $3000 will handle.
36Q6. 823 Chamber of Commerce.
$100 INVESTED 16yeara ago, earned ;
to date 116,000. write ror booklet.
San Francisco Home Builders, $71
Phelan bldg.. San Franr'sco. Cal.
AUTO repatr ' shop, on paying Bgsilst ' '
will sell for less than invoice. Par-,
ties leaving state. Call on or address
E. S. Osborne. 429 Belmont at.
FOR SALE -Moving picture outfit, In
eluding new No. empowers machine.
6000 feet new film; will teach buyer to
operate. Address or call 230 First st,
some capital. Good opening for right
man. Scott Bozorth, 701 Spalding bldg
FOR SALE Coffee hos doing $35Uy
business, owner ieving city. 3i
E. Alder st. ' :.''. S'i-'
FOR SALE by owner; an established
AmerlearrtjjQbffee Co.. 24 Fron;
DRUG store In growing eastern Or- -
gon town; win. tags property J pari.
M-61, Journal.
HOTEL complete with 17 housekeeping'
rooms $450; worth wle the piles. H.
Bens, 205 Burnslde. r '
WANTED Partner with $400 for mov
ing picture show at summer resort;
big monev maker. Z-612, Journal.
WANTED A partner in real estate oT
flc. CaU 617 Board ef Trade bldg.
See Mr Morrow.-". . ,
PARTY to ; handle generaV agency .?
uv required, iunoar, u
Oregon, -2l
JeCfersorf t
? lor saie. srood n,;.--
niali wW stand Investigation. Addrs
88 E. 12th north. 5
- 500 Business Cards SI
: Rose ;'Clty Printer,-- 19'.- 3d
GROt'ER Y- stcu totlmlSTlfy r. 4 1 1
FOR S.ilfeV Grmwry and iit-t i ni:, i
in goofl roce'ion .(; j,,,..!
RESTAURANT Xf .',. i .h,. i
Nortjj) 2d t