The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 07, 1911, Page 26, Image 26

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    I .. I
.... .(, ,
Offers for sale unimproved ac reage at
prices that -will appeal to those who
Dtllere land values are too high.
40 Acres $1000
Located 18 mllea southeast of
I'ortland on good road. Large
amount of cordwood, running
water, thickly settled iielgli "r-
The above offers a living from sale ''in. '
mean a la building from the ground up
50 Acres $2000
Located 7 miles eaat of Oregon
City. Half rich bottom bind,
easy clearing; 20 acres fine
larJu tlmler. Electric line now
building within 2 mllea.
Timber on thin will also furnish i
teady Income whlla latnl la being g"t
tan ready for farming purposes.
40 Acres $800
Hare threa forties of brush
land about 8 mllea from mar
ket. These are tneated south of
Portland In ClncKamas county.
Will aell 40. AO or 120 at $20
per acre.
If none of the foregoing trn.ts appcnl
tn vou I max- hare oilier acreage that
wllf suit t Imvii several hundred acres : Ph rn. run iiiii- witr. ro, well; g.isi
Incited from ( o SO mile from Port-! ;ii. fi.ylm, water wlclI lu iKiihe and
Pacific Realty Co,
:i.:2 I '.i I . ii bldg.
.1(1 nnl W.ishlllgU'tl-
60 acrea v.iy 1 1 in st not I, 2 5 acres
Cleared. honsi. bain. He, small orch
ard, i ii 1 1 til i - uaicr. lino trout fishing,
4 miles. Mis I (i.'-i;.)i 1! It will Im
built by Innd in near I c tine. 'I'bc road
Is. now' bc:n( haul Tul in the choup land ier . I t -: ! inl $26.70 !"!''. wllli Men, t'ne timber. If you
are Io,,,ii.k In u m,.i. don't I'm got t tits,
but i 1 1 ut imi ii Ask for xehunge
inn n.
c in res 7 miles wcisl North Yam-
m mi" i !.. il. i ii i' ill nt; v. liter, 4
knn. I I'.n ii. i Mi in 1 1 i i ti icet
good lliiilur, ' -..nlie K K. Million
$.1000. ti i ms 'I hi.- Is nil imuhI limd
40 an -a I mil i Nt lli'inn-. nile
Heller (tl lti . UN Oirsliii'n ilt-t lie lln
lull) In en 1 1 1 ii I on, balance timber
beiirliiK on hard ISii fruit trees, grapes
.iml herrleM. fair Imiii"c mid barn: nunu
fence; 2 urns h'-irliK. only 2O0 pe
inn. Ji.ii"1! cash. ij.iiaii.K y'iirs.
Lira Oak and Sunset Colon Farm a
On tha Eitajr Paymant Plan.
One-fourth ron, Balance 10 Team.
The Oranrtaat Opportunity Evar.
Offered to fienure Farm In California
Hi ncres nil In i u it I ,. t Ii m. J.iil bear
Inn iii.'ilu tiif. Jim i.ii'h tieLB.
aie K'-r'H. I'l'inis, iifune.i imd I'her
rleM. luiriinoi 1 1 lei. hlu kin 1 1 'e mid
at ru wbel t ii ; mi ronm buiiMe. barn
2 welia; booiI hpiin;;; all f'lueil; well
ImplOVfd. KlrtllHI ' . I 'll' hi ll llOUM",
-Hi"ke ii i ii -. V mien iixi tinld Mill.
Jin iiKnn ' O.iiitv. orcein, nlv $4i.'ori.
iL'.'i'iii radii; tal.f hUN, and lot
In i I t
A line d.ilrv ran. Ii of S.'ii acres. 2t.n
B'-!ch in i ii ! tivu 1 bin. 7 i".iii hi.ii.'e, Kimil
land. Wlah to lilt-pose of all of It as
800M A8 POSaiHl.K. I believe we
can agree on a fnlr price If anyone
wlahes to develop the land.
O. W. EASTHA1L Owner,
115 Marqtiam Bldg;
10 acres, $70. Unimproved land, deep
rich SOU- A nice stream of water and
plenty of wood. Located on macadam
road near school and church. Owner
(olnr sway.
40 seres, fllOO. $1000 down. One mile
from school, church and atore. Ifiiirt
Strawberry plants, 20 acrea In oata nnd
2 acres potatoes, all good soil and plenty
of timber. Small house and barn. Rood
well, 2 horses, harness and ragnn and
tump puller.
IS acres. $1100. $250 down, balance to
suit, m miles- from OreRon City. This
Is fine land but has not been Improved.
K acres. $1150, $850 down. I acrea In
ultlvatlon, IV mllea from Oreson City.
4 seres, all in cultivation, new houae.
A food buy.
Call on or address
Near S. P. Depot. Oregon Cfty, Or.
All Oregon -
12.000 acres, $12.50 per acre.
7.100 acres, $16 per acre.
04"0 acres, $R.OO per acre.
2700 acres, $'JB per acre.
40 acres, $S0 per acre.
10 seres orchard. $23,000.
2S0 acres, fine dalrv. $100 per acre
176 acres, fins stock and dairy
fsrm, $8500.
460 acres. 1 mile waterfront, $82,000
10 acres, near Portland, $lftO0.
53 acres, 12 miles out, $160 per
9 seres, well improved, $5000.
"" seres, fine land, $1500.
?1 acrea. well Improved. $2250.
Above just a few of tracts we have
xor sate, can at ornce tor tuii parti
culars; you will rind them as repre
sented ZIMMKRMAN, $10 Ponrd of Trade blrtp
Very best sandy loam, two sixes rood
Timner, Daiancn pianiea to g-araen trucK.
Fair houee and barn and outbulldlnca
Owner has no help and la too old to at
tend to It alone. Located one and one
half miles from Rood railroad town and
elRht miles from OreRon City. Price
$4500. This Is an exceptionally Rood
buy for some one. For further Informa
tion call or ad ci res s
Postofflce bldg., Oregon City, Or.
ACREAGE $26 to $70 per acre, 2400
acres, subdivided Into 130 tracts of
2, 6, 10, 20, 80 to 100 acrea each. Beat
fruit and garden land. Teep soil, fine
water; no rock. One hour's ride from
Portland. Rail and river transporta
tion. Town and school In center of
tract Good roads In front of every
tract. Your chance to get an Ideal
money-maklnR home. Theae tracts sell
on sight to practical people. Call and
make an early selection.
410 Corbett bldg.
35 Acres With No Improve
ments 18 acres cleared, 7 acres In small
brush; soil valley loam; fences fair- i
mile of S. P. & O. E. depot; S miles
from Salem: ?i mile from school and
church. Price $4200; S cash and bal
ance to suit at 7 per cent; 1-3 of grow
ing crop to t?o with place. Call 819
Board of Trade bldg.
1300 ACRES In the heaTtrtheYJIlarn
ette valley, R0 miles south of Port
land, 3 mlks to R. K. Ptntlon 10 miles
to county Beat: good bldps.. plenty of
running water; nearly all could be culti
vated. 500 acres has been, 300 acres In
timber, bottom and hill land; splendid
dairy ranch. Price $50 per acre. Terms
easy. :
Ground f2"r. '-ewlp bl'l'sr.
800 ACRE farm. 54 "ml fes 'south of Port
land. 7 miles of e;.ici town; finest
fratt land in the world; humirrs of
scree golnff into fnilt around it, 2 'nets
of fine bldRH. ; several l ams on place
running water and living .springs This
will have to be Ften to appreciated
Price 4r,() per sere. Terms
Ground fbTor. J.i is I.Mg.
Aii i tJiN Vj wisniiiR to buy a irood hom,-i
had better call and sn m 4n- ;l,.rB I
near Phillips; good bniMine.s. orchard '
water, school snd churfln . Tni.-,'. I
cniiea iuuwy ir to .kock i reek
east mas. jncinre ror Him-r p!nc
M. B. Hoard, rural 1, box 27 Holbrnot;
20 ACRES. Komethlng" poo l" and ,.
der value for quick sale1, io;lv in ,ni;f
west of Portland, 1 mil.- to station. !,
kind of soil, fair buildings, $17". p.
acre, some terms. Kmipp a M"efcev
213 Board of Trade. Ask for Mr Mi
bun ll'ii lutes bottom X neren
of it In ci 1 1 i m t ion, balai 'f bottom
I. ind easv eiiarcl, 1 million fret good
aw timber. 1 mile lake flout. 2 miles
sam;ll and K. It. Mailon. 8 miles
Olytnpla. nsbington. Price only $2
acre. Including all farm Imph motits.
Vou cant possible bent this Terms
JiUion ensh. bal. 5 yeary 6 per rent.
10 acres, all level and tillable 5
seres In cultivation anil In crop, balance
rut off and riihtly cleared, 2 miles out
on good road. Price $1K00, cash.
4 acres, all level and In cultivation, 1
mile from Oregon City, sidewalk all the
wav, fine for berries or ehlckons. Price
$1(100, $3.10 ca.sli.
f.8 acr s. nil good farm land. 88 acres
In cult l at Ion. balance In pasture and
timber at present, good 4 room house
barn IOxf.0 and all outhouses, good well
family on-hard, 1 mile from school, on
K. F. 1.. plume and cream route 7 miles
from Oregon 'lty'on main road. Price
$6fc00, hi cash.
5 acres, nil level. In cultivation. 1
room house, barn 18x27. 2 good
wells some fruit, good cow, IS thor
oughbred chickens. some household
Roods nnd smnll tools go with plnce.
1 S-4 miles from Oregon Citv. good side
walk all the way. Ptlcc $2500, H cash..
8 acres, all In cultivation, good new
$1800 bungalow, good well, horse and
buggy, some tools, 1 mile from Oregon
City. Price $2ioo, part cash.
We make farms and acreage a special
ty and If nothing here suits you, call
at our office. We have many good buys
that are not mentioned.
7th nnd Main St.. Oregon City. Or.
Located In Sutter oounty, tha
heart of tho great Sacramento
valley, thla countv la raplbly be
coming the lending alfalfa, fruit
and dairying center of the atnte.
14 Acres, $3000 v
14 acres, all In clutlvatlon; all fenced
and cross-fenced, 100 bearing fruit
i tees, oia nouse, Rooa wen; mis prop
erty facos on main county road, mile
and a half from steam lines and boat
lamlliiR. Mile and a half from electric
line. Thla Is a snap; 1 sores across
the road sold for $6000. This must be
sold within the next few days. Can
make good terms.
6r.-i!0-21 Railway Exchange
Irrigated by tin llutte county
canal system, tho most satis
factory Irrigation system In
the United Unites.
The terms are one-fourth down and
the balance In 10 years, one-tentll
each year If you want to apply
all the profits each year on (he
purchase price, you can easily
hne deed to your farm, worth
then severs times what It coat
you, all paid for out of the crops,
in ii years' or less Vou can pay
onlv one-t.nth each VCHr If you
prefer uii.i use the balance aa you
see fit.
Man and government reports on the
. I . ... a
son. irrigation, climate ana
markets of our Live Oak and
Sunset Colonlas sent Free.
The most liberal offer ever made
to secure a farm In California.
For the whole atory addresa
Sacramento Valley Farms Co..
Live oak. Sutter Co., California.
3o0 acre Fin k ranch only 2'i miles
from Brownsville on good road, 11. r .
1 1. ami telephone, 5 0 acres In cultiva
tion: all v. II fenced, family orchard,
also voting orchard of splendid variety
of fruit, fine springs and living water;
good 0 room house, barn and outbuild
ings complete: 160 Sheep, 45 goata, 5
dnlrv rows, ;i work horses and harness,
back, plow, barrow, also cram separa
tor goes, all for $1 1,000.
Splendid 20 Acre Farm
16 miles from Portland, close to elec
tric line. Rood soil, spring on Place,
small house and barn, ell for $96 per
482 Chamber of Commerce bldR.
Prevents soms people from declaring
mat tiny are land poor, hut listen:
I hava to sell something, so here Roes,
A 10 acre tract of finest orchard land
tn the White .Salmon valley, 6 miles
rrom me it. it. ami Columbia river. 6
acres cleared, balance fir timber; a new
cabin on the place, on main county road,
creek i-rosaea one corner of the tract
spring on the line. 300 feet from the
canin. .-ut. ilood. Mt. Adams and sur
rounding ranges In view from this Ideal
oouie site.
Price $1500 on ywr own term.
Owner X. O. Kelson, 111 Teea bldg.
40 In cultivation, 2 sets of bulldlags.
team, several cows, some chickens,
wagon, plow, harrow and other ma
chinery necessary; lot of tools.
More land easy to clear una some
fine aw limber on part. It's well lo
cated nnd farms on ail sides are pelting
for more money than we auk for this.
If vou wnnt a real farm, cieap. come
and see us nt once. We have other
good farms for dnlrv or fruit.
YVnshougnl, Wash., Box 10.
Or 108 Wash, at., Vancouver, Clarke
i ounty. Wash.
160 acres, well located. 1U miles from
railroad town- county road on two
sld-s; R. f. D., telephone, creamery
route, etc.
All good farming land: 2 acres In
crops, now seeded to oats, wheat, hay
anil clover, balance used aa pasture.
Hood K room house, largo barn and
nil outhulldlnk-s: 2 fine wella. windmill
nt barn and well at house; lots of fruit
and berries The following personal
goes with place: Hulky plow, disc,
gang plow, i plows, harrow wagon.
bay fork and ropes. A splendid bargain
In fine farm propretv. A $2000 crop
will be harvested on this land.
Price $(" per acre; cash and Z
years time on balance.
Come and Investigate or write.
1410 Mr acre will bur one of tfc beat
fO acre orchards In the well- known
Hood River valley. If taken AT ONCE;
NEARLY ALL In standard, varieties of
apples, a Rood part. In full bearing: al
so small family orchard. Good house.
barn, outbuildings, team. . Imnlement.
and tools; fine spring water In the
house; biggest bargain ever offered;
produced almost 1800 boxes of annlua
season 1910, and more In sight this year.
j i you reaiiy want a place in the Hood
River vallev. where vou ran have a
beautiful home and become Independent
raising apples Investigate thla without
delay. $."'(00 cosh, balance easy terms.
907 Yeon Building?.
In 8, 10 and 12 acre tracts, partly
cleared, splendidly located 'w good ooun
ty road at a railroad staflon 6 miles
from Vancouver. Wofih.; rich land, low
prices, liberal terms. J A. Munday,
41 OH Main street, Vancouver, Wash.
FOIl IUsJNT-rFAR-MS ' , ii
FARM near Boring. 25 aores cultivated
It acres pasture, fair improvements,
orchard, will rent year or mora, cash
or grain rent and allow cash for, Im
provement work. Want party with some
experience in rruit raising. Biaie ex--
perletic e and references. O-tlz, Journal
40 ACltJ-K 20 CLEARED, old house,
fair barn, some good fruit j running
water; 10 miles from Portland: good
road. A. W. Lambert A Co., 404 H.
Alder st. Phones Kast 640. H-l10
160 ACRES in Tualatin valley, 20 miles
rrom I'ortland, no acres in cultivation
8 room house, new barn arid plenty of
water; Good dairy proposition. Rant
$180 per year,
t. Johns, ur,
ldress K. J. Hufford,
$76,000 Department store, for city
$ B.OOO City property, for an acreage
$ 8,800 General store for city prop
$16,100 Farm for a hoteJ.
$10,000 General stora for city prop
$21,160 Farm, $6600 mortgage, for an
eastern uregon store.
8.600 Home, for lot as first payment.
$ 6,000 Acreage home, for city prop
Albert Welch & Son .
Ill Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts.
10 acres Irrigated, all In cultivation.
north isRimtL
60 acres Irrigated on new Deschutes
R. R. 2 miles to town.
120 acres in Warm Lake Tauey. Lka
160 aores near Ureas TaJiey. Bharman
140 sores Hood Rlrer-Mosler district.
matting proposition.
72a acres, wen improved wneai rarm.
Dlenty or water.
oo sorts, adjoining townsite ana sou
10 acre Irrigated tracts near Lakeview.
6 acre tract on Oregon Electrio.
Suburban lots In Portland and all
roast towns: 5 acre tracts on Colum
bia river: also In Bcappooae orchards.
Cigar confectionery and sort a rings.
146 hi UU .Room 9. '
$4000 BUYS 100 acres; 30 mllea from
Portland; 15 acres cleared: 25 acres
surface cleared. Thlif lWxvery rich land
and Ideal for potatoes, x,Kay, or fruit;
only 2 miles from station. Would con
sider exchange for c-ftv property. M.
E. I.e. 311 Corhett bldg
MORIER fruit land. 3H miles south of
town, tracts from 10 aores to 440
aeren. Prices from $15 to $150 per acre.
Terms. Geo. L. Steelsmlth. 836 Kerbv
sr. woooiawn 1119.
160 acres, 100 cleared. Clark county.
$18,000 stock of merchsndlse for farm.
acres near fteeavine pary im
97 acres, tools and stock, improved.
80 acres. Improved, for house.
89 seres. Improved, for home.
180 acres.for fireall farm.
12 acre chicken rsncli for horns.
180 acre alfalfa ranch for home.
220 acres, 190 cultivation; trade.
Beach lots for trade
430 Worcester BldR. 3d and Oak Sis.
Ask for our large list of bargains.
m mm m ,
&u UUUULbLbvy; ity u mi
V3 U 1
Beyond Any Doubt the Most
Beautiful for Country Homes
Some 10 and 20 acre tracts from
to 1 mile from town, cheap.
480 acres. "20 In high state of cultiva
tion. 80 In young oreband, magnificent
rolling hill land, lying between the noted
Lownsdale aimla orchard and the Prince
walnut orchard. I'i, miles from town
nd railway, also 'jUii acres; will make
low price.
Geo, E. Waggoner
I iiinilre, ( in gon.
40 acres. C miles from Kslacada. In
the coming applo district of Oregon.
About 10 acres In cultivation, 11 acres
nice piling timber, no brush, balance
inostlv open lainl. easily cleared, fine
sol!. " Heaiitil'ul trout stream through
place, largo enough for power. .Numer
ous springs. Fine soil, on good coun
ty road. Price $(!0 per acre cash, bal
ance .'; or I j ears. 10 per cent discount
for cash. Don t answer ihls unless you
ere looking; for something gooi of this
description For mill- only by owner.
Small bouse and Imrn. ''-partly fenced.
N -;.:'.'. .loan. al.
10 Acre Farms
We hive secured a tract of land
near Biaverton, which in our esti
mation Is Just the kind of land
for tho Hmill farmer; this land Is
so divided that eoh tract has
that rich black beaverdam land
which Is so productive. Being so
close to Portland and at the
prices we are maklntr, is an ex
cellent opportunity to secure one
of theae tracts at small prices.
Our price is $175 to $350 per
acre on good terms. Come in and
let us tell you. about this.
Rand, Read & .Co,
216 Board of Trade.
PARTY" wishing to buy Into the largest
coninarvlal orchnrd. managed In one
eoiin acrengo, can get into select propo
altlon on liberal terms. N-622, Journal.
FIVE a td 10 acre tracts as long as thev
last feom my home orchard 2. years
old. In heart of Estaoada dlstrtet C
2245. 31V) East 47th N.
book gfft-es amount of government
land open to homestead In each county
In the states of Oregon, Washington
and description Of same; gives home
stead, desmrt, timber, atone, coal and
mineral laws; two maps of Oregon in
colors. 21x8, showing R. R. In opera
tion, one Showing all proposed R. R
and electric lines. Including eastern and
central Oregon. 20c each, or the three
50c. Map of Washington In colors. 21x
?S, 20rt. Nlinrao, Runey & Co.. Hamll
ton bldg.
Homestciads Homesteads
I can 1'w-ate a few parties on
good farmdng and fruit land in
Tillamook county; fee are verv
reasonable. See me before they
are all gonle. Inquire 311 Henry
For exchange at Invoice, $6000
of crockery, teas, coffes and
spices: only business of this kind In
the city; did $10,000 worth of business
in 1909; did $12, 00ft worth of business
In 1910. Will exchange for Improved
acreage or city property, near equai
value. Inquire Ward Investment com
pany, 417 Fenton bldg. Main 8384.
A Fine Wheat farm for Sale
or Exchange '
For other property. This farm is
located among farm that are be-
lng bald at $25 to $35 per acre
-and this Is the best farm In that
neighborhood. , The owner must '
dispose of It as his business takes
his away from Oregon for a num-
ber of years; therefore he hag .
made tha pries' ao it is a bargain. .
iiiis pince nas never nean or
fered before for less than $26 per
sere cash, but la now offered for
$20 per acre on easy terms,- or
will take 1-3 In trade for a first
?ayment. This place consists of
000 ac.ros located 2 miles from
Ii. R. ; 800 acres are used for
wheat, 40 acres bottom land that'
will grow alfalfa and fruit; creek
runs across one corner of place:
a fair farm house and barn, good
orchard, fine large shade trees,
good well snd running water. If
you want a good paying wheat
farm, Investigate this. Will take
4 cash, sMd give long time on
balance at 7 per eent Interest.
For sale by owner, $04 Henry
Wdg.. Portland, Or. '
Will Sell or. Trade
Good 22 foot launoh,.-! oylin
der, 10 H. P. engine and whistle
with tank. Indicator and pump)
large gasoline tank. Magneto,
tools, etc., In good condition and
win seat 10 people. Price $360
160 Acres In Wasco Co,
180 covered with timber, 16 la
cultivation; good five room house
near large new school: close to
R. R, line of the Dufur exten
sion. This Is the best of fruit
land and will exchange for a
modern city residence; $85 per
Waggener Real Estate CoT
210-12 Ablngton bldg.
13 acres all In choice fruit, good house
and outbuildings, mile irom La
Grande. Or.; price $12,030.
jvew modern 7 room bouse and Quar
ter block, lawn snd roses. 1U blocks1
from bank and P. O. : price $3000. Union.
Modem 7 room house and 8 50x100
lots, 4ll In berries snd fruit at Wood
lawn; price $10,000.
Will sell or exchange all or nart of
these for good Ineon.e Portland prop
erty. Address H-515, Journal.
S acre farm, all under cultivation,
room house, large barn and other
buildings, abundance of fruit and flow
ers. Only 9 miles from Portland and
blocks from electric car. Will ex
change my equity as payment on 6 or
7 room modern home In restricted dis
trict. Don't answer unless you mean
business. 'Owner, 687 E. Everett St.
I WILL exchange my equity In one of
the most beautiful building sites on
Portland Heights. 100x7130 near Port
land Heights Club. The view is unex
celled. My equity Is $3500; price $7600,
which Is $500 to $2600 cheaper than ad
joining property. Will take unincum
bered vacant and some cash. Chaa.
Kupper, 382 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Lookl A Rare Chance.
We make a specialty of exchanging
eastern property, and have a client for
Illinois or Minnesota property. If you
have any list ft with jlib, as we can get
you a quick deal. Rapid Realty CO.,
room 318 Hamilton bldg. 131 3d at.
Scappoose Orchard Tracts
15 Acres and Bungalow for
Unencumbered House, $3000,
Fred F, Huntress
512 McKay bldg., 8d and Stark.
10 acres, Forest Grove, acres II
cultivation, set new buildings, ftl
rurimna property.
so acres, is. m cultivation, gonj
, uuiiuinga, ctose to Vancouver, ri
' dairy ranch. . '
6 acres, Troutdale, for coast rsjjcl
or city property.
if A 4 mil.. .. C3 n 1 . nM.nfr4A I
- --, v ."Hi n ,u Duiviil, .i ai witi
. Jy all In cultivation, for Portia
income property.
110 acres, Madras, all plowed ai
lencea, small house ror smal
ranch In vallev. I
IS acres Forest Grove, good set (I
puiicingsf Dest oi soils ror port
lana properly.
8H aores near Maldvum. on Oregol
' City car. for lot in elfv - I
10 aores near Oswego, all In cultlvil
non ror nouse and lot in Port Ian I
aores, Bertha station, for houn
. ,and lot east aide In Portland.
170 seres, 60 In cultivation. 60 mor
ready to plow, balance In tlmbe
and Pasture. stock and linn),
' ments. Forest Grove.6 Tako' PorJ
land nronertv for nart 1
45 aeTea, 28 acres bottom land, we I
watered on jurnlv rnurl fail
buildings' and young orchard, neiil
rorcsi urove. TaKe Portland projl
"riy ,up to zuo in value ror tni-
. acres, mue to Bt. Mary's, ol
Oregon Electric, for property 1 1
I'ortland to full value.
II acres, Clackamas station, 6 root
house and barn; In cultivation.
10 acrea. Wheat land for vullev lirn
100A IM.i k.lf 1 l i. ft A
- - v . . . imj . i ii niirai, uth I in
wneat lana. well located, good Inl
' provements. " Will take vallel
ranch In exchange: might consld.
part In good Income property I
good town.
80 acres timber. Clackamas county
for small ranch, lots or other clt
property. -0
acres. 80 In cultivation, five bulba
ings, two miles to Oregon ot
very oesi or sou, lies rine, au ra
be cultivated when cleared. fO
set implements. 116.000. Will coiJ
slder good Portland property fol
pari, nuianre e tier cent. I
6 room house, full lot. on K. lit.
N.. for Improved acreage, close t
eiectnc; 13500.
10 room house, three lots, east aid
lor place 26 to 40 acres.
I room house, well located, east side
iaae lot as rirst payment.
440 acres, 300 In cultivation. Wlllar
ette valley; take good Portland Inl
come property. I
40 acres, Newberg well Improved ani
Dest of sou. .take city property.
SI acres Troutdale. river frontao-.
fine fishing and boattnr. close tl
electric, fine roads, take part Port!
iana property, part cash, balancl
Chittenden & Neiil
810 Oak st.
20 Acres Near Gresham
Ten acres In cultivation, 2 acres In
bearing orchard, balance easy clearing;
all good level lRTid, on good road. Price
$4600. Will take house In Portland
value $3000, balance time. Osburn
Proa., 603 McKay bldg.
Want City Property Close in
Up to $1000 and unincumbered If posal-
WILL exchange for farm . 2 timber arVlVL' 1
claims, cruise ahout 8,000,000, valued r . i i",
In Sherman County
480 acre farm. 400 In grain;
fair buildings; 4 miles to It
R., closo to school. Price $30
per acre; exchange for property
in Portland, vacant lots pre
ferred. L, K. Moore
Suite (17 Board of Trade.
Government Land"
I ft IMF. I'Hlt SALE.
f.3 acres, S inlb s I'luin Vancouver, 2
o'mtles from lectr'.c nil' line and small
. ! town. ,ear church and school. It. F. 1).
' and tc! phone. 1; I well, 30 acres
i h a red, g ) 10 room house, barn arid
; ,,,., i,,as, s. Small fruit nnd young 01
i . I,i:r I, K.II l.i us. L'Oo young chickens,
' I'Miii, : 1 ,111 coil -. .1 cows, machinery anil
j tools, "will s. II nl or fne 40 acres with
' ! .o i 1 1 ' ! n "-' This Is a bargain, as 1 must
:.s-l! o:: account of poor health. If ln-
n s'c, write V. K. Potior. Vancouver,
i V.'.iMi Route :.'
Can locate 10 people on gnori tillable i
land In Lake county. Or.: artesian v- '
ter; $100 for each ltd n,TW. a' 1; i
Johnson. 1 7& 2 Haven si. J liorie Wood- i
lawn 8Q25. i
12 ACRES, mfiea'Trom 1 -, rt ; mi " t7
two R. R. and two rcui
splendid fruit liind. i b. lir::i audi
clover and small fruit ; some le, : :d:- - j '
well; owner received ;k 1 ma n n 1 ii,,:7' V !
ao. cannot nuriui u 11. 1 ati .,1 B rj
18) K. 119th ft. north. M . 0; a ' la ,.
FARNI bargain, 40 ncn s jn the fiuiiou'i
Estacada fruit riisnlct, on good com
ty road. 1 hs mile.s from railroa.l v
acrea clear timber for 12ho cords oor
Iilvlng water, house and burn, ere 're,.
$4000 terms. Woodle Land Co., Evteca
da. Or.
60 Acres $2000"
W, l av" !."'! .0 i of fine orchard
I I clo.-.. lo l. ; must be sold, pri, e
( ;::",fi" err!,. Win sell readily in
m:. all li. els rt Jliai per acre Land
i.'; silling tor fj')0 to $100 per
Cooperative Realty Company,
;.!'. ;:" : I Hi !' a -. Kxel-tiie.
IS acres, 8 acres In cultivation, lots
of fruit, Bmall house and barn, at R.
It. station, 3 miles from Electric line,
13 miles from Portland courthouse, A-l
soil, land Is level, on good county road,
this goes for only $3000, very easy
10 acres, with household goods, all
stuck and Implements, less than 10
miles from center Portland, $2160, $710
cash, bain nee. 3 or f years at 7 per cent.
12 acres, all In cultivation, good build
ings, with personal property, only
$3500, cash.
If you are looking for home or fruit
tracts sec inc. l also have 10 and 20
acre tracts from $.10 to $150 per acre. J.
li. Atkinson, 401 vvhhii. st., Vancouver,
Wash. Phone 618-lHti.
82'i acros, 25 In cultivation, with
rop In wheat, oats and clover; good
clean orchard, 81 apple. 10 pears, 14
Italian prunes, 14 cherry trees. All
trees are 10 years old and In bearing.
4 room house, chicken yard, 2 horses. .1
cow, 1 heirer, i iiuin wagon, i nay
rack, mower, plow, good water supply,
all fenced. 10 rnlles from Portland near
Taylor ferry road. Price $200 per
.T re. $2,100 cash, balance 8 to 6 years
( per cent.
A, J, Gantner,
40ti Henry bldg.
1C0 ACRE rellnirjutishment, 100 acres til
lable land; I0 acres beayerdam, 4?
miles from Portland; price7 $850, 160
acres Rogue .Rrver valley, 100 acres til
lable land; plenary of wood and water;
prioe $1.10; 160 .acres Linn county, 40
acres tillable laraJ; price $150. Home
Mead Realty Co.. 232 Washington St.,
room 16.
I CAN show you good homesteads at
a reasonable figure close to town.
Also some good nine timber claims.
R. H. NELSOIf. 627 Corbett bldg. M.
4 437. '
1 1( )Il ESTEAD A ank.n if taken at once;
close in near sawmvll; fine soil, run
ning water 270 Easl 16lli.
I HAVE homesteads tio locate you on;
apple and dairy larUl; terms easy;
322 Stark Ft . room ,301.
20 acres S miles from Vancouver on
fine road. Vis mile from good school. II
acres in high stateiof cultivation, young
orchmd, fino new liuildlngs, worth over
$2000; bath, .telephone, windmill. 6
acres In potatoes, balance In clover and
oats. Price $.1500, 1-3 cash, balance
easy terms.
Also 20 acres, 10 clear, balance In
fine pasture. $1000. 1-3 cash, balance
long time. Also 20 acres, i cleaY, bal
ance easily cleared and in fine pbs
turo, $2700. $70 cash, balance long
time "SI Mississippi are. '
WANTED Farm in for,blllH, between
Salem and Eugene, 4ti ncres or more
plowed, fruit, water, slock. Have lm
proved ranch worth tii)A0(IQ, In east
ern Washington to, tradip, or will pay
ii.iMi cash ana nniance wltm my ranch
sells. Ilawiev 2022 E. (Viuch St.
at $!0O0, located in section 21, township
i south, rango 10 west, in section 34,
township 7 south, range 11 west, in Lln-t-oln
county, Or. See owner, 789 Mla
slsslppl ave. Woodlawn 6,86,
We have a client with an apartment
house, rent f90, good lease, good In
come; will trade for acreage. Our
client has about $8000 In cash to put
Into improved farm; you must act quick.
Ward Investment conipanq, Fenton
bldgtaln 8384.
WII.L trade or sell my $1000 equity
In a $3500 lots In Kenton. It la close to
the O.-W. R. & N. depot and oTi the
Mt. Hood line: It faces three streets and
haa railroad frontage; the best buy In
Kenton; am leaving city and must sell
or trade. K-615, Journal.
ORCHARD 10 acres 2 year old orchard
at Mosier; Newtowns and Spltx; flno
condition, close Iri. Value $4000: will
exchange' for Portland unincumbered
realty of equal value. Main 9133. Even
ings Main mtt6.
of $1000 or more. L-627, Journal.
Sell or Exchange
We have all kinds of properties for
sale or exchange. See us before making
a deal. ,
604 Lumbermens bldg.
A nice 9 room dwelling In Kansas
City. Mo., to trade for Portland property
or Willamette valley land. Call for Mr.
Steele at
Ground floor, Iwls bldg.
WILL take lot or equity In lots as part
payment on new 4. 5. 6. 7 anil 8 room
houses. Modern and first class. Prices
$1460 and up, (tome cheaper.
Mt. Scott car to my office at Millard
ave. Tabor 2812.
A FINE five room cottaRO, nearly new,
worth $2600. Will exchange my
$1400 equity for a rooming house or a
good small business, time on the hnj
ahee. A. N, Searle. 76th and East Gli-
san sts.
VILL trade for house nnd lot, 40 acres
heavy timber. 16 miles rrom Portland,
lri Washington county, $2000.
404 East Alder Bt.
Phones East 640. B-1910.
WANTED To rent a faroi of cot less
than 10 acres; must 3iave a small
house and good water arAl be near a
good town. Address E. L). Greenpr,
jiii ' i eiKeiey hi., i-prtia n a, or.
WANTED From owner. 6" to 1 5 acres
must have house, water, wood and be
partly in crop. $1000 to $1800: easv
terms. Give description pilce and best
terms' lirst letter. v-till, jf ournal.
dl'.U; NT K I'll AS A I iVKItTISF.D.'
4o a.-r.-K. good soil, nut hilly, small
house, gon.j kirn, soia 1 1 bearing or-,
cj ard. fi e spr ue,. U, miles to boat
Ian ding on i'owIIiz rin-r, good road, lo
ai-i. s. partly licucil, good school at
place, n fine ounrry home for some
one. Price $:nni; will trade for Port
land property.
All the very best of level bia-k loan. THUS. M'DEP.MOTT.
1 mile good town, and boat binding .5 K l:o. Wanh.
acres cleared, poor buildings and fences', i , ,";:,""' a ; 1 '." i . .i in "7 rop 1-;t Koesno
at Wg Per acre. This Is a great buy.! purchaser, 1 1 mile. r6 Jth grade
64 6th. I .f,,,,, in lies to R. R. and boat land-
4 iS acres of fruit and truck land, right ing. on county mad. Phone line, good
on Ml. noou eiectric. lays level Hi:dw.-il. m cii it'w.hiu, sumn nouse and
Tine ror. dihiuiusihh. nouse. Darn, out
buildings, splcimiil bearing orchntd of
140 trees. This ia the very best of fruit
land. $140 per acre for quick tale.
Owner, Box 171, Gresham.
If You Have $5500 Cash
Wake $1009 net this fall by buying mv
valley farm, . You can do this without
leaving city, ' L-62C. .Inim-al,
si! in easti in Klickitat
v. Wash. I'rlce i::ooo. half cash.
i I J McGr-.'i!.- Sixi.rong. Wash.
87 acres rich land, about one half un
der cultivation, oalance in oak and fir
trees; hns nice 1 reek and over half of
this land is h blark -rich loam soil; all
lies beautiful: it is located 14 miles
southeast of Portland and 3 miles east
of Oregon City We quote this prop
erty below surrounding lands, nnd is
priced to SELL. It Is easily worth
$1''5 per ncre, out we offer this land
l o. any buyer thai will FARM it for $S5
per ncre, cm verv liberal terms.
70 4th St.
Good level land. '.with, from 12,000,000
to 15.000.000 feet ef green tltmlber:
miles from Molalla town, rnll.koaid being
built to Molalla- $40 pr acre. The land
is worth tha "rice of umber and all
only 16 miles from Oregon CAty. For
further information call or adnress
Postofflce bldg.. Oregon CVty. Or.
Earn an Orchard
Hood Klver orchard land for sale by
owner, choice 10 ncres, !) miles from
city elevation about JfiOO feet, almost
level, red shot soil, 2 acres g year old
trees, balance raw state; price $1700,
easy terms; to reliable party will give
work clearing and caring for adjoining
10 acres amount to appy on purchase
price; address P. O. box 131, Portland,
or phone A-5374.
85 acres with, eincnts. goon
- house and : ; utlHilldruga, 14 mile
outh -filefer station or, o. w. P. car
Unit. For full particulars, address L.
4 frmdorff, owner, Korl ng. Or.
It ' ACRES" full grown heavy bearing
orchard. 1300 acre: terms riven.
vesUiial. C A. Ball, Sheridan. Or.
Wiilameile Valley Farm
lie a. i. s, gi-jiiu and fruit, all in culti
vation. Four miles from central valley
town. i "i- particulars can J-.ast 1671,
H-lli.l .ni
1123 aens. uneat and fruit land,
bolide. bu!i,:', sini ncres plow land,
watered, near school, P. O. and store.
O-tila-. -lournal.
40 acres in Lane county. $600; abund
.ance spring water and wood; some
clear ground and fruit irees: miles
to sohool. 3 "A miles to railroad and
towns. Address Box A-10, Tlard, Or.
159 Acres at $55 Per Acre
18 miles from courthouse, in Wash
ington county, close to railroad, 30 to
40 acres In cultivation, balance- some
timber and pasture, easily cleared, fam
ily orchard, fair house and barn, terms
$i.100 cash, $1500 in 3 or 4 months,
balanc? 3 to i. years at 6 per cent.
' Consolidated Realty Co.
310 Henry bldg.. corner 4th and Oak sts.
38 acres red fir timber, near Oregon
City; best fuel timber; make us it price;
pay as wood Is cut off; don't waby; must
have buyer In next two days.
207 RothchUd tldg., 4th and WB sh.
FINE logging proposition, 17 miles1 fffun
Portland, mile from Colombia
river and railroad; all large fir timber.
Has been estimated at 6,000,000. I'rico
reasonable, will mane terms. Address
16 E. 13th, or Phone E. 503.
$18,000 cash for 21,000,000 plq In
township 87, south, 19 East Lake,
countv, Oregon. B. L. Hagermarln, 30H
Railway Exchange.
64 acres, 4 room house, good barn, 2
wells.. 90 cords of wood cut, 4 fine
cows. 20 goats, -wagon, 1 harrow, plftw, 6
miles Forest Grove. 15 acres in grain,
30 acres of fine pasture, some standing
timber; this is No. 1 fruit land'
$.1,100, $1000 cash, balance three or five
years at 6 per cent; will exchange for
city property. K. K. White, ""Kern Park
station. Tabor 2117. Otwn Sundays 2
till 5; week days all day.
'...' ' ' : 7'-
Farm for "Rent, Stock for Sale
Consisting of 80 head of cattle,
of which 47 are cows and the bal
ance young stock, 4 horses, 15
hogs, large and small, steam
crenm separator, all necessary
tools; the place Is well equipp-nl
for a dairy ranch; boat landing on
place. The place consists of 430
acres, rent $900 per v-ear. Price
of stock $6500. There is a meadow
of 120 acres and the balance good,
open pasrtire, well fenced; it is 28
miles from Portland; boat makes
dallv stops at place; this Is on
of the choicest dairy ranches
tributary to Portland. Some term
can be nad.
Otto & Harkson Realty Co,
133 1st st.
WANTED- To exchange 10 acres of
commercial apple orchard In famous
Hood River district for unincumbered
property of equal value In Portland. Ad-
rtrrss owner. M-soo, journal.
FOR SALE or trade by owner 40
, a ci I I mlina wool ft , f t xr RClM onrrl.
wood cut ready for market. 2000 cords
BiaituuiK iiiiiunr. win ittiie jeniuerica
as part payment. Phone E. 6454.
WHAT Have you to trade for my $700
equity In a Kenton business lot valued
at $l&oo; win take cnea.per lots or small
acreage or what have you of equal
value? K-617. Journal.
THREE room house, lot 60x100. 150 feet
from carllne; $1100; easy terms, or
will exchange for rooming nouse of 10
or 12 rooms, ISast side preferred. MoT-
ris, 206 McKay bldg. ,
WHAT have you to trade for a 2B"
room 2 room housekeeping place,
leane, at cheap rent, value $150(h equity
$800, balance at $25 month. Goddard,
505 Yeon bldg. -
126 acres, near Myrtle Creek, fin fish
ing stream through land, best of hunt
ing. A-l land, raise anything. Owner
going eaat 142 B. 76th st. N.
FOR WALE or trade for acreage, cigar
and confectionery and ice cream par
lor: - first time advertised. Address
owner. T-630, Journal.
LOTS clear for a house and lot clear,
or will take on en equal amount of
mortgage: also want a Hijiall Improved
farm. 808 Board of Trade.
100 ACRES with good Improvements;
exchange for Portland property or
buFlnesp of any kind. Morris, 206 Mo-
Kav Mdg
WOLFF LAND CO.. 146 1st St., has
removed to 822 Henrv bide. We iSnv.
seir'Or exenangu an kiuui ui properly,
See US. '
$15,000 Improved- inside property,
isren lot. east. eiun. uoniuin lor res
idence; easy terms on balance. K-681,
Journal. '
200 acres in Linn county, fenced, near
n. ri. station; z&oo good piling, -6000
cords wood, all good land; R R. will
put In spur. This place can be handled
for $2000, balance easy; would consider
some trade, p-631. Journal.
$3600 Bargain. 56 Acres. 10 miles out,
rtn county road, house, barn, bearing
Orchard, wood and water; would take lot
up to $500; balance easy. Owner, 268
2d st. -
For cheaper land, 16 acres level, all clear
land, 10 acre bottom, 25 miles weal of
Portland, price $200 per aore, terms.
M-B6, Journal.
20 ACRES fruit land, near Vancouver
and electric line, $1200. Will take
Portland lot or chenp land for one half,
balance terms. Krablll, 260 12th st.
Marshall 2064.
11 ACRE orchard In full bearing, ol
fine county road, mile to electrll
car line and good country town:
trade $3776 equity lor house In Port!
iana, peninsula preferred. (7)
80 ores In eastern Oregon, all li
cultivation. 6 and 8 miles from tw
railroads. Want house near fcood cal
line in t'oriianu. (ii
If you have anything of value to trad I
see us.
61S Yeon bldg.
For exchange cr acreage or clt)
property, general merchandise. wll
invoice $2500; 2 story building: 4 loll
60x100; livery stable, Fairbanks' scales!
this store building has telephone exl
change, tostorrice. railroad ticket oil
flee, all to exchange for 80 ncres Irr.l
proved farm or nice improved city propi
erty. The above place is located
Junction where 3 railroads cross. Inl
quire Ward Investment company, 411
Kenton bldg. Main 3H4.
bldg., 8d and Washington sts. 11
acres 1 mile Mount Angel, Or., al
cleared, finest soil, city close by. R. fd
station on land. Will take good lol
or anything Rood up to $650, balancl
cash; can get loan on land up to $Bo0l
here is a snap; don t pass ll hy. tsom4
Rood lot to trade for horses, cattle ol
diamonds. If you have anything t
exchange, no matter what, call.' Asll
for exchange man.
14 ACRES, near Portland, fruit, chick
ens. country home. 3 acres in straw
berries, balance In gwrden and all blg
lv cultivated snlenilld house and oA
buildings; ono block to electric car an
h eh school. 7 stores, new buildings 1
every direction: owner will exehang
ror city property, u. i,. jinmoerge
room 2 Lumbormens bldg. Marshal
MODEftN 8 room house, fine lawn; 4
blocks from Union ave. Will take a
good automobile as part payment A
Snap lfr taken at once. Owner, 834 East
8th st. North. Phone Woodlawn 4)037.
WILL exchange my 160 acres In Polk
county for city property, 80 acres
good bottom land, balance timber, about
4 million feet, an ideal stock ranch.
t-an zz leaning mdg. Marshall 1063.
WILL take lot as first payment on new
6 room modern bungalow, leaving city
and will sacrifice $300 under value, bal
ance $15 month. See owner. 88 10th.
near Stark.
LOT 66x125 feet with 6 room house. In
Wallo VP nil. H-n I, .. 1 ft 1 -
n.ic i aua, no,,., iui Dam U HH(.e
for acreage near Portland. See owner
at O. K. poultry pens, K. 64th St. N.
nnd Willow st Montavtlla car.
TO exchange as first payment on farm
one or both of these properties. Hous
6 rooms and -two lots, located In Ev
erett. Wash. Tract of about 10 acres
all cleared, good soil, small prun
orchard, near school, rock road, 30 mile
from Portland near Gaston, llvln
spring. Owner, 8. P. Cope, Gaston
This is ideal, 30 miles from city, a
room house, chicken house and barn
running water, all under plow am
fenced, strawberries and fruit trees
will sell or exchange for city home
' 615 Yeon bid g.
42 ACRES improved, 26 miles Portland,
improved Portland property. , S. M.
Venard. 601 McKay bldg.
WE EXCHANGE our-J5roperty. regard-
less of location, for that whJch suits
you better. Northwest Exchange, 228-9
itenry dicir. -
A Snap
6 lots near Portsmouth, containing
almost an acre, 1 block from carllne
will make an Ideal poultry place, wil
taKe driving horse, balance easy terms
6 per cent interest. Call at SI 3 M.c
Kenna ave. Phone Woodlawn 3014.
WILL exchange my 140. acres In Kllck
80 acres mile R. R.; sell or trade Itat county, .near Goldendale for city
property, iv acrea cieureu, uuiunco uin
ber, 10 acres in rtne orchard. 10 acre;
wheat, fine buildings, all can bo irrl
gated, plenty of water on good counH
road, K. ). i- v ii i Huoaiviue. t;ai
226. Falling bldg. Marshall 106.T.
BEAUTIFUL lotn ' to trade for small
acreage near railroad or electric line.
608 Henry bldg.
TWO 6 and one 10. room house, trade
for ranches. 60 room rooming house
for ranch. Wolff Land Co., 322 Henry
bldg .
EXCHANGE 6 room modern house,
hinek Hawthorne ave., for good lots
or acreage; no agents; 616 Commercial
WANT a 2 or 3 room houseboat; must
he neat and cheap; "give' 'price and
description In first letter. S-629, Jour
nal. ; -
,u iicret In White Salmon valley, very
fine aoole land, close to Hussum:
will trade for city property. 8632,,
FOR SALE or trade, factory or hotel
alte on Macadam road; 2-8 of acre
facing three streets, for close In acre
nre. 8-681. Journal. ,
TWO nice lots on Corbett St., business
corncri exchange for acreage or house
and lot. 8-630, Journal. .
LOT 50x100 at-Portsmouth; -vlll take
good driving horse, balance terms to
suit." Purchaser call 1661 -McKenna ave.
A NICE 8 room house In Irvlngton for
acres g or lots; equity $2000.
Journal, :..-,..:. ,7, - "
EXC HAN vita 810 acre stock ranch, with
. r. . . I. , f ii TV n, 1th fn ol. n II .. ' 1 j.
imui v..,. i, wav,, i vii iuniiia.
or y aiirornia. property, n-ozt, journal.
I WANT to trade my Portland residence
for acreage or a farm near Portland.
R-615, Journal.
IF YOU have anything to sell or ex
change see us. Northwest Realty Co.
617 Board of Trade. See Mr. Morrow. '
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker, 626 and 627 Henry bldg.
Main 4465. A-7434.
EQUITY $2000 In 1,0 acres, Mosier ap
ple land, to trade for house and Jot
F-4HD. journal.
WILL exohange house and lot, 100x100
tents for . $8 month, sidewalks am
street Improvements In, Estacada, foi
2 or 6 passenger car; must be In per
feet condition; value $1000. Addres.-
Rox 266. Dallas, Or.
BEAUTIFUL, strictly modem 8 rbon
house In Walnut Park, 2 blocks to :
carllne.s. 60x100. lot and beautiful Tawn
to exchange for good improved farm oJ
close In acreage. O. H. Bamberger
room 2 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall i
FOR SALE or trade for lot or smal
house and lot, 6 acres of fine land
slashed, near car and steam lines, 1
miles from Portland. Call or addres
6612 46th ave., Arleta station.
WtLL exchange $65U equity In modern
5-room .bungalow eas side for acre
age? Address. J. Phelps,. 642 Karl st
HOUSES, lots, aereage. stores, for trade.
Fhlinps, info Vynamoer ot commerce.
yVLLL trade some of the best acreag.
within 20 miles of Portland, 5 acnl
tracts fine deep soil, for good 5-passen
ger auto. A-aiii.
WANTED To buy or trade for som
good horses 20 acies of fine onioi
land 2 miles from Kelso, Wash. 18
Grover st, or ptione marsnaji 1441.
WILL trade a modern 6 room bunga
low ior acreage, improvea yr unim
proved. K-ezo, Journal,
WE trade -or anything anywhere. Bee
today, 411 nenry dio,,
I WILL buy, sell or trade anything.
H. F. Lee. 16IS Board of Trade bldg.
STORE your ear it 211 Front street;
dead STorage t rnonirtf anve s z tr.
WE handle trades in real estate, any
where, nog ttoaro or r raqe Diog, .
5 LOTS Boyero, Celo.. for lots In Ore-
gorii varoe f awo. ytaoor U4.
1 WILL sell or trade lot in DehveK CoL.
L ror lot. in toruana.;: J-t.a, journal,
GENERAL mercLandKla store In good
vauey town; consider part - trade
write if. u. box ass.
EQUITY Jn Portland lot to trado Tci
anytning or vatue. wooo, 367 toucn
LAW library for ale or will trade fori
lots or land. 'X-6J4,3tTumh -
2 lots at Rockaway Beach, will exchangtj
ror norsa or mare. N-it. Journal.'
WILL buy or for goo.l visibh
typewriter. .Room 818 Hamilton hid?
WILL give good trade for, west iii
? residence, closo in.wY8.l5L Journal.::
-'7:k: ;-jW'7'7 :;.
: r ...
' :'
i -
'7 - '-r