THE OREGON - DAILY! " JOURNAL ' PORTLAND. TUESD AY EVENIN&,' ' MAY 2. 1811. SW DEALS WIFE AND CHILDREN OF SELF-CONFESSEDT DYNAMITER "His Platform Says Nothing " About Commission Form," Asserts Mr. Lombard, Who ; Makes. Own Record . Clear. , Rinn iRiiRiiiinii ill II I II ii ii' it n n nn n i i i ILL FROM WORRY ' Ife;: .:'?IOSh PLATITUDES, IS Wife of Accused Dynamiter Is pj. ' ; :r j ' in a, Stale of Nervous f7 &f S'.ziifc-'' ;vCS III M X .ITf , n" W ' r -!-, I M X A I I I s j , ..H' 1 il ' II Chicago. May I. Mr. Ortl A. Me- ' I , ; v , Xs' ' . , 1-4 Manual, wife of on . of th a)lerl A V ? - . '-i '4 ' V- : v ' - - dynamiter 'held In Los Angelra on hi A A '-t ' '' -' ' ( '"'.' ' ,. confaaalon of bavin perpetrated nu- VA , -v' V :- ;v; -V : ..- "'."tiF-V-''(--i l ' '' T . i ' Mra. Ortl- B. , y Erelyu And Walter.; , ' Eprlne In the city Vouncll wlih A. Q. RuHhllfht and other memhtriijif the council combine proved aufflclent lu cation to bring horn to a man political ly Inexperienced the need of a com nil a aloa government for Portland. ' 8uch wii th declaration today of Gay' Lom bard, candidate 'for the nomination for mayor. In reply -to the charge that h waa not prominent; enough politically two yeara ago. "While I waa an advocate of th eom mlnnlon form ot government two yeara ago, talked with my frlenda for It and voted for It." he uid. ."1 .waa- not ao Veenly alive to the absolute need -for lie adoption until after I had aerved few montha In the council .with Mr. Ruahllght. Mr. Baker, Mr. Beldlng, Mr. ' Drlecoll and other composing the ma jority of that body. "It waa then I became fully alive to th Imperative need or a new charter, which would not only almpllfy govern ment and ftx th responalblllty for right and wrong, but would terminate the ac tlvttlea of thoa member of the coun cil who become the aervant of apeclal Intereata and publlo aervlce corpora- tiona. , - lyrUm Veeda Changing-, "I waa new In polltlca two yeara ago, and I attended only one moating during tn campaign. That waa in th Belling. Hlrsch haL where J tried to make epeech. but my Jcneea shook ao that alt X could do after getting on my feat was to promts to try and do my duty. X kept my promise, and I have learaed great many thing a alnc. - Th aywtem need to be changed from th bottom wp. Two years In the council provides a large education. . , Th Indorsement of th assembly cam to me without any effort' or solid tatlon on my part. I aoeepted It, not aa a politician but as a cttlaen.- It la my meory mt thai omy war to make a good government for a city la to eirilat the good citlaens In th fight, eaeh man aomg nis snare when Bo la called on. Tour day before th elctlon w find Mr. Ruahllght coming oat with a state ment telling how h roted for th com McMtnl tat And 'her children, merous dynamite outrages tnrougnoui th country, la today In a state of ner vous collapn at her home here through worry over her husband'a arrest CLAMP DOWN LID SIMON (Continued from Page On.) of the detectivea In the office continu oualy. There will be no change In th uniformed end of the department. The captalna will continue in command of their respective reliefs aa they have and I will give what supervision Is necessary to the force aa a whole." Should It be necessary to name a new chief of police, Moore, being senior cap tain and poaaeaaed of an excellent rec ord. would be the logical man. DOeea't Want Position. It Is known, however, that the place would not be acceptable to him. Ue haa It yeara to his credit In th depart ment and ia not disposed to sacrifice this to accept any office where he might mission form of government two yeara I become the victim of political ex pedl ar o, Mr. Ruahllght was an experienced I enclea. He believes that Portland. In politician two yeara ago, a candidate I Un with other metropolitan cities, will for mayor, and haa been running for adopt a penalon system for the veteran of floe regularly ever alnc. I am not! awar that h made any more effort to promote th commission form of goV erment at that time than h has made la th present campaign. "His platform on the billboard say nothing about It, but abounds in plati tude. My declaration for the commls-, aloa plan- waa not aa afterthought It waa contained " In th flrat announce-1 ment of candidacy I gav to th press. On of the other candidates informed mo It was not an Issue. I aay that any thing promising relief from present conditions and tending toward a better ! governed city la and ahould be an Issue. It is a very large issue so far aa I am , concerned, - for I am , deeply convinced of the need of the commission govern ment to remedy the condition of affaire at the city, halL . f ARMOUR SHORT ON MAY PIN DROPS m i -- - " :, : ; yrr.l 1 r -P ' '''1,:'''' ir ' i ' Acting Chief of Police John T. Moore 1 ' fSpecUl DUpateh to The Joornal.) Chicago, May 2. Armour, the king of tfte provision world, dropped a few thousand dollars into th coffers of wheat men today, when he waa forced i to cover his sales. It la generally aa- Umated that th pork product financier 0f the department, and that It would be May option and this delivery advanced a cents a bushel during the day. The official report of the Oklahoma state crop showed thst while the gen oral situation showed SS per cent of a crop, the acreage of wheat abandoned reached fully it per cent. In one coun wiser for him to serve aa a subordinate officer until he haa completed SB or 10 yeara of aervlce, whichever the pension aystem may require. Captain Moore aald that he would not Issue any orders to the department to day of a general nature. It la prob able, however, that there will be one ty. Wood, the entire wheat acreage waa . nnin. 4.. ,in CUSTOM OFFICERS LOOK. FOR JEWELRY THIEVES " ' m urn I i v trjolted frtm lae4 Wire.) . w York. May J. Custom officers. ..private detectives and police today are ; aearcning ror a band of international crooks who have atolen Jewelry worth - 9600.000 from Americana in Europe. In foimation from Scotland Yard Bays that tno jewelry is being marketed In the United States piecemeal. Some of the . gang are believed to be women. The arrest of the man believed to b th r head Tence" la expected today. NEGRO, LOTH TO DRAW . COLOR LINE, MAKES A - WHITE CHIEF DEPUTY lng what he expects of the patrolmen and their officers; v Chief of Police Cox waa not at police headquarters today. Mayor CHtos Order. Mayor Simon told Acting Chief Johnl Moore thla morning to "suppress gam bling and th social evil and to clean up the town." This was In a conference held In the mayor'a office In the city hall. Acting Chief Moore positively assured ' the 1 mayor that he would "clean up the city.' "I gave Acting Chief Moore full au thorltv to rlcldly enforce th law," aald Mayor Simon after the conference. "I believe Moore will atlr thlnga up. ha has directness and resolution and great courage. "When I entered office," Mayor 61 mon continued. "I did ao with th dtr- mlnatlon that th aoclal evil and gam bllna and all other forma of lawlessness should be rigidly .suppressed. That con ditions have perhape not been as they hnni.1 has not been due to a lack of continued determination on my part. I have done the bat I could wlthtne equipment and th men appointed to n force the law. Will TryJCard, "One thins, however. I have learned. that the best of prevention and law en forcement cannot auppress tn social evil entirely, nor will it bo possible so long as the nature of men- and women are aa they are. I repeat, however, mat 1 believe condltiona could probably have been made better and the law rigidly enforced. Riskl law enforcement ia nearly alwaya productive of a clean city, comparatively at leaat. "I believe Moore la thoroughly sincere and altogether opposed to unreatricted rice; "As for Chief Cox. I believe he la an honest man Buffering wrongfully. I do not believe he knowingly permitted evils which are said to have existed. I do be lieve, however, that Chief Cox waa not ao poaltlv in enforcing the law against gambling and the social evil was nec essary' The trial of Chief of Police Cox, charged with wilful neglect of official dntv has been aet In the circuit court for May 18. He entered a plea of nou guilty yesterday before Presiding Judiafl Oantenbeln, and asked for an immediate trial. You have asked ror J quica trial, said the Judge, "and I reel that yon are entitled to on In view of the po sition you hold, and May i,is set ror the case. Both aldea will make ape clal efforts to lb. ready on that date." The chief waa not required to give ball. The charg la the outgrowth of an agitation over the policy of hand ling disorderly resorts, In which the chief is accused of allowing to run practically wide open. 3. W. Bailey, state dairy and food commissioner, appeared yeaterday after noon before the Judge, but waa not ar raigned until thla morning. He haa asked until Wednesday to plead. He la charged with wilful neglect -of of ficial duty, by not publishing a monthly bulletin of work In his office. RIVALRY OVER LOCATION OF NEW LAND OFFICE (tVaabuifTba Bares ef Tse Journal.) Washington, May 1. Brisk rivalry haa ariaen between. Prlnevllle, Madras, Bend and other place for th proposed new land office for central Oregon. Members of th Oregon delegation In congress deair further Information of the wishes of th people of that region aa to where th offlo ahould be located and what part of th state should be Included In th new district If It 1 cre ated. Twd Complete 80-MUe Hike. tSpeHtl IMteh to The Jnanal.l Chehalis, Wash., May 1 The four Chehalla men who aet for themselves the task of walking to Tacoma Sunday made the trip successfully, but the eight of a street car at South Tacoma looked good to two. The other two walked on the rest of th five miles Into the city, covering th 61 mile be tween 4:10 a m. andvt p. mt All are atlff and aore. The party conalated of Bert Btaeger, C. K. Mitchell, R. F. Bown and O. A. .Torgeraon. Quiff If f Suissco Stops It IA1G1 T&XAL 20TTXJK 71X2. SwisHco stops dandruff quickly, grows new hair and reatorea gray and faded hair to ita natural youthful color. Swissco stopa baldneaa, bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, aore scalp, brittle hair or any hair or scalp trouble. To prove that our claim are true we will aend you a large trial bottle free If you will aend 10c in ellver or stamps to help pay cost of postage and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 1648 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. jBwlssco will be found on Sale at all druggists and drusr departments every where at 60c and 91.00 a bottle. . For aalo and recommended In Portland b THE, OWL DRUG CO. XTCWTBB G&tUVSTEP Accidents Will Happen specially to clothes. Send the soiled garments to aia and forget it. We will take out all atalns and blemishes at little coat We aend for and deliver work promptly. Mail ordera given prompt attention. , Vienna Steam Gleaning and Dyeing Works 834-228 THXB9 ST., BIT. SAJUCOW AWB MAI IT. ." (Valted Pews Leased Wire.) . Seattle, Wash., May I. Nam- lng a whit man his chief dep- uty, George Washington Wll- : liams, negro county wreckmas- " ter, has raised a novel question 4 : among his race. Williams, who 4 f was elected laat fall, says, he appointed O. H. Mall solely on tb score of fltnoes. and that he refused to draw the color line. Rancher near Hermlston are organ ising to operate a telephone system of , their own. t give babies physic. When Baby ftecds a laxative, let mother take a candy Casearet. These - innocent, Yegetable' tablet set through the mother's milk, A million moheri y now :biow that rothinj cart take their place. est Vest pocket box, IB cents at drog-etore. ,. I'eoy-aow we a salllles bytes monthly. ANNOUNCEMENT Special .Attention to Hotels Restaurants Hospitals Dining Cars and the Shipping Trade WE BEO TO ANNOUNCE that w will be Dleaeed to meet the oublio at our new nermanent quarters at Third and Ankeny sareets, where we oc cupy the entire three story brick building with' a ' complete and up-to-date wholesale and retail market and packing; plant. The entire third floor has been given up - to our. sausage department, which comprises one of the most up-to-date and sanitary sausage rooms on the Paclfio Coast, and our aim ia to torn out a product of quality. , We also beg to announce that we have added a de partment to our business to serve- the public with t a hiarh class line of fruit, vegetables, fish, noultrr. butter, eggs and cheesw. ' We have spared no expense In equipping our mar ket with the most sanitary method of displaying and handling meats, meat oroducts. ooultrv. fish. fruits, vegetables, butter and eggs, believing tn th growing idea that the shop equipped to do business In a cleanly manner will please the publio taate and get the most patronage. All of our meats-, meat products, etc., are kept under glass in refrigerated cases at all tiroes. Quality Service BOSTON PACEONG CO. THIRD AND ANKENY . Fhon Main 164 1 ii 1 1 1 iri it 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 j 1 1 1111 . , , ii 1 111 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 if i ' " 1 1 11 111 1 it . .Beautiful Serge Presses of White or Hairline Stripes, (fe 1 A J A MAY SALE SPECIAL at .... . T t I Wednesday we inaugurate our First Annual May Sale, an event of great importance to misses and women of Portland. Extraordinary opportunities presented to effect substantial economies in our Cloak and Suit Department III II I ! I II I I 1 1 1 These dresses as illustrated are an extraordinary bargain; a prominent New York manufac turer disposed of his surplice stock to us at. one half his usual prices. Every dress of the very latest models exceptionally well tailored in the fashionable hair line stripe, plain white or navy serge. Nobby effects, with large sailor collar-and surplus -of black satiru New Bolero models, dainty lace yokes and under-sleeves. ; In all the most clever lot of dresses put forth this -season. You would pay $27.50 for. them in the regular way, May Sale y l"7Ci .if JL TTs 9 KJ Price 1 .' COME AND SEE THEM Two Waist Specials $375 Marquisette Waists Two distbet models; very dainty, Dutch neck, kimono sleeves, neavy lace insertion or rouna collar, edged with heavy lace... A rr very clever design, May Sale Price. . C I D TwoPetticoatSpecials $650 Messaline and Taffeta Petticoats The most astonishing Petticoat bargain ever offered, fine quality messaline and taffeta silks, in. every wanted shade, including fcO AP black or white, May Sale-Price tfO $5.50 Pongee Waists $3.95 An exceptionally dainty model with sailor col lar of heavy ecru lace, edged with messaline, in contrasting colors, May Sale Price .... $395 $7.50 Petticoats ' $3.95 Another splendid lot of extra fine quality mess aline and taffeta . Silk Petticoats in every im , aginable shade, excel lently made, May Sale only $3.95 mm im.T.rinBT : A Safe .Prediction We feel free to predict that North Plains, 23 miles from Portland, on the v United Rajlwaya, will be a' city of 5000 by 1915. NORTH PLAINS has already grown to a town of 200, in sixty days, the most remark.- able progress ever made by any new town in the Northwest. ; ; , , It is the trading center of the North Tualatin Valley. -All the principal county roads of Washington County lead to the town. 'Directly tributary to North Plains are 3,000, 000,000 feet of standing timber-and more than 100.00Q acres of fertile soil. Waler and lights are available to all lots, streets are graded and, sidewalks- laid. . DOESN'T NORTH PLAINS APPEAL TO YOU AS AN INVESTMENT? North Tualatin Valley acreage and North Plains town lots will double in value in less than' Two (2) Years. For information write, telepnone or taut to us. ; Ruth Trust Company 235 Stark St, Portland, Oregon . . v ;; Main 5076 and A-3774 Trains for North Pains leave from in front of our office daily at 8:15 and 1015 a. ml and ': 1:10 p, m-Special round-trip excursians Saturday and Sunday. . . . ,. 'l