The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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- y ,
' ; Conditions Particularly Favor
able Is Report; Illegal Catch
. Is Being Sold to the High
est Bidder.
. , Fishermen are happy today. Tha ssJ
- tion season opened at noon and Ilk the
'fleet racer welting for the atrnal to
Itart. hundred! of fishermen were
' ready to befin hauling in the biff flan
t the Columbia lone; before the clock
:lcked the final aound at 12 o'clock.
The aeaaon thla rear opened under
favorable condition. The fish began
running full two weeks ahead of the
uual time and Judging br those caught
In advance of the aeason they are fat
ter and In better condition than was an
i Harbormaster Speler will some time
this -afternoon conduct an auction aale
of salmon, llleaallr cauaht In the Co
lurabla a few day ago, which had been
cached In an Improvised refrigerator In
the. hills along the rlrer. There were
about six tons of flah In the cache.
which were being oreaerred with ire
and a great number were given to the
hospitals and the charity institutions.
These fish were some of the finest ever
taken from the Columbia.
Ii um cannery companies expect to ao
a vast amount of business this season
and they hare made preparations for the
beet run or business in many yeara.
half to .three and one half feet, at low
watr. , To accomplish this object It
will be necessary to dredge aome 10
sand barsr In the 'upper river, and the
work will take, the greater part ef the
Dredge Mathloma to Work on I'ppw
Willamette Hirer.
The Mathloma, the combined govern
ment dredge and snagboat, arrived
down from the upper Columbia river
this morning, under command of Cap
tain J. N. Orahara, a brother of Gra
ham' Bros., ef the Oregon City Trans
portation company. The dredger la now
at the government moorings, and after
changing the snagging gear to the
dredge rigging will proceed te the up
per Willamette river, to the vicinity
of Coffee Chate, where a large amount
of dredging will be done.
It la the aim of the government of
ficiate to deepen the channel of the up
per Willamette river to two and one
Aberdeen audi Dispatch Will Also
Take Lumber to California PoinU.
The charter Saturday of the two
steamers, Aberdeen and Dispatch, for
full cargoes of cement north and lum
ber cargoes to California points, has
been announced by the Uttle-Dlamond
Lumber agenoy and both steamers will
sail from San Francisco for this port
during the present week. The Aber
deen, which, so far as could be learned,
ha never been here before, will sail
from the Bay City Thursday with ce
ment, and will load eOO.000 feet of luro
ber for her return trip to the Oolden
Gate. The Dispatch, which will load
(00,008 feet of lumber on the Columbia
river for Han Pedro, will aall from San
Francisco tonight
aound, 1,101.001, Including- 11.168 bar
rels of flour. The grand total for. the
season, being 17.127.404, or an Increase
or 1,141,74.
The barley exports to data amounted
to 4U,no, last season. 111,101, a 4
crease of I7MM bushel. ; , .
Flonr, Wheat and Barley Shipment
From Thi Port Show Elg Gain.
According to the Merohants' Ex
change records, for the month of April.
Just cloaed, the tonnage of wheat and
flour from thla port In round numbers,
waa m,641 bushel s. including 4,J0
barrels of flour. Total from Paget i
Vancouver Rlrer Men Look for.
Rapidly Rlin( Colombia,
Vancouver, Wash., May 1. Rlrer
men are ef the opinion that the spring
rise In the Columbia will be greater
than for a number of yeara. The con
tlnued cold weather has kept the anow
In the mountains until now, when It I
expected to go unusually rapidly , and
high water In the Columbia la antici
pated within a few day. The river
has been rising at the rate of II Inches
ever 24 hours for several days.
United States weather bureau, went
aooara the Ibsen last Saturday after
noon and made a thorough teat of this
neg barometer, with the result that he
found it in absolutely perfect condition,
' Other steamers In. this port now have
similar barometers. Cut they have all
raa to be adjnsted to mora or less ex
tent. It !. said.
Ship' Instrument Tell Position of
Center of Typhoon.
The Norwegian steamship Ibven. now
on the regular oriental run between this
port and all Chinese and Japanese ports,
has something new to thi port. In fhe
shape of a typhoon" aneroid barometer
with accompanying apparatus, which
tells Captain C Smith, at a glance, his
exact position aa to the center of any
typhoon in hi neighborhood.
Captain CHnaen. the expert of the
Big Tramp Steamer Enter WDlapa
Bay at Half Tide.
(Special DUpateh te Tie Journal)
South Band, Wash-. May 1. The
British tramp steamer Anerley arrived
here yesterday with 1.000.000 feet ef
lumber In her hold, which was taken on
at San Francisco. She crossed the bar
at half tide and steamed on up to this
city without difficulty. Captain Mao Is
In command and she carries a crew of
II. all Chinamen. The Anerley'a desti
nation is Melbourne. In addition to the
1,000.000 feet now In her hold she will
take on 1,000.000 feet here, one of which
will be brought down from Raymond
on barges. The Anerley will be the first
vessel to take 1,000.000 feet of lumbar
out ef this harbor In one cargo.
Preeldent, 40-Ton Gasoline Schooner
I to Go on Ron.
(Soorial Dkoelrh tv The JoaroaLt '
Marshfleld. Or Mar 1- A new boat
Is to be put on the run from Coos Bay
to the Cooullla river.' th President
40 'ton gasoline schooner owned by the
norm acirio teams nip company
operating the Alliance between Coos
Bay, Eureka and Portland. The Presl
dent will carry, freight brought from
Portland on th Alliance to Band on, Co-
Qullle and Myrtle point and will also
carry freight from this city. She will
probably - make occasional trip , to
Gardiner for freight, but will be run
regularly between the .two port of
Coo county, . . -t -,'
Th steamship Saginaw arrived . at
Weldler dock thla morning with 10,00
sack of cement and ltll barrel of
asphalt,' beside a cargo of general
merchandise. , .. , . .
The Erie arrived . from Astoria this
morning with a cargo of general mer
chandise, docked at Oak street.
The steamship Carlos, another of th
Olaon eV Mahony company's line of
steamers a recent purchase arrived
at the Couch street dock this morning
from San Francisco with BOO ton ef
cement and a general cargo amounting
to 900 tons.
The steamship Breakwater arrived In
this morning from Coos Bay, with a
general cargo, and will leave out this
afternoon with a light cargo and, IJ
passengers for Marshfleld.
The oil eteamer w. & Porter, arrived
at Llnnton, from San Francisco with
her usual cargo of l(,000 barrels of
fuel oil. She will leave en her return
voyage in ballast for th same port
The British steam schooner David
Evens arrived from Osks, Japan, with
a cargo of 100 tons of coal
jne steamship Qisoa Mtnony isn
' ... V . V V T W
k. . l - a . . aWa '
w uai m mnm win joaa lumper xer vu rw
turn trip to San Francisco. .
Dally River Reading.
Kennewlok ........
Lewlaton ......4..
Rlparla ............
1 1 mat ilia ,wmh
The Dalles ........
Harrtaburg ........
DtlfDl ..,...
It. 41
I t.l,
0' ,
Rising; ( ) falling.
Berger Speaks at Boston.
tDnfted rreae lieaaed Wire.)
Boston. May 1-Wlth Victor I Ber
ger ef Milwaukee, tne xirst - bocisjisx
congressman, as principal speaker, th
Socialists and unions of the Hub cele
brated May dayon aa elaborate scale.'
A bug mas meeting In Tremont Tem
pi waa th dimes of the flay event ,
Visit Oar Newly Enlarged Book Departmont Now Sitnated on the Fifth Floor Complete Nc7 Qtocli of Summer Fiction
Day ci Villamette Seving Machine on the Club Plan, $2,00 Down and SLOP a Veek Come To This StoreMany Big Bargains
aaawajMBBasaaa '
' : yi nil 1 i Ir
ERECTE6 -1909
Teachers' EEiropeai Travel Contest
3 Teachers Sent to Paris or London
Teacher Sent to Chicago and New, York
Teacher Sent to Oregon Beach for Month
FROM center to circumference, the whole city has taken up this. unpreceT
dented Euronean Travel Contest for Public . Sehml Teachers the feature
of our monster 55th Anniversary Sales, which began this morning
Thousands of votes have been cast today, and by tomorrow eveninr we will be
able to publish the names of candidates amonr various schools who have entered the
contest We will send to either London or Paris, all expenses paid '
i Teacher From VI est Side
1 Teacher From East Side
1 Teacher In Oregon Out
side of Portland
The contest began today, May 1, and will
close the night of June 17.
Votes will be given with all cash or credit pur
chases of 25c and upward. Ballots are numbered in
multiples of 25 that is, purchases of 25c to 35c call for
25 votes; purchases of 36c to 65c call for 5o votes; pur
chases of 66c to 85c, 75 votes; purchases of 86c to $1.00, 100
votes, and so on in corresponding multiples.
The contest Is under the direction of
J. F. Carroll, Mgr. ami Editor Evening Telegram
O. C Leiter, City Editor, the Morning Oregonian
J. L. Travis, News Editor, The Oregon Journal
And two Principals of Schools
To be appointed by the City Supt. of Schools.
Ballots will be handed vou by the cashier or
salesperson with either take or send purchase.
Ballots to be voted at a large booth located
on Main Floor. Each ballot bears a date 10
days ahead and may be voted at the booth at
any time until store-closing time of the final
date of validity.
Anniversary Sale
$25.00 to $30.00 ,
Quite Anfor ft 1 7 0 3
eUJKES of these Smart Tailored Suits for
w misses and small women went out to An
niversary Sale throngs todav -but olentv more
left for tomorrow!
A lucky New York purchase of handsome new Tailored Stilts
which couldn't be bought reerularlv to sell under $25. $28 and
atOA T" , . " T
u. ceautnui ngnt grays, tans, fancy fl 1 49 A T
blues. Strictly tailored models in sizes up A I d
to 36 only. Take your choice tomorrow at ejsF
S5.00toS7 New
Dozens of brand new models In tweeds and
mannish gray mixtures. Separate skirts splen
didly worth $5 to $7. Plain flare and plaited
effects of the close-fitting type. to A r
For the 55th Anniversary Sale only 3)5e4)
Sale 1000 Rich Silk Dresses
Bought just for our Great 55th Anniversary Sales! One thou
sand exquisite new Spring and Summer Dresses of Foulirds,
MessaHnes and Swiss Batistes, in scores of latest models. Look
at these savings :
515 to $16.50SiIk!$25 to $30.00 Silk
23c and 3 5c Neckwear 16c
Meier A Frank's First Floor
Order by Mail
TIME after time today crowds blocked our main
41 si J infaMr ssejM mam aft St! AAeeiiMff e 1 ewasi
of the exquisite 25c and 35c Neckwear the Great
55th Anniversary Sales offer at 16c I
New Maude Adams Embroidered Laundered
Collars, also wide range of Jovely lace-trimmed Ra-
cats ana romt ae venise jabots. Heal Z5c ,
and 85c Neckwear on special sale at only IOC
Special Tuesday, 9 to 1 1 Only
Maud Adams Linen Col
lars that were sold today
at 15c. New low shape,
all In vocrue for summer
wear. Ut best J-ply linen.
From 9 to 11 a. m.
tomorrow at only....
Women's 50c Silk Gloves
All new pure silk, with
guaranteed double flnrer
tips. Make famous the
country over at 50c Two-
ehup style, in black, white and colors. J 7
From 9 to 11 a. m. tomorrow at, the pairs) I C
$40 to $75.00 Silk
$27 A5
1 0,000 Yards 1 Wc and
1 3c Dress Ginghams at 9c
Meier & Frank'sFirst Floor 7 - Order by Mall'
CTANDARD grades of Dress Ginghams, sold the world over at
W 124c and 15c a yard 1
FIFTY-FIVE years under one name, one management;
one broad, unrelenting policy of fair, honest mer
chandising that's the honorable achievement for which
The Meier & Frank Store Is duly proud!, ', 'v : ,
There are still several old inhaWtants of Portland who
can remember the May In 1857 when Aaron Meier first
opened the. doors of that, little, modest store down on
Front street. , , . . ; ..
From the beginning there was that ever-dominating
policy of fairness and satisfaction which today has car
ried the name of Meier & Frank to the farthest corner, of
this great Northwest that has made it possible to trans
act business clear to the Hawaiian Islands, to Alaska, to
California, Montana, Idaho, Washington.
, Service! Honesty I The famous guarantee of per
fect satisfaction in. each and every transaction or your
money back! , '
We cordially invite our thousands of patrons In Port
land and every part of the Northwest to help us celebrate;
our 55th Anniversary this month. Savings of most com
pelling type have been provided on every kind of timely,
wanted merchandise for Spring and Summer. Read
below come,!
Meier & Frank4- First Floor
I? XTRAORDINARY Anniversary Sale of fer-
ing tomorrow in the Knit Underwear Store!
Finest 65c quality of Women's 4 New Lace
Trimmed Swiss Ribbed Union Suits, as , illus
trated, in Jow-n eck no-sleeve style, f All - TM t
sizes. Special for tomorrow at, the suit ,rsaiC
35c Sriss-Ribbed Vests 2 1 c
ribbed cotton
Swiss-Rib'd Vests 3 for
Another special that'll bring throngs tomor
row Women s 15c Swiss Ribbed Summer Vests
in low-neck sleeveless style. On '-f-l C
special sale fof tomorrow at only' 1UI wif l
Order by Mall
lot Women's High-Neck Long-Sleeve
eight Vesta of Bleached Swiss oi
. Best 85c grades tomorrow a&XG
k" An
Hundreds of the prettiest new patterns for Spring and
Summer wear. We bought ten thousand yards to sell in the
Great 55th Anniversary Sales at this special, low price, the yard
To 15 c Percales 9c
Eight thousand yards of staple
12?c and 15c Percales, in all the
new light patterns for men's
shirts, women's and children's
dresses. Specially priced, for
the Anniversary Sale, a yard
:9c I
Dainty Mercerized Check Mulls
that'll make the prettiest sort of ,
Summer frocks; All colors; Over
1000 yards of the regu
lar 85c quality go at, yard
To 58.00 Hand
bags Only $4.98
GENUINE reduction for
, our Great 55th Anni
versary Sales tomorrow on
finest $7.50 and $8 Real
Leather Handbags in all the
newest shapes and stylesl
Fine suede, moire, black and colored
' satin, ' red leather; and , other sorts - that
lasnion nas approvea uns season. All have
-imported frames in gilt
or eunmetal finish.
. $7.50 and $3 values '