THE OREGON i DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL ; 25. 1911. 17 Co. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC.. 18 110 will purchase pleasure outfit con sisting of handsome horse, a icq 6, weight 10R0: tan trot fast and clever Mid reliable; almost nrw huriwM and mmtom built rubier tired open buggy. This outfit wse owned bv Mr. Wlggen, who has accepted a pontile if with a tiacklna- hoiiaa Hit mil wllhvl lo dis pose of It Trial by calling 606 Aider st. 1406 will nurchase Dalr draftera. 2900 lbs., very cloudy mated, brown and bay, and 7 years, fat and handsome with pood aound feet and leg, work together like one- horae and can bull' aa many pound as any man's team. Trial al lowed by calling 606 Alder at.' , 1421-111 hurchaea' 2600 lb. team with harness. This team la absolutely, sound and kind and true and reliable, rest wain, era: both I veara. genuine Caaada black can outnuii env team oi ineir men in unn Cliy, very ciuaeiy hmiiu, vuiu tur i i-iie ana-coior. Mamea nituj Trial by calling 0 Aid'' . , MTrr.TTil MTflflOtmi MULES. 1260 will nurchase pair young, -free working mules, weight about 8600 lbs. Warranted kind and true to work; per fectly aound and reliable, extra fast walkers. Trial auowea. duo Aiaer si. 2300 . Tmm I and harness. 1700 lbs, kind and true, well tnated and reliable under any And all circumstances. This team will do as much work as a tcau that cost $H00. Call and bo convinced. 606 Aider sc. ;v 4 16 wilt buy your choicest t horses, alvht ahnilt 11A(V lbs. TllfV afO gOOd. serviceable horses, right out of hard work: taken on a debt and. must be sold at once euo Aider si. vi-. . 11 IS will nurrhaae mare and gelding, ( anil I vaara. walaht about 1100 lbs- mttTi ilmnit new set harness. This Is a good blocky built team, prompt walkenri ajia pun pui,, js'u iv.,w. hv ratline- SOR Alder St. iae Jnat reoelved. I fresh cars Of old faah lOnedloned, big boned, rugged draft mules. They are young and aound and ble-. If you want 100 cents on the dollar for your money, oome and see us, as we are from Missouri and can ahow you. Our nrioes are guaranteed as well aa oar jnuies. we lutve m i.w ymi i;bh sell for I&OO some better ones for 1660: some, extra good ones for 600, and some of the best thst grows from 1660 to 1700. Murphy Horse Mule Co, Union htockyards. Norttt Portland. . Phone Woodlawn 1400. - - Horses for Sale :l Jl horses, weight 1100 to 1100 lbs. I horses, wilght 1760 to 1140 lbs. 10 horses, weight 1400 to 1400 lbs. 10 horsea welarht 1000 to 1100 lbs. ', All will be sold under our guarantee. tUniMUKNjg AVa. VI n I ,n.iSr ; , . 410 Hawthorn are. i'OHTt. head f work horses, welgut rrom iuuu-iouu ids. eacn, ouggiee, waa-ona and all kinds of harness wtll be sold at publlo auction. - All above tor K mentioned ana siaiea oy -auc tioneer and If not found as represented money will be refunded. Sale will take place Baturaay, April if, ai i p. m. sharp at 14 Union are.. 1 block from Bumslde bridge. M. J. Walker, auc tloneer. Phone K 772, B-1307. NOTICE Ranchers, contraetors. mer i chants: For sale, pair aappie grays. I years old, weigh ' 2160: pair brown mares; weigh 2300, andl, gentle, city broke: rood nalr sorrels. 2430. very cheap; 1 pair -1900, 4 and years old. ateei gray ana aappie gray, oiner Dig Dorses; guarantee!. ieu Aiacaaam St., cor. id ana jdaaison through aay, iiai lan market 22 - MEAD horses and mares, weight too to 1500 ibs an in gooa anape. prices cheap; trial givon. Travis woo.! yara, ta. sin' ana nawtnornr, E UVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 FOR BALE Black Mlnorcas and Barred . Rock hens and cockerels. All tnor- oughbred stock. . EJnqulre, 1 Bwetland niay. - rnonw Marsnaii ca. KaciH Bufr Omlnaton. sice. nhu.De an color just ngnt. Murpay, wooasiooK, Sell wood 1260. ,' r THOROUOHBRBD Barred Rock eg ' choice stock, special rates per 10 Heiiwooa uao. van BALK Pics and small Diss. Ad- dress Irvinaton Dairy, car of steamer Iralda. gauvle's leland. FOR SALE 2 Rood fresh cows, 62dan - SSd ave. B. H). FOR BALK 20 head of first class dairy rows. J. A. Kelson. Vaughn, Or, INDIAN Runner , ducks and egss for sale. Sellwood 1746. FOR BALE- MISCELLANEOUS It LOOK! LISTEN! CLOSING OUT 8ALB. ODonnell Hardware Co. 871 B. Morri son, retailing at Wholesale prices, kt- erythlng must go; come now. Everything that is left at wholesale prices. lA.. V UV.V VV Secondhand, clean and ready to lay. 16.00 per thousand. ' ' rUKT LAND WRKCK1NU WJ, 106-107 N. 11th st. J Main 17. A-J7J8. NEW and second hand pool and billiard ' tablee bought and sold on easy terms; bowling alleys, refrigerators for Imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswick- aiKe-ciieaoer jo nn av, - - TSTO MODEL. 6 H. P. Indian motor- evele: 2 aeta of forks. 2 nairs han dle bars; X seats, new tires; sold at bar gain for cash. Call after 6 p. nv 660 iioeon st. ' ' USED sewing macnines; standard makes 11 to 126: guaranteed; machine rent ed and repaired; New Home Agency. 160 Morrison, next to Tull ft Glbba. ' SAFES New and Id hand; tow prices: easy termer safes opened, repaired and painted. ' Puroeil Safe Co, and Portland Safe Co.. 16 6th st. jMaln 309. A-4111. SPECIAL sale of used sewing machines, all makes, IS and up.; guaranteed by White Hewing Machine Co., cor, i lltn OR 1 SALE 2 iiand steam boiler, in good condition, uhenp, 48 inch by 12 feet, horizontal tubular wlt dome. 47 -'1st t.. '.. f? THE NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO. niiu TinDiiuiftiu'i Dim SELL; RENT. REPAIR All wiakee of typewriters. HO 6th at. SAFES Second hand. In -good condl ' tlon; will sell cheap for cash. 11-676, journal TWO. scow . houseboittft. Very- ohean: - also- launch. E. N., Wells, . Carrous. Wash, ROYAL typewriter, good as new, metal vnav) -included. Call 731 Williams ave. IF YOU want window screens, call C. Ziegler. 89 Mason. 'Woodlawn ; 2132. PRINTING press. 8x12, for sale cheap.' neat tie g nwmann.pi otara, FOR SALE 12 h. p. gas engine. - 204 B. 19th N. East 440. B-1961 m v $23 TALKING machine'' only $11. j 160 . "Alder st. :';- " "-' fiHrilVfiSkH flllir atAra tittlntr ' new, nana, tis Everett, m. mi.' NEW tent with blind, i8jt30.,; Call 6S Alberta st. ' ... , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Cow for month Or twoj will pay $5 . month. And feed well; also Slightly used bath tub and- toilet,,' D 692, Journal WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second hand household goods. ' 24 M. Beater, 143 Russell Fast 1662. ti YOU want the most money vour fur- niture will bring, save time, call East 4782. 863 Hawthorne, Meier Furniture BE WISE; get more- for your second hand furnitvre by selling It to Ford f'ft 111 1.( U.l- (! l.lllt L 1 v" tdlM. .PV. UUA. n , WANTED To buy seco'bd hand furni ture at Furniture wxensnge, juuiara ave. and Mt Scott carllne." " ' JV; EAST- SIDE auction Jobbers wand 2d hand furniture, highest, crice paid. 04 Grand ave," E. 1051. V 1 ' WE t)ON'T ask what you want for yourl f u rn 1 1 tire, we mase cawn oner. WANTED 2d hand furniture. East 8184. 848 riawtnorne ave. water fr aurnn, SHEPARD Furniture Co. gives ii.ost for used furniture, eta E. 948. 296 Grand. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 8 HARf.l.K w AITTlflM HOlTSlfi. " . 8-870 hi Morrison st. Phone E. 102. Must have goods. What have youT N. B.-Wt sell at auction nrlee every day at any time, bee our Wedgeweod ,iuvi ami ranKiv . , , V ii I iii . 1 ;i IE you want to buy or sell cattio, - horses, harness and vehicles, call at 14 Union ave. We have regular auction sales every ' Wednesday at t p. m. P K- V2- B-1307. , ' We buTclo'iiung ..and. evkrY r .TIIINQ. liltrheat orln nam for' men's and ladies' castorf clothing and shoes. Main 1SU8U; ZVV ISC - ' ' . WANTED 5000 cords first growth fir cordwood. delivery May IS to October cordwood, delivery May la to October 16; quote jrk'o f. o. b. Portland; give uurrnn. r -0 l i, journal. FOH SALE AUT0310BILE3 44 Stearris, lU9 model, 7 paAaenger, 4 cylinder, 40. h, p.; equipment, top, .glass eTrdnt, speedometer, gas - -tan i k. demountAblA rim - 1 Axirm UllUlf a-eateaeeeeee e fVVV Ok.l..... eiefeA A k Peerless, TI0I model. T Taasenger; equlpnient, top, glass front, War ner tDdom,I.r. araa tank...:.. 1101 Maxwell, i cylinder,' S paasenxer;. eaulDment. ton. a-lass frunt. Ktsw- ar art speedohieter .....;,........; 411 eo, . oynnaer, passenrer. . equipped with top and Stewart 1 Speedometer 460 I Keo. t cylinder. I passenger. ., equipped wiuv- trp and Stewan speedometer Oldsmobllo. 4 evliiuler. sou with top and glase front........ 100 Buick, cylinder, equipped with.- . ... i. ' ' Jli Wlnton Six equipped with top, Wind shield and Presto .................... 1600 modal 1 A 11ndae. runs. bout, in good condition. ......... 101 Fierce,. 1110 model. 0 cylinder, 'If h. p 6 passenger touring, A-l y . conaition. ion. wina aniaia. aDsea- ometer anil clnrk 1000 Cahlllao 10, '01 touring car A-l con dition, ton rrnnt. . . anaanotnAcar. renainted':: 1010 Maxwell Runabout, 14 H. P., prao- iicaiiy new, top, ironi ana mip ;K.,.":r.'"? V ": White Gas. 1010 tour " r, top. front. speedolmeter. Presto , ; 1260 The owmars of.Uieee cars bfve Mt " vr mmim wun us. ny '' -),. ehaaed 1011 Pleree-Arrow . or CadUlae cara It will pay you to Investigate. , . "v iwuk wk uisrAfli, - Main 1470. 7th and Couch eta ojr.iiuxD aw-su i. v t puatmavr, wj r - . '...r 111 painted, perfect condition, 11600. Owner rwni, Pim-uointirr. o,.riiuiwi na n. will iraoe ror close in acreage., or ceot good caper. Main 0470. 7th and Couch sts. ft i ay ir mjt t I'T'i w i'iiuvani foir nirv S.:. - . ...-a T'l..Tr Automobile Clearln House. Keats au- tomoblle garage, corner 7th and Burl';. W7 noto Htuaio. as etn. a rioor. aide.' jack u. wetst. manager. VULCANIZING. Wanted All owners and drivers te I have vulcanising end retreading done T ynas. . juiton, utara. warsnan ft A-8046 fcvSh g.f J. .').:.. fn- fcrtv or larrer car. a 6 nassnrer . k Vo..AV,.. fully equipped Call. 171 Union Tt. Phone C-2160. Woodlawn 2111. Springs guaranteed. Ln?ra?t be.ToaW.e altuy braas, aluminum and solid tires. J. 188 Columbia.' MBln 618 . ' Qnein' frtr Mfn - k I OlidU IUI vlTJV I 4-cyllnder Ford runabout as good as new, owner leaving city. Main 7048. AUTOS bought and sold. ' Write for our bargain list; we are surer to nave1 the car you want. custom House auio m- 831 Everett. Main 1849. 7 PASSENOUR Htudebaker. good ae nw; will pfinaiflAf jnta .r ,lr,a . in i acreage. See Vance, 212 Front. 1 Wir.t. echnng iipW' niBjio' fine nlsnnlat Wtuu exenange new piano, rine piapoia l at" .7TS.:&,? to .sl'0' I0 BRUH Hinabout-all equipped. In tu ,,. ouuMioi, 1 STORE your car at 212 Front street; I deed storage 34 month: alive 330. I JIUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 WE oipfbr itor hai.k I The following unredeemed instrument and other articles to cover storage charges, freight and advances, namely: Knabe illS, Chickerlng 6400, Emerson iHA VXf.KAm 1 OA Vlmk.11 4tA t Bteinway iaou. f ano ai ana An- gelus piano players 140 anddn to-186. 1 Singer, New Home and White aewing machines. Ill to 116. Three fine new glanoe left of the defunct Smith'' A torey Muslo Co.'s stock for j sale at less than H the price asked by the former dealers. I Theee aroods are all in fine condition. Terms cash. Title guaranteed perfect. CONSOLIDATED STORAGE Ac 'FOR- V nULlilVT wVa AT C. M. OL8EN S WAREHOUSE, 248 PINE ST., BET. 2D AND 3D. A'l -T T. .lu ' ..11 ' L aaj a t n 1 332.60. 16 down. 13 monthly. 260 Al- aer. FIRST class piano, genuine pianola I and 176 vuerth music, 1210. 360 Al- aer. ... , - 1 1400 Bailey upright piano for $150. 1 Inquire 211 1st st Phone A-1846 MONEY" TO LOAir Vt MONET" loaned in amounts from $10 upDR. SANDEBSON CO., Savlh.and Cot- un an sinus vk secuniies, lurnuure, ton Jrtoot fills, sure rerneay or oe anos or any personal property; week hayed vrtods: $2 box or 8 boxes $5. or monthly navments: low rates: con.- I nruv.iaia nr wiall. . T , J. Pln !ltu iiuciiiiai. v-i 1 a y oe .vuniuiiKiiani, ruuui i IV st ?w1m4 tK !?ni"'lXii' JWsjthlngtonsj st, between 4th and 6th sts. MONEY advanced salaried people, house- I , nepiiers, ana omem upon ineir own easiesi payments; , orricea in on princi pal cities; save money ty getting our terms. 1 Toiman, 17 ljumoer Kxcnange. I Quick loans on furniture, and I I pianos, storaga receipts, life lnsur-1 6 anco policies, livestock, real estate, I $ etc. U. 8. Real Estate A Brokerage 8 $ Co., 312 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. t. - -. 1 IUUH U1WU1T. Is good at the Employes' Loan Co.. 121 i jih nrmn. inu. xi at . I Money to Loan - ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. PALACE, 128 WASHINGTON. . - TO LOAN. . $4000 at 7 per tent for. a term, of years. ,v':. - :l -;' . . $17B0 st 7 per cent for 4 or 5 months. ' BIXKJH REALTY1 CO., 200 Alder St. ., $16"6o--$8Od"700--60otI goo - i'iai ' for dwelltpg house mortgages; subur ban or near in. .war a, siu Aiisky biag. $100,000 on ' mortgages, ctty 'or ; faru. property, rire insurance. MCKensie a Co. s Gk erimger biog.. za ana Aaer.,'- LOWEST RATES; loans on any securl tles, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co., 85 Lafayette bid.. 6th & Wash. WE LOAN money on good security, ' short time loans preferred; po pub llclty. 802 Swetland bldg.' . ; MONEY' to- loan,, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates: fire In surance, vv. o. tieoK, sia Failing. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry - strictly confidential, ,141ft 3d ; at. near Alder SALARY LOAS CONFIDENTIAL;. F. A. Newton. 616 Henry Bldg LOAN for the asking, salary or chat- tel. xne iioan t. o 414 Dekum bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. & 1 PER CENTT JLOUIB SALOMON. 28I STARK8T. ' " MONEY to loan, t 14 I per cent Good Bough fc Selta. lt Spaoldlng bldg. MORTGAGE ; loans ; on improved city property. v.- John; Balnf 605 Spalding.- T'ILL lean $20,riO 6rless , real estate? Farnngton. 410 commercial uiu o pig g. MONEY To loan on Improved real estate. I. L White, 701 Selling bldg. .. , ; , : 14000 'rart to loan on Infproved ctt y proprtv . Knot 2"6 '-' " ' '; QUICK loans on all Securities. 8; W. - King. 4a Washington bldg. Main 6100. MONEY TO LOANV III STATE SECURITY CO. I I I - J - B R O K E R 9 ; SALARY., LOANS ON FLA IN NOTES. i $10 - TO 1100 CHEAPE8T AND BEST PLACE TO i BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL '- I1UIIH8 B A. M. TO 9 I". 5- WEI. AND BAT. TO I P. M. . STATE SECURITY CO.- . ' til 101 FAILING BLDO. IttV Do you need money today 7 If so, oome to. me and I w-ill help you out. I sd vance money Immediately and smotly confidentially on furniture, planos.ieu- torn mnA nth-l h.niiH tmm KMlOIIUlIt I rates of interest. M. Maiden, 608-94 Bwetland bldg Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate of Interest, . Sea me first. v J, t. Nichols jg ' 018 Yeon Bldy. ' FINANCIAL SI or for bulldlnar nurnoses. . Liberal re payment privileges. Money advanced as building progresses. Columbia Life & Trust Company, 914 Ppeldlnf bldg. 2T()rTEY to loan on Improved property union ' security CO jseck , oiag. 7 th and Oak. LOAA8 WANTED 80 1 , j as I WE can ' Invest jrur ' money at good tOl i ' L. tat" Interest. Ollt-edge securities. rv" : ioal'''r,t Mortgages. Ixng-term Investments, rroviaent investment & Trustee Co., pi-ib rioara or iraae Diag, WIT CAM ,.1 o nn ttvm m,tt. gages; two or izoov ana two or nw, f Jpv'nt; Investment A Ti 1 201, 208 Board of Trade. Trustee Co. WANTED Ixans on residence proper- " tv. larra .and small amminta I nee ccn interest. J.- ii. Tipton, 1108 Spald ing mag. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST On the road between Oregon 4Jitr ana Aurora, a laraa sealskin col lar with stole nolnfs. If the Pindar will return . the eame to 111 MoWison st Portland. suitable reward will be FT"' ' -t ' ' i-' '-' ' '.- BTHATEd or- stolen, sorrel driving mare, weigiit aoout oo ma., 4 wnite ft- wlte Jorehead. with silvered tall I and mint. CaJl 807 wuiiama ave. Phone Woodlawn 1908. After I O'clock. I Wntwilawn nit norri - i FRENCH and willow pluinea dyed any shade, cleaned and our led: willows shade, cleaned and curled; wiuowi mada Md retlntei: faded nlumes recol ored. worg guaranteed. sen3 mall orders. Mrs. iiartnesB, znft xayior. A-713J. A PLACE to have your clothe steam . or ary cleaned, z jjrs notica college I nn Cleaners, wash. opp. 18th 'JN.t?Vr"..D"nf l?ur wor' R0 NOTICES 2U 8ICALED bids i will be receivea at the or- v. " "iVv n' 7. 1 I room 422 Hamilton bldg., Portland, Or. .lunlu 10 m - My i'11' 'or tne eiec- I lr,c wiring or tne main ouuaing ana I ...!.' u ....... 'IK bid will b- unless ao- companied by a checkt payable to the order of the county court of Multnomah county, Oregon, certified to by a respon sible bank for an amount euual to 10 22. N, 16th sclPer cent ' aggregate bid, and this , , flirniah auitahi bond for th I.l,Kf,.l .rfnrm.n f ,,M wnrlr In Mse the contract is awarded to him. Plana and stkeclflcatlona can be sesn at the office of the architects. The rleht to reject any or all bids Is hereby re- served. T. J. CLEETONt" County Judge. W. L. LIOHTNER. . County Commissioner. D. V. HART; J - (bounty - Commissioner. rKUfWAw lor oeer, mutton ajia ice Vancouver, narracKS, vvasn., amh sBi, nrnnnai in rintinat for furnishing antf delivering f resi beet July 1," IMlAwlll be received until 11 m.. aiav 84. 1111. ana then onaned. at offices of commissaries at FORT STE- venb, uk.: kuim-j hahhackh, ida- HO; FXJRTB CASJRY, ' COLUMBIA, FLAGLER. LAWTON. VANCOUVER. WARD, WORDEN and GEORGE WRIGHT. WASH.: also for Ice for above posts for ' one year. Proposals will be conBidered for delivery of ijce at other points than at post Enve- lopes containing proposals must be, ln- n,.Afl 'PmriAial. fiw inuh h anil mutton tor ice) to oe openea iv 24 1811." and addressed to commissary ol post to be supplied. EDWD. E. DRA VP, Col., A, Chief Com'y. NOTICE. The subscribers of tile Wilsonvllle Oil company will meet at Wllsonvilie, county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, for the purpose of organizing on th.i zvin lay 01 May, in it, at z p. m. April zo. 181 1. . - PERSONAL LA D I E S Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. Vak Ja tiaaan bHAttn a m nuat as a fatal r Always reliable. Take no other, Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by drugg-ists everywnere. ACTRESS and excellent teacher of el Or cutlon. would form summer class: Lrnost reasonable term st - Coach ama- ! teurs for performance, etc. Sketches for sale. G-994, Journal. Morrison St. drTwaLKER, specialist; quickly cures wi. -,.... n Jn.n himvi nH akin dis. eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid- ncy, biaaaer ana piles. . 191 Jf irsi , i iL MATRIMONIAL paper, descriptions refined : marriageable people with meaniealed, free, confidential. Mrs. Bell. '1816 Magnolia ave., Los Angeles, V.Rl; WE CURE consumption, "rheumatism, all blood diseases, etomaoh troubles, nnstritin. etc.. a sure cure for cainCeri consultation free. Lang's Mineral' Won- ocr. ii main hi. r - .'i''U!f. - i.':. -iTV. . 1 . V" L. . " "'.." w SuCsn:un S i immwi, v v. , nm cSniplng trip down coast ,176, 12tli t. Mr, pertain. ....... .. BOOK - of ; Natufe, Fann v Hill. Mabel Gray, Fatal passion, Decameron, uo lnd Footllahts. 60c each. Catalogue free. gcnmaie book -o.. zas ist. CLOSING OUT stock of hair and shell BnttAu. also store flxturos. all at cost and less; special jonn to acaiers, urana Leader hair dept. tun ana AKicr. ROSE City Alteration ana Millinery par lors, swetinna. oia nets maae to look like new. work guaranteed. Mtsses Louden & McNerney. M. 6286. MRS. STEVENS, 16 years Portland's reading palmist ' and clairvoyant. has her-late book, "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 343 Yamhill, corner 7th st' A MAN, aged 28, no bad habits, makes $100 per month, wishes to meet a young' lady. If suited, matrimony will follow - c-8r, journal OCCULT, new thought scientific and school dooks nougnc ana soia. Bona for free catalogue. Book store, 284 oak st tienry oiaa. DR. ALYS BIXBY, physician and sur geon, has removed to room to 10, 313 H- Washington st Phones Main SZ8. A-06WT- LOKENZ Nerve Tonto Tabiete restore loot vitality - 26c. ox- O.boxee $1.26. Stlpe-Tayior Drug w.. zgs Morrison. SEXQ1D A marvelous cure for weakness-In men; money returned If It fails; price $L T. J. Pierce, 24814 Mor risen sfa V 7 4 - -:;; AVOID trouble. Know' your legal right. Long experience. Appointment 0-63K, Journal. - ' ' " ! " - 1 MADAME ESTELtB Magnetic healer, reliable spiritual adviser, , 348 Yam hill, room 3. Walk upstairs.' Main 1820. FOR modern nice quiet transient rooms -Kl.tfLJ tot' Midland. 6th a nd Stark. BALM, of -figs, remedV for" diseases of women. 633 Davis at Malnj9215. COMB1 NGS scientl fically rooted1, curled, bleached J, J. Borg. 428 E. 9th. E, ZZ1 PA1NINE, rHB (TREAT REMEDY FOR '' ' " PAINS.' .' ' " of-any description. Internal oreiter nal. Fainine stops pain as water puts put fire, and . there Is nothing, injur ious in It. ' . Lr Eldreds Regulator Tea, Ao keep bowels freely tipen, and aaalsts in ex pelling disease from the system, which is essential. Sample on appllcstlon'fj,.,,!,,, chiropodist, pedicuring, manl- Sold by A. Ehrllch, Ulfr K. lh near rj. Aioer et. TSn Ai.tfv. a r.ntrf . Dlseaeea of women- and children ex clusively. Women arA often aaved se vere surgical operations by consulting me. 'Nervous diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for Cor respondent solicited. No charge for conaultatlon. Phones, Main 1928. A-87. Offices, rooms ,to 1. 113 H Washing. ton sc. ; UtH. CORED OUlCKLY Modern sleotrle treatmant for dis eases of the " prostate, nervour aebMlty.H raotai, enronio, blood ana skin diseases: W, L Howard, M. D.. 804-4 Rothohlld bldg., 4th end Washington. DR. EvvK. SCOTT. 122 Selling bldg. Diseases of the Rectum. , v ..'I " . 1 " Cod' HAnliTX ii blt"'.-,;'l -'-I "1 IW4S7, u" aaav -, n u a iiivii iss a gii itjii i tlst. 388 H Washlnaton SL Main 8824. Meeting Wemieeday 8 p. m. -A WOMEN Use gemolde wheo others ran: soia ana auaranteea tiv tn Ana. plund Irug Co., 110 N. th et. Main 1108. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS OEIJSBEEK BNO. CO.. 04 Blake-Mo- Fall bldg. Main 8873. . Plans and specifications, drafting and designing In an lines. AUTO SUPPLIES F. R. KEEN AN CO.. 110 4th st A-4231. 14-3882. Empire Auto Tires. Pope Bi cycles, Auto, Bicycle and Motor sup plies, yeniria ituooer urea ASSATEKB WELLS A PROEBSTEL. assayers. ana lytlcal chemlgts. 204H Wash. M. T608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory an ore testing wor I8i Morrison. ATTORX17T9 A. E. COOPER, attorney at law. General practice; abstracts examined. R- moved to 1424-1421 Yeon bldg. Main 878. A-2071. CHR1STOPHERSON MATTHEWS, general practice. 4l-417 Yeon bldg, BATHS TURKISH and Russian for lad lea only. 109 11th, next to Bowers hotel. BLANK HOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 100 2d st Blank book m'f'g: agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: see the new Eureka leaf. A-2183. Main 183. HI UTCLES AND MOTORCYCLES TALE motorcycles. Second-hand wheels bought, sold. Repairing. 133 lOtn. BOAT HOUSES. MERRILL'S, north side Morrison. Boats and launches to let. Main and A-17S8. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- nas. 817 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVINOCO., Portland office, 606 Electrlctbldg. JAB. Mcl. WOOD & CO., all kinds of insurance, surety nonas. Mcnay piag. CA11PEX CLEANING HOW about having your house cleaned by the Rose City Vacuum Cleaning company, the big green wagon bervtce. All work guaranteed. , Prices reason able; no Job too big or too small; estl mates given. Main 8079. A-34U8. VACUUM Carpet Cleaning Co.. 288 Ii Oak. Cleans carpets on floor. Work done promptly, guaranteed, Agts. for Vacuum carpet ch-snera. E. 877. JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works. Carpeta cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty, E. 440, B-1 9 6 3. 204 K 19 1 hN. VACUUM house "cleaning. $1.0o"- per hour. K pedal rates over 6 rooms, also to monthly customers. B-166D, E. 4497. SANITARY Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Co., .large wagon. All work guar aneed. Phones Maln-886. A-2280. IONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renoveted: s-uarante-d, E. 380. B-2238. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORK8, rugs from . . . . - . 1 , old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleanlna. 163 Union ave., near E. Morrleon. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works, Colonial rag carpet and rugs. 1318 Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn 2686. COAL AND WOOD WOTICEphTVn slab wood GREEN SHORT WOOD. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. '., . INSIDE GREEN SHORT. DRY SHORT-WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Pcrtland Siabwood Co. Main 3119. A-7001. Dry Wood Cut In stove length out of wrecked buildings. Be sure and 'call us up bo fore ordering. , WE BEAT ALL PRICES. International Bldg. and Wrecking Co. ' A. t'. U1.KKA11I, mcr. 307311 4th st south, Marshall 1884 Dry Block Wood Mixed with small wood, $4.60 per load, delivered anywhere In city. Port land Wrecking Co.. 106-107 N. 11th at, Main 17, A-3731 SKGHER3WOOD CO th and Uiisan, and Uth and Vaughn; fine country slabwood sawed in stove lengths; cord wood all kinds, ai:d r.ewly cut rallros'l ilea. Phones Main -86t. 8361. A-iUIe. coal i7bic,nb.rr.vr- bILtck WOOD okTslJiiWOOD BtTRNSIDE FUE"L CO.. 1" ft E. 7tb; wholesale, retail wood: ' also sawed to order. E-724. B-2777. Yamato Wood and Coal Company EAST 818. B-1867 bOliTH PORTLAND 5 LAB WOOD CO. Main 2ib. A-3642. Dry inside wood, freen plabwood, clean sawdust for bed In gDrywdai$2perlood wood NEER L FARR a96- No. 1 dry wood. 4 ft, sawed to order. foot" dry wood FwerCo.; 313 Water st M Mars Marshnll 960, RAINIER Slabwood Co.,' toot Yamhill; country slabwood, or short and blocg wood. Inside wood. M il 1304, A-8829. DRY WOOD $2 per load. Vara foot of - Ei, Oak et Express and general ha ul Ing. Re, phone Tabor 190. , ' FOR COAL AND ALU KINDS OF WOOD PHONE HOLGATB FUEL CO. SEULWOOD 486 Sawed wood deliv ered. any Quantity. -ka 1606. Home A-l 106. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767. . J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry at. CORD wood! delivered anywhere in city, ; wholesalC1 retail. East 319. B-3089. OREGON LUMBER At FUEL CO Slab and block veood. Tabor I811..- STANDARD WOOD CO. Cord and slab - wood. 347 r Stark. East 231S.-B-1695. OREGON Woov Yara Coal and wood, A-6446. 4 Mal-.044. 824 ad, cor. Clay, .y&i, CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR ,:..s;. DR. DOUGTASS. cliliopractor, 3i Vn ,lon av, N. I'houa East 6241, ' CHINESE POCTOR3 DH. Btng Choona physician for men and women. limrw.nUil cure. tl& Alder. I bk L. T. YEB"lTTjONs, if 1st st I Main 1464: A-Sa-i CUIllUrODISTB CORNS, bunions, callouses Ingrowing Anft . ,ltlh nail. mtiiPmmf ullv iir hv rurlng, scalp epe-lallst. 7 Raleigh bldg. ijH. J. LINuHEY, 176 Madison. Special 1st on corns, bunions, font diseases. CIKCtLAIt LETTE11A ""PROMPTNESS aud dispatch." Com. Letter Co. A-4666. Crala CLOTHES HIGHEST prices for 2d hand clothes, shoes furniture. 227 Front. M-7261, WE pay highest price for Id hand elotbes and Shoes. 173 Front. Main 4802. COLLECTICTX1SI CrtT f tTTfftVB ajarwevh era - Vaaitl m a N nA Aiierra . frtltmm A A i if A 1 A Ik. ei viieti we vvtivii . nuj 1W al ts.V inglon bldg. Main 8410. ' EVERYWHKRl'l Results or tio oharae. ; cotton Aaj. uo. . tio Apmgton oiug. pimn eii, PORTLAND Colli-ction Agency. All debts coll eclea. 117 AI'SKy. A-7317. M. 42ZI. COLLECTION SPECIALIST V PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. .1 Plnckney White. Main 6074. A-7028. v CONlILiCTORS AND BUILUERS CARPENT4KR and contractor: jobbing . anq rt-moaeung a speoiaity; sign work. O. P. Bliss, 823 ft Stark. Phone Main (I17. ft OR cement work, pi TZsterln ering, brick U. C. Olson. work, excavattag. rail on Marshall 1441. Idi orover st WILLtAM FISHBECK. carpenter and builder. Jobbing and contracting. 2i4 4th Main 6241 i. BURT"t5'N714l 1st. arcbltect-bullder. Estimates furnished. M. 1317. A-1117. UNITED Eng. A Construction Co, engl neers snd eontrectors. fll Lewi. ROUERT WAKEFIELD, general coa- tractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg, M.llt. DOG AND HORSir HOSPITAL DR. BROWN. V. V. S. of 284 M 1st st M. 4060. Hoep. 10 B. ltth. E 1440. DANCino WALTZ, two stop, three step, stage dancltia. 26c per lesson: all dudIiB guaranteed to dance In 30 minutes or money refunded; every morning, after noon and evening. Prof. Wal Wlllson's school, Portland's leading recognlxed academy for correct dancing, 386 Washington, bet W. Park and 10th. M. 7687. MR. AND MitS. HEATH'S schools. 26c ' per lesson. Class Monday evening 8 to 10. at 109 2d st. Same Allaky bldg., d and Morrison. Saturday evening: fancy stage and social dancing daily In both schools. WaUx and two-step guaranteed in four Itssons. DENT1S1-S ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work is imDosalble: does away entirely with plates, brldgewoik: we cure pyrrohea (loose leetni aosoiutsiy, urmi 10 rv llabla neoDle. Alveolar DenUl Co Ab- In gton bldg.. 10 H 2rd st t CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established IB years. wasnington. cor, iin. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency. 421-421 Board of Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 872. ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sale. Paclfle Else- trio Engineering co.. n la St. FOOT SPEC1AIST DR C. W. HEVLAND. 17 Healy bldg. GradL Chiropodist. Grand and p. Morrison FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy. sell, exchange and pay beat prices for second nand furniture, stoves, ranges, etc. Hartzell Furn. Co., 210 S. 1st. Phone Marshall 2676. 6. J. Donaldson. 261-3 1st St., M. 860, buys ana nana rumuure ana stoves. GLAZING UNITED GLASS & GLAZING CO. All Kings glass worn, m n. mn. ou 4JASUUNE KMUINES FOR PERFECTION stationary arid launch gasoline engines: pumping, ir I also seyondhnd gasoline engines bought 1 ...i., 1 1 , nrlt. X L" Y7 1 1 1. 1 rigation ana air pressure waiersystems. and noid. Call or write W. E. Wilkin son Machinery CO, 83 First at, port land. STATIONARY and marine, electric equipments: launches. accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 188 Morrison. HOSPITAL ASSOCXATIONH PORTLAND Hospital association, 108 Rothchild bldg. Phone Main 70S., HAIR 4SOOD3 FEBVET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee . makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th, near Mor. M-646. HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators in the city. 64-66 3d st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the factory at half price. USE MOVING C. PENDERS. house moving and rais ing. 674 Front St, Main 4994. INSURANCE HENRY F. COVER & SON. 64 UNION AVE. S. Let us write, your fire insurance. McCAliGAR. Bat t Lively, 318 Fail lng bldg. Every form Insurance, bonds. L-IIHKS' TAILORING A PERFECTLY fitting stylish garment . is admired by everybody. Suits to your measure, $30 up. J. M. Ehrlch Co , Ladies Tailors, hth ana obk. fnoenix mag. A. WEST F; KM AN. 64S WASH, ST., M. 8484. STYLISH. UP-TO-DATE. LANDSCAPE GARDENER IF YOU have a lawn to build or repair give M. 'JY Smith a call. He Is an expert- with 10 years', experience ana fuarantees his work. Phone Columbia 7. ' LAUNDRY SEE Lee. Chinese. 200 Mill. Washing end Ironing carefully done. A-4039. LAWN MOWERS IY YdUR lawn' mower is dull, go. to Oilman, 262 Yamhill at., bet. 3d and 4th. Positively all work guaranteed. Main 9406. ' . I AAN! MAMPRC Sharpened, - 249 k.n ii ii hi v m ui ij Taylor. M. 9166, LAWN mowers ground by expert ural Born Grinder, tlf 8. 6th. r Net- LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHA3. U MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front Leather or every description; tap mantifacVers. findings. - -' LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, ISO Ith. bet Taylor qnd, Yamhill. Book m 3c per day. MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVKMKM C. lTOiMSTJIOM. nerd's. ri.eumAtle. di- gestivc disorders, 302-3 Oregonlan bdg. ULMLi aUJ JLJtM. JU UlkkLJ lJH akr. n u Cltr. ram Pronerty...... Krana-OtMle dusipaky. KrmllalkM A Ilalalalllt T1 i i i ii f I 1 I I I Burtenshaw Buebler... ....Hawthorne and R 41th". .T.'.TaVor 1741 Caaiila a tUrww. ............................ Shi cnfDiber fit ConaMrce., M.ln m i Cook A CO., B. . ......... ............Jj "nbtt Bide Mala M .i'l kaapp A Mscker. ...... " Cbasibef ef Cnmmrrrm. ,Ui:r iM a ""U OtMcne Kaal KKate Ce.. e.M....... " ,.. .gfjt S7. c-il'H Sblaliai, J. H... ..,..,.........."". f Mrnnit Blag. .....Uala , IbuaitMoa. M. . Oe svawr ai4g, 4lbKak fct. lu4. A-Xil MACHO KRT B. TRENKMAn m CO. Hydraulic and special plpea, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs, 104 N. 4th. MINERAL WATERS 8 HAST A WATER AGENCY. Sole bottlers for Hires. Manufactur ers of high class carbonated beverages. Notify ua of all empty siphons, bottles cases. Carter-Gratton Nelson . Bottling Co., 821 Johnson st. M. 6091. A-1881. MINIXa AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co., Ltd. Send for our booklet. 220 Drexel bldg. ' U JLTiaUAPHINQ MULTIORAPHING,. shorthand, . type wrltlng. M. 7S6. 413 Buchanan bldg. MUSICAL DEALERS SEIBERLING-LUCAB MUSIC COn 134 2d; complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Buesrher band Instruments. MUSIC TKACHXKA E. TH1ELHORN. violin teacher; pupil Hevclk. oo Msrquam, a-io. Wir im PROK. T. E. LAWHON, 136 14th st Phone Main 6197. Piano lessons SOe. NATUROPATH PHYSICIAN DR. 8. F. OROVER, Naturopath and Chlro-practlo sperlallst Paralyala, Spinal and Nervous diseases. 703 Ore- gonlan bldg. Main 3143. OSTRICH PLUMES Ostrich Plume Co, Laraest stock In willows and French nlumes: willows made. dred. cleaned. curled to satisfaction. 106 Washington. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO. II6K Wuhlnf. ton st Eyes examineo. trw a a vie a. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. W. W. Christie Osteonath. chronlo nervous dlseeees. 114-6 Macieay oiag. sssin tut, a-hiu, . . . t a a al I IV iSIA DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, sps otalist on nerves, acuts and ehroole dlseaeea lit Fento- bldg. Main 3t) DR. SMITH, graduate Klrkville. lift. 1198: post graduate 1107. 1121 Sell ing bldg, DR. EVA M. TUTTLH, apeclallst In women's and children's diseases. 621 Murfiuam bldg. Main 3209, DBS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 409 Oregonlan blag. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F. E? BEACH A CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. 13R let. Main 1234. A-7041. RASMUSSEN A CO.. "High Standard4 paint n cor. Id A? Taylor. M A-177L PAINTING AND PAPERING . TWO Vrfit class house painters jivlll estimate on work, reasonable. Ad- dress 1694 Emereita st. J . iX)R best work, pricos right call P. A. Doane, 104 Union. Both phones. GET our prices on painting., paper ing, tinting Ernest Miller Co.; 173 1st WILSON. Ill Madison. M. 14371 painting, papernangina, sings; aei pric PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, At- tornav-at-Law. iate U. S. Patent office book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg., tXB. and foreign patents procured by 409 ' Chamber of Cominerce Building fi n wrkiht. 11. R. and forelrn oat- entsj infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PIANO TUNING J. T. O'ROURKE, expert piano tuning guaranteed. 122 14th St. Main 6601 PICTURE FRAMING At popular prices commercial work so licit ted. Ideal Art Shop, 10 Russel bid PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. F otory and OfrlCe, Jtn anq iun. roam . PLUMBING AND HEATING PORTLAND PIPE SHOP New and 2d hand bought and sold; all kinds of fittings, valves and faucets; pipe rail ings for fence and rose bushes; we sell everybody. 227 Front st. Main 6825. M. FRIEDMAN, 862 1st plumbing, gas fitting anq gen, juuuery u" PLUMBING, heating etc. Robert GU- lan. ls totn. ootn pnon . PRINTING WELCH PRINTING CO. -Doers of clever things wiik type and Inir nn naner." 1414 1st. THE E H. BROWN Prlntery. commer- oii nriniina. nun -bi, SKM, 3d St. 1000 business cards, Jl.60. I ne wianu ' ard Pts. Co.. 324 Allsky bldg. M-4232. PUBLIC STENOGIUPHEHS WILL call at your office; all kinds sten ' ographlo work. 401 Bwetland. M. 7776. ROOFING. PAINTING. REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting and Job bing. Losll Halaer. 212 Jeff. M. 1424. RUBBER STAMl'S AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co., 231 Stprk. Main 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened: bargains in second hand safes. SANATORIUM HILL'S SANATORIUM. 696 Front. Main 451. Guaranteea cure ror amunmwin, SHINGLES BEST In Portland. Se thent , 201 Washington st. S. E. Gilbert. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER Signs;, the larg est sign makers tu the northwest. E. 7th and E. Everett sts., Phonee East 1111. Home B-2224. : -. .;-. SIGNS Gold lettering a specialty, X H. Bachelder. 866 Bumslde. M.- 9400. RANN 8IGN CO quality and aervlca. 889 E. Alder st East 6803. -- : SiGNS' THAT ATTRACT"--- Portland Sla-n Co.. S8T Stark. Main 1B96. . . v v SIGNS of ail kinds, attractive, quality! service. Murrato potter, m miiu SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES and store fixtures In stock.' made to order: lowest prices. J. Linden. 423 Hawthorne-Eat 811", SHOWCASES of e-v.ry description; bank. bar ana store nxtures inaaa to oraer, The t,uttte Airg. c. THE JAMEH I. MARSHALL MFG. CfV. . new and old showcases, cablneta. Jf.r and offlee flvturea.s ia Couch. M. 279 - H. BIRbSELL HAMILTON BUJiX - Show easea in stock. Prompt delivery dales agtnt M. Winter Lumber Co. TLIIIHnNii ...A.44I1. kiala 241 Iri1"Vl00VL,w"' (id, fci.!. 4 A.,UJ "f MKV mldm kJ.i. a 8TATIONERT, OFFICE SUPPLIER -I i n 1 1 11 - -1 .M -i in ni- - WS5M? STATIONERY CO.. Bochanoa bldg.i best typewrit tti-e paners. M. J6. blKoillAI'IIKUS. .JO-wllf ' , REPORTERS . OREGON Law Reporting Ass'a. 404-408 Abtngten. M. 6037, A -4 111 Deposltlona TAIXIUXO G1ET1?ru' "' F. ROSINSKE. - Tailor. 480 Washington st. Stylish ana honest made, at resaonsble prl-ea ALFRED OOlLBik, 310 Labbe bldgvij and Washington. Suits to order. OUaTslUQUlST. tailor and draper; e. ; elusive pattema 246 H Washington et ' TAILOiiLXG SCliOOlT KIESTER'S Ladles', Tailoring college, learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143 H lftb. EllMISf" r J&.WNLBT. taglderndet and furrierj glsse eyea 240 Columbia 1RANSFEB AND BTUKAOM Oregon Transfer Co. ' Established 1870 - 7 Transfer and forwarding agents. ' 1 ... .Storage, tree trackage. Office 810 Hoyt at, bet. Ith and Ith, rpi!2nfJ?. Main 69. A-1169. . PORTLAND VKi Storage Co.," cor7 iltK and Everett eta., Just opened, newest, most modern etoreage warehouse In city.' vr7 convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate In northwest; free trackage, vans for moving. Main or A -II 20. , C. p. PICK Transfer L fitorage Co.." of-' rice and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separaU Iron rooms and -fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos snd lurnuure moved ana packed for shlp ment Main 698. A-1996. MT. TABOR KXPRE8H A ST R GE CO. Trips to Mt Tabor dally. Also lty 4S8 Md ,p', 114 H Oraod. E.i W. if. Johnson. II Union av.: Res. Tabor . 3. Piano, furn. moving. B-SOSA E. 4441. TOWEL SUTPLT CLEAN towvts-dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply C?.. 9th and Couch ste. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phonee Main 410. A'44!0. . " TYPEWRITERS, REBUILT typewriters, all makes $20 to itu; rully guaranteed; sold on ap-v p.ri!TI: t'rms; rept $3 per month: Pa. clf-l Stationery Pta. Co.. 201 2nd st ALL makes renteJ. repaired, sold Cun . n Ingham Co. m Stark. Main 1407. WHOLESALE JOBUEKtf EVERDING 4k FARRELL produce, and . commission mercbanta 149 Front sv. Portland. 0. Phone Main 179. - M ? A- "UNIT CO. . DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS L.. PORTItAND. OR WADHAMS ic CO.. wholes legro;r7 manufacturers and coffee roasteis. 4th and Oak ste. .. ' . . mOrgan WaLL pXFEU co.. ai St.. between Salmon enr Main. ALLEN A- LEWISUK m;kikM' ; VETERINARIAN D P- WLLON. JIawthome Avenue Stables. East 72. 87. B-t3. WALL PAPER AND TINTING M'CLINTOCK A GROOCOCK. Inc 189 4th. Main 91$3. Tinting, painting, wallpaper, paints, oils and varnishes. WELL DRILLING DRILLiiNO welle a specialty; prices rea sonable. Call Mam 134C or writ R West 182 Morrison st TRANSPORTATION OPSlf aUTXB T BAJIXP03ITATIOI8 CO. ; STR. J.N. TEAL Freight reqeived daily at Oak St dock for The Dalles, Hood River, White Salmon. Umatll- . .la, Kennewlck, Paseo, R I e h 1 a n d, Hanford. White Bluffs. Lewiston. Idaho and all intermediate nnlnl. rnUT C1BS PASSBJfOEB SEBTTCB . FARE 50 CTS TO X 009 KTYEB, WHTTB SAUCOtf, Steamer leaves Portland Run . Tun ; Thurso 7 a. m. Rnturnlne leaves Tha Dalles Mon.. Wed., Frl., 7 a. m., arriving at Portland about 6 p. m. same day. A. B. Whiting, agent? W. Bmallwood, Oen'l. Mgr. Phones Main 2960. A-3627. HONOLULU $110 riBBT CLA 19 ROUZTS TIP ' -The most delightful spot on entire world tour for your vacation., Delight ful sea bathing at the famous. beach of Waiklki. The splendid SS. Sierra 00.- 000 tons displacement 1 makes the round trip in 16 days, and one can visit on a 1 side trip the living volcano of Kilatiea, which Is 1 tremendously active, and see for himself the process of world crea tion, No other tilp coitrpares with this for - the v mtrvelous and wonderful In nature. ' Visit the Inlands now, while you can do it o casilv snd qulckty ami while the volcano, is aHve, Prompt at tention to telegrams for berths. Bail ings: April 29,. May 2o, June 10, July 1, July 13. etc. , ocb ajtco a. a. cOj , : 073 Market Street, can Francisco. Un naaclsco ft lornan sieamsaip Co, New- service to Los Angeles via Baa Francisco every five days. From Alnsworth dock. Portland 9 a;' m.: -SS. Beaver April 88, Bear Kay 3, xoie .- City 8.- ;''i- -: .';-:,...'.. .'.!,",':i,.!,V.l.i, From Saa Francisco, northbound. 19 m.: SS. Bear AprU 88, Xose City Kay 1, Beaver 8. From Ban Pedro, northbound; it m. : B8. nose city Apru 89, Beaver May 4, Bear 9. - M. O. Smith. C. T. A.. 148 Third fft - J. W. Baasom, Agent, Alasworth Sook, rnvaesi saaia iwi, A-ieoa. AWCHOB XTB STSAMBHIPaf NEW YORK, LONDON DliUiiY. " ' . GLASGOW. New York and Naples 'direct..?. Sittgl or Round Trip Tickets bntwet-u New Wrtf and Scoteh.. English, Irish and all prin cipal Continental . points . at attravtivo rates. Send for Book of Infortnation. Superior Accommodation, Exoellent Cnt slns. Applv Promptly for Beset ation to local tipent of Anclior Line or HLNt KK. RON BROS.. Qenerai Aaeniw. t;ni,'t iii COOS BAY LINE ? wostpokbo SArraaro STEAMER BREAKWATER Kalla 9 a. m. Wednesdny. Anll '.'i. ftoni Alaskan dock. Sailing of April 19 celed. ' Freight . received at AH' v dock until 6 p. m. dally. l'srgr" f ii , first class $10; second cImss. iiinl .,! -lng meals and berths. Tlckri "i t Ainsworrn nora. rn"n -vi. - . . ." gAlf FRANCDCO, LC.1 A'::, l AND 8.1 X I'll ,:.:.) M:,:,;'. aj, g JtOi J 1 i'. J.. X Kvery V i"'U, .).., . r,. Ticket or;S i:i i i J, bones 114. A-' '54 t- r 1 1 '.' J. . . ,.. 17, 4, tU W At - f : tl CorLett tim 1