The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 21, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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'ASSETS' 51 4
- : . ' -.
I Some of the Stocks and Bonds
H Are Worthless; " Receiver
- v Kies ; Describes Appalling
? Wreck at Vancouver.
Dr. Smith flwner of.East jialf,
. Expects Verdict for '
-' ' , . , 7- .
'' (Special Dt.pgtrh to Th Journal.
."-JVBcouvr;,WMh., April 21. Accord
. inV ta the first report of Receiver M. B,
' ' Kles of the Commercial bank, mad to
, th mass meeting at stockholders moot
ing this morning, the asset or the bank
will pay hardly on fqurth of the llabil-
ltlea. Thla allow only for ths smaller
estimate of expense that a'qulck settle
, 'msat of affairs would Involve, to iriss
cornea heavily on Hundreds of people
tmany of tham wlth.,savlnga aocounta. ,
' ;Th receiver has found note n the
. 'bank, many of ihm of lltu value to
th amount of. ttTl.T9t.0k Stock and
bands to thamptiat . of MO.m.JS are
listed, soma "Bf t Issues beta known
'worthless. Cash an band amount to
ltU.ltt.TI. which lncludss 'ash Items
with other banks. ". The real estate, of
which some of th beat la mortgaged. Is
Uated at 310,001; Furniture and fix-
. ! tares are listed aM48S. 'This will sell
' '1(1 heavy discount, it la thoufht
' v'Tbe receiver baa approved claims of
i depositors to the amount of t2V3,vf5.t,
land-has not approved clalma t th
! amount at tTTtl.08. It is estimated mat
j 3388.00s will be required to pay the lla
hill ties and expenses of settlement.
. Zroaa m votes Aloa 9X40,000,
f '.When the bank was first closed It was
I admitted that a loss on notes or to,ouo
iwa certain. Now it 'is clear that dou-
Ible tbst amount will be lost completely,
, 'and depositors frar the amount will
'continue to lncreasailn th 'assets" of
i th bank ar notoa aRalnst Frank Ald
rtch and other nbftr of . the Aldrich
.family to the ampnnt ' of -'' I82.23T.7J.
'This money was advanced an specula-
ttons, which it Is cald .have proved bad,
- and It Is doubtful'if ; any 'considerable
sam can be realised oir the notes. Moore
: i Hardin have notes to the amount of
3K3.36S. with accufed Interest, and It Is
said that "any amount collected on these
note will be bleat ft in.- To mm is
' now In bankruptcy court.- - .
Jn the list'Of, assets -Is an account
against the Western Construction com
rny which th receiver valuta "at tl,
while tha bank books show cash and In
terest to thV amount' of 311.89i.fl as
having been, advanced, to-th concern.
Rector as Dejy have notes to the amount
of 8S1.S7S.- whlla-ltch-' warrants which
hava been considered worthless for
many years ar held by the bank to the
amount ot tlltViiol taking-Into oonaloV
eratlon many years' Interest.
Xanaakc Xa. Bsavj- Xoaa;" .
.' Tha bank, .which iwas orkanlzed In
1S8I", waa the favorite depository among
officers , and private t at Ue a-arrlson,
and the leases amofiff the: societies and
' Individuals of Fort Vancouver will be
heavy. Th poala, which ar a eow-
"Tnon Instltotlonamony soldier a, especial
ly, in eompanlea, where unda ar raised
for a number of purposes Includlnj-
social affairs, wr larfely kept at th
Commercial bank, and when it closed a
large number of thesa truit'tunds were
tied tip.
Tha dponltors. committee has heard
Insistently -of apaculatlona In -which
Hush C. Phillips, president of the bank,
and J. L. Mohundro, state bank exam
iner, bavlndulKd la recent years, but
s far no -direct Information has been
gathered outside of Clarke county. It
haa been found Impossible to get the
; Trial of, the government's condemna
tion suit toaecure Block "8" aa a post
offlce site wss finished at noon today,
and United States Judge Bean gave the
Jury Its instructions before the noon
adjournment.. Attorneya for Pr. Andrew
C. Smith, owner of the east half of the
blork. the half concerned in the pres
ent suit, said they expected a verdict
for $140,000, with flif.000 as a mini
All of this morning's session of court
wax taken up with the closing argu
ments of the attorneys. John M. Oearln
closing for Dr. Smith and United States
Attorney John MoCourt for the govern
ment. The argument began at 4 o'clock
yevterday afternoon and were exceed
ingly lengthy and detailed.
The most Interesting testimony' of the
entire cass cam unexpectedly yester
day afternoon when the government
called Dr. Smith to th stand and In
rebuttal asked him, If be had aver aold
the east half of block "8."
He said that he had sold the east
half of block "8," and In response to
Mr. McCourf Questioning, gave a de
tailed statement of the history of the
block during the early part of the time
that It was being considered as a post
office site.
Dr. Smith said that he and W. O,
McPharson had bought the property to
gether with tha understanding It could
be aold when a fair profit had been
realised. Dr. Smith said Mr. Mcpherson
waa extremely anxious to sell, while he
was In favor of holding the block. As
a result, In July, 1910, he said, he and
Mr. Mcpherson gave the Pacific Coast
Investment company an option for three
months on the. half block for $150,000.
The option a renewed, and last No
vember Dr. Smith and Mr. MrPheraon
sold the half Mock to the Investment
company for f 150,000.
Did your partner. Mr. McPhereon.
know that you were selling the half
djoph to yourself?" asked Mr. McCourt.
I don't know,'' said Dr. Smith.
John Mcpherson, a -son of W. O. Mo-
Pberson. testified that Ma fathnr yA
made the sale In 'good faith and con
sidered $160,000 a fair price for the
nair Diock for which $260,000 la now
being asked.
Reelected Hea
v S of the American Revolution
Donation Made by A. and M
Delovage, Jewelers; To-
tal $11.
i V''
' ' ), f jv..-" J'' , .. ' '.
' . . ' ' " .V
1 Enumerators Believed tV Have
" Been' Led Astray by Bonus
of 31-2 Cents Name; Walla
Walla Involved. ' ' : ;
(United Press LesMd Wlrat
Spokane, Wash, April ll-Thre se
cret Indictments war , returned thla
morning by th federal grand Jury, and
It la bsiuved they war tru bills
against three Spokane census enumera
tors who counted noses during- tha last
government census. Bench warrants
were ordered Issued ty Judge Rudkln,
and th defendants. If found, will be
brought before him for a preliminary
nearing later tma arternoon. -
It Is also believed there will be an
other Indictment returned against tha
fourth enumerator, who la thought to
nav tart Spokane long- since. Coupled
with, a desire to see Spokan's popula
tion pass the 110.000 mark, an added
stimulation or ih cents psr nam, gov
ernraent officials aay, led the enumera
tors to pad th rolla
That Walla's or Spokane's present
census will be affected by the Indict-
moms is aeniea py tne sgents or the
government who, are pushing the cases
against the alleged busy enumerators.
Fftmer Director of the Census for East
em Washington A M, Storch left th
city today for - Okanogan, after being
eionetea witn tne grand Jury more than
41 noura. .
r I
Taft, It ( Is Understood, '
- Prepare Answer That
; ; Will Deny.
Mrs. Matthew T. Spott of Illinois.
Th Teddy education fund grew to th
exiennor just is today. It waa all In
one contribution from , A. and M. De
lovage, tne Washington street Jewelers,
who said In an accompanying- note:
"We hope It will help a most worthy
cauae. ..- ,...-.. .. ..
. This brings the total of the fund tin
'o Hincn is juai s less tnan iioo.
and- 'several hundred dollars less than
u is nopea tne rund will be when all
who will help tha half blind bov from
the Baby Horn -et a start. ha.v int
facts of land transactions In Oregon and ""r giria.
.k,r wlthnut unlHTiir mn to tha I leddy la beina told each Abt ihAi
districts to work secretly. This th com- I wnt kl Psopl are doing and giving
mitte haa not don tor lack of funds. I order that Ji may hav a chance
An Interesting feature of , tha bank i"r success line otner poya who have
failure and the "partaership- theory nom8 fna Psrents. He Is mad very
comes from th fact that for seven I "vpr " nearing or u an ana bis happt
um Dn. n. fhinina k..n nees is recompense lot all tha effort.
tar of the Vancouver land office. Dur- . Contribtftions to th Teddy fund may
) -nxk Af thla lln. T T. Mnt,,.nin I MBUl. W JOUriUU. lO tB OMim
waa register of tha land of floe-at Walla w,.Bate" Co- ibank where the fund
Walla. A frlandehlp grew up bet wen i,dpf T to the truatees of th
tha two men. Mohundro failed of re- aa- )rT'9 Mr- . Kan-
appolntment at Walla Walla, but Phil- "WI'1 V na.
, lips still field office at Vancouver. Un
der the '.Cosgrov administration Mo
hundro was appointed bank examiner
ana removed to BeatUa , x.
Owners of fine felines In Portland are
terrified. A Chicago doctor has dis
covered that on th whiskers of th cat
are minion upon millions of microbes
Vancouver Wash.. Acrll 21 Rv a mo. I .nAt en aa th puaay prowla and
tton made and unanimous r-rVi. ,. ?l?n w,"l np on all who stroke
city council last night put the Vancou- Vur' Tn a?.ctor ha ajv' oth
ver skatlni-Hnk roSni.triv T.V,?,". entence for all eats and local owners
lness by repeallna: tha ordinano- hv a. I?" .nealtn uthoriUes will Issue
alarlng the place a public nuisance ad L!v!:r , ... . ,
ordering the olty clerk to refund the L, ..i8' "
unearned licence money. M. S. Shields .T "w.D,Wr quot-
of Portland leased th. ni tnir n ,7 . ed a? "'"'t ut then the fur
tliuna. A V... Z ------I WOUia
Ileense, moved his paraphernalia and
vannea music rrom Portland and
. opened ror business yesterday after- " v.
th place waa closed' by Chief Secrlat
carry millions mora of tha ml
nute microbes."
Dr. Reed, the physician mentioned.
At about 10 ifbibek i.'.t -r "..cut. on wniawr from a per
c waa cloaed' bJ Chiif V "r'onat cat. On It he found
A J. Good of the OaaA.nnhur, FZZ rUT "'""em classes or germs, aa fol
t'ro:!.b C0UBC51 and A germ of decomposition caun ti
r- r..", J."" "" main poisoning.
. uavu viucicu ii l m in i a - . .
move his female help from the h-,.;; l17" Pauing wood poisoning,
f th building to a higher floor where EST stnues tne proper mem
more ventilation could LITThrfv b,rane- "or thfoat intestinal trou-
nly floor he could use was lust be- ,
neatK th skating rink, that th. . " .1""mV" v Fna "ov nameo,
1. in number, could net would not .53 "T :U''.DU.1 " De. ""' .
must not work with th nm.. i tZ f.orm saucing wiesunaj and kld-
rink abov their heads, and that either ttI..' i
haw th rink must i tl.VI L -Uder nllcroscop therefore, the
t BI..V fiw .kMiii,' J. 7 , oecomes a monster mors to
' at! " the gihv monster orttS
th girl.,at tha candy fsitorv .t ""X?" B?,'P.Mc
hHi l.W U etaruing result.
siatantoommUsloner, thanked tha ooun.
c Urn en and - advocated other Improve
ment woui tne city.
Washington. April 21. The reelection
of Mrs. Matthew T. Scott of Illinois
as president-general of the Daughters
Of the American Revolution by a small
majority was conceded here today by
1 Mi Foe, press agent for Mrs. Wlllam
, Story of New York, Mrs. Scott's op
poneot for tha office.
Thirty tellers representing the adher
ent of Mrs, Scott and Mrs. Story, con
tending aspirant to the presidency
general of the Daughters of the Amerl-
Orrt M. Blystone, who. fur several
weeks, has been working as a clerk for
Tull & Ulbba, under the name of B.
M. Roberta, waa arrested this morning
by Detective Day on a warrant charging
him with larceny by embesalement He
is charged with stealing Ml. 60 from the
Blystone, who, the police say, served
18 months In Walla Walla for obtain
ing money under false pretenses, waa In
June, 1909, sentsnced to the Salem pen
Itentlary for a number of forgeries. Bly
stone was released from the penlten-
can Revolution, spent th entire night 7, 'J'T "omJ. ln" P"n
her. counting the Voo ballot!! ! cast In '.5' -h!Ln.? '!..0" otl
the time for another man'a crime.
Blystone accomplished his thefts at
cording to the police.
last evening's election.
All nt.lil .1,. . a T 1 .1 .
edln "arom'tn "Memorial "ttaT.! . 2X.2,B Kf!L f th
hall. All telephones were disconnected 1""'' ' aa
and po on entered our came out df the
room. This morning breakfast waa
pushed through the partly opened door.
Announcement was made this after
noon that aa a result of a clerical error
the ballots in th presidency-general
contest must be recounted.
$15,000 DAMAG
Breaks Out in Davenport Mu
sic -House. Owner of Which
, Is Burned.
(tMdil Dispatcb t Th JsraLI
Albany, Or., April St. A fir which
broke out shortly before 11 o'clock last
night ln the rear of 'the Davenport
Music store at the corner of Ferry and
First streets destroyed property val
ued at Slt.600 with.' $400 insurance.
The firms which suffered losses were
the Davenport Muslo house, loss M00O,
(trailed Pnm tMd Win.) ' " :
.Washington, April tl. It Is under
stood that the cabinet today discussed
1 chargea that th Guggenheim had been
(allowed to seise th Chugach forest A
right of way te Controller Bay, leading- .
from th Alaska coal fields, and thst
th administration's answer will be a '
general disclaimer of ths ehargea. It
la eipctd that Freaident Taft will
personally prepare tha answer end that '
It will deny that tha Quggenbelm wer
granted any monopoly. , It will contend
that tha officials of th Controller Bay ,
railway swore they had no oonnotun ,
wun in uuggenneima. ,
- Malleal effloara of. th English amy
have Invented a teleaoopelng stretcher,
which folds Into a oompaot paskag ,
when not ln as. . , - '
John .Sharp Williams, the new Jon
lor senator from Mississippi, who
baa succeeded la Ufa time am
bition. Ho hag. the seat In the sen
ate which was occupied by Jeffer.
1 son Davis, president of the Confed
' eracy. ' The desk still bears the
bayonet niarks made by Union sol
dlers'ln war times In an effort to
destroy It. The bayonet holes were
- fUled -with putty, but are still eas
ily seen. - a
Banter of Old College Foes
Results in Disastrous '
Tillamook Parents
by Galloway Because Their
Daughter Is Gone.
- Flghtrs In th office of th Northern
Clay company at 206 'Gertlnger build
ing thla afternoon, knocked a heavy clay
model through the window to tha street
below. A shower of broken glass fell
to the walk from th Second story win
When the police arrived tha room
was deserted, but avld'ane of the eom
M A a M a m . . .
L-CUlUlcU sna tne disarranged ruvnitur. a bro
ken whiskey bottle was also found. No
on could give Information as to the
identity or the fighters or where they
had gone. C O. Ellison, agent for the
Northern Clay company, haa his office
In the room.
Grand Rondo Merchant Diet.
(Sped! Dlipitcb ta Tle JoorsaLI
La Grande, Or., April 1 William
R. Hamilton, a pioneer merchant, who
(SperUI IlDtch te Th JooraaL)
Tillamook. Or., April 21Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wells wer th center of at
traction in th circuit court Wednesday, ! baa been seriously 111 for weeks, died
when Judge William Galloway, who Is I yesterday afternoon- aged 9 years. A
holding court her at present Instructed fsw months ago he disposed of his
them as to what might be the outcome ; property at Summervllle, where he had
of the spiriting away of their daughter, 1 been operating a general merchandise
Ina Wells, who Is wanted as a witness ' store, and since that time had been
Insurance 13000; the Variety Store, II. I ,n the cases of th state vs. Henry living ln La Grande. He Is survived
by Mrs. Hamilton and three sons, Fred,
A. Stearns, proprietor, loss 12500. In- McKlnley, and stats vs. Thomas. Hoi
surance 11000: Owen Beamreal estate, man, and who, In the mind of -the Judge.
loss 11000, - no insurance; Mrs. Burk-1 OBB Doen spirited away by her father,
hart, millinery, loe 11.600. no Inmir-1 in ms talk to Mr. and Mrs. Wells
a nee: E. H. Rhodes." loss 14000. lnaurw tha judge said: "Th court will be held
anca 1900.. .-M . - - v. . ; ln session, and the grand Jury will b '
R. L. Burton, proprietor of the muslo retained unui the gin is brought Into
store, and his wife were i the bulldlna I sours, u it laaea an summer."
when an exDloslon occurred.- Burtort at-I in conclusion he statsd that aa nar
tempted to extinguish th blase and nta it was their duty to see that their
In ao doln waa severely burned. He daughter appear in court to testify con
Cheater and Will.
Journal Want Ada brine; result a
Oreaon Agricultural Collar. Corval-
Ha, Or., April 11. J3r. A. a Bteckl.
coach of the track team and athletic
trainer at the Oregon Agricultural col
lege, will be confined to his apartments
for some weeks as th result of a play
ful episode In which he and Fred Walker.
known as "Mysterious Mitchell," ooach
of the baseball team, wer participants.
The coach Is suffering from a broken
At the close of athletlo work last
night tha coach mat In th gym and
during th oours of friendly banter,
Steokle, whd Is an old Michigan foot
ball tackle picked., up a .football., And
crouching la th position of a player
preparing to advance tha ball, shouted
Coach Walker, who Is an old Chicago
halfback and who played in the great
contest between Michigan and Chicago,
when Chicago won th championship by
two points. Immediately accepted th
challenge and tackled th old Michigan
player. Th two husky athletes- scuf
fled about on th gym floor for soms
minutes to th great amusement of the;
students who stood -about During th
scuffle Coach Bteckl, who waa wearing
anoea wun rootbaii cleats, caught his
foot ln a crack In th floor and In fall
ing fractured a bone in his leg.
The affair developed as a result of
friendly banter which Steolde of Mich
igan,. Walker of Chicago and Do lan ot
Notr Dam hav been carrying- on ever
sine these three famous athletes be
came associated here. Th whole af
fair was ln absolute good nature and
only a playful prank.
To spread out a woman's hair to dry
after a shampoo a New Jersey man has
Invented a wir frame, fitting- over the
houlders. i . v -
You want to get ts much out of
your work ti you put into it, and
something for your ability to do
the work.
You pay for gists and metal
(the lowest quality at that) when
you buy giants over a danger
You buy danger.
-You buy efficiency, comfort,
glasses made for you, and you
alone, when you come to me. 4
I sell better glasses for less
money than yon' can get at any
danger counter In Portland.
Thompson sTc'a
2d Floor Corbett' Bid , e
Th ost f latemaata kar
greatly reaaeea By th xolsaea
... s Uadsrtakua ooxapeaj,
Heretofore It has ben th custom ot
funeral directors to make chargea for
all Incidentals connected with a fur
neraL The Edward Hoi man Undertak
ing company, ths leading funeral dl
nrtnr. of Portland, have 1nartwt fmm
that custom. When casket is furnished
by us w make no extra chargea frf
embolralng. hears to cemtry, outsld
box or any srvlo that may be r
iulrd of ua, xoept clothing, mtery
tnd carrtares, thus effecting a saving
IT zo to S7 on aun xunerai.
im Tamil it. com. atxxo.
Is expected to recover.
. The Old Comfort
before coffee did its work ?
i a rebuilder,;
"There'i tv :ReatonM ; -
fSpwhl to The Jwnt.Lt
uregon city. Anrtl 21. oi.rV.m..
grange No. 298 will 'hold an all day
grange hall at Clackaniaa W. S. Uen.
who has -been requested to speak on
"Single Tax." Is the n.b..
tb afternoon and after his talk
will answer any questions pertaining to
th subject This 1 td He atffl Allnn
meeting. The Clackamas grange - ln
tenda to make an effort t tu. 4
speakers at each of its monthly meet
ings. Tha-grans la In umiiMi nyi
tlon.. ..
. ry.
(Sped.) Dispatch te Tbi loarstl.)
Centralla,. Wash -April .11.-
'Willing to wed under' normal
conditions, but looking askance
at marital happiness with the ti
tle of "Mrs. Spider." Miss Anna
May Chrlstensen of this city has
Just broken off her engagement
with Herman Spider. She has
been Induced by her friends to
reconsider the matter on condi
tion that Mr. Spider change the
third letter of his name to "y,"
to maks it "Spyder." Mr. Spider,
however, objects to this arrange
ment, on th ground, that he has'
already changed his name once.
It seems that he formerly owned
an elongated Polish name, Spldo
vltskl, and when . he was nick
named Spldar," shortly ' after
landing from Europe, assumed
the shorter nam without realis
ing Its meaning. He says be has
used the name for4 years, and
has become- too used to it to
make a change.
cernlng this cass.
Judge Galloway was ouite indlmant
when talking to Wells and It is thought
mai mi waa on account or the practice
in Tillamook of spiriting away state
witnesses, ana It is his Intention if dos-
slble to. put a atop to th allea-ed cus
tom of attorneys resorting- to that way
01 aeieaung jusuce.
iBDMIal Olsniteh ta Th JoaraaLt
Vancouver. Wash.. Anrll 21. Jam pi
Hommel, 27 ysara old and an emrjlova
at the Columbia quarries, six miles east
of Vancouver, fell 36 feet from a trestl
on wmcn n was at work at 3 O'clock
yesterday afternoon and waa dead when
picked up by fellow workmen. Whether
he accidentally fell and waa killed, or
was stricken with death before falllnar.
will probably naver be known. - , '
HOrarael and Gab Maldv were earrv.
Ina a long stick Of timber on ton of tha
trestle, Maldy In th lead and tha end
of the sUck placed against his back,
when Hommel dropped his end and
Maldy was forced to hla knees. On
looking around, ha saw Hommel falling
from the trestle. Where Hommel
struck there was about 20 Inches of
water and it ts thought he struck the
end Of a siHns which protruded about ,
vjew or 1 is incnes out or tne water. Carl John
inur 1 son, a reiiow workman, was first to
Hundreds See Theft.
I United Press Lean WfrVl
tjnicago, April zi. -wiuim
hundreds Of pedestrians, thieves
afternoon stole a trunk containing watch him and dragged him from th -water.
vmrnvm v.iucu .i iv,uv irum a iranaiar i qui n was aeaa. ur. wiswail of Van
wagon at Madison street and Wabash I couvsr and -Dr. TJria of ram.. MM
avanu In th heart of th business dls-1 summoned. 1 , 4
trlct. Although the pollc ware notified! About half hour hfnr
iow muuiw wr u rooDery, no wnen one or tne men placed his hand
w u louna. on iiommers shoulder as ha mnn.
rrom a ooara eievateo to a ntehf nt
Traction Manager Resigns. . J about three feet, Hommel sank to hla
it'nttMi ptm. n'tK. . , I knees from the welarht. Whn . a.iro
Oakland. Aprtl 11. rulfllling his de-1 what waa the matter that he should bel
suv aTTice, , w. jr. K.eiiy, general f leeung weu. i.; , "
manager of th Oakland Traction com- Hommel had worked at th quarry'
ymur. uu w. ium nav duiii uo in Kev I ror iwrai iwo monins ana am. rmm
Route system, tendered his resignation California with hla wife and child, talc
today and it waa accepted. J. Q. Brown, Ing up his residence near the works.
hJ. aealstant. Is mentioned aa Kelly Deputy Xbroner Templeton brought th
nroha.hl lunuiMr-.- .. . luu) . A tr.-...' i ...
body to Knapp'a chapel In thla oltv.
1 wher It wpi be held tOX funeral; ar-,iv,;v-
rang emants are made, . . 1
SdUfing I
We'll Soon Be Out of Busi-
ness-SeHing Pianos at Cost
on Easy Terms Tells the Tale
ianos Without a Profit!
But you have a fine selection from the $198 fellow that usually sells for $32$ to
the $1000 Player at 700. You want to see our $457 Player -it cannot be dupli
cated -anywhere for $700. ; You will find a Piano in the lot to.uit every need and : f
you might as well pocket the sayinas to give it to; the dealer who is' continuing intt
business, but you will have:to-hurryvg!ivrSi'j
Se6 our TlEUlCTT PiV
says everybody, who sees and heari it.Can be put in anx piano. ; Now is the time f
' to supply yourself with Talking Machines, Records and Player Music; it Store ; open
W i