THE OREGON. DAILY 4 JOURNAL. PORTLAND, . FRIDAY , EVENING, APRIL ; 81, ?181L HEED M III ' ; ; ; ' ,' - 5 Telegraph Events Will Be Set J;.', :!tiedT' Among Clubs Tomor row Night. . ' New Tork. April 11, 411 arrange tnents were oompleted today for the tble- graphlo bowling tournament In which , towns III half a'dosen cities, from, the Atlantlo to Uio Pacific, will compete tomorrow. The bowler of tho Creacent Athletic club will repressnt'Nsw York. Othar teams entered ara tha Montreal Athlotlo association, the Illlnola Ath lotlo club, tha Chicago Athletlo aaaocla tlon, tha Seattle Athlatlo aaaoclatlon. tha Multnomah eluh of Portland. Or, tha Cleveland Athlatlo club . and tha Pittsburg Athlatlo aaaoclatlon. Tho taama will eompata for a cup of fered by Colona! kobett M. Thompaon of tha New Tork Athlatlo club. Tha conteat la unique In that tha eompotltlon la to ba by telegraph, each team rolling ea It home alleys and wiring Ita ecore to Now Tork at tha and of each frame. Multnomah's rapreeentattvea In the bowling tomorrow night will bo selected from the following players, nearly ail of whom are on a par In thalr alley shooting: W. R. Mack ay. P. 8. Hum phrey, Hugh 3. Boyd, E. I MeCabe, J. O. Pris-more, Charles Duffy and C. IX. Ball. rteo men ara allotted to a team. Bowling at the club will atart at 7 o'clock, which corresponds to 10 o'clock In Now Tork. whan tha eastern, arm atart bowling. A telegraph wire will be strung into tha club rooms and tha result of each game will ba flaabed eaat and weat Multnomah and Seattle Athlotlo club are tho only coast organisations entered. Baattla and Montreal hare each won tho trophy put up by the New Tork Athlatlo club. Multnomah boaata no bowling atarg but will probably surprise somebody. Chimmie's Column Zowlet What a wallop Pack hit that ball when It went sailing otot tha right field fence, .He swung his . club with that do, or, die spirit and saved tha day ror the Beavers. . V - ' ' t STRICT RULE ISSUED ON PUBLIC SCHOOL COURSE : STEEL BRIDGE TRAFFIC IN BIRD LIFE PROPOSED . , ,. hi .1 i , . NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES (Unites' Frees ImmI Wire.) Pittsburg. April JO. The Pittsburg Pirates ceebrated the opening of the sea aon on the home grounds today by trouncing tha Cincinnati Reds, to 1. Camnlta was In excellent form, holding the visitors to eight scattered hlta. The acore: R. H. B. Cincinnati 1 8 3 Pittsburg , fl 11 3 Batteries McQuillan, Keefe and Mc Lean; Clarke, Camnlts and Qlbaon. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES A an Inf (elder Peck is' In. tha aame elass with Olson, but as a bitter ha has tha latter , beaten a city , block. Three souses out of three trips, to the plate Is son record. Keen ' up the good work. " " .-. r e e - Bill Rods ers was right after Peck for a homer. It waa In the aama Inning that. Rodga leaned agatnat one that cleared tha fence but-was a foul. Sec ond baas was never played any better at any time for Portland than this Rodgers Is playing It With a few more weeks around that sack wa might have a future Lajole. e e Manager MoCredle was so nervous In tha first lanlng that ha grabbed his wad of gum off tha button on tho top of his cap and started shewing and orabblng at tha same time. Result he almost bit his tongue off. a -e . Red" Kuhn msds a arrest try for Abbott's foul against the grandstand In the second Inning and came near hurt ing hlmeelf by colliding with tha stand. He Is fast as chain lightning going alter those tenia. a In the second Inning Coachman fed Artie Kxueger right out of his hand with three strikes. The "Plying Dutch man" near broke la half going after the third one. e e l)debrands work during the games played has bean as good as any we have aeon. Hilda' a Judgment Is fine and he ought to have a good year. e Doe Anderson waa very much peeved because Hllde called Kuhn out at third base In yssterdays game, but "Red" was ahy of having hla hand on tha bag by about aevea lnehes. Poo's eyesight Is getting bad, but his voloe is Im proving. e Peck went up Into the clouds for Moore's drlvs In tbs sixth Inning. It looked good for a hit la any league but not with Peok on the Job. (hhai heme at " The. JoereelA . Salem, Or April 11. As a result of ths Inspection of the steel bridge across ths Willamette river at ' Portland by tha . railroad commission's i engineers and; ths ' report thereon submitted to ths oounty court of Multnomalt county, to the officials of tha, Oregon-Washing' ton Railroad at Navigation company and to the Portland Railway. Light A Power company, tha latter company has laaued strict orders for ths government of Its trafflo aeroaa. that brldga la tha future. They ara as follows t "Motormeu on any car crossing the Steel bridge must keep at least 100 feet behind any other car or heavily loaded vehicle going In the same direction and apeed muat not axoeed six miles an hour. Klectrlo locomotives snd work trains of all klnda ara forbidden to croaa this bridge under any clroum stances. Ths Inspector stationed on this bridge hss received positive In struettons to sea that this bulletin Is rigidly enforced, and anyone dlaregerd Ing the same will ba aubjeot to dismis sal from tha eervloe of tho company." AD E MOTS HOLDING UNION SERVICE TODAY The Seventh Day Adventlats are holding a union aervlee today at the Central Seventh Day Adventlst ehurch. Eaat Eleventh and East Everett atreeta. Adventlats from this city, 8t- Johns, MontsvlUa and Mount Tabor are; in at tendance. The aervloes are In commemoration of the translation of the King James version of the English Bible. Following are among tha subjeota presented: "Tho Bible Call to Seventh Day Adventlata," by Birter P. A. Han son; "Education and the bill" R. W. Alrey; "The Prophetto Setting of the (Salem Berets of The Jeoraail . Salem, Or.' April ll.-W. I rinley, prealdsnt . of tha Oregon Audubon so ciety and appointed a member of tho new flab and gams commission by Oov. ernor Weat, baa suggested a method of Introducing bird study in tha eouree for all , tha schools In Oregon. Mr. Flnlsy says tha school children taks a. vary great Interest In birds and ha believes It wruld not ba difficult to teach them man valuable things and at tha aama time help them to oars for and protect wild birds and animal Ufa, Ha die- cussed tha plan with Superintendent of Bonooia Alderman hare yesterday. THIS CHICK WITH 8 TOES JOINS OTHER PORTLAND WONDERS Loa Angeles, Cel.. which boasts of a hotloe eat that mothered a litter of baby mica, haa nothing on Portland, which now haa a three footed chick. Bight distinctly formed toes on ons foot Is tha remarkable prodigy that greeted the eyes ef Mrs. W. D. Evans, when tha freak of nature was hatched before here ayes at her hennery at 151 North Twsaty-aecond street this morn Ing. Tha chick, which Is of ths Mule Rhode Island Red breed, pee pad Instil y aa soon as It had pecked Its way out of tho shell to bo added -to tha already long list of Oregon wondsra. Tha birth of this phenomenon of the fowl tribe hss reopened tha old ques tion, and given It new interest namely, "why doea a chicken oroae tha street r' The question now Is: "Why does a chicken with three feet cross tho street. When with II toes to scratch for food with Inatead of eight toe a, It wouldn't have to cross ths street." Mrs. Evans Is going to leave It to tha chicle "The Bible aa Related to Science," E. A. Re well; "The Value of the Bible." Elder A. M. Dart; "Biblical Transla tions." Elder O..W. Pettltt; 'The Bible and the Reformation." Elder C. K. I Kolkcnburg; The Bible as Related to Publishing Work," Q. A. Wyman. Chicago, April 20. The Detroit Tigers continued their winning streak today by defeating the Chicago White Sox 6 to 8 The Tigers hammered Walsh for .J, 4 aafetlea, while Lafltte held the White Sox to four hlta. The acore: R. H. B. Detsrolt ' I 14 2 Chicago t 4 t Batteries Lafltte and Stanago; Walsh and Sullivan and Payne. Boston. .April 0. Philadelphia-Boston game postponed; rain. Jajinett Stops Kabtak. New Tork. April 11. Jos Jeanette today did not have a mark to show fur hla fight laat night wtlh Al Kublak, whom he knocked out In tho ninth round. That Jeannette could have won much earlier In the fight, waa the belief of a majority of those who ssw ths bout This Date In Snort Annals, 1870The Chicago baseball club played Its first same. lSSt At "Boston John Meagher de feated D. A. Drlacoll in 100-mlle' walk ing match for $1000 and championship of America. 1883 The East Saginaw baseball club made 20 runs In the sixth Inning of a .game with the Dayton club. 104 At Baltimore. Joe Oans def sat ed Sam Bolen in 16 rounda. 1006 at Baltimore, Aurello Herrera won from Tommy Daly In 15 rounds. 1906 At New Tork George Bloasln defeated Jake Schaefer, score soo to 296, wlnnlns; the International champlon ahlp at 1S.2 balkline billiards. In the leventh Inning, Couchman laid ons down (not on ths couch) that rolled along the firat base line. Bill St eon followed. It along and sang "Stop Stop Stop, Don't you dare to atop, keep on rolling soms mote," and It did. It rolled foul, whereas If Bill had not waited tor It to roll, Couchman would have been the easiest out of the dsy. Ml- takea will happen. e e Mayor Klgglna of Vancouver, waa a rooter for the Beavers. He enjoyed the game lmmenvely and Is atmoat aura tho j Beavera will cop the pennant He ought to know. Today is ladles' day at he park and the fair aex Is invited. Laat year most of the extra lnnlnr games were Dialed on Friday. Artie Hoffman of the Oakland team la one of the beat hitters in this leaguo. He steps Into ths ball and either drives It on a Una or over the fenoe. He Is aa fast ss chain lightning In hla field lnar and soaa ud aaralnst he fence after the high ones. Bill Lang of the "Big KNUTS0N LITTLE WORSE piiww spy iifai nuiiuisH iw unt 01 the akost natural hitters he ever saw. Tonight the bunch will hike for Van couver to witness the bouts the Van couver club has programed. Most of the local contingent will travel on the train that leaves Eleventh and Hoyt at 7:30, returning Immediately, after the fight Dorian d Play Fords. Tha Porland team of Vanoouver de feated the Haseldell team by tha over whelming acore of 21 to In a one- Bible." Adolph Johnson; "The Bible as i sided game Sunday. The Dorland team Keiated to Heaitn,' Dr. w. ii. women; plays stei m wasstvas a rsj mm s - Cartt1 sVC III I M If I IU J& k 1 I I . V I N I vttw sV W sWsUlsl a MV-'flf aVW Thirteen yeani ago today the Spanlah-Amer- Jean, wax begeUX?.L Jl: WVMttWtt I F.MUi m V" if IJi., fi lifiM r .Uit 'H' Pn nn n f-PTPn rfi iistiMH-- i! nhV sliMlf f, HM m- m wfijt. Mil i hot- ihUiib- MAIIEimY HEALS OLD SORES ' III l . ! In nl ll il in ulna Sundsy SCI0 CONDENSED MILK PLANT RESUMES TODAY (HpeHol IHMmtcB to The Joumel.1 Scio, Or., April 21. The Sclo Con densed Milk company's plant began operations again today after a two months' shutdown, made necessary by the Installation of new machinery and needed repairs. A cooling plant has been added and the plant otherwise en larged. It now haa a capacity of 20, 000 pounds of milk dally. The company has been recently reorganized and la endeavoring to Interest farmers In making better provision for the win ter's milk supply. If a otuntlty of normal blood la placed la a vessel and vigorously whipped with a bunch of twigs, a white, sticky substance is found clinging to the twigs and bind ing them together. This is a natural element of the circa- IsvIam saeasl ias Vo steams aa SI sjk1 ea al aa aa wA Vk-M1 aa AAMaf Ifvfskwaf sai a,. . j . - lauuu avuva aa uinu yimouim m nuvuf vwuewvuuruu yhnrvsncou Z? Port,ftnd Mxt is the true healing quality of the blood. This plagmic prop- m, erty is frequently destroyed by impure accnmnlations in the blood, and this vital fluid sot only loses its power to neal, but becomes a source of irritation to any wound or open sore or nicer on the flesh. Continually the blood discharges the imparities into the place and gradually the infection spreads ana the sore enlarges. The nutritive corpuscles are also weakened, and the Feet So Sore ' Couldn't Walk Down Stairs- TIZ Cured Her Quick FOR SIX STORY TUMBLE INN y GMN HA fCnlted Prau Lei4 WlrO Tacoma, Wash., April 21. C Knutaon. who fell six stories down an elevator shaft Wednesday, is little ths worse for his experience now, and will leave the Fannie Paddock hospital In two or thrao days. No boswrebrokea and the bruises he sustained were not seri ous. Knutson struck on his hip. TVblla wheeling concrete on ths sixth floor he lost his balance. X was suffering greatly from s sore amy left brsaat, whiok hadbegnn to sat, and at times deep, shooting paina would pasa through It. Z con sulted phyiioiana, bat their treat- feat did not benefit ma very tnuoh. knew that ths disease waa heredi tary la my case, as an only mother and two of her slaters had been slmllarlysffected. After I bad flntahed tha first bottls of S. 8. 8. I felt soms better, go oontlnusd It un til Z was oursdi. Bolton, ko. aCftfl. J. CA08XX.X Xa 1877 X had my leg badly eat oa tha sharp edge of a barrel. great Sore rormea, ana ror years no oae sows what X suffered with tha pi see. X tried, It seemed to me, everything I had ever heard ot, bat X got no relief. At laat X bsgaa the nae of 8. 8. 8., and continued It until It removea ail sns peieoa xroaa my blood and made a eomplsts aad per- ortbssore, maaaat ours fths eore. J Si I 108 Wyokoff Bk,, Brookiyn, X. X. blood has not suffi cient nourishing power with which to stimulate the place. External applications cannot care sn old eore, because such treatment does not affect the blood; the most that can be expected from plasters, washes, sarves, etc., is a cleansing, , soothing effect on the nicer. j S. S. S. heals old sores in a perfectly natural way. It goes down into the blood, and restores the impurities and morbid matters that are the means of keeping the nlceT open; then the sore Is bound to heal. 8. 8. 8. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and not only does it cleanse the circulation, bnt it restores the healing, plasmia ' qualities and aids in promotinfr every necessary quality for good A. G. Smith M. D. Uendlns SpesclalUst for Alsin I am ths only Specialist la Fort land who uses his trus name and photograph in his announcements. I seaand treat my patients personally, ana am not a "medical eompaay. "medical Institute" or a "medio! system." All men should know who ths doctor Is they eoasult, aad ahould carefully consider whether they deelre to entrust their health with a' hired doctor of a medical oompany. I see my photograph ss that when you come to aes mo per sonally you will recognise ms. lav vestlgate my personal standing be fore accepting treatment from a doe tor of unknown Identity or rsputav- iion. - Are You Being treated In asattafaotery wtaa by your preeent doctor? Is as ring out his promtsesT Has h cured you in a reasonable time, am lived up to hla guarantees Are yoa paying him exorbitant prices for icinei Doeo be employ thi If you cannot anawer tneaa questions xevoraoi ner car medicine! Does he amnlov thor ougniy up-to-date and sdentlfl methods, which would be epprov aeotorr aa aueal to yourself, soma and nav a conrioentiai talk with ms about your caae. ' It will oost yoa no thing. Cured In PIve Dayi I tirt ssti-h fftsoriwr .nui&arleose, Veins, Hydrocele. Plies, Specific Blood Poison, eto.. eomnletelv and .nermanentlv. often with onlv a aln. gie treatment, mo severe operation empioyea. nor aetention rrom busl nees. I enpeclally solicit stubborn and long standing cases that othat doctors have failed to euro. Examination Free I offsr not only FREE consulta tion and advloe, but of every case that cornea to mo I will make a care ful examination and dlasnoala' with. out charge. No ailing man ahould neglect this opportunity to got ax pert opinion about hla trouble. , If you cannot call write for diag nosis chart My offices are open all day from A. M. to I P. at, and Sundays from 19 ts 1. Dr. A. Q. Smith Morrison Street. Cot, Portland, Or. EDGE ON P. M GOVERN Tailing Hair You Run No Risk When You Use This Remedy. While many people In their prims doubt the assertion that "the hairs of our head are numbered," there la today many a man and woman fast reaching the point where this statement Is liter ally brought horns to them. If you suf fer from Irritation of the scalp, and from dandruff, or If your hair is fall ing out, do not wait until you reach tha point where you can actually count how many hairs are left on your head. Most cases of baldness are oaused be cause tha roots lack proper nutrition. Zn such esses there is a microbe which borea through the scalp along the line of tho hair Into tho root and when it lodges there It begins to destroy the fatty1 matter around the hair roots. When the scalp snd hair roots ara strong and healthy, it- Is Impossible for these microbes to get In their deadly work. We can promise you that If your hair Is falling out and you have not let It go too far, you can repair the dam age already done by using Rexall "98" Hair Tonlo. It Is a' scientific, cleansing, antiseptic, germicidal preparation, , that destroys microbes, stimulated good cir culation around the hair roots, pro motes hair nourishment, removes dand ruff and restores hair, health. It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and it is delicately perfumed. It is a real toilet necessity. We want you to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic with oijr promlae that It will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with Its use. It comes In two sizes,- prices 60 cents and ti.oo. Re member you can obtain It only at the Owl Drug Co., Inc., cor, 7th and Wash ington 8ts. Kenosha. Wis.. April II. Johnny Con .Ion, the bantamweight champion, today has a well earned decision over Phil McOovern of New Tork. Coulon out boxed McQovern all the way and In the tenth round had Phil holding on to avoid a knockout. The crowd was with McOovern and Coulon's rough work was roundly hissed. McQovern broughx the crowd to its feet In the 'Sixth round when he drove Johnny to the ropes with wicked rights ana an 1i!b.Ut lu" c,hamP,on came back I jtmrny Walsh of Boston. The men will t iri Ti . . fight In Kenoaha May 9. GOVERNOR'S AUDIENCE TO BEGIN AT 11 A. M. f8lem Bureau ot The Jonraal.1 Salem, Or., April 21. In order to facilitate transaction of tho multitude of matters that come dally to tho gov ernor s attention, Oovernor WesL an nounced today that beginning with to morrow no one will be allowed an audi ence until 11 o'clock each morning. At that time newspaper correspondents will interview him and after thorn any visitors will be received. Forbes to Fight Walsh. unicago, April 21. A match waa If you have eore feet, tired feet, lale at drug Stores. sweaty reet, lame feet, tender feet. smelly feet, corns, callouses or bunions read what happened to Mrs. Crockett of Jeff erson vllle, TZS SID IT. Mr. Crockett says: "After tha seoond treat ment she walked downstairs ons foot at a time. Shs has not boon abls to walk downstairs before In past five years, except by stepping down on saoh step with ons foot at a tlms. This is remarkable. Bend five mors boxes." no matter what alls your feet or what under heaven you have uaed with out getting relief, Just use TIZ. It's different It acts right off. It cures sors feet to stay cured. It'a ths only foot remedy ever made which acts on tho principle of drawing out all the poisonous exudations which causa sore feet. Powders and other remedlea mere ly clog up the porea. TIZ cleans health. S. S. 3. builds new flesh tissue from the bottom of the ulcer to the outer skin, and makes a permanent cure, hook on sores ana ulcers and any medical advice free. 6. S. S. la for Blood TSB SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAftTA, OA. Diaeaaes, I Nervous Decline, Varicose Veins, I CURB rnam sin1 lraans rriam aIasm Tan I . - A . . i mm -mv t tv nai i votee wa " v aawaav m . i vtvail, A VU I .on.. wHBnw. mii up wun clinched today between Harry Forbes, will feol better the first time It's used, uppercut which pushed Coulon's the veteran "come back" champion, and Use it a week and you can forget you ever had sors feet. There Is nothing on earth that can compare with It TIZ Is for sale at all druggists, IS and 60 cents per box, or direct, If you wish, from Walter Luther Dodge At Co- Chi cago, III. Recommended and sold by THE OWL DRUG CO. 7th and Washington ots. STANDING pF THE TEAMS Pacific Const League. Won. Lost san Francisco 14 Portland 13 Sacramento 11 Oakland 10 Loa Angelea 9 Vernon 9 8 10 1 18 14 PC. .6S .566 .6R0 .466 .409 .391 Qualifying Round Opcne. Philadelphia, April 21. -A qualifica tion round for the club cup will open the season of tho Merlon Cricket club here tomorrow. Spokane , Victoria . Vancouver Seattle . . Tacoma . Portland . Northwestern League, Won. Lost ......... National League. r-.., . , . Won. Lost Philadelphia ( 1 New York 4 j Chicago I 2 Pittsburg 8 8 St. Louis I s Cincinnati 2 8 Brooklyn 5 Boston l P.O. 1.000 .687 .600 .600 .88.1 .000 P.C. .867 .87 .600 .600 .600 ! .400 i .2 bis , .260 ! Reagan to Meet Webster. Los Angeles, April tl. Jimmy Rea gan and Danny Webster, featherweights. have been algned to fight at Salt Lake, May is. Belolt, RIpon and Lawrence will probably meet in a triangular dual track meet at the Marquette college track In Milwaukee on June 8, the plan or bringing the colleges together In Milwaukee for a track and field event has been discussed each year, but each time previously fell" through. Detroit New Tork .. Washington . cnicago Boaton at Louis . Cleveland . , Philadelphia American League. Won. Lost P.C. ! 1.000 ' .800 .800 .41!$ .400 .875 .288 J09 Bf You I7ani G-Bair (Set Swissco faissco Grows Hair, Stops Dandrofl ana JKestores way or faded Hair To Its Natural Color. Good For You .You can't have & clear brain, active muscles and firm nerves, if your bowels are sluggish ; but see what a help to you will be a few doses of BEECHAHTS I1L1LS ' M Everywhere. fa bases 10s. aad SSa. ... Answer to Query. Sporting Editor The Journal Will you please state outcome of last year's opening game nere at Portland, who pitched and ths datet Oakland and Portland played, Port land winning 2 to 0. Garrett and Har kina were pitchers and tha data was April 1. SPIKES CARRY BLOOD v POISON TO PLAYER 4 Alva. Okla.. April 1. Bert e Clifton, outfielder on tho North- e western Rangers' baseball team 4 of Alva, who while playing with tha Southwestern Normal school 4 team at Weatberford, waa spiked ; e) e In the right hand, today -la at tha point of death. The injury was . not treated at the. Urn of the e accident, and a severe case of 4 blood poisoning developed. . g Swisses Brings Qatsk Results. J 6wlssco produces astounding reaulta so quickly it has amaaed those who have uaed It We will prove It to you if you will aend 10c in silver or stamps to pay postage and we will send you a trial bottls and our wonderful testi monials. There Is ho excuae for baldnesa. Write today to Swlssco Hair Remedy Co.. 8651 P. O. Square, Cincinnati. Ohio. Swlssco Is on sale at all drurrlsta and drug departments at 60c and 1 1.00 DR.GREEN MEN OVABASTTSB TO arrmm Our guarantee Ko money required until satisfied ts your abaolute protection. Consul ts 1 1 o n, examina tion end diagnosis free. Our specialty Is All Ailments of Man. What you want Is a curfv coma to us and get It Hour? dally 8 to 6. Ev enings, 7 to 8 Sundays, 10 to 1 DR. GREEN CO. sea Washington St-. Itartlsaa, O. 1 i E Ml IN THE COUNTRY gossans Btsa In Portland aad from all parts of the country are oomlcg to the Men's Ores test Spsolalists at fit Louie Medical Co. to be oured. AU sensible men affllotod with any nervous disor der, Rheumatism, Rupture, B01 auooei wisoraer, realise toe n ma. slty of Wa Lead ths Wort west ta Oojr. tag Dlsoraeew ef ana,, having reliable spedaJIats ours them. Many times a poor dostor, through laok of experlenoe, will go mors Injury than good. Be eareful, be sensible don't make a mistake go to tne St Louis Medfoal Co, Our physicians are ths saaiag speeiaurM, ror men's disorders. na asve oeon aa ror rears. Ai.r 1. r - If yen sail at enoe I wIH give you one week of treatmeat free If you deslrs to prove that I can ours yen. Did yo svsr receive a fairer effort Rupture; Kidney, Bladder. .Prostatic and All Diaeaaes ..Obstructions, Peculiar td ' Piles, Men; I Cure Men Quickly In y llCtl I use the qulokest ours WCn will euro as low aa Dome to me first and avoid waa edlelnea or treatments. Consultation and oxaminatiaa free, call today Oo mi ta ths world for aoute disorders, which I . Call and Investigate. Make no mistake. wasting your nars-eamea cesb en werthlees fhmnlrt Pocao 11 ru &ave an old ease that has beea hanging en for AliiUIMU OaoCo months, and which medielnes front d-eotors and drug gists can't seem to euro, there Is some reason. I have a scientific sure for these caeca and will euro you right, quickly and oheaply. Don't let a dis order drag you down In health and weaken you. Dlnnrl anrl Clin flic Airfare Eruptions, pimples, swellings. rhev- uiuuu niiu wiviii viavievie susm, uric aoia, SKin disorders, ecse- unaer and efltlng ma. Don't go to Hot Springs; I ean euro you cheaper and better. my scienuno treaimeni an tneee tsrnoie symptoms quioaiy aisappi roDuat neaita return a. 11 einers nava zaiieo 10 oura, or are not you, oome to me. 1 euro pennanenuy, quiesiy ana eneepiy. Men who were drooping and declining ut spirit ana ooay srs oeing orougnc back to youthful vigor, full-blooded health, noble manhood again by the marvelous methods that nava grown out of my SO years of atady and treat , ment of every form of maaoullna dis order. I am making man , well . and whole. I am doing what no ether tpe 1 clallst can do for men. Whea all oth , era fall I cure, becauae my practice has 1 been wider, my experience more varied. 1 because my knowledge la more perfect :What I am doing for others I will do for you. Just ths effort of calling at my pf floe and, without spending . one cent, nere conuaeniuu ui wiui mewv DR.LINDSAY The Old Stelieble peelnlist, Corner Alder and Seoond atreeta. Xn: trance 111 Second street Portland. Or. Office hours A. M. to I P. M. Sunday, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Usually 000 or on the left side and often sense drag- roin ana isine, worry ner ro- Varioose Veins ZrAtRS ousness. They are usually eaused by strains, 11; longed standing on ths feet sedentary habits. ftlns. blOToU rtrtln X euro without cutting. or The curs Is safe and absolutely certain. Come and see ms free. Bladder Troubles and Kidney Disorders 1 plexlonT Rave yen weak or fainting spells? Do your feet swell J If yoa nave any wi uiee rroptuiuB nn 1 wti mu ywur give you a eareful examination free. Come now. eve yea haekaohef ve yen muddy oem- bwvii 1 if yoei gets bad, I will Xroal JVgJWY BAT, This Is how you feel. There Is MEN, CURED 5 ISOURFEE "Nprvmia Mfln" usually pain aovees the small of the baok. blue rings unds speoss oerore ins eystei sieep aoes net reirean yen; rou get up ins lowTed no appetite. Dear reader, oome to me and X euro cheaply ana permanently, venae r your eyes. in udo morn- oes t feeling tired: year memory Is poor, your mind wanders; you are bol- you are imutul always ezseoung OU get up wa.n dera iling the worst to happen; nervous, ind I will lend yea a helping head, today don't put off any leager. CERTAINTY OF CURE SPBCXAX AXXJCBB-T Kewlr con tracted and chronic cases -cured. All burning, Itching and Inflammation stopped In 14 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for liat of queatlons. - Office Hours a. m. to S p. m. Sun days, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. only. iama'b1 ftna MCO,nn'nW la Port- Pacific Coast Medical Ccv THE OWL DRUG CO. ' 834H WASKIHOTOir ' STBXXT, Coraer rtn Vortlaad. Oa , Is what rou want oure you or refund your money. 1 will give yea a written XJEOAX, OUAJLAJfTKB to it you are urea er paying out money and waiting fot4sultevtbls Is your opportunity to be oured quickly. There la all theTdlflereaee la the world between doctors and treatments, and yea Out ol Town Men Visiting tne City Consult ms at ones upon arrival and awrbe yea ean be eared before re tureng lytme. JAnr yssseaa be eured te one, tw er mere visits, eoa KXmVmTATXQn AW9 mAMXBATmm rMM. ad efflee or by nuUL One pereVnal visit Is referred, bat If this ss las preetloabla, write us a full aad aa reserved history ef your ease and get ' our oplnl firee. Many eases eared at kerne. Meloln4s freak treaa ear a warn waasamwrya VsV-vv tj mmv a a. as. a w aa. araas?, xa ta, ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO, lvwjaaiu muwma us laaaiw stxa, TVnTUUm, CUB. ,' A aafa aad simple reaMdv fort I iff Ml aW4CaMrrs.HarfewVJ , fSl I Moss, lirlSMIeas. slees. I I elleaeef SLLwewi lemlirains . Wfmmtm I ee UaJass of tae aoee, UNreeb. ,r ' IU- js I iloiili ecarinxy taa. I ' at aauoaisra si f.c VWfteMewtteaae I , 1 wVaaaaaaWslsBVsB)SBlh ''"' '1 :"; ' . ftafcyr ..'-.i"y, . 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