The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 20, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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California Insurgent Works in
Maiden Speech, Says Sole
. Objection Offered to Admit
tance Is Progressiveness.
. U'n'twl Ptrss Wtr.
, WMhlnt"ri, April 1 - Hpuktnir on
' , ths sdralKSloii of Arlmtm to the I'nton.
' Agistor John I). Works, Ipiirllcn in-
, urfent of i'allfornlR. MIsrel
f.msldon spperh In the senate toiUy
.mmlA tfl iwirt:
, '"A territory Is ankltur l admitted
'to th t'nlon. Hor plea for Hdmlsslon
"Alt met not with the claim that aha does
it.nt r.r. tha nerrBSftrV tsrrltOIJT Or
population, but aoleljr because her con-
' atltutlon provides for direct legislation.
" i "The peojle are Insisting that they
'hall be permitted to govern their own
country and that It ahall not be cor
rn.d hy tha rower of
-money In tha hanrta of men who earn
fnnihinr tnr tnvprnment except aa a
tmeana of Inrreaalng their vast wealth.
. . i Uridines Brought Home.
"Thla widespread uprising against
, tcorruptlon la founded upon tha most
xnnvlnrlnr evidence. We need not go
'mitjiMa of thla chamber to find evi
leice of thla fact. It waa charged that
'the election of a member of thla body
Uiad been, procured by corrupt practices
- 'and the bribery of votea In the leglsla-
tture. An- investigation was maae oy a
committee of the senate. It la enough
" to ay that It waa clearly and suffl
trlently shown that corrupt practlcea
'had been reaorted to In the election and
Jthat soma vote had been purchaaed.
t "It la not my purpose to reargue that
. lease. I am citing It to show wny me
. 'people of thla country may Justly claim
(a larcer ahare In the selection of their
'officers and tha control of legislation,
When tha people attempt to limit the
'power of their repreaentatlvea and as
sume some of that power themselvea by
'-ignoring the unfaithful representatives
and acting directly at tne pons or oy
recalling them and aubatltutlng honest
.'and capable repreaentatlvea In their
: 'place, tha cry i raised that thla effort
: to control their repreaentatlvea and
' Jthelr government la violation of the
nnnMiirunonv inn is mnuw m
. iconfronta ua today. The propoaed con
Jetltutlnn of Arliona provides for the
1 1nitiative, referendum and recall. Ob
Yiectlon la made to tha admission of
this- territory aa a state on this ground
;'and this alone.
V Za Toroe Trom Baglnalnr.
t "The referendum haa been In force
'for 'eertaln purposes In almost. If not
'julte every state In the t'nlon from tho
"beginning, and that in the most impor
,lant of all questions the adoption and
amendment of constitutions desires
many other thlnies. The Initiative and
I referendum haa been In force In Oregon
for some time and the question of the
.constitutionality of such legislation has
. been before tha supreme court of that
state morn than once. I am not exnect-
iing the millennium to come In politics,
5 Jf direct legislation shall be universally
j adopted In this country. After all. and
(In tha final analysis, the stability of
- lour institutions must depend upon the
i honesty and patriotism of our people.
"Can any senator suggest a better
way than that of giving greater power
I to the perfple through the direct prl
niarv and the initiative, referendum and
I recall?
Bosses Ara Booted.
"I speak from knowledge when I say
jthat the corporate Interests Hnd polltl-
cal bosses of tny own state have been
'utterly routed, our politics purified, the
standard of cltlxenahlp elevated and the
confidence of the people in better con
ditions vastly Increased through these
reforms alone. They have banished the
'political caucus and convention, the
, convenient tools of corruption, and
3 made every voter Independent to do his
j own will at the polls. Whereas, before,
1 ! . - i. - . ... . - J
one great corporation, with If a allied
TorceH of evil, nominated and elected
our offli-orN snd tha officers elected
were Its servants snd not the servants
of tho people, nt the fir at election after
Ihe prlmniy . le, tlon law went Into
force we fleeted an honest, courageous
and Independent governor -n man who
takes ordciH from no corporation, ma
chine or boss; a lieutenant governor o'
the same caliber, and the le.t leglala
ture the state has ever hud
Proud of Art ion a.
"1 am proud of thu people of ArUonn.
who have come here with this mnatltu
tlon, so frrnnrd as to protect them and
their new state from fraud, corruption
and bribery in elections and In publlo
"The reran N singled out as the
one IndefriiHlble provision in Ihe pro-
pond, constitution, and the right given
to recall Judicial officers la denounced
as partlciilHrlv obnoxious. But what
h the question whether I or any
other senator does or does not believe
In the recall of Judges to do with the
right of Arliona to be admitted aa a
"The provision for the recall Is not
In violation of the constitution or of the
enabling a-t. Jt Is a unestlon that af
fect Arlxona alone snd one thst her
people have a right to settle for themselves.''
Cowlitz Farmer Die Hard Death.
fftpeelil INapstrb to The Jmiroal.k
f'astlerock, Waah., April 20. . Mel
ton, a farmer w ho resided near this city
on tha west side of the Cowllti river,
died Tuesday after aeveral weeks of
terrible aufferlng from an abaeeae on
one of hla lungs, from which It seemed
Impossible to obtain relief. He was a
member of the grange, and the funeral
was held In tills city this afternoon un
der the ausplcea of that order, which la
very atrong in thla section.
(Special rHipttrh te Tba Jouro.1 )
Olynipla, Wash., April 20 Uovernor
M. K. Hay haa made a statement In con
nection with his action in tendering lo
a man outalde the state, W. J. rtohert
of Medford, Or., the position of Wash
Ington stats highway commissioner.
Since the term of H. H. I.. Bowlby
expired and h was not reappointed, the
governor has been trying to secure the
service of the Mggest engineer possi
ble,, regarding the position of highway
commissioner aa very Important. For
this reason there haa been delay In
picking the right man, although there
were a great many aspirants. B. W.
Huntoon of Belllngham waa tendered
the position, but on account of the mix
up In tha highway laws and hla own
pressing buslnesK. he declined. Will R.
White was named to serve temporarily
snd will be succeed'Hl by Profesaor Rob
erts, who waa formerly a member of the
Washington State cellege faculty at
Pullman. '
The recent legislature Increased tha
pay of the highway commissioner from
fSOOO to 15000 annually.
sn Mego. Cal.. April 20." Details of
the maneuvers at Orossmont by tha
briude of regulars under General
Bile during the leaf 10 day show that
aome valuable practice has been ob
talned. In one Inatanca the brigade waa
aeparated Into several dttachmenta that
were sent In different direction. IP or
30 miles apart, to meet again at given
place at a given time. Tha detachments
scaf tared at 10:30 laat Monday morning
and djid not meet again until 41 houre
Whlla the signal corps was near
Alpine, yo mile from a telephone, It
drovs a stake, with a wire attached,
Into the ground and Immediately took
a long wireless messag from Wash
ington, D. C, about cha war.
General Bliss Is particularly pleased
with the. work of his officer! and men.
From all accounts tns men sppvar to
havs enjoyed the maneuver experience.
Causes Sickness
Federal Force to OJlnaf a.
(Cnlttd Press Y4 Wire.)
Chihuahua, April 20. On thousand
federal cavalry ara an route to OJInaga
for Its relief. When the rebel activity
started In the north, moat of tha avail
able federate were stationed here. Now
there Is a general outward movement to
meet the I nsur rectos near OJInaga.
Good Health Impossible With
a Disordered Stomach.
There Is nothing that will create sick
ness or catiaa more trouble than a dis
ordered etomach. and many people dally
contract serious maladiee aimpiy
through disregard or abuse of the stom
We urge every one suffering from any
stomach derangement, indlgeatlon or
dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic,
to try Resall Dyspepsia Tablets, with
the distinct understanding thst we will
refund their money without question or
formality, - if after reasonable use of
this medicine they are not satisnea
with the results. We recommend them
to our customers every day, and have
yet to hear of any one who has not
been benefited by them. Three slses.
26o. too and 11.00 a box. Bold only -at
The Owl Drug Co.. Inc., or. Seventh
and Washington streets.
For the Remainder of This Week One-Fourth Off on All Framed
Mirrors, AH Hammered Brass, All Cut Glass. All Art China High
Class Picture Framing at Lowest Prices
Two Bright Days of Value Giving
With us this week, Friday and Saturday will be Housekeeper's days. All
through our four floors there is waiting for you an array of bargains in reliable, first
quality household needs. Every careful housewife every economical buyer in Port
land and its surroundings should visit us on these two days. On every purchase you
will save something; every item listed below (and the list is by no means. complete)
will leave a profit to your purse.
And there are other advantages. You can depend on what you buy here. Our
life-work is the purchase, manufacture and sale of the best there is in drugs and their
related lines. You know there are two kinds of merchandise the kind that is mere
ly made to sell, and the kind that is made to use. We keep the usable kind. Our
knowledge of the goods we offer and our responsibility protect our customers.
We will be glaa to welcome you. Every one of our force of bright, enthusiastic
men and women will be glad to serve you, helpfully with confidence in the goods
they sell.
Jtfi4 ItaJaaitaeXKNewy'eraj
gct2nin Ootfes
Stylish Furnishings
Come in and look over our
new line of Spring Neck
wear and Shirts.
Every well-dressed man is
particular' about his clothes.
If he can get something dif
ferent he will. If htf wants
something different let him
come to us. . " , (
Clothes '
are distinctive and have the
Style, Quality and Refine
ment appreciated by men
who aim to be correctly at
tired. The Fit, the Finish, the
Style of Benjamin Clothes
add grace and refinement to
the wearer.
Benjamin Suits
$25 to $40
Benjamin Overcoats
$25 to $40
Light Weight.
Newest in
Derbies and Soft
Knox $5.00
.$4 to $15
Warburton .....$5.00
Heath (imported) .... .$5, $0
French and Italia?
Soft Hats .$3 and $5
Bristol Hats $3.00
311 Morrison
Opposite P0.
311 Morrison
Opposite P. O.
Friday and Saturday Two Days Devoted to the Home Friday and Saturday I
V ; ; ;
Li :i niiTassUr yjaassisyrmsi
Friday and Saturday
Royal ShoeCo.
Between First and Second .Sts.
readies' 2-k rap Velvet, Corduroy and
OMim jrumps, in macK or tan. Kejr
ular $2.50 values, for two days only
at one-half price.
Jk $1.25
Royal ShoeCo.
229 Morrison St.
tea . w ur "Kifftt ii Quality
. Feed. 1'ut up under the Pure Food
Law AnaJyala iruaranteed. A
, amjilete food for Baby Chicks
froiif . ehftll until 10 ;wek old,
tiemember this la all pare food,
no screenings or waste. Wfc sell
' Foods, Remedies, Insecticides end
Supplies of aU kladi., Conkey's
sultry bnofc oor catalogue free
Patent Medicine Section
50c California Syrup of Figs 29
L). D. D
Salvitae 40
Shoop's Restorative 7
Hood's Sarsaparilla 75$
Oregon Blood Purifier
S. S. S.. large size 1.19
Wine of Cardui ,
Mother's Friend HOC
Wycth's Phosphate Soda .40e
Lydia Pinkham's Compound 59
Kennedy s Discovery Bl,B
Phenol Sodique 4t
Pond's Extract
Lavoris 29
P.orolyptol 8
Kno's Fruit Salts 80
Imported Carlsbad Salts T5e
Gude Peptomangan
Carter's Pills 15
Pierce's Pills 15
Brandrcth's Pills 18
Beecham's Pills 19
Ayer's Pills v 15v
Doan's Kidney Pills 38
Pizo Pile Remedy 40
Lino Salve 20
Resinol 40
Mentholatum 40
Glover's .Mange Remedy 40
Cooper's Sarsaparilla 75
Stuart's Dyspepsia 40
Allen's Dyspepsia 40
Celery King 20
Carter's K. & H. Tea 20
Piatt's Chloride . . .' 40
Bristle Section
25c French Tooth Brushes, assorted.... H
35c Tooth Brushes, high grade 27
$2.50 to $3.00 Hair Brushes, high grade f2.09
$1'0 Hair Brushes fl.13
$1.00 Cushion Back Hair Brushes 59
75c Solid Back Hair Brushes, assorted, extra sp'1..39
35c Hard Rubber Dressing Combs 23
35c Hard Rubber Fine Combs 23
50c Cloth Brushes 39
Each customer purchasing a tooth brush will be
presented with a Celluloid Tooth Brush Rack.
Stationery Section
35c "Woodlark" Playing Cards 29
75c English Linette Playing Cards 25
25c Mascotte Playing Cards 19
$1.00 Scotch Clan Playing Cards 49
50c Souvenir Playing Cards 39
Moore s Push Pins, package 7
Collapsible and Paper Drinking Cups
Fountain Pen Ink, special, -1 pint 40
Fountain Pen Ink, special, 'A pint 25
$1.50 "Woodlark" Fountain Pens, guaranteed 98
Waterman and Conklin fountain Pens: all pens sold
on ten days' trial.
"Mew Method" (Gas Ranges
One of the greatest inventions of the,century the "New Method"
Gas Range. It saves you many a dollar in your gas bill. This is done
through their patent burner. It is highly important to your pocket
book that you invesitgate this feature. Almost any style pf Gas
Range you can mention is now in stock. Two full carloads received
the past week. We quote a $20.00
Special, 4-Hole
Gas Range Sj 9.75
Only. .... . JUP
Made like the cut, and fitted with
the celebrated "New Method"
burners, which are guaranteed to
burn one-fourth less gas than other
kinds. This range has a baking
oven and four burners on top; shelf
at either side.
Ym Refrigeraf oHStoy 1 Mow
,t'.-..J.,.,. j
r --
-? ! 4'., . I
Sundry Section
Drug Section
25c Glycerine and Bay Rum, bottle.. ,
25c Witch Hazel, best quality, bottle..
10c Sea Salt, package
25c package Assorted Corks
25c Carbrilinum, Imttle
10c "Peroxide Hydrogen, bottle
20c Wood Alcohol, bottle
10c Chloride Lime, pound
15c Borax, pound
10c "Woodlark" Pure Pepper, can....,
10c "Woodlark" Pure Allspice, can
35c Boracic Acid, package..
25c. Carbolic Acid, bottle
10c Measuring Glasses, each
10c Bay Rum, extra quality, bottle....
10c Sewing Machine Oil, bottle
10c Metal Polish
. .18
. .20.
. . .8
$1.00 -Stencil Outfits, for home decoration 79
$1.60 Liquid Wax, for renewing furniture, floors and
woodwork, Vi gallon K1.18
$2.00 .Floor Paint, gallon .." $1.48
$1.00 Paint Brushes 88
15c can White hnamel, brush free 9
90c Tarine Moth Proof Bag, 30x65 inches 58
$l.5 Wall, .floor and Hand Duster, with long and
short handles; can be washed..
Jewelry Section
Medicinal Liquor Section
$1.00 Pure Old Bourbon 71
$1.00 Fisher's Pure Rye :...74
$1.25 Carlisle Rye, bonded 79
$1.00 Three Star, 1 00 r Proof California Brandy.. 83
$1.00 Juniper Gin 83
$1.50 German Kummel $1.25
75c Virginia Dare Wine 69
75c quart Imported Chianti Wine 63
45c pint Imported Chianti Wine i37
Lxtra Special 100 proof, bottled in bond, 8 year
old Chicken Lock Bourbon .89
75c Hat Pins..
$1.50 Hat Pins.
50c Belt Fins..
75c Belt- Pins..
25c Barrettes .
50c Barrettes ..
It is none to early to secure your Refrigerator. You will want
the best especially when the best will cost you no more than
an inferior one.
Investigate the "Old Reliable" the Standard for Thirty Ydai
Tine "Alaska"
It is built right to save ice consumption. There is no need to
experiment you will find that the "Alaska" will fill all require
ments. It has a reputation of a generation for irood service.
Prices range from t
Barrettes .78
Perfume Section
75c Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal 59
$1.00 Pinaud's Eau De Quinine 75
Lyons Tooth Powder .. 11
$1.00 Schefflcr's Colorine .65
10c. California Medicated Soap 5
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 40
10c Lava Soap
50c Pray's Ongoline , 35
50c El Perfccto Veda Rouge " ' 29
50c Walnutta 44
50c Crerne- Elcaya 32d
50c De Miracle Cream , ,......,.19
1 -r
1 lac Kuoiioam d ......... .- i. '.12
$12.00 to $0
1 . .
v I tilt ITS m. Bl d 'l : m liii llllil 1 ill f
1 wmWe&m
i "PHir i "Mil
Woo d arH, C 1 sir k e Co;
Washington and Fourth Streets
We will gladly open an account with you. Avail yourself of
our quick delivery system .
Strong. Steel Bodies; Covered
With Good Leather
Our Go-Carts have all the latest closing devices, are of"
light construction, making them easy for the mother to
handle whether for home use or "streetcar traveling. We
carry the celebrated "Sturgis". cart in many different
styles. We offer a special $8.00 Sturgis with hoocl like
cut, ten-inch rubber-tired wheels, leath-TfEI
ix covering in black or tan, Fri-
day and Saturday Special, atD'iO
All Times
Terms to
All the
First and Yamhill
Second and Yamhill
f-?' .t