: TOXIGirrb AMU8EMEHTS TtKir.TO M1ml Rharrr." . BA K.EH Florenca Roberta, Theodore Roberta and Ttnirlow Bergen In "The Merchant of Venice." -,, . , OBI-HEUM-Orpbtum. Circuit Vallde Vllle. ' - r GRAND u1Utm Conaldlae Vaude- LTRlC Lyrio- Musical ' ' Comedy. om psny In 'TCasy Money. . , UTAH, ARCADE,' OH JOT, DEON. TIVOL1 Flrat run pleturea, 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. ,. ." Weather Oonditioru. A weak high pressure area overllea the jvortn i'ecmo ataiea.- ana a irougn shaped depression eitenda from Manl tolm southwest to Arizona. The barom etar la relatively high over the etatea between the Mississippi river and, the Auualachlan mountain. N rain . of consequence hue occurred anywhere In tho United States In the laat 24 houra, except locally In aouthweetera Colorado nd southern Teaa. It la rauoh cooler Irt the North Paclflo state, and light to heavy froata ooourred Uila morn In in Oreaon. washlncton ana mano. in temperature have rtaen decidedly In the northern atatea between the Rocky river, Atlan- Mlaslsslppl lightly in the Boutn tic and eaat Oulf at tea mountains and the and fallen slightly In the Bout Comlltlona are favorable for fair weather in thla district tonight and 'Tuesday, except In northweatern Ore Ton and western Waanrngton, where vloudlnesa will Increaae and be followed iby ahowera. Heavy froata will occur tonight In aoutheaatern Idaho and light xrosis win proDBDiy lorm in aiouinwesi rn Idaho. It will be cooler Tueaday In the interior or western Oregon. rRJOCABT vicinity Fair tonight Tuesday Increasing cloudiness followed ty ahowera; ooler. Wlnda shifting to atoutharlv. Oregon Fair tonight. Tuesday talr. ancept ahowera northwest portion; cool r weat portion. Wlnda shifting to outberly. Washington "Fair tonlaht. xcept bowers near ui coaat. Ti it, ahowera weat portion. anoativ southerly. Idaho Fair tonlaht, with light frost ajouthweat and heavy frost aoutheaat portion: ooler tonight aoutheaat por tlon. Tueaday fair; warmer south por tlon. rueaday. fair Wlnda usMone Bare X3s Ufa Chart ea A. Urown, proprietor -of the Model atablea ml Fifth and Davis etreeta, bad a nar row escape from death yeaterday f ter- aioon while -crossing the Steel bridge In his rig. The borae becoming; fright Mied at amoVe and ateain from an engine on the under portion of the bridge, and It made ax wild daah to Jiollsday awe biuo iand Croaby street, where In at tempting to turn the corner, the rig twaa tipped over, Mr. Brown waa thrown out and the buggy waa partially wrecked. The cushions and robe which were thrown out at the eame time aaved the mau'j life, although be waa uncon aiclous svhon picked up. He waa re moved to Jil a home at 190 Helsey street 3obber Xosvse Sis Bhoee-A , house prowler thla morning broke Into the residence cf T. H. Nlchola. 162 North Tenth street, walked Into the bedroom where Mr. and Mra. Nlchola were aleep Ing and searching; Mr. Nlchola' pocket a. taking $2.70 fn cash, knife, aom lodge booka and otner note booka. While onaklng the earch, Mra. Nlchola avwakened, euid railed to her tiuaband, -who took atfter the prowler. In his rilaht, the man left his ahoea, which 3ie bd taken off to make hla eteps less udlble. In the haJL The ahoea bave been turned -over te the police de. tecUvea. Later, the xnlfa. And note booka were found In the yard. Copagreoo. as Tony CaiUnto on tl th murderert f Tony Vail tnt la a In nan i-tanciaco on Novemntr g. ma, The picture ' of the, aoapect has been forwarded to Franelaoo, but ao word has yet bee a received. Th man la being held on charge of carrylnt concealed weapons, He was arretted In a saloon at Flrat and Jefferson streets. ' Delirious- Xaa. '' JleH-Mrs. Frtinlt Miller of 1141 Mississippi avenue re ported to the police thla morning that at midnight laat night her husband, who has been confined to his bed for tns paat three weeks with it serious fever, Jumped from bis ' bed, dressed hastily, took all th money In the . bouse, amounting to 1169 and then oscaped from the window .of his room, lie raa down the street before she could atop him, ahe-sald.; Miller Is believed to be temporarily demented or delirious as result of his Illness. Tho polleo have been asked to assist la the search, tor the patient. ' , SBlopeaent la ObargedA letter has been received by Chief or Folic Cox from Mrs. Jessie Vanderhoff of Bring ham City, Wash-, asking the police Aj assist in the search for Miss Bessie boyle, who left that town for Portland on April 10, with a young man. The letter ears that the girl left with young man about 21 years of ajro, amid to be' professional gambler. It la alao charged that; the young woman had a bank account, which the mas auo- ceedea in drawing- out by rorging tne girl's owns. Steamer's Steward Slea O, I Kllng- er. well known as the steward ox the steamer Lurllne, died at lite realdence, 7(4 Eaat Salmon street, yesterday. He was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. 31 years sgo. but came to this country with his parents when 8 years old and had lived In Portland and vicinity for more than 20 yeara. He was one of the most popular stewards on the river, For the paat three years Mr. K linger had been ill and Ms death was not ton expected. "Police Searcb la Tain Tho report by "citizen" that believed a sang of thlevra and highwaymen were making a rendezvous at the new city reservoir, on Hawthorne avenue at Mount Tabor, cauaed Sergeant B. F. Smith to upend an hour In the neighborhood laat night wiin xne resuu mat ine repon -mum. dis credited. A letter waa received by the chief yesterday to the affect that men were congregating there and terroris ing- the neighborhood. Choir Soy Is Dead Fred X. Waxen - blast, aged 20. died at his home, 11BU Hawthorne avenue, yesterday arter a long Illness. He was formerly a choir boy at Trinity church and a member of Professor Lawson a Hunday school class at the same time. He la survived by his mother, Mra. I W. Auamua, and sister. Mra. George W. McMatn. The funeral still' be held tomorrow at I p. m. from Hoi man's undertaking parlors. Tiro Starts la motel Fire la the basement of the Buckingham hotel at 330 Tamhlll street yesterday afternoon alarmed the occupant a Several women rushed to the street with aomo of their posaesfllona In their arms. The fire tarted In rubbish and the hotel waa filled with smoke. The fire department extinguished It without difficulty. Some alarm waa also created In the T. "W. C A, which adjolna the hotel. axln form and contains ID pagsa filled with sjstrul and vaJuabls news and In formation. Ths loading article ,1a an Raster greeting, by Archbishop Chrlatl. Klsbon Charles I O-JUolly ot Baker, haa an artlole under th titl "A Word to tho HomesMker." In which ho tolls of tha religious acUvltlta and tho po sition of th Roman CathoUo church la eastern Oregon. Tho Illustrations are axoellont, mors than 100 portraits of wall known 2ortlandn appearing. 'At Cost The new fresh and up-to-date stock of piece goods eonaiatlnr of dress goods, llnena, sheetings toweling, ginghams, callooes, is on sale today at oost. - Must make room for our ready to wear goods, Alao agent for Thomson A Warren's Corsets. Becker, McIymghUn A Bweeasy, 441 Washington atroet. CULVER HAS CITY PRIVILEGES NEAR Tho attar Brewery has Just pot en tha market a new brow of bottled beer tha last word la brewtag Rose City Beer." Give it a trial and bo convlnoed of Its merits, phones East 4a. B-114C .. B-evy, T-o-MmI Are your aye (tames satlsfactoryt Do yos need any repair ing doner X guarantee my (lasses to fit comfortably. Prloss reasonable. Rubensteln. tha opttolan, in td at t Opoa day and rtlglit, cigars, newa. fruits, stationery, hardware, aroeerles, creamary. oto, oto. Wopstar's. 408 Wash. Water From prookedc' River Springs, Electrio Lights, Power, In Sight. Diamond atonso sratsA None better. $1.10 per gallon. Good paint brush. 76c Portland tlash A Poor Co, 230 Front. as Byrns and agar has arrived, the first of season. Absolutely purs. A froo sample. J. ti. BiistoL ' Xnoas OH Stala for Interior finish. fl.TS per gallon; calclmo tints, 0e lb. Portland Bash 4k Door Co. 310 Front. Try tho BTta xrowory bottled bock beer, unexcelled la all respects; Phones East 48. B-114C learner Jesse Harktns for Camas, Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. ta. X aster Canoe tonight at RJngls School. Second and Morrison streets. iro dost, sweeping compound. Molar, Frank, Olds, W. A King, grocera. I If. A. WIse and assoelstes, pstnloas dentists. Third and Washington. SPEAKER DENOUNCES SE MED DISTRICT Spanish "War Tsteran Dies Frank T. O'Mrlen, aged 8, officer of the guard of the United Spanish War "Veterans In Portland, died yesterday at his home, 116 Kast Taylor street. He la aur vlved by two slaters who had been mak ing tliulr home with blm. Mr. O'Brien saw service in the Philippines with company L, Twenty-sixth Infantry, and with the Massachusetts volunteers In Cuba. He had been engaged In the real estate business in Portland. His fu ncral, the time of which Is yet to be announced, will be held under the aus pices of Scout Young camp No. 2, de partmcut of Oregon, 1'ntted Spanish Avar Veterans, A. J. Salisbury, com inaruler. Botary Club Meeting The monthly gnceljng of the Rotary club will be made the occasion for an Informal din jier at the Commercial club tomorrow evening. 8. K. Kramer Is announced as the chairman of the evening and he baa Asked City Treasurer Werleln, who is Also a candidate ior mayor, .to Ad Arses the Rotarlans. Other features of switertalnment and some Important bus iness are Also to come before the club Stnd all members have been urged to be jprasejoi. The hour Is p, m. VWJ aha TubUo. y hav just tean appointed agents of tke Commercial Union Firs Insurance company, of New yoris, asd wpuld be triad to meet all our patrons regarding tbelr Ire insurance, At cur etflc. 232238 Champer cf Cona morce tuilSUx, ' Chapln & 11 r low, gents, Sesktog- ttaspsct's lOanttty San Fran cisco authorities are making svery ef fort to identify the suspect arrested Saturday afternoon by Special Joo Worak. saving bis nam, as NJcodemo rays for Broikoa Window Charles echyvlnskl, a Ruaslan, was arrested by Patrolmen IMirymplo and EJnnle at mid night last night on the porch of M. 3. Webber's home at tt7 Fatton avenue. after he bad broken a huge plate class window. He was fined 126 In polloe court this morning and haa been as sessed the cost of the window. He was Intoxicated, OoqruIUo OxsaxdsM ennb A commer cial club has been organ lied at Coqullle, Or., according to a letter received by Manager C. C Chapman of the Portland Commercial club. One of the projects to be undertaken by the club will be the building of abridge across the Coqullle river. The organization has II charter members. Xa-ns Xssts in August The .next meeting or the Oregon Development league will be held at Astoria Augusf 14, 15 snd 18. An extensive program will be outlined for the event Great Interest la expected especially by reason of the act that It will be held dur ing the centennial celebration. Dallas to Come Strong Dallas will Bend a large delegation this year to the Portland Rose Festival, for the double purpose of enjoying the celebration and advertising Dallas. The movement is headed by the Commercial club of Dal laa, A prize Is offered for a catchy advertising slogan. Mrs, Tnttls to Speak. The art de partment of the Woman's club will meet tomorrow In Women of Woodcraft hall at 2 O'clock. Mrs. R. M. Tuttls has consented to address the department on "Modern Sculpture." BnfUsh for Toreirn CHrls Clasnee to be organized at Young Women's Chris tian Association. All who wish to study ars Invited to he present Tuesday, April 12, at 7:J0 o'clock. Special Vdltloa Bxoels The CathoUo Sentinel's Easter and forty-fjrst annl versary number was decidedly tbs most embltioua effort In tha way of a spe cial edition over published by a Portland weekly newspaper.. It la Issued In mag- jf ' ', JBULLETIN APRIL 17 ' , 1 M On this day, 1700, Benjamin Franklin, Ameri- , can patriot, printer and statesman, died. $L mkJp- " t-) ir ' . "' ilmiH '"Wkt,- s ! ,(,. i f 'Xi The way to clean op your town; and the onVr way. la to work through the police." said Dr. Ernest Hall of Vic toria, speaking la the T. M. C A. audi torium yesterday afternoon. 'Dr. Hall said that In Victoria an antl-vlce cru sade was started and various methods of work tried. It was found after trial of these methods that to get the police department busy protecting the people and fighting vice waa the only auccesa ful way. "In the Victoria campaign," said Dr. Hall. "It was Impossible to get tho aid of the local newspapers, and so the workers started a newspaper of their own. The commissioners of police were called together In frequent meetings and educated to the Importance of systemat ically fighting vlca" Dr. Hall denied that there Is neees slty for a segregated district He said it would Injure the community and that the immoral living and disease would spread as a cancer eats, from the dis trict where vies Is permitted to reign, j In an address at Hawthorne Presby terian church yesterday. Max Wardall of Seattle sIbo denied tha need for a segregated district If ths police depart ment Is required to supross vlca Red lights, he said, would cease to burn If the police did their duty. One thou sand Immoral women had been com pelled to leave Seattle aa a result of the snti-vice crusade there; snd several of these women, he ealJ, he had recognized on Portland streets since his arrival here. 1 (Special IHtsataa te The Journal.) Culver Junction, Or April 17. The towns! to company haa just entered Into a contract for a water aupply ayatem from Opal Springs to bo supplied to Culver Junction.' This system will eost about 150,000 and besides supplying tha town, with water those taking the contract are alao contracting with about SO farmers Immediately eurroundlng thla place to furnish domoatlo water for their farms. Thla will give theoe farmers the advantages of hot and cold water In ths house and an ample sup ply for livestock piped Into the barn. The engineering work has been done and construction will be begun soon. The springs from which this water will be secured are one of the wonders of central Oregon, bursting from beneath a mighty cliff and ruahUig with a mighty flow Into Crooked river, a few feet away. Thla water haa been analyzed and pronounced absolutely pure. The springs are four and one-half miles from the town. Work Is now under way on the power plant of the Cove Power company Just, weat oftown and within a few months electric power and lights wlll'be fur nished to thla place aa well aa to other towna la central Oregon. Light, power and water in connection with the general development ia bring ing culver Junction to the front In this section. I'he passenger service of the Oregon Trunk has been extended here and with the good hotel accommodations and the nearnesa to the Interior towna thla will be the stopping place of many vialtora and settlers ss It will save them time and expense to purchase their tickets to this point and take the auto or rtage from here on to their destina tion, rrelght aervlce has also been ex tended here snd many of the Interior towns are now receiving freight via Culver. Many new buildings are under con struction, among which are a Christian church, several stores, livery bams and other buildings. I. W. Gray, a merchant of Wyoming, has purchased six lots and will soon begin a business building, 60x 80 feet, tho ground floor to be occupied by a bank and large merchantlle busl- ness and t.ie upper floor to be an opera house. Work on tho erection of a tem porary school building will be begun eariy tn the summer In order to have It ready for school work this fall. Street grading Is now being done. MUST GO TO JAIL IN: SPITE OF WIFE'S PLEA Tha plea of a sick wife, who l soon to became a mother, did not save Hugh Hough from a Jail sentence of six months and a fine of S100 in tho United States court today. Hough waa con victed of aelllng whiskey to Indiana and his wss regarded as an exception ally aggravated rase. Saturday. Hough's wife ssw the United States district at torney and asked him to intercede for Hough because of her condition and the fact that she waa helpless on their ranch. The district attorney's office took tho attitude that Hough should have considered those things before he violated ths reservation laws. STREETCAR; POLE OFF, RUNS AWAY FOR MILE (United rrws Lmsm Wire.) Beams, wain. pni n. urnciais or , the speeding car ths Seattle, Renton A Southern Klec.trlc entrances Jumped, 11ns are Investigating the causes for ths loss Of eontrol of the Taylor's Mill car, which left Pike street Sunday morning at 1 o'clock and ran away on ths Rainier boulevard grade at Four teenth avenue south, continuing un checked for a mils' with Its heavy load of paasengera, ', ... d, , i ' 'j f ' ' : Tho failure of the alrbrakea to word ' when tha oar atruck a long carve aU lowed a record breaking trip to be made down Rainier boulevard with tbo car In darkness owing to tho trolley polo having become dislodged from tho feed wire. Bsvsral ot tho paasengera pre f erred their chance of a spill on tbs roadway to the downward plunge ' of and those- near tha Ye Oregon Grille. Have you heard Pletro Marino, the celebrated Italian violinist snd his su perb orchestra T If not, you have missed a rich treat Their repertoire is replete with the choicest musical gems, while the vocal program pre sented each evening Ls bound to please. The Misses Trfiwe snd Clow, Arry (Jljra and the little Scotchman are still gen eral favorites. Mualo to 1:30 and from 10 to 12:18. Journal Wsnt Ads bring results. ffMirl'JI'141 1 (1 (ito J Mr Makes Home Baiting Easy Royal Baking Powder helps tha housewife to produce at home, quickly and economically, fine and tasty cake, hot biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, fresh, dean, tasty and wholesome, with which the ready-made food found at the shop or grocery does not com pare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. EOTAL COOK BOOK-S00 REC12PTS IRZB Saul Nam cud Address. rri tii eoareta ee. sew man. OREGON HOTBLS THE IMPERIAL Oreffon'a Greatest Hotel S50 ROOMS. 104 SUITES With Private Baths NEW FIREPROOF BUILDINQ MODERATE RATES PHIL METSCHAN & SONS. Propa. THE BOWERS HOTEL CAFE Sloventh and Btark Has established the reputation of best cuisine In the city. Karl Riedelsberger and orchestra, and Frauleln Elsa Hchar fenherg, soprano solo, dally; Marquis Kanaei t, the famous French flute virtu oso, Sunday and Monday, 0 to 8:16 and 10 to 12. H. C. Bowers, manager, formerly manager Hotel Portland. Your Liver is Clogged up TWa Way You're Tired Owt f Porta flavw Ws Aaoette. j CARTER'S LIVER PILLS will pot yea right ia s few days, I bey do taeweWe. feaiTa baa, Kk LrrnjLX ! CARTERS i S yeS NEW PERKINS FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS OPENED JUNE, 1908 Xa ths vary heart of Portland's activity Modern la avery reap set. RATES $1.00 AND UP. MODERATE PRICE RESTAURANT L. Q. SWETLAND, Secretary and Manager a Natural Laxative Water Quickly Relieves: Biliousness, Sick Headache, Stomach Disorders, and CON8TIPATIO f N D 99 lafljaiftaa, an! t HiaJsf ia. mil pru. fluu 03K. tanui ma Genuine Signature a 10 BONDS 10 An Attractive Offering for a Short Term Investment In Sound Canadian Indus trial Debenture Bonds. We can offer the conaervatlve Investor for a short while only an opportunity of placing hla aurplus funds In a high class security bearing a rate of Interest of 10 per cent Only 160 of these Convertible Debentures at a par value of $100 each available. These Debentures alao ahare additionally o"n a defi nite basis in the accruing profits of the company. Do not gamble in stocks, shares and other forma of speculation, but INVEST where your principal and Interest Is secured. Write for further particulars of thla Bond Issue which Is particu larly attractive to Investors. Prompt . application Is necessary, as the number Is limited, OAVADXAjr SBcrrsxTxzs coa- POBATZOIT, X.T9. 1101 Dominion Trust Bldg. Yanoouvsr, . C, rteeal Afents, r-PICTURES Are the true beautifiers of the home. We are displaying this week a splendid assortment of framed and unframed pictures, suitable for home and office purposes., They will be much appreciated by you. We do picture framing as it should be done artistic ally and mechanically per fect, with a large line of new and handsome mouldings to select from. Complete line of Artist Materi als, Canvas, etc. Hasbury's Ro man gold, water color sets, etc. Stationery and Leather Goods. Sanborn, Vail & Co. Wholesale-Retail 170 FIRST . 171 FRONT Between Morrison and Yamhill PORTLAND, OR. aaropeaa Plaa stolen Stestanraat. coax on miiuov dozaabs dqaartara fo Tonriats and Com mercial Travelers. Special ratea made to families ' and single gentlemen. Ths msnagemert will be pleaaed at all tlmea to ahow rooma and give prices, a modem Turkish bath ee tabllabment la tee hotel. Catering a specialty. O. J. xanfmann, Mgr. The Bowers Hotel I II 1 It f Eleventh, Near Washington St Largest Cafe in the city. Service unsurpassed 50 ROOMS $1.00 PER DAY 50 ROOMS .. $150 PER DAY 75 ROOMS, WITH BATH. . $2.00 PER DAY Special Rates to Permanent Guests ,iampie nooms ior commercial i raveiers xjgv z5J"; H. C. BOWERS, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. tgSST ' Formerly Manager Hotel Portland rasa nil aaa aaa aaa susjil 5 if Esch of tho chief or gans of the body it a link ia the Cbaia of Life. A chain is ao stronger than its wsskest link, the body ao strooicr then its weakest organ. If there is weaknesa of stomach, liver or lungs, there is a week link in the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this so-called "weakness" is cauaed by laok of nutrition, tho result of weaknesa or disease ef the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases and weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured by ths uss of Dr. Pi&rce's Goldea Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach is oared, diseases of other organs which sttm remote from the stomach but whica have their origin in s disessed condition of ths stomach sod Other organs of digestion end nutrition, are oored alto. Inl TM mtfBg ansa Jrs mtrai mtoimmek. Tmkm tk afore rsconntatfetf "Dlteof ry" MoT ye mmr Aaro a afroaj afoas ca- aaT a mtfag aoeTy. OrvBM A wat. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new revised Edition, is seat frtt on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing esy. Send 21 one-cent stamps for tho book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-hound vol a. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. T. n Restores color to Gray or Faded hair Removes Dan druff and invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growthStops its falling out. Is not a dye, $1.00 snd SOo st Dm Stores or direct spe receipt o( pries and deslen same; Send 10c lor ampls battle. Philo llr Speeisltics Co., Newark, N. J.iUS.A. .., -. " KBFUSB ALL SUBSTITUTES ROWK A MARTIN, STIPE -TAYLOIJ tJRVQ CO.. SKLDMORK DKUQ CO. VANOOtrVES; U A. ROWN, OLIN twxxo a A , . - . v -. j...,-.. , , Itltl lilltr ; : .... ' . : J,. , .-,- r. . -.tf T r , ,MMWMMM .mii,,.! i i rr-T i-n i inmiMi i, i tmm ' mmn Motorman Arthur FaJmer remained nrt the Job, and finally aucoeeded, with tho help of tho conductor, Jsmes Donovan, In stopping ths hesvy ear by using the emergency brake after adjuetlng tha dis lodged trolley. r5r HiiiajLlIf 13 S3 S ! ill The Last Word in Motor Car Luxury Covey Motor Co. Seventh and Coach Streets AMUSEMENTS. TOWjT TAUT. TODAY. THEATRE 7th A Taylor Vhoaes Mala 1 and A-liaa. HEILIG Tonlglit Bvery Wight This Week. Special Price Matinee. Wedneaday. ' Tho World'a Ores test Xuaieal Comedy Sit, "Madame Sherry" Evenings Ixwer floor. It. 11.50: bal cony, flrat 6 rows J1.50. next 9 rows 11, following rows 76c, laat 6 rows 60o; entire gallery 60c. Wedneaday matinee $1.60, $1, 76c, 60c 36o and 25c. "Bvery Little Movement Has a Mean lng All Its Own." t s a a T b a Mill a and A-0360 L. BAKICR. Mgr. BAKER om. l. i Onentnr nerformance Tonight All Week 4 th Week of the Great TrI-Star Season. rioreneO Theodore Thurlew BOBDTI SOBBT IZMEa Za "TKB KSBOHAHT OT TBBTCB." Matlneen, Wd. and Bat. Evenings, Its, 50c. 75c, $1. Mats. SSc, BOo. Next Week "apho." MAZW O, A lOW iTt sww j sCATZsTEB XTEBT SAT ApnllT THEATRE tt-2$-S0-7Sc 8am Ohio and Wary JCartle, "Xa Old . Ciiim'i Claries Tanos. Karvelona Mil. lers. Clask Bergman, the Bavae, Tloyd Mack, Zrsmka Brothers. Uneonaled TaadevtUo. AU WBEK 4 Slytna Bordens 4, Mld-alr Teats of Bare Daring, le Wll llams and Company, Trask and Gladden, Charles Case, Bell Trio, Bbnm Bomm Brrr Trio, Miss Bessie Bahb, the Olrl ta the Harem Bklr. Popular prices. . Mat. dally. 2:80. 7:10 and p. m, . lyric; H.T TXATBOrBB ALL. THIS WEEK. BOB, ths marvelous mlnd-readlng dog; and the Xtyrlo Musical Comedy Co, In "BAST MOHXT." Three performances dally. 2:46, 7:46, 1:18. Friday night, Chorus Girls Contest after each per- formance. ' Mr QRAND Week April If. I9U That Splendid Comedian Sobers Henry Hodge ft Co., Presenting the Com edy Taree, "Troubles of Bill Bllthsrs, Baonaior." Koran ft Moraa Oraoo Bo Man Bono ft MandsU -Hoaflar Trio r Ballorlsra Uoga ' OBkAHOASOOPB Mat. every day, 2:10; any seat, 16c. Ev ening performances' 7:30 and 9:16; bal- cony, loc; lower iioor, zoo; dox eeais suo Horse Show AND SALE Portland Fair Grounds (Rose City Car) ' APRIL 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 j- Speed Test Daily, No Admission Charge Lunch Served on Grounds BASEBALL Oor, HBCHBATIOH" vabjc Taoarha and Twosty-fourth Sta. PORTLAND vs. LOS ANGELES 18. 19, 9A al. ta, X Oamea begin week days 1 p. m. $on days 3:30 p. m. Admission Blea'chera 26c; grajdaUnd. , 60c: boxes. 26c extra. Children, bleach-; era, 10i grandstand, 25o. Ladtrs' dav ' Friday. Boys under 12 free tobleauli era Wednesday. ... -- ' Fo t er &f liic?l scr High Grade Commercial nd l:ictrl SIGNS Bast Tth ad Best Bverett fta. Thoaeo Bast 1111 S-oaSs. ortland Printing Kcase Co. Book, n stale f ad Coauaeretat Printinn .Book Bladlar sad Blank Book Malt- :. IJSSTiylorSt. fhests: "klllh Mt:!