TftE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 17, 10H. 17 HORSES, VEIIIC1.ES. ETC. li Thompson &. malehorn Hors and mul commission company, hava on hand at all times CO to 10) head of , first-class drafters, , delivery, chunks, drivers and saddlers. Our, stock la all ralaad eaat of. the mountains which Insures fed and durability.- We have on hand apaclala Ten span mated Per ciieron geldings, weighing- from 1800 to 2000 lbs.', all t year Old. One stand ard bred driver with outcry and har ness. I years old. 1325. One Shetland pony, two carta, two sets of harnoss, aatAla .nit' hrl,11a vantla for children and cltv broke. A bargain at 1226. If rou are In need of one horse or a car oad we can auDDlv you. Wi sell strictly on commission. See our stock before buying. Phone Woodlawn 1400, or visit our stables at the Portland union stockyards, North yortiana. ur, Horses for Sale -. 12 horses. Weight 1100 to 1200 lbs. f t horn weight 1760 -to 1840 lbs. .10 horses, weight 1400 to 1(00 lbs. 10 horses, weight 1000 to 1100 lbs. All will bs sold under our guarantee. HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES. 420 Jiawtborne ave. REGISTERED PERCHERON8 AT AUCTION. Lakewood Farm, Iowa, wll sell ten registered and two and three registered Percheroa stallions and a few regist ered marcs at the spring sale, Portland track, Anrll 18-22. The very beat blood In the world and all big, well flnlshsd clean Individuals. A prise winner at the International la Included In the of- ferine'. . 280 H6RBE8 AT- AUdioN". The 11th annual breeders' auction sale of horses snd pure bred cattle will be held at Portland track. Rose City car, April It, 1. 20. 21 and 22. Horses for every purpose. Registered Jersey cat tle. Bec for catalogue. PORTLAND HORSE At CATTLB SALE CO., 171 Yamhill st.. Portland, Or. MULES. MISSOURI MULES. We have on hand a good aupply ef first-class mules. 4 to 7 years old, and weighing from 1100 to 1460 lbs. each. If you are In need of a pair or a car .load we can supply vou st any time. MURPHY HORBE A MULE CO.. T'nion Stork Tarda. yorth Portland Phone Woodlawn 1400. DRAFT HORSES AT AUCTION. One hundred head ot lg, gontle draft horses will be sold In the breeders' auc tion April 18-22. The opportunity of the farmer, the drayman, the orchard Ist and the breeder to get heavy draft ers at suction. Horses at Portland track now. MULES AT AUCTION. A car load of big, heavv Missouri mules will , be sold st auction during the spring sale, April 18-22. gome ex tra fine, bis- teams of young mules. Al so a. car load of yearlings, two and three vear olds. Rose Cltv car. Kal at Portland rrark bale at Portland tracic, ONE NEW, 1 ton. handmade, camel-back wagon, top and curtalna; one single, hand-made, covered grocery wagon; one second hand milk wagon; two second hand buggies. Carl Peterson, Laurel wood. Mt. Hoott car. JiKN WEHT. 2:1 5 "4. a two minute pacer and a full sister to Bill Frailer. 2:14. with a few thoroughbreds by Coloma win ne sold In the spring sale this week. LIVESTOCK AM) 1H)ULTRY SO FOR SALE-rThoroughbred Jersey cow, just fresh, rich an Die; Id house south from Gilberts station. O. W. P. D. Bhannon. TWO fresh cows, Jeraey-Holntnin, 6 gallons: Jersey-Durham, 4 gallons per flay. Will be sold subject test. 55 li. 0th. S. H. car. 6TOC1C and Improvements for sale; for information, write to Mr. Blrt Ed wardx, Payvlew, Or. BUFF Orpington eggs. See California Boh sweepstakes cockerel; nuf said. Murphy. Woodstock. Bellwood 12S0. IF YOU want to buy or spII dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce Co., at stock yards. Woodlawn 2400. THOROUGHBRED White Leghcrn egtrs, setting 1100. 74 East Salmon. Phone East 544. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, choice stock, special rates per 100. 9 ell wood 13.16. rHITE PEKIN ducks for ssle. t ducks and 1 drake: also 18 weeks old. Phone Woodlawn 2791. bUFF Leghorn eggs of quality for hatching. Come and see thcin. 1544 WabBSh. , Phone Woodlawn 1172. bow. fresh two months, good milker, to trade for good delivery pony. B- 883. Journal. frOR SALE 9 cows snd good "SHE route. Apply X-649. journal. STANDARD bred poultry and eggs; all breeds. W. D. Kelley. Tabor 2422. ANCONA eggs for hatching. 601 Vs,n- couver ave. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD TETS 63 FOR SALE Thoroughbred cocker span iel pup; also boarded and condition. 791 Kerby st Woodlawn 1097. V'ULL BLOODED fox terrier puppies for sale, $5 and $7. Dr. C. E. Brown, 91 E. 12th st Phone East 5440. FOlt HALE -MISCELLANEOUS 19 lBO SLIGHTLY used sewing machines r at very low prices. Binger. Wheeler ft Wilson, White, New Home, Domestio and others. Machines rented by week and month; all makes of machines re paired and work guaranteed, linger pewmg Macnine store, h. m. Bigei, agent. 130 Morrison st. Main Z1H8, A-4S99. )R SALE 6-year-old fruit and shade trees, rrora b to to reet tan. at to 25 Cents apiece; 29th and Tlbbetts sts., Richmond car; will be at nursery from 10 a. m. to 4 D. m. Phone Bellwood 1241. Js'EVV and second nana pool and billiard taoiea nougnt and sold on easy terms; howling alleys, refrigerators for lmme- oiate ueuvery. Address tne BrunswioK- valke-coilender CP.. 46 6th st 'OR SALE St. Bernard dog; have no ue lor mm good watcn aosr. large nd beautiful; would trade for anything i can use. rnone c-2273 or K-SB5. jour nal. ADJUSTABLE iron shelving brackets; also revolving pedestals for ohalrs for dry goods, grocery or shoe store. R. F. WALTERS. 183 1st st"; Main 8839. LTSED sewing machines; standard makes $3 to $26; guaranteed; machines rent ed and repaired; New Home Agency. 850 Morrison, next to Tull & Gibhs. SAFES New snd 2d hand; low prices: easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Hare Co.. 86 5th St. Main 6309. A-4118. ItfOTORBOAT. 28 ft hull. 4 cylinder, 4 cycle engine, all In first clans shape; A-l boathouse; will take $760 this week. Bellwood 402. 4 PITTSBURG vibrators. 1 coll for 2 cylinder, 3 for 1 cylinder, 1 lng and tube: new spark plugs and lota of small pieces. Phone B-1017. JUST a few of those fine drophead sew- f in macnines lert st sio each, all guaranteed. White Sewing Machine Agency. Main 8102, A-1602. THE NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO. SELL. RENT, REPAIR All makes of typewriters. 90 8th st FOR SALE. . NO. 7 Remington Typewriter, $40. 226 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 400 foot well machine. 8 11. P. gas engine. C-2478. 890 Vn couyer ave., Portland. TRACTION woodsaw for sale cheap. Ap ply 860 T5. Oak. Q. Snider. FOR SALE 12 h. pi gas engine. 204 E. ltn N. HiUBt 40, B-1963. SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fittings, new, sa nana. 813 Everett. M. 76 1 7. 10 'DROP head sewing machine, with attachments, can a e. Morrison st tWO..1200 ohms wireless receivers, with lrau-uami. lliqnin) W atarg Su 1 . WTEDlISOELLAyEOUa 5 HAST SIDE auction Jobbers wand 2d hand furniture, highest price paid. 94 Grand ave. R 1061.- - uun x- aex wnat you want for youtJ furniture. YVe - make a eaah- offer. Main 2844. : ' " IWANTED 2d hand furniture. East 3114. - 149 nawinorne ave.. gvater 4 Martin. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS S BARGER'S AUCTION tHOC8a; ' " 8-70 E. Morrison st Phone IS. 1012. Must have goods. What have youT N. B. We sell at auction prices - every day at any time. Bee our Wedgewood stoves and ranges. Wal , BUY '"CLOTHI NO AND EVERY- ' ..- V' . 'XltltiQ. ', . nigbest price paid -;for man's and lad las' castoff clothing and shoes, wuln 1080. 290 1st. WA NTEI People of PortlHnd to know that J psy the highest rash prtoe for second hand household goods. N. M. bVater, 143 Russell Ksst 1682. IF YOU want ths most money your fur- nlture will bring, save time, call East 4711. KS Hawthorne. Meier Furniture Co. CURTAINS hand laundered, contracts lodging houses. Work guaranteed. I BE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main nasi. A-?4fi1 WANTED To. buy second hand furnl ture at Furniture Exchange. Millard ave. ana mx. uoott canine. SHEPARD Furniture Co. gives most for used furniture, etc. E. 948. 29s unna FOK SALE Al'TOBiOHILKS 44 SECOND HAND CARS. Stearns, 180 model, V passenger, 4 cylinder, 10 h. p.; equipment, top, glass front, speedometer, gas tank, demountable rlma. 1 extra casing , 11500 Chalmers, 1910, ( passenger, 10 h. p.. fully equipped lis Peerless, 1909 model, 7 passsnger; iiulnmtnt. ton. rlana front War- nsr speedometer.' aaa tank 21(9 Maxwell. 2 cylinder, f paaaenger; .nitlnifilnt tnn mmmm frnnt. Ifl.v. art SDeedometer 419 Reo, S cylinder, t passenger. on nDM with tnn en1 Hlxwiri SDeedometer 450 Reo, 1 cylinder, I paaaenger, amilnnafl with tt.r anil Ht.wari speedometer 409 Oldamobila. 4 cylinder, eauloned with top and glass front COO Buick, 2 cllndr, equipped with ton. wtari ahlfll.t fit.w.rt anaed- ometer 459 Wlnton Six '09, 6 psssenger, eaulnnuft with tnn. wind ahleld and Presto 1600 Buick, model '10, 4 cylinder, runa bout, in good condition 500 Pierce, 1910 model, cylinder. If h. p., 5 pusse.iger tobrlng. A-l condition, ton. wind ahleld. aDecd- ometer and clock. 1000 Cahlllao 10. '09 touring car A-l con dition, ton front SDeedometer. repainted .' 1050 Maxwell KunaDout, 14 H. r., prac tically new. toD. front and mag neto: a anon 500 White Oas, 1910 tour car, top. front epeedolmeter. Presto 1260 The owners of these cars have lift them for sals with us, tney having pur chased 1911 Plerce-Arrow or Cadillac rcar"- I1 Will pay you lO investigate, r COvEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Main 5470. 7th and Couch sta Automobile Bargains 1910 Cadillac touring car, fully equipped, demountable rims snd guar anteed In first class condition; cost 12100; price 1 1 7 C . Brush runabout. SO Inch wheels, 1160. Maxwell Jr. runabout, fully equipped, 1400. Columbia electric, like new. $900. 1910 Garford. 7 passenger touring car, fully equipped, motor 4 cylinder 60 h. p., with 4 speed ahead transmission. This car can not be told from new, cost $4800; price $1976. 1910 Maxwell touring car. fully equipped, motor 20 h. p.; price $1060. E. M. F. 80, 4 passenger roadster, $600. 1909 Maxwell touring car, $175. 1910 Bulck toy tonneau, fully equipped, run 3300 miles, motor 40 h. p., cost $1900; price $1100. 1910 Flanders suburban, $600. 1910 Kenmore runabout, 12 h. p., $825. 1911 White gas car, torpedo body, fully equipped, uaed S weeks, -not even scratched, cost $2700; price $1960. 1109 Studebaker touring car, fully equipped, has elasny close coupled body, and everything like new, cost $3700; price J 11 60 for 1 week. 1910 Monitor truck, 1500 lbs, $S60. Buick touring car, 2 cylinders, 20 h. p., fullv equipped: price $425. Model 10 Buick roadster $650. CUSTOM HOUSK AUTfl 'f 881 Everett. Main 1649. MAKK THAT MACHINE Oi' YOURS NEW AGAIN Every machine- painted by ua la backed by it years or practical tacioiy sx narlence. lnaurlne- high-class mechanl cal skill, classical work, best materials and personal -supervision, even to the smallest detail. Come and; see our work vou'll bs nlessed. THE W. FLEET WATER AUTOMO BILE: PAINT COMPANY. 64 Union ave., corner East Davis st HAVE customers for 2 Chalmers-De- trolts. 2 Maxwell runabouts, 1 Stev ens Durvea. 2 Cadillacs. 1 Peerless. Buick. 1 Ford and 1 Packard. Cars called for and delivered. Free storage. free demonstrstlon. For quick results, tell us your wants. Address H. MMiLUAr,, saies 54 Union ave., cor. E. Davis street STEARNS 30-60 1). p.. 7 passenger, too. front, speedometer, overhauled and re painted, perfect condition. $2500. Owner will trade for close In acreage, or ac cept good paper. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main 6470. 7th and Couch sts. LOOK at this 4 passenger 40 horse power Overland, new, never been used will sell for 1200 less than factory price Also have 6 passenger $3700 Studebaker for liooo. All kinds or cars at ship wrecked prices. See Vance, 212 Front st. Main 2953. - - OLD aulo tires 6o per lb delivered. In ner tubes 18c per lb. We also buy copper, brass, aluminum, cast iron and solid tires. .J. Lave. 186 Columbia i Main 6198, . WE HAVE Just wnat you want In used automobiles at low figures. Western Automobile Clearing House. Keats au tomoblla garage, corner 7th and Burn- side. JacK Li, weist. manager. VULCANIZING. Wanteds All owners and driver to have vulcanising and retreading done by Chas. S. Elton, 435 Stark. Marshall 879. A-8646. HAVE your auto overhauled by the Central Garage & Auto Co., 212 Front St., near Taylor; we guarantee to make your old car run like new; prices re sonable, WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR REAL ES TATE. BEE US FIRST. FLETCHER &' Mo ANT IRE, 806-4 Board of Trad. Phones Main 8325. A-1018. AUTOS bought and sold. Write for our bargain list; we are sure to have the car you wsnt. Custom House Auto Co--381 Everett Main 1649. WANT runabout, Ford or Flanders pre- f erred: price must be right z-543. Journal. FOR SALE One E. M. F. Studebaker; one Franklin, sunnyside Auto uar- age, 204 E. 34th st Tabor 1172. STORE your car at 212 Front street; dead storage 34 month: sive 8ZQ. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 FINE organ, full set of stops, guaran teed In every way, $33.50; $5 down, $3 monthly. 350 Alder at. , PIANO used four months. fine pianola and 50 rails musio. ail ror izie, 350 Alder st $25.00 TALKING machine, with large LOANS WANTED 30 WE can invest your moViey at good rates of Interest Gilt-edge securities. First mortgages. Long-term investments. provident investment & Trustee Co., 201-203 Board of Trede bldg. . . WANT $10T-$1500 and $2500 at 8 per cent, 8 years, on homes worth over double the amount of loans; from pri vate party. C-556. Journal. WANTED 12500 tor 3 yeara at ? per cent on I room house and full lot in irvington. No agents. 3-555, Journal. WANT .1500 FROM PRIVATE PARTY1 wm pay g per cent. N-944, Journal. MONEY TO .LOAN 87 $4000 or part to loan on Improved city $4000. TO LOAN -PRIVATE PARTY. N-bt3. journal. LOAN for the asking, salary or Chat tel. The- Loan Co., 414 Dekura' bldg. MONETf TO IX) Air -fit STATE SECURITY CO. Iff . B R O K E R 8 ' SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 110 TO J100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS S A. M. TO P. M. , WED. AND SAT. TO 1 P. M- ' STATE SECURITY CO.. . I t I 101 FAILING BLDG. Ill TJoT7dlTTSRYS6T5Y Do vnu n.if mnn.v tAikvf If SO. come 1 to me and I will help you out I ad I vance money Immediately and strlotiy confidentially on furniture, pianos, au toa and other securities. Reasonable rates of Interest. M. Maiden. 601-04 Swetland bldg, . Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. uiwi rate or interest, pee me iirau J. E. Nichols 115 Yeon Bldg. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture. fiisnoa or any personal propeny; weea y or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Gray A Cunningham, room 201 Rotbchlld bldg.. 287 H Washington St.. between 4th and 6th sts. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers end others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest paymants; offices In 10 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms. Tolman, 11 T Lumber Exchange. Quick loans on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life Insur ance policlea, livestock, real estate, eto. U. 8. Real Estate ft Brokerage Co., Ill Hamilton bldg. Main 2014. YOUR CREDIT. Is good at the Employes' Ixn Cev, 121 Ablngton. 108 H Id at. Money to Loan ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY ATLOW RATES OF INTEREST. PALACE, 121 WASHINGTON. $1500 $800 $700 $000 $600 $150 - for dwelling house mortgages, subur ban or near In. Ward, 210 Allsky bldg. M.-7821. TToo.OOO on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKsnsIs Jk Co., Gerltnger bldg., 2d and Alder. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN. Portland and suburban real estate. Ask Mr. Easton, 127 Board of Trade. MONEY to loan on Improved property. union. Becuruy ufc. euii uecK oiaa-.. 7th and Oak. LOWEST RATES; loans on sny securi- ties. chattels or real estste. Union Loan Co., 35 Lafayette bid., 9th A Wash. WE LOAN money on good securit; short time loans preferred no p licltv. 802 swetianq bldg. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. minding loans; lowest rates; nre in surance, w. u. Beck, 812 Falling. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 U 8d sL near Alder. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 A 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 281 STARK ST. SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL. F. A Newton, 515 Henry Bldg MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. L i, wnite, 701 belling biag. QUICK loans on all aecurities. S. W. King. 45 wasnington blag. Main I00. MONEY to loan, (to I per cent Oood- nough & Belts. 810 Bpauldlng bldg. MORTGAGE loans on Improved city property. John Bain. 605 Spalding. WILL loan $20,000 or lens real estate. Karrlngton, l commercial t:ub bldg. LOST AND FOUND 21 Lost One roan horse, weight 1200 lbs., age 2 years, marked on left shoulder with brand. Address 122 Knott st. Tabor 092. F RANCH and willow plumbs, stoles and boas, dyed any shade, cleaned and curled willows made and retled, faded plums recolored; work guaranteed. Mrs. Hartness, 271 H Taylor. A-7132. LOST Double Elk tooth watch charm, slightly scorched oh end. Heavy gold mounted. No., 142; liberal reward. 867 Colonial. Woodlawn 2049. LOST Fob and chain; engraved on back "C. A. W." picture Inside; valu able as a keepsake; reward. Phone Sellwood 508. A PLACE to have your clothes steam or dry cleaned, 24 nrs." notice. College Inn Cleaners. Wash. opp. 18th. A-lNrti. LOST Gold signet ring bearing the in- Itlals G. W. I. Call C-2681. Apt 8. Reward. FOUND Repairer of furniture' at your home. 18 years In Portland. East 5609. FOUND, amateurs bring your work. Rose City Photo Studio. 66 6th. 2d floor. LOST Moss agate watch charm, finder please call up East 2982; reward. NOTICES T24J PROPOSALS FOR FUEL, OILS. FOR AGE. AND BEDDING San Fran cisco, Cal., April 16, 1911 Sealed pro posals will be received here end at of fice of quartermaster. Fort Rosecrans and Presidio of Monterey, until 11 a. m., May 15, 1911, at the office of the depot quartermaster Honolulu, H. T., until 9 a. m., May la. 1911, for furnish lntr. during the fiscal year commencing July 1. 1911, fuel, oils, forage and bed ding for posts and stations in the de partment of California. See section 3716 Revised Statutes. Information furnished on application to the quarter master at Fort Rosecrans and Presidio of Monterey, the depot quartermaster. Honolulu. H. T. or to F. VON SCHRA- DER, A. Q. M. O. R6YAL CIRCLE. W. ofiW., will give an entertainment and dance, including the bunchgrass gallop and burlesaue minstrels. In W. 6. W. temple, 128 11th st., Wednesday night, April 26. Admis- ion 16c. PERSONAL M A T R I M ONIAL paper, descriptions rennea marriageaoie people witn means, sealed, rroe. confidential. Mrs. Bell. 1815 Magnolia ave., Los Angeles, r i u nct AitLi lor inlorniation locating Charles Virgin, formerly . esldlng st 567 Savier at, Portland, or proof as to whether he IS Hying or dead. T-641. Journal. RELATIVES would like to hear from Ton Domer. ace 82, R. R. man; Im portant. Address E. J. Webster, S50 Mad- son St., Portland, ur. BOOK of Nature, Fanny Hill, Mabel Gray. Fatal Passion. Decameron. Be hind Footlights. 60c each. Catalogue free. Schmale Book Co., 229 1st. SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak ness in men; money 'returned If It falls; price $1. T. J. Pierce, 246) Mor rison st. WANTED Lady par.tner in business! not over 60. must he neat and of good appearance, matrimony. Address B-566, Journal. ROSE City Alteration and Millinery par- to look like new, work guaranteed. Misses Louden &' McNerney. M. 6286. no i a rTipr.nvn Has removed to 609-10-11 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and WaThlnxton sts, Phone A-2411. Msln 4047. OCCULT, new theught sclentlflo and school books bought and sold. Send for tree catalogue. Jones Book store, 284 Onk st. Henry bldg. MADAME ESTELLE Magnetlo healer. - reliable spiritual adviser. 348 Yam III. room 2. Walk unstairs. Main 1390.. VrOMENUse gemolds when others fall: sold and guaranteed bv the Aus- plund Drug Co., 110 N. 6th st. Main 8106. BALM of figs, jemedy for diseases- of women. Davis st. Main nzifr. COMBINGS scientifically rooted, curled. bleached. 3. J. Borg. 428 E. 9th. E. 8211 AVOID trouble. Know your legal rights. Long experience. Appolntmeut. 0-539, Journal. LORENZ Nerve Tonio Tablets restore lost vitality 16c box, ( boxes $1.25. Btipe-i sy lor vrvw Co.. 28 Morrison. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scfen, : tist. S86M, Washington st Main 682 4. Meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. ' - ANYONE going to Seattle call at 129 Main, st Wallace. - i PERSONAL PAININE. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAINS, of any description, Internal or exter nal., Painlne stops pain as water puts out fire, and there is notning injur loua In It Dr. Eldreds Regulator Tea, to keep bowela freely open and assists In ex pelling; disease from the system, which Is essential. Sample on application. Bold by A. Ehrtlch, lUVs E. 4th near H. Aider Bt. DR. ALICE A GRIFF, Diseases of women and children ex cluslvsly. Women are often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous diauaaaa or rnnaren a ' specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charge ror .w. ...... . 1 I l.l. II. U I Kfll- vuiinuiiBwvii. E liuiiwa, plain piiii s.-uvv. Offices, room 4 to 10. 111V4 Washing- ion si WEH CURED. OUlCKLY Modern electrlo treatment for dis eases of the prostate, nervous debility, recai. onrumo, oiooo ana ssin u !, W. I. Howard, M. D. 804-4 Rothohlld bldg,, 4th and Washington. DR. E. K. SCOTT, 9!2 Selling bldg Diseases of the Rectum. DR. T. J. P1ERCC. 2H Morrison si.. cures rneumstism, nervous aeouity, paralysis. Indigestion, constipation tpi ohronlo dtseeses of the stomach, kid neys end bladder. Call or writ. MRS. Stevens, 16 years Portland's lead ing palmtat and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 241 H Yamhill, corner Seventh street. DR. A. A AUSPLUND, Diseases of women and surgery; eon- suuauon rree. rnones A-24U. Mam 4047. Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington sts. DR. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cot ton Root Pills, sure remedy for de layed periods; II pox or 8 boxes Jft. Druggists or mall. T. J. Pierce. 246 H Morrison st. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood snd skin die eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, oiaaaer ana piles, ill f irst st, Portland. DR. ALYS UIXBY, physician and.sur aeon, has removed to room 6 to 10 213 Washington st Phones Main 1928, A-6607. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUTO SUPPLIES F. R. KEENAN CO., 190 4th St A-4I1S, M-8982, Empire Auto Tires, Pope Bi cycles, Auto. Bicycle and Motor sup plies, Vehicle Rubber Tires. AUTOMOB1LU SCIiOOLS. Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent man agement snd practical work. E. 23d and Morrison Take S-8 or Mt. Tabor car; look us up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. ASSAYKR8 WELLS & PROEBSTEL. aasayers. sna lytlcal chemlwtw. 204 W Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory an3 ore testing work. 186 Morrison. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, attorney at law. General practice; abstracts examined. Re moved to 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 878. A-2071. CHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg. BATHS TURKISH and Russian for ladles only, 109 11th, next to liowers Hotel. BLANK BOOK MAKK 118 HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d st Blank book in'f'g; agts. for Jones Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka' leaf. A-3183. Main 183 BICYCLKS AND MOTOUCYCLKS YALE motorcycles. Second-hand wheels bought, sold. Repairing. 133 10th, BUAT HOUSKh MERRILL'S, north side Morrison. Boats and launches to let Main and A-1768. JUL SIN ESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 317 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland orrice, u& Electric biflg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO., all kinds of Insurance, surety bond s. McKay bldg CAIU'KT CLKANLNG HOW about having your house cleaned by the Rose City Vacuum Cleaning company, tne oig green wagon oervice, All work guaranteed. Prices reason able; no Job too big or too small; estl mates given. Main 6079. A-8406. VACUUM Carpet Cleaning Co.. 868 E. Oak. Cleans caipets on floor. Work done promptly, guaranteed. Agts. for Vacuum carpet cleaners. E. 877. JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Work Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty, je. 440, n-iba., au4 e. 1 9th N, VACUUM house cleaning. $1.00 per nour. ispeciHi rates over t rooms, also to montniy customers, m-iobu, e. 44y. SANITARY Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Co., large wagon. aii worK guar anteed. Phones Main 8K.1S. A-3266. IONE Steam Cleaning, carpots, feathers renovated: guaranteed. E. 360. B-2236. CAItPET !V CAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 153 Union ave., near E Morrison. PEN1NS4JLA Carpet and Rug "workT t'olonlal rag carpet and rugs. 1618 Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn 2685. COAL AND WOOD BEGHERS WOOD CO.. th and Ollean, and 18th and Vaughn: fine country slabwood sawed in stove lengths; cord wood all kinds, er.d rewly cut railroad ties. Phones Main 6351,, 8361. A-2415. COAL ITObiv?-- BLOCK WOOD Th'okJ-iWOOD BURNSIDE FUEL CO.. 125 7th: wholesale, retail wood: 1 also sawed to order. E-724. B-2777. Yamato Wood and Coal Company EAST 818. B-1867 fcnUTH PORT LA NO SLAB WOOD CO. Main aoi. A-3S4i. Dry inside wood, green clabwooii. clean eawdust for bed- dlng. ury cetiar, iz per load. wood NEER & FARR SSF No. 1 dry wood. 4 ft, sawed to order. PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. Dry Slabwood A-7856 Main 8709 RAINIER Slabwood Co.. (oot Yamhill; country slabwood. or short and bloc wood, inside wood. M il 1204, A-8839. FOR COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PHONE HOLGATE FUEL CO. SBLLWOOD 486. CENTRAL "nln 1 Sawed wood deliv ered, any Quantity. 406, Home A-l 100. 2pKyd wood Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS. Ft Curry st 4 foot drv Wood. Nat. Fuel Co., 313 Water st Marshall 960. OREGON LUMBER A FUEL CO 3 lab and block wood. Tabor 2811. CORD wood delivered anywhere in dty, wholesale, retail. "East $19. B-S089. -STANDARD WOOD CO. Cord and slab wood. 247 E. Mar. Kast 1315. B-1895. OREGON Wood Yard Coal and wood. A-6448. Main 8544. 234 3d, cor; Clay. 7 COAL AND WOOD NOTICE, BPECTAI. , SLAB WOOD PRICES ON" GREEN SHORT WOOD. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. INSIDE GREEN SHORT. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fusl and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 1111. A-7001. Dry Wood ve length out of Cnt In stove length out of wrecked buildings. Be sure and call us up be fore ordering. WE BEAT ALL PRICES. International Bids, and Wrecking Co. A. r. ELERATII, Mgr. 107-111 4th st. south. Marshall 1184. "Dry "Block Wood with small wood, $4. Mixed 10 per load, delivered anywhere in cltv. Port. land wrecking Co., 109-107 N. Co., 106-107 11th st Main 17, A-1734 tHX WOOD $2 per load. Yard foot of n uait st Express ana general naui Ihg, Res, phone Tabor 190. (JUINKSB POCTOKfl DR. Blng Choong, physician for men and women. Guaranteed cure. 225 Alder. DR. L. T. Y EE SONS. 142 1st st Main $444: A-S8D6. CHiiiornAcTic doctor DR.' DOUGLA8S. chiropractor. $38 Un ion ave. N. Phone East 6241. CHLUGPODISTS CORNS, bunions, callouses, ingrowing and club nails, suoceaafully cured by graduate chiropodist pedicuring, msnl- curing, scalp specie ansu 7 Raleigh bldg. CORNS, bunions, callouses. Ingrowing and club nails, successfully cured by graauate cniropooiat, pedicuring, niani- curing, scaip specialist. 7 Kaieign Diug. DR. J. LINDSEY. 176 MadUon. Special 1st on corns, bunions, foot diseases. ClKCULAli LUTTUllS 'PROMPTNESS ud dispatch.'1 Com. Letter Co. A-4666. Crain OOLLUCTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Plnekney White. Main 6074 A-7026. ' CLOXHKS HIGHEST prlcea for 2d hand clothes, snoea rurniture. zoi H Jerr. Mar. 1958. WE pay highest price for id hand clothes ana snoes. iim Front. Main 480Z. OOLLKCTIOB PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts coiieoteq. nv ai'kv. a-iut. m. iizi. CONlltACTOltS AND HULDEKk) FOR cement work, plaaterln brick Olson. rork, excavating call on G. ' Marshall 1441. 192 Orover St. WILLIAM F1SHBECK, carpenter nd 204 builder, lobbing and contracting. 4tn Main 11 J. BURT6N, 148 1st, srchltect-bullder. Estlmstes furnished. M. 1317, A-1817. UNITED Eng. & Construction Co., engi neers snd contrsctors. 711 Lewla. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general con- tractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. M. 680. DANCi:Q WALTZ, two step, three step, stage dancing. 25c per lesson: all pupils guaranteed to dance In 80 minutes or money refunded; every morning, after noon and evening. Prof. Wal Willson's school, Portland's leading recognized academy lor correct dancing, 38' Waahington, bet. W. Park and 10th. M. 7637. HEATH'S . dancing school, 109 2d, be tween Washington and Stark sts ;, stage dancing taught waltz and two step guaranteed In 4 leasons; all pupils dance In first leaaon; no 26c lesaona flven; class every Monday evening 8 to 0 p. m.; prlvste lessons dally. DOG AND HOKSr: HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. S. of 284 Vt 1st st M. 4086. Hosp. 19 E. 12th. R 4444L DEN f ISIS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work Is Impossible; does away entirely with platea, brldgework: we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ab lngton bldg., 10H 3rd st. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 16 years. 328 Mt Washington, cor. th. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC States 8ecret Service Agency, 421-423 Board or Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 872. ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sale. Puciflo Elec tric Engineering Co.. 212 2d St. FOOT SPECIAJST DR. C. W. HEVLAND. 17 Healy bldg. Qrad. Chiropodist. Grand and E. Morrison FURNITURE AND STOVES. WB buy, sell, exchange and pay beat prices ror second nana furniture. stoves, ranges, etc, HarUell Furn. Co.. 310 c. ist. fnone maranau zo&. : J. Donaldson. 261-3 1st St.. M. 369, puys ma nana mrnuure ana etoves. GLAZING UNITED GLASS A GLAZING CO. All kinds glass worn. 94 N. I4th. M. 4431 43ASUL1NE fc.St.lMt3 FOR PERFECTION stationary and launch gasoline engines: pumping, ir- pt.lnn ainA a I r nrjiinr. wntAp u - u 1 a m e also secondhand gasoline engines bought and sold. Call o: write W. E. Wilkin son Machinery Co, 83 First St., Port land. STATIONARY and marine. electric eaulnments; launches, accessories. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 186 Morrison. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, 303 Bothchlld bldg. phone Main 708. HAIR GOOD3 FEBVET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods; hair- dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th, near Mor. M-546. HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned snd blocked at the Eastern Hat factory ; largest hat ren ovators in the city, 64-68 Sd st. ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the factory at half price. INSURANCE HENRY F. COVER A SONS. 64 UNION AVE. 8. Let us wrlto your fire Insurance. McCARGAR, Bates & Lively, 318 Fail ing bl jg. Every form insurance, bonds, HOUSE MOVING C. PENDERS. house moving snd rsls Ing. 474 Fror.t st Msln 4994. LADIES' TAILORING A PERFECTLY fitting stylish garment la admired by everybody. Suits to your measure, $30 up. J. M. Ecrich Co., Ladies Tailors, ttn ana osr. h-noenix bldg A. WESTERMAN. B46 WASH. ST., M. 8484, STYLISH. UP-TO-DATE. LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library. 186 8th, bet Taylor and Yamhill. Books 3c per day. LAUNDRY BEE Lee. Chinese. 200 Mill. Washing 200 Milt Washing and Ironing carefully dona. ... A-493. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY flAWW . DDK ESS ' i iak- r 11 ntT. rum PronartT......80! Corttetl Bids. krang-ateele Caavhf fcrsbakar a Be4U.-t Burtenshaw Bushier ttMpla Harlow Kaps Marker u-.l Cm.. Is, t Miiviea. J. H r. -. " Tboais . Si. . LAWN MOWEliS LAWN MOWERS T.yrt9 jig LAWN nowers ground bv expert Nat ural Born Grinder. 211 S. 6th. LKATHKK AND FINDINGS CHAS. U MASTICK A CO., 74 Front Leather of every description, tap manufacturers, findings. MACHINERY WE have the best equipped machine shop In Portlsnd snd are prepared to do aU kinds of fine machine work. Printing press, repair work, dies and experimental work a specially . Gnu Copy Holder Co., 887 E. Oak Bt. h-i": fi Tnl'v'lfUin. Mr i 1 1 Hydraulic nd special pipes, screens bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th. MINERAL WATERS SHASTA WATER AGENCY. Sola bottlers for Hires. Msnufaetur ers of high clsss carbonated beverages Notify ua of all empty siphons, bottles raaea Cart er-Gratton Nelson Bottling Co.. 118 Johnson st. M. 6091, A-1866 MASSAGE. SWEDISH MOVEMENT C. HOLMBTROM. nerve, rheumatic dl gestlve disorders. 302-2 Oregonlan bdg. MIMMJ AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Lt Send for our honlclet tin nrexel bldg. MUSICAL DEALERS SEIBERLING-H'CAS MUSIC CO.. 114 2d; complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Buescher band Instruments. U tTLTIOK.PHINU MULTIGRAPHING, writing. M. 766. shorthand, type 411 Buchanan bldg. Mi SIC TEACHERS E THIE1.HORN. violin teacher; pupil Bevc lk , 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar 1629 PROF. T. E LAWSON. 135 lltn II. Phone Main 61V7. Kiano !"" o- OSTRICH PLUMES Ostrich Plume Co. Largest stock In willows snd French nima willow made, lived, cleaned. curled to aatlafactlon. 303 Washington. OIT1CAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO.. 126 V- Washing ton st. Eyea examines, rree auvica. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr.W. W. Christie- Osteopath, chronic nervous dlseseeg. K14.R Macleav bldg. Main 817Z. A-issw. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERBON, spe- olallst On nerves, acuta ana curuuro 4I....H. 117 Ferton bldg. Main rl DR WMITH. grsduateKlrkville. Mo, 1898; post graauats ivut. in " ng blag DRM. L. B. AND E. H. BM1TH. genera practltlonera. tui uregonian mua. FAINT, 04L AND GLASS - - - - f " " 1 a as F. E. BEACH & CO., Pioneer Paint Co, 1SS lat Main 1334. A-7043. ftAHMUtiSEN A CO.. High HtandansV paint, ne cor. Id A Taylor M A-1771 PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane, 104 Union. MQtn pnonea. nrrT nnr rrfa nn nalntlng. paper ln. tinting Erneat Miller Co.. 172 1st 5? t WTT.RON 187 Madison. M. 1427 painting, paperhanglng. alngsget prices PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, At- tr.rnAv-at-Law. ittte U. S. Patent office book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. U. 8. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN 409 Chamber of Commerce Building. R. C. WRIGHT, U. . ana foreign pat ents: infringement caeca. &u uenum PIANO TUNING J T. O'ROURKE, expert piano tuning, guaranteed. 322 14th st. Msln 6608. PICTURE FRAMING At popular prices; commercial work solicited. Ideal Art Shop. 16 Russel bid PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office, 24th and fork. Main 8489. PLUMBING AND HEATING M. FRIEDMAN, 362 1st, plumbing, gas fitting and gen, joooary nuy uuoa PLUMBING, heating, etc, Robert GU- lan. 166 10th. Both phones. PRINTING WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of clever tuniKs witn' type and Ink on paper. 1 41 H 1st. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS WILL call at your office; all kinds sten- ographlc worK. 401 awetianq. m. urn. ROOFING. PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting and Job. bi ng. Loan s-. hioiaer. 311 jen. m. us. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun- nlngham Co., Z81 Btarn. Main hvi. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st Safes at factory prices: repairs: lockouts opened: bargains in second hand safes. SANATORIUM HILL'S SANATORIUM, 595 Front. Main 451. Guaranteed cure, roritneumar ism. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER A KLEISER Signs:- the larg est sign makers in tne nortnwest. ju. 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones East 1111. Home B-2224. RANN SIGN CO.. quality and servloe. 389 E.. Alder st. fc,asi ojos. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 287 8tark. Main 1596. KONRAD PEDKRSEN. Commercial Sign Painter. 248 I'ine. Marsnau sii, A-stu SHINGLES BE8T In Pp-ftlahd. See them. Washington st S. E. Gilbert 201 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES and store fixtures to stock, made to order; lowest prices. J. Linden, 428 Hawthorne, Eaat 8117. SHOWCASES of evry description; bank, bar and store fixture made to order. LJhe Lutke Mfg. Co. if HE JAMFS I. MARSHALL MFG, CU. howesses. cabinets, stirs new and eia sno nd office flxtiires. 289 fouch. M. 37. R. H. BIRL6ELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show cases in stock. "Pnimpt delivery, steles agent M. Winter Lumber Co. - Tkf.KI 'WON-. A-4411, Mala 1401 Orsa4 fltwr Lmi BWg...,. Mala anl IH J MelUy 81S.... Mats IMS Hawthorne end E. 49th.. Tabor 174 1 S3 Chanter ef Ccaisnrn .....Mils t"' ' ,r 4n.ewea... .Hijis and ! A. b4 klBllBooMh....lal ST. C-IJ matA mmm ftM. .1 . 1 m . Ik-Oak.. Mmh. a-axirr STKKOGHAPHEKfl. COCIIT UEPOUTUIS OREGON Law Reporting Ass'O, 404-401 A bin g ton. M. 6017, A -4 m. repositions. STATIONERY, OFFICE 8UPPLIES - ---l q .aS Ljarim X Si Hi iuni-Uiur-Hi Tri I'm Q gtSSl PIONEER 8VATIONERT CO.. Buchanag bldg ; best typewrljltiapaMrjtMlia. , TAILOItINO SCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring college. learn dressmaking, tailoring. 141H 11 ' h. TAIiAORTXa GET your suit made ky F. ROSIN8KX. Tailor, 489 Washington at Styllsk and honest inads, at reasonable pricea. ALFRED OtHLBEE, 310 Lab be bldg, l andV'aahlngton. Suits to order. OTIS SUAWUIST, tailor and draper; elusive patterns. 145 H Waahington st TAX1DEKMIBT F. B. FINLEY. taxidermist and furrUfi glass eyes. 149 Columbia. YKANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. N Estsbllshed 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, tree trackage. Office 110 Hoyt st. bet th and 6th, . Phones, Msm 49. A-1169. SEE Lee. Chinese, 200 Mill. Washing and Ironing carefully done. A-40S9. PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. 11th-' and Everett sts., )ust opened, newest, most modern storeage warehouse In city; , every convenience for safe and proper , handling of goods; lowest Insurance rste In northwest; free trackage, vans , for moving Main or A-1620. ( C. O. PICK Transfer A Btoraaa Co.. of- flce and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and, fireproof vaults for valuables; north-, west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved snd packed for shlp ment. Main E9fi A-1996. , MT. TABOR EXPRESS ST'R'OE dO; ' Trips to Mt Tabor daily. Also city moving snd express. 114H Grand. K. 4131 O. F HUPSEY Tranafer Co.. 270 Alder. Plnno snj furniture moving. M. 2171. W. M. Johnson, JS Union a v. ; Res Taboi 1. Piano, furn. moving. B-2040 E. 4441. TOWEL SUPPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch stC $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Msln 410. A-4410. TYPEWRITERS REBUILT typewriters, all makes $20 to $60; fully guaranteed; sold on ap proval; terma; rent $3 per month; Pa clf - Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 301 2nd St. , ALL makva rented, repaired, aold Cua- nlngham Co. 231 Stark. Main 1407. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING 4k FARRELL, produce and commission merchants.- 140 Front s Portland. O' Phone Main 179. M. A. GUN8T A COT DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4ta and Oak sts. MORGAN WALL PAPEU CO., 239 Si St.. between Salmon sng Msln. ALLEN A LEWIS GR'KHIKU VETERINARIAN DR. L. P. DILLON. Hawthorne Avenue Stables. East 72. 197. B-1269. WALL PAPER AND TINTING ' M'CLINTOCK A GROOCOCK. Inc.. 189 4th. Main 9183. Tinting, painting, wallpaper, paints, oils and varnishes. WELL DRILLING DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea- onaDie. can Main 19 or writ . West. 182 Morrison st. TRANSPORTATION PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. OILS, FOR AGE AND BEDDING. San Fran cisco, Calif., April 15. 1911. Sealed proposals will be received here and at office of Quartermaster, Fort Rose crans and Presidio of Monterey, until j. 1 a. m., may 10, in. at tne oince 01 the Depot Quartermaster, Honolulu, H, T.. until 9:00 A. M., May 16. 1911, for furnishing, during the fiscal vear com mencing July 1, 1911, fuel, oils, forage and bedding for posts and stations In the Department of California. Sea Section 3716 Revised Statutes. Infor mation furnished on application to the Quartermaster at Fort Rosecrans and Presidio Of Monterey, the Depot Quart-- ermaster, Honolulu.' H. T. or to F.'YOK ; SCHRADER. A. Q. M. G. - OFBH 2UTXB TaUUraPOBTATZOV OO. STR.J. N. TEAL Freight received daily at Oak st. dock for Ca lllo. The Dalles. Hood ; River, White Salmon. Umatilla, Kennewick, Richland. Hand ford Pssco, V j .,41, .9 OlUllB, UVIIBi.Ull lUlinOt ' and all Intermediate points. First class passenger servloe. Steamer leaves Portland Sun., Tues., Thurs.. T m. Returning leaves The Dalles. Mon. VV'i.,1 TPrl 7 a n-i urrluln- u f tn.ln about 6 p. m. same day. A. 8. Wbitlng, : agent. W. 8. Bmallwood, Oen'l J4gr. Phones Msln 2960. A-3537. ' NEW YORK. IONDONDERR Y. 1 4 GLASGOW. New Tork and Naples direct. Single or Round Trip TtcKets between New Tork nnd Scotch. English, Irish and alt prin- ipai continental points at attractive rates, fiend for Book-of Information, ' t Superior AooommodAtion, ExoellenH On! sine. ApplT Promptly for 3tosrration to local ngent of Anchor Line or HENDER SON BROS., general Agents, Chicago, III. COOS BAY LirNf3 STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alaska dock, Portland, every , Wed.. 9 a. m. Freight received at Alaska . dock until 5 p. rn. daily. Passenger fare. first clans 216; second class, $7. Includ ing meals sid bertha. Tickets on salti at Alnsworth dock. Phone M. 868; A-1234. S. S. GOLDEN GATE rOB TrLtAMOOK. BAT CTTT AJTO 7 OABBAXiOL Leaves Washington at dock every S days.: FKilOHT Aim yASSZirCBBS . Phone Main 8(19. A-2466 for Information. . tAK FRAN CIS CO, LOS ANGELES . i AND SAN DIEGO DIREC! VOBTaT SrAOXVXO B. 8. CO. :'-''' "": B. S. mOAJtOaXB and 8. 8. XJUBMM SAIS Every Wednesday, alternately, at s Pu Ticket office lU Third, near Aide hone Main 1114. A.1214, .- MARTIN J. HIGLKX. Pass. AgmW. W.JE7iLUS8R Freight ,AetJ:W 4Uu rrasciseo 81 Iromaad Steatasnip Co, New service to Los A u bits Francisco every five days. : From AInsworUi dock. Portland a, m ! 88. Swr April 18, sV City aa, Beaver k i. From San Francisco, northbound. 11 in 1 BS. 2a. City April 18, 2)4 ever SI, i k !, Fror San Pedro, northbotmd. 13 m BS. Seaver April 19, Bear 2 It. ( , t. t. 8mit!i, C. . Aw 14 "i -JV W. Baasora, Agent, Ainu" '1 , Phones t slala 4-J, a w A-l . v t WW t