4 u THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 17, 1011. v I I,,, E-..Li mjjJLMII. l.JL .U.JXJJEULJ..-J 10 ENTERTAIN WILSON Rivalry for Time of New Jer sey Governor on Visit Here Is Very Keen. How, where ajid how many times will Governor Wood row Wilson of New Jer eey be entertained when ,ho comc to Portland May 1, and under whow aus pices will he taller Hlvalry for the privilege and honor of entertaining the eminent governor la In th air and telegram of Invitation are chasing each other over the. mires. The Commercial club hss the right of way for a banquet to be tendered' the die- tingulshed a-jest. but btyond that the atmosphere la mlaty. Thr Bk PrtrUag-a. " , As tha attuatlon standi, two bunches , of Democrats and an Independent com- ; .mlttee, without party label are blddara - for H honor of giving tha Jeraeyan a chance to talk to tha people of Portland-. The Jsckson Democratic club Is ena of tha bidders. Another group of Democrats, not actively Identified with the Jackson club and Inclined to re sent tha club's attempt to monopolism tha visitor. Is seeking to find out wh-n tha governor will find It convenient to sneak. Th Commercial club will probably give assistance to a committee of bus Iness men In arranging a publo meet lnlg. W. S. TTRen haa been anxious to 'arrange for a public addreas and hai ' dona soma work In the war of Interest Ing lol leaders to bestir themselves and finite to defray the expenses of a meeting at the Armory. W have wired Wilson an 'notation to speak under the auspices of the Jackson club," said R E. McKay today, "and we are trying to steal him awa from thla Jonathan Bourne bupoh. Onr ernir Wilson la a Democrat and the Democratic club should come first If he la to make a public address." SeWnf Cosnutftt. Ben Selling said that he had .offered to serve on a business men's commit tee to secure tha privilege of listening to an address by the New Jersey gov eronr. He raid it would make no dif ference to Mm under whoae auspices , the speech Is made. "I consented to set as one of a com mittee to secure funds," ha said, "be cause. In such matters some one has to act Governor Wilson Is a big man and he displayed great courage In bringing the legislature of his state Into line to fulfill Its duty to the people. New Jer sey legislators, or many of them, thought their promise to vote for the popular choice for United States senatci was a Joke until Governor Wilson stepped In and showed them It waa not a Joke. A man who can do that Is the kind- of man I like to hear and I ex pect to hear him If he speaks. Thre la no thought of politics In It and If be speaks under Democratic auspices I i want to heas him Just the same." Canada's sow FAVOR AGREEMENT Reciprocity Measure Certain to 60 Through Parlia ment Wednesday. cldent In Westmoreland. Selfrldg re ceived a ooncuaslon of the brain. It Is noi yei anown wnetner n will survive. Mrs. SeJfridge, her mother and daush ter, were also Injured In tha accident. The wife ot tha merchant had her arm- broken and both hsr mother and daugh tar were severely bruised. " The accident occurred as tha car was descending a hill. Tha hrake failed to work and the machine crashed Into a houee. Selfrldga. who was on tha front OLCOTFS APPOINTMENT ANNOYS 3S0ME DEMS Appointment of Ben W. Oloott as sec - rotary of stata by Governor West has aroused the Ira of some of tha stalwart members of the Jackson club and It I - reported that, a resolution seeking to . condemn the governor for appointing a Republican to the vacancy will be pre- sented at tha meeting of the club next Friday night. Following out the old Jackaonlan the ory of awarding tha spoils to the vic tors, the proponents of the resolutions argue that a Democrat should have been . appointed at all hazards. During the campaign the Jackaon club leaders wore somewhat lukewarm as to West because the latter did not "whoop It up" for ' tha Democratic legislative ticket In " Multnomah, and these leaders will take peculiar interest In an anti-West reao lutlon. (United lru Iad Win.) Ottawa. Ont.. Arrll 17. When parlia ment asaemblea here Wednesday a fa vorable report on the American Canadian reciprocity plan Is expected within a few hours The Iaurir gov ernment Is sure of putting the measure through, as it has a majority of 40 In he house, and ratification by the sen ate will be merely a matter of form. Anger throughout the country at re- ent annexation talk has died away and sentiment for the bargain I growing dally. Addressing his constituents In Morden, Man., for Instance. W. H. Sharps, a leading conservative member Hair Health If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of Thu Offer. We could not afford to ao atrongly Indorse Rexall "92'' Hair Tonlo and con tinue to sell It as we do, if wa were not certain that It would do all we claim It will. Should our enthusiasm carry ua away, and Rexall "23" Hair Tonlo not give entire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith In us and our statements, and in consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that If your hair Is beginning to unnaturally fall out or If you have any scalp trou ble. Rexall "!' Hair Tonic will of parliament, admitted that all he had Promptly eradicate dandruff, atlmulate to do to make hla aeat safe waa to vote ha ' srowth n1 Pvent premature for reciprocity. REHEARING DENIED IN ROSE KERN LAND CASE In an opinion returned this morning United States Judge Bean refused to grsnt s rehesring of the esse of the government to cancel patent to desert landa taken up by Rose Bits now Rose Kern. Judge Bean ssld the petition filed by Mrs. Kern's attorney, an Onta rio lawyer, waa a well written one, but went over the same grounds that had been covered In the ault and brought up queationa tha court had decided ad versely to the defendants. "While the attorney does not agree with tna vlewa of the court In this mat ter," commented Judge Bean, "under the present rules of procedure those of the court prevail, so, right or wrong, there la nothing left for me to do but deny the petition for rehearing." eat, pitching out on his held. Tha chauffeur and two younger children who wars In the ear, escaped without serious Injur. iii M A FAILURE MERCHANT- INVADER OF LONDON, BADLY HURT London. April 17. Henry O. Self ridge. the one time Chicago merchant who In troduced American department store methods Into London Is near death as tha result of a aerloua automobile ac- baldness, you msy rest assured that we know what we ajpe talking about. Out of one hundred test caaea Rexall "93" Hair Tonic gav entire satisfac tion in ninety-three caaea. It haa been proved that ft will grow hair even on bald heada, when, of course, the bald ness had not exlated for so long a time thst the follicles, which are the roots of the hair, had not become absolutely lifeless. Rexall "13" Hair Tonic Is vastly dif ferent from other similar preparations. We believe that It will do more than any other human agency toward restor ing hair growth and hair health. It ta not greasy and will not gum the acalp or hair or cause permanent stain. It la as pleasant to use as pure cold water. Our fsith In Rexall "J J" Hair Tonic Is so strong thst we aak you to try It on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully refunded with out question or quibble if It does not do aa we claim. Certainly we can offer no atronger argument. It cornea In two sixes, prices 60 cents and 11.00. Re member you can obtain it only at The Owl Drug Co., Inc., Cor. 7th and Wash ington fits. Beranek Broa, tha druggists of Ord. Neb., report a failure as follows: "Wo sold a treatment (six bottles') to a cus tomer by tha nam of Fox. After us ing thro h advlaed that there was no change. W aakad him. to write you, giving hla condition, and ha said he did. Tha other day he waa In strain and ssld he had.uaad the other three bottles and still no change, and that ne naa not beard from you. Please advise us whether or no he haa writ ten, and jf you sent renlv. He Is the only ons wa have sold your Renal Com pound to wun no results from mis bottles, but his ease is of long stand An Important Dolnt to be nniet in the above letter la that this Is the onlv patient to whom Fulton'a Renal Com pound haa been sold In Ord who did not get results. And bear In mind that it a sold for right's and chronlo kldna disease, supposed to be Incurable the world over. We acknowledge failures, but Ord takes a high nlnce with nniv one to date. Wa wrota Beranek that we were un able to find any latter from the patient and that If he was living to the diet and persisting In the treatment and would writ us as to the most disturb ing symptoms our physician would en deavor to control the complications that seemed to be preventing results In this esse. Druggists sunolled hv n.i-w ard Drug Co. and Blurhauer-Frank Drug ,' Mrs. S. K. CHAN Their Chinese medicines of herbs snd roots cure won derfully. It has cured insny male and female sufferers of all kinds of sickness. Including chron ic and private ailments, when other remedies falL Their medicines are harm less. Ho operation. Con sultation for ladle bv MIX . L Chs Mrs. Chan, for men by Mr. Chan. Call or write. The S. X. Okas Chines Medicine Co., 8MV6 Morrison st. Bet. 1st and 8ft, Fortlaad. Or. taL..eVAJ Hood's Sarsaparllla Oar All Spring- Ailments. I AND PARSONAGE DESTROYED MarshfWd. Or, April IT. The Pre byterlan chureh and parsonage at Ban don were deatroyed by fir last night. All the contents of the residence oc cupied by the minister war saved. It la understood the church will be re built. Sheridan Takes tho Oponer. Sheridan, Or., April IT. The open ing game of base ball was played here today between the McCoy Tigers and the Sheridan Colts. The gam proved to b an easy one for the Colts, th cor being 13 to 0. Batteries for McCoy Stuart Bros.; .Sheridan Pay a. McCammon and Dunn-miller. 2 MEN CURED $5 IS OUR FEE Mrs. Marlon Bruce Cumberland, Me.. writes: "I have taken Hood's Sarsa parllla for a great many years, and I think It the best blood medicine In the world. I take It both sprlngnd fall. This Isst winter and spring I was in very poor neaun. 1 was weak and had lost all my appetite and I waa all run down. Aa soon aa I began to take Hood's Baraaparllla my strength came back and my appetite returned. I am now well, do my housework, and no longer have that tired feeling." Get It today in uaual liquid form or chocolated tablet called Sarsatabs. Headaches Quit hen the stomach, liver and bowels are kept in the good condition in which they will be by the prompt use of BEEChWS PILLS SaM Everywhere, la boss 10c. and 2Sc. J PJEBMAHEHTLY CORES BLOOD POISON I didn't find out that I had, con tracted Contaarloua Blood Poison. until It had mad oonslderabl head way, and fortunately for me th friend that I first consulted had had aom xprieno with th disease, and advised me to tak 8. 8. 8., so I didn't fool with any doctors, but b raa at ono th us of your mdlolne, taklnr It aa dlreoted. My friend told xn to stick to it, and that was what I did, and f ot along- splendidly from th very first, and my reoevery was rapid. I took only about n dosen bottles, and am now a wall aa vr. When I began S. 8. 8. my f ao waa so full of sores and eruptions that I oould not shave, and now ther is not a blotch orpimni on my body. WALTER WEBBS. 480 1-3 Fourth St., B van a villa, lad. I : 'A' '.VI : 4 1 - i- A i- 'V, A. G. Smith M. D. L,ttacllns Specialist, for Mn I am the only Specialist In Port Isnd who uses his true nam ana photograph In hla announcements. 1 see and treat my patlenta personally and am not a "medical company," medical Institute" or a "medical system." All men should know who the doctor Is they consult, snd should carefully conalder whether hey desire to entrust their health with a hired doctor of a medical ompany. I use my photograph ao hat when you come to see m per sonally you will recognise me. In vestigate my personal standing he- rore accepting treatment rrom a doc tor of unknown Identity or reputa- lon. Are You Being treated in a satisfactory man- er by your present dortor? Is he carrying out his promises? Has lie cured you in a reasonable time, and lived up to his guarantees? Are you paying him exorbitant prleee for medicine? Does he emnloy thor oughly up-to-date and scientific methods, which would be approved by the regular family doctor? If you cannot answer these questions avorshlv to yourself, come snd have conrmentlal talk with me about your case. It will cost you nothing. Cured in Plve Days I cure such disorders aa Varicose elns. Hydrocele. Piles. HDeolflc Blood Poison, etc.. completely and permanently, often with only a aln- Kle treatment. No severe operations employed, nor detention from busi es. 1 especially solicit stubborn nd Ions' standlns- cases that other doctor have failed to cure. Examination Free ly FREE consults but of every case I offer not onl: tlon and advice. 1 that comes to me I will make a care- rul examination and diagnosis with out charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get ex pert opinion shout his trouble. if you cannot call write for dlsg nosts chart My offices are ooen all day from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., and Sundays from 10 to 1. Dr. A. Q. Smith S3tt Morrison Street, Oor. vornana, or. eoond. SVECXAXi ATTiW HHTM Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itching and Inflammation slopjsed in 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consul tstion free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. ; Offic Hours a. m. to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. B34V4 WABKEfOTOV ITUZT, ' . Corner rirst, Portland, Or. BLOCKADED Erery Household in Portland Should Know How to Resist It. The hack aches because th kidneys ars blockaded. Help th kidney with their work. Th back will ache ne more. Ixts of proof that Doan's Kidney Pills do this. It's th best proof, for it comes from Portland. H. McCuMough, painter, 11T0 Omaha avenue, Portland. Oregon, says: "I re ceived a great benefit from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. My bsck was weak and painful and when I atooped I had sharp twingea in my loins. I believe that the nature -of my work waa the cause of my trouble. My kidneys ware disordered and I was miserable in ev ery way. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me and restored m to much better health." For sal by all dealers. Pries 60 eents. Koster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for th United State. One reason why S. S. S. is so successful in the treat ment of Contagious Blood Poison is that this medicine strengthens and builds up the stomach and digestive members while it is purifying the blood. A great many medicines used in treating Contagious Blood Poison are composed largely of mercury and potash, and are recom mended to the sufferer because they are intended to dry up or remove the humiliating outward symptoms. But such treatment cannot cure the disease, and its contin ued use will often so weaken and disease the stomach as to make a nervous wreck of the patient. And too, when these mineral medicines are left off the smolderinsr poison takes on new life and soon trie old symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, brown, scaly splotches, falling hair, sores Vnd ulcers, etc., return with increased virulence. Then the disease makes more rapid headway because the weakened system offers less resistance to its ravages. S. S. S. cares Contagions Blood Poison and it does so by purifying the blood and keeping the stomach and digestive members in perfect condition all the while by its fine tonic effects. S. S. S. is I a purely vegetable remedy, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks of rec- , Wat firp'c fntPnffpH Domo ; ognized virtue as blood purifiers. It does not contain a particle of mineral i,aiul lillCliUXU nXIIlt' ana 13 uiereiore aDsoiuieiy saie ior any one. a. s. s. cures on the principle flIPC I In I II TP that not only must the poison be removed from the blood, bnt the circulation UU lutC must also be enriched and vitalized with nourishing powers. 6. S. S. is known everywhere as the greatest of all blood purifiers and a safe, certain 1 cure for Contagious Blood Poison. Home Treatment Book and medical ! dvice free. S, S, S. is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, GA. Kirftr TODAY : SWIM EE , 1 APRICOTS ''Where apricots thrive, other fruit crops are cer tain," because the apricot is most sensitive to frost, Sundale, on the north bank of the Columbia,' is one of the few fruit districts in the United States where the apricot commercially grows with complete suc cess. VVc show you hun dreds of acres of thrifty apricot orchards in this dis trict, with other fruits, in cluding apples, pears, plums, peaches, grapes, al monds. Choose your or chard where you take the least chances against frost. Let us show you Sundale, the place of perfect climate and soil. Hunter Land Co. 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. MEETING NOTICE WsiapsBs.sasssjla, ssjsPSfciS.isSWjisa MULTNOMAH Council Royal TiZT'AL Arcanum meets at K. p. 4' vC hall. 11th. and Alder streets. &ja, yjith second and fourth Monday sv rof eat,n month at I p. m. TOQF H. Claussenlus, Jr., secretary, 1IJ 11th street. . M. W. A.. HOSE CITY CAMP -Monday, BnlUng-Hlrsch bldg.. Washington near iin. mono t'lern, wain , R.N. A., Ores Tuesday vni A-mn A., Oregon Itoa camp, meets 31V avanlnirs Marl jerrerson. rlss hall. 3d and PROVED BEYOND ALL DOUBT 1 Cured In Five Varicose Veins Hydrocele Piles Fislula Urinary Obstructions Days Remember take no other. th name Doan's and vjCc i vice Wo jff Wo FREE RENT 6 MONTHS It is to your interest to investi gate this offer. Call at our Gregory Heights office today. Short car ride on most direct line ift the city. Take Rose City Park car to ena of line. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. T. V. B, Portlsnd lodge No. 809. meets wea. nights. K. p. hall, litn a Aider, . .. . . .... MARRIAGE LICENSES ; Arthur Wvane. 784 U flsvler street. 12, and Uum Uoeckcr, 21. .. O. W. Sta ker. Hllvorton. Or.. 21. and Mike K osteon. 12 Graham avenue, it. ana t'enl Adrian. 23. John B toons. 19u Eleventh street. to, and Kva White. 2 H. C. Bimrks. 472 Jefferson street. 21. and llattie Tawnoend. 19. Albert MoManerv. - I6i0 East Ollsan street, 19, and Vera Colyer, 17. George Morris, 2024 Ktiet Alain street, 20. and Tear! Morris. 27. Frank Phelps. 123 Kast Twenty-fifth street. 35. and Gertrude Hemes. 14. Harry Dunn. 626 Wlllla building. 22. ana Agnes Minmo, 17. 1 nufrw Annanon, in rsorin rour tenth streeL 32. and Mary Wall. 22. John Panncv. Arleta. Or.. 21. and Anna Justus, 22. Peter Vrasnlsan. 200 Knott street. 28, and Msgda Krantovlch. 24. Grant Kendall, Castlerock, 24, and Msy Plsrue, 23. Rudnlnh -nk. 1202 Ksst Main streeL 21, and Margaret Mcltonald. 24. H. G. Ptemburr. 4tS East Pin stresL 22, snd Ksther Stkhlherg, 24. Arthur Kerguson. 140 Kast Twenty- eighth street, 26. and Pearl Coons. 22, John Johnson. 120 Arthur streeL 25. and Lena Molenvest, 21. T?alnK Tt'aA UK CI . n . . mt tS snd Cora Crawford, 20. William Hlldehrand. Cornell Road. It. Ian Mizle Walls. 2. xuawig neder. 1702 Bast EigntB. 1 street. 41, and Emily Dwlde, 44. George Woodman. 2RS Third street. 29, and Bessie Connor. 22. w. is. mm & co. Wedding snd vlsltlns- card ensravers and monogram stationers. Washington bldg.. Wsshlngton st.. bet. 3rd and 4th. DTtESS suits for rent, all slses Unlqu 1 snoring Co., 20 Stark St. CLARKK BKOS.. florUts, fins flower ar.j rioral designs 119 Morrison st DEATHS ANT) FUNERALS WAOENBLABT In this city April Is. it nis noma. 119314 Hawthorne ave nue, Frederick Irvln Wagenhlast,. aged zo yeara months 2 davs friends in vlted to attend funeral services which will be held at Holuian's Chapel, Third and Salmon streets, st 2 p. m., tomor row (Tuesdsv). Arrll 19. Interment In River View cemetery. MURPHY At his home. 209 Grant st, April 1, P. J. Murphy, aged 78 years, beloved father of Margaret and Julia Murpny. imneral Tuesday morning at 9 a. m. from St. Laurence church. 3d and eiherman sts. Interment St. Mary s cemetery. Friends invited. MATTHKWS At Oakland. Cal., April 14, Rofalenda A. Matthews, agi- i 'ears. Funeral services will be held at h Chanel. 420 K. Aider. Tuesday. April 18, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Lone Kir cemetery. Friends invited. yea Ler A FINE NEW IRVINGT0N HOME $4000 Six rooms; polished oak floor, fire- OMEGA REBECCA LOPGE No. St. I. O. O. F. membors are requested to at tend funeral of our late sister. Rose lianda A. Matthews, from Lerch s chanal Tuesday. April 18, at 2:30 p. m. WHITE Andrew White. Holbrook. Or., April 12, age 66; crushing Injuries to skull. BrHOOTNE Els In Burgoyne. 807 N. Nineteenth street. April 13. age 71: nephritis. SAVTOLIy James 8s veil. Multnomah Hosoltal. ADrll 13. ag 19: ulcer ot place, buffet, pass pantry, paneled M'GUIGHAM Thomas McGulgham, dining room, tinted walls, wood lift 10forOwnlnPg vtnu AprU 'M ind cement basement, wash trays; on MILNER John Mllner, Bt Vlncenfs 1 corner on 9th, near Broadway. Hospital. April 13, a 48: ulcer of If yoa want the best little home in ..-w rvmgton, see this. rUan Hospital, April 12, age T9 pneo- Phone today or Monday, between monia. nr in Main 2fiKO BRUM BACK Oscar Brumbaek. 20 or 1U Main &o. , Cherry street. April 12. ag7 27; tu- WEST SIDE HALF ACRE TRACTS Price, $500 to 2750; 350 down and IIS er month. Full H acre, all under eul ivatlon; fruit trees, apples, cherries. pears, plums. This is a fins Invest ment: 60x100 lots In this district are selling from 8400 to $600. Just 19 min utes on elac'trlc line. Let ua show you this. F. ,6. TAYLOR & CO. 408-3-4-8 Xwis Bldg., 4th and Oak 9Jta. DR.GREEN OVAMAWTV. MEN Our guarantee 2To aumsy rq.iUrd natU satisfied is your absolute protection. Consul ts 1 1 o n, examina tion and dlagnoala fre. Our specialty is AH Ailments of Kan. What yuu want Is cure. Con t us and Jet it Houri ally 9 to 6. Ev nlngs. 7 to 8 Sundays, 10 to l TO OU2U ' DR. GREEN CO, a ITashlsgtOK 2hV- SHrtlaA. Of. EXPERT EXAMINA TION FREE Many Caass Permanently Cured In OR2 TKB1TUEKT. Most Ilme-avliix- Vort BstnraL Most Safe. Ho Detention from Oconpstion, Fam ily or Some. A Badical and Permanent Cur. I WU1 err 8)500 to Any Charity as a Guarantee That Every Statement In This Announcement Is Tin. I oure rapidly, painleasly and at small expense. I will demonstrate actual results in your case. I will give conclusive evidence of my merit which is obtained and maintained by ability. I Invite you to come to my offloe. I will explain my treatment for Hernia, Piles. Fistula, art cos Tains, Pelvlo, Nervous, Blood, Kidney, Bladder and Keotal Oiseassn. I will give you free a physical examination; If necessary a microscopi cal and chemical analysis of secretions to determine existing pathological snd bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advantag of this opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of cure is what you want. , A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing person as to the specialist he consults. Puty and destiny to self and those who de Dend unon you demand the best medical attention. I have the abllltv and can give you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may be obtained bv any man who sincerelv desires 1 to be cured. I mske no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propo sitions; neither do 1 desire to De particularly independent, and I would like to have you for a patient, If you will come to me- on a strictly pro fessional basts, and the inducements that I offer, which ara mv abllltv. and 90 years' successful experience, time-saving treatment and guarantee of cure of certain diseases. 17 Years of Success in Treating Men Cares Guaranteed or No Pay WE OXTBB BT VBW SGXSHTXTXO METHODS WHICH OAZnrOT F Alt. BXrfOD ABD SKZV AZUCBBTB. XIXTE WXAKBZSS, VAB.IOOBB OB KKOTTXB VEINS, OB9TS VOT10X9, SOBBS, TJXCZBS, 9VOU O-XiABDS, FILES. BTDlfBT ABO BT.il IOT.B TBOVB2VBS ABB ILL DIS EASES OOMMOB TO MZB. W are permanently located. Incorporated and liosnsed under the laws Of Oregon. MZB. ZF IB T&OUBZJB. OOBStftT VB TODAY. If von cannot call. wrl'e for free book and self-examlnatlon blank. Manv eases cured at home. Hours 9 a. m. to t p. m. . Sundays, 10. to l!i OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 391.H MOXBISQB WTn BeV Fonrtlt UI Fifth. FOBTIUABD, OM. . THE CHINESE DOCTOR I hare been practicing In Portland for many years. During that time I have administered to thousands of patlenta ( my medicines compounded from Roots, ! Trh nuHi unit Ttarkn. Frnm theao natural remedies I have brought about remarkable cures. Not unusual to the Orientals who know that the secrets and properties of these medicines are handed down from father to son in the physi cians' families for generations and that the unfailing results are to be expect ed from their souroe. I can show many letters from grateful patients to this effect. Patients out of town write for con sultation blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. INVESTMENT We own business property on 22th st Win build stores and flats on this and sell to you on terms. BUTTZBWOBTK-8TBFHBB8OH CO. Lafayette Bldg. Cor. 6th and Wash. Mortgage Loans F07n John E. Cronan "707 V SOS SJnalillnv ai ' FOR LEASE-CORNER One block south of Haw thorne, on Kast 3d, 100x100. Phone Sell wood 1S03. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS , CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title k Trust company, Lewis Bldg. 4th and Oak. Lawyera Abstract A Trust Co., capital $200,000. 6 Board of Trade bldg. O. Z. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 163 4 1st St., oor. Morrison. Portland, Or. Dr. Lindsay RELIABLE EDUCATED EXPERIENCED OOmrXtT MB BBBB If yon s worried about a special . ail ment, organlo weak ness or any male all- tnmnt . Ml . hlwi,4 hav so h V fafta toTm own'axlu Uac i wtd rr my aWMty before I ask one cent. You don t need money to be gin my treatment. TOu MAT PAT IU attkr i cpim too. . . d Dip. Lindsay Moore arid wife to Wlllda Buckman, lot 3, block 43, Rose Park Cleeton, lots 14 and IS, block City H. Hamblet. trustee to T. H 2 3,:so 8. Fnlroort Anaerson ana wire to nm- Tk Old BUsU Specialist.. Corner Alder and Second streets. Prl- vats entrance 129U Second, Portland, OrJ Offie hours - m. to jk.m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, -.-j T. G. ma J. Derick, lot 1, blocs. 4, Vlllamead John M. Plttengsr and wife to H. A. Plttenger, lot 22, block. 1, Minrose Alice L. Bowen and husband to . lone B. Gibbs. lots 1 and 2, Palatine Hill No. 2. . ; Kenneth A. J. Mackenzie and wife to Alfred R. Morse et al. lots 11 and IS, block 12, Kenilworth Q. L. Webb to Thomas Jones, lots 9 10 and 11, block 2, Hazeldell Bess C. Mitchell to Amanda A. Kellogg, lots 12 and 20, block 12, Irvington Park Harlan J. Miller and wife to Pearl Baker, lot 6, block 1, Havelock John I,. Bellrper and wife to Martin Johnson, north 2 feet of lot 2; block 14. Cooke ad- UlllUll ,m ....... A. B. Copeland and wife to Emil C. vahj et ai, 101s 1 10 a, block 1. Willamette addition . . : Martin U McMlnn and wife to The McMlnn Bldg. CO., lot 4, block 7. Menefea addition Fred H. Frulht and wife to C C. Tripp, lots ana , diock 4. L,s Bow Park Maggie McDonald And husband to E. 8. Brubaker, lot 28, block 1, Mt Tabor Plac Robert Andrews and wife to J. M. Allen, lot 1, block 1, Orpha Park . '..'..'.. Robert Andrews and wif to Mln 'na Jamison, Jot 2, block, 1, Or- : pha Park , . 500 2,700 1.10J 10 875 25J 460 too 100 2,500 1.J00 198 126 100 2JJ bercnlosls. PATERSON Henry Paterson, Patter- son. Wash., July 6, aged eg; paralysis. MAX M. 8MITH, flortst. 160 6th st. opp. Meier A Franks. -Main 7216. CARD OP THANKS WE WISH to extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neighbors for the great kindness shown us during the recent illness and death of our beloved husband and fathsr. MRS. JUDSON WKLKJSH. MR. AND MRS. T. W. WELKER. MR. E. N. WELKER. MR. AND MRS. T. E. SHEETS. MR. AND MRS, a F. ANGELA FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertaker! Modern In every detail. 7th and Pin. Main 430. A-455S. iady assistant. Dunning & McEntee detail 7th and pine Lady assistant J. P, Finley & Son Third and Madison. Lady attendant. Main 9 A-lStS. UHCH ERICS0N Undertaker: B-1888. E-781 lady . E. 6th-Alder. TstanX Undertaking Co.. Main 133. A-228S. Lady ass't EAST SIDE runeral directors, success sor to F. S. Dunning. Ino. E, 52. B-2626 EDWARD HOLM AM. undertaker, 220" 3d st. Lady assistant Main 607. ZELLeR-BYRNES CO.. 694 Williams ave. : both phones; lady assistant. HEMSTOCK 1687 E. 13th, Sellwood Tlj also 694 Dawson, Woodlawn 1874. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 03 Yamhill Land Co, Buy, sell, trade, business chances, city property, farms, orchard lands, large tracts. 810 Board of Trade, cor. 4th and Oak - IF YOU want a pretty home attractive 8 room new modern. Sellwood cut pnsses door. 16th and Bybee. Lawn, roses, native trees and fine view. 20 minutes' ride and opportunity not al ways nvaipaoie. j.ook Phone Sellwood 69. this up. Owner, ATTRACTIVE 8 room new modern home, Sellwood car passes door. lth and Bybee, native trees, lawn, rose beautiful view. Don't miss the chanoa 1 to own this. Owner. Phono Seltw'd 69. FOR SALE HOUSES Of $50 CASH and 220 a month including interest lor room House; eood lo cation. Price 21650. Owner; 630 Wor cester block. PACIFIC Till A Trust Co., .th leading abstractors. T Ch. Com ground floor BY owner, new 6 room modern bunga low. 100 foet from Hawthorne av. 23500; terms. Call Main 2625. 26 MONTHLY buys6 room bungalow, bath, china closet, basement, mcdl cine chest. Phone owner, Enst 274 1. CHOICE homesltes- 16 beautiful lota 60x100; 2760 tip; oasy terms; owner, 1367 Division street, corner 4Kth st. NEW 6 room California bungalow in Vernon r a bargain at 22360; easy terms. Call 607 Spalding. v. . NEAT 3 ROOM HOUSE, plastered, $800; $50 cssh, balance ltk rent. See owner, 7016 42d avo. Mt Scott car. Kern Park. FINK 6 room house, strictly modern, 23600: 21000 cash, balance to suit. Phone Woodlawn 1789. MODKRN..4 room house, good, leoation, .Inquire 142 .- Abernathy sti 5"S" car south. Phon A-3935.- ; $6260 -Irvington, 2600 below cost A new modern 8 room house. Phone own- : er.- H.: 1872 or r?H 68T K. 18th N. " CASH will take my VS room horn. Clos - In. Owner, Main 8899 r- . ,, f600. cash, cut price, , Taljor . iOt. f" Th-: