10 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 18. 1911. . NEW. TODAY PLACE YOUR firelhsurance WITH Jno. P. Sharkey, Agt. 216-17 Railway Exchange Building Agent for AACHEN & MUNICH of Germany GLENS FALLS of New York PROTECTOR UNDERWRITERS of Hartford. Conn. Phone A-1550. Main 550 Cook & Taylor Special RQSSMERE A few corners left, near car line, on Sandy Road. John W. Cook, manager of Ross mere, will be pleased to give information regarding them. COOK & TAYLOR ' 402-3-45 Lewis Building FREE RENT 6 MONTHS Tt it to your interest to investi gate this offer. Call at our Gregory Heights office today. Short car ride on most direct line in the city. Take Rose City Park car to end of line. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. "CARY ACT" IRRIGATED PUBUCLAND OPENING YOU ARE ENTITLED TO Flit ON 160 tClttS Of I RRMAT ED UNO. APPU CAT ION CAN BE MADE NOW . COfmLflREaOn IKSXTDNCO. . is my ax. mag Portland, or- A Very Pretty Home 3800 Hawthorne ave; one of the cutest and cosiest you have seen; nicely arranged: new and modern In every way. If you want something fine, let me shew you this. S. S. PRENTISS SOS Srpaldlag Building. WEST SIDE HALF ACRE TRACTS Price. $500 to $750; $50 down and $15 per month. Pull acre, all under cul tivation; fruit tree, apples, cherries, pears, plums. This Is a fine invest ment; 50x100 lota In this district are nllln from $400 to $606. Just 19 mln . u tea on electric line. Let us show you this. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. 403-S-t-fi Xwla Bid-., 4th ana Oak Sta. Demand An Abstract When you deal la real estate. It's the Only Safe Way $200,000 back of our ab stracts. Member Oregon Association of Title Men. Fine Orchard Half Price TO CXOBB ZBTATB One thousand bearing trees, 1500 2 v ' years old, 8 acres all under Irrigation, . with perpetual water riht. in finest fruit district In Oregon where peaches rprrow to perfection. Over $6000 expend ' d in buildings. Price $250 per acre. The v place trill pay for itself in five years and ba worth four times its cost. There v Is a cannery within one half mile. Five .thousand dollars will handle, balance reasonable time at 6 per cent. Call on or address OWJTZrA, 90S pallia Bids'- Pertland, Or. Mortgage toana lty property at reasonable rates. CXJUKX-COOX COM7AJTT. Basra at Traaa BoUalax. Mortgage Loans FOR LEASE-CORNER na fcloelt south of Hawthorne, on East Id. ICOalOO. Phene 8ellroo4 ItOt. 1 NEW TODAY NEW 6-R00M L, , ".. MODERN BUWCALOWiJ vCStO VCF ,.:y;r -,u I . , ll Iyt 60x100 and handy to Oekley (Green grammar school and .leffoison high school, ood car service, a fine heme, reception hall 7x8, front rootu 12HxH. beautiful fireplace, dining room 12 fcx 13. window iteal, ptnelrd whII. Iieamed celling. Kitchen with woodllft and en closed tank, pantry with cupboards, shelving, bins. Kink and fine, cooling sys tem. ,bck porch screened and door to basement, 2 bndrooms and bath on first floor. Imitation tile wall. first class bath fixtures; one bedroom on second floor, basement with oement floor, vauli trays, full slxed screens to all windows, all walls tinted, lawn established, ce ment walks around house, shade trees set. cement walk and curb on street line, rarklng , seeded, etc. This Is near Pat en ave. and Jessup St. and for quick sale 13350. with 31000 cash, balance terms, party buying acreage. The SHAW-FEAR Co. 103 Fourth St. Main St. A-S500 Open Today Block's Addition Thirty minutes' ride on Eata- cada line will bring you to Kendall Station, which is lo cated in the center of tract. Oregon City automobile drive is through place. Johnson Creek divides this tract, and you can secure a lot that will give you access to it This is a beautiful place and just the r t ii piace tor a nome. aii sur rounding lots sold and build ings going up. Remember, no tax, no interest, 10 per cent down. Will be there to show you today. w. L. BLOCK 210-212 ABINGTON BLDG. A Word to the Wise BUY LEVEL WEST SIDE LOTS. $250 to $300 Buy before the tunnels and railroads are completed. We all admire the man that makes his burdens light by the use of his foresight. Rail road nearly completed. BZHSOJT CO., 403 Wells-Fargo Bldg. Please don't delay serfdlng fold er describing; Portland Heights No. 2, with special offer for May and June. Name .. Address The Best Mr Diifur Valley Fifty-five acres one mile from Dufur on splendid road In he heart of the ! valley. surrounaea oy standard or-1 crop Of 'wheat On th entire chards, place, will market for J1500. City water main in front of tract, bpiendid t tract for apple and pear or- chard. HS500 S35O0 CASK Balance four years fl per cent BOTKTini as JOHITSTON Prult and Farm band. 908 Chamber of Commerce Bldf., Portland, Or. Phone Xaia 6967. 16or 32 Acres CLOSE IN Base Line Acreage Best tract for immediate han dling in half acre or lots; East 92d and Base Line road; 2 car lines. Price per acre $1500.! tasy terms. Price to be raised May 1 . McCarger, Bates & Lively 301 Yeon Building " KETW TOVAX A residence district that offers every desirable feature for those who are particular. ALL MODERN, UP-TO-DATE IMPROVEMENTS BEING INSTALLED. A view the equal of which few outside of Portland ever see. Building restrictions of $5000 insure the highest class residences. Almost walking distance (some do walk). On the West Side and good car service. A splendid investment. Office on the ground, or call at our main office, Room 6 Board of Trade, and let us take you to the property. Clark-Cook Co. $15,000 TO BE EXPENDED BY THE CITY ON THE J Tabor this year. Our list of property! in -this immediate vicinity is very complete. On the west slope of Mt. Tabor, protected from the east winds, with a splendid view of the city; less frost, fog and smoke than lower levels, paved streets to the business district; excellent car service, rich sofj for lawns and gardens. Such are some of the advantages of this particular location. Look it over. We have a branch office at 60th and Belmont for the accommoda tion of our patrons. Phone Tabor 3194. CLARK-COOK CO. Room 6 Board of Trade Building. Des Moines Addition HALF-ACRE TRACTS STREETS INCLUDED FOR ONLY $500 $25 Cash and $10 Per Month at 6 Per Cent This tract adjoins Brentwood. on Mount Scott car line, one third mile from Bell Station, north on Gresham and Esta- cada car line. Lies beautiful and level. Very cheap prop erty or a little home with a garden. J. W. OGILBEE Room 11, First Street, Portland, Oregon Choice Buys S7000 Buys a modern flat building In Nob Hill district; good in come; big future. S7500 Apartment site, west side. S15 500 Very high class Income properly; income $1536 a year This js one of the beet buys Houth of Morrison st. If ycu are looking for a ailt t-Hs-e hlirh ML Park class Investment, with a big fu ture, it will pay you to see this choice buy. S20.000 Very high class corner; Ideal apartment site; very high class district. We also lve some very choice buys corner, quarter and half blocks. If you are in the market for high class, west side property, we will be only too glad to show you what we have. M.E.LCE, 311 Corbett Building NOB HILL RESIDENCE I We have for sale one of the handsom est homes In this city, on Twenty, fourth street; house has larsre hall, re ception room, living room, diniag room and kitchen on first floor; 6 bedrooms and 2 baths on second floor; bedroom In attic: hardwood floors; oak finish; libra ry mahogany1 finish; ground 100x100. This is a bargain at $40,000; terms very reasonable, f or further particulars ad piy to CKAS. X. KEJTBT CO. Ksnrj Bldg, Ttmrth and oK, Itraats, ... rortland, 9r. . ..: , NEW TODAY EASTER OPENING Avenue EASTER OPENING Killingsworth Ave. Ad dition will be opened up on Easter Sunday with a special inducement of 5 per cent discount for 10 days. Lots range from $550 to $700 These are the swellest homesite lots in the city, considering the price. We challenge any person to show us anything bet ter at double its price. 10 Per Cent Cash 2 Per Cent Per Month This tract is located on Killingsworth ave. and 37th. Take Alberta car and get off on Killings worth ave. and go east to cherry orchard. The view is unsur 1 passed Columbia River, Vancouver, Mt. Hood, St. Helens and Adams are in plain view; We will be on the ground from 10 until 4 Sunday. Bigs worth Addition JORDAN & QARBADE i 232l2 Wathingtoii St, Corner Second Phone M. 4694 HEW TODAY FIVE DOLLARS DOWN OTS Five Dollars Per Month ON THE WEST SIDE $450andUp including cement sidewalks graded streets and water mains With No Cost to Buyer $5 DOWN . $5 PER MONTH The Gowan-More Co. 315 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Phones Main 184 A-4298 Addition TE CHEAPEST AST) BEST PROPE11TY FOR THE MONEY IN THE CITY Choice Lots $2000 to $2150 Including all improvements asphalt pavement, sewer, ....... water and gas, which are in and paid for, at these prices. Sold on Easy Terms 10 Cash 1 a Month 6 Interest Warranty deed and abstract. For particulars see agents. F. W. Torgler 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. Strong & Co. 605 CONCORD BLDG. Also salesman on ground. A GOOD INVESTMENT We have a new modern flat building located on a prominent street, one block from carline and within easy walking distance to business center of this city. Streets are all hard surface pave ment, in and paid for. This is a fine building, divided into four 5-room apartments, strictly up jto date, all rented at a rental that pays a clear profit of 10 per cent to tne owner, and we can sell it at a very low price ' and some terms. This will pay itself out and is a safe invf5tmnt fnr a farmer or a non-resident that would like income,bearinir nron. , , c r. r erty in tnis growing city. Wallace Investment Co. Rooms 518-517 Oregonian Bldg. Tillamook Street 100x100 Price $11,500 100x100 and a g-ood 7 room modern house, situated on th S. k, corner East 7th and Tillamook sts. A good site for flats or apartments. Terms MALL & 104 2d st VON BORSTEL Lumber Exchange bldg. INVESTMENT wWwOWl oulness property on 28th st. Will build stores and flats on jthls and VIEW Ladds ami m yuu on lerms. BTTTTEBWOBTH-gTXPKEWSO If CO. Iafayatta Bldg. . Cor. 6ta and Wash. Quarter Block oniT OHreap This ipua rt. $5600, but if you will deal quick, bt" fore I leave town, go and see my tx- ci 11 slva special price agents for my cut price and . terms. DonTt phona. Meiklejoha & Pond r 40S X. Korrteoa. mm Oraad arw A TT ;A l S TK Ov iBBBi m i r - V r BSBB BsBi BBBr sBHBl . SM kBI ssBr I MM ' m FROM THE OFFICE OF Ilartoiao f Thompson Sybdivision Property ' lCA9 sUlA 3 cr" of the best $VJd9Jjyj property for ubdi- vision that can be found in Portland. All .conditions are favorable. 1415. Subdivision Property $12,500 A acres splendidly lo cated on the Bast Side in Portland and not far out. Acreage pieces of this de scription are hard to secure. This is a good buy. Suburban Home i COI KfiA 2 acres of land on E. IVDUUV; 55th St.. with a mod ern home of 10 rooms and bath. This is an unusually good of fering. 1530. Ten LoU in Milwaukie SlOiOOO"?? er; y blocks from the Oregon v-ny car nne; iya acres or una; 1.1 ...h ? f-.... . i house, etc. A fine investment from every standpoint. 1537. Income Property CI 9 flfifi Modern flats paying tplOtUUl 10 per cent, building one yea old; a good invest ment from every standpoint. Business Property $11,000 A fine piece of prop erty on E. 6th st. near E. Washington st. This is offered at a reasonable price and it is well to bear in mind that properties like it are be coming scarce at fair prices. In-1 vestigate Monday. 1S2S. mes K7nnWithin easv walking dis PIOJJ tance on the East Side; modern I story home; 8 rooms and bath; 4 bedrooms; garage and snrubbery; it for any rea son this house does not meet your needs, our salesman will give you a list of Others similar to it. 1484. $57oo A very pretty home on tast balmon st. not too far out to walk; 6 beaatifal rooms, all tinted; house has shades and electric . light fix- lures; roses, flowers, etc. Terms if detlred. 1498. f Kllll-xnis is M mm . a $4500 house, can sell it for WUVV but wc $4250 if taken at once. Owner is going away. His furniture is all packed and he wants to sell right away. 6 room bungalow in Rose City Park. It is the prettiest house in that whole section for the money. Easy terms on this and on the two above. 1309. WA9K( " 5. f "T h c Ryan Houses; these houses ' are tlicy always popular because are well located, we built, well planned and are put uy a uuiiucr wnosc rciUDIJ- ity is well known. This particu- lar house is in Rose City Park. has 6 rooms. Terms can be easily arranged. It is now ready to move into. . Belle Crest Home ic:nA-vcry attractive home near E. 60th st.. and Sandy road. Picture at office. Terms favorable and easy. 1523, no Acreage 1 9 Onn9 75 acrcs- ?lendidly V6,JJJ located in the Moiita villa section. Hartman ibooips on . - Real Estat Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. "A; :'.y. WBW TODAY . j TO BE SOLD AT TERMS at low lit SI0 Monthly NO INTEREST NO TAXES Warranty Deed Abstract of Title Free Q . p . . . section than lots which are selling at $500. WHY TAKE CHANCES IN Lf r .;. mf . , new iuwnoiiL3( CHANCE TO GET A HOME SITE AT WHOLESALE MAIL THIS Please cular. send descriptive c!r- Name. Addross. L. 0. Thompson 420-422 Board of Trade Timber Lands A We have 1280 acres of first class timber' lands, located near Dufur, for sale at a bargain. Land is ill in a body and will sell all or part. Sawmill on the land. Down hill haul to railroad. If interested address Dufur Valley Realty Company ' DUFUR, OREGON. 12th and Hall 100x100 corner; accessible viaw a good Investment to hold as it has $104 per month Income. Price $20,500 Np W SfM R HHdP art.1 business er 100 '"t ft bridge approach for $25,000; another bus iness quarter on carline near new brldat for 120.000; and one for tis.onn ti, SiUfteTO . - K 1ft IprPfldA HaVidJVt:'.?-n.,V w"ov Mock from the carliiu- ,100 pfT acrc' Raeo I iflA T?-??" r,Mt, "?! UUilt 1.1111s iV " "nes. . .A UIJ 1IIIIIIS, from $300 to $500 per acre; easy term to responsible purchasers. Homes and BuildingLots Hotladay and Goldsmith" additions "! choice lot on Overton St., near 26tli. v ouuu 10 nun juu anu sen on easy term. See Is Before You Buy Sengstake & Lyman so rifth gt. BUSINESS PROPERTY We have for sale one of the bt .. nera in the city. 60x100 feet: on Second street; only a short distance south of Morrison. This is in a district where values are on a good basis, and at i,. same time are increasing. It la excep tionally attractive on account of himr Mil Snap between the two bridges. This is a bargain at the price,. For particulars sea ; Chas. K. Henry Co. r Saary Bldf ronrtlr aaa oak Btraets. Portlaaa, Or. , ., ' KODEBW HO KB ' WAUCXXO KISTANOB ' 0AWD LOOATIOW I