- TONlGliT'S AMUSEMENTS HKILIG Marie Dreesler. In "TlllU'a Nightmare.',' , BAKER Florence Roberta, Theodore Roberta and Thurlow Bergen 10 " Sham." OltPHEUM Orpheum " Circuit Vaude- vine. a . y CRANDSulllvan ft Conaldlna Vaude- LYRIC Lyrle Muelcal Comedy com pany in tm Mercnania. PiNTAflRS Vmirlflvllla. . STAR. ARCADE, Oil JOT, ODEON. TIVOLI Flret run plcturea. 11 a. m. io 11 p. m. W eather Condition!. A largo high pressura araa. overlies the nortn racinc ana norms ucj , Mountain statee. It caused heavy frosts In Oregon. Washington and Idaho this morning, and f renting temperatures In Nevada, Utah. Colorado. Wyoming, Ne braska, Montana and tne uaKoiaa. a aevere etorm la oantral over northarn Minnesota, and a secondary disturb ance. Im central over Texas. 8howera 1 thunHeratnrrna hava occurred In the Mississippi and Ohio vallevs and lake region. Another large high pres sure area la central over New England, ni fair weather Drevalla In the At lantic atatea, with nearly normal tem pera! urea. ' , " Conditions ara favorable for fair weather In thla . dlatrlct tonignt ana Friday, with heavy froata again tonight, followed rTiaay Dy warmer wuuitr. FORECAHT. - Portland and vlclnltv ralr tonight, with heavy froat Friday fair and warmer, westerly winaa. Oregon Fair tonight, with heavy froat. Friday fair and warmer. W eat er! y winda. Washington Fair tonight with heary froat eaat and light froat weetportion. Friday fair and warmer. Westerly winds. , Idaho Fair tonight, with heavy frost. Friday fair and warmer. " Foul try Co 1 tare Leotore All cltliena of Portland who are intereated In poul try culture have been Invited to attend a lecture by Profeaaor A. O. Lunn, of Oregon agricultural college, to be de livered in the auditorium of the young Men's - Christian Association tomorrow night at t o'clock. The subject will be ' "Locating and Constructing the Poul try Plant." Thla will be the aecond of a aeries of five poultry lectures giv en by Professor Lunn, under the Joint auspices of the Y. M. C. A. and the Portland Junior Poultry club. The two organisations are conducting a poultry raining contest in which several hun dred boys and girls of the city are participating. - Bgmgfct Bar for Trial Ameriqua Martlnelll and Lorenzo Rlonaldl, who are charged with having flooded Port land with counterfeit $5 bank notea that Rlonaldl got from Italy, have been brought from San Francisco and will If held federal prisoners In the county Jail until their trial In the United I States court. The pair were arrested In San Francisco upon instructions from j the secret servloe department here. ! They were Indicted by the United States grand Jury upon evidence furnished by keepers of rooming houses whom they are said to have victimized with their counterfeit money. i $39 a month, which would ba raised to 400 If I war on the ground floor la tba aatne block. ' Jlinmla Dunn, room lis, Oragonlan building. , Take elevator. Asks 15750 Damages H. O. Btltea has filed a suit. In the circuit court against John T. Mm for Injuries received whan the latter ran him down-with an auto mobile at Union avenue and Ruaaell streets. March t. Btltea was creasing Russell street, and the machine waa en the wrong aid of the atreet, it la ai leged. Th gum of $6759 la asaea. celved. We sell absolutely pure wines and liquors. $1.60 quality port, sherry, angelica and muscatel wlna, 76c per gal lon; 4 rye and bourbon whiskey, $3.75 per gallon; M brandy. 11.78 per gallon $4 rum, 1475 per gallon. National Wlna Co., Fifth and Stark. Phone Main I4 Home A-nst. Delivered. Wis Chang of aOnL Elmer Curry, charged with assault, changed his plea from not guilty to guilty yesterday be fore Presiding Judge Gantenbein ta the circuit court, and waa paroled. Pat Dillon, held on a larceny charge, waa given until Thursday afternoon to plead. He la aecuaed of changing set In a diamond ring. Llauor Law violator rinad John Alex, arrested by Sergeant Joe Keller last Sunday morning for selling whis key In tea eupa at his restaurant, 401 East Morrison atreet. was fined 1100 yesterday by Judge Taswell nnder the new liquor ordinance whloh prohibits tha disposition of liquor In any ehape on Sunday. If Toa Waal Tea 0or mm! ua Heaglne corn Car. Bold by A Den semi, tne arunrtmt lis WaaMna. ton, near Second. Wmnii1! fflat win w tv land Woman's club will meet tom if Easter ( for the jj Children JJ aJ II N row at t o'clock. In Woman' of Wood craft halL An Uluatrated lecture will be given by Mrs. Ida Mood a ark on bar study and observation .of "Open Air Schools la This and Foreign Coun- trt"-M :- -.. v W1U Speak on BturityMIss Mary Brawn of Seattls -Will speak on "Purity" at th Woodstock achoolhous Friday afternoon at I o'olock, April 14. Th address, which la for woman only, la given under the auapleea or th Wood stock Parent-Teacher circle. . A Weening. The puhllo and railroad men particularly ar notified not to give any credit to Robert L. Cochran, alias Robert L. Klngsley, on account of the Spokane Chronicle, a h has no con nection with th paper. Th Spokane Chronicle. . -i At tha Hawthorne Park rresbrterlan Obnreh, at I o'clock Sunday afternoon, th 14th Inst, Max Wardall, th "boy mayor" of Seattle. Subject. "A Clean City Government." Steamer Jesaa Karklns for Camas, Waahougal and way landings, dally ex- oept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 1 p. m. Taj at ha Tan-Wnhlt-Wlllar nrla demonstration window. Universal and Nw safety check protectors. Old Jewelry Waated W buy old gold and allver. Unci Myers' Collateral Bank, Tl Sixth at, near Oak. evening at its usual meeting piac en Ruaaell atreet near Williams avenue. , ttolBf to BaahOnst Worth ' your while. Se their prise window display ef check protectors. . " ' wi daat, swplaf compound. Meier, Frank, Olda, W. ft King, grocera. W. A. Wis and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. . They Have Moved. R. Kohara Co, Japanese store, on Morrison atreet, temporarily moved to 206 Third atreet, near Taylor.: They ar selling all kinds of Japanese goods very cheap until they mov to their new store. ' Good Friday Tomorrow. Get those Royal Hot Croas Buna from your dealer or either branch Royal Bak ery. Aak early or you'll be left ' ' Journal Want Ada bring results n Art Beak Morrison above Tenth. olasay Easter thoughts at moderate prices. HnpOvmat Association A meeting of the Northeast Side Improvement as sociation has been called for tomorrow HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Oearv Street, above Union Square Just opposite Betel St Francis , Eorooean Plan $1.60 a day w i , American Pita $3.00 s day op 1 VawttMlaadbrtckttractara. rsrabhedsM est ef axoa,oos. Avery mtori aa ee vealenes. Oa carllaes transferring all ever City. Omnibus aseets traiaa and steamers. Send for Beeklet with map ef 8aa Franctot Kay llxtend Hall Bonte Application has been made by Poatmaater Merrlok to have the rural free delivery route ; No. 1 made to cover a part of Monta- i villa that Is now without service, run- j ning on Eighty-fourth atreet from Baso Line to East GUsan street. The delivery is now over Elghtitaecond ! atrevt, but the extenalon of the free , carrier service to Eighty-second street : would make It more desirable to move the rural delivery two blocks east, wher It would cover a part of Terrace Park addition. To the Policy Holders of the Boyal Insurance Company Please accept thl. as notice that V. J. Clemens no longer represents the Royal Insurance com pany, and his authority to act in any capacity as agent of the Royal Insur ance company has been revoked. His ucce8sors are Wetherbee, Richards ft Co., with offices at 1000-1001 Yeon building, upon whom please call for transfers. Indorsements and renewala. Royal Insurance Company, Rolla V. Watt, manager. Penney Bros. Friday Special. Our $2 grade of Wlnca at $1 per gallon. Our fl.EO grade of Wines at 75c per gal lon. Straight Kentucky Whiskey, 7 years old, regular 4.b0, at $3.60 per gallon. Kentucky Whiskey, regular $.1.50, at $2.(0 per gallon. Our 13 grades of Whiskey, Rum. Gin and Brandy. $2.10 per gallon. Friday only. 379-381 E. Morrison St. Phones East 287, B-2426. I Free delivery. A Second Christmas That's what Easter means to the little ones. The gifts of gaily-colored Eggs and Toy Rabbits and Chickens are treasured for many a day. THE BIG SWEET SHOP is overflowing with these Novelties in all sorts of funny and original shapes all for filling with sugar Our Special 25c Line, which prowd so popular last year, is larger and bet ter this season." The de mand is also greater, and egrly purchasers will get the choice. If it's a dainty gift for the Sweetheart or Wife We suggest a look at our Blue and Gold Window. rur I! m mrw m iss JFV-Fisaw asv m m Insurance Kotlce Correction- My of fice Is in room 2, Commercial Club building, where your renewals, Indorse ments and other business will receive the usual prompt and efficient atten tlon. H. R. Burke Is not connected with my office In any way and patrons who are not owned by any Insurance company will not be fooled by cheap bids for business. W. J. Clemens. It's mighty satisfying to know, when riding in a Woods electric, that such a thing as a puncture, or a blow-out, is impossible. It's absolute contentment to know that you are riding on the best Springs made in the world and the btti tonstrucUtn known to skilled mechanics and engineers. It's mighty pleasing to know, when riding in a Wood, that you've got the same car that is owned by kruwn buyers 0f euaMj. .People love high-class associates and the well- bred love quality in a vehicle as much as they love quality in clothes or jewelry. Well groomed people never wear imitation diamonds or fake jewelry. They wear what they and the world know to be pure. And it s precisely the same way in owning a woods. You own the ne plus ultra of quality. It ac cords well with your Gorham Silver, your Tiffany Jewelry and your worth urease. t3T" We have just completed our handsome new salesroom ad joining the factory at Calumet, Cottage Grove and Twenty-fifth Street The old and inadequate salesroom on Michigan avenue ht btm abandoiud. Pay as a can in our new quarters. .r7 O Portland Agent COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, Seventh and Couch Sts. 7 STL -j-l BOy Burglars Busy Boys last night broke Into the James Wilcox grocery store at 294 Russell street. They first threw a brick through a back window, thon crawled through the hole. Candy, rlsrsrs and cookies were stolen. The Alberta Carriage & Wagon works of 289 Russell street was also entered and probaboly by the same boye. A wrench and a ruler were taken. Atteatln, Gentlemen. Buy your, spring suit of me and save the extra profit tacked on for high rent. When I say I can sell you a 930 suit for $18.75 or a 130 to $22.50 suit for $14.76 my argument holds good. My rent is only FITTING EYES With Proper Glasses Has Bees Onr Business Over Established 189. 15 Tears We examine EVES Scientifically. We make Rpecta . taclea to f 1 1 all sights. We fill Prescrlp tlons correctly. We can Duplicate any Glass. We repair any thing In our line. We please In qual ity and price. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS ' 1 818-glS rAXTXVO BLSOK Cor." Hard and Washington, ad rioor. ' Tate Blevator. Portland Printing Mouse Co. Book, 'Tata log; and Commercial Printing Book Blniinr and Blank Book Xaklag, W Taylor St. Phones; A2281, H620I I assassssssaeieMaaaa-- . WHERE ONE DOLLAR IN CASH WILL BUY MORE THAN TWO DOLLARS ON CREDIT Bow Arrivals la Barter Beokwear and Waists. Prices Always the Lowest 5th and Alder 5th and Alder SthlidM A GREAT EASTER SALE AND WONDERFUL BARGAINS for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY that every shrewd and economical woman will take advantage of. New Spring Suits $ 1 2.75 WORTH $20.00 TO $22.50 New Spring Suits and Beautiful Silk Dresses, Worth $25 to $28M at$U.95 All made in the very latest spring styles--all the new favored mate rials all sizes, misses' and women's. As there is only a limited quantity in each lot, Hhey will go with a big rush, and we advise coming early. ' MS See Window Display SPECIAL Best Quality Black and Blue Serge Walking Skirts, new habit back model, with pocket on side. Fri day and Sat.urday only, (P A Q C special price ........... .DtTs0 EXTRA! 25 OR 4 OFF! The balance of our en tire stock New Spring Suits and Coats. POLICE LABOR TO GET . CLUE TO MURDERERS (Called Frets Leaae Wire.) Ban Francisco, Aprl II. Frank Don ley, !, waa arrested here today as the accomplice of Edward Evans. Silas Torres, a soldier, who Is held for the robbery of Ouy Landsburg, an Alameda real estate dealer, whose body waa thla week recovered from the bay after he had mysteriously disappeared. On being brought before Evana, or Torres, Donley was Identified by him aa having aided In "rolling" Lands- burg. Both . are ' held In an effort to find out how Landsburg came to his death. ' Ye Oregon Grille. Have you heard Pletro Marino, the celebrated Italian violinist, and his su perb orcheetrat If not. you have missed a rich treat. Their repertoire la replete with the choicest mualcal gema, while the vocal program pre sented each evening la bound to please. The Mlaaea Lowe and Clow, Arry Ulyn and the little Scotchman are still gen era! favorites. Muslo to 1:30 and from 10 to 1MI. Here It a new Idea: A Shoe Shop up high; A clean, quiet, place that is close to the sky. You step from the streets to an uplifting car, And reach the . Shoe Shop without any jarl WE CLIMBED UP HIGHER TO SAVE FOR THE BUYER WRIGHTS Sample Shoe Shop Rooms 60O-601-02-603-603,2 SIXTH FLOOR OREGONIAN BUILDING Portland, Oregon We Sell All Ladles' Shoes $2-00 A PAIR No More No Lest MAIL ORDERS FILLED SAME DAY AS RECEIVED We Sell All Men's Shoes $2.50 A PAIR No More No Less New spring styles in Oxfords and Pumps Arriving Daily TheWorld'sBestSampIeShoes $3 to $6 Value Our Price: UaW $2, Gent,' $2.50 SIS PORTLAND'S BUSIEST SHOE SHOP. Sixth Floor OregonUn Bldg. Rooms 600-601-602-603-603. CORNER 6TH AND ALDER STS. TAXI BtBTATOB GETTING a fourth hand for "bridge" is only one of a thousand social uses of the Tele phone, and Telephone Service promotes so ciability and good fellowship because it brings neighbors closer together. Your friends all live within talking distance. It is the same with your out-of-town friends the universal service of the Bell System makes them your neighbors, too. Your voice can reach all by means of the Bell Long Distance Service. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. Oregon rt ' ' Spring Flowers FOR Eastertide A Holiday of Flowers The coming Eastertide will be m eventful fine in the his tory of Portland's popular tloml tiliop. Kvery known Spring flower and plant will he repro -nented by the fiuet and hct specimens. Kirst and most im portant are our magnificent Laster Lilies crowned with thtir pure white trumpet-shaped flower, fol lowed by many other Flowering Plants including Hydrangeas, Aralea., Rhododendrons, Rambler Roses, the latter being entirely new to Portland. Cut Flowers of all seasonable varieties will be as popular as evar. Roses, Carnations. Violets. Lily of the Valley, Calla Lilies, Easter Lilies, Narcissus, Sweet Peat, etc. Our LasterSale commences Monday morning and continues all week. Popu lar prices will prevail on this great occasion. Make selections early and avoid the rush which will be sure to occur later in the week. Clarke Bros. Florists 287 Morriion Street Opposite Corbett Building AMUSEMENTS. T f f f" TIIEATRE I JLlLsl JaL1 JT 7th A Taylor Phoaaa Mala 1 and A-1133. Tomorrow and Bat. Mat. Sat. ) Lew Fields present America'! Funniest "Woman Marie Dressier In the Musical -Comedy Hit "Tillie's Nightmare" Evening and Sat mat.: Iower floor, . $2 and $1.60; balcony, first 6 rows, $1.60; next rows. $1; following 8 rows, 76c; last rows, 60c. Kntlre gallery BOc. Seat Sale Tomorrow HEILIG THEATRE T NIGHTS BEGINNING 8UNDA.T Special Price Matinee Wednesday World's Biggest Musical Comedy lilt "Madame Sherry" it I T -,... iur 4 tl K A T1- ry nuiiK. uunci . 1 . w ....... . , cony, first 6 rows. 11.50; next rows, $1; following rows, 76c; last 6. rows, , 60c. Gallery 60c. Wednesday matinee: $1.60. $1, 7&o, 60o. 86c, $5c. "Every Lit tie Movement Has a Meaning All Its Own." BAKER T K B A T B B Main a and A-S3SO GEO. U Mgr. TJIVTHHT A T.T. WTT.RK' Third week of the great Trl-Star Seaaon Florence Theodora Thurlow XOBSXTS BO BESTS BEBOZB ' In tha brilliant comedy. "SHAM.". All week. Mats. Wed. and Sat. Even ings J5c, 50c, 76c, tl. Mata., 25e, 60o, Next week "The Merohant of Venice." KAIY ft, A 1020 MATXHEB ITEBI DAT is-aa-co ja. at t4 . W aawi m limu BvBv B b irzaxT THEATRE IS-25-S0-75C WEEK APBXIi 10. -Bert Oootali Co, presenting; "A limb oa Wall . Street"; Coleman's Buropeaa Horelty, Artan Bearon, Clay Smith and tha Malnotte TwUa, Sokert A Bargr. Ohrtaty ft Willis, ,. Tolsy ft HlUer. niMtiaalAi4 Vm.ndatvlllaa. WBBX AJPBU. 10-Attraotlon Itra. Kramer and Spillaaa.JPha Two $' Irwin and , Harsof. -o-o-cl-o-n-a, x. Bella XtaUa Troupe, Pantagesoopa, Cur. -tain 2:t0, 7:$0. 9. - ' . a a aa apvaaaaaa ..aBaaaaaBBaa GRAND LEADER I GRAND LEADER GRAND LEADER Weak Oommenolng Monday Xattnea, Keating A Flood nresont Happy and Hl ,v. Klng a latest Komlkal Komlltallty, "The Merehaate." Three performanrea dsllv. 8:46. 7:45. t:lS. Friday nigut Chorus Girls' Contest after ea;h perforniano. Next week-Baay M9a9.-M-i: w O R AN D i W-kAjrflQ. 191 1 Engaltement Extra . erdiaazr, - Vilraos Wcstony Bt. 9. BCaeCOBiill Barry Booker ft Co Wanton ft VivUi Tha (31 Olobe. Xioyghtona Hungarian Piano JhaMMftilMI. Hit. vrv day I:$b. any eat i&e. y.V' PfClrK OBAKDASCCrK enlng pcrformanc'in 7:39:16; tiHlcfipy, Ibei, lwr floor. ;il tiQK ". t."'. ITCH GElilSl ...... A: