THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL ' 13, ' 1911. CO 174.: 41 WEB FOOT CAMP. Ntt i B, Woodmen of the World. meli every rn day nlithl In W. O. W. Temple 1 Eleventh street All members rr quested to be present Visitors welcome. M. BKIUT. C. A. I, BARHUR. Clerk rter of Moore, nicel on the f',rtn nf the old OIoh. Wortman A King building ;.th and Washington sts . ei er Wednesday evening at o clock v. S. FiiliTirr. See. V. N. Gatens. dbjator. iYiVNTbNVTroinpitTin""l People's I''"'': Idle, evening (session Thursday. April is .luilu.i W am M. i.niri. 13: .MltlUtl V Jn v.-fill- Con t " Rev A. J Steelman. subject. "IVnolojr " , MW "A. ROflft 1TV "CAMP Monday. 'r,elling-IIirsch bldg. Washington nrr ft lh. Phono Clet li . M u 1 n 3 2 M. A-4. K N. A.. Oregon Hose camp, meet Tuesday evenings. Swiss hall. 3d and Jefferson. T K. .. Portland lodirc No 209, meet Wed nights. K P. hall. Hth A Alder. MAItniAt.K LICENSES ttt F i, 11-4 Cleveland avenue .....i i i.Vi...iia IT fin, mill I I i. i in...... i-hiii i-v i-.ii .I.H Viiin mi', cr. wash.. 45. and McLaughton, " J. K. Russell. F.stacida. Or 36. and fJutida StmiiicrKlen. 25. .... lennard Simons. Eleventh and Hall tn-ets, 21. and I.ina Forrance. is. E. V. Muu'dlng. Boring. r.. .3. and Mary 1. ,, Kalph Robinson. S0 Broadway street, S6, and Anna Hondo -1 Will lain Cutl.lll. Cornelius hotel. 1ft, and Hetty Belsce, 24. ,,.,1 ' Kdgar H. Mix. Hpaldlnn building SI , and Hatel Holland, It. W. US. Ml Wefldlnn and vIMtln rrae,1T,Jr and monogram etailon.rK b ! d , Waa hln t o nt. JU? L4!L" d JL' D- nVFKSi aul'ia tZr rent, nil slxea L'nlqua Tailoring Co.. Si S t a rks t frXnKK HH08.. f''l'. t'"e ar.J floral dealrns :9 Morrison at. DEATHS AMI Fl'XERALS HARTMl'8 At Oood Samaritan hos pital. In Portland. Wednesday. April 11 George H. Hartinus. aged .4 years - Funeral will be held Saturday. April It at 10 o'clock a. m.. in chapel of T.'B. Dunning. 4 14 East Alder. Friends iarlted Interment services private FAR WE LL 1 n this city, at St. ln cant'a hospital, April 11. John 11 JUDia I-arwell. beloved husband of Kdlth Smith Karwell. Interment In Chicago. 111. PETERSON Samuel Teterson. Portland Sanatorium, April . aged 2t; pertcar- WINN1FORI flebecca Wlnnlford. !S1 Grand avenue. Afril 10, aged 74; la fTlppe Ki;E Ellin bet li I.Hrge. St. Vincent hohpital. April lOnsed 62; auto tax- BRl'CE EllJS.lbeth Bruce, 20fi Tenth stret April 1. Kel "Id age. MITCHKI.I Kocina Mitchell. 4 28 Sev enth street, Ajiril 11. uged 80; senll- Itv. JtlWETTP Marv I'owers. 617 Rorthwick street April 9, aged pneumonia. ANHEHSON Olnf Anderson, n3S't Chapinan street April 10, aged 72; Itemorrhape. PARKB Maiv Parke. 10C0 Kelly street, , April 1IT. awed .19; ciincer. fXOK Kate ' CboU, .24 North Tenth utreet, April 9, aged 40; heart dls cae. I A I -'oN 1 ' l K F Ia v Id Ralsongnloff. rs r.r,t ,,f BmntlvvB'' ude. April t, seed 20 ilrowning (accident) I,.fU;K Elfabeth l,orae. Good Samar itan hospital. April .10. need 63. acute toxemia. UWKI.L- John Harwell. ?t. Vincents tioapital. April 11. aged 49. heart dls- eaHe. I lTxM SMITH, florist. 1R0 Mh St.. opr. MUr A- Krnnk's. Main 7215. CARD OF THANKS V.'K wish to thank our many friends for tluir kindness Miown us during the lllnesrt and lieath of our b'loved son snd brotlirr. V. S osbonie. and also 'daualitcr ,-rd v. He. ,nie jiudloug. es peciallj W. O V. lorme. Arleta camp. end f"r the many bentititui rtorai of fering. MR. AND MRS. 11. 08 BORNE. AX I OSBORNE. hi,k m ii.oN(.; FUNERAL lilRECTOItS n. mninrr Mrnlofl Undertakers UUIIIilllg U6 IVIOUIULU Modern In every detail 7tli and Pine. Main 430. A-4R58. Iadv assistant. JTP. Finley & Son Third and Madison. Idy fttteiidant. Main 9. A-1599. LERCH I'nrtertaker; lady assistant. B-1888. E-781. E. 6th-Alder. ERICSON Undertaking 6133. A-22.15. Co.. Main Lady ass't. EAST SIDE funeral directors, success or to F. S. Dunning. Inc. E. 62. B-2525 EDWARD HOLM AN, undertaker, 220 1J at. Lady assistant. Main 607. ifcELLER-BY RN ES CO.. 594 Williams live.; both phonea; lady assistant. falSCMSTOCK---lGH7 E. 13th. Sell wood 71; also 694 Dawson. Woodlawn 1874. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title & Trust company, Lewis Bldg. fin ana oak. Lawyers Abstract & Truat Co., capital $200.000. 6 Board of Trade bldg. Rosle Palumo and husband to E. J. Thomas, lots 3, 4 and 6. block 6, Tobosco addition $ 8,600 H. G. Scnner to H. A. Churchill, lot 22. block 23, Wt. Tabor Villa J J.,800 Hlhemla Pavings Bank to Mure Nielsen, lot 1. block 33, Capitol Hill 300 PACIFIC Title Tru ajj o the leading (round floor abstractors, 7 eh i GENERAL REAL ESTATE fli Something New We have an ;-r"omed. ceiled hotie i that will I,-.- completed in a fow davs and on ivhicii the owner Lag worked nil winter. li luiUi. .,i atul water, two fi-.. p..rcl,.. st..iri-d roof.1 111 . iiiit7 :inu in , r r.asi aim w f-st- .I'm :i i .Hi sle lo dcslrahle ' mrt lo i.e .. in ii h i. ... v... : " ' ,v " ' " 1 1:1 ' ' 1 I u Willi only ?lii'i i;o-rii 1 r : i J!" :t month! and S u?r ii M in.irst I dd jou ever! licar fif Mich i ti.itig? A word to the! wise is aufficteni . ! Two 1ay -nu 'jueen Ann cut 1 " wi'l complete K'1 with ,c, rooms fine i hall. ! 4 Closets, biti ml., hot and cold water. t(ii!et. pantry, dining- j MEETLNG NOTICES room, cov- ci ,.ii!"n:. pillnreu archway t wo ' hoga 11 v. eholce location. Jrvington. C porches and " blocks of inr Price1 'M'v E. 27:1. No agents. W. H. Herdma.i JIOO. with TM'l r riioi e dn n and $15 a mouth per com - - - I The finishing touchi s are being put I 1 " i. rn bungalow wit h 1 oil a fi-roomed 11 . .J Hitch kitchen. , hath. tHiilt-ln honk ;i closet compu te : ises. lirciihicc liall , .. . winaow sears, etc. ,.ic near car a.d tn promisins neighborhood. Price ?.'600 with $600 or more down, and $ 5 a month and interest. Beautiful 7-roorn bungalow, near. t'llnton-Kelley school and onlv !0 feet 1 of car; clpae to re $ l.oOO.Oiii; car n one ' This has hall, beamed ceilings, ponded ' t dinlng-roem and plate rail, elegant win- i 'lows, fine electric fixtures with right ' , In the -arden. also electric iioni.,.. ; lioard In wall, china closet etc etc .This ought to bring $3".00 in short' time . but we are offering it. for onlv JUIsOO for Quick Kale, with $250 down, and $20 : month pays balanoe. Another new one for $3200 being completed and tlll another at $J504 ' nd from there on up to $5500 We hare waterfront propertv. slew : property, wheet lands, ranches,' subur 'han koijiea. timlrer tracts, business prop erty and subdivision acreage. Phone your wants and watch this space :- Te!ra nd Thursdays, i 1 - JBELFORO & HUFF, 1 Kellwood car. ;.1S East I$tli at. Sell wood Pbon l$t GEXEJUJi REAL KSTATE .62 Yamhill Land Co, Buv. aril, trade. business chances, city property. farma. on hard landa, larg tracts K1J Hoard of Trade, cor. 4tn and Oak FOR 8 ALU 61 5 Rooms $1750 Thle Is h well hunt one atory frame, not modern hut city water In house, two block from Monta vIlU car, ne-,r West avenue, on lot 60x100 owner needs the money. See M'CAKGAK. HATKS l.IVEI-T, 301 Vfon hlilK New 7-rooni houne Hiid hloek. Gladntone. on car line For Only $2750 With bcal (,f for,. Ben Mitchell 401 Ilnllwav Kxchange. rinne Mnln 'J4"4 1 ACItF. 7 ronm buiiRalow, on full acra alte. on carllne. shout 40 sele-l-ed frull trees, all kind of ber ries, garden, lawn. Mm forest traes; excellent neighborhood; t200; 1?50 cash. THK SPANTON CO.. 29 Oak 8t l FRONT, STREET Oood 7 room house itith splandld east view of river and mountains, owner values lot alone at 12300; low price for quick sale. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRl'ST CO. We collect rentals. ., , -t . 1202 EAST TA Y1)R. 7 room house, large yard, fruit trees, near Sunnyslde car; must be sold at once. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRtST COMPANJ. SOMETHING GOOD. 8 room house with full concrete basement, furnace, fireplace, two com plete , bathrooms, built lo conveniences. Lot 42x100. Located on East 30th St.. one block from. Hawthorne avenue. Leased for one vear at t'ii per month, onlv takes $1000 to wgridle. Price $1000. . GODDAHI) A WIEpRICK. 24J Stark st. Modern 7 room house. Investigate this before you, buy; 1231 E. 29th st N. owner. Only ,$2b0 Down S room, not modern, but very good, ROxlOO lot, large fruit trees, rose bunhea and berry huslia. This la near Bun thorne ave. u'nd-oue of lh beet buys we have had in for some ttffTe. Balance $15 per month, at 6 per cent Price $2000. lift Railway 'Exchange; hranch office 43d nnd Hawthorne. ' ' TWO '.MODERN' HOVSE9. On lot 4iirl2 feet. One 7 room resi dence rented at $25, per month. Other house three rooms, very cozy, rental value $16 per' month. Streets graded, cement walks In and sewer paid for. Price $6000. Terms. GODDARIJ WIEDRICK, 346 "Stark st. The Thing to Do If you want, to have a garden, raise chickens and' have, a cow. buy this new 4 room bungajow. Lot Ji7xl23. near Lents school, with an unobstructed view; fine place for children. State your terms In first letter. Z-546, Jour nal. $250 Cash BALANCE LIKE RENT. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 room new .modern bungalow, corner, east front. 1 block from car: this Is a beauty. See It at once. II. K. JAMES. 88 10th St.. near. Stark. A Beautiful 6 room modern house, fine corner, be tween Union and Williams aves., for $4200: U cash. Must be seen to be an- preclated. BLOC H REALTY CO.. , , ' 206 Alder St. -v - $2100 Albina AveT$2100 Good 6 room bouse, street improved. cement walk, east front, lot 1 block to car. Price only $2100. $500 cash will handle It. Inquire at 761 Albina ave. or phone Woodlawn 686. VERY FINE RESIDENCE. East 12th ami Prest'oif mmnn s room extra well built house. Furnace, full concrete basement, extra fine fin ish. Come and see plipto. Price $43t0. Very easy terms at 6 per cent. UUUOAKU At WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. BEAUTIFUL HOME. On 68d st between Mt. Tabor and Ajikeny carllnes, ground 150x100 feet. 21 choice bearing fruit trees of a mixed variety. 8 room modern liouae. Price $5000: $1600 cah will handle It.' GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark st. BEAUTIFI'L HOME. 160x180 feet on Kast 63rd street, be tween ML Tabor and Moniavilla car lines. S ,room modern house. Furnace, electric lights, uas. All kinds of choice fruit trees In bearing. Price $5000. Terms very easy at 6 per cent GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. ' 2 ROOM plastered house, lot ifoxio'T. All nlantnit In pnritcti fi-ult rAAa a., nil 11 n?n a hloelfa In ..Mi 1- v. . - I he prlci; of ipt takes lt. $500: $42,1 l""i ciiih lulnn cent woVth i-nr. ,. r-ii 'T.: i l.i per month. 8 per crn . '"..""'f. iuboiiik. on M t Kcnll i'nr n " I MIST sell at once. 32200 new. mod. r,,r,0o";,v1.".,Ufae -i,J?j?' I -V merit. Easy terms. Phono owner, E- ,:ii:i.. .mi agenrs. 5 Beautiful Homes "lepantlv finished, osk and ma. 6 Rooms $4250 rioors, soowor "bath osk floors, soowor "bath furnace. sleeping porch, gas; 8500 cash, balance mon t hi v. Phone East. 1392. i,-?nv u 1 nr ,.tr,.o.rv... ,..: o 1 . . 'U1.011 ... 1, n H I , o UUlll II1UIJ- ern bungalow tn fine location, on miv terms. Price $3000. $800 -flown, $20 per month. Phone Woodlawn 604. 1112 E. 18th st. north DRAFTING, tracing and general de signing in architectural , or mechani cal lines done quickly at reasonable prt es. Main 2372 or 604 Blake-McFall bid. I ' TI-iSEE room residence, lot 40x100, $S0O; $2.10 down, 810 per month, per cent. This is a snap. JVolff Land Co.. HS'a D-t st. , . . - For RALE A five-room modern bun galow, sewer connections, one block from car line; a bargain If sold" this wek. Call 1730 E. -15th. Pell wood. . FOB SALE Lot SOx JOO. IRVINGTON. 19th near Stanton. East frontage. $1fi'Q. Terms Owner. Y-541 Journal. FOR RALE Modern 5 room bungalow, 15 minutes from west side, 5 minute car servicet $500 cash, easy terms. X 545. Journal. BUI LDI NGPLXN8FREB. " Drop us a ird and we will call on yoii. y.-R4fl. jourriaL - 8 ROOM, p.jw, modern bungajow. $3600, 1600 cash, cut price. Tabor 904. ' A SAGRllGE al iWICTffll PARK FOR SALE HOUSES 1 . $800 v k HOOM SHACK. i On 50x1 00 east I ront ioi. " Alberta at.; la, g wootUhefj. 1 an terms, i ' . s room house. Electric lights, water lh. woodshed, house papered, on nice lot with flowers and fruit trees. Half cash and a fin chance to make money. . $2300 G room houno and 2 lota, rorner. side walks In, iiiwt paved and bonded; IS line hearing frull tree; $0O cash, $50 (jiuirterly. 6 per cent lntcit. $2400 New 6 room Iioum 4 block to Al heitn Mt., nice bath room, electric lights. east rront lot. full cement oaaemeni. InrirH tiorch. NftiMt be eold soon. I J. M. HKPASS A SON. I K. 24(1 and Alberta Ms. Woodlawn 1 34. ( AST VOl'H EYES ON TI1E91T.. Thl nice house of ft rooms for J1200. I on elUh st and only 4 k.ruocka rrom itir. Fmnll bsrn On very eaay terms. Jr00 iiiah, biilancs $ 1 0 mo. and Interest. For J 2 70e) we ran sell you this 5 room modern hoime on 71st Rt. nnd only ! 1 1., b'ovk from car. 50x1011 toot 101; lelcYtrlc llghta. cement sidewalk: flrfct lllin' on the- market. Must be sold be fore April 20 as owner needs the ! moiiov. Terms J800 cash and balance on mortgage for 2 yenra CnandJer & Gibson, 112 'Commercial bldg. HOt'SE BARGAIN $2500 cash, balance long time at 7 per sent, buys a modern I mm house, cloae In on East nurnalde st., ow renting far $40 per eno. fttc $5600. Well worth $6600. I.-.QA cash, ' balance like rent, wilt htiy a nice room house and fox 100 lot. Sunnyslde car. Price j00. JOSEPH C. GIBSON $06 Oerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder $4800 Terms Mtdtern antf attractive 6 room dwelling on Clackamas St., near E.. Xltli, lot60xl23: very fine lo cation borne practlelly new and very attractively arranged; price with etreet Improvements all paid. $4K00. Good terms. MCARGAR. BATES LIVELY. $01 Yeon bldg. ' 5 tioom Bungalow In Rose City Park, 1 block from car; lot 50x100; haa lireplace, built-in buffet, beam ceiling In dining-room, large plate glass door Tn front and large mirror In I reception ' hall. $500 cash, bal ance monthly payments. Pownder Investment Co, 4z$ Mohawk bldg. 6 Room Bungalow $5500 This attractive thoroughly modern blingalow with hot water heater. Is located In the North jrvington district on E. 10th st. N . near Knott st. If you desire something nice In s choice neighborhood, better see this. M CARGAR. BATE9 & LIVELT. $01 Yeon bldg. RENT LEAK STOPPED If you' net this beautiful bungalow. all painted, plastered, tinted, porcelain nat n. iatenr fcpilet. electric lights, fix tures In, remeht basement, cement walks. . choice" 'hearing fruit trees, full t corner Jot, 1 block to car, 7 minute scrvicofrfvr $1700; $300 cash. $10 per month. ( Now get busy. Gordon, 270 Oak at,, room 827. AT FIR LAN D STATION. 100x100, with a fine 6 room modern bungalow, furnace, cement basement and large attic, all conveniences, fruit, dogwood and fir trees, fine lawn, rose bushes and all kinds of flowers; a very pretty home; must be seen to be appre ciated; fcrle'e $3150, $1350 cash, balance to suit trp Mr. Ward at Main 8900 or A-l 163. ' , "HRY ! FINE RESIDENCE. 7 roonr strictly modern home on Clackamas street, near E. 19th St.. lot 50x100 'feet. House has furnace, fire place, gas and electric fixtures, large closeta and attlc, large bath. Price $6000; forms. This is a first class place. Call ancKlnspeot photograph. GODPARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. A COMPLETE. RESIDENCE. East 17th utreet. near Belmont. ,7 rooms. Furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, very fine finish. Une concrete basement, sleeping porch. Some fruit trees and roses Price $5600, , GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 2 4 3S t ark St. -. ' $200 CASH. ROSE CITY PARIC $15 MONTHLY. 7 rooms, lot 50x100. imnrnvementa in p and paid. W the built-in conveniences , ! f.'z ..nwnlh TrLv. STnt WL'.h fur full Werhent, .fireplace, etc. National I f,av. "(J .Th 7. ' n cs rombl''"'ln ReallT & Trust Co., 326 V, 'Washington I IL.h ' ,2' r rp tS' AVVy bpst '"'"lex St.. room r.16. Phone Main 6129. j ad.:.?af. J?"1 water heat- Only $100 Cash New 3 room idastpred house, water In. full lot,' location good, chicken house and yardi Price $S50; $1.0 cash., CLARKE & CO., 207 Rothchlld bid g., 4t h and Washington HOLLA DAY BARGAIN. 7 room strictly modern liouae on East I9th near' Clackamas street. Every thing first-class. Lot 60x100 feet. Price $6000l)ut make a good offer. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. n r Ww i 1 ,l t,A..aA l a. r n.o: 1 ..I',., I iuiiiidiicu IIVUB", IVI .1 u n . I , , , ,,.,.. .,., . j icnrvu. line '. "nil li""" u Si- ' de"- B,,U Run water and as In, 3 blocks 'rrom Union ave. and 2 blocks from Alberta st; $1600. J200 cash, balance $20 per month. Morris & Co., 206 Mc Kay bldg. ROOM" modem bungalowTOUrk's" Tta" lion on Mt. iscott line; block to cars; full lot; 'sacrificed at $2350: $350 cash. This is a pickuo for anyone bavins- as much aa $350 cash to put into a home. Clarke & Co.. 2.07 Rothchlld bldg., 4th 1 ana asnington: h a vvt 1 1 rin v R DISTRICT. I 7 rooms. bult-Jn buffet, bookcases, I furnace, fireplace, solid oak floors; $400, casn. oaiance jzu per inonin. National , Realty & Trust Co., 326 ,4 Washington; at., room 616. 7 ; NEW, MODERN BUNGALOW. ' I 4 large rooms, bath, large closets, ce ment basement, close to carbine, ce- ment sidewalks, Improved streets all ; paid; a beauty; price $2500; $600 cash, or take city lot as first payment See1 owner. 88 10th, near Stark. j WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOUR PURSE I And loan money fry house on favorable ! terms 11 you own a 101. A. u. Furlon. . . c n ... 1 . m . . ruiiiratiui, goo .ii,iii!,uer ui ummerCQ. Main 205f.. FIVE room, plastered house, 2 lots, chicken run and chickens; fruit trees, frarden, - etc. Telephone and electric lghta in; Mt. Scott carllne; only $1400; gooq terms, uwiier 1 aoor lu. 6 ROOM (Strictly modern bungalow near Hawthorne ave.; $3000. $300 down, balance easv. Would consider Inr first payment- Call 417 Board of Trade. WE HAVE' some .exceptionally arood buys in 6 room cottages on verv easv terms. Jones & Shaw. S08 Board of Trade. . GOOD THING TH room rooming houset i60cash w ?vlari),l),all l,65f. buecasn win nanaie trus. Phone $1550. BUYS 6 room splendidly bui't house, uinrord, iM Alberta at FOR 8AIJ& nOt'SES 61 FREDT. HUNTRESS til McKay bldg. 3rd and Stark. No Cash Payment $20 per Month 'Buys 4 Large Lots and a House A Well Settled and Good Neighborhood Near the cars; frequent aervlre. Splendid solL citv water. A cow, some chickens, strawberry bed Ana a gooa garden Will go a long way Towards supporting a family. Will adept lot as part payment Piedmont, 6 Room Cottage Cement Basement Gas, Electric Lights Street Improvements All in and Paid for Beautiful home "at a low price. Cottage, chicken house and runs. Quarter Block $1500 Small Payment, Easy Terms Near the cars; frequent service. FRED F, HUNTRESS 612 McKay bldg.. 3rd and Stark $3500 $500 Balance Mke rent. A beau tiful strictly modern 6 loom house with full cement base ment. Dutch kitchen, larre din ing room with china closet, extra large living room with firephua and bookcases and largo hall on first floor. Three Inrge bed rooms, hath and sleeping porch on second floor. Cement walks all In and lawn graded. Electric fixtures Included In aal price Inls house Is In a splendid lo cation, well built nnd n bargain Co-Operative Realty Co, 519-20 Hallway Exchange bldg. 1S1TKT $250 Down rew, modern. room iMifnmin ralow. with beam ceilings, paneled dln ng room, built-in buffet, .book cases. ....hii Micurn, nrepiace. gas, electric ity, cement basement, laundry trnvs uirtfe ame, fieri with cloak room, large ,.v..,.i, ut-i.1 hi iiumoinK. tinted walls, cement walks around house, connected ".v.i or -. i inn unme is on a car nop nnu only 4 mocks rrom Hawthorn avenue. Price $2850 ON TERMS TO Sl'IT PI'RCHASER. Geo, A, Ross Owner and Builder. Phot',. Mnin n l 7 A Office 301 Gerlinger Bldg'. 2rl nnd Alder Choice; Buys in Lots inn iiunni root lot on 45th M. close I., oii.eow.-iy must ne sohi at a sacri fice. Price only $S00, worth $.M0 Terms J 181 down, balance 2 per cent .n., imrirm oniy o per cent $1000 takes thia nice corner lot R0x 100 feet on 46th and Broadway. Owner must sell or lose what he has already ,111 1,1 'Pap ... n ' 1 . iriinn aown, naiBiice cent a month. Do you want It? 2 per 1 f so, aci at once. Chandler & Gibson til Commercial bldg. $J050 $250 down. balance easv monthly payments, i, room mod ern house, large bedrooms nnd bath, beamed celling, full base ment and attic, electric fixtures, shades and tinting to be selected Included In tale price. Two lots 50x100 each, With garden all In fruit trees and flowers, 2 chicken houses with who fence all around located at 84tli and Pine Co-Operative Realty Co, 619-20 Railway Exchange bldg. R ROOM HOUSE. LARGE LOT $5500. This Is a good 8 room house, located on 14t'i st.. 2 doors from carllne. lot 50x120 fee;t. now a good apartment site; lot alone worth mo-re thin the price; $5500 terms. Ralph Ackley 605 Corbett bldg. I IIU'INGTON. . 7 room house (new), living room ) with fireplace, dining room, pass pan try, kitchen, chamber and bathroom first f loor; urjstairs. 3 chambers with large , clostts, one chamber has windows that "h""" ."s'"g Bleeping porch: rood I ,.' iiooiuuui jnciuoea in price of OilUUU. ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade Bldg. $450 Cash .First payment and $25 month buys the l finest bungalow in the citv; owner : leaving city; built for a home, just com ! pleted; asphalt streets, beautiful sur roundings, 7 roorris, sleeping porch hardwood floors, furnace, larire llvlne room, dining room, Dutch kitchen flre p!e and a fine view of city; this can not be beat for $4500. Ghas. Ringler & Co, 211 Lewis bldg. CMWTTMGIE Plenty of Activity Reported By Brokers in City Properties . ALL things considered, the first third of April has been a pros perous 10 days In city real estate.' That period, however, experi enced a better business in all classes of residence properties and outside holdings than In inside realty, although there were a num ber of fair sales of the higher priced properties. One of the a.tronfeest agencies in the city as well as one among the oldest, expressed itself as follows regarding the spring situation In Port land: "It is very gratifying that the sales of real estate have increased to such a marked extent, as It shows renewed activity and Increasing confi dence among buyers In the city. Judging from the Increase in inquiry during the last month. It la anticipated that Rales will at least keep up to this new level, with the prospect that even higher totals for real estate sales may be reached before the end of the. year. "The real estate sales .luring the first 10 days of April consisted princi pally of medium-priced properties, there having been only three sales re corded in which the total Involved was above $40,000." One of the most noticeable features, of the present-day market Is the continued heavy demand for residence sites in all the higher priced dis tricts. Scores of transaction involving lots valued at $2000 aftd above have been reported and at this writing there is nothing to indicate that the movement In these properties has spent itself. In fact, brokers and addition owners- look forward to a steady increase In the volume of deals reported throughout the spring and eummej". ' Publication by one of the large operators in residence property of facts and figures going; to Bhow that Portland residence property Is very much cheaper than in any other American city In Portland's class, has had the ef - feet of arousing owners to the true value of their holdings;, likewise, it stirred the speculative and home-site buying elements to renewed activity and heavier buying ensued. S FOR SALE HOUSES 61 6 'MM MODERN HOUSE Reception hall, rear hall, extra duality plumblnv, bath and 3 bedrooms on first floor: full concrete basement and waali trays, front nnd back porches, east front. Will sell with two or four lots, each 60x100, lota all tn fruit and gar den. This man la forced to sell and his loss Is your gain. One of the best moderate priced homes In R. Portland, and very easy terms. D. V. FINE CO., W-W Car to Woodstock. Hawthorne District $ 4 250 -A genuine bargain, well const ructed 3 story 8 room strict ly modern home, with reception nail living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom on first Moor; 3 largo bedrooms with bath and Kleerdng porch on second floor; polished floors, full cement basement and attic, Kan, electri city und fireplace. Tula place Is doubly constructed with A-l ma terial, a chance like this Is sel dom offered to buy a good home on small terms. Co-Operative Realty Co, 619-20 Railway Exchange bldg. Rose City Park Home Just completed. 1 blocks from cnr. 600 E. 4tith st. N., double construc tion, reception hall, living room wllh fireplace, paneled dining room. Dutch kit. hen, 2 bedrooms and bath on first floor, 2 bedrooms nnd open nlr sleeping room and 2 store rooms on second floor, full cement basement, cement floor. Bnvnton furnace, laundrv trava. built-in seats, bookcase, buffet, beamed ceilings, oak floors, clothes chute, closets, linen closet. 1 panel veneer doors, fine finish, best workmanship. Price $(000. Fee owner, .140 Sherlock bldg. UMUU U U Bll U UUU UUJ U U UrainiUU on it u ilu rirm in Call UNION SECURITY COMPANY. 602 Beck bldg. 7th and Oak sts $2. ".00 .. on DOWN, $15 PER MO. A well arranged 5 room bunga I . siriitly modern, with larg" rooms, bath and toilet, full cement basetiKnt. has tubs: lawn with roses, electric fixtures, shades, ulceus, lawn mower and garden tools included in sale price. Co-Operative Realty Co, 619-20 Railway Exchange bldg. DOWN $2000 lo $2c0o buys a dandy 6 or 6 room bungalow, modern and complete. ZIDELL&C0. ' 315 Spalding bldg. Main 4SV2 or A-l 1 37. Ask About This New, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, cabinet Inside, with furniture finish. Everything complete. Near Rose Citv iHtllne. A-l view. Call owner. Marshall 706. 5 ROUM SH XciC KUSNlSHED. $650? Fine corner lot 40xl4iO. Flriand, $50 down. $15 monthly. Fred W. German, 329 Riirnslder M. or A-2776. FOIt JALE LOTS 10 CHOICE residence property. 1 or 2 lots near Hawthorne ave, Mt. Tabor, in section of fine homes. Call 240 Stark st. Ask for C. A. Bow. owner. Residence phone B-2632. $100 down, balance monthly will buy 100 xl 00 corner on uomg st. nigniy re strlcted district; Ideal location. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. YOUNG woman, $10 a month buys a lot on K. 39th St., near I'rescott Car-ter-Dugan Co., $20 Chamber of Con- merce. LOT bargain E. 11th between Skldmore and Mason, east front, 3 feet above grade, sewer In and paid, $600. C. D. McConapy. 191 14th st. Main 6444. NEAR PIEDMONT CAR BARNS $660. Full lot, all cash. Enough said. Fred W. Herman, 329 Burnslde. Main or A-2773 100x100 fine horiws site sacrificed; ONLY $175 no more, no less. 'A-553, Jour nal YOUNG man, flO a month buys a lot on E. 39th St.. near Prescott. Cartcr-Du-gan Co., 820 Chamber of' Commerce. Corner Lot, Elmhurst Sacrifice, C. J3. Smith, Amwaco, Idaho. $425 tor iH lots near Grays Crossing, cleared, with house tent. Owner. S-640, Journal. LOT A future business lot. within 3 blocks of 23d and Washington, $2500; west side: terms. X-544, Journal. IRVINGTON $1175 (ash. lot, 33d and Schuyler; K-542. Journal. m u yiyj V FOR 8ALB LOTS . Snap Jrvington Lot 0x10i) east front, fine view, nbout 3Vs twt above grade, near .Bra see st. and Irvlnton car, ad Joining lota $1700. Sacrifice, for 1360; part caah for quick sale. Dandy lot 1 block car, cement walks, sewer, etc., restricted dis trict, near 2K1h at; $676. $200 cash, balance $10 per month. K. R. MARKIIAM. U$ Gerlinger bldg. J 2d and Alder. For Quick Sale 50x100 Foot Lot on the Penin sula $550. - Including street Improvements. $66 cash. $in a month. This lot la worth $760 at the present time. Cull as soon as possible as It won't InM long. Johnson & Dodson, $20-622 Board of Trade bldg. CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION. Wa have four choice lots In Mouta- vllla that we can give you aecpnd mort gage on; only a block and a half from car. 8. D. VINCENT & CO., 4117 Chamber of Commerce. VACANT PROPERTT. . $780 Fine 60x100 In new restricted district; walks, grade and water mains; easy terms. J1000 Good residence lot. west of IaurelliurM. all Improvements paid $1350 cash 50x100. near my office; all improvements except hard surface paid. FLAT SITE. $1600- 40x60, rear Belmont and E. 26th: swell ground for 2 apartment flat building, V PAGE HARRIS. E. 28th and Davis. ' East Ankenv car LET US BUILD. We have a choice lot In Ross Ptty Park that Is only ONE block from car that we will build you a home on; easy terms. S. D VINCENT A CO. 417 Chamber of Commerce. LAUItELIIURST SPECIAL. I need the inonev, therefore will take $126 cash for my $375 equity in a Laurelliutst lot; im provements all In ualnnce to pay $876. L-i46, Journal. I WILL sell my equltv'ln my Olmsted Park lot for Just one half of what It cosi tne. I am leaving the citv. Inquire 620 Railway Exchange. QI'AHTER PI.IM'K. DIRT CHE," " this stii lls it Close In. iast side; I've been asldngil $ij00 but If jou will dcul quick, be.'i foYe I leave town, go hihI see my ex- ! elusive special prb e agents for my cut price and terms; don't phone. MIIM.KJUHN POND, 405 E. Morrison. Near Grand Ave. Must Have Money Will sell my $420 equity in flue build ing lot for $220; balance $10 month no Interest. Prlco $600. Call 88 10th. near Stark. BEAUTIFI'L RESIDENCE LOT CHEAP Lot 60x100. IS. 40th wt near Golntr. ! price $00; $5'i cash, balance monthlv. Highly restricted district. " lidllkIA K I ) A- WIEDRICK. 24.1 Slaik st. ; Lot in Albina Wc locate') near Mirslsdnnl and Russell st Will linvt to be sold at once and will b" a bia; bargain for some one. D. M. Baker, 2O3 Co rbctt bldg. I II W W r,IWl?fl on mn.wlan. lr,l through block, clvlng double front aire, lust south nf -Tiiiii' ItitnliAr mill. United Railway trackage, that I w lli sell at a very reasonable price and on I Qf easy terms. K-375. Journal. $475"LOT . Corner East 37th and Raymond ave., 501(10; nice location; close to carllne; terms, very easy. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $50 FOR lots oi 52d arid West Stark Is the best buy In Portland. Now carl line now building. Call and ee us. j Empire Realty & Trust Co., 402 Yeon bldg Marshall 349. 00x100 for only $17.'.. A snap; a beau- I t If nl home Hte; a chance to make over) $3000 In months a.nd only $75 required down. See W. R McKlnnev. 309 Rail- wny Exchange.. qui ck. FOR SALE One lot on Ivuott st., be tween Albina ave. snd Rorthwick at.. Improved with 2 houses, monthlv rental $20. Inquire 311 Commonwealth bids. I erms cash. ACREAGE 5 Willamette Valley Home 14 acres, 7 miles from Portland, all cleared and in crop, fine loam soil, fenced nnd ross fenced on main countv i mail 40 mils from Oreiron Kinetrio I school, church, store and itood thrlvinc ! town, family orchard, good well, new barn, chicken house. S room house In. 1 good condition phone In the house, daily mall service, plenty of wood on 1 .1 A . t , O . . .... . I I. 1 1 1 . ItHflu 10 last jrnii., nun in M Jin? , Dlaee and a buv at 87500: 'A cash. See i us for Wlilamotte valley and Clarke I CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port county farms. land; walking distance to good town, 1 Thompson &.Swan, j splendid fruit district, vlow of Colimihfa 205-6 Rothchlld bldg., Portland, Or. river and snow peaks; 2 acres $250; 3 4th and Washington sts. acres $300. 10 aerex $500: 20 acres $800; And 6th and Main sts., Vancouver, 1 10 per cent cash, easy payments. Wash. Cheap Acreage RS0 acres land near Coos river, 6 miles above Coos Bay. 2 daily bonts each way. TWs land lies all in one body.- Good dairy land. An extra eood proposition to cut up into 10 and 20 acre tracts and would sell quick for 850 to $60 per acre.. Our price 1s only $12.o0 per acre. $3500 will handle. v L. Amadon, Phone Main 4071. 216 Lewis bldg. $8 Per Acre $8 166 acres on the Lewis river, Clarke ronntv WAGh frftm 7ft I Gil ..... lu I.,. .. .,, . .... j.. .v, u.. cv.o mil- vvasn.. xrom vo to SO acres hot no. close to place. Morris & Co., 206 Mc-. Kav bldg. I ELEVEN acres, 8 acres In cultivation, ; with running water, in the Willamette valley, on main county road. mile to ' R. R. station, close to two good towns; ; $110 per acre. $200 rash, balance to suit. . MORRIS Ai CO.. Owners. I 206 McKay bldg. j 3-4-6-10 acre tracts, $300 to $650 nor l acre. '4 cash, at Tlgard station, 32 minute rid, 15c fare. See us. Clarke .fc Co., 207 Rothchlld Bldg.. 4th and Washington FIVE AND TEN ACRE TRACTS NEAR ' . PORTLAND ON ELECTRIC LINE; . LOW PRICES EASY TERMS. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st.. near. Wash. $225 per acre will buy first class on ion. ceiery ana jraraen lann on Wil lamette river, close in on Salem Electric; no agents; terms. V-641. Journal. nx raise money; win aacrince pari i of my Ideal acreaae on Kellogg creek, t . -o . mi imAi.iriA rr I UWHUi, ijh.i i err. 1,1 , i n a i, ac, v.i . $25(J investeri in a 10-acre tract of rLcli j kl.Al. Inn.l ...ill ..r i V. A , black land j will put you on the road to independence, 4i t'ouefi bldg. ivm inim, wini Ooiiu i-mw ccuar rrmner, i Hpitzenberg apples (5 years old!- 6 14 miles from R. ffS station. Ferrv.or.roo Ttullnn oviiiiuu- Kn.v,n ci..- ' i .... ACRE this Bide of Garden Home, at sta 1 tion. 1600; .term. Phone Tabor 976. ... . , . . ACREAGE ''i Acreage More, than 4000 acrca In our plat and close to Portland; both steam and electric cars and the most fertile soil In Oregon; com . pleted roads along each tract. , , Ontona will produce 600 bush els per ' acre; horseradish. i . tons,' parsnips. to 7 tons; car rota and cabbage, 10 tons; rutai bagaa an turnips, 8 to 9 tons; celery will net from $600 to $00 per acre; fruit and berries do wonders and poultry exceed them all. Wo have aonie 40 people on thl tract that have bought from two to four times each; let us refer you-tw-theni ns to, this land; also as to lour treatment of buyeri. Located o couvenlent to Port land that you get consumers prices for everything you produce and part of the family can work In the city If they bo desire. Anv sliej tract you want at $125 to $350 pr aero ard upon monthly payments If desired, a discount for cash. THK 8HAW-KKAR COMPANY, laln 35. 102 4th st. A-3500. 2 Acres for Chicken Ranch Earily cleared; $460. 1 acres, all cleared; running water; only $478. 4 acres, all cleared, ready tor cultivation; $1200. All on easy terms; best soil, tin rock or gravel, on electrlo car line only 40 minutes out; will make Ideal suburban homes, hav ing accessibility and conveniences of the city, less the burdens of taxes and numerous expenses of the c'ty home; possesses the pleasurable features of economy and froedom of the country; scles high cost of living; maker Income for owner sufficient to Mie entire salary; 30 tract sold in two months; that tells ths nory. See us today "for further particulars. J. W. HEI'FKRLIN REALTY CC. 20:i Corbrtt Bldg. Marshall 2S89. A-4684. Chehalem Mountain Acreage Small fruit ranches, one hour from Portland. 2 railroad stations within 2 miles; implanted 12 to 25 acre tracts situated near fa mous CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS, which are now sell ing at $4 50 per acre: Boil, slopes and location unexcelled. Prices from $55 to $200 per acre, accord-' ing to Improvements. C. T. PR ALL. Board of Trade. A 5 Acres Near City and New Bungalow mile of city limits, near two car line", nil In cultivation, peach, .apple and cherry trectt. pump with gnsiailna engine gaiiige, best bargain In diMrict. We l::ivc all s-izos of places for sale. .i Wynn Johnson Co, M Suite 50ft. GcrlhiK' i bldg., 2d and Alder. I'honrs Mat -ia II iiM. .-.';t:;z. 1 3 1-2 Acres I 1 mile from he carfare, 1 200, feet I from 1ic c;,rrc; all under high slat" ! of cultivation; 3 acres in orchard from 3 to years old trees, V acre In chick ens: small house, but comfortable; flue well of water with pump: all under fence with woven wire. This Is worth Invest Igntlon. Wells & Dufur J03 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marshall S9 or Tabor 694. FOR SALE. 30 Acres , n.4 from either Piahl or Wallace 1 stjtion- on Oregon Electric carllne. 9 ncres In cultivation. 9 more easily j cleared, some timber. This land lies I high and ! well drained, and would j make flue fruit farm. Price $4500; i terms i as i Take Oregon Electric car . . . , , , i ... , r- i I" 1 ".111 ami lliqoiic ,01 I,, ri. nun., 1 adl!re s mull. R. R. 3. box 15, Aurora, ( r. ' Do . ,t If 1 il Qo neJx Q'wmr IId j UViUU Ml Jl UWHWJ III, Vi w J Just east of Portland, splendid bar gains In 6, 10 mid 40 acre tracts. Ideal plmc for homes: fruit, dairy, garden nnd poultry; Mt. Hood electric Une building through tills section. Call" on or write to The Sandy Land Co. Sandy. Or. $15 Per Acre And excellent fruit and garden land, tfiO nirnk oil. electric Kiirvev. runninir water, bargain for few davs. Another tract In Columbia vounty for same price, said to be underlaid with con' Other tracts, small and "larg. B. WOLVEKTON. 627 Chamber of Commerce. HUNK WHAT THE TUNNEL WILL DO FOR THIS LAND. TWO 5 ACRE TRACTS 3 V MILES FROM POSTOFFICE OPPOSITE PROPOSED TUNNEL $400 PER ACRE, TERMS. V-640, JOURNAL. K A(-rp Fflllt 31111 HflrflPn I rPi ,' Y ny'?, T , 7 . IUC" 1 ltnd all under, cultivation, near North Plains; Ideal for poultry and garden truck. Best of soil; $250 an acre; adja- cent land selling irem 600 to I7W an ULre" UNITED TRUST CO.. 917 Board of Trade. Main 0416. A-S188. FRANK. M'KAKI.AND REALTY CO.. ""$ If .5(1 PER ACRE $ 1 T. 50 120 acres. 6 acres cleared, 45 acre bottom land. 15 acres timber, balance burnt over land, creeK running through place, on main county road; 1 miles from H. R. and town of 1000 Inhahl I tants; $S00 cash, balance one or two I years Morris & Co., 206 McKay bldg. j FINE FOR CHICKEN RANCH 3 acres red shot soil, easilv cleared j Plenty of wood, spring water. One I block to car station. Forty minutes out j Snap at $700. $50 rash, payments $iri p-r iniiiiiii. i.u ig uiui-e oerore 10 a. in. ?03 Ccrhctt bldg rrtiTT.T ,rt - I . r nr.rtu i irun m ai-ien Tract; 5 acre plantings; small house 2 blocks to car- j(r,e; schodl and 7 stores. $.(ooo huva it C. L. Bamberger, room 2 Lumbermen: bldg. Marshall 712. on ACCOUNT .of s'lckness must self's acres finest soil, easy cleared close to pood citv. level, good fruit land- nrlee is right. $10 cash. Ulance easv payments- not far ffrom Portland. Chance of life tl"ie - No agents. B-530, Journal, BEA1 "TIFUL 14 acre tract, all in ciil- tivatlon, beautiful 6 room house with fireplace and finest outbuildings iniag- liiuoie; veil imv paent-a properly; high1 rioAt'knln?!.11 8 'ew ZlrikJt - I? WVlll 1;J Bam- berger. room 2 Lumbermens bldg. Mar- mmii ii. . jCREAGF .w $660 will buy a splendid tract 'in Woodstock district, 6c are, water piped to tract,, all level, tome nice tree. ' W'HITMER-KELLT CO, 70 4th at. -- ,n .enw i m(lM ,i,. j .n "V , ' """i hi cuiiiTatlon. culttiratlon 275. Tt. D. No. 1. Mllwaukle. ' 1 . . nuu jier unci ni; nuns, ti. C BOX WE CAN SELL YOTT 1 ' 10 acres fruit land for $300; $10 down and $10 per month; no Interest. Reh field ft Lawrence, 303 Swetland bldg. 16 01 NT. tHsmvim ,sw4