THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, TaPRIL 7. U911. MEMBERS OF OLD 0RIC011SS1 RECEIVE GRILLING Charged With Bad Faith and :r Obstructive Tactics in No Regarding Resignations, by East Side Business Men. At tbenerttnr of the East Bid Bust na Men's club last night, a resolu lion condemning tho old port rommta Ion for continuing to hold office when It member had agreed to resign when sui-crseors wars appointed, waa unanl mously adopted. In upcaklng to thin resolution, C A. Blgelow, atate rrpre aehtatlve, said the old port commlsalon had Indeed br6ken faith, for, each mem- ner or it had mxned a statement agree Ing to resign one at a time aa aoon aa the legislature should t&ke action and their auccoaaora ahould on by on be appointed. Thla agreement be had car rled In his pocket a week, ha aald, be fore he had riven It hla aupport, and the new port law waa then pained wfth the largest majority given any Impor tant mjianr rnniMrb1 tir thm llata. T... ., . - turc. The contention -of the old port commission that the new port law1 la uncenatttutlonal, aald Mr. Blgelow, la not alncere, because Ita conatltutlonallty had hn nmieeri unon and confirmed by eminent lawyers and Attorney Gen eral Crawford. The resolution which the Business Men's club adopted con - talned torn forcible expressions and reads aa followa: Bad rith Charred. "Resolved, that we view with dis favor the obstructive tactics and evi dent bad faith of the old board of com missioner of the Tort of Portland in refusing to relinquish their throttle hold of office In favor of the appointees provided for In an act of the laat leg islature: and be It further "Tleaolved. that the standing commit tee of thla club continue to Investigate the real cause of aald withholding and the affiliation of the several members thereof with the nubile service or prl vate corporation who have received benefits at their hands, with authority to employ counsel In regard to the grant Ing of a franchise on the new ateel bridge by aald members of the Port of Portland commission to the O. R. St N. Co. and to similar actions of aald board." An agreement permitting the old port commission to continue routine business and to draw checks In payment of ex pense was made yesterday by the new port commission at Its first annual meet Ing. The agreement waa made, not al- . together willingly, In order that th work of the government dredge In deep ntng the channel at the foot of Swan island might proceed as contracted for by the old port commission. Agrees to Stipulation. ' npn irif? new jhii i i-uiiiiuinmon mm "yesterday It waa found that Judge Munly, aa attorney, had already agreed to the stipulation on behalf of the new commission. The stipulation had been drafted by C. E. 8. Wood, counsel of the old port commJsslon. M. O. Collins and M. M. Ksterly. members of th new commission, expressed a fear that to recognise the power of the old port commission to make contracts or carry on IiiifIiipss would at the same time recognize the old commission's legality and thus unseat themselves. Judge Munly gavp assurance that this could ho averted as the agreement would be in force only until the controversy be tTvern the new and old port commissions had been adjudicated. As originally drawn, trie agreemen had ptated that the new port commls slon would not Interfere with the ol In attending to Its "routine or husl neis." Meirhers Collins and Esterly In slsted that the Insertion of the word "or" changed the force of the entire agreement And would permit the old port commission to continue Ita work new and old, aa It had done In the old dnys when there were no criticisms of It procedure.- The word "or" therefore was stricken out. Insurance company, ' a ' defunct Walla walla concern, of which Poraey B.-iiui, former county clerk. 1a tcelvr. Hoi Ian Parker, who la old and was -tnca rich, road hla money, of Walla. Walla county land. and wheat.: He now Uvea In Portland. Tha hearing was held In BeattU,,' ... ' ' 'Tha testimony' In the' case ehowed" that tha Walla Walla Fir Insurance company desired to enter the Indiana field for bualneaa and lacking the nec essary assets to extend ita bualneaa there, arranged to kit Ita resources by taking a note from the Parkera for 118,600, which waa added to )ts avail ftbje assets. The Parkers were inter ested In the lneurance company and when the note waa given they accepted stock aa a consideration for the note. Subsequently the Insurance company passed Into the hands of a receiver and the stock became practically worthless. It developed yesterday that Hollan Parker had a prior mortgage on the property mortgaged to secure the note. Judge Tallman decided that the insur ance company mortgage had precedence and that th property should be sold to satisfy, thla, tne other mortgage claiming any .balance that might re main, r I BUILDING CODE IS DISCUSSED One Architect Before Realty Board Declares Most of Apartments Firetraps. PARKER FAMILY LOSERS IN FIRE INSURANCE SUIT (SoecUl Dispatch to Th Journal.) Walla Walla. Wash.. April 7. Judgment has been given against Hoi lBn Parker. Orrln O. Parker, his son and May Rose Parker, wife of Orrln r r 1 M HI inn . n i;iA..dl In Jf. J ttrnOI, H'l mtu,vw iuiu imuicoi, ,11 the noted case of the Walla Walla Fire PICTURES' Are the true beautifiers of the home. We are displaying: this week a. splepdidN assortment of framed and unframed pictures, suitable for home and office purposes. They will be much appreciated by you. We do picture framing as it shduld be done artistic ally and mechanically per fect, with a large line of new and handsome mouldings to select from. Complete line of Artist Materi als, Canvas, etc. Hasbtiry's Ro man gold, water color sets, etc. Stationery and .Leather Goods. Sanborn, Vail & Co. i ' Wholesale-Retail 170 FJRST , m FRONT Between Morrison and Yamhill FREE fXCURSION NET UN DAY TO ':.'--- '. - ' Cffolncights , - Caaderr Line , Saturday Journal for Particulars HAVE YOU BIG FEET? HAVE YOU SMALL FEET? MAYBE YOU'RE INSANE 1 1 (t'nlted Press Leinod Wire.) Parla, April 7. Women with 4 big feet and men with little feet are prone to Insanity, according 4 to a report read by Bdmond Perrler before the Parts Academy 4 of Sciences. th report being the 4 work of Alienists McAullffe and A. Marie. " Out of 100 men, the report 4 aays, 11 have small feet, and out 'of 100 Insane males 7 have 4 small feet. To the contrary, 100 normal women ahowed 23 with large feet, and of the same number of Insane women, 82 were found to have large feet. Uniform IfrisUMon Sought. Chicago. 111.. April 7. Many promi nent members of the National Aaaocla- tlon of Insuranoe Commissioners were on hand today at the opening In this city of a two days' special meeting of he association. lrnlform legislation and department rulings are the subjects up for discussion. New officers were Installed at the annual meeting of the Realty Board held In the Commercial club laat night and an outline of an aggressive cam paign for new members waa agreed upon. City Bulldlne Inspector 11. E. Plummer discussed the new building code, pointing out wherein It Is an Im provement over the old law and aug aostlng important and necessary amend- menta. Architect David U Wllllama criticised the code, and John P. Car roll discussed the relation of the realty men to the newspapers. Building Inspector Plummer defend ed the new code. He declared that the old ordinance waa out of date, was de fective In many respecta and that the new law cured moat of these defects, besides Introducing new features and regulations which would grow In pub lic favor aa they are better understood. Williams attacked the code, saylog that it waa patterned 'sisctly after the, Cleveland, O., ordinance and 1 wholly insulted to Portland. ' "Cleveland Is a city with alleys. Portland' la not,"- aald Mr. Williams. "A man with Just a little experience can see that the same building' laws can not apply to two cities laid out on a plan so radically different as Port land and Cleveland." C. H. Korell. a member of -the realty board, also attacked the new building code, declaring that if It could not be done away with In any other way he favored Initiating a law for Ita repeal. Mr. Korell further declared that noth ing had ever happened In Portland which had auch a blighting effect upon the upbuilding of the city aa the oper ation of the new building pMel Architect Ernest Kroner stamped the code with his approval. He said that It Is far more Important that human j life be protected by proper building restrictions than that builders bf apart- I ment houses and hotels get 15 or 20 I per cent on their money. 1 Architect A. E. Doyle characterlr.ed , most of the apartment housea in Port- j land as veritable fire traps. He do- j fended the present building code and urged the realty board to lend Its am- slstance In Seeing that the code had a fair and adequate trial. Other speakers yere J. 8. Winters I and N. Vincent Jones. Mr. Winters j made ah address on tha need of more apartment houses In Portland and Mr. Jonos outlined a,plan for regenerating the Realty Hoard. Fleming and Hidden and the Oowen Ide Trust company were elected new members. PERFECT TfiHu l?W(aI is prepared by a practical dentist who knows what is best for the teeth ffiilt ftr Easter Both men and women will find it to their advantage from a money -saving point to purchase their Easter Outfits from Gevurtz Bros.' "Big Eastside Store." Low rents, economical organization and correct buying enable this house to offer garments of the highest class at prices which mean a great saving over those prevailing on the West Side of the river. We are quoting extra special prices, too, for this before-Easter Sale of Men's and Women's Suits. Ladies' Tailored Spriif eill 19)o(Q)(Q) 4LL SIZES and VALUES from $25 to $30 - The suits in this offering are made with jackets varying from 20 to 26 inches in length, many in the new box effect, with raised waist line, indicative of the Empire model. Effectively trimmed with new style braids; shawl, sailor and notched col lars. Skirts are plain gored, with apron effects, inverted plaits and habit back. Materials include serges, novelty mixtures, checks, worsteds and black satins. Coats have fine peau de cygne and fancy silk linings. An Easter Special IIV e See our great special offer in Millinery Section for the Easter time. These are. exceptional values at our price. All the latest Spring styles, only .a . $4.95 (GETO T1 11(0) Conierti3urnsid A And Union Avenue 0 I The I - X M A. I ' . !-. 1 Avv VV 'AVVV w-yfflr M"v Portland's principal agenti.for the R. & G. CorteU. All the fashionable hew styles are here, in white and drab, and in all sizes. Every pair guaranteed. Moderate prices $1.00 to $3.00 a pair. Guality re-Easter Sale of Women's Faslil ,1 ,,l.UL.U tenable, Ready-to-Wear Garments Our new Spring and Summer stocks are here, ample and splendid, all arranged conveniently for your choosing on the Main Floor. Never before have we been able to present such a grand showing of styles and sterling qualities. These specials for Saturday: ' Women's Suits at $12.50, $15, $17.50, $25 The best Suit values of the season. Tomorrow we will offer a selection of about 600 new, stylish Spring Suits in a pretty range of colors in all sizes. These Suits, for qual ity of materials and tailoring, are unsurpassed. Made of fine French serges, imported English basket weaves and novelty materials. Some coats are artistically trimmed with self and contrasting colors of satin and braids; oth ers are strictly plain tailor-made. Long Coats at $8.50, $10.50, $12.50, $15 These garments are unequaled and will give the wearer ab solute satisfaction. Why? Because they are made by men tailors in the newest style. Semi-fitting effects, with shawl or notch collar. Materials are all wool, solid col ors, in serge, covert, broadcloth and a variety of novelty coatings. We have never shown better values and better assortments than these. Ul il it r -: Speoial Easter Sale of Women's New Style Shoes -Oxfords $2.50 You will be delighted with our showing of this season's Shoes and Oxfords. Especially attractive are the new lines at $2.50. Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords are here in the most fashionable leathers in both button and lace styles and in all sizes. The same qualities that are sold by the exclusive shoe stores at $3.00 and (g CA $3.5o are on sale here at . fDaW.OU A special sale of Men's Shoes in vici kid, gunmetal and natent colt leathers, button and lace s,tyles, 1 y(0 triced at vL.ty Children's Roman Sandals of patent colt leathers, all -sizes from 3 to 8, regular $1.50 values, on sale QQsr it, the pair ssl A Great Sale of Easter Glovel $1.50 Cape Kid .Gloves on Sale at 98o the Pair By a very fortunate purchase of several hun dred pairs of the finest Imported Gape Kid Gloves we are enabled to offer this out-oMhe-ordinary bargain. Now is the time for you to supply your Easter glove needs. The as sortment includes all the fashionable new shades as well as black and white. All sizes. Regular $1.50 values specially priced flQr at, the pair 70 . . Sale of Women's Easter Hosiery Recall the biggest Hosiery values you ever bought, and come to this sale ex pecting to see them eclipsed. You will not be disappointed assortments are so large that every taste may be suited. Embroidered Hose at 50c the Pair A particularly fine line of Women's Hand-Embroidered Lisle Thread Stockings, made with high spliced heel, sole and toe. They come in beautifully embroidered designs in ankle, boot and allover patterns and are shown in black and the latest shades. ... as. a saa 0 . f ' Women s Lace Lisle rine uauze stockings, shown in handsome patterns in black and colors, special T A n values at, pair .....jUVVt Jfy Women's Fine Silk Stockings, in blacfc, shown in qualities to suit all 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and SLSO-YJjy Women s Silk Hose in all the new shades specially priced at $1.50 a pair. .. ' . Women's Fancy Vests lQr $1 fend 81.25 Grades at Q7y 1 WJ frOr Z'Ha2uf A special sale of Women's Fine Form Ffttfnjr Vests, .made with fancy applique trimmed yokes o.f nana crocnet iace,: au sizes in regular $i.oo ana 123 yajuespmaipricca Women's Sweater Coats at gOO and Tfp We ire how showing a complete assort ment of all, the new style Sweater Coats with the popular V-shaped or hh neck. They come in the wanted stoJ;; and C:t.lfi'i I J- lit " "