THE. OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL PORTLAND.' WEDNESDAY EVENING. - APRIL 5. , 19.11. .... f K KNOCK S 0 0 M BY C ;C. WIN Declares They Are Injuring Oregon 'Through ; State- j ments to Colonists. . : - . . William McMurray, general passenger agent of tha Harrlman lines In Oregon, haa received a telegram from Traffic Manager Oerrlt fort of Us Un ion Pacific at Omaha, atatlng that thera are prospects for a very large colontat feuslnes from now until the end of the colonist period, April' 19. "Am not In poaltlon to give any defi nite flgurea, but we anticipate tha aame heavy rush on the laat daya of the per iod," concludea the telegram. The Influx of aettlera haa been heavier thia eeaeon than ever and entire' aatta factlon la expressed by the railroads and the commercial bodlee that have been Inatrumentat In Inviting aettlera to come here to aid In the development and for the good of themaelvea and tha -state aa a whole. Borne complaint a have been voiced re cently concerning "knockers" at work on Incoming trains, warning people asalnut going' to certain aectlona of tha Pacific northweat in hopes of Interest tng them In aectlona where they have Interests -J" of thela own-partlcularly lands on ths market , '';,V'!.'V'".'V' '."Theat knockers do a tremendous lot of harm.", said Manager CV C.; Chapman n speaking , of complaints . : that had": been brought to his attention, "They not only hurt their neighbor tut also 'themselves In that the leave tha newcomer to accept even the very beat of a proposition with suspicions ' . "J,. 8. Macklin, of Berkeley, ;Cal., man whom I know verr well,, Is quoted In a Medford newspaper as having told the people down. there that a man had practiced boarding colonist trains at The Dalles to tell the colonists not to go into the Rogue River valley, but to by all meana locate In the Mood River district Now this sort of boosting for one. locality at the expense pf another Injures both. It may be said .that a hnnaf. hut f don't think BO when It comes to tnlldng to people who nave pernaps riBKtu wieir mn m ituum for themselves a new home. They be come , suspicious. It Is well for them to Investigate, but if they do aeek in formation we should tell them the truth nd not boost one section and knock another. The truth la good enough and It will wear longer. "Many colonlste come here with their minda fully made tip as to where to ma. Them should not be disturbed. Every time someone comes to them and saya 'Here we nave a better proposi tion for you,' they become confused and finally don't know what they really want." Patrolman Rupert for disorderly 'eon- duct -' V ' ' -; '.' : .Mrs. Martin and a 'mala escort were walking up tha street, when Manner, ob Jectlng to the company his sister was keeping, quarreled with tha man. Fa trolraan Rupert interfered in the, fight stating that he was an officer, M ner. Incensed by the patrolman's Inter ference, turned on him and attempted to strike him. It Is charged, and when ths officer threw him to the street the later tried to, attack him with a hat Pin. ' ' ', ,"- -i -;l " Edward Morris, a, chauffeur, prevented her from carrying out her intention. Ru- pert arrested Manner and his sister. They were released on ball, but this morning, when their names wero called In court neither answered and the ball waa forfeited. At Mr. Manner's office yeeterday morning It waa stated that he had no alster by the name of Martin, but the name of Whitman was given. Seventy square feet of belt surface a minute will transmit one horsepower, Spring-Cleaning Tie Human System Weeds It INSURANCE MAN. SISTER. ESCORT, ALL IN TROUBLE Theodore Manner, a member of the In surance firm of James Manner A Co., and Manner's sister, who gave her name aa Mra. Ida Martin were arrested Mon day night at Sixth and Stark streets by Mrs. M. Morgan, 411 4th ave. B., Bralnerd. Minn., writes: "I take from one to two bottles of Hood's Saraapa tilla in ths spring to purify the blood just aa regularly as I da my house cleaning, and (O around light-footed and light-hearted. I believe It Is the best blood mirfler known." Hood's Barsaparllla so combines the curative principles of roots, barks and herba aa to ralae them to their highest efficiency: hence Ita unequaled cures. Get It today In usual liquid form or tablets' called Saraatabs. ss j n isswew-Ps..M.,jT.- ---yms f sM-sMSSBaa MJgrTgSSgsBssMBsBsC: i is - iS3 sssfaWsssss"" ! Sale of a THOUSAND. NEW PETTICOATS Conforming With the New 19.11 Modes These Petticoats are Sharply Cut in Price Petticoats on Sale Exactly Like Illustration A Surpassing Petticoat, Very Special at $1.45 A featherweight, satin finish, cotton messaline Petticoat that comes in black, gray and tan. It is made with a deep knife plaited flounce and tucked ruffle. Has every appearance and same luster as silk, with the exception that it will outwear silk It is made in keeping with the, close-fittihg skirts. Here's an Economical Petticoat, Underyriced at $1. 75 Made of extra fine quality soft-finished, high luster, lightweight sateen, in black, navy, tan and gray. This petticoat is made in the new close-fitting model, with a deep flounce of shir ring, and trimmed with eight rows of fine tucking. A New $3.00 Novelty Petticoat for This Sale $1.98 A black, close-fitting, high luster, soft-finished extra quality sateen Petticoat Made with a deep accordion flounce, trimmed with Van Dyke, with polkadot and Persian trimmings. Mod eled in a clinging style, according; to the pressnt fashions. . . ' ' ' A $3.25Halycon Messaline Petticoat $2.45 Here is a Petticoat that comes with the guarantee that it will outwear any taffeta. Not only that, but it has that lustrous look x silk and retains its silk look. This petticoat is made with an extra deep accordion plaited flounce and is irimmed with two narrow ruffles at the bottom. It is an amazingly attractive petticoat at the price. ' $3.45 Indicates in No Way the Regular Price These $3.45 Silk Petticoats are made of the finest quality eoft messaline and taffeta silk. They come in black and in over 20 different colors. Made in a variety of plaited, tucked and tailored styles. The tailoring is of the best, the fit and finish guaranteed. Pongee Silk Petticoats. Regular $3.95 These are . the Petticoats so popular now in Paris. Mademoiselle Parisienne uses these for motoring. golfing and all outdoor occasions where dust arid dirt is a factor to be counted with. Made of natural tolored pongee with an extra deep accordion-plaited flounce with colored stitched piping in black, brown, green blue anl Copenhagen. This is the most serviceable and practicarpettkoat that has been brought out in years, and it will be immensely popular. Fine Spring Suits, well mgtde, of excellent ma terials, in all styles the suits other store? sell at $20 to $25 Moyer has for sale for this price: as Get the benefit of our w buying power and selling scope. Because we have five big establishments we can, and do, sell a better suit than any other store can for Visit our Children's Department inspect our Boys' Suits strong, neat, stylish and cheap. We give baseball goods free with every Boy's Suit sold. When You See It in Our Ad-It's So mm 3 C SJS rirst and Morrison First and Yamhill Second and Morris or Third and Oak 89 Third Have Yom a Modem.Kitchcai?" Not Unless You Have Banished Coal Dust and y ... j'i. Ashes, Kindling Wood and Debilitating Heat The modern home would be as complete without water and sewer as it would without a Gas Range and a Gas Water Heater. t While no two women may agree on any other subject, yet of the thousands that are using Gas Ranges, all are agreed that they are the most convenient and durable, economical and perfect cooking and baking appliance they ever used or saw. Our 1911 ranges are now ready for dslivery. Just as we promised they represent the combined features of quality and con venience. The experts who wrote the specifications have examined and tested ranges for the past twenty years. We had them made of highly finished, almost indestructible, rust -proof ma terial. With broiling and baking ovens both lined with asbestos to hold the heat. And with hundreds of other features that makes them the most perfect and complete gas stoves yet produced. Select one of the many .styles shown in our Display Room, and vou, too, will realize all the comfort and, satisfaction a complete Gas Range can bring. Our ranges were designed and built to be used in the kitchens of Portland homes. . We can meet the requirements of anv kitchen, regardless of size. We sell Gas Ranges and Gas Water Heaters on installments at cost con nections free. " We ask you to call and look over our proposition for vourself. If you have no time to visit in person, call us up (Private" Exchange" 26 A-6274) and we will send an expert to talk it over with vou. ' , J v A . St--";. t . tt.A.. Portlaod Gas & Goke GoiBibaE?.vr 1 1. 1 , . V