THE OREGON DAILY" JOURNAL, - PORTLAND WEDNESDAY", EVENING. APRIL 5. 1911. IS potato MARKET S2 (. 'vKyf..,-'(Y, , Oil FRONT STREET Highest Price of Season Asked by Jobbers Country yal ues v Likewise Advanced Paying $1.70. Portland Wnoleaal Market. Kggs weaker. Chicken firm. Potato! at Si. Local onion beat. Asparagus steady. Mora Iambi coming. J lop much firmer. Woo! quiet. Mohair strong. Potat ara belnr aold In tha Front treat market at 12 par cantal, tha highest prica of tha season. Not only ar Jobbara aaking mora money for sup pliaa but they ara paying; producers aulta an advance over previous quota on. At cauntry shipping points, they are offering as high aa 8I661.7 for aup pile and ara able to secure only i mall run of stock at this figure. a tern uregon ana ara oaina j drawn upon . again for supplies and belter demand from tha outslda California market Is showing no change for Oregon potatoea and at Saa Francisco the range la from 62.00(8 2.16. 'i"hre Is a freight rate of from 2630o per cental on supplies coming rrom mis direction, therefore tha home market Is tha best for producers aa they seoure more favorable returns. While one parts1' denied tba report that he has purchased eaatern potato for this market, tha reports still Insist that several cars ara coming forward. Just who has them, therefore, remains a mystery. HOP MARKET FIRM Demand Now On for Olds, News and Contracts for 101 lc Hop market Is firm both for contracts and spot goods. There ar a number of inquiries rrom the eaet for 1910a but growers are firmer In their views and are asking 19e or better. It Is reported that tiout of McMlnn vllle sold 100 bales of llOts to Bishop A Daniels at better than 13o a pound. Contract on 1911s ar firm at 17c a pound. Dealers reported recently have ben only for small lots, large growers not being willing to tie up Just now. FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS United State Weather Bureau Sends Oat Notice to Produce Men. United States weather bureau sends out the following forecast tor ship pars: Protect shipments as far north as Seattle against temperatures of about 36 degrees: northeast to Spokane, 80 degree: southeast to Boise, to degrees; south to Klsklvou, 114 degrees. Lowest temperature, at Portland tonight, about 28 degree. EGGS ARE LOWER Market Weaker All Around and Bar- ere Are Offering 18c. Eggs are lower locally and saJas are being made In large lots as low as If Ho and pome interests sre holding out for ic siock. urrenngs ny to oountry are neavier. OUTSIDE ONI III 'XT APOOR CONDHON So-Called Bermudas Not as Good as N 3 Oregons Quoted at 8c Pound. A small shipment of so-called Cer muda onions which recently reached this market Is not as good looking stock as the trade here might have expected. The stork Is nacked in crates of 60 Pounds each "and considerable ha been so oaaiy jolted in shipment that It Is not nearly as good as No. 1 Oregon now offering. The Oregon onions now In market sre generally or Tin quality. The taste is much sweeter than the so-called forelrn stock and It cost much less money. While tha "Bermudas'! ar bolng quoted here at So a pound, fancy Oregon can be aeoured at 12.60 or even less. Several attamnta hiv. tM marl h local parties to bring In foreign onlona this season, but all have proved a fail ure because of tha batter quality of tha home product than tha outsld goods. Local onion market I firm with values practically the same as have been in errect during recent week. $5.40; D yellow, 14.70; beet, U.JO: Fed eral Fruberry. to less than fruit ar berry; Honolulu Plantation cana granu lated, to !. (Above quotation are 10 dars net oash.) RICK Japan No. 1. 4 4 6c: No. J. ureoie. 4c: New Orlaans head, 1014 4 Vic. HALT Coarse, half ground 100a 18.80 per ton: 80s, 89.00; table dally, 80s, 118: 100a, 817; bales, 82.26; extra fna bar rels Is, Ss and 10s, ?4 05; lump rock. $10. SO per ton. BEANS Small white. 14.21: larre white, $4.18; pink, $(.78: bayou, $6.80; Llmas $7.28; reds. 38.25. HONET New, $S.7S per eas. Fruits aaa vegetable. POTATOES Belling price $.00; seconds, $1. 861.76; common, 1.60. Buying carloads Select, tl.S&bi .70; ordinary, $1.60. v FRESH FRIIiTB Oranges New na vels, 11.76411. 6J box; banana, tc lb.; lemon. 83.60 4.00; grape fruit. tt.21: pineapple, 6tj 7o lb.; tangerine. $1.35. vt,ut,TABbt.i) rxew rurnipn 81. 2; beets. 31.26; earrota. $1.26 per sack: cab bage, $1.60 per cental; tomatoeH, Mexican. $1,60 41.76 per box; Florida. $2.25 2.60; beans, 14c per lb.; horse radish, 8010c; green onions, 20c per dosen; peppers, bell, 36c per lb.; head lettuce. 46 wave aos.; nothouse, $1.25 box; radishes. 20c doxen bundles: celery. 90c ler dosen: eggplant, 14c per cucumoers, tz.zo per aoxen; peas i n UK BIGMHON SELECTED QUALITY Three Loads From There Form Total Arrivals at North Portland Cattle Ex pected Tomorrow. 4 Xa the Stockyards. 4 North Portland Hogs noml nal; cattl firm; sheep higher. Smith Omaha Hogs lOo high er; cnttl 8c higher; sheep steady to lower. Chicago Hogs- 5 to 10c high er; cattle steady; sheep strong. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. 793 7 Wednesday Tuesday . Monday .. Saturday . KrldatV ... Thursday week ago 129 4a 64 335 174 818 185 797 182 6$ 68 1067 1198 $90 1832 260 lb 6c; cauliflower, local, 31. 25411. 60 per ozen; California, $1.00 per dosen; prouts, 8c; asparagus. 80 7c lb. ONIONS no. l. tifoaxiDv; nu. x. 2; garlic. 7fl8e per lb. APPLES $1.00 2.00. Meats, Tlsh and Frertsloaa. FRESH BEEF Wholesale slaughter ers pric: Beat eteera, 10f lOlvc. ordi nary. lHtrioc: oesi cows, vwjmc: or dinary, mJ8c. DRESSED MEATS Front street hoge. fancy. lOtto per lb.; ordinary, loc lb.: neavy. 809o; veals, extra. 12Vto: or dinary, 12c; poor, lie; spring lamb, 14? 16o; mutton, sc; goats, zjysc; beer, 6 9o. URD-Kettle leaf, tierces. 12fcc lb.: staam rendered, tierce. 11 He per lb.; compound . tierces, ic ib. OySTERS Hhoaiwater Pay, per ral- lon, ( i; per ivo id. ssck, s ou; CHICKENS HOLD niOH Receipts Continue Under Demand at High Prices. Chicken msrket continues- to show strength and arrivals are quickly picked up at last week's high record. Demand continues greater than supplies. SPRING LAMBS COMING Front Street Supplleg More Liberal at 13c and 15c. Front street dealers report greater arrivals of dressed spring lambs. A rlvals are with pelts and these are sell ing from 12 to 15c a pound. Dressed met market generally steady except for heavy hogs. CAULIFLOWER IS KAblER aetalnal, lo, More Offerings Brines Too Price Down to $1.25. Faster tone Is showing In the cauli flower market owing to the greater of ferings by local growers. Best is now ? noted at $1.26 a dosen. Best Call ornla at $1.00. , FRONT STREET QUOTATION! ops. Wool and aTJdes. HOPS Contracts, lll crop, lTcj nominal: 1910 crop, choice, 18 H 19c; prime to choice. 17ttg18c: prima 17c; medium, 1818Ho; 1909 growths. ic. TALLOw Prime, per m.. Ie Ne. and grease, zoivae. WOOL Nominal, 1910, Willamette vaney. itgnoi eastern uregon, CHITTJM BARK 1909, K1.1 In SHEEPSKmS Bhoarlng, 10(2JU each: short wool, 260 60o: medium vo 60cO$1.0a each; long wool, 76o$L18 each. HIDES Try hides. lGMOllHo la.t green, 6H07Ho: buils. green, salt, in; Kips, HSP7Ho; calves, green, lis 12c per lb. MOHAIR Nominal: 1911, 81 32c ' Batter, Zgrs f na Poultry. BUTTER Extra creamery, cubes and tuiiS, tie; prints, 32c; storage. 18 S2c: eastern points, 8031o; California 80031c. BUTTER FAT P. o. b. Portland; per pound. 82 tf 40c. IVV0H2ie pr lb.; broilers, 2730o; r frvers. 30c: trees. 12Vi13c: live younr ducks, 22 23c; turkeys, alive, 2o: dressed, 27 Vie; pigeons, $2 dosen. EGGS Local extrss, 1820c; case count fresh, 1818tte. CHKESPr New Oregon fancy fol cream, triplets and daisies. 14 He; Younr Americae, 16 He; storage flats, 13V414c. Oraia. Tlvat aag Say. WHEAT Nominal. Track delivery: Club, 82Hc; bluestem, 8586c; forty fold. 84c: Willamette valley. 83c; red HussJan, 82c; Turkey red. 8384c. BARLEY Producerspnc 1910 Vted. 2.6027.; rolled, $27&28; brew. la, per gallon, $3.26; per 100 lb. sack. 11. eu; canned eastern, oac can, 18. bQ dos.; eastern In shell. $1.7502 per 100 HAMS. BACON, tTU.-Himi, 16W- 7c; breakfast bacon, 17H27c; boiled m, 22Sr25c; picnics, I3c lb.; cottage roll, itf. per regular short clears. moled l41ic: nacua, smoKed. 16Vic: pickled tbngues, f6c par lb. FISH Nominal Rock cod, 10c per lb.; flounders. c; halibut, 8c per lb.; striped bass. 20c; catflah. 1212Hc: salmon r - Ik MalmI. a . n 1 7o per lb.; shrimps, l$V4e lb.; perch. 708c; tomcod, 80; lobsters, 26c; her rings, 6 6c; black bass, 20c; sturgeon, l$V?o lb.; Columbia smelts, lV!n lb.; silver smelts, 7c per lb.; black cod, 7 He; crabs, small, $1; large. $1.60; medium, $1.26 dos.; California shad, ( ) lb. CLAJV!H ttarorteii. per oox, c II).; rasor clams. I!i4f dosen. $?.; per box. rami a, veat uu, km. LINSEED OIL-Raw. bbls., 99c gal kettle boiled, ouia., fi.ui; raw, in cases, $1.04: boiled, In cases, $1.06 gal.; 'lots of 260 gallons, 10 lens; on cake meal (none In market). WHITE LEAD Ton lots, $0 per lb. 600-lb. lots, 80 per lb.; less lots, 8 He per 10. BENZINE 88 degrees, caaes, 24H gallon; iron ddis.. 2140 per gaiion. ROPE Manila, 8c; sisal, 7 He COAL OIL Cases: Pearl. lc: star. 19o par gallon; eocene, 19c gallon; elalne. 2tto Kaiion; neaangni, iv,o eauoii extra atar, 19Hc gallon; water white bulk, 8&12He per gallon; special water white, iz wise. GASOLINE Red crown and motor. 16HO22H0 gallon; 88 gasoline. 28 36 He gallon: V. M. P. naphtha, 14 O gallon. TURPENTINE In case, $1.24: wood barrels, $1.21 H ; iron barrels, $1.17 per gaiion. Tf inn. NAj.L.9 uasis. ..(. Sheep and lsmbs formed the total arrivals today in the North Portland yarda and P.ugg Brothera of Pendleton had the honor of belne the only shlD- pera during the paat 24 houra. Not only ere the Pendleton men the only s'nippera but Iliey HUewlne received an advance of about 10c over recent quotatlona. The stuff waa worth the money according to the, trade becauoe the lambs were of unusually fine qual ity. They were sheared and averaged 87 pounds. The sale wis made at $6.40. Sheep msrket In general Is quoted quite firm by tha local trsde while re cent arrivals have been somewhat more libera), the wants of the trade have In creased. Demand for mutton Is In rresaina on account of Its low price and therefore thip has stimulated the buy ing. Conditions elmllar to this have rulrd recently In the great markets of the central west. Cattle SMpmant Expected. Quit liberal shipments of cattle ar expected in the yards during the night or In time for early selling tomorrow morning. Condition of tlin cattle trade Is excellent and recent sales have tested the full ranfte of prices. No weaknesa la showing; in nny portion of the cattle trade at present. No swine have arrived In the local yards since Monlay and therefore the market Is nominally showing no price change. There was a change In the situation at Chicago and South Oman today and hogn advanced over yester day's pHre. While this may be but a temporary affair the tmde in general seems Inclined to the opinion that hlj,'h prices have been forced to a lower bawl than JuBtliied by the Increase In ar-i rivals. Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years a follows: Hogs. Cattle 8he" 1911 1910 876 6S5 1909 106 8 1 une 1 ia Olym- ! 1 ;i07 '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '.'.'.150 CAUFORfJIA BERRY ACREAGE SMALLER WHEAT BUYING ON Output Expected to Show De crease General Fruit Sit uation Is Good. California' acreage In strawberries this year I much decreased, according to Richard F. Hosklng. a local broker, who has Just returned from an extensive trip throuah tha south. "While tha production per acre will be very good this season." says Mr. Hosklng. "there is a ereatlv decreased planting. Out of Florin the decrease will rurr from 26 to 30 par cent from 1 year ego and somewhat similar condi tlons exist In tha Newcastle aectlon. "Around Los Angeles the acrae has been decreased by tha heavy rains wash ing out many of the plant. 'Some berries ' are alraadv belne shipped from the Los Angeles fields, but tney ara vary, limited and only lor local conaumptlon. Beriiea will be shipped out of Florin between April 20 and April 26." According to Mr. Hoaktna tha central fruit outlook in California is excellent. A big crop seems assured for everything except apricots. The crop of cherries promises to be tha heaviest for many years. GENERAL TREND OF SECURITIES LOWER New York. April B. Baltimore & Ohio advanced aharply today, but the Hat In general was depressed and lower by a few fractions. Trading was on a slightly larger scale than yesterday. Opening was generally lower. Americana were aulet and steady In London. February operating Income of the Frisco lines Increased $111,633. Chicago, Milwaukee A. St. Paul earn ings for elxht months were $9,714,443 net, a decrease of $1,464,038. Range of New York nrlces furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.: jjegcription 1 Openi Highi Low Bid eep. -7 636 1904 1905 A year go today 25 8S there 16S was 14 fir PRICE OF PRODUCE AT SAN FRANCISCO (rtnlted Pre Turned WlnO Can Francisco. April 6. Wheat -Awn trallan and propo, $1.5601.60; Sonora, 31. 67H 1.67 V4: California club. 1 1.62H: northern wheat, bin eat em. $1.67 H 01.68 H: club. $1.6001.61 H; Rusaian red. 11.48 6il.67U. Barley Feed, good to choice, $1.42 H 1.46; fane fair. 11.40 1.48; in a, $1.47Hl-60. Butter Call forni $1.4H1.47H; P snipping and 00 r to brew- tnir 827.00. MlLLSTUFFS Selling price Bran, $20.00 21.00; middlings, $29.00; shorts, ' $21 OOjf $22 00: chop. $19.000 26.00. OATS Nominal. Producer price Track No. I white, $28.60029; gray, $28. HAY Producers price 1910 Vail timothy, fancy, $18019; ordinary, $16 17; eastern Oregon, $19021; mixed. 16.OO017.OO; c)ov?r, $11.00; wheat. $12.00 cheat tlt.OO01S.flO; al falfa, $14; oats, $18014. Willsmette.' $4.80 per barrel; toealf: tralgbU.-$3.86(9 4.SB; bakers. 84.460 1 66: exnort erradea: el.6Off8.T0: ara ham half sack. $4.70: balea May 1S.1B. - - July. OrooexUa. aTnta. Zte. . October SUGAR Cube, $.; nowdared. IS.40; rttvit or brry, $6.40; cry granulated, a fresh: Extras. Zlat prime firsts, 21Ho; firsts, 21o; seconds. zc. Cheese New California flats, fancy, llc fireta, 11 He; seconds, lOo; CaUfor nia young America, 14 Ho: do firsts. 18c; wregon iancy, iito; siorage vragon, rancy, ie; ao young America, 17c New Yark. 17o: Wisconsin. 16c. Eggs -California fresh, Including eases: Kxtras, 18C; prime II rats, i7e; Potato Per cental: Whltea, $1,700 1.96; Salinas Burbanks, $2.40$.60: Ore gon. $2.0002.15; Lompocs, $2.4002.50; sweets, 6 60 per pound; do New, 804c. Onions Per sack, $2.15(2.86. Oranges Per box: Navels, standard, $1.6002.16; choice. $2.1602.40. PEACH CROP GOOD AT MILTON, OR. Walla Walla, Wash., April 6. Peaches In the Freewater section of the valley are not damaged beyond 25 or 80 par cent, according to a well known grower of that section, who was a visitor at the Commercial club yesterday. "I mean by this that not more than a third to a Quarter of the fruit buds and blossoms ara killed, which will just aooui give us a crop mat win Dreak down our trees. Another frost like that of a week ago would not thin thm too much. Some wild blossoms on tha cherrv trees have been killed, and In fact, most of the damage was done to cherries. This Is Inconsiderable, however, and there will ba a bumper crop of cherries unleas more frosts follow. The average date of the last kllllna frost In the Walla Walla valley la April 2, and fruitgrowers feel more secure in the last day or two. Fruit is about two weeks earlier than usual, Ltrerpool ITheat Market. Liverpool April 4. 1 -. t 1 . . . . i . -Wheat: . Open. . .7s 7d ,.? d ,6s 7 d Close. 7s 7d a 7Ud s -7Ud V J tone In nil lines of livestock with no Chans'' in prices. Official Jte?rsntativ Kales. Following sulrs are representative. They indicate demand, suppllea and quality offering at North Portland. BULLS. Av. Lb. Price. 7 bulls 1441 $4.50 1 bull 1470 4.60 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 791 sheared lambs &7 $5.40 1 wvthr, sheared 210 4.26 1 ew 100 4.00 Following is the avrrasfe 'range of values in effect in the North Portland yaruts. CATTLE Grain fed steers, $6.60a 7.00;. befct hay fed steers. $6.0O.28 fancy, $5.76; cows, best. $6.26u'o.60; or dinary, poor, $3.OO04.UO; stags ana ouns, 3.iui' i.uu. HOGS Best light, $7.76; ordinary, $7.75: heavy, $7.00; feeders. $$.60. SHEEP Hest yearling wethers. $5.00 &6.2S; old wethers, $4.6004.76; grain fed lambs, $5.8506 90; ewes, $4.66; sheared sheer and lambs. 60c lower. CALVLS-Best. $7,75; ordinary, $7.00; poor. $3.0004.60. Amal. Cop. Co... Am. C. A F., c. . . do nfd Am. Cot. Oil, c. . Am. Sugar Am. Smelt., c. . . do pfd Anaconda M. Co. Am. Woolen, e. . . Atchison, c da pfd. B. O., 0 do pfd Br. Rap. Tran... Can. Pacific, c. . . Cent, leather, c. C. & O. W., c. . . . C. M. & St. P C. & N.-W., c & O Colo. F. ft I., c. . Colo. Southern, a do 2d pfd. ... do 1st nfd. . . . Corn Prod., c. . . . do pfd Dela. A Hudson D. ft R o., c. . . . do pfd Erie, c do 2d nfd. . . . do 1st pfd 18 0H 0H 74H 104H 38 83 H 109T4 102 H 106 78' ' 22H 28 14 104H 28 84 109V109H 102H)102i iu4 igo 78 228H Z8H SMALLSCALE AT e IT NORTHWB MARTS Millers Buy Club Here at 82 1 -2c and 82c on Sound, Track DeliveryOats and Barley Hold Firm. 44 Toreign OrOp Xepotrta. United Kingdom Weather too cold for wheat already seeded. Germany Unfavorable reports eotnlng from the wheat fit Id a Hungary unfavorable. Wheat conditions world'a Wheat Market. Portland Cash club. 82o and 83c: blueaUm, 860 and 86c. Huenoa Ayr Wheat strong. Melbourne Wheat steady. Caloutta Wheat steady. Antwerp Wheat firm. Pari Wheat, Ho to lHo higher. Budapeat Wheat Ho higher. Liverpool Wheat Hd to Hd higher. Chicago Wheat o to lHo higher. Minneapolis May 92 c. St. Louis May 85 He. Kansas City May 81 Ho. Winnipeg May VOHc. A small amount of wheat business Is paaslng locally and In the north. Pur chases of club have been made hare at 82 Ho track delivery, while the same Interests bav purchased on the sound at 82c. The price at both places Is. now about uniform. While some export business wss re ported at Winnipeg today. United States markets ara too high to admit of busi ness In that direction. The local mar ket I about Rc above an export bails. Oata and barley niarkeU are firmer but generally show no change In price from recent day. Buyer are quoting $26.60 and $27 a ton track baala for No. 1 feed barley and from izb.ou to ytv for No. 1 white oats. Millers report a small amount or ex port flour business but trade tnrougn out that line Is generally quiet Hay market is unchanged. SHORTS COVER IN MAY prices were not realised for certain dls tricta this winter 1 th hnn nuantl. tie wer dumped Into Chicago and New York at the seme tlm, and the weather ws unusually warm, many going to soft fruits as a consequence. It waa on of the warmest winters we ever There la absolutely no danger of overt, production of such quality apples as you grow In the Hood Rlvr, Whit Salmon, Underwood and Moalar sections, apples that ara known to be the very best. The central selling agency, such as yoa oon- tempiaie. win prove a good thing. "As to. pears, there Is a very promts Ing future, the market Is broadening for tnem. and tne grower 01 Bartletts. An Jou and Cornice have nothing to lose." BROTHERHOOD HEARS DR. JAMES WLTHYCOMBE (tpectal Dispatch to Tea JoaraaL) Oregon City, Or., April S. The Broth erhood monthly meeting of the Congre gational church, which waa held laat evening In the church parlors, waa at tended by about 70 men. Tha decora tions were of Oregon grape and daffo dils which made a pretty combination. At tha table the favors were In tha ahape of Easter novelties, such as little chickens. The president of the Brotherhood, E. T. Avison, acted as toastmaster. Rev. William Proctor made the usual an nouncement. An important one was the meeting for next Sunday evening, which will ba Brotherhood night at tha Congregational church. The Brotherhood was fortunate in having with It Dr. James Wlthycombe, of the O. a. C. of Corvallia, who gav n Inspiring talk, telling of the future prospects of Oregon, the great roads, the building of highways, tha agricul tural lands. Closing the postofflce In Oregon City on Sundays, was unanimously ravorea: ii'Hi'ii' 'i'M 30HJ 19 49 81. 80H 48 u, (i Northern. pfaVl 2 VI 2H H ;1 27 1 SHEAR AT WALLA WALLA Wool dip Has Started; the Quality Probably Good. WaJla "Walla. Wash., April 6. -Sheep shearing haa begun In the Walla Walla valley, and while few sheep are In the valley proper at preaent, the aheep ownara of the Snake river district are busy clipping the fleece from their flocks. Warm weather for the paat month ha made the sheep rather un comfortable with their winter coats, and the "wool is In f.'re condition to clip. Vor.enn of men from the south, especial ly In the Oregon districts have gone to Starbuck and neaihy points, to assist In the annual sheep shearing. . The quality of tha wool this year Is said to b better than usual, and the clip will be heavy. some or tne sheepmen, who had in tended to atart their clipping Monday. delayed tha work until the cool weather should have passed, but most of. the sheep owners have their work well un der way. Illlnola Central Interurb. Met., c do pfd L. Nashv. . . . M K. & T., c. . . do pfd Distillers ore Lands Ooldfleld Cons. . Mo. Pacific Na. Load N. T. Central .. N. Y., O ft V e. Nor. & West., e. . do pM North Am North. Pa., 0 P. M. B. Co Penn. R'y. 138HI1S8H 1KHI 1. 53 V 63 H 144H 144H 83 H 83 H 26H 62 6 61H 62V 107 41 V4 108H 36 62H 61 H 62H 107H 109H1 2pf OMAHA HOGS HIGHER Price la Up Dime; Cattle Strong to Five Ontg Up. South Omaha, Neb.. Aflrll 6. Cattl Receipts 4300; ptrong tq to higher; Steers, $6.00 4f 6.40; cows and helfors, $4.75(5.00. JJ,ogs Receipts 8SO0: steady to lOo higher; price $6.15 6.55. Sheep Receipts 3800; steady, to low er; HrllnK9, t6.10W8.36; wethers, $4.8595.10; lamba. $5.7(96.16; ewes, $4.86 4.86. CHICAGO HOGS HIGHER P. ).. L. & C. P. 8. C, c . . . do pfd Reading, c . . . do 2d pfd . do 1st pfd. R. I. : S., o. do pfd . . . . Rocit is., e.. do pfd S. L. A S. V. do 1st pffl St. L. & 8. W. do nfd Sou. Pacific, c. . . Southern Ry., c. do pfd Texas A Pacific. T.. St. L. & W., c do prd Union Pacific, do nfd U. 8. Rubber, c do pfd . . . 1 . U. 8. Steel Co., do pfd Wabash, c . . . . Trn pfri W. U. Telegraph wis. (..antral. . . Weatinghonae Reet Sugar.... Utah Copper... . Third Ave IcVe Securities.. Cons. Oas Big Four uo pra ...... Vlr. Chemical.. do pfd K. C. South ... do pfd Gen. Klectrle. . . Wheel. A L. 10. . Mex. National. . Allls Chalmers. do pfd Amn. Can do pfd ...... O. W . nM Nevada ' Cons. . . Lehigh Valley.. Harvester, c. ... 1354126!125 244 244! 24 126H 12 Co.1106 (106H irV4l5H 89 I 90 H S3V 34 29 V 29 80 41H c. 81 V. Advance of oc to 10c Made After the Opening. Chicago. April 6. Run: Hogs. 21.000: pattle, 14,000; shesp. 35,000. Hoge opened steady "vcloaed 8 to 10c hlghfer: left over, 2300; reoeipta a year o, 16,000; mixxrt, ?8.ibb8.70; neavy, 56.50: rough, $6.006.20; light. $6.40f.80. cattle wteaay 10 tuc nigner. Sheep Strong. SEATTLE PRODUCE PRICES FOR TODAY Seattle. April 6. Butter Washington creamery firsts, 29c; eastern storage. 2 2 (if 2 4c; eastern fresh, 25c; California, 25c. Eggs Local; ranch. 3233o: eaatern freah, 20c. . 4 Cheese Tillamook twlna. . lcr Tilla mook Young America, 18010c; Wiscon sin twins, I4cr Washington twins. He; Wash in gr on Young America, lSlso; Swiss, 20c; Llmburger, 17o; cream, 17e. Onions Oregon, $2.60(92.76 per sack; native, $2,2562.75 per box. Potatoe Eastern Washington. $350 40 per ton; White River. $30itf35. ft 145H 7H 148H 80 18U 174H 6H 44 44 1254 108 41H 31 H 1 'H 28H 138 n4 63 144 33 66 36 V4 62 6 604 62 10H 41 H iosh 71H 124H 24 1254 104 33 88H 165H 7H 90 8SH H 29 , 6H 41 H 62 Adverse Weather Conditions Abroad Cause of Advance. Chicago. April 6. Shorts covered In he May todsy ind sent that option harply higher. Closing was lc up for May und c each for July and bep- tember. Foreign markets were firmer end higher on account of adverse crop con ditions end this caused short covering here. Winnipeg reported some No. 2 North em sold for exj.ort. European visible supply of wheat shows a decrease of 616,000 bushels com pared with 1,088,000 bushels a week ago and an Increase of 1,888,000 bushels a year ago. H SOUTHERN 10 ENLARGE ITS FORCE (gpeetal Dtiiwtrk to Tb JosraaLt Oregon City. Or.. April 6. Monday morning the Clackamas Southern Rail way expecta to put a larger force at work on tha new road. For the laat two weeks some men have been at work blasting and blowing out stumps, cut Ing th scrub timber, and burning rub bish, along th right-of-way, and It Is expected that the new road will soon ba under construction. Molalla people are manifesting a great deal of Interest In the new project, as It means much toward the growth nd good of their town. DISCREMTSHHIO esHilisw u 1 - ;, 1 - v ' (elat PMuteh t Tbe JaaraaLt v Vancouver, 'Wash,! April 5 A tint flOOtand costs -was Impoaed by Justice .Oavia yatrday oa .'Herman Grannie whn ha w. brought ' Into, court by Game Warden EHmr Barbcau. and Police Officer Giliaora and .pleaded guilty to damming up Lackamas crek In tbe vl rlnlty of Proebatel without providing a flshway. Tha facte In tha case prompt ed Justice Davis to remit $78 of the fine and Grannia paid $25 and costs, oiuununK in mil lo auoui That th gain and flair laws shall aw icDcvigu na vagfci wiainj a itiw , letirminatlon of Mr. Barbeau. He has worked hard In his official capacity, and In future says ha will show no len iency wnen ne lino me iuw in anr way being violated. He recently r . . . . 1 .. ..... iuiiia 1 rum , iriu ot ijubumiivn vft dams in varloua streams of the county and at least in two Instances directed turn li.ll-JO v-J yu HI. mm w A Chinaman, employing Chine workmen snd machinery, ha established a semlartlflclal food factory In Paris. RIGHT NOT YET CLEARED UP iHeci"i 1'upairo 10 isi jovniBi. Ing of the Live Wires yesterday,1 City Recorder Stlpp made a report of bis In vestigations regarding the rights of the ' city In the water power of the WIN lamette falls. Tha recorder stated that ' be would probably be compelled to go to Salem and examine the records there . befoiM he would be able to make any . 1 . . i . , u - ...,.-. . lun ui & purvi runiiiiiK 'Hl vim uhih, from which a large volume of water flows, and the recorder contends that.. tha city can run an Intake pip Inte the tiasln iinlaA If eun hit fihown thft th ntlre waterfall haa been legally appro priated. A large number of main fix ture would locate at Oregon City if they could be aurd Of cheap powar. oastmciion outki in tuver. '...-Ii I D-.M,f trt The Jnhrn!. Vncouvr. Wah.. Anrll 6. In re- 1 moving a clog In the Fourth atreet sewers yesterday afternoon, a tin powder can and two large boulders were found aa ' the obstruction. Chief Seerlst says thejr a manhole and with malicious intent by some man aa .he stones were too large to be handled by a boy and could not have been In there by chance i ne matter win De inveaugaiea ana is poaslble th guilty party will ba brought to Justice ' , Journal Want Ada bring results. Range of Chicago prlcea furnished by Overbeck A Cooke company. WHEAT. Open. Hi May July !Sep. May July Sep. May July Sep. pn. Hlgli. 8f. SiT'i 85H $3 86 1 $6, CORN. 47'4 48 H 49' 49H 60H 51 OATS. 30 H 30 H 80 HOT Low. 86 J 5 6 47 49H 60 H . 80 .1500 .1480 , 787 . 807 . 810 . 845 . 816 , 800 " ' PORK. 1620 14D5 LA It D. SO 7 CIS 820 807 1497 1470 793 $02 805 840 807 787 Close. 8 6 '4 nr. H St)' 491 80H 80iB $0lB 1620 1480 807 f 16 817 852 816 807 7H 1491 S6H 854 lH 9H 'i6" "'H OH 8H $0 'l8H 174H 148 u 173H RED APPLE FINDS PURSE OF PUBLIC Whit Salmon, Waah., April 5. "I am still preaching the red apple as the one to. grow for the New York msrket and the best sixe Is from 96 to 144," said Kenneth H. Pay, representative of Sco bel b Day apple exporters of New York, who was In White Salmon today Inter viewing orchardists. The Jonathan, Wlnesap and Spits are the three beat sell ing red apples and should be marketed In the order I have named them. The value of the red apple Is that It Is very striking on the fruit stands and in the stores and aprears riper thsn the green ish Yellow Newtown alongside of It. The Spitz should have been sold out by the fore part of January, leaving the way clear for the Newtown, a great seller In the Fiiropsan market. Newtowns, ny the way are selling pretty well now and would net the grower here about $1.76 per box. Apples, many of which are Newtowns, ar now being shipped to England and this country, 60,000 boxes coming to New York city Just two days ago. "On of th chief reasons whv better Ladd & Tilton Bank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit $700,000.00 Lett era of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued available on all parts of tbe world, CORNER WASHINGTON AND THIRD STREETS , SI Total sales, 276,000 shares. Cull money, 2Vi2 per cnt NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Journal Want Ads bring results. ,New York - Ltmdon Silver. - - New York. Anrll 6 Bar silver. 62 Tic: TMnrtcs-n dollars, ,45c. . I London. April's. Silver, 24 d. "' Portland Baaka. ' Clearings today $1,868,008.14 Clearings yea 5 ago 1, 804,174.8$ Gain today $ 263, 818.38 Balance today ., 224,661.2 Balance year ago 280,201.00 New York Cotton Market. Open. High. Low. Close, .Tan. 1289 1261 1259 1269ffi(0 May 1447 1447 1486 1437(538 June , 1421 23 July 1424 1425 1417 141$20 Aug. ; ... 137 4 ' 1375 1367 13671i8 Sept 1306007 Oct 1874 1275 1268 127071 Nov 126869 Dec 1212 1264 1258 12061 Gladstone Party at Sladen Home. (Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Oragon City. April 6. -Miss Mildred Sladen entertained a number of friends at her bom In Gladstone, Monday even. Ing. The nous was decorated In Oregon grape.- Miss Pansy Oswald gave a read ing and vocal solos wer given by Miss Muriel Davis and Henry Sladen. Those praaent were: Misses Pansy Oswald. Hacsl Millar, Mabl Chase, Muriel Davla, Evelyn Oay, Nelva Paters, Esther Heta erman. Mabel Sladen, Mildred- Sladen; Messrs. Noel Frost, Dale Olds, Will Mc Mann, Clyde Miller.' Ralph Johnson, Charles and Harry Sladen. Bonds Investments Timber Lands McGrath& Neuhausen Co. 70l-i-J--5 LEWIS BUILpINO. PORTLAND. ORSQOM Lumber mens National Ban! CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS , 1 t',V CAPITAL $500,000 THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and eTier Bitum inous Pavement. 06-08 Eleetria Bldg., PorUand, Or. Oskar Huber. , .r Manager.. , FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS . $750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the - Rocky Mountains Overbeck & Cooke Co. Commisdon Merchants Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grain, Etc. 216217 Mem be re Chicago Board ef Trade, -CorrMbondenU et ln A-Bryaa.'-.' Chloage, Ifew lortt, BagtaaVj.'; We ' baTe'4'tlie.--elywteate,it eeemectleg Portland wlta th f "r h aaatera ; etsebaiicaa. ' Why doMiorser men and motor men keep to the streets paved ithlbitulithic? h v ..-1 X' ' ,v