THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ; PQRTLAND, WEDNESDAY - EVENING, MARCH 29, 1911. 43 HADDON HALL APARTMENTS. 414, Uth it., cor, e-f Hall.. " New. 4 Story, modern brick building. kith S and 4 room furnished and unfur nished apartment with private bath, none ana balcony norcnes. every room an outside room; very-desirable lo-J auon ior the summer, as well aa win ker; we have the best of Janitor serv- ce ana au other modem conveniences, 'all and see these apartments. Phone iaisnan 1170. mgr., apt, zus, Meredith Apartments 718 Washington at: strictly modern B-room arjartments. newly furnished: all fronvenlences. Free phones. Main 7134. HALSIiY. court apartments, 2 and 3 room suites, all new .1 and furnished. raey walking distance,, on. carllne; Take u oar. aoo Williams ave,-cor. uaisey. : 1 MiORES AND OFFICES 11 ",;:f 4'i i ':!,'.': ' ?V;.V- ;',"'. f LARGE placed 10175. on Front - hn Main Knt MaAlann! tiiat - the plaee for machine, blacksmith, toiler-; aftv -pr.aeeat.aMira,.,-. - 8t6rb for rent, good location for gro eery, dry goods, or drug store; also 7 nice living rooms above; will' rent to gether rr separately1..' Cor. Fremont and Mississippi ave. Inquire A. R. Zeller, 692 Williams aver , Phone , East 4457. Reasonable rent. : ' irdR RENT. . i J 4 K ft -. Imm nail lladlson at bridge, J Simon Bra. HALF of new three story brick, (0x100; plate glaas front, lth and Marshall; ling or retail; divide space to suit ten- ant or Tenants; long lease, k. v. uui'w FOR RENT- stores. Mississippi ave. and Knott at. good for most any kind or pusinewg. - ynone wooaiawn aot. FOR RENT of store room suitable for anv nurnose. Inoulre 826 Everett. FOR RENT Storeroom, 16 by 60, at aa uan St. Apply on tne premineg. HOTELS 84 HOTEL PORTLAND uronan plan nly; 3. 66 day. V BELV EDER E - Kuropgan. 4th and A Id it FOR RENT HALLS 60 THE trew hall "for renv ny night l the week. 162 2d st WANTED TO KENT Y All A lUlr J. J . Ae -9ahaa 4a A-4iiv 4nn1a -nrHVitn TTtlla vi AQiiv, ivi nvvtAiia a,w, and a half from postoffice; must be cneap. I'ouo, journal. VvANTED Five pr room house, close'itB two or tnree acres, v-eui, Journal. WANTED To rent, modern 6 room cot tase, clone in by 10th of April, East 848. WANTED to rent Nicely furnished houseboat : in good condition . R-603, Journal. . v . FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 PART of old poetoffice on E. Belmont st. for rent. Phowe Tabor 22. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. IS Horses for feale 12 horses, weight 1100 to 1200 lbs. 2 horses, weight 1750 to 1840 lbs. 10 horses, weight 1400 to 1600 lbs. 10 horser, weight 1000 to 1100 lbs. All will be sold under our guarantee. HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES. . 420 Hawthorne Ave. WANTEb4-lo buy a aood team 0 ' horses, or two if price Is rlRlit; or I have 20 acres of fine farming land that I will trade for horses weighing not less, than 1400 pounds. Call me up. Phone Marshall 1441 or call at 192 Grover st. after 6 p. m. (. C. Olsen itrST off grading work, 25 head horses and mares, 1000 ta 1500 lbs.; good rami horses; trial given. Prices rea sonablo. Inquire Travis Bros. wood yarfl. K. stn ana Hawthorne ave. ONE span of young horses and horse and buggy ror sale, soth ave. between VIWll IUU DIB. VCtll UnHHH 9 . Ill or Sunday. Mt. Scott car, Tremont sta tion. Tabor 2653. G. T. Foster. CAR GOOD WORK HORSE! JUST liT. GUARANTEED AT REASONABLE PRICES. 62D ST. AND SANDY ROAD. TAKE ROSE CITY PARK CAR. ADAMS ft CAMPBELL. A NUMBER of first class horxes and mares, weight 1200 to 1400; young and sound: some matched teams; all guar anteed '185 Madison St., near new priage, west sioe. i)OitSi: and buggies tor rent by day, week and month; special rates to business houses, tth' and Hawthorne Esst 72. BALE OR TRADE Two ton goose-neck wagons, for horses. 3523 63d st. S. E.. Mt. Scott car, or 3d and Columbia, week- cays. BIX .head horses, one matched bay team. Z700 pounas, e ana i years oia. These horses are all sound. 998 E. Yam- Mil. FOR SALE 2x84 wide track Mandt wagon, good as new. Address Thos. Harrison, uervais, ur. I HEAVY horses for sale or will ex- ehange for real estate in Piedmont or Kerton additions. X-503. Journal. GOOD work team, for sale, also wagon, harness, tools. Hazelwild station, cor- lier 40th ave. and 70th st. v SADDLE ponl -tor rnt4-cor. of E. 12th and BtarK. Kast 54o. TWO K'ood gentle ponies for sale cheap. 451 E. Yamhill st. LIVESTOCK AND JPOULTRY 85 BUFF Leghorns of quality; eggs from two pens; mated with birds that scored 91 of 96 points; get your or der in now. 1544 wabash. Phone Wood lawn 1172. FRESH 4 days' 5 sraL cow, Durham; 100 high grade Angora goats, burro, buggy, harness and saddle. Chas. G. James, Hazelwild, Mt. Soott car.. THOROUGHBRED Burred Rock egi?s, Thompson's Ringlet strain; rates per hundred. Sellwood 1335. WANTED Setting hens; will pay cash or trade settings. R. Green, phone Tabor soft. HEN 3 with little chicks; eggs from high scoring, stock, anv breed, n. Green, 276 SBth. near Clay. Tabor 805. IF YtfU want to uuy or sell dairy rows, see Mokel-Bruce Co.. at stock- yardf. Woodlawn 2400. TWO fresh cows, 1 extra fine Jersey, 4 gallons per day. extra fine. 998 E. Yam Mil'. TWO fine fresh, 4 pal. cows, 850 each. 2 2 1 S. Main at, Lents. :;- HK'.H floss" 'Silver Lnced Wyandotte gc? SI. SO setting. 1062 E. 0th st N. KtfGS rn. White Wyandottes. hoavy lav $1.50 for 16. Phone East 6709. J GOOD fresh cows at 709 Harold st. Sellwood car. Phone Sell wood 1171. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 03 PUPPY for sale, ' 8 "months ; old. 227 Ollsan st. Call hOll S.lLE MISCELLANEOUS 19 NEW and second hand pool and Ml'lard tables bought and sold on easy terms; . bowling alleys, refrigerators for imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co.. 46 6th st RECEIVER'S " SALE. We are1 selling stock and fixtures of the Northrup Sturgls Co., No. 41 Front st. Come and see the bargains. Main 129 for information. s' SAFES New and 2d hand; low prices; ' - easy terms; safes opened, repaired and nainted. Purcell Safe Oo. end Portland - S fe-f?oy 6 - t h-str- M a rm -A4H r 7 NEW counters, various lengths, 1 new secretary dosk, shelving, cases, etc. Call 407 E., Morrison 1 or, phone East 914. B-8P64. LARGE, 846 nhonogrsph. with larsre horn and crfine;-40 new records; all- ror til. u-4. journal. . , APARTMENTS FOR SALE &USCELLAKEOCS 19 For Sale" A ' com Diets ' garage equipment, new machinery, a 16x10 American quick change lathe with -Westcott chuck and tools, a small foot power lathe, a 20 inch drill press, back reared, a 6 h. p. -electrle motor, bench, emery grinder and counter, anait, Deiting, puueys,. nangers and shafting, forge, anvils, vise, vulcan- izervamainoois. supplies. Bowser xaso? nne pump ana tanu and other articn au or any part of them at a bargain. ., uoumbia Auto Co, v ; Union Ave. & Weidler Sts. 60 SLIGHTLY used sewing machines at verv lo-v nricen. Rlnarr. Whlflr & Wilson, Milte, New Home. Domestlo and others.,, Machines rented by week arid-month; all makes ,of machines re paired and work guaranteed. , Singer Sewing Machine Store, S. S. Blgel, agent, 235 Morrison st' Maln 2183, A-4599. MY 85 H. P. J. S. Munday hoisting en Sflne with sew Pickering throttle, gov ernor and lubricator, tor $250.. In ex cellent condition! no holler. ' AITTnder. dahl, room A, Lumber Ex. j&ldg. ' Phone Main ooxo. : ,..,,..,. 000 Yellow " Newtown Ploum trees years old, for sale at. a bargain. 813 K. 23rd St. J.. C-2629. - FOR SALE One logging engine, 9xil Willamette, with blocks and lines. 8- 605.Journal.l ' FOR SALE One gas heater, lawn mow er, garaen xoois, cnina closet, 4 Kitcnen tables, etc 1099 E. Yamhill st FOR SALE -Essential . furniture o? lower floor of residence; rent cheap; walking dtstanoe. Phone Main 6511. FURNITURE Jfor sale at your own price if taken at once. 1401 B. Gll- san st. Tabor 642. " HOUSEBOAT 12x20, rooms, sacrifice. tniti Morrison, room FOR BALE A hew 1911 4 horsepower motorcycle, cneap. z a. zvin st o. FOR KALF 12 h. p. gas engine. 104 a . toil, xr uvia, j i A n iom - . MISSION, folding organ for sale. 4!1 n t i i m.... r baa, ' jwarnri at., x iiune jviuin euu. SHOWCASE, fixtures, store- fittings, new. 2d hand. 112 Everett, M. 7617. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED People of Portland to know I pay the nighest casb price for second hand household goods. , N. i4. Seater, 143 Russell East 1562. IF YOU want the riO"t money yesr j.r nlture will bring, save time, call East 47S2. S68 Hawthcrne. Meier Furniture Co. ' BE WlbE; get mere for your second hand turnfture by selling it to Ford Auction Co.. !11 1st. Main 8961, A-2446. KA8T BILisl auction Jobbers want 2d nand rurnlture. hlgttst price r-4ld. 94 Grand ave., E. 10S1. WANTED To buy second hand ' band organ and roller skates; state condi- tion and prices. M-20. Journal. WANTED To buy second hand fufni ture at Furniture Exchange, MHISBM ave, and Mt Scott cariine. BHEPARD Furniture Co"gives most for used rurnlture. etc. K. 4X. zs& urana. WAiSTED- 2d hand furniture. East 8134. 34 Hawthorn ave, Seater & Martin. Fp3 SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 SECOND "HAND CARS " STEARNS, 1909 model, 7 passen ger, 4 cylinder, 60 H. P. Equip ment: Top; glass front, speedo meter, gas tank, demountable rims. 1 extra casing 8508 1910 6-PASSENGER Chalmers 30 H. P.. ful' equipped 1250 PEERLESS, 1909 model, 7 psssen- fen. Equipment: Top, glass ront, Warner speedometer, gaa tank 2500 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder, 5 passen- ?er. Equipment: Top, glass ront, Stewart speedometer .... 450 PIERCE. 1910 model, 6 passenger, 86 H. P.. 6 cylinder. Equipment: Top. windshield, Stewart speed- omoter. clock, seat covers 8500 PIERCE, 7 passenger, 1906 model, first class condition. 800 REO, 2 cylinder, 5 passenger, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer 450 REO, 2 cylinder, 6 passenger, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer 400 OLDSMOBILE, 4 cylinder, equipped with top and glass front 600 BUICK, 2 cylinder, equipped with top, windshield, Stewart speed ometer . . . 460 STUDEBAKER, 1910, 7 passenger, equipped with top, glass front, Stewart speedometer and clock.. 2000 THESE CARS HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH US BY OWNERS TO BE SOLD, THEY HAVING PURCHASED 1911 PIERCE ARROW AND CADILLAC CARS. Covey Motor Car Co, Main (1470. 7th and Couch Sts. FOR SALE Stanley steamer 6 passenger touring car, that will climb the mountains, the only car for this county; 20 horsepower steam, equal to 70 horsepower gasoline. Car equipped with top, clock, speedometer, bumper, whistle, searchlights, oil 'lights. Car looks like new, run very little. Guaran teed in every respect. Car cost 2,100. Rather than to ship back to Minneapolis, will take $l,000-cash; no trade. Will leave Monday evening. Let mo demon strate the car, W. F. Pagel, phone Main 7162. Car at Studebaker garage. MAKE HUT MACHINE O" YOURS NEW AGAIN Every machine painted by us is backed by 22 yeara afpractical factot y ex perience, insuring high-class mechani cal skill, classical work, best materials and personal supervision, even to the smallest detail. Come and see our work you'll be nleased. THE W. FLEET WATER AUTOMO BILE PAINT COMPANY. , 64 Union ave., corner East Davis st. 1910 MAXWELL eaulDDed. motor 4 runabout. fully cylinder, 22 H. P., cost i00. Price 8675. 1915 Bulck 4 passenger surrey, fully equipped. 4 cylinder, 20 H. P. 37o0. 1910 Cadillac, toy tonneau. like new, top and gas lamps. 2135U. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO., 331 Everett. Main 1649. HAVE customers tor 2 Chalmers-De- troits, 2 Maxwell runabouts, 1 Stev ens Duryea, 2 Cadillacs, 1 Peerless, 1 Buick, f Ford and 1 Packard. Cars called for and delivered. Free storage, free demonstration. For quick results, tell us your wants. Address H. M'MILLAN. Sales Mgr. 64 Union ave.. cor. E. Davis street THOMAS FLYER, first-class condition. Fullv equipped with new tires. For exchange for Portland property or equity In home or acreage. R-504, Journal. ., ' ' , VULCANIZING. " Wanted All owners and drivers to have vulcanizing and retreading done by Chas. S. Elton, 435 Stark. Marshall S79. A-3646. HaITE: your auto overhauled by iV thn Central Garage & Auto Co.. 212 Front o., 212 : st.,- near Taylor; we guarantee to make" your old oar run like new; prices rea sonable. J WIfl WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADE YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR REAL ES TATE. SEE US FIRST. FLETCHER & McANTIRE, 306-4 Board of Trade. Phones Main 8325. A-1018. ' AUTOS bought and sold. Write for our bargain list; wo are sure to have the car you Want. Custom House Auto Co.. 331 Everett. Main 1649. 1910 STUDEBAKER GaTford 7 passen ger touring car. fully equipped, guar a n teed good as new, cost 35000. Price 82?00. V-605. Journal. 40 H. P. 7 passenger Studebaker, a bar gain for quick sale. , Cash and terms. Main 8325, A-1018. " FIVE passenger - auto, dirt cheap for quicK saie. ouu. sub jttoara or Trade bldg. LOT and 4 room hounfe, clear of inrfum- tiraiice, wiitwtt.trtrndr'f or' goog runabout, V-S04. Journal; 1310 HUPMOBILE, nearly new,'; bargain tor qulck.'wU; If not sold this week Will shin. Phones Main 8325 or A-1018. NEW 'and second . hand , darn of aU '.S'nd" tor "al trine. Call East (22, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 WILL SELL OR TRADE A" TWO CTL . 1NDER BUICK, IN 'FIRST-CLASS CONDITION; WILL TRADE FOR CITY. PROPERTY. ' MAIN 4892, A-1137. 216 SPALDING BLDG. " ' OLD auto tires 6o per lb delivered. In ner tubes -I8cper - lb. We " also-buy copper, brass, aluminum, cast iron and solid tires. X Leve, 186 Columbia st Main 6198. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 ROBINSON, expert violin maker; vlo- iuib LiuuKni ana buiu. in nuncci p:og. DOUBLE and single Victor phonograph rettords for sale. Inquire 212 Madison. LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED To borrow 83000. , 8 ,or 4 years; will pay 8 per cent; money wanted for building purposes. 192 Grover St., Portland, Or. Phone Mar- snail i4i. . v. uisen. WE can invest your money at good rates of interest OUt-edge securities. First mortgages. Long-terra Investments. Provident ' Investment" & Trustee Co.; , aoi-203 Boarq or Trade mag WILL pay -8 per cent for 8400 on 81100 - house and lot, Bonus 825. .605 Yeon $1000- WANTED on home and lot worth 82500, apply at 499 Riggen St., Wood lawn. ' i WANTED 81500. 7 per eent on 8 room modern house and 8 lots, east side. Value 83500. W-607.Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 Borrow Money from the Salary Loan Bank ' No security. Everything confidential. Lowest rates in the city. State Security Co. 808 Falling Bldg. Third and Washington Sta. " MONEY FOR EVERYBODY Do you need money today? If so, come to me and I will help you out I ad vance money immediately and strictly confidentially on furniture, pianos, au tos and other securities. Reasonable rates of interest M. Maiden, 603-04 Swetland bldg. . v Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano" or real estate. Lowest rate of interest See me first J. E. Nichols . 616 Yeon bldg. Quick loans on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life insur ance policies, livestock, real estate, etc. U. S. Real Estate ft Brokerage i Co.. 819 Hamilton bldg. Main 9064. 6 MONEY loaned in amounts from 810 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, J ilanos or any personal property; week y or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Gray & Cunptngham, room 201 Rcthchlld bldg.. 88714 Washington St.. between 4th and 6th sts. MONK If advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rstea easiest payments; offices in 68 princi pal cities; save money uy gstting our terms. Tolman, 217 Lumber Exchange. TCOR CREDIT Is sjood at the Employee' Loan Co. Abington. 10. V- 2d st 821 Money to Loan ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. PALACE, 82S WASHINGTON. . MORTGAGE loans dfi real estate, low- est rates. Mortgages and contracts bought. Oowllshaw, 515 Commercial Block. Phone Main 6777. MONEY to loan, lare-e loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surante. W. Q. Beck. 312 Failing. 6100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenrie ft Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. LOWEST RATES; loans on any securi ties, chattels or roal estate. Union Loan Co.. 86 Lafayette bid.. 6th ft Wash. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN. Portland and suburban real estate. Ask Mr. Eastmi, 827 Board of Trade. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent Good nough & Seltz. 210 Spauldlng bldg. 84000 or part to loan on Improved city property. East 20fi3. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent, city and farm property. 205 Couch bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. WILL loan 880,000 or less real estate. Famngton. 4is commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 & 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 238 8TARK ST. SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL, F. A. .Newton. 615 Henry bldg. MONEY to loai. on Improved real estate, I. L. White, 701 Selling bldg. QUICK loans on ill securities. B. W. Kins. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6109. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 8d st, near Alder. WE loaii money on good security, no publicity. 902 Swetland bldg. NOTICES 20 REDEMPTION of bonds of the Oregon Consistory - No. 1, Portland, Oregon, dated April 1. 1902. The following numbered bonds of the above issue have been drawn in con formity with Article X of the mortgage executed to the undersigned, dated April .1, 1902, securing said bonds, and will be paid h" the Security Savings and Trust company, Portland, Oregon, on April 1, 1911, on smrenderoX the bonds. Interest will cease 10 accrue on and after that date. Nos. 1 138 318 454 7 142 339 471 11 176 365 472 15 180 873 487 19 226 391 494 22 242 395 497 23 246 396 603 35 258 399 611 60 260 .- 411 526 68 282 412 530 74 285 429 102 298 443 103 302 461 314 security savings and trust COMPANY, Trustee. By R. G. JUBITZ. Secretary. SEALED bkia will be received at the office of the county clerk of Multno mah county,- Portland, until Friday, April 14, 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the construction of the West Portland bridge. Each bid to' conform to the plana and specifications on file in the office of county clerk of Multnomah county, Port land, and bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the county judge of Multnomah county, for 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. to be for feited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or rpfusr-s to enter into a contract for the faithful performance of said work in the event the contract is awarded to him,. The- right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. F. S, FIELDS, County. Clerk. NOTICE is hereby given that I will not be responsible for bills contracted In my name by anyone other than myself personally. Geo. O. Elsea, 170 Park st. Dated March 28. 1911. LOST AND FOUND 21 FRENCH and willow plurr.s, stoles and boas, -dyed any nhade, cleaned and curled;-willows made and retied, faded plumes recolored; work guaranteed. Mra,JHartneB8, 271 Taylor. A-7332. LOST Lady's Hampden watch with fob. Tuesday morning on Hawthorne ave. between Grand and Front st. Re- wara ror return to Ellers music house. LOST Monday evening, lady's small black purse containing $85.31 in money. . Reward, phone Main 6450 or A-113i, - !PSUND Repairer ef furniture 'atyourT iiuiim. jo jrema in rortiana. Kast 5609. A PLACE to have your domes steam or dry cleaned, 24 lixs. notice. College FoT?ND, amateurs bring your workRose City Phcto gtudlo, 66 6th, 2d floor, , V 22 DP. ALICD A. unlFF. " Diseases of women and children clustvely. Women are often saved se vere surgical operations br .consulting me. Nervous - diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones. Main 8928, A-6607. Office room.:. 10, Grand Thwura tidg. Washington and Park- v ,MEN CURED QUICKLY - Modern electrio treatment for dis eases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases. W. I. Howard, M. D 304-6 Rotbchlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. . bR. T. J. PIERCE. 245 V, Morrison sti, cures rheumatism, nervous debility, paralysis, indigestion, constipation and chronic diseases of the stomach, kid ney s and bladder. Call or write. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND, . Diseases of women and surgery; con sultation free. Phones A-2 411. Main 4047, Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and wasnington sts.r ' DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures a lseases of men : blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers,' swollen glands, kid ney, oladder and piles. , 181 First.. Port land. ' DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. . Has removed to 609-10-11 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington sts. Phone A-2411, Main 4047. OCCULT, new thought, scientific and 'school books haucrht and sold. Send PERSONAL lJrLT? Jl"1I0Ku. Jn" B99JiMiJtton ave. Phone Woodlawn 268"8, BOOK of Nature,. Fannv Hill. Mabel Gray, Fatal Passion, Decameron, Be hind Footlights. 60c each. Catalogue free. Schmale Book Co.. 229 1st. LEGAL advice upon "all business mat- ters, evidence secured in all personal matters, charges reasonable, Box 291, Portland, Or. RELIABLE spiritual advisor, cards and palmistry taught. Free meetings on Thursday at 7:80 p. m. 302 Alisky bldg. in Annex, 8d and Morrison. LORBNZ Nerve Tonlo Tablets restore lost vitality. 25a box, 6 boxes 81.25. Bupe-iayior urug co., zgg Morrison, MISS MORRIS, 422 Mi Washington st, Room 14. 1st floor. Manicuring, scalp treatment MRS. SOPHIE B. SEIP, 82. Selling Hlrsch bldg. Meeting Wednesday 8 p. m, -Main 6624. MADAME ESTELLE Magnetic healer. rename spiritual adviser. 848 Yam hill, room 2. Walk upstairs. Main 1320. flli A V. on 1 f 1 1 Ta o a aain I atr a o-a tannin jus ui.hBva baHDKiaiMj, uvaiau 1 1 1 sa, ana society aancing ana etiquette taugnt at nome. rroressor wneeian, i farx Bt. Main Z4zs HATS and trimmings for sale; remodel- in lg; tinting flowers, etc Reasonable, WaBhiiigton, near 2d; Suite 217. 227 WOMEN Use Femulds when others fail; sold and r uaranteed by the Aus plund Drug Co.. 110 N. th st. Main 9106 MATRIMONIAL iaper. many with means Mrs. BeiJ, 1815 Magnolia ave. Los Angeles. Cal WRINKLES ren.- ived, sagging correoted In 16 minutes; ,ree demonstratlona 9 Kelllng-MirKon bldg. Weo Plastlque Agcy, bALU nf fits, ranted.. lor diseases ef women. 682 Davis st Main 981ft. MISS GILSON. S51V4 Morrison, room 16, cures qanarurf ana falling hair. MANICURING, chiropody, massafte. 350 H Morrison St., rooms 14 and 15. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPHAXSKRS EVERYBODY wants positive values. consult Northwestern Appraisal Co. "Experts." 606 Board of Trade. A 1164. AUTO SUPPLIES F. R. KEENAN CO.. 190 4th St. A-432K. M-3982, Empire Auto Tires, Pope Bi cycles, Auto, tficyele and Motor sup plies, Vphicle Rubber Tires. AUTOMORILE SCHOOLB. Belmont Auto School Ths only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction. competent management and practical work. E. 23d and Morrison Take -8 or Mt Tabor car; look us un before deciding to enroll elsewhere. ASSATERB WELLS A PROEESTEL, assayers. ana lytiral chemists. 304 V, Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA asay office, laboratory and ore testing v ork. 186 Morrison. BICYCLE KEPAUtTNG S. W. BAILEY. 887 E. Wash. B-2709. Lawn mowers sharpened, locksmith. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, attorney at law. General practice; abstracts examined. Re moved to 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main S73. A-2071. CHRISTOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS, general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d st Blank book m'fg; agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see th new Eureka leaf. A -8 183. Main 183. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES TALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels bought, sold. Repairing. 138 10th. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 317 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland office, 606 Electric bldg. JAH. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of insurance, surety bonds McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING VACUUM Carpet Cleaning Co.. 868 E. Oak. Cleans carpets on flooj-. Work don promptly, guaranteed: Agts. for Vacuum carpet cleaners. E. 377. JOYCFTbrOS., Electric Cleaning WcrksT Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E, 440. B-1968, 204 E. 19th N. lONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovated; KimrHStefd. E. 960. B-2236. COAL AND WOOD DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main K77 K. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry st SEGHERS WOOD CO, 9tli and Glisan, and 18th and Vaughn; fine country alabwood sawed in stove lengths; cord wood all kinds, and r.ewly cut rallros-J tlea. Phones Main 635S. 8351. A-2415. MM-Tll PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. Main Zlbi. A-3842. Dry inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed din cure fuel; blockwood. THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. sells coal that gives satisfaction. Cheaper than wood. East 214, B-2343. 846 East An-kt-ny. FOR COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PHONE HOLGATE FUEL CO. SELLWOOD' 485. . DRY WOOD-82 pet load. Yard foot of E. Oak st. Express and general haul ing. Res. phone Tabor 190. RAIN I ER 61 abwood Co, foot Yamhill country slabwood, or short and bloc wood. Inside wood. M il 1204. A-3829. Main 1606. Homo A-1106. COOS BAY COAL CO, 191 J oumsiue ot, rnones. Main 2228. A-1276. pAclvic SLABWOOD CO. " Dry Slabwood M;7.3n66; 3709 I fnt rlrv tx,v - Nat. Fuel Co.jij Water st HlarannTl Tow. wood NEEB & fARR fcisr No. 1 dry; wood. 4 ft, sawed to order. CORD Wood delivered anywhere In city, wholesale, retail 1 ast $i, B-3iS8- STANDARD WOOD QOCord and slab wood.. .347 E. Stark. East 2316. B-1696. COAL AND WOOD v NOTICE ..nSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD. - ' GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. . ' INSIDE GREEN 8HORT. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding.:,, - The Portland Slafcwood Co. Main 8119. A-700L .Dry : Block Wood Mixed with small - wood, -14.60 - per ioaa, aeuverea anywnere in city, port land Wrecking Co. 105-107 N. 11th st Main 87,, A-S786. Yamato Wood and Coal Company, b8.?.)' l " - - n BURNSIDE FUEL CO., 126 1 I E7'7th; wholesale, retail wood; "Taiso aawea to oraer. &-iZi. w 2777. PHAI Albina Fuel Co, BLOCK uwni. 47 Aimna av. WOODKMi -AAV. WOOD Prones E. 182, C-1117. OREGON LJJMBER & FUEI7 CO Slab ana diock wooa.-.Taoor zsii. CARPET W EAVING NORTHWEST BUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 15S Union ave.. near is. Morrison. Li 1. ! I fc ' I Y - . k 1 . . Mnal-a colonial rag carpet ana rugs, isti CHINESE DOCTORS DR. Bing Choong, physician foi men and women, uuarantoea cure, iivtt Aiaer. DR. L. T. TEE & SONS, 14a Main 8464. A-8856. 1st st CHIKOPKACTIC DOCTOft DR. A. S. DOUGLASS. 838 Union ave. N. Phone East 6241. Consultation and examination free. CHIROPODISTS CORNS, bunions, callouses. Ingrown and club nails successfully cured by grad uate manicurist and scalp specialist. 7 Kaieign Dicig. CHtROPOCY. manicuring, scalp. Mra Dunton, 64f Wssh. Marshall ll.l. DR. GARTNER. Soecialist on corns and bunions. 141 1st St., Room 7. CIRCULAR LETTERS "PROMPTNESS and dispatch." Com, Letter Co, A-4666. Crain COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Plnckney White. Mala 6074. A-70ZS. CLOTHES WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes ana snoes. zvis Front Main suz. COLLECTION9 YOUR ewn collector: published and sold by the Commercial Underwriters: sys- tern by wnicn you maae your own coi- ai 4- wne 4 x am rf gtm in laalnnii a. I tra expense whatsoever. For informs- tlon call or write the commercial un derwriters. 301 Worcester bldg. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. 1T Aiisay a-7317: m. 4 ill. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER FOR cement work, plastering, brick ork, excavating, call on G. C Olson, aiarsnaii 1441; 192 Grovsr st WILLIAM FI8HBECK. carpenter and builder, jobbing and contracting. 204 4th. Main 6241. LYNOTT & WILLIAMSON, grading contractors. 605 Swetland bldg. M. F916. A-8027. 3- J?V(RT?N' 148 . lBt'J 7:h,lt.e,c,t-b,u,,1??I- Estimates furnished. M. 1817, A-1817. UNITED Eng. ft Construction Co., engl- neers and contractors. 711 Lewis. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, tractor. 414 Wells-Fargo general con- )ldg. M. 680. J. HYLAND, 212 Columbia. M. 9016. A- 4020. Carpenter and general Jobbing. CONSULTING ENGINEERS C. S. GOLDBERG ft CO., 812 Couch bldg. Machine designs, patent devices.- en gine and boiler installations, concrete warehouses, freight elevators ana con veyors. Marshall 3028. DANCING MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. Class and social dance, 109 2d st. Monday evenings, 8 to 12; same, Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison, Saturday even ings. 8 to 11. Fancy stage and social dancing dally in both schools. Walts and twostep guaranteed in four lessons. LESSONS 25c, 4 lessons 81; waltz, three step, two step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and evening. i'ror. wai wusons tscnooi, oiaest oniy recognised academy for correct dancing. 386 . VVasn. st., Det. W. JKarK and lOtn. DOG AND HOKHir HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. S;, of 2844 st st I M. 4086. HOSp. 8 E. IZtn. rj. 644a DEMISE ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work Is impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework; we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Alveolar Dental Co, Ab- ington biflg.. iubMi ara st CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. 323 hi Washington, cor. 6th. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency, 421-423 Board of Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 372. . DRAFTSMAN DRAFTSMAN. W. Andrew Clarke. Machines and patents designed. 735 Chamber of Com merce nicig., Main se. A-at3i. ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sale. Puclfio Elec- trie Engineering Co.. 213 Jd st FOOT SPEClAaJST DR. C. W. HEVLAND, 17 Healy bldg. Grad. Chiropodist. Grand and E. Morrison FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy, sell, exchange and pay best nrlces for second nand furniture stoves, ranges, etc. Hartzell Furn. Co, 310 8. 1st. Phone Marshall 2676. S. J. Donaldson, 2513 1st st. Main 860, ET our prices on painting, paper- buys 2nd hand furniture and stoves. Ing. tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 172 1st 1 1 ,, - 1 FOR satisfactory painting, tinting and GLAlIiNU paper hanging, phono East 1356, UNITi-J .iASS ft GLAZING CO. All PJtlE" kinds glass work.. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. ,'.Mi,.., PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory urT -Sru' -L . - and office. 24th and York. Main 3489. FOR Perfection stationary and marine gasoline engines and air pressure water systems, can or write w. fci. wil kinson & 1st st, Portland. Also l?:?li.a?S 5 Til ngine" b0U8hMPLUMBlNa, bating, etc Robert Gil- 6'1'A'l'luMAni-. ana aianue, elaocrie equipments; launebva. aocessorlea wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co, J'4 Morrison. HAIR GOODS FEBVET ft HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; itnesi stocH or iiuman nair gooas; nalr dressing, manicuring, face and scalp ireauueuia, m iui, near Morrison. Fhone M-64B. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, 803 Kotncni.a oiag. rnone Main 70S HORSESHOEING DE NIKE. : 83 H Front St., makes a specialty of driving horses: 2o vmn' tyuwui-f in w jut a vujr. . REAL ESTATE It All A Baker, D. M., City, Farm Property...;.. 308 Bron-8tc!t CoaipB7 ,,,,,,,,..,..,,.,,,,. bru baker k nedU't Burtenshaw Bushier......... ........ UMpin ueriow.... t kiz tiimrr or Comaiarce... Main Cook A Co., B. B.. ......... .i... ...... ......tul Coxlwtt Bide. .Mala 95,:. a-xm'I Kmpp 4 M-kr......... ....1 Chamber of Coiemree....Mi:a anil A-2m4 Orfon Beal EUte Co., Ibe O-ird A. n1 Moltaomoh....taat 87. C-I7"i , SLIeldi. J. H... ....... J4V QgrMngct . Bldx.-. ..... ...... --..MalaU.e - Thompson. M. g.- Co. ...... HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren. evators in the city, 64-66 3d st. ground Qf aiUI I IU kl . - . W-WV otm. - .. floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the factory at half price. HOUSE MOVING C. PENDERS, house moving and rais ing, 674 Front st. Main -INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates ft Lively. 818 Fall- ing Oiag. luery iorm insurance, uonoi, LADIES' TAILORING A PERFECTLY fitting stylish garment Is much admired by everybody, buns to your measure, 830 up. J. M. Ehrtieh. Co., Iadles TailorSr-Htn-and-Oalt-Phoei nix bldg. 1 LAWN MOWERS LAWN mowers ground by expert. Nat- urai Born onnaer. zii b. otn. LAUNDRY SEE Lea Chinese. 200 Mill, washing and ironing carefully gone. A-ua. LANDSCAPE GARDENER O. BRENNEKE Landscape Gardener; roses, standard varieties, shrubbery, fruit trees, pruniag and spraying prop- rly done. fricH reasonaoie. kii uenver ave. car. Woodlawn 1935. St Johns LAWYERS. FRED W. BRONN. LAWYER. 1014 Ch. of Com. Phone Main 8199. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front ' Leather of every description: Up Soanufactiirers. findings. LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library. 186 6th. fcet. Taylor and ramhUl. hooks so per pay. MACIIINERT a TRENKMAN ft CO. Hydrnulio and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th MINING AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Ltd.. Send fer our pooaiet. ttv mm. - ,, - . . . in- MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT C. HOLMSTROM. nerve, rheumatio. M- gestlve disorders. 30Z-I oregonian niag MUSICAL DEALERS i SEIBERLING-LUCA8 MUSIC CO, 114 3d; complete line musical mass. rae catalogue Buescher band instruments. M JLTIGKAPHINa MULTIGRA PHING, ehorthand, type writing. M. 756. 413 Bucnanan mag. MUSIC TEACHERS E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pup9 Bevoik. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar.1629. pitoTrT&HLAW80N. 185 14th st Phone Main 5197. Piano lessons 60o. OSTRICH PLUMES Ostrich Plume Co. T, arrest stock in willows and French nlumes: willows made, dyed, cleaned. curled to satisfaction. 803 Washington. MADAM GILBERT, 803 WASH INGTON ST.. ROOM 25. DYEING, OSTRICH PLUMES, BOAS, ETC. WORK GUARANTEED. M. 4984. BBS. M. 4448. OI-TICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO.. 826 H Washing ton st. Eyes examined, f ree aavice. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. W. W, Christie Oateonath. chronic nervous diseases. 814-5 Macleay bldg. Main 6172. A-4880. pr. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe- ciallst on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fer ton bldg. Main Hit DR. SMITH, graduate Klrkvllie. Me, 1898: post graduate 1907. 1123 Sell- IngblOg. DR. L. it ROWLAND, general praotl tloner, 802 Fleldner bldg. DRS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general nraetltioners. 409 Oresonlan bldg. bltKATHRYN RUETER. specialist women 4 children. 802 Kliedner bldg. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F E. BEACH ft CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. 136 1st Main 1834. A-704J. RASMI.'SSKN & CO.. "Hla-h Standard pamtr:Tir rarrzfl frraTKrrT-M--Atf7lTi- PATENTS U. 8. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN 839 Chamber of Commerce Building. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attor-ney-at-Law, latt U. S. Patent Office; book free. 7)9 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. U. S. and forelirn Pat ents: Infringement oases S04 Deaura. PIANO TUNING J. T. O'ROURKE, expert piano tuning, guaranteed. 322 14th St. Main 5608. PAINTING AND PAPERING T. J. WILSON. 187 Madison, M. 1437; painting, paperlianglng. sings; get prices WEST & MAGUIRE. contracting paint ers, naperhanging, tinting. Estimates. Main 6612: A-2612. FOR best wurk, prices right, call P. A Doane, 104 Union. Both phones. PLUMBING AND HEATING M. FRIEDMAN. 852 1st. plumbing, gas Tiiiinir n un u r Ea. kmiditv iiesiti v uiiiih. Ian. 166 10th. Both phones. PRINTING WELCH PKlNTinGCO. .-' "Doers tt clever things with type sad Ink on paper." 141H 1st MANN A-1044. '& BEACH, 92 1st M. .444. Commercial and color printing, C. F. HARRIS & CO., printers. Main 4644. 245H Morrison, net. .2d and 3d, HARNDEN & CO, 123 let at, com mercial printing, m. 18, a-7517, KOOi ILV-i',VI-l 1 HtL REPA I RING (TIN rooving, repairing, painting ana joh. mng. tsii Ag noiser. ;u jerr. m. 143, RLUBEH STAMPS AND SEALS sTirNni.a and office Riatloiierr' r.m. ... ningnam' to, zai siiara : main 1401. DIRECTODY 4DDHKB8 Ti.tKTMON-- Corbett Bldg A-4492. Mala 7491 Orotjnd floor tewls JBlCl ...Main iwl-l-Wl Ju2 McKay Bills. .................... Mla i.S - Hawthorne and E. 49th. Tabor 1741 Btnry BMi.. 4lh-0k. M. 804. A-ISW SHINGLES (ssBaasafpafSMHS. BEST In Portland. See them, io Wnshiagton St. - 8. E. Gilbert . ' SAFES ' THE Mosler Safe Co., 101 2d st Safe ' at factory prices; repairs; lockouts . "f""". can-yams in secona nana seres . JOHN E. DAVIS, safes. ,safs counset e, qui to. paiBTiu nuwi, mono ft. 9 La SANATORIUM HILIVS SANATORIUM, 59S Front. Main 451. Guaranteed cure for .Rheumatism. SHOWCASES AND - FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description: bank, bar and Store fixtures made te order. The Lutke Mfr. Co. THE JAME& X MARSHALL MFO. CO.r new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. R. H. BIRDSELL. HAMILTON BLDCk Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery, galea agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTEU ft RXEISER Signs; the larg. est sign makers in the -northwest, B, 7th and E. Everett Stsv Phones. Uast 1111, Horns B-2284. RANN SIGN CO., quality and service. 389 E. Alder st East 6303. -8ION8 THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Main 1598. KONRAD PEDERSEN, Commercial Sign Painter. 248 Pine. Marshall 811. A-6680 STATIONERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES PIONEER STATIONERY CO, Buchanan bldg.; best typewriting papers. M. 766. STENOGRAPHERS, COURT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Ass's. 404-401 Abington. M. 6037. A-6338. Depositions. TAILORING SCHOOL KTESTER'S Ladies' Tailoring college, - learn dressmaking, tailoring. 148H lit th. TA1X)RINQ GET your suit made by T. ROSINSKX Tailor, 489 Washington st Stylish, and honest made, at reasonable prices. ALFRED OGILBEE, 810 Labbe bldg, 2d and Washington. Suits to order. GUS SEAQUIST. tailor and draper; ex elusive patterns. 245 Washington st TAXIDERMIST F. B. FINLEY, taxidermist and fmnrlef glass eyes. 849 Columbia. . TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. , J .Transfer and forwarding acantab - Storage: free trackage. . Offloe, 810 Hoyt at, bet 6th and (Rtt, Phonea: Main 69; A-116f fl PORTLAND Van Storage Co, oor. 13U"' and Everett sts., just opened, newest,, most modem atorage warehouse In Sityj ' . every convenience for safe and propel1 handling of goods; lowest insurance rate in nothwest; free trackage, vans Tot moving. Main or A-1624. C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co-, of flee and commodious 4 story prlolc warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables: north west corners- za and Fine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed fer , ghlpment Mala 698; -1994. BAKER & SHELDON, Packers of furnl ture, bric-a-brao and works of art; re- fiairlng, finishing and upholstering neat- . y done. Shop N. W. cor. 14th and Oll san sts. Fhone Main 899. O. F. HUSSEY Transfer Co, 870 Alder. Piano and furniture moving. M. 2178, FURNITURE, trunk moving. City Hall Transfer CO. M. 7089, A-47Z4. 266 6th. W. M. Johnson,. 23 Union av.t Res. Tabot . fiano, rum, moving, b-zubu. e. 4441. TOWEL SUPPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brash, soap. Towei ouppiy uo, stn ana toucn sts. i per montn. Portland Jba unary m Pbons Main 410, A-4410. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. . Cun ningham co, zsi stark. Mam 147. RENT a typewriter from the Oliver T xrr saw" I ffi i ttanAi Ittl intrftnw . at Phones: Main 6278, A-I435. VETERINARIAN DR. L. P. DILLON. Hawthorne Arena Btables. East 72. 597. B-1869. WALL PAPER AND TINTING M CLINTOCK ft GROOCOCK, Inc., 189 tn. Main sibs. Timing, painting, wallpaper, paints, oils and varnishes. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVI ELL, produca-and- commission merchants. 140 Front at. ruriinna,. Kjr. rnone Main 11. M. A. GUN6T ft CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR WADHAMS & CO, wholesale grocers," manufacturers and coffee roastera 4ta , and Oak sts. MORGAN WALL PAPEU CO., 230 ' 3d st, oetween ssaimon antf Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GHK'ERIKS. WELL DRILLING DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea sonable. Call Mam 1846 cr write ?. West 3 S2 Morrison st !9 TRANSPORTATION Open River Transportation Co. ; SIR. J. N. TEAL Freight noeiveS dally al Oak St. Dock for tvilks ' The Dalle.. Hm'd K.r, White Suhuon, Uii(lirw(Kiil, - I!mutin, (.'u.,n-u,l,.l. ' fp, lilcUland.' Haudforil. Vhlt. Bluff , unit .a intermedial. ervlc. Steamer lenm tVrtland, Sliti,. 'luei,.' 'Itun. 7 . u. KeturiiluB lenvc. lhe It.ill..' Mon, Wed, Vtl. T a. m, Irrivinjt Bt Portlaad -HtHiiit 5 li. ill. .time diiv. A. 6. Wltlting, a;at. ' W, 8. Smallwoed, Oeo'l Manacer. I'honc ll.l . 2iMV). A-3527, ' . - COOS BAY UINI Btr. Breakwater sails from Alaska duck, PortlanoV-, t - p. v- m. every Tuesday night Freight , received at Alaske dock until 6 p. ni daily. Pas senger fare' 1st class, 810; id clatts. 87, Including meals and bertha Ticket on sale at Alnswortb dock. Phones Main t(8. A-12S4. , lu Ptenclsco ft rvnianf Steamship Co, New service to Los Angeles . via Sua . Francisco every five days. From Alnsworth dock. Portland 9 a., m r S3. Bear April 3. Sose City 8, Bsav.r 13. From San Francisco, northbound. II m.i SS. Bote City April 1, Beaver o. Bear H," f rom Ban I'earo, nortnruno, i. m.i 83. Beaver April 4, Bear April 9. K. O. Smith' C. T. A., 143 TSUd f-X 3, W. Bansom, Agent. Alnswortb IVOiik, Phones! Mtfn 403, gfil A-14oa, m . f ANjrRANriSCO, LO4 ANCFfJ-l "AND "SAX 'DUAiO Lii.;.!,i sfowrs vacxtio h. n. en. B. 0. KUAJiOKX and B. 8. tia J. Sf" Kverv Wednesday, aJtrnauiiy, st . Pi. ticket office 13a 1 him, (l,ir a. hones ialn 1114, A-1SI4 MARTIN J. HIOLF. t. f At ' YT. IL bLUSBsJ. re.ji.t - t