THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1811. ID 43 2511 12THSI FIVE MINUTES WALK FROM , - , POSTOFFICE. . . i S room apartments," furnished or un furnished, all outside rooms, the best apartments in city for summer months. Private porches, disappearing and wall beds, bulltln buffets: automatic; elec tric elevator, steam heat, hot- and cold water, private baths and party; line tel ephones in every apartment, electric shutes for groceries, garbage, eta, Jan itor services. In fact everything fur nished except yotfr own nrlvate .light and gas. Phone Janitor. - Marshall, ?640 or A-4688. - . - - - ' : STORES AND OFFICES Jit LA RGB place, 10x1717 on Front between Main and Madison; Just the place for machine, blacksmith, bollar, shf or seed store .STORE fur rent. ;ood location for gro cery dry goods or drug store; also 7 nice living rooms above; - will rent to gether cr separately. Cor.-Fremont and Mississippi ate..; Iauti A. JR. feller, 993 Winlams Ye. East. 4467. Reasonable rent ' ' I FOR RENT. 344-310 Front at. long lease, near Madison st bridge. J. Simon Bra ilALF.of new three story brick, .10x100; piata glass rront, itn ana MilUble for light jobbing, manufectur ing or retail; divide space o eu tit bp tanantB! Ian Ihm. ''A. O. Long. WILL share office and phone with rig til cartv: nleasant. outside office Ir nleasant rent pi Phone Main 991. e HOTELS 64 HOTEL PORTLAND HSuroaran plae win li. IB day. : YHCLVETtimtt -EuroDean. th and Aldet. FOR RENT HALLS 59 THB Drew hall for rent any night In : the week. 163 Zd at - WANTED TO BENT 7 T ANTED Ta rent modern 8 room cot tase. close In by 10th of April, East JATARTMENTS sitmb ..mi o If MtB. VANTED to rent Nicely furnished - houseboat in good condition, k-ous, Journal. ' FOR ' RE YT MISCELLANEOUS 83 PART of old postoffice onB. Belmont st, tor rent, rnone jtaoor n. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Horses fbr Sale 12 horses, weight 1100 to 1200 lbs. t horses, weight 1750 to 1840 lbs. 10 horses, weight 1400 to 1600 lbs. 10 horser, weight 1000 to 1100 lbs. All will be sold under our guarantee. HAWTHORNE AYE. STABLES. , 420 Hawthorne Ave. WANTED Matched bay team ' about .2400 lbs.; must be young, sound and In good condition. - ROBERTS BROS.. 3d and Morrison. Vlr'ANTED lu tuy a good team oi horses, or two If price is right; or I have 20 acves of fine farming land that I Will trade for horses weighing not lens than 1401 pounds. Call me up. Phone Marshal 1441 or call at 192 Grover st. after 6 p. m. O. C. Olsen. VAN TED Small, block ranch team - iia iiurucBB, wei'iv buuui ?jj rtu: gentle, kind, true pullers and. not afraid of autos. Give full description, price and where can be seen. L. C. Soune- Tnan, Hood River, Or. "JUST off grading work, 25 bead horses ' and mares, 1000 ta 1500 lbs.; good farm horses; trial given. Prices rea sonable. Inquire Travis Bros, wood- yard, E. 8th and Hawthorne aye. ONE span of young horses and horse and buggy for sale, 60th ave. between C7th and 69th sts. Call before 9 a. m. or Silnday. Mt Scott car, Tremont sta , i . i i . . i. A . . , n:A mamV. tion. Tanor zmu, o. t. Fxister. CAR GOOD WORK HORSES JUST IN. GUARANTEED AT REASONABLE PRICES, 62D ST.' AND SANDY ROAD. TAKE ROSE CITT PARK CAR, ADAMS A CAMPBELL, llORdt'E and buggies tor rent by day. week and month; special rates to easiness bouses. th and . Hawtborna, feast 72. " ;. y.'. .- SAIJl OR TRADE Two ton goose-neck - wagons, for horses. 8523 63d st S. E., Mt Scott ear, or Sd and Columbia, week- cays. EAST SIDE exchange stable, arrived . from oast Oregon several horsea and mares,' weight and prices to suit pur ihsser. r?0 . TX wi b team. 2700 chaser. T70 East 7tn, near rtawtnorne. BJBaaaS - ASIA -- a 4- M Vl mA bay A nmindtf. A anil 7 vmph aM. The liorteM r all sound. 198 E. Tarn Lilt '1 ' 1HI FOR SALE 2x8 H wide track Mandt fongopIasewJtAil Harrison, uervais, w, . 1 HEAVY horsea for sale or will ex change for real estate in Piedmont or Kerton additions. X-508. Journal. SADDLE ponies for rent; oor. of E. 12th and Stark. East 8440. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 88 Itmr Leghorns of duality; eggs from - two nens: mated with birds that cored 31 H of 86 points; get your or der in now. lot waoaen. r-none wooa- lawn iiT3 WOULD like to have someone with in eubator to hatch some eggs for me. Ahnlv 163 First st. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs - rrom special matings, rateji per nun dred. Sellwood 1335. RVVV ORPINTON CEES, See California Bob, 360 cockerel. Murphy, Wood- stock. Sellwood 1280. - Tir YOU want to buv or - sell dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce Co.. at stock verds. Woodlawn 8400. TWO fresh cows, 1 extra fina Jersey, 4 gallons per aay, extra: xine, ts. Yamhill. it YOUNG fresh cows. 1 Jersey. 2 Jer sey Durham"? 96 E. 30th. Sunnyslda car. , WHITE Wvandotta hlhv class eaes. 81 per setting. J. viaier. . . vist ana laasalo. Montavllla. . GOOD cow for sale. Cor. 77th st and 80th ave. Firland' Station, ailQH class Silver Laced Wyandotte eras. 81.50 setting. 1068 E. 9th at. N. 340-l.GgDtle family cow, W-609.-Journal DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 63 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn eggs for setting, is tor si. Teiepnone a 2961 or call 810 East 50th st, , two diocks soutn or Hawinome ave.- PUPPY for sale, I months old. Call 827 Gllsah st i-XJR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 PAINTERS'. f alia, complete, first class; will : sell i cheap. Ptione Woodlawn ' FOR SALE One logging engine. 9xli Willamette, with blocks end lines. 8- 505. Journal. - ' ' v.--r. .OOD. tAlking. machina.aanl-l6,.ecordi ' 3.iB. - ao" Atner; st. v iFOR SALE--A new 1911 4 horsepower. motorcycle, cneap. ziv m. ztn st . FOR 8AL 1 2 It. p. gas engine. 204 IS lmn n. mast te. n-ip. . MISSION folding organ for sale,' If? Market st. : Phone Main 3004. FdR' SAIJ3--51ISCELLAXI30U8 10 T I For Sale - "r;; A comnleta garage eauipment new machinery, a 16x10 American quick change lathe with Westcott chuck and tools, a small foot power lathe, a 20 Inch drill .Dress, back Reared, a oh. p. electric motor, bench, emery grinder and counter, shaft,' belting, pulleys, hangers and shafting, forge, anvils, vise, vulcan- ner, small tools, supplies. Bowser gaso- une pump ana. tana ana oiner articn all or any part of them at a bargain.. Cloumbia Auto Co, ' Unfon Ave. & Weldler Stay 60 SLIGHTLY used sewing machlues " at verv low nricea. Slnaer. Wheeler & Wilson, White, New Home, Domestic and others. Machines rented by week and month; all makes of machines re paired ana worK guaranteed. Singer Sewing Machine Store, 8. S. Si gel, agent gi Morrison st. Main 2188,i A-4599 V . , U J. ' HVU.n.lvlu i. Ull . VCUB, epriDgs, maKresses, gas rahgre. - steel range, extension, table' chairs,- treasure, lady's desk, bath tub. tent. 10 foot counter, small cook stove for laundry, A arm Plialr A nrna . ma txr rln. i-tone, fewing' machine. 12 Union ave. MV 25 H. P, J. & Munday hoisting en gine with new Pickering throttle, gov ernor and lubricator, for $250. In ex cellent condition; no Doner, a, unaer dahl, room A, Lumber Ex. bldg. , Phone r I r A O ' . -.F . ,r ' .- --7.- . TEN used drophead tewing machines 4a V sinM 4Aa a e- 1 A ik laa 4n iw w ouiu vvuaj ai. f jiv wvtia aiov von box ,top sewing machines at f 5 each! all a-iiarantaail WhltA KAwlnff fahina aaencv. corner ' 11th and' Washington; -f Main 6102; A-1602. ' - new" and aacond hand tiool and billiard tables boua-ht and sold' on easy' terms: bowling alleys, refrigerators for4rome diate delivery. ' Address the Brunawlck- KaiKe-coiiender uo.. 4 tth st RECEIVERS SALE. rTTTT We are selling stock and fixtures of the Northrup Sturgls Co., No. 41 Front st. Come and see the bargains. Main 12 for information. easy terms; sares openea. repairea ana painted. Puree 11 Safe Co, and Portland oare co.. 85 btn st. Main 630. a-4118. TWO 6 foot showcases, 2 IS foot coun- ters. 1 Tower postcard rack. Wa move Thursday. Tho Novelty shop,, 392 waeningion. . . 7 NEW counters, various lengths, 1 new secretary desk, shelving, cases, etc. Call 407 B. Morrison or phone East 014, B-8084. , GOOD as new typewriter, Royal, for $30. Williams ave. .aet 607 or Woodlawn 467. LA ROE $46" phonograph, with large horn and crane; 40 new records; al! tor io. u-(i(, journal. 1000 Yellow Newtown Pippin trees, 2 years old, for sale at a bargain, 013 E. 23rd st N. C-2520. SHOWCASES, fixtures, store flttlnts. new, 2d hand. 811 Everett M. 7417. FOR sale- or trade, moving picture but fit. 883 11th st, City. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8 WANTED People of Portland to know mat I pay the nighest casb price for second hand housenold goods. N. M. Seater, 143 RuRPell. EssF 1612. IF YOU want the no"t money ycjr fur niture will bring, save time, call East 4732. 38 Hawthrrne. Meier Furniture Co. BE VYltE; kei more for your ueoond hand turniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st Main MM. At44S. Kao'I' HIDE auction jobbers want 24 nana turniture, higt-et price paid. 84 Grand eve.. E. 1011. WANTED To buy second hand band organ and roller skates; state condl tlon'and prices. M-20, Journal. . WANTED To buy second hand furnl 'ture at Furniture Exchange, Miltird ave. and Mt. scott canine. 8HEPARD Furnlturs Co. gives most for used Turniture, etc. E. 48. za urana. WANTED- 2d hand furniture. East 81S1. .14 Hawthorn ave. St-ater Mirtm. LACE curtains handlaundered. Work guaranteed. Phone Main 1486. FQ3 SALEAUTOMOBILES 44 SECOND HAND CARS STEARNS, 1909 model, 7. passen ger, 4 cylinder, o ri. P, Equip ment: Top,- glass front, speedo meter, gas tank, demountable rims, 1 extra casing 3509 1910 6-PASSBNGER Chalmere 30. H. P., ful'w equipped 12B0 PEERLESS, 1909 model, 7 psssen- fen. equipment; Top, glass ront, Warner speedometer, gas tank .;. 2500 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder, 5 paaen- fer. Equipment: Top, glass ront Stewart speedometer .... 450 PIERCE, 1910 model. 6 passenger, a H. P., cylinder. Equipment: Top, windshield. Stewart speed ometer, clock, seat covers...... 3500 PIERCE, 7 passenger, 1903 model,. first class condition KEO, 2 cylinder, 5 passenger, 809 equipped with top and Stewart speedometer 450 REO, 3 cylinder, ( passer. ger, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer 400 OLDSMOBILE, 4 cylinder, equipped with top and glaes front 600 BUICK. 3 cylinder, equipped with top, winasnieid, Stewart speed ometer 459 STUDEBAKER, 1910, 7 passenger. eauiDDed with ton. class rront. BtewariLspeedometer and alock. j 1000 THESE CARS HAVE BEEN LEiT WITH US BY OWNERS TO BE SOLD. THEY HAVING PURCHASED 1911 PIERCE ARROW VAN D CADILLAC CARS. Covey Motor Car Co, Main 6470. 7th and Couch Sts. FOR S A' Jib Stanley Iteamer. 5 passenger touring car, that will ' climb the mountains, the only car for this county; 20 horsepower steam, equal to 79 horsepower gasoline, car equipped with top, clock, speedometer' , bumper, whistle, searchlights, oil lights. Car looks like new, run very 'little. Guaran teed in every respect. Car cost 2,100. Rather than to ship back to Minneapolis will take $1,000 cash; no trade, Will leave Monday evening.- Let me demon strate the car. W. F. Pagel, phone Main 7162.- Car at Studebaker garage. HAVE customers for 3 Chalmers-De-trolts, 2 Maxwell runabouts, 1 - Stev ens Duryea, 2 Cadillacs, 1 Peerless, 1 Bulck. 1 Ford and 1 Packard. Can called for and delivered. - Free storage, free demonstration. For quick results, tell us your wants. Address H. MMILLAN, Bales Mgr. 54 Union ave.. cor, E. Davis street THOMAS FLYER, first-class condition. Fullv- equipped with new tires. , For exchange for Portland property - or equity in home or acreage. -. R-S04, Journal. VULCANIZING. . Wanted All .owners and drivers ta have vulcanising and retreadinar done by Chas. S. Elton, 435 8tark. Marshall 879, A-SU40 OLD auto tires 60 per lb delivered. In-' ner tunes iso per 10. we aiso ouy copper, brass, aluminum, cast iron and soud tires. j. eve, isb coiumoia st Main 8198, . ' HAVE your auto" overhauled by t.e Central Garage & Auto Co., 213 Front st, near Taylor; we guarantee to make your old, car run like new; prices rea sonabl '''-' ' - - WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR REAL ES TATE. 8EE US FIRST. ", FLETCHER & McANTIRE, 306-4 Board of Trade. Phones Main 8325. A-1018. . - v' FOR SALE OR TRADE 4 cylinder 4 passenger auto in good running or der; will consider trade on horses. 80S Ablngton. Main 4841. . v- .i AUTOS bought and sold. Write for our bargain list; we are jinre to have the perrott-nsntr-CustonT Hoose'Auto Vo" U1 V.,att , Ufa In ItiO : 40 HI P. T passenger Studebaker, a bar gain for quick sale. Cash and terms. Main 8325. A-1018. ; . NEW and second hand- care of all kinds for sale or trade. Call East 822. ..;v:.v ..; J.;,..:.:..rt..:v.,i,.v,li FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 Packard, Cars XV ntfr Inn nvnlallir mnaA huva 1 one a five passenger, the other a seven nnaanirr ParkarH : hnth are fullv equipped, fitted with demountable rlins, have been overhauled i by us and are ruaranteed. Packard .Garage, 65 N. Sd St. - " -'ci--'-,-.-. -r--- V- -- MAKE THAT MACHINE OF YOTTRS NRW ACSAIM Everv machl-n oalnted bv us Is backed by 22 years of practical factory ex perience, insuring high-class mechani cal sxui. Classical wora. nesi materials ana personal sunervigion. even to tne I smallest detail. Come and see our work I youii ce Dieaeea. - v i THE , W. ' FLEETWATER ' ATJTOMO- " BILE PAINT COMPANY. 1 54 union ave., corner Kast uavts st. 2600 eaultv In east aide lota for Maxt wen runaDout urst class conaiuon. F-606, journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I 84 RARE old Cremona violin, made by Gulsenna Guarnalms. year of . 118 7. Good reason for selling. .Will sell "for cash or trado real estate. Phone Wood. lawat 1001. ' - - ' ' ROBINSON, expert violin maker; vlo- Una bought and sold. 18 Russel bldg. LOANS WANTED SO TUT MTPn-Tn hnrrnw S Q AAA t or - 4 years will pay per cent; money wanted tor building purposes. 133 Grover St.. Portland, Or. Phone Mar- shall 1441. Q. COlsen WE can .invest your money at good rates of interest Ollt-edge securities. First mortaacea. Lona-termlnvestmants. Provident Investment & Trustee , CoH 201-108' Board or Traae mag. 1000 WANTED on home and lot worth $2600. apply at 490 Riggen St.. Wood ,u. tt "Uii.-v-.i HOME: tie cent: nrivata oartrt. E. I f01. Journal. - $1600 WANTED on home; I per cent k-604 journal.. MONEY TO LOAN 27 Borrow Money from the Salary Loan Bank " No security. Everything confidential Lowest rates in the city. State Security Co, 303 Failing Bldg. Third and Washington Sts. MONET FOR EVERYBODT Do you need money today 1 It so, coma to me and I will help you out. I ad vance money immediately and strictly confidentially on furniture, pianos, au- tos and other securities. Reasoi Reasonable rates of interest Mi Maiden, 603-04 Bwetianq biag. Will I AOn YAM Mftnou ii in lvuii ivu iviwiivi I On your furniture, piano ' or real estate, Lowest rate of Interest Bee ins xirst J, E. Nichols 61S Yeon bldg. Quick loans on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life Insur ance solicits, livestock, real estate, eta U. 8. Real Estate & Brokerage Co.. 313 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. MONEY loaned In amounts from 310 up on ail' kinds of securities, rurniture. 'pianos or any personal property; week ly or montniy payment; low rates; con. fldentiau Gray A Cunrinicham. room 201 Rcthchlld bldg., 287 H WashingtoB St.. between 4tn and otn sts. HONKf advauced salaried people, house keepers and others uion their own nameu without security; cheapest Tnes, easiest payments; offices tn 61 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms. Toiman. 17 iumner Excnaage. TOOK CREDIT Is good at the Employee Loan Co, Ablngton. lOSy. 3d st 821 Monev to Loan ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AT LOW KA l th UC J IN J. HiKlS i. . .TAJUAUEi, ZI WASHINGTON.' : MORTGAGE loans dt" real estate, low est rates. Mortgages and contracts bought. Cowllshaw, B15 Commercial Block. Phone Main 8777. MoNEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W. tfc BeoK, III Falling, 2100.000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKensie A Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. 8d and Alder. LOWEST RATES: loans on any eecurl- ties, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co . 85 Lafayette bid., 8th at Wash. $300 $300 FOR suburban mortgages; slight charge to borrower. Ward, 210 Allsity biag. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN. Portland . and suburban real estate. Ask Mr. EaHton. 827 Board of Trade. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. Good- nough & seng. mo epauiaing ping. $4000 or part to loan on Improved city property, r.asi zwo. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent city and tarm property. aut uoucn pjdg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. WILL loan 320,000 or less real estate. rarnngton, ais commercial uiub Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 & 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, ZJX STARK 8T. Salary loans confidential. F. A. Newton, 515 Henry bldg. MONEY to loaii on Improved ival estate I. L. white. 701 Belling Bldg. QUICK loanl on all securities. 8. W. XIng.45 Washlnsrton hi dir. Main Clo. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelr strictly confidential. 141Vt 3d near Alder. WE loan money on good security, no publicity. 802 Bwetiand bldg. NOTICES 20 SEALED bluo will be received at the office of the county clerk of Multno mah county. Portland, until friday construction of the West Portland brlda-e. Each bid to conform to the p'ari.4 and specifications on file in the office of county clerk of Multnomah county, Port- a certified check payable to the county judge or Muitnoman county. Tor 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. to be for feited as fixed and liquidated damages in casa the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into a contract for the faithful performance of said work In the event the contract is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. F- 8. FIELDS. ' County Clerk. LOST AND FOUND 21 WILL party finding gold belt pin; tiger head design In Meier fc Frank's 6th or Washington St.. or Woodlawn car Tues day last, please lsave at Conant Realty Co., office, Chambers Bldg., for reward. FRENCH and willow stoles and boas, dyed any shade, cleaned and curled; willows made and retted, faded plumes recolored; work guaranteed. Mrs.nartnesB, xdtt xayior. A-nsi. LOST Lady's Hampden watch, Tuesday morning, on nawtnorne or between Grand ave. ' and Front at Reward for return. Call at Filers. tX)ST Monday evening,' lady's small black purse O ontalninsr 385.31 In money. A-1131. Reward. Phone Main 64S0 or LOST Thursday afternoon, sold watch and fob on 1st, or 3d at Finder re-1 turn to 3f84 jeneraon st. cor. 3d. re ward. FOUND-r-Rpelrer of furniture at your noma. y 18 years in Portland. East ; S609. A PLACE to. have your clotnea atoam jnn .Cianerjyash pn.,18th.,A86.. FOUND amateurs bring yourwofk, Rose , vuy rnoto amnio, s etn, zd floor. PERSON ALv 22 LORENZ Nerve Tonlo Tablets restore lost vitality. 35c box. boxes 31.35. Btipe-isytor Drug Co., 289 Morrison. PERSONAL 23 Dr.' AIACit A. UnlFF Diseases of women and children ex clusively. Women are oftn saved se vere surgical ' operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital aocommoda mono. Confinements cared foie Cor solicited. No charge - for consultation, phones, Main 823. A-BS07. Ctfflce room 10, Grand Theatre fcldg Weshlnstnn and Perk. MEN CURED QUICKLY "Mbdernelectric treatment '.for -dis eases of the prostate,, nervous debility, reCtaL chronic, blood and akin diseases. W. 1., Howard. M. D 804-0 Rothchlld ;t i.T" . yrttBumivu. L A 0 I E 8 Ask your druggist ' for unieesters .mis. tne Diamond urana. For i& . years known as best, safest. Always reliable. Take i no other, chlchesters Diamond Brand PlIU are old by druggists everywhere. Dr. Marv Kramer ; - Confinement cases specialty; herbs and root medicine for all irregularities of the blood. Examination free. Phono Woodlawn-lfirS.-sei-MtseistiipptnYe. -DR. T. 3 PIERCE, 246 Morrison st, . cures rheumatism, nervous debility. paralysis, indigestion, constipation ana chronic - diseases of the stomach, kid neys and bladder. Call -or 'wrtto. ' DR. A. A. AUSFL.UND. , Diseaaes of women and surgery; 'eon sultfctlon. free, v Phones A-2411, .Main 447. Merchants ; Trust bldg., Htmttxi ITnPIIIHjlWII Bf i V& .WALKER., specialist; oulckiy cures diseases of men: blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney Bladder and plies, ill First, fori Isnd. ' - - DR. A. A. AII8PL.UND. Has removed to (09-10-11 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington sta. rnone A-Z4ii. Mam 4047. OCCULT, new thought scientific an school books bought and "sold. Send for free catalogue, Jones Book store, 284 Oak st Henry bldg. BOOK of Nature. Fanny Hill. Mabel Gray. Fatal-Passion. Decameron. Be hind Footlights. 60o each. Catalogue Tree. Bcnmaie hook ;o..-2ZV 1st. LEGAL advice upon all business mat ters. evidence secured In all personal matters, charges reasonable. Box 201, rumanu, ur. RELIABLE spiritual advisor, cards an. palmistry taught Free meetings on mursaay at cau p. m. son Ausxy Didg. in Annex, 3a ana Morrison. I MISS MORRIS, 422U Washington st, Room 14. 1st flc oor. Manicuring, scalp treatment, MRS. SOPHIE. B. SE1P. 22, Belling Hirsch bldg. Meeting Wednesday 8 in. m. Main eszi. MADAME ESTELLE Magnetic haler, reliable spiritual aaviser. 848 Yam hill, room 2. Walk upstairs. Main 1820 GRACE culture, clasBlcal stage dancing and society dancing and etiquette taught at home. Professor Wheelan, 18 .parte sr. Mam HATS and trimmings for sale; remodel ing; tinting flowers, etc. Reasonable. 227H Washington, near 2d; Suite 217. WOMEN Use Femmds when others fail- sola and t uartnteed bv the Ana. plund Drug Co.. 110 N. th st. Main 8101 .TRIMnl MATRIMONIAL paper, many with means. Mrs Bell, 1815 Magnolia ave.. Los Angeles. Cal. WRINKLES rem ivta, Bagging corrected in is minutes; xree demonstrations. I Selling-HSrgrti bldg. Neo Plawtique Agcy. bALU III 'if s. romodv Tor dlBeases ! rotnra Davis st Main 31l. MISS GILSON. 36H4 Morrison, room 16, cures- nanarurr ana ratling pair. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS EVERYBODY WHnts positive values. Consult Northwestern Appraisal Co. "Experts." 506 Board of Trade, A- 1154. AUTO SUPPLIES F. R. KEEN AN CO., 193 4th st A-4S25, JM-.1982. Empire Auto Tires,' Pope Bi cycles, Auto. Bicycle and Motor sup plies. Vehicle Ruober Tires. AUTOMOBILE BCHOOLB. Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough instruction. competent management and practical .work. t, 23d and Morrison Take 8-8 or Mt Tabor car: look na tin before deciding, to enroll elnewhere. ASSATERS WELLS PROEBSTEL. assayers. ana lytical chemists. J04K Wash. M. 7108 MONTANA asay office, laboratory end ore testing vork. 186 Morrison. BICYCLE KEPA1R7NG S. W. BAILEY, 387 E. Wash. B-2709. Lawn mowers sharpened, locksmith. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, attorney at law. General practice aostracis examined, Ke moved to 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 878. A-2071. . E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prac tice in ail courts. Abstracts exam ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71, A-2071 CHRISTOPHERaON & MATTHEWS. general practice. tiB-4i xeon Ding. BLANK ROOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 103 3d st Blank book oTt: ajcts. for Jones' Improved l)ose-Leaf ledgers; see ta new turcica lear A-31R3. Main IU. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES IlALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheel pougnt. sola. Repairing. 188 loth. BL8INE8H CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO.- Street paving, ekiewalks and cross ings. 317 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. rortmna orrice, u Kiectric Diog. JAS. Mcl. WOOD CO.. air kinds of insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING VAUUJr, 5SCPt 1 il E. Oak. Cleans carpets on floor. Work done promptly,' guaranteed, Acts. for Vacuum carpet cleaners. K. 877. JOYCE BROS., Electrio Cleaning Works. carpets cleaned ana iaid, reritting our epeclalty. E. 440. B-1963. 304 B. lth N. IONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovated ; guaranteed, e. 3o. B-223B. COAL AND WOOD Qarcoal DELIVERED : PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVHRTB, Ft Curry et. SEGHERS WOOD CO., 9th and Gil aan, and istn and vaugnn; fine country Blab wood sawed in stove lengths; cord wood all kinds, and r.ewly cut rallroaj. ties. Phones Main 6358, 8351. A-2416. FOR COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. PHONE HOLGATE . FUEL "w" fl- , . - 1 luai. uuu vr ira xoot 01 E. Oak st Express and general haul. ing. Kes. pnone iaoor ixu. RAINIER Slabwood Co., foot Yamhill; country elabwood, or short and bloc wood, inside wood. M il 1204, A-3829. Sawed wood deliv.' ered. any Quantity. Main 1606. Home A-1106 COOS BAY COAL CO,, 191 cuiniiuo ei, rnones, jaain 3Z28. A-W7.i ' v PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. Dry Slabwood 'tr$!m 4 foot dry wood. . Nat Fuel Marshall 960. NEER EAHR.6' No. 1 dry wood.- 4 ft, sawed to order. CORD wood delivered anywhnre In city, wnoieaaie. retail . vaiwt in, j-ius. 6REGON LUMBER & FUEL CO Slab and block i wood. Tabor J511. COAL AND WOOD NOTICE liSLABWOOD . GREEN! SHORT WOOD. , . , - GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. " -.', INSIDE GREEN SHORT, ' DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Skbwdod Co. : Main Sill. ('-A-7001. ' ... Dry Block Wood . - Mixed with -maH woodr$4.$0-T)er load, delivered anywhere In city. Port land Wrecking Co.. 106-107 N. lltlr st Main 17. A-8780. Yamato Wood and CoaKCompany. M'. bOtTTH PORTLAND SLAB WOOD CO. Main llbi A-3842. Dry Inside wood. green slab wood, clean sawdust for bed dinr cure fuel; blockwood. 1 THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. sells coal that gives satisfaction. Cheaper than 146-East An- wood, Ea Sast 214, B-2343. keny. URSiDl FUEL CO.. Ut E. 7th; wholesale, retail wood; "also sawed to order. E-724. B- 2777. COAL Alblna Fuel Co, lOCK fT Aioina- ave. WOODPro: AAAV WOOD STANDARD WOOD CO Cord and si a WOOCI.- 847 IS. BtarR. East 2816. B-10&. CARPET WEAVING KORTHWEST RUG WORKS, nlxs from Old -carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. its union ave., near m. Morrison.- Colonial rag carpet and rugs. iu Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn S48S. CHINESE DOCTORS DR. Blng Choong, physician fot men and women, uuaranteeq cure, aa-ofr Aiaer. DR. L. T. YEE & SONS, U2 1st at Main 8484, A-8856. CUIROPRACTIC DOCTOR DR. A. 8. DOUGLASS. 338 Union ave. N. Phone East 624L ConsulUUoo and examination free. CHIROPODISTS CORNS, bunions, callouses, Ingrown and ciub nans successiuuy curea oy graa uate manicurist and scalp specialist ' Raleigh bldg. CHlRnPOET. minlnunnl. acaln. Dunton. I4t Wash. Marshall 182. DR. GARTNER, Specialist on oorns end bunions, 141 H 1st St., Room -7. CIRCULAR LETTERS "PROMPTNESS and dispatch." Com. Letter Co. A-4666. Crain , COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS" and dentists' collections only. U Pinckney White. Main 8074, A-70ZS. CLOTHES WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes and an 068. zis Front. Main 4oz. COLLECTIONS YOUR own collector; published and sold by the Commercial Underwriters; sys tem by which you make your own col lection; no tees, no commissions, no ex tra expense whatsoever, For Informa tion call or write the Commercial Un derwrlters, 801 Worcester bldg. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. 117 Allakv A-7317: M. 4831, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FOR cement work, plastering, brick vrork. excavating, call on Q. U. Olaon. Marshall 1441; 193 Grover st WILLIAM FI8HBECK. carpenter builder, jobbing and contracting. 4th. Main 6241. 206 J. BURTON, 148 1st. architeot-bullder. Estimates furnlahed. M. 1817, A-1817. UNITED Eng. & Construction Co., engi- neers and contractors. 711 L,wi. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general con- tractor. 414 weiis-rargo piqg, m. to. J. HYLAND. 212 Columbia. M. 9016. A- 4020. Carpenter and general jobbing. CONSULTING ENGINEERS C. S. GOLDBERG aVCO:, 913 Couch bldg. Machine desiarns. patent devices, en- gino and boiler installations, concrete warehouses, freight elevators and con- veyora. - Marshall 8028. DANCING MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. Class and social dance. 109 2d st, Monday evenlnirs. 8 to 12: same Allskv bldg., 3d and Morrison, Saturday even ings, 8 to 11. Fancy stage and social dancing dally in both schools. Walts and twostep guaranteed In four lessons LESSONS 26c, 4 lessons 1; waits, three step, two step, stage dancing, eto. : every morning, afternoon and evening. Prof. Wal Wilson's, School, oldest only recognised academy" for correct dancing. 386 Wash. st bel W. Park and 10th. DOG AND HORSir HOSPITAL DR. BROWN. t. V. 8,, of 284H lot it M. 4086. Hosp. 8 B. 13th. E. 8448L DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work is impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework; we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people Alveolar Dental Co., A1h fngton-Wdg.,-10H-8rd at. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 16 years, sis' Washington, cor. etn. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC States Secret 8ervlce Agency, 421-423 Board or Trade bldg. ue tectlves, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 372. . DRAFTSMAN DRAFTSMAN. W inflnw Clarlca. Marhlna and patents designed. 736 Chamber of Com merce bide., Main 8969, A-3681. ELECTIUC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sale. Paoifle Eleo- trle Engineering co.. zia id st. FOOT SPEClAaJST DR. C. W. HEVLAND. 17 Healy bids. G rad. Chiropodist Grand and E. Morrison FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy, sell, exchange and pay best prices zor second r.and rurniture, stoves, ranges,, etc. Hartzell Furn. Co. 310 S. 1st. Phone Marshall 2175. S. J. Donaldson, 2618 1st st, Main t60, buys 2nd hand furniture and stoves. GLAZING UNlTi-O CLASS & GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. aASOUNB KMit.SU STATIONARY . end marine; electric eouioments; launches, accessories. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Retereon Machinery Cc. It Morrison, HAIR GOODS t . , FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig - and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing., manicuring, - face . and scalp treatments, 147 7th, near Morrison. Phone M-646. -' . HAT FACTORY MEN'S bate cleaned and blockt at the Eastern Hat Factory: largest Jsat ren ovators in the city, 64-156 8d st, ground noor nviwivor uiug. oava uinci rpm the factory at half price, hplESHOEINO DB'NIKE. :8S4 Front et, specialty of driving horses; makee 30 yearr experience in kiw org city. REAL ESTATEiDIRECTORY Baker, D. M.. City, Farm Property.'.',.,. 303 Corbett Bldg. . . . .A-449J, Mala Jvl Groorrt floor Uwtt Bl(.'l..i.,ldalo ami t-fiiV Brubaker j BenrdU.-t ......................... 5)2 McKay BUit. ...Uila kt Burtenshaw Buehler. Hawthorne and E. 49th,, Tabor 1743 Ceapln mm-iow. ........ .............. ......mui Liiammr or uomswrce... .iiiin in I 60 Cotlwtt Blly..............Ml &. A-H'.'.J Kaapp Uarkey...... T Chanter of Caatnwre. ...U'.a -ini A-;tiO OrKoa Keel EaUte Co.. lilt. ................. M-ia At, and Mu)tnmah....Kaat sr. C-1T.'4 Rbllal. J. H. . . . Thompos. U. W. Ce... HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTI,AND Hospital association, 303 Kotncnr.d piqg. mono mam iv- INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates & Lively. 8M Fall- in g bhlEverjrforrajmauj HOUSE JIOYINQ d: PENDERSiiouse-jnovliig andjalfc ing, 674 fTont st. axam LAUNDRY BEE Lee,-. Chinese. 109 Milt - Washing and ironing careruny gone. A-4ua. LANDSCAPE GARDENER n RRENNEKE Landscaoe Gardener; roses, standard vanetiea, snruooery. fruit trees, prunlar and spraying pro eriy done. Prlr reasonable. 128 J Lienver ave. car. Woodlawn 193S. Bt Johns LAWYERS. FRED W. BRONN. LAWYER.,, 1014 Ch. of Com. Phone Main 8199. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAD. L. MASTICK CO.. 74 Front Leather of every descripUon; Up saanufacturera. finding. LIBRARIES CIRCULATING librerV 186 Ith. bet Taylor and famhlll. Bonks 3c per day. MACHINERY R. TRENKMAN A CO. Hrdriullc and pedal pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery; All kinds repairs 104 N. 4th MINING AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co- Ltd. Bend for our booklet 320 Drexel bld MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT Ci. HOLM8TROM nerve, rheumatic di gestive disorders. 303-8 Oregonian bldg MUSICAL DEALERS 8EIBERLING-LTJCA8 MUSIC CO-,134 3d: complete line musical mdse. Free eatalogee Buescher band lnatrumentn. MJLT1GHAPHING MULTIGRJ PHI NO, shorthand, type writing. M. 756. 418 Buchanan bldg. MUSIC TEACHERS E. THIELHORN. violin teacher: pup. r.1629. Severn, 900 Marquam. amicv. Mr FROF. T. E.LAW'80N. 136T4tb. st Phone Main 6197. Piano lessons oso. OSTRICH PLUMES Ostrich Plume Co. . Lara-est stock in willows and French plumes: willows made, dyed, cleaned, curled to satisfaction. 303 Washington. MADAM GILBERT, 803 WASH INGTON ST., ROOM i. JJir-UINU, OSTRICH PLUMES. BOAS, ETC. WORK GUARANTEED. ,M. 4964. RES. M. 444S. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO., 329ft Washlne- top st. Eyes examined, r reo aqvioe. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ' Dr. W. W. Christie OsteoDath. chronic nervous diseases, 814-6 Maoleay bldg. Main 6172. A-4880. DR. L1LLEBELLK PATTERBON, epe- clailst on nerves, acute anu caroms diseases. 317 Fenton bldg. Main 896) DR. SMITH, graduate Kirkvllle. Mo, 1898: post graduate 1907. 1133 Sell ing bldg. . DR. L, Ii HOWLAND, general praoU- tloner, oa Fieidner oiag. DBS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 408 uregonian niog. DR. KATHRYN RUHTER. specialist women aV children. 303 Flledner.bidg. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F. B. BEACH CO.. Plonser Paint Co. 186 let Main 1884. A-7B41. RASMUSSKN 4 Ctt, "High SUndard" paint, ne. cor. 3d ft Taylor. M., A-1771. PATENTS U. S. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN 839 Chamber of Commerce Building. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. Attor. ney-at-Lew, late U. 8. Patent Office; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreUn pat ents: Infringement ranee. 804 lwkuna. PIANO TUNING J. T. O'ROURKE, expert piano tuning, guaranteed. 822 14th st. Main 6608. PAINTING AND PAPERING T. J. WILSON. 187 Madison. M. 1487: painting, pttpernangmg, singg; get prices WEST & MAGUIRE. contracting paint ers, paperhanglng, tinting, estimates. Main bbu:: a-zis. FOR bst work, pnees right, call P. Poane. 104 Union. Both nhonee. OET our prices on ing. tinting. Ernest duiiuIiik. iater filler Co.. 17J 1st FOR satisfactory painting, tinting and paper hanging, phone Kast , 135B, , PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office, 24th and York Main 8489. PLUMPING AND HEATING M. FRIEDMAN, 853 1st, plumbing, gas rltting ana gen, joporry nrawy aunt PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Gil Ian. 166 10th Both phones. PRINTING "ll I "I. IIL I" l WELCH PKLTmG CO, Doers Of clever tilings with type and Ink on papr. 141 H ist. MANN & BEACH. 92 1st M. 444 Commercial ana coior printing, 0." B. HARRIS & CO.. printers. Main 4844. Z4BH Morrison, pet, za and so HARNI)EN & CO., 123 W 1st st. com merclal printing. M. 8188. A-7617. ROOFING, PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairingpainting and-'Job- blng. Loan & Hoiser. zii jert. ja. 1Z4. HURHEH STA&IPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cue. plngham Co.. 381 Star. Main 1407, . SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co 108 3d at Safes at faiitory prices; repairs; lockouts opened, bargains m second hand sates JOHN E. DAVIS, safes, safe counsel btirsralns. Sargent Hotel. Phone K. 291 WNAfORilM" HILL'S SANATORIUM, S5 Front Main .461.--Guaranteed cure for Knetirnnttam 8 UI NULLS BEST In Portland, e 8m Washington su . S. L. til th-nt. bet L Jo ""T.m u tuf ; .vi .-:,-'. ...kwj BIH 4tb-0k '. i . .-. . . .......Mala t'1 .M. 80C4. k i :l SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES Of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfc. Co. THE JAMEtJ I. MARSHALL MKU. CU. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 381 Couch. M. 8708. R. h. E1RL8ELL, Hamilton bldg. Show cases In stock. . Prompt delivery, gales agent M. Winter' Lumber Ca - - SIGN AND SHOW -CARDS FOSTER, it KLEISER Eigne; the larg. est sign makers in the northwest . ith and E. Everett i sta.' .Pbones.tEaal. 1111. Heme B-Z234. . ; , . . RANN 8IGN CO-quality and 889 E. Alder st East 8303. service. "SIGNUTHAT ATTRACT'. Portland , Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Main ll.- KONRAD PEDERSEN. Commercial Sign Painter. 248 Pine. Marshall 811, A-6660 PIONEER 8TATIONERY CO Buchanaa bldg.t best typewriting papers. M. 786. STENOGRAPHERS, COCRT ' ' V.,: . REPORTERS ; -; 4 . ' OREGON Law Reporting Ass e, 404-408 oaigton. m. BU87, a-6839. Depositions. . TAILORING SCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladles'- Tailoring college. learn dreeamaklng, tailoring. 148 H Hth. .TATiiORrNO GET your suit made by F, ROSINKKE, Tailor, 489 Washington st styltu and honest made, at reasonable prices. ALFRED OGILBEE. 310 Labbe bldg. id and Washington. Buits to order. GU8' 6EAQUIST, tailor and draper; ef cluaive patterns. 24S Washington st TAAIDERJIIST F. B. FINLEY, taxidermist and furrier; glass eyes. 349 Columbia. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. " . Established 1870. - ' v Transfer and forwarding agents. ' Storage; free trackage. ' Office, 810 Hoyt st, bet 8th and 6 Phones: Main 69: A-1169. PORTLAND Van Storage Co., cor. 1JU and sts., Just cpened. newest, most modem storage watehouse In 4utr every convenience for safe and proper handling cf goods; lowest Insurance rate In no-thwest; free trackage, vast Tor moving. Main or A-1530. - - C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co.. of fice and commodious 4 story Brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof- vaults for valuables north- ' west cornerfe 3d and Pine sta. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ; ehlpment Main 696; 4-1996. - ' ' BAKER & SHELDON, Packers of furnl-? ture, bric-a-brac and works of art; re- ' pairing, finishing and upholstering neat- ; ly done. Shop N. W. cor. 14th and Gil-' ran sts. Phone Main 899. - - ' " O. F. HUSSEY Transfer Co., 270 Alder. Piano and furniture moving. M. 217. ' FURNITURE, trunk moving. City Hall ' . Transfer Co. M. 7089, A-4724. 865 6th. Wi"M. Johnson, 23 Union av.: Res. Taboi . 8. Piano, turn, moving. B-2060. E. 444L - TOWEL BUPPIiT CLEAN towels dally, com b, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co.. th' and Couch sts. Ii per montn. Portland iaunoxy m ' thone) Main 410. A-4410. TYPEWRITERS ALL malien rented, repaired, sold. Cun ningham Co., isi gtarit. - Ham 14S7. RENT a typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Agency, 833 , Ankeny st -Phones: Main 8273. A-2435. VETERINARIAN DR. L. P. DILLON. Hawthorne Avenue.' East 78. 697. B-1368.' Stables. WALL PAPER AND TINTING M CLINTOCK & GROOCOCK, Inc., 189 4th. Mam 3183. Tlntlna. paintinx. wallpaper, paints, oils and varnishes. WHOLESALE JOBBERS ; i . EVERDING A FARRELL, produce and commission mercnants. itu f ront s.; Portland, O. Phone Main 179. M. A. GUNBT & CO. T DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS ' PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roastara 4th and Oak sts. - - MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. '329 iS st.. between aimon anc Main. . ALLEN A LEWISGROi'KRIKS. WELL DRILLING . DRILLiNGellee-pepl4tTt-pr!ceeTea- aunaoie. can main it or write n. West 182 Morrison st. TRANSPORTATION Open River Transportation Co, STR. J. N. TEAL freight ' raoaivad dally at Oak Bt. Dock for. Calllo, The Dallra. Uo-xl Riwr. White Salmon, Uudrrwood. Uuiutilla. Kendewlrk. Faa. " Rlrhln1 DanilfnrA. Whll. BitifOa , and all uiteroiedlata DOlot. rirat. elaaa Daaaana terrlc. Steamei; learea Portland, Sua., Tu., Thun. T a., m. Raturnlug lmm Tli finllea Mon.. Wad.. Frt. 1 a. m.. airlrlna at PnrtUnd bout 8 p. m. ih da. A, 8). Waiting, nt, w, a. amauwooa, m i managar, faonei Mtia xeeu. -.-wj. - TAHITI The Golden Garden of the South Seas, EIGHT BATS' STAT THERE. . Celebration (July 14) Fall of the Bastlle, native fetes, mystic rites of walking oyer redhot stones, and all th rest of It Splendid driveway of 9 mites around the island, unfolding Iron ical scenes of surpassing beauty, A delightful trip for recreation and pleas ure, steamer tare tuo round trip, nrst class, from San Francisco. Baling June 29. BOOK' NOW. Oceanic S. 8. Co., 61 3 Market street, San Franclsro. . Line to HONOLULU. B. 8. sierra. Sailings, April 8, April 29, May 20, June ll, ana every n nays. COOSI B A m IUINU Btr. BrmjwUt from &Uk dock, DnUh T. a n vi aiualeir lvieiiiH night," Freight . received at . AlavkA dock until , 6 . p. m., dally, pas senger fare ' 1st class, tlOi 2d claas. 7, including meals and berths. Tickets on sale at Alns worth, dock. Ptione Mam 146. A-m4. - ten Francisco Ii Portland Steams alp C X, New service to Los Angela" via, San Francisco every five days..' rrom Ainaworth dock, fortlimd 4 D. m.I Beaver, 4 p. m.,Mar. S3, Bear a.m Apr t rrom san ranPisof), noi -inouH'i. i m.; Eear Mar. 97, R. City Apr, 1, iaver 9 From San Pedro, northbonrit: S. City Mar. 30, Brr AvtiI 4. Bear 9, n. O. Smith. C. T. A, 14a TtUd at. JT0W. Xansont, Agent Alnswortii Doofc, . Ptaoneei Main 403. 9Mt A-I4na. SAK ITatANClsai. LOS ANL: ; - . w AMA3f -t)irf;a-r?j?-" S. v"8 M ; f- 1 t O! " - ! ". !