,1 1, i. . 1; 1 , ' V 18 WONDER IF BUSINESS CHANCES 20 . NEVER HAVE WE OFFERED such a bargain befpre 1n a Portland hotel, A thoroughly modern, up-to-date, trictly fireproof building of - 76 rooms, ! beautifully furnished, elegant lobby, cafe, barber "hop and bar. Long lease with very cheap rent It's a money maker. $10,600 cash will handle. See Ins is bellevinr and we can show you. For particulars call 305 Gerlinger bldg., cor. 2d and Alder sts. ' BUSINESS chances in live southern Oregon ; town Lawyer wanted one who haa $1000 to $1500 to Invest in business which will net him $76 to $100 per tnonth with very little personal attention. Blacksmith shop for sale at a bargain on account of sickness, stock will Invoice $1200: will sell building, lot. stock and all for $1300 terms. Must be good horstshoer. Write The Glendale News. Glendale, Or, Chance for a Live One Real estate office", best location in dt, furnished living rooms Included; will guarantee I have none more nusi ness than any two business chance or fices In city; reason for selling 1 have nougnt my own ouiiatng; price ior an 1350. peters, is N. 6tn st. RK . irOUR own boss: Dartner wanted in old established business; must be genial, of good habits and a nusuer; only small capital necessary; splendid opportunity for the right man. Don't reply unless you mean business. X-502, Journal. "Excellent Opportunity Fop a party who can Invest about $12,000 In a good water power plant Plant is In operation. Exclusive franchise for sell ing light and power. It will pay you to investigate, -t-oui. journal. 13000 FOR $1600. Grocery A challenge bargain, 2 years' lease; will invoice; horse, wagon. National cash register, big stock, rent $25. Only look at this; price $1500. 207 .Kotricnila niag., 4tti ann wasmngion. AN opportunity In a lifetime; $200.00 buys a good paying real estate busi ness in a good location; office fixtures and a large Hat of city property, farms and business chances. 56614 Williams ave,. Phones East 607 or Woodiawn 457. CHICKEN ranch, 6c fare. A dandy, 37 fruit trees, strawberries and small fruit of all kinds. Good little t room hours and some small hen houses, all fenced, '2 blocks from Mt Scott car, $1000. Johnson ft Johnson. 168 10th St. RESTAURANT for sale; best paying small place In Portland; finest loca tion on Washington st; rent reasonable; 8 years' lease. Try It out for yourself. A chef can clean up $250 per month. Price, cash, $1350. J-488, Journal. FOR 8ALF Well equipped carpenter shop, building good; lease, machinery and stock, cheap for cash. Owner has other business. Inquire W. H. Wilton, 26 E. 6th, bet 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., or 754 East Mam after 6 p. m FURNITURE stock for sale on east side, good business location, splendid opening for energetic man. 692 Wil liams ave. East 4467. MINING STOCKS 88 MINING and Industrial stocks; tele- Iihone and other bonds bought and d. C. 8. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bldg. HELP WANTEDMALE I WANTED Neat young man with busl- ness ability and $10it; your chance t fet into a big money making business. 4 2 6th St.; call this evenlti g. International Correspondence Schools ot Scranton Pa. New catalogue now ready. 20S different courses. Local office, 232 Alder St. -MAN oruostnew expedience for special work with corporation; $100 per month to start; must make small in vestment. Main 6652 YOU are wanted for govcrnraen i po sition, $S0 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, uep t gyp k. Kocnesier, . . y . WANTED Experienced body makers and wheelwrights. Belmore. McDougall, xnnores .;o.. i iin anq Aiaer, city. WANTED at once, J men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at S0-62 N. 7th st THE BUSINESS BUREAU, OFFICE HELP. 614 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. CHEF headquarters end helpers. Cali fornia Wi ne Deoot 286 Yamhill, next to Journal. V ANTED Jap tL learn nuto drlvine repairing, day or night. Address i. -6(14. Journal. A rKhsShli wanted who understands i inn uuBiiiccr. y n l'aris live Works. 7 Grand ave. WANTED Walter Applv BrTdRe res tsurant. 190 Madison, near brMgp Long S shoe parlors, 300 Deuum i'g $2.60 and $5 values, S2.:,o. EXPERIENCED presserTTfa rih-.l man preffrred. Inquire 31 1 Davis WE sell uncalled tor ta'ior made-suits" t 1C up. Ha rvard Tailor S;30S 1 u r 1 1 si ( e! A GOOD cylinder pressman cttn"rnake H to your Interest if you. have some rapltal. A-501. Journal. PAINTERS wanted; good a 11 round men; none other need apply, call at . virarn bi., iifi. ann b p ni. ilOY to wash dishes and be useful, $15 month and board. Vincent's Hakerv Cabinetmakers wanted. iTiFijokT WEAR a Kenihaw $2 hat7"ail "styles' U Fourth 449 Washington. WANTED Men to buy our second hand suits and shoes. 233 Front, cor. Main. JF you are a salesman and wantto work.v Cali at 228 Ablngton bide. UNCALLED for tailor-made " suits ITS ip. Taylor the. Tailor. 285 Burnsldo. WANTED First class ladles' tafio7 362 H Washington st. ' fclGN 8HOP. well established; U1 sf SIX PE RiENCKD "shoemaker. Apply"!? WANTKD Janitor.- must live at home, tnust be sober. 28 31 st. WaRtEI Second cook, Psejlens cafe- trls M 6H) st. ' ' - - . W AN'I Kl tll-(tor; - money p(upi.nitliui. lii ilaUlkon. . making THE THE JAPANESE HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS? HELP WANTED MALE Real Estate Salesman If you are vmployed as a real estate salesman and have made flood In this line, you undoubted y can Increase your present earnings by Joining our selling force. We want two high-grade men who know the value of time. Address L-oUl, Journal. Salesmen MEN who have sold things or tnose wr iho can sell a clean nron- osltlon. wlll find a broad field and big money for their services by jolnir ing our organization. One or two men with pleasing per- sonality. Address no others need reply. L-600, Journal. SALESMEN WANTED. To handle the best and closest in prop erty on. the west side. This property Is next to Willamette Heights, and is be ing Bold 75 per cent less than any Heights property. "Hundreds of people visit the tract each week unsolicited, and If you are a good closer, or are welling to be one, we want you. Liberal commission and all advantages to he'p you get the business. UNITED TRUST .CO., . sit Jtjoara or j raoe. WANTED Men who ire despondent have lost ambition, are easily tired, sleep poorly, back aches, feel that they have lost the'r iormer strength and vi tality and those suffering with stubborn discouraging diseases and ailments to come to me and receive a free friendly talk and examination as to their condi tion. If you desire treatment terms can be arranged to suit your means. Dr. Walker, expert specialist 181 First st WE have vacancies for two or three clean cut active men who are willing to hustle and give all their time and energy to our Interests. To such men we oner steady positions at better pay than can be made anywhere else in the city. Call 10 a, m., at "69 Oak St., and ask for Mr. Houston. MEN wanted, age 1S-SB, for firemen, $100 monthly, and brakemen, $80. on nearby railroads. Experience unneces sary; no strike. . Positions guaranteed competent men. Promotion. Railroad Employing headquarters over 400 men sent to positions monthly. State age; send stamp. Railway association, care Journal. WANTED For the United States army able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35, citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits, "who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information aply to Recruiting Officer, Alnsworth block. 3d and Onk sts.. Portland. Or RELIABLE salesman can mae big money selling our well known line of hardy non-Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc. Outfit furnished: cash weekly. Ad dress, OF-EGON NURSERY CO.. , Orenco, Or. Salesmen Ho! Salesmen wanted to sell the most complete line of nursery stock in the northwest. Cash weekly. CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO., t5alm, Or. 100 men or blight women wanted at once to circulate an initiative peti tion for East Side Business Men's club; experienced pi-rsons prttV rrei. Call Hall & Lepper's office. Logtis bldg. on Grand ave. MOTDEHS: BTweniTaTer-!!-?!' Commercial club bldg. WANTED Young men to take our course on practical automobile work; positions open lor those competpnt to fill them; evening classes Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 216 Merchants Trust bldg.. gtli and Wash., Portland, Or. WANTED Salesmen, many mass $10 to $1(0 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, cash advauce weekly; choice of territory. Address Washing ton Nursery Co.. Toppen isli. Wash. WANTED Salesmen n every locality in the northwest; money advanced weekly; many make over $100 monthly: rhoice of territory. Yajcima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. HOLDERS STOVE PLATE! Stay away from Portland and St. Johns. Strike. iKioD live man can earn $3 .fiO a day In own town to handle our automatic dampers; good seller. Write Safetv Economy Damper Co., 440 Sheriock MMg., Portland, vr. WANTED Boys over 16 with wheels for messenger work; good wages and wheel repairs paid. Could use a few bovs after school and. on Satur days, r If. Odcen, 7C 2d Ft. KINK businens chance for lady or gen tleman with small capital -ho would be satisfied with $10 or $15 per day; new patented article, should sell in ev ery home, 611-612 Worceater bldg,;: STRANGER, Attention: Have fine open ing for reliable working man, expe rience unnecessary, little money re quired, every cent well secured. Call office 326 Washington St., room 416. CAN place few more men to learn au tomobile driving vand repsilring,. day or evening, tail ornce,.sze wasmng ton, room 415. . ; 1 VxaNTEd Steady mat to work Tn manufacturing business. Big profits. Little canital needed. Particulars. 84 6th St., room ftl3. ' ' ' DO you want work? Apply employ ment deoartrtient. Employers' associ ation. No fee; 222 Commercial 1 Club nuildlng. $5 PER MONTH, telegraphy taught in VAviKHi I ui inn. unjr in' sions. Address Myers,' 669, Flanders st, rprtianq. jju Main.a&iz, SAFETY RAZOR olades made sharper than new, 80c dozen; rasors" honed; prompt attention. " A8HCO., 614 McKay bids.. Portland. V WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to -drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorns. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, HELP WANTED MALE INCIDENT. Office Secretary Employment Depart ment Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, out of work ($20 his total cash assets) If I pay you $5 for special employment membership I will oniv have $15 left between me and starvation. ' Secretary If you pay,, $5 for special employment membership you will have the,Y. M. C. A., with all Its resources between you and starvation. What happened? Young man took membership. Inside of two hours he found satisfactory em ployment. Ddrlng February, 1911, 127 others found employment In a like manner. Employment or refund of membership fee guaranteed. '. See Secretary Employment Depart ment. Y. M. C. A. ARE YOU WIDE AWAKE? The best economic factor of home commodities, the only electric device of its kind on the market we have men handling this wonderful machine who have made $10 per day and upwards; you can do the same: come and let us show you; this machine makes money for yourself instead of your employer. This Is a chance you don't always get. 11-612 Worcester bid g. H ELP WANTED FEMALE 3 WANTED YOUNG LAMES , FOR TELEPHONE OPERAT ING; WITH OR WITHOUT EX PERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE & TELE GRAPH COMPANY. TH AND EAST ANKENY STS. WANTED Girl to do cooking and gen eral housework1 in a nice country home. Running water, hot and cold, and everything handy. Write or see Mrs. O. B. Aagaard.' 414 W. 12th St., Van couver. Wash. Phone 228-L. WANTED Pupils to learn hairdress ing. manicuring, facial massage, scalp treatment, weaving; great demand for f graduates. Chicago Hair Dressing Col ege, Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash. A BEGINNER class, in SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING Is being formed. $5 per month. Apply nt once. Main a9f. 269 14th Rt South. . i a i TED Two lady solicitors by the extension department of an eastern university. Call at 211 McKay build lng hetween 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. WANTED Any lady of good address and fairly educated, can secure prof itable and permanent employment X- puo, journal. SUITE of housekeeping rooms. In ei change for care of 7 rooms; prefer iiiflti and wife. 21 N. Sth st. MIDDE aged lady to help, housework; small wages, good home. M. Rich mond. Route 1, Gresham, Or. WANTED 6 girls to travel with ttar nival, one to lecture on snakes. Call 88 N. 8th. WANTED Girl for cooking; general housework; 3 In family; good wages. niLBchuylerBt.. COOK One who will assist with gen eral housework. Good wages, 29a E. 11th North, ror. Clackamas. WANTEp Middle aged reliable lady or practical nurse to take care of in valid, can at ?bh Kaieigh. GIRLS wanteS" to work on trousers, 4Pn Washington St. YOUNG girl wanted for light houss work. Phons E-2376. 290 Larrabee st WANTED Good reliable girl for gsn eral housework. Sellwood 728. WANTED Walters. Apply Bridge res taurant, 190 Madison, near bridge. HELP WANTEDMALE AND FEMALE 20 10.000 POBITIONK For gmduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trade In I weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn fig to $25 weekly; rapert instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler Syst-na pi voiiF, b in. fin st, hT)rtisno WANTEu 1000 ladies and men to take aavar.iage or our creait plan, western Outfitting Co.. 406 Washington st. GOOD money for demonstrators, either sex. ;iik i.hdoc nicig. WANTED AGENTS 6 AGENTS WANTED "Flll-O." Stops that toothache. Removes the cause. An antiseptic filling. Sells for 26o. Sells to families with children, ner vous people, In mines, camps, on farms, to travelers. Saves dentist bills. Handy home remedy. "Fill your own teeth." Bend 25c for samples. Flll-O Mfg. Co., Maritime bldg.. Seattle, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 65 C. R, HANSEN & CO. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, it N. 2d at. Portland. Ladies department, 7th and Wasfc, sts.. upstairs. Portland. 424 Front Ave.. Spokane. 17-8$ 4th st, San Fraocisoa. Estafiitsbed 1ITC Red Cross Employment 20 N. 2d. tor. Bumslde. M. 6296, A-6735 SITUATIONS MALE 3 MEAT MAN. seventeen years' experi ence, capable taklhg charge of market or branch house, -good salesman, good vunrr. i"nifr, rnarrieq. J-O'W, journal WANTED Painting and naierhanin by nonunion man; satisfaction guar anteed. J'hone Main 7652 . " . PORTLAND, TUESDAY SITUATIONS MALE MUNICIBAD FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 270 MADISON, BET. 3d AND 4th. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE. MAIN -3555; A-662 4. WANTED Position as night clerk in small hotel by. experienced hotel clerk; references; able to keep books; for room and small salary. S-501, Jour nal. SITUATION wanted as superintendent of stable by thoroughly competent man who has iiad years of experience. Can give best of reference. B-503, Journal. WILL AUDIT. CLOSE OR WRITE UP Books, prepare balances, systems, com parative statements. Gillingham. audi tor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 7 it. ENGINEER, 20 years' experience on Mississippi river boats, wishes posi tion on Columbia or Willamette river boat. E-90. Journal. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, desires To- sition in private iamiiy; can rurnisn a good reference; salary no object. 368 N. 19th st. CARPENTER foreman, 10 years' exper ience wishes situation; residence building a specialty; can give results; will work reasonable. A-507. Journal. WANTED Painting, tinting, hardwood finishing for owners, by Tlrst class painter with 12 years' experience. Ad dress A-609. Journal. . BY married mag. 24 years, sober and hooks. S-503, Journal WANTED By middle aged all round farm and stockman, ranch to worK on shares or by month. O-505. Journal. LOTS stumped, cleared, plowed, exca vating. W. Ramsby, Woodstock, ur Fhone Sell. 444. FIRST class carpenter and builder wants work by day or contract. Good ior roreman. r-ouu, journal. WANTED Position as night watchman by sober middle aged man. woodiawn 237S. GERMAN-AMERICAN, 38. experienced bookeeper. has $1,000 to Invest with services. P-604, Journal. SITUATION S FEMALE RESPONSIBLE middle aged woman wants demonstrating from house to house. 5. days in a week for stated sal ary, or eny respectable worfe Phono Sellwood iss. WOMAN wants place to work for self and husband's room and board; can take full charge of rooming house. B-607. Journal. STRONG German girl wants day work, washing, ironing preferred, full days. After 6, A-4060, room Z. WOMAN wants work, washing anj cleaning, 25 cents an hour and car fare. East 1625, ask for room 7. LACE curtains laundered with care. Called for and delivered. Fhone wooa iawn 15. WOMAN wishes laundry work and meaning by the day. call 6. A-1447. LADY wishes day work. Phone Tabor 2924. WOMAN wants day work. Phone even- Inge, woodiawn 430. DRESSMAKING 40 MAN tailored suits, coats, skirts, per fect fit, reasonable prices, new loca tion. I. Reubln. Elite Ladies' Tailor, 301-2 Selling bldg. FIRST CLASS dressmaker, satisfaction guaranteed. 1072 Mallory Ave., take St. Johns car. NURSES BO WHITE SHIELD HOME Confinement cases only. 237 Fargo. Wd In .1349. PRACTICAL nurse, all kinds of cases, maternity a specialty. B-2989. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE NICELY furnished rooms In good home; all conveniences; prices reasonable; references exchanged. 738 Johnson st Phone Marshall 482. WELL furnished housekeeping apart ments. Bunny steeping rooms, an conveniences. APARTMENT 2, 715 Johnson st NICE rooms to rent with . or without noara, at 6B4 -Morrison si.; aiso ai 266 12th st. Phone A-7496. EILEEN COURT 16th and Morrison. rurnisneo rooms, moaern conven- lences. $2 per week and up, NEATLY furnished rooms to let; call at the Rose, 189 3d st Phone Main 7787. NICELY furnished single room, bath, phone, hot and cold water, $3 weekly. 432 Burnside. PARLOR vlrom for rent, suitable for two gentlemen or man and wlf. 329 Hall st. FRONT room nicely furnished. Suit able for 2 gentlemen or man and wife Private family. 292 Lincoln NICELY ' furnished rooms with board, strictly modern. 167 11th St., between Morrison and Yamhill. r Free phons and bath. Main 7754. AUDITORIUM Hotel. Steam" heat, hot; cold water, elevator. Rates, $3.50 up. toe flay up. zosfr ara. near Taylor. BLEEPING rooms In basement nice and clean. Use of phone and bath,, $1.50. Johnson Johnson, 168 10th st. ' FURNISHED rooms, $1.76 per week and up. CornsT Sd and YamhlU. La Porte nouse FINE, large front corner room, suitable for 2: also cheap third-story room. sis lay ior. FRONT and back parlor; reasonable; also Ttood basement room, $2 a .week. 19 1 jNorrn ,i (in JJIJLX.-.luxiiiMliwt-.inK)e---i'oHir--47 per, week. THE IDAHO, 389 6th st. NICE furnished room, steam heat, IJ0. 471 Morrison. ROOM for rent, sultahlo for 2 men. Davis st. . 530 FURNISHED rooi'i und also house , keeping rooms. 683 First t EVENING," MARCH 3. 1011. FURNISHED ROOM WEST SIDE Franklin Hotel 13th and Washington. Beautifully furnished rooms at rea sonable rates. Phones, hot and cold water in all rooms, modern. TRANSIENT SOLICITED. Hunt's Express & Baggage' Co. 1 trunk, 60c. Additional trunks 264 each. Grip with trunks free. A-3416. - Marshal) 2411. . JJnited Coal & Express Co, Lowest rates to any part of city. 304 Ankeny st. Marshall 2403. A-7432. hotel. 330 Yamhill: first class fur nished rooms, single or en suite. Mod ern. Transient M-31: A-'. t77. - $6 week. FURNISHED ROOMS for one of two persons; exclusive porch; heat, light bath and phone; can use for light house keeping. 569 Flanders st. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 LARRABEE 227 Larrabee st. mod ern, nicely furnished rooms, transient, 60c and up; low rates by week or month, close in. WANTED Neat room mate, no smok ing, for large front room, fine view. easy walking distance, nice neighbor- nooa oniy tit a month. S-507. Journal. NICELY furnished room in private family; bath, phones breakfast if de- Birefl. 314 -Houaday; walking distance. THE Gayosa Steam heated, running water, poone in every room, $3 week up. uranq ave. and E. Stark. SINGLE room, suitable for light house- Keeping, nam, phone; East 1202; 464 H Fast Burnside, corner Sth. PLEASANT rooms, modern, walking uiBiuuce, ciose 10 a car lines, reason able. C-2645, 430 Williams ave. FOR RENT Three furntehed rooms. 174B Newman St.. ITnlverslty Park. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 3 room flat with gas, $10; 2 rooms, $7. Lvtyt ftiarset at. TWO unfurnished rooms, west side, with nam, zm n. zsn st. ROOMS PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished unfurnished; board; all parts of the city; rave you money, time, trouble. Let us locate you. 302 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 2189. A-6242. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 FIRST class room and board In refined private family: house lust furnished complete; choice of rooms; 387 3d St., near Montgomery. IN private family, good home cooking, reasonable. Mrs. M. E. Cole, 663 Mor- WANTED--RoGmmate, young man, room, bath, board, $22.50; board strictly first class; 830 Hall. ROOM and oard for young women, home comforts. $3 per5 week. 12 E. 7th st- 8: Phone East 276. ROOM and board In private family, $6 week. 48 N. 20th st. Main 3649. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 ROOM and hoard and, care for school boy 7 during week days near Ladd school; state price. X-606, Journal. SCHOOL boy wants room and board in PJjyala.j;a.mfc.-lS.3-Kt-ls.t HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDHi Empire Express Baggage Co, Trunk 50c, 2d 25c: furniture moved; quica service. 270 iztn. iso. a-1030. THE COLLINS 6034 Alder st, under - new management, turnisnea house keeping rooms, gas ranges, running vsl- ter, emu, 4.6u ana 4.oo per ween NEWLY furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms; highly refined, pri vate family; boarq optional. $87 3d at, TWO lovely furnished housekeeping rooms; every convenience; electric lights; both phones; also furnished bed room for gentleman. -621 Mill st- . THE CHESTERFIELD Beautifully rooms, also single housekeeping room, running 'water in room with clothes cioset, yau per montn TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, aiso smaii nousexeeping room. reasonable rent, lovely yard. 475 Main. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2 and 3 room suites, $3 per week and up. The Idaho, 88 Btn. FOR RENT Five furnished housekeep Ing rooms, $12.75, 19th and Pettygrove sts. Inqiflre 293 N. 18th st. FURN1 SHED housekeeping rooms close In, 6Uft Glisah, cor. 15th. Phone Main 44&. 61 Ann, v' nw uuiBOt (,-ian.M, convenient ., two room housekeeping suites. '' ' CHOICE of housekeeping rooms. Fur nished. ; Walking distance. 370 12th street. -j - - : . 1 .'- HOUSEKEEPING rooms to? let. Call at the Rose, U9 8d st Phone Main 7787, TWO and three room furpished and un fumished apartmenta, running water, disappearing-beds. . 834 Sth st - FURNISHED and single housekeeping rooms,- new, ciean, pnons. Dam, ft Dice to car, i to uusan st. NICE clean housekeeping rooms, Just papered,' best location in city; , bath, phone and light free. 308 18th St. ' MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light, gas; moderate. 7th It Flanders. A-4075. NICE housekeeping rooms, prices rea sonablo. . Phone A-2658. 166 N. 10th. fOV H "HI ur silslied Wskeepl ng-rooms with sink: gas, electricity. 1-47 w. ?ist FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished house- keeping hooms. 483 Davis nt HOUSEKEEPING rooms; clean, home ljke, furnace hest, close in. 367 8l-st. HOl'SEKKKPING rooms," cleali, hoiiie like, all light rooms, close in. 367 3d ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE THE BEAVER, 13in and Marshall, fur. nished for houskeeplng; gas range, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, 11 free; $16 per month up; a e'ean lace; best tn the ilty for money: snort Istanc frria Union depot Take "S1 car, or letn at. cars nortn, get on at Marsnau at. no dogs. WELL furnished 6 room cottage, $20 month; lower furnished 4 room flat, $17.60 month; well furnished house keeping suites, 2 rooms. $8, $10 and $12 month: 3 for $16. Apply 864 North 26th. W car from depot. 6th or west on Morrison to zetn. block nortn THE SUTHERLAND Newly f urnishwl housekeeping rooms, electric lights, gas range, hot and cold water, free baths and phone. - W and 8 car. Cor. 27th and Thurman st. Mam 2036, A-4174. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite In private family. Modern. Gas, light and bath. Select neighborhood. West side. Walking distance. Rent $20. Referenoes required. 390 Jack son it. Phonn Main 3078. - Rose Citv Park Transfer u- Trips to Rose City Park daily. Plana nd furniture moving. City work also" 202 4th. Main 8126, A-7237. Hunt's Express & Baggage Co, 1 trunk; 60c Additions! trunks 25c each. Grip with trunks free. A-341S. Marshall 241s. T.ARflTT. frAnl aittt. enette; 6 minutes' walk frombostof- 260 N. 19th St.. near Marshall, furnished suite; steam neat; pnones; electrlo lights and bath. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 THE ST. MARKS APARTMENTS, 392 E. BURNSIDE, COR. GRAND AV. Neat', clean furnished rooms and housekeeping rooms, gas range, hot wa ter, bath, phone, light free, $12 month and up. 2 car lln"s; walking distance. $1.50 to $2.60 week. Clean furnished housekeeping rooms, heat laundry, bath, gas, phone, yard clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton; take "U'ar. LARGE, single, bay window, front room, downstairs, lights, phone, bath, fine location, yard and flowers,. $12. Walking distance, near Brooklyn car. 664 E. 6th t. Phone Sellwood 1109. TWO neat furnished housekeeping rooms; gas. phone and water; take U car, 262 Page St. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping roomh. 1000 E. Washington, between E. 33rd and 34th. B-3047. TWO connecting rooms with pantry, sin it, gas, steel rsnge, phone and bath. zu Larranee st. rnone Kasi 23 76. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, prices reason able; light, water, telephone free. 69IS Vfr E. Morrison. Phone E. 1433. TWO furnished rooms for housekeep ing; modern conveniences. Phone East 168. - 82 E. 10th. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeplnr. moderate. 998 East Yamhill. THE DELAIR apartments and sleeping rooms. Phones C-1223. East 212. FOR RENT 2 nice rooms. Very reason- aoie. woooiawn iiiss. FURNISHED housekeeping suites, gas, free phone and bath. 532 Williams av. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 WHEN you move you'll need NEW FUKNITU. FURNITURE. Buy It Judiciously (on the East Side) and the savings will ex ceed your moving expenses. - V ' i UlUU. II " W - ' I mads us one of Portland's largest Fur tmr-tw-i-Kicrjar-wntcn-iTra years nlture Houses, were made possible he cause we built on the East Side, there by saving $26,000 a year rent. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. 69-75 Grand Ave.. Cor. East Stark St. GOOD 4-room house, barn, large chioK . en house: fine for garden, cojt, chickens. West base of Mt. Tabor; 6c car line. $12 month. Aplly 364 N. 26tn. W car from depot 5th west on Morri son to zoth, piock nortn Wifl can furnish your, horns at a great saving. See us before purchasing elsewhere. M. Ostrow A Co., 64-64 N. td st -Complete housefurntshers. Rea- sonaoie prices, aasy terms. 6 AND 8 room modern bungalows, Nos. 838 and 841 E. 25th &, furnished ot unfurnished; t blocks from W. W. car. Rent $20. E. AV McGrath, 8SI Chamber of Commerce bldg. -M. 8177. A-4450. FOUR room cottage.. Electrlo light, bath, fenced -yard. 864H Vaughn, between 26th and 26th. Only $12. Take 23rd st. or S cars. NINE room furnished house on Haw thorne ave., for April 1. 205 Ablng ton bldg. Main 4841. After 4 o'clock East 6619. ' ONE ACRE and new 6 room house In Montavilla, H strawberries, Phone Tahor 2533. Hardesty, 273 E. 75th N. NEW f 5 room bungalow, partly . fur nished for rent for board of owner, a single gentleman, f none Kast Mt. FIVE room modern cottage, Sunnyslde. fine lawn, lots of roses and fruit; $20. 999 E. Mam. 2-ROOM house, . one tent room, one frame; water at aoor. s diocks rrom A car.- inquire izo k. iztn, wottn. NEW 8-room modern house, one blocic from Richmond car, uaraen. inquire 923 Ellsworth t. FUbne. Selrwood 766. FOR RENT 7 room house, S. E. corner 45th and East Main sts. Gas and electric. $26. Phone Tabor 1406. FOR RENT Modern house, 6 rooms, 772 B. Yamhill st near 23d. SIX room modern house, .. Inquire at 1280 B. 12th N-' 'r'-"::'--:-- COTTAGES, fiats; reasonable rents. 262 - Glhhs. : HOUSES FOR RE?JT FURNITURE FOR SALE U3 jrURNIXyjlE of S joonrcottage,, forjale cheaprz roomrrenteff'whlch pays the rent. 7 E. 8tn et n, ISEW furniture of 6-room flat; In best location; pays rent; will. tell reason ble.V30 North 16 1". near Wash. FURNITURE for sale, wllh lease of 7 room housrte--Call Woodiawn 1124,. or i Sibray it Hart, 684 Lombard st - BY 'BUDM FISHER HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR S A LB 83 FOR SALE At lees than half, complet furnishings of 8 room house, -Including everything, furniture good as new, good rugs, house , modern and clean, walking distance, 4 rooms subrented to respectable tenants, clearing rent. This is no ola trash, but must sell at ones, ss my work takes me away from city. Ap ply owner, 672 Belmont st, .. Leaving town My"tauUfui housed hpld furniture at saortflce. Buy all or what you want Call 1008 East llth street. Take Alberta car to East 18th C 2059 viia uw;k louia, jrnonsj i rv oAjuci at less tnasi w pries, fur- ; f nlture of a beautifully furnished 4 i room apartment, furnished complet and must be seert to be appreciated; reason able. Call Swope, A-3485, M. 9283. FOR RENT Beautiful 4 -room flat iJO: furniture for sale, $150; or will rent furnished .for $28.60. Ksy at 607 Blast Harrison. NEW1 furniture of room flat or sals cheap; must sell on account of health; , iiwurui, IV w tog ZQ St. $100 DOWN secures cosily furnished rooms. Rent $22, fine neighborhood,' iwiin rciugta. in nail.. NEWLY furnished five-room fist: lv rooms pay- rent; reasonable. 35$ U sth st. 10 ROOM house, rooms rented-; psy rent and running expenses; 4 living rooms, 171 North 17th. FURNITURE of 6 room modern coU ta,.e' complete. 1150: rent $20. $49 E. 8d st. N., cor. Broadway. FXlWUlmi 'or !.' Apply to owneK SUB JOtn Bt. FURNISHED. HOUSES 3 WELL furnished 6 room cottage, $20 ..mPntn' lower furnished 4 room flat, $17.60 month; well furnished house keeping suites, 2 rooms. $8, $10 and $12 per month, 3 for $15. Apply 364 North 26th. W car from depot, Isth or ttcci m, jiumiwn m join, oiocK norm. FURNISHED house- tor rent, no ent! Geo. McCoskey owner. Phone East If2, o'1 t Hawthorne garage, 445 Hawthbrne. N E W 6 room bungalow, partiy7uf nished. for rent for board of owner, a 'ingle gentleman. Phone Monday East JMODERN 8 room hotiHe, beautiful yarl, ., ucjRijuui nuwu, in, rent reu- sonable. phone East 2189. FOR RENTFLATS 1.1 FOR RENT 2. 3 and 4 room strictly mrtriom linlrtmAnlB at Cl!0 A n L a 4 4 au.. . HUft I tXX. U''0 iUSI IXC DU near lth.. This property has an xeel- ibhi view, overiooKing me City. AI, 1& Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. 5 ROOM lower flat, furnished, $25; un furnished, $16. 646 East 27th St., 1 block south oft Richmond car. Mors rooms if desired. 2 6 room new modern flats, swell lo cation, welkin" distance. 301-301 U E. 12th, near Hawthorne. East 4133. Beat 3; j.iii. NEW five room lower flat all con ven fences. Inquire 675 E. Washing ton, corner 19th st. MODERN 5 room flat, furnished or un furnished, close In, $22.60. Main 7167 or uiasi zi8. NEW modern""! room flat fbr rent Fhone Fast 5046. MC'DERN 4 room flat, close in, good 1 cstiun. 444 12th. Key at 261 16th. ' , NICE, clean 6 room flat; walking dis tance, Key at 460 4th. Phone A-3390. FURNISHED FLATS SO LADY wishes to share her well fur nished fiat with a girl who works; rent reasonable; give phone number. u-ouii. journal. $25 LARGE modern! nicely furnished 3 room flat, near steel bridge. East 1493. ELEGANT 3 room new flat, Just fur- nished, all new, reasonable. 70$ Van couver ave.; take "U" gar to Ivy st FURNISHED flat for rent within walk ing distance, not modern. Call 339 Hall APARTMENTS 43 Carmelita Apartments Now ready for occupancy; unfurnished; 4 and 5 room suites, reception hall, auto matic elevator, telephone and all modern conveniences. Call at the Carmelita Apartments, south-, east corner 13 th and Jefferson sts., and have Miss Allen, the manager show you something ex tra, fine. Phons Main 3968 . HADDON HALL APARTMENTS. ' 414.11th St.. cor. of Hall. New, 4 story, modern brick building, with 8 and 4 room furnished and unfur: nisnea apartments witn private bath, phone and balcony porches, evfery rpon is an outside room; very desirable lo- . cation for the summer, as well as win- ' ter- wa havs the haat rt 4anln- loa And qA other modern DnnvnUnM. Call and see these apartments. Phone Marshall ,1170. mgr., apt 205. Meredith.' Apartments 712 Washington st; -strictly modern i 8 -room apartments, newly furnished; all conveniences. Free phones.: Main 7134. DAVENPORT apartments, 60656? son st, 3 room furnished, modern, prl vato phone, batlv Janitow service, re's sonable. Main 6485. - t MAHR APARTMENTa Elegantly furnished, prlTate phones, bath, electrlo elevator, private park. 228 N. 20th. Marshall 2028; TWO and three room furnished and un-. furnished apartments, running water. uinappeitring neas. af Din St. Wo MARCO aDartmenta..lMiu I oucn sis, iNew oiicR; ntgani heat. Pri- yate bath arwl phone. rnone East 2 iKfci room iinrurntahed modern ( apartments, adults only, 31 Btauton I st., east side. ? : - s'; TVv'O room fumisheit aisrtments, rieV ' , - concrete building. ,11624 Union av; 1 ' N. Woodiawr , B- I ? pri . , 751. j