The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 28, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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Now on the Market
Adjoining Irvlngton Park, 8Sd and Hol
man, Alberta carj cement walk from
car to tract; no gravel, view of moun
tains. Bull Hun water, restrictions, easy
term. No better Investment in Port
land, gee this tract Agent on; the
ground Sundays, s
Osburn Bros..-
60S McKay bid. - Phono Main 6229
GEE! , It s great to live on the west
side, where you can walk to town;
carfare alone la an item, and especially
-la it great to live where you can alt on
; your front porch and sea the whole city,
the mountains and rivers, and in the
evening the brilliantly Illuminated sur
roundings. Clog in property , of this
kind" In limited, .particularly property
with the -forever unobstructed ' view,
, therefore it is bound to have a wonder
ful future. Full sized lot, 3 , blocks to.
; cat-line; a lot with beautiful trees and
',. foliage: a lot unlike mosjt other view
lots, with practically no climb; price
$1760, terms $i00 cash. O-SJl. Journal.
Lots 60x100, with alley, close to car,
water in, streets graded, restricted dis
trict just east of Mt Tabor City park,
1 . ,. . i & 11 . 1 C ( A
urauiiiui location, oei buji. vmjr
Will build you a home to suit for $400
i down, balance easy. Call at end of won
tavllla carllne. - - " -. '"-;' v; -:.:.''?-''
W. K ALLEN. ' '
' I miles out, easy reach of city mar
ket; adapted to fruit, vegetables or
nuts; fertile rolling land, no rock or
gravel. Price flit to $226 per acre;
esy terms. . v .
Skyline Boulevard, scenic home tracts
overlooking city, mountains and river,
' on crest of western hills. .This Is the
coming acreage. Prices $200 to $600
par acre; EASY TERMS.
These prices art for acre, not for
ellAblngton Bldg. Main 6888.
10 Acre Tracts,' $50 per Acre
$E down $6 per month. 26 miles from
Portland, 18 milea northeast from Van
couver, Wash, Located in Clark coun
ty, one mile from R. R. Thla ground
lays all nica and level, part clear, part
.timber, part stump land, plenty of
'spring water. You will have to hurry
if you want one of these 10 acre tracts,
for they ara going fast See ma at
P, T, Klepper
640 Chamber of Commerce.
The- Best Improved
ii Acres New 7 room house, $5 min
utes from Portland; 7ocar
' fare; chicken houses, 2 . pig
eon houses, duck house, brood
er house, incubators, heating
' , stove, barn, gasoline pump,
house and 60 gallon tank, 200
pure blood v chickens, 800 pig
eons, duck pond, running wa
ter, don't let this go- by; get
Information at 405 Couch bldg,
II aVres. all cleared, fenced and well
watered, 11 acres in hope 5 years old,
j.oled and wired, good hop house, fair
buildings, team, wagon, harness and all
oolc to work with, one mfte weat from
Newberg (out First at.), $2500, balance
terms. Fred Barrell, Sr., Route 1, Dun
dee. '
5' and 10 Acre Tracts '
- $160 to $260 per acre, clone to electric
carllne, within 13 milea of Portland, un
surpassed black soil, no rock or gravel,
macadam road, easy terms. May con
alder part trade: part in cultivation.
. eB01 CONK LIN,
0i6 Hawthorne, Cor. E. 35th.
Talwr 80S. '
1 .HANi .K my own acreage and can
suit anyone looking for fruit tracts,
truck Bardanlng, close . in homes or
chicken ranches. The 'largest assort--ment
of 1 to 10 acre tracta in tha city.
fems.ll cash payment down, balance
monthly paymeiitti or liberal discount
for cash. Call or write for literature
on any of my tracts. J. O. Elrod, 618-618-620
Corbett bldg.. Portland, Or.
5 Acre Fruit and Garden Tract
Land all under cultivation near North
Plains. Ideal for poultry, and garden
truck. Best of soil; $250 an acre: adja
cent laM selling from $600 to $700, an
917 Board of Trade.
Main 9416. A -81 88.
CHICKEN and fruit ranchea near Port-
land, walking distance to good town;
running water, best soil, free wood,
Splendid fruit district; view of Colum-
t seres $400; 10 acres $5(i0; 10 per ceni
casn, easy payments.
809 Yeon bldga Portland.
10 Acres . ;
Magnificent view, close to Portland, 2
miles from Newberg, only $2600; all in
croD. which will lay interest; can be
bought for $260 cash and $60 per month;
no- tetter land anywhere for fruit or
vegetables. Or will sell one halt. See
actual owner. 808 Spalding bldg.
SO acres of land, $ miles from North
Plains Upward Portland, on United
Railways, 200 yards from station;
enough hardwood to pay for the entire
tract; 100 per cent below market value;
a platting proposition or an investment;
we will sell this in small tracts if you
huy. Particulars, 405 Couch bldg.
At Wllaonvllle, where Oregon Electrio
crosses river; building haa 8 bedrooms,
large kitchen, dining room and office;
across street from depot: any one want
ing a hotel location should come to
wThranvlUe. H. G. Hartshorns. Hotel
Lawrence, Wllsonville. Or. ,
with 10 room house with hot and cold
water, bath, etc., 86. miles from Port
land, land nearly all cleared, best soil,
ty. block from depot, adjoins good live
town, schools, 2 churches, 4 stores, thick
ly settled community. $3000, good
terms, owner, zo coroett Didg.
5 u acre tract, well located, mile from
Metzger on the Salem electric and V4
mile from Medford on the Forest Grove
line. There is a new 8 room house with
barn 80x60, also chicken house. With
full bearing orchard eet out to apples,
A bargain at $6000. half down, balance
easy terms." M-18, Journal. '
In city limits, between 2 car lines, 8
blocks to one, 5 to v the other line; a
food 6 room cottage and alt kinds of
rult. See this. Price $4500; H cash.
76th and E. Gllsan Stw. M.-V. Car.
18 acrea one mile from Gresham, well
improved at a bargain.
1 to 6 acre tracts, also 10, 20, 40 and
10 acre tracts, improved and unimproved,
near O. W. P. and Mt, Hood car Unea.
v. Oresham, Or.
NICE chicken ranoh, $10 cash, $8 per
manin. 0 mmuiea imm iti ana Ai
rier ri- pvrv Sfl mlnlitPH' ItBeTi a ram
chickens, garaen; save air the Cost Of
living, .trice mun, i3ib wask.
ington at., room 18.
T5600 PRbFITby investing $1600 in
acreage; make appointment at once.
Chapman, box 865, Arista.
$1260 up.
Tabor ; acres
Owner, East
on 71stx St.
More than 4000 acres In our plat and
close to Portland, both steam, and . elec
tric cars, and the most fertile soli in
Oregon. - Completed roads along 1 each
tract. "
Onions will produce 500 bushels per
acre; horseradish, 3 tons; parsnips,
(to 7 tons; carrots and cabbage, 1(1
tons; rutabagas and turnips, sjto 9 tons;
celery will net from $600 to $600 per
acre; fruit and berries do wonders, and
poultry -exceedHhero aU. - . -
We have some 40 people on this tract
that have bought from two to four
times each, let us refer , you to them
as to this land, also aa to our treatment
of buyers. , - ,-t - ? .
Located so convenient -to Portland
hat you get consumers' prices for every
thing ybu produce and part or tha fam
ily can work In tha city if they so de
sire, ifv-'f A vv :--:.'-'::-'.'..;vi.',-.''-'V-!3
Any sized tract you want at 1126 to
$350 per acre and upon monthly pay
ments If desired. A discount tor casn.
, .102 Fourth St. :.. .
Main 85 6 - - ' A-S500
'. ." ' ' ' ' Of OUr ' .- '
;,,;tV '.,V: LAND
In Marlon county, B. E. of Salem,
at M value to the first 20 home builder.
First come, first Served. '
' Apply at farm department of
s Chamber of Commerce bldg.,
.. Portland. ' ,
Or at our Branch Office on tha Grounds
Take 4:lt p. m. & P. train at Union
depot (or at 4:26 p. m. from E. Morri
son at) to West Stayton, via ' Wood
bura : - -. , ,
than 1000 acres were bought
near Hillsboro within one week by Port
land realty investors. Hillsboro is 55
minutes from Portland's center;- has ex
cellent, transportation over 8 different
lines and lies in tha best valley, in Ore
gon, bar none, as far as : soil and
water supply, ate, are concerned. vWa
control larger land holdings close by,
and are selling tracta from S acres up
ward at old time prices. Cash or terms.
Get in before the coming advance in
405 Couch bldg., 108 4th st.
11 Acre Tract
Tigard, Or,
7 acres clear, 4 acres 'light timber,
small house and barn, chicken vpark,
plenty water, all fenced, 4 mile trom
atation; $3200 j $2000 cash, balance to
suit. .
' 406 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts.
12 Acres
On Mt. Hood electric. Joining Villa and
1 miles from city limits, Including
good house and barn valued at $3100.
Whole business-can be bought for $578
per acre $3700 cash, balance easy.
This Is a snap according to other prop
erty selling around it. See us today.
Klepper & Jones
540 Chamber of Com. Phone Maft 7867.
Near city limits, 4 acres in .culti
vation; good 6-room house-and barn;
chicken houses; handy to car; this man
wants money and some one wlll get a
248 Madison st.
FIVE acres on the Willamette river. 20
miles from Portland, $1600, $500 cash,
terms to auit on balance, if you are
looking for a grand summer home, that
you can raise anything that grows In
Oregon, thla may appeal to you; choice
frontage on the Willamette rivar.. con
venient to Portland,' is going to be val
uables always a pleasure to show prop-
acres, all claar1. vrv fin
for Btrawberrv nnltiirA nn) r tmm
both electric and steam R. R. station,
$800 caah, balance long time, m
$500012 acres, all clearedlne aoll.
on railroad between Portland and Ore
gon City, $1500 cash, balance long time
or exchange for desirable city property.
1. J. LA
819 Chamber of Commerce.
1-2 Acre
For aala bv the owner, with fin
6 room modern dwelling; account of slck-
nma 1 m not aDie to work the place.
or attend to my chickens. thFfn-
must sell. Located st B4A Pnw.n .
near 31st. Please call or write
FOUR acres, suitable for chicken ranch.
on the west side, 6 cent fare. $25JO;
beautiful View flit A. nvtrlnnlrlnv tk
river; if you are Interested in scenio
property this will appeal to you; attrac
Sfrr&ES'K r'l. M. E. Lee,
S260 Will Handle .
These well Improved 10 acre tracta,
onyi$H5 per acre, also have several
small and large dalcy ranches, come
out and aee what I have. H. D. Hart
shorne. Wllsonville. Or.
.6 acres, with fine slope for fruit or
chickens, near car. for $50, down and
$10 month. Total price only $900.
Owners, Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-812
Lewis bldg.
ACREAGE in M acre. 1 acre, 8 acre,'
.!L"cr t1"01". "ar car lines, 6c fare
$700 up. On easy terms.
1 John B. Goddard
B05 Yeon building.
Platting Proposition
Three acres on Mt. Tabor, 2 blocks
from new city park, 4 blocks from Mt.
Tabor carllne, a beautiful tract, $7000
Kasy terms. Q. L. Webb. 414 T5L. Stark.
Sfc acres lies beauUfuI. U mile of
station, on U. R $100 caaS, balance
ml fen .ftri'-ofo0? Sherman.
CHICKEN RANCH" near Portland. 8U
.ncres ,,ome tln,b' nd bruah. 'bes
soil no rock or gravel, close to e ectrlo
car line, $840. Terms $160 cash, bai
anoe easy payments. Call 208 Corbett
For Sale
. aere tracts and up, 20 minutes'
ride on the Oregon Electrlo; owners.
Maggeth Bros., Hillsdale. Or., Route l!
5 Acres fnfiM"
NfVnlt,,.v',; not f,r Irom carllne.
good soil, no stone, easy terms. Howard
& Co., 402 Commercial block --"ward
CHiCKEN RANCH near Portland,
acres, light clearing, excellent soil, 1
5Sk",rom SleJ?trle w Nation. Price
$360; terma $50 cash, $10 per month
Owner, 203 Corbett bldg - monIn-
FIVE acres, rich soli, in 8 mile circle"
.close to city limits,' part cleared VES
di?intc ii,avy timber, $1400
klGHT-' acres on electrlo carllne, t W
in cultivation. 2 blocks from school,
new house, 2 chicken houses and yards
chickens, good young bearing apple or
chard. Owner, 145V4 Morris st L or
U care. !r-, . ;- v
WILL sell myefulty in fine 10 acre
. fruit tract at North Yamhill for $160
balance $25 monthly. Close to station
640 ACRES good red shot soil, mile
from river and R. R.. No rocks. $12
per acre,, all or part, Terms, K-604,
6NBJ acre close to Jennings Lodge, Ut0,
$76 cash, $15 per
month; fine for
summer , home w and
cnicKens. 1 T-603,
BOll. Jlvlns- WStnr. Hnm.,l..J n..1..
Co., 232 H Wash.7 room ig "TOUjr
13 acres level berrv land, nmut Tualatin
rwnr - gubdivide;"' im per aero!" Eas v
terms. 4 is Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak.
80 acres, $16 per acre. 22 milea from
Portland; fine soil. good i terms. 270
East' -lth st. Telephone East BOIft.
bmaj,l tracts for $K0 per acre, close
to Portland and rnflroad: get descriD
tions at 405 Couch bldg.j 109 4th at.
,. ACREAGE . .
16 to hi
I have SIXTEEN 10 acre tracts
near ; Goldendale, Wash., that , I
will sell' for what you can buy
ONE fo? at Hood River. - .,-. '
This land has been tried and '
found to grow tha same quality '
of apple that they grow at Hood
River, v .,
Come in and let me tell you
more about this and others. Price
$30 per are. Terms. v '
L.A. Duncan -
;' 640 Chamber of Commerce.')
v - Phone Main . 7S87...- V;
11 Acre Tract
- Milwaukie Park.
Half clear, right on Kellogg creek and
Close to car, 8o fare from First and
Alder station, $700 per acre, half cash,
Balance s years at a per cent. '
- A,' J, GANTNER '.;
406 Henry bldg, 4th and Oak ats.
. that you can
Daring the dry summer, so you
can double or treble your yieldsT
If so, get In on the ground floor
of our Willamntte Valley irrigated
land in Marlon county, 8. E, of
Salem. . -
Apply at farm land department
Chamber of Commerce bldg.,
v-. Portland..-
or '
at our Branch Office
on the grounds
Take 4:15 p. m. S. P. train at
union Depot (or 4:6 p. m. from
E. Morrison st, to West Stayton
via Woodburn.
167 Acre Farm
Willamette Vallev
One-half mile from valley town and
8. P. station. Practically level, 84 acrea
under plow, 25 acrea more easily
cleared, 2V acres planted to spuds last
month. Good howse, barn and .out
buildings. 'Water piped to house and
barn; 9 milch cows, 3 calves, 1 mare
and colt, chickens and cream separator,
buggy, wagon and farm implements.
Phone tn house. Price $90 per 'acre,
cash. Would consider exchange.
Cook & Taylor
402-8-4-6 Lewis bldg. 4th and Oak sts,
$6200166 ACRES. 40 acrea in high
mam oi cumvauon, oaiance open land
and timber with good house and three
good barns, .water piped in house from
spring, Thla Includes all personal prop
erty, to-wit: Span mares, 25' head of
cattle, goats, aheep. hogs, chickens,
wagons, covered hack, buggy, harness,
farming implements, cream separator
and all household goods and all small
ioojs. cm k. . u. route and telephone
In house. Terms if desired. Route 4,
Box 19, McMlnnville, Oregon.
184 acres 8 miles from Oreron Cltv.
on good road, 9 acres clear, old house
ana orcnara, aiso 6 acres at Oregon
City. Lays fine, good house, hothouse,
2 wells, horse, buggy, . fine cow, all
tnolfl furniture, water worka vtm
One of the best bargains in Clackamas
county; must sell cheap; will give terms
on part. . write ror price and terms
Answer this and you won't regret it
Oregon City, Or. Box 203.
-A Bargain
1410 acres of land, suitable for stock
raising and sericulture. Fine fruit
land, running water on every 40 acres,
modern 12 room house, barn 60x64,
water aystem in house and barn, 12
miles 6-bar wire fence. Located on the
C. & E. R. R., 2V4 miles from station.
For particulars address owner,
Nortons, Lincoln Co., Ore.
50 Acre Farm Bargain
60 acres, 16 miles1 from Portland, near
electric car line close to school, church,
store; good county road, R. F. D. route,
40 acres In cultivation, 10 acres tim
ber, land practically level, best deep
soil, spring water, an elegant farm;
price $125 per acre; some terms; ad
joining farma aakln $200 to $500 per
acre. Owner, 208 Coroett bldg.
7 miles from best town in county, near
new electric line under construction
and adjoining townsite; facea on state
road; some under cultivation, timber on
balance will pay for clearing; .fine
stream running through place. Price
per acre $45; will divide, R-605, Jour
nal. 5 ACRES of level land, all in good cul
tlvation but one acre; 1 acre of oats,
2 acres of potatoes; good 7 room frame
house, frame barn and other buildings;
20 large fruit trees; good well of water;
1 mile from Oregon City, on Clackamas
Heights; on county road, mall route
and between 2 stores. Price $3500;
terms on $1200. Owner, T. T. Pankey,
r-arapisce. yjr.
A FINE 240 acre ranch, located in .the
beautiful Willamette valley. Three
miles from railroad and market. House,
barn and orchard, 40 acres under cul
tivation, as much more nearly cleared.
40 acrea .-good timber, balance pasture
with some timber and brush. Price
$30 per acre. Owner. H. A. Kaeppler
319 Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland,
100 acres right here in Multnomah
county, splendid soil, all can he culti
vated, 30 acres in meadow, plentv of
fruit, on good gravel road, 1 mile to
carllne; 890 per acre on easy terms.
248 Madison st.
326 acres of fertile soil; fine im
provements; well located; close to R.
R., and school. $126 per acre Includes
crops; tools and, stock; a rare oppor
tunity; don't pass It by. Phone owner
Woodlawn 928 or address Box 107 Ken-
ton station, rortiano.
20 ACRER of highly Improved land on
Baseline roaa, diockb rrom Mt. Hood
electric HneJ 3 H milea from city lim
its: 4 aores in raspberries, loganberrlea
and strawberries; 96 young bearing ap
ple, pear, prune, plum and cherry trees;
large new barn, small house, good well.
xerms. inquire at 314 front st,
ACRF.&. Willamette valiev farm- ii
acres cultivated; good 6 room houne,
good barn and outbuildings; all kinds
of fruit; on good road and R. F. I).; 2
miles from R. R. station. H mile (o
school; all about level; some good fir
and cedar timber. Price $7500; terms.
Address Box 71, R. F. JiWJsi9,Z00iiJ9r'
170 ACRES Of land, ioFacreslindar otiT
tlvatlon; good improvements, in the
Willamette' valley; five and 10 acre
tracts are selling around this place. Tms
Is a bargain at $10,000; one half cash,
long time on balance. M. E. Lee, 411
Corbett bldg. ' , . . .
- 25 Acre Farm .
18 mile circle, nearly all cleared, fair
improvements,! level land, near R.- R.
for Portland property.. Phone owner,
East . 1039, after 6 p. m., or T-504,
FOR SALE By owner. 40 acres, chick-
en ana vegeiaoie iana, i miles from
Aberdeen, Wash.; small house, 3 chick
en houses, young bearing apple orchard.
Price $4400; easy terms. Call 632
Washington, st, W. Sheman, Portland,
MEXICO-Vl'he -wonderful gulf, coast
unnntlf Una AAA mtrm mttlAl,tA.A
auiU-raisea-. tropical . fruits.- cwnxlceOOD f
beans or cotton. $7.76 to $16 per acre.T Ue vi
wnie wr oouRiet - "iropicai Mexico.
1125 Cera ave.. Portland. - ,'
$1100 buyaa acres of improved land,
o nine irem.i'oriiMna; nice house and
barn, J acre in cherries, all kinds of
small fruits, good road. Inquire at $81
Ca.kf st. Owtisr, . , -
8SSSSSSSSSS 8 8 S 8 S 8 S 8 S
8 ... ' 8
s. . . a
8 $2200 45 acres fronting on the 8
8 Washougal river, 6 miles from It. 8
8 R. station and boat landing, 29 b
8 miles from Portland. Several acres fc
8 clegredr 30 acres bottom land, could 8
8 be irrigated from river, very bst 8
8 iof garden landV Thia is a good 8
8 location for a road house, it fronts 8
8 on the State road; it is a great 8
8 summer resort; lots of autoa, good 8
8 .fishing and hunting.' . Give good 3
8 terms... . . .,- , , ' , 8
8 ' ' s
8 $6500 160 acres In the famous 8
8 White Salmon fruit belt; 10 miles 8
8 from R. R. station; 10 acrea in 8
8 cultivation: family orchard; 26 8
8 acres mostly cleared; one million S
8 feet of good timber; balance 8
8 brush very ; easily x cleared; ; all 8
8 level; 30 acres fenced; 2 good wells, 8
8 good spring; on county road, 2 8
8 miles from store and high school. 8
S Fine location, 1 -story, 6-room 8
8 rustlo house; barn 32x42. There is 8
8 20 acres bottom land. This Is one 8
8 of the best buys In-that section 8
S of the country. Terms, $2600 cash, S
8 balance 3 years.. Very best of.uojk 8
S '.". .-3''''' ' ' 8
8 0i acre tracts, 2 miles ?frm 8
8 Estacada electrlo car, 26 miles 8
3 from Portland on county road. S
8 All level, IS acres cleared on each 8
8 tract, some timber, spring on each 8
8 tract; fine location, very best of S
8 black soil; 2 miles from high S
8 school. Give good terms. Price 8
S $100 to $125 per acre. , 8
S '',, ," ' ' '".', 8
3 $4200 60 acres, 3 miles from 8
8 Sherwood R. R. town, 3 miles 8
S from boat landing; 19 miles from S
8 Portland; 40 acres in cultivation, 8
8 balance timber; fine spring: old 8
8 house, good barn; 8 acrea in hops: 8
8 on main country road; very best of 8
8 soil. Give good terms. 8
S 8
8 40 acres, 3 miles from R. R. 8
S station, ll milea from Portland, on 8
8 fine gravel road, 86 acrea in or- 8
S chard, mostly bearing, apples, S
S prunes, cherries, almonds, walnuts, 8
8 good house and barn, fruit dryer S
8 cost $3000, fine location, no bet- 8
8 fer fruit land in Oregon, adjoining 8
8 land is selling from $300 to $400 S
8 per acre unimproved; if sou are S
8 looking for a good investment it 8
8 will pay you to Investigate this; 8
S the reason , for selling is old age; 8
8 price only $17,000, good terms. 8
8 $4500168 acres 4 miles from 8
8 good, town on main line of N. P. 8
S R H. and boat landing on Cowllts 8
8 river; 18 acres In cultivation; 100 8
S acres timber, balance pasture; well 8
8 and springs; family orchard; 8
8 fenced and cross fenced: S
8 good house and barn, team and 8
8 , wagon and harness; 6 head of cat- 8
8 tie, 8 hogs, 120 chickens, spring 8
8 wagon; all farm implements; give 8
8 terms; very best of soil. 8
8 8
8 $0600; 40 acres V, miles from 8
8 Salem Electric station, 13 .miles 8
8 from Portland, 30 acres in fine 8
3 state of cultivation. 2 acres bearing 8
8 orchard, 3 acres timber, 6 room 8
8 house, good barn, small creek; on 8
S main county road, R. F. D. and tel- S
S ephone; good team, 4 cows, 9 hogs, 8
S 50 chickens, wagon, hack, cream 8
S separator; all farm implements; all S
d crops; very best of soil; mile O
8 to church; mile to school; give 8
S good terms; fine location. 8
8 8
8 If you are in the market for a 8
S country home; a farm, large or 8
8 small; or improved land, see mo 8
8 before buying. I have some of the 8
8 best bargains In this terrltorv. 8
S 8
8 205 Gerllnger bldg., cor. 2d and 8
B Alder, Office, Main 8430, Res.,
a .Woodlawn 2169. 8
8 S
A Trio of Specials
The Dalles
A- fine larire fruit farm of 244 acres
at The Dalles, highly improved but still
at a price usuauy paid ior unimproved
land of this character. There is a 7
room house, Wood barn and all other
necessary buildings; 35 acres in orchard,
mostly oeanng. rnis orchard is now
producing prise winning frolt and the
rarm is a dividend payer from the start
See us for full Information.
. A beautiful little 80 acre farm near
Goldendale having two nice, bungalows,
barn and other bulldinirs: mostly cleared
and in cultivation; SO acres bottom laud
wblch produces alfalfa; balance fine
fruit land. This place can be handled
with $1000 down. You would be Dleased
witn it.
. . . I . -
A very desirable little country home
or 64 acres in tne ewe or Newberg,
having plenty of good buildings: two
bearing orchards; all kinds of berries
two springs, and a trout utream, at a
price that is more than reasonable. The
owner must sell at once. , Very easy
R, E, Nichols & Co,
270 Stark St.
The Best Improved
Z Acres New 7 room house, 25 m(n-
ute-s from Portland. 7"te er-iriHmig water, best soil, free wood
rare, 6 chicken houses, 3 pig
con houses, duck house, brooo
er housfl, Incubators, heating
stove, barn, gasoline pump,
house and 50 gallon tank, 200
pure bioort chickens, 300 pig
eons, duck pond, running wat
er, don't let this go by; get
Information at 406 Couch bldg.
FARM lands; we cannot describe all our
farms, but can show you as good
farms and at as reasonable prices, as
can be had In the Willamette valley, as
a sample, 43 acres improved, 8 room
house, barn, 2'A acres in strawberries,
1U acre in oiacK caps. living water.
So acres. 70 in cultivation, all in
frain, 6 room bouse, large barn, 7 cat
1. 4 aood horses and equipped with
everything that a farm needs.
Acre tracts close in; easv terms.
FISHER & HTLUER. 305 Ablngton.
Main 4841.
One acre of hops produces, at leant
1000 pounds. Hons next year will bring
SOc nor pound: 15.000 pounds Ht SOo er
pound means $4500, which is our price
for the hop yard and new hop house.
Ask a hopman about our statement,
406 LOllCn OKIg., IV 9 4111 St.
Chicken Ranch
Elegant chicken ranch, 26 acres, .good
soil, about 20 miles from Portland, 2
miles from depot of live town; only $30
per acre, $250 cash and eaHy monthly
ayments win nunaie; bimo u acres ror
600: 130 miles from Portland. Kea
owner, 308 fipalding bldg. "
40 acres. 8 acres young orchard. 1U
miles to station, new house, running
water, near 8cappoose, store, croamerv.
high school., See Parker, 602 Corbett
10 ACRES, sandy loam; large, young,
bearing orchards good house, good
roads, ideal home, $3500. : Address own.
er. X. Corbett, Oregon.
120 ACRES. 100 cultivated, -rich soil,
fine buildlnsB, horses, cows, etc.: 3
miles town; only $7600r ft cash.. V.
Cladek, owner, Crabtree, Or.-
BARGAIN sale, 172 acres bench land
on Alsea river. 8 acres in krass. aood
dairy location; price $1700. Address
owner, Mrs. Nora Smith, Tidewater, Or.
ette Taney Wr8aIeD0n?r-til S
East Taylor street. Portland, Oregon.
ffcnd for my printed list A. P. .'Will,
Aurora, ur.
80 ACRRft. Yamhli) county; flhe fruit
and stock land. $1800, $600 cash.
Phone St'llwood 264, ownet
Including' $2000 .Worth of
Personal Property, only $8500
naiT casn
This Is a modl farm, and you can
make money from start; crop is in and
goes for the above price. There are 60
acres in good stnte cultivation, fenced
and cross fenced, good barn, fair house,
good well, on good county road, mile
from school, 4 miles to R. . R. station,
only 12 miles from Vancouver and 19
miles from Portland Courthouse. There
is no better soil in the northwest, lies
level, anything will grow on this place;
owner raised good corn, oats, potatoes
and,, hay. If . you are looking for real
farm and one that Is money maker see
this before it is too late.
. 18 Acres .
$3000, U cash, on railroad at Green
wood station. ,10 acres In cultivation,
balance, easily cleared, fair house and
barn, on good county road, 6 miles from
Vancouver. Thla is a bargain, land near
this with no Improvements selling for
$200 per acre, soil is deep black loam
and land lies level.
J, B. Atkinson
'401 Washington st.
Phone 618 Vancouver, Wn,
1 Opposite P. O.
Fine Little Home
23tt aores of fine soil, 16 acrea
In high state of cultivation, good
family orchard, comfortable six
room house, good barn, chicken
houses and outbuildings, 2 good
.cows, t dozen chickens, an neces-
sary implements to run the pla
i mm piace lies up.nne and
wonderful view of Willaerfctte
river which is 200 yards from
place, also boat landing. 2 hi miles
from Oregon Electric station on
fine county road. This is an ex
tra fine little country home.
Price $3600. $2000 cash, balance
to suit.
Cooperative Realty Co,
819-20-21 Railway Exchange bldg.
4 th and Stark sts.
Stock Ranch, 820 Acres
$50. PER ACRE.
400 acres bottom land, bal
ance sloping, 260 acrea In cultiva
tion, balance fine pasture- A-No. 1 soil,
6 and 8 room houses, 3 fine barns,
sheep sheds and tool houses, good
stream water runs through full length
of place, 2 small orchards, some stock.
Including 3 good horses, all farm ma
chinery; also about 16,000,000 feet good
timber; this place is within 6 miles Of
Willamina, Polk Co., Or., and is one
of the best stock ranches In the Wil
lamette valley; we can subdivide into
3 or more farma to a good advantage;
price $50 per acre on terms to suit pur
chaser. See this place before buying
anything else.
J. M. KERR & CO.,
311 Henry bldg.
FARM 3 miles from Tigard, near Tay
lor's ferry road 32 acres, 25 acres
In wheat, oats and clover, good clean
orchard, S apples, 10 pears, 14 Italian
prunes, 14 cherry trees, fruit of the best
quality, 7 acres hlrh timber clear of
brush, easy to clear; 4 room house, good
barn, chicken house, 2 good horses, 1
cow, l heller, farm wagon, hay rack,
mower, ploughs, good water supply, all
well fenced. Price $200 per acre, $3000
cash, balance 4 years 6 per cent. Can
give possession Immediately.
A, J, Gantner
406 Henry bldg. . 4th and Oak jits.
Farm in Clark County Fine
Stock Ranch
120 acres deep black loam, In cul
tivation, three million feet fine stand
ing timber, running water, fair build
ings, 6 miles from Washougal. Price
$6500. Inquire at W. Dorres, care Gel fl
ier & Dorres. 386 East Morrison. Both
phones. Res. B-2021.
Dairy Farm
229 acres, all bottom land, in culti
vation, 25 miles from Portland, 2 miles
from railroad, boat landing on place,
good house and barn and Outbuildings,
20 head cows. This for $70 per acre,
half cash. Consolidated Realty Co., 310
Hen ry bid g.
I WANT a farm of 100 acres or more
that can be purchased with small cash
payment; owners answer. B-487, Jour
76 ACRES for rent at Tigard, 26 acres
In cultivation, 76 fruit trees, bearing;
4 room house, $100 year. Phone M.
6338. Write A. 8. Shadduck, Portland.
Easy Payments
Finest Fruit Land
White Salmon Valley
Oier, E, G. Nelson, 819 Yeon
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
land, walking distance to good town;
splendid fruit district: view of Colum
bit river and snow peaks; 2 acres $300;
3 acres $400; 10 acres $000; 10 per cent
cash, easy payments.
S0! yeon Bldg., Portland,
11 acre fruit farm for sale. of mile
from business part of town. Set to
400 Spltxonberg 400 Yellow Newtown
apples, 60 Royal Anne, 50 Lambert. 60
Ring cherries. One acre In 2 year goose-
herrlAn Alfalfa And rmA nlnvr v.inh
sown between the trees. Price $80J0.
By owner. Address Box 144, Browns
ville. Or.
BEAUTIFUL orchard for sale. 10
acres. 60 apple trees. 100 cherry
trees, U aero red raspberries, 6 blocka
from car line. Terms. Provident In
vestment & Trustee Co.. 201-203 Board
or Trade bldg.
AN ideal fruit farm, ideni location in
heat known helt In liiwrlna 1 mlUa
from Portland, 250 rods from R. R
station, pays 20 per cent on $20,000, for
sale fey owner. Address for particulars
R. I Austin, Vancouver, Wash.
240 acres fruit land, Washington coun
ty, near school; county road: $20
ptr acre. Owner. Phone Sellwood 264.
FOR rentoF trade: 5 acres bea'verdam
land. Address E. L. Commons, 62J
BUlsr.. 3d and Washington st: Re
linquishment of 160 acres, 4 miles from
Klamath Falls, Oregon;.. 65 acres mea
dow land, fenced with 3 wires; about
one million feet of yellow pine; house
and well, wagon road on ' land;
4 miles from railroad. Will talc
vacant lot. Price $650. Come quick
ir you want mis as it , won t last
Main 8560, A-3475. Ask for exchange
man. . ,
160. Acre Homesteads-
I am returning to my homestead and
will locate 6 or 8 good citUens. near
school, mill and postofflce; abundance of
wood and water. H. Buckner, 371 22d st
north. Phone Main 4113,
HOMESTEAD 35 miles from Portland,
fine . soil, plenty good water, some
timber, close to school, sawmill: will
make a good home. 270 East 16th st.
Teleohone East 6019.
Portland; timber and brush: also"
prairie land ready for the clow. -Wheat.
grass,, fruit and vegetables this year.
Konm yi, jfn,- linn,
Railroad Grant Lands
In Orea-on. See our Drotioaltion. Par.
ticulars at 215 Boara of "Trade bldg..
FREE Information 'regarding - home
steads. Homestead Realty Co.. 282 M
Washington St.; room 16 . 1
IMPROVED homestead relinquishment,
near' Roseburg and station. Some
furniture. Main 9518.
For Sale or Trade - s
A contract for the sale of 3809 kitchen
cabinets; I have the exclusive right In
tho state of Oregon and 3 years to sell
them in. This is a big money maker.
All it needs is the right man to handle
it and it will bear the closest investigation.-
This cabinet is something entirely
new and a good seller. Anybody inter
ested write or call on U. Reese, 427 6th
St., Portland. '
160 ACRES near Ashland, 60 cleared,
6 in cultivation; three million feet
saw timber; good portable saw mill on
place; fine set of bldgs., good dark soil.
This property is open for Investiga
tion, Will trade for good city property
or will take good automobile as part, or
will consider a merchandise business
of some kind. Give full particulars.
K-602. Journal.
$6500, FINE large 8 room modern resi
dence, nearly new, close in, on east
side and in fine location; 'tis a corner
with $ tots, all kinds of bearing fruit,
a very fine home: will trade for vacant
lots or smaller . nouses. Sellwood pre
ferred. Or will consider merchandise
business of some kind; will give or take
difference. K-60, Journal.
Wanted An Automobile
for fractional lot on '11th, near Hall,
with 2 flat renting for $50 per month.
Price $6000. , Will take automobile and
$2000 cash, balance to suit
DEMENT & KRIDER. 248 Madison st.
To trade Coos Bay lots for Portland
lots or house and, lot; will pay cash
216 Lewis bldg. Main 4 071.
160 ACRE grazing and Umber home
stead, title from government, 1,600,
000 yellow pine, value $1500; will ex
change for equal equity In Improved
place on carllne, suitable for chickens,
etc. Owner. E-375. Journal.
WILL trade, beautiful 10 acre tract,
cleared. This land la on county road,
four miles from railroad, and is in
the best fruit district of southern
Washington. Walter McQovern, 1038
Chamber of Commerce.
I HAVE an 8 room bungalow with 8
lots in Cooullle, OT., to exchange for
home in Portland, or will consider an
eiulty. R. R. Pownder, 428 Mohawk
WANTED to exchange a nice modern 6
room residence on a 50x100 lot on
Glisan near Laurelhurst, worth $4000,
on a 8 or 9 room residence, well located.
Will pay or assume difference. 418
Railway Exchange,
32 ACRES unimproved fruit land and
some cash for equity In city property.
Price $1500. See owner, 88 10th near
I HAVE a lot south of Woodmere, Mt.
Scott line, price $300 ;r will take horse
or wagon as part payment Call 103
4tn ave.. l.ents. labor 4ft.
$500 EQUITY in fine residence lot on
East Taylor St., will trade for auto
mobile or equity In 5 room house. K
609. Journal.
ACRES for lots; will trade close in
acre tract for clear city lots. Owner,
Main 8684.
I HAVE some good city property and
cash to trade for an automobile. Call
Main 6377.
30 LOTS in one of the best towns in
Oregon, will trade for auto or stock
goods. K-608, Journal.
$2000, 16 ACRES of fine fruit land
near Koseourg; win traae ror equity
in 6 room house. K-607, Journal.
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker, 626 and 137 Henry bldg.
Main 4465. A-7434. .
$700 EQUITY in bungalow for grocery,
confectionery, lots or acreage in or
out of city. J-608. Journal.
MINING stock as first payment on any
kind of city property or rooming
house. 283 H Emerson, room 5. '
BEACH lots on the Pacific ocean to ex
change for Portland equities, auto
mobiles or diamonds. 8-504. Journal.
TEN good
in Tillamook
you?. O-605,
county. What
WHAT have you to trade for two lots
in Astoria, value about $500. F-504,
WE trade for anything anywhere. See
us today. ii Henry, oiag.
fWILL buy, sell or trade anything.
H. F. Lee. 1015 Board of Trade bldg.
WE CAN trade your property or busi
ness. Call 808 Board of Trade.
TRADE for anything. Hicks, Independ
ence. ,
WANT to exchange fine talking ma
chine for good piano.. Portland Pho
nograph Agentcy. 350 Alder st
WE can sell yourprop
. erty, no m a 1 1 e r
where it is located and
will guarantee --to- get
ihfiLJiigriest market
price Tor same,
Eastern & Western Trust Co.,
901. Chamber of Commerce
WANTED Close In, central east side
house and lot or vacant lot In ex
change for a $3200 new modem S room
bungalow on a 50x100 lot, situated a
few steps from car, near Clinton and
Marguerite sts. Will assume difference.
418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2763.
I WANT to buy the best bungalow close
to the carllne that $2500 cash will
buy: prefer central east, or northeast
section, of city. Room 430 Worcester
bldg. Main 1840.
WANTED A good suburban acreuge
property in exchange for a $1100 equity
In a $4000 five room hcuse and a $400
equity Ii. a lot worth $1100. R-475,
I AVANT a lot 100x100 with small house
on, for $200 cash, balance monthly.
Give best prteo and location. E-48i.
WANTED A small bungalow about
$1800, $100 down. $10 per month, I
am not an agent. R-509, Journal.
I WANT a 4 or 5 room cottage, near
good carllne and not too far' out, for
$150 cash and balance like rent. Owners
only. E-487. Journal. v
33 ROOMS 33
In heart of city., near P, On cheap rent,
furnace heat lease, all outside rooms,
good furniture; clears $250. .
Price $1400, terms. "
Peters. 16 N. 5th at.,' or 129 loth st.
$150 DOWN and 125 month, buys 6
roomr rooming ' house, ' modern; - rent
$25. Lovely home and -place, to clear
good portion of living, price i $326,
Goddard, 60S Yeon bldg..--fi-.-.."AT'.r,
ROOMING ,iouB6 any size, at prices
to suit: we buy, sell and exchange.
$18 Henry bldg. Marshall 6 4.
11, rooms, rent $50. income $115; price
$700; right down town. Fred W. (Jer
man, 829 Burnslde sty Main or A-37T .
lV rooms, corner" house brick, close In
'tn6tti eiears-12 xwewth-.-" Call
owner.. A-4209. . . . v
23 HOUSEKEEPING rflpnw; all full;
central location; lease; -terms, or re
duction fur wmlLjOwnfr,' 3t' 3d st.
R"( )0 M INU house. X rT" iTi7 11 ireiiTit
ior nwu(!Ht:cii:,K , ' U lUKea this
i'hono iVlain Sijo.
For money makers, see these:
$1100 8 rooms and confectionery store;
.'easy terms.
$300037 rooms, -good lease end f dr-
- niture; easy terms. ,
$1500 32 rooms, lease and cheap rent;
. .c easy . terms,-., . ....
13200 3 1 rooms, close in; lease: easy
', terms. . ' .- - -$2790--27
rooms. -nicely furnished; lease;
' easy terms. .
$220022 rooms." nicely ' furnished;
' loijg lease; easy terms. ,
$2200 23 rooms; good lease; close in;
, easy terms. . 1 .
$2100 -ill rooms; good tease and furni
ture; easy terms. . . .
$300018 i- rooms; cheap. - rent; Uas
easy terms.
$1250 13 rooms; cheap rent; leaaet
.easy terms.,
$ 80012 rooms; cheap rent; . easy
. terms. -
$ 60011 rooms and tailor shop; this is
. a dandy. '-. - - , ,
325 7 rooms; good furniture; cheat
rent. . .-c-
, We have others. - '
r--.:-.. jia Allaky-btdg. '
1 1 Corner Third and Morrison; ' '
.18 Rooms $1600 -
2 Years' Leased $75.'..
This house is located, on he
best part of Morrison st The
lease is worth 'almost' the price1
of the house. Guaranteed clearing
over $125 per mo. Half cash
will handle this, balance month- -
Associated Investment Co.
Phones Main 481. A-7112.
. 15 RoomstSt.' :
Good furniture," rent' $5oi Rooms al
ways rented, clears $75; $900, $4u0 cash.
TO Rooms
New furniture, 2 years' lease, . cen-
trally located, $300 puts you in posses-' '
16 rTooms " '
Corner house, swell furniture, close in,
clears $100 per month, $1100; terms.
14 Rooms
Center city," lease, clears $73 per
month; $475 will handle. , ,
"13 Rooms
5 minutes from P. O., clears $60; only
$350 required. ' ;
310 Henry bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak.
These Are Good 1 -
10 rooms rent 40, half block from
Washington, cost $1400 to furnish.' will
sell for $1100; terms.
18 rooms corner brick, long lease,
Bteam heat, newly furnished. $1700,,
half cash. s .
18 room transient, on Washington, '
long lease, cheap rent, clears $100 per
month. Price $1200: terms.
10 rooms rent $50, close-in, seven
cords of wood included; only $560. ). .
7 rooms rent $33, nice home, good
Income. Three blocks from P. O. Good
sewing machine; price $325.
$50 per Acre '.;
813 Henry bldg.
11 rooms, walking distance; rent. $35;
2 years' lease, modern, clears fine in
come; worth $900, for quick sale $650,
terms; we also have 8, 10 and 17 room
places, all making money and they want
to sell and we have a very low price, on
easy terms. . " .-'''- ':.... 'v:..
H. E. JAMES A CO.. 88 10th near Stark.
I HAVE some of the best bargains In
rooming .houses ever offered in Port
land. I am the exclusive agent of some
ten places of 8 to 30, room places that
cannot be beat. If you haven't suffici
ent means I will help you. . ,
John B, Goddard
60S Yeon Bldg.
EUREKA REALTY CO.. Marshall 93.
We have the largest list of bargains
in rooming and apartment houses in .
Portland; no use looking further, we
have what you want and have it for
lees. r
627-628 Chamber of Commerce,
12 ROOMS, elegantly furnished, strict
ly modern house. Lovely home. Will
clear $50 month besides, You get your
money's worth in furnljure at this
plaoe, that seldom hTTt'ens. It's a
beauty, located in finest close In dis
trict Price $16iLGoddard, 505 Yeon
7 ROOMS, all housekeeping, very nice,
rent only $16 a. month; price $250,
$150 cash, balance- time. Johnson &
.lonnHon. led juin si.
DON'T fall to look this up: 18 rooms.
for sale by owner; low rent, with
lease; good furniture: rooms; all full.
Easy terms. Phone B-1395.
MUST sell grocery. Good lease on
building. 4 living rooms. Good neigh
borhood. Near Laurelhurst. Call Sith
and Sandy Road. Phones C-l 405, Ta
bor 3028. Jr , 1 1
HARNESS arid Implement business,
good town; -new fruit district; pros
perous fanning country; no competition:
$2K,000 will handle this; sell or lease
buildings. M-15, journal.
FOR SALE At a oargaln for cash,
$3000 stock of general merchandise
postofflce in store; good business
chance Address J. B. Fox, Fremont,
Lake Co., Or.
FOR SALE 8 lots In young fruit trees,
price $1600; terms, $600 cash, balance
yearly payments st s per cent; owner in
need of money. Addreaa R. 1, box 178,
CARPET cleaning . outfit, complete;
new, powerful vacuum machine; econ
omical, gasoline power: at bargain to
man who means business. 211 Clay st,
near 1st.
AT A SACRIFICE A good real estate
office In suburbs. Insurance, house
ah I n ha4 ur wnplr will ahnsu Knnlr
A small investment with large profits.
I A V , 1
in-1 . juunni. :, -.- . . -
WANTED Man With- money who un
derstands hog raising, to become in
terested in large hog ranch. S-S09,
Journal. c ... ' , "
HOTEL. Bypwner. 69 rooms. .Will
sell cheap oh account of sickness.
Terms. Strictly no sgents. 8-603, Jour
rXR SALE Blacksmith stock J. and
tools, team, wagon, harness in part
payment. Call or write A. B. Strong,
Bend, Or. ,
FOR SALE Blacksmith tools ami
stock in good location; established
business; cheap If taken soon. Call in
person, ueo, wciiiauer. i rouuiaie, r.
PRICE $800. $500 cash, balance to suit
at 6 per cent, will buy 8 lots and 3
room house if taken soon.. Address R.
No. I, box 176 Portland. ,
GROCERY snap, "invoice $460, rent
$12.50, including living mom. ran
Angeles Trust Co.," 326 Washington
St.. room 415.
WELL established plumbing . buolneos
for sale. Call 1243 E. Taylor st B-
1908. ' ' " - '
500 Business Cards $1.
Rose City Prlntery, 192H $4.
FOR houses, building Jots, in
business, see Reliable Real E
lotola anl
state, 4
Selling bldg.
K'T"1"n . ., i I., i J- ft- r -"ii - - i
FOR 8ALE Harness shop in gioi) Yv
j cation. Must, sell on account leaving
Cltv, Call Biu i nion mt, c.
PLUMBING shop for nale; bent lo .T
inn in nlty for! new beginner. - .'0
.UnlQrt -Ave.'.' 'north. M'- ' 1
FOR SALE GooJ stock of nierci,. -dlse,
store building, fixtures, tto, J.
r i LMb r'f,v .fir , ,
RESTAURANT foe sale. Suing,
business; price very reasonabK i-ii'i
'Ruwg?JL,t-'; : --- -
FOR SALE Ice reani and iwnl'ot lin
. Wv; will stand invef ligation; w
bus i ies. 7 M .Ws vhingtmi ft, -
WANT glMwl Hili III'. 1 'Dlfllllli I
must be siMj'i li'tl"i In tii..
Journal, ,.,...
AirrsiNi.:.-''?? 'V"; "T'X- 'f
f'nnfs"V'' r
j'arlor. ) ' i i