; ,THE- ' OREGON "DAILY. "JOURNAL, PORTLANa : TUESDAY EVENING,. MARCH ; 23, 71911. SERB GROUNDS AT SAND MID LEASED FROM U. S. More Than $12,000 to. Be the :' Yearly Rental for the Best " Three Sites; Astoria Pack ing Assn. Highest Bidder. , J) Th government has leased: the seining . grounds at Band Island for a term of three years, the old leases having re cently expired, Bids were received from four fishing 'concern and the 'leases were awarded to the highest bidders. . " " In all there are five ., sites. all of which were leased "by the government ana tho lessees will take charge or tne various sites about May I. .- ' -The Columbia River Packing associa tion of Astoria, was the highest bidder , on sites Nos. 1, 1 and I.' On sit No. 1 the highest bid waa 14803; on site No. 3 ' was bid $5108; on alt No. t the highest bid was $2608. These bids are as yearly rental on each site. n :, The Booth Fisheries company of As- , ' torla, was the highest bidder or site No. , 4. The bid was f 210 per year for a three-year term. Site No. 5 goes to Alex Miller of '. Chinook, : Wash. His bid was 8S per year for the three-year term. An odd feature of the bidding on the various sites was the great difference In , the bids from the different fisheries companies. Alex Miller, who was the successful bidder on site No. t, offered about one-twentieth for sites 1 ana S of what was paid for them. r The bjds were opened by the United f States army engineers' office at .the cus- ; torn house. ". v , NEW ASSOCIATION BUSY ; I riiot Body Qeto It First Ship From t Olson & Mahoney Line. . The .new pilots' association has al ready entered Abe field and yesterday brought in Us first vessel. ; CapUln Moran piloted the Westerner, of the , Olson & Mahony line, over the bar last evening. Captain Shprt accompanied Captain Moran to Astoria and returned en the westerner Just for the trip. Captain Smith left this morning for ' the coast where, It Is said, he will pilot the Coaster up the river. The Coaster Is also of the Olson & Mahony fleet. Pilots of the Columbia River associa tion say that there will probably be 'no ' rate cutting, although such a move Would not be entirely unexpected should jthe new concern take over too much - business. ? The offices of the new association are said to be at the Couch street dock, t though none of the members of the or t ganlzation could be found this, morn- , ing. Friends stated, that they were too 'j Dusy to maintain an orrice. I It Is reported that the new concern t will handle all of the Olson & Mahony r vessels, and that alone will mean con siderable business, .though It is au I thorltatlvely stated that the new as $ soclatlon will go after any and all i kinds of business. "PREPARE FOR MEETING Several Portlanders Attend Interna tional Navigation Congress. Announcements have been received In Portland of the International Congress f Navigation to be held In Philadelphia (Sains SO Pounds In 3(D) Pays 60o Package of Eemarkal)l8 Flesh , Builder, Protone, Sent Tree To ; 1 Prove Whatlt Will Do f It is aatonlshlnir to see the effects cro duced by the new flesh-lncreaaer Protone. To put on real, solid, healthy flesh, at the rate of a pound a day. Is not at all re markable with this new wonder. srotonoWlll Hake You Nlf and Flump, Protone Induces nutrition, increases cell-growth, makes perfect the assimila tion of food, strengthens : nerves, In creases blood corpuscles, builds up, safe- , ly . and quickly, - muscles, and solid, healthy flosh, and rounds out the figure, 'for women who never appear stylish . in anything because .of thinness,, Pro tone may prove a revelation. It costs you nothing to prove the re markable effects of Protone. , It is non injurious to. the most delicate system. The Protone Company, 8430 Protone Bldg., Detroit, Mich., will send you on receipt of your name and address, a free 60o package of -Protone; with full in structions, to prof that It does the work; also their book on "Why Are You Thin, free of charge, giving racts which will probably astonish, you. Send cou pon below today with your name and address. , JPBEB PKOTOmi COVPOX . This coupon is good for a free 50c package, all charges prepaid) of Protone, the remarkable scientific discovery for building up thin peo ,ple, together with our free book vtelling why, you are thin, if sent with ten cents In silver or stamps to -help, cover, postage and. packing, and., ..as evidence of good faith, to . The Protone Co.( S430 Protone Bldg. : -:'fr7r Prolt, Mich. i'.y?.i-- Nerna t t .. .v. . .'!." ; street ...... . .. rv. . . '.V Clty,... 1...... State. I IS START tgCOND MONTH Mayor Failing Fast Tom H. Johnson.' Cleveland, March . 2?. Torn I John son failed to rally today from his sec ond ' relapse yesterday and ; his condi tion ' was declared most critical. His physicians abandonee hope, and ' ' the Johnson family gathered - around tae former mayor s bedside awaiting, ,tne end. ' i.-- . , . v't.1 t . In 112. Though early, a number of Portland steamship men are preparing to get a few. days off at that time to attend the convention. This will be the first session of the navigators' congress in America. . Oth ers have been held at Paris, London, Brussels, Vienna, Frankfort, Manchester and The Hague. , The movement to bring the congress to the United States originated several years ago, as the result of the improve ment Of water ways, and though Amer ica is not up with foreign countries In harbor improvements or In the utallsa tlon of interior waterways, there has been vast improvement within the past 10 years, and this congress is atoned especially at Just what Americans need to Impress them with the value of such Improvements. . - NAVIGATOR SUSPENDED Captain of Wrecked Victoria Charged With Carelessness. Information has been 4 received . at Portland that careless navigation waa responsible for the wreck of the steam ship Victoria,, which went on the rocks off Cape HInchlnbrook, February 7. Captain S. C Davis, master of the ves sel, suffered the suspension of his pa pers for a period of 45 day a x " ' " " MARINE NOTES. " ' : "j . Astoria, March IS. Sailed, at I a. m., steamer Kosecrana, for pan Francisco. Arrived at II aV m., steamer Alliance, from Eureka and Coos Bay. Arrived at 11:50 a., m., steamer J. A Chanslor, from San Francisco. ' Balboa, March 17. Arrived, steamer Stanley Dollar, from Portland. San Pedro, March 37 Arrived, steamers General Hubbard and Tosem lte, from Columbia river; steamer Roa noke, from Portland. Astoria, March 17. Arrived at 1:80 and left up at 6 p. m., steamer Welles ley, from San Francisco. Arrived, at 8:30 and left up at (:80 p. rh., steamer Westerner, from San Francisco. Ar rived at 4 and left up at ( p. m . steam er Golden Gate, from Tillamook. San Francisco, March 27 Sailed at 3 p. m., steamer Bear, for Portland. Sailed at 5 p. rn steamer J. B. Stetson, for. Columbia river. '. v Point Lobos, March 27. Passed at p. m., steamer Shasta, from San Pedro, for Columbia river. Astoria, March 28, Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., smooth; wind, north 2 miles; weather, clear. Tides at Astoria Wednesdav High water 0:10 a. m., 8.4 feet; 0:17 p. m., 8.5 feet. Low water 8:19 a. m., 1 6 feet; 8:85 p.'m.. 0.8 feet ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Northland will be loaded with wheat next week for San Fran cisco for Balfour, Guthrie A C5. Bids will soon be advertised tnr installing or it turners in the dredge The steamer J. N,, Teal left yesterday with a monster cargo for the Big Eddy. Her cargo will be transferred to the Twin Cities whence It will be trans ported for upper river points. The east . channel of the Burnalde bridge draw was closed this morning by the Portland Gas A Coke company, by permission of Harbormaster Speler for the purpose of laying a gas main under the water. . The British ship Vincent was slightly damaged , yesterday morning when a steamer towing a log raft struck her in the dark. J-.-.; . . The W. S. Porter arrived, in Portland last evening at 4:80. Captain W. H. Moore. She docked at Linnton. Captain Moore reports heavy nor west winds from San Francisco to Cape Blanco. The Porten, carried a cargo of about 41, 000 barrels of olls , , ; The Chancellor Is expected in port tonight or tomorrow morning from San Francisco. .... , The new steamer W. F. Harris left -Philadelphia March 20, having In tow a Standard Oil barge. She should ar rive at Portland about June 1. It is reported that t he-barge js loaded with naptha. " The George W, Elder arrived at Mar tin's dock last evening at .5:48. She brought 168 passengers. The Coaster will arrive in Portland this evening, ; - m The Westerner-was brought' into port last evening. She brought a cargo of 540.' tons of miscellaneous freight Cap tain Kelly reports a strong nor-wester and heavy seas all the way from San Francisco. :t;' ? ' v' '" i.:'; . ' i ' Daily River Readings. , S3 p n si a It 3sr STATIONS. r Lewlston u.w V.iv. . niparla . . ...,... Umatilla .' . ; Eugene . . ......... Harrisburg, . . ... Albany, . . Saiem . ,-.'.-....- WUsonvllle .. . ..... Portland , . ....... i Falling rlvea 24 80 is 10 r 0.7 0 i 0.8 Lit 0.1 h-0.8 20 87 IS 0.4 0.6 0 COLONEL RESTS AISOilS HE Forgetting Oral Barbs Flung Last Night,, He Prepares -'for Speech Tonight.4 ' ' (InlteO fTM Uuett Wli. -' , San Francisco. March 28.' Resting at the home of his son Theodore Roosevelt Jr., getting ready for his speach at the Coliseum tonight Colonel ; Roosevelt already Had forgotten the oral shafts and bolts he sh6t at Frank H. Short of Fresno last night at the Commercial club banquet - Those present however, do jtot believe that Short has forgotten them sdeaslly,ss:i;-., , ;:;' . Roosevelt spoke cn national conserva tion,-which he championed; Short elect ed to defend state's rights In conserva tion.' Seven hundred guests were the arbiters. . ;-. ,-; Illustrates state's Bights. Short illustrated state's rlghta with a parable of the four sons of Uncle Sam north, south, east: and west He de clared that the three brothers ad had their share of the public domain, and now 'objected to the west getting its share. . Roosevelt answered tf saying that the three brothers were helping the west with reclamation projects. , i ;. Short replied that the benefits of re clamation works should be as free to the people of the west as the rivers and-har bors to the people of the east. - Roose velt retorted that no comparison was possible, as the westerner took fee elm pie in irrigated lands with his water rights. - ...... . i Would Save Wealthy. ' The colonel closed by saying- "f wish to save the wealthiest men of this country and their advocates from the ruin they would bring upon them selves if they were permitted to ihave their way.- It is because I am against revolution; It' is because I am against the doctrines of. the extremlats, of the Socialists; it Is because I wish to see this country remain a democracy; it Is because I distrust violence and disbe lieve in It." Colonel Roosevelt Will leave San Francisco April 2, going to RenO. , He will leave Reno April 8. reacting Sac ramento April 4. From Sacramento he will go to Tehama, Cel., on the aame day, and on April 6 will speak at Eu gene. Or. He will then go to Portland, arriving there the same day and leaving that night for Tacoma, where he will arrive April V He will visit f Seattle on the same day, leaving In the evening for Spokane, where he Is scheduled to ar rive April 7. He will leave April 9, ar riving at Moscow, Idaho, the same day and returning to Spokane on the tenth. He will leave on the same day for Band- nolnt Idaho. ' He will be in Missoula, Mont, April 11. and Helena April 12. He will go to Madison, Wis., where he will sneak, orobably APru i. ana is e pected to reach Chicago April 16 and New York April 17. ORDINANCE: IS VETOED TO CORRECT AN ERROR . . . i, In order to right a peculiar mistake made by the city council at its st session. Mayor Simon this morning ve toed an ordinance providing for the time and manner of Improving portions of eleven streets included in the Prinoe street district Improvement The coun cil passed two ordinances at the same meeting, each conflicting with the other. One provided for the improve ment and the other rescinded the pro ceedings. It was the intention of the lawmaking body that the latter ordi nance should be enacted. Wireless Message. The weather bureau received the fol lowing wireless today: "S. S. Chanslor, at sea, midnight, March 27-28, 1911. 15 miles, south of Yaqulna Head; clear strong northerly wind, rough sea, heavy westerly swell; barometer, 80.80? temperature,-80." FOR MEN Fees Only $5to$10 . . In Simple Cases YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED Examination FREE MEN, HEED COMPETENT ADVICE We have been the means of restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers' to complete and perfect health. Will you place your confidence In the care of honest skillful and successful specialists? Tears of practical e perlence. thousands of dollars spent In researches and aclentlfio Investl. gation. supplemented by an Immense practice, has enabled uato evolve a special system of treatment that la a safe and prompt cure, for special ailments of men. The change In "thousands of cases is marvelous. Blight ed lives, blasted hops. weakened systems and nervous wrecks have been safely and promptly cured by our method. We have evolved a sys- tern of treatment that Is a powerful and determined medicinal corrective. $y the latest and best methods we aire Mo remain cured, Nervo-yital Debility, Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Blood and Skin Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Disorders. ccrt, Sores, Painful i Swellings; Burning, Itching and Inflammation, Nervousness, Lost of Strength and Vi tality and ail Contracted Disorders of Men. . " Men make no mistake when they come to na We give you the result of long experience; honest, conscientious work, and the best service that money an buy. If you ere ailing, consult us. Medicines furnished In eur private laboratory from 1.50 te It. So a course.' -4 . - . -If yetr-eannot all-vite foreeeTtammatiesbrankr Hoorarf A,-lfr-to 8 P.-M. daily, SunOiys, to 18 only, , . OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 291'2 Mofruon St, Bet Fourth uid Filth, Portlud, Or. WS.11K1D VATSOfTARE FREED Latter Simply a Boarder, She Says; Mortgage Drove Winters Out - Medford, Or., March 28.-Faillng tb find any trace of the missing man oi any clue to Indicate that he was foully dealt with, the offtcers have abandoned their attempts-to faBten on wtuiam Watson and Mrs. Alice Winters the re sponsiblllty for the disappearance of Charles Winters, ot wooavme, one month aso. The premises were thor oughly searched but nothing eould be found. The Jackson county grand- Jury todaj also failed to indict thes couple for unlawful cohabitation and; they wer allowed . to depart 4 ' Mrs. Winters made ' her first state ment tn regard to the affair while be fore the grand Jury yesterday afternoon She stated that Winters left after ht had become discouraged owing to a large mortgage on the farm, and thai she thought he was In Portland but did not know his address. She said he had ' never written her since leaving. She maintained that Watson was aim ply a boarder at the ranch and as tin officers could not show the contrary they were allowed to go. NORMAN MACK FAVORS . RECIPROCITY TREATY ' 'r . Buffalo, N. T., March 28. Norman E. Mack, national chairman of the Demo cratto party, is out today for Canadian reciprocity. In a leading editorial In his National monthly. Mack says the confirmation of the Taft reciprocity agreement Is a Democratic duty. . Red Cross Gives $2000. San Diego, Cel., March 28. Red Cross donations amounting to 82000 arrived here yesterday for the refugees at Te carte to.be distributed by C. J. O'Com nor of San Francisco. Local societies are making collections for the Tecarte refugees. Many of the rebels are said to have deserted the cause. Any effort PALLING HAIR Itching Scalp and Dandruff Are Unnecessary. WOODABD, C&AJMCS 8l ABOUT FAaXSXAV 8A0B. CO. If you want to prevent baldness stop falling hair, and itching scalp and banish very trace of dandruff from your scalp, get a large 60 cent bottle of Parisian Sage today. Tou never used a more delightful hair dressing in all your life. Every drop in the bottle is filled with hair growing virtue. Parisian Sage causes the hair to grow profusely and Imparts to it a luster and radiance that cannot fall to attract favorable comment It is guaranteed by Woodard, Clarke & Co. to stop falling hair. Itching scalp and dandruff or money back. It kills the dandruff germ and keeps the hair full of life and youthful vigor. Large bottle BO cents at Woodard, Clarke & Co. -.and druggists everywhere. The girl with the Auburn hair la on every bottle and carton. Master Specialist on the part of the rebels" to take and hold the Tecarte country would be futile until .the federal, soldiers . throughout the northern end of the penlttula,4iave been defeated. Try This " - ; Pile Cure .y It Is Absolateljr Free. Pile, sufferers may know to a certain ty they can get instant relief and a quick permanent cure by trying this .rw nieuiua. Simply send your name and. address o the Pyramid Drug Co., 280' Pyramid Sldg., Marshall, Mich., and they will mail you a free trial package ot Pyra mid Pile Cure In plain wrapper and M-tLled, Thla will tell the storv. There'll be no mor'e doubt, no more misery, no more pues. ir a nad case go to any drug store and for 60 cents get the reg ular 50 cent package of Pyramid Pile Cure and be sure you get what you ask for. This will do the; work, vanish all vestige . of piles and leave you free, active,, contented and happy. " - It .Is a remarkable remedy. Thousands who were destined for hospitals have saved themselves by, the timely notice that Pramid Pile Cure does the work. It Is astonishing how pain disappears, how swollen protrusions vanish, how Inter nal swellings are reduced; how bleed- nof arA- tkln n...iu , - r s the, most Important things in life is to know Just what to do In an emergency. And in piles the thing to know is that Pyramid Pile Cure brings quick relief, a permanent cure and you can prove It free. Write today for free package. ' RHEUMATISM . DRIVEN OUT ; There's rrq use trying to cure rheumatism with drugs and dope. Tou can't remove the cause of the trouble that way. Electricity Is the only thing that soaks right in and forces the poisonous uric acid out of your system: JSlectra Vita, the dry-cell body battery, ap plied while you sleep, will satu rate your body with a glowing stream of electric fire and Quickly banish the pain. It has cured some of the worst cases after all other methods of treatment had failed. i... : . v- . Don't waste your money on worth less drugs. Get Electra-vita- and get welt' - I . ; GIVEN FREE ' , Our big.' free book tells all about Electra-Vita, how 1 cures and what It costs. Send us this coupon with your name and address and receive a copy by return malL THE ELECTRA-VITA CP- 810 VAJZSTXO BIDO. IZATTIiZt, WASH. Please send me, prepaid -yaur free 0-page illustrated booic if - S-S8-U Name , ... . Address ....... CURED $10 IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured We have every known remedy ap pliance for TBBATXWOr TOU.. Our ex perience is so great and varied that no one of the ailment of men is sew to aa COMB XW AMD TALK IT OTEB. ..Oeaeral Debility. Weak Verves. Zn. somaia ResulU of exposure, overwork and other violations of Harare's laws. Diseases of Bladder sag Kidneys, Vari cose ins, eaickly. aad permaaeauy eared at small expense and ao detention from buetneaa BPSCXAX. AyjuaHTS Newly eo tracted and chronio cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped In 14 hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of question Office Hours t A. M. to 8 P. U 6undays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. L only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. B34H WABKUrOTOB STBJSBZ, Corner Pirst, Portland. Or. Don't Be Sick Dos't Tfcke Drufi. Our tpeclally Imported herbi of tumnoM kind) ned in hln for thoa nd ot inn before the ChrlstiiB. ' era potltlTely cores the Ttrloni dlscuef, ASTHMA, O A T A B R n. BIXK)D V POISON, SKIN DISEASES. R H K O M A- TISM. tTOO), HEART, STOMACH. LIVER. KIDNEY. PILES, WEAKNESS, AKD ALL FEMALE TROUBLES, CANCERS. All lll menti of whtetr nitare fareenfutly curd br the WONlEKrVL. UFEOIVINO CHIN ESE HERBS. OUT OF TOW!f PATIENTS cured tt borne. Write for ijmptoin blink. Office boar 10 i. m. to t p. m. American Mr attendant. LEE HOKO CHIITEBE HEHB CO., 141ft Second Stnet, Portland, Or. k know about tho woiiderful iMAEVELWhlrUnfSprfy I The now Tastnal Syrtnlo, Beit 4.01 eonronionw i t virmumm slanUy. A nai drn 1t for ft If hnnniHitMDDlT ha M a RVM- tCCCBt nootherTbntaondsUm tnr lllnafrttad hoflV OflI. It glToa foil partioniars and dlrto ont Invaluable to ladlaa, Biam 00, 44 lad SStfSt. IIW loag. for sal br Skldnoro ' Drat Co. . Woodard. Clark Co. and Lana-OaTia Drag O. 4 atoroa. WAIM'S COUGH REMEDY Thfpnost wonderful eoufeh medicine In the . world. Also have some j good remedies for lntornalj Ex ternal or Eruptive DIs easoa Of both sexes. Call or write to 8. X. il JTJrO, 0XIBB8B KBBB h w a a mn unntnTW.1 ni - 301 w I-lrst St, rortlaad, im iXt Oregon. '' FOR : WOMEN ONLY br. Sanderson's C o m pound" Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The best and v only reliable remedy for DELATED PERI ODS. Cure the moat obstinate cases in S to IB da vs. Pi-loa tl per box, or three boxes 15.00. r sold by druggists everywhere. - Address T. J. PIEHCK, Room.l, lit), Morrison st, Portland Or.v '., w MEN Every Voman TV r l- tav wrrsjsrx I AM MASTER OF MEN' Al Consult Me Today The Zieadlna; Bpedallst My Di-notlce la confined wholly to the ailments of men, and the fact mai i invariably cure every case that I accept for treatment PROVES that my methods are correct In deed, I have for twenty-five years made a specialty ot men's ailments and have so closely studied them that I am able to meet every phase and condition of each Individual case, and to effect a permanent cure in a very short time. I am never for a mo ment in doubt ' as to my course. I know Just WHAT to do and HOW to do- it, to obtain satisfactory RE SULTS. This explains why my prac tice has grown to be by far the larg est In the western part of America. So confident am I itiat 1 can effect a thorough and LASTING CURE In each case that I accept for treat ment, that 1 will give a wrltted and binding OVABAVTXB TO OT7BB TOU, ASD TOV FEES HOT FAT MB A DOUAB, UHTI& TOV AXE wzu, Bear In mind that I could not af ford to do this If I did not MOW that my treatment would not fait I am the Only doctor who dares to make such a proposition. Under no circumstances do I ever take cases for treatment., that are doubtful. Hence, if I accept your case for treatment you may absolutely rely upon It that I will cure you My MODERN and up-to-date meth ods effect a certain and speedy cure Of OOVTXACTXD ATLKBITT" RFE- crrxo biood poztoar. nSVovs DEBXUTT, TABIOOI1 TEXBS, ADD XXDKZY ISOU BLEB aad all reflex ailments. Advice Free 1 offer not only FREE CONSUL- TATION and ADVICE, but of every case that , comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without charre. . If yon cannot call, write for Si' anosia unars. say exxioes are opea all day from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., and nnoay i rem av to a. ..' . ' ... ...... The DR. TAYLOR Co. 834H MOXBXBOV BTBEET, Corner Sooond aad Horrisoa Bttn ; Portland, Oregon. " I CURE Blood Diseases, Nervous Decline, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Rupture; Kidney, Bladder, Prostatic and AH Diseases Peculiar to Men. Obstructions, Piles, The Results of My Treat- merit Are Felt Instantly No time Is wasted. Tour tre not per mitted to Mrag along for days and weeks 'on promises until hope at last dies. By my treatment you feel the returning flush of health and power at the very start The bounding energy of youth revived, the vigor of manhood restored Youth and Manhood; what would you not give to have them back again? And you can have them back a little effort will bring them Just the effort of calling at my office and, with out spending one cent, have a confiden tial cnai wun me. DR. LINDSAY Tne Old Sellable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128H Second' street, Portland. Or. Office house 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. " i . I .... . . . 4 Ik ufa and atapla remedy (or fmm Awdtitt CWsrr. a fmm IIC mi toflammaMoaa. trrlaatlana. aleae. , 1 aUona el ALL araeoaa aMmbraae : laaaWl I ar liaiae ot tb soaa, tbraat. 1 1- I sleaaask or arlnary ercaaa. ll AT SRUOOISTS $1 Wkftcnrttntlf -aM. --" (raaUaavlthaaahbottte-1 ..... I waMUaSaeraqoaaL 1 J TtaIwsi CUfcilCa. 0 - ssi am m m T1M- : . . oxrAmAiniB io . cm . rnmm Our guarantee Bo atonay repaired aatil satisfied la your absolute protection. Consul iatlSn. examination-and diagnosis freei Our snclalt Is AH Ailments of Kan. What yi want is a cur come to us and win u anor v-n r j get It Hour, a V . fS dally to 6. Bv l S"Lni"i- 7. t0.. . W DR. GR EEN CO. MS Waablngtoa lt Bertlaav. . Or. NEW TODAY EASY TERMS RIGHT ON CARLINE . Sc CARFARE These lots are just ' a comfortable distance from the business section of the city. Streets are graded and water is already in. - They are located 5n an elevation that gives a superb view of the river, valley and moun tains. These lots are not in an isolat ;d spotbut in a locality containing many fine homes. ' , " Here you find an unqsuat bargain in values, something worthy of your immediate investigation. - . Take United Railways car, get off -it Whitwood court and see our agent Jt call on us at our offices. - , Shfepard, Mills & Rogers 214-215 Board of Trade Bldg. M.,6659 ' - A-4710 S-P-E-C-I-A-L Hawthorne Avenue Quarter Block V i!1-'. -''v ..'V-:..:.t''.";i- 'j1 PRICE 4Mt; TERMS. ' ; Good business corner. Do not hesitate to look this up. If you ' are looking for something good, which must Increase rapidly la value . As Hawthorne Avenue is One of the f Best Gateways Lead ing Into the Qity of Portland. T. AV STTTXXXXAVO, 1084 Hawthorne ave, SCth. Red office. Tabor 2017. Cor. E. Rent For 6 Months Buy a lot in Gregory Heights on the easy payment plan and save your rent this aummer. Short car ride, on moat direct line In- the city Come tomor- row. Take Rose City - Park ' ear to end of line. IKVESTMENTCX).01L? COOK & TAYLOR'S SPECIALS $25.000 WAREHOUSE SITE. 10 100, east aide; has trackage, and old warehouse. A bargain. $16,50O APARTMENT 'HOUSE, completely furnished, fine piano In cluded. Only 7 minutes' walk from ! postoffice; 14 per ment net oa'ln- vestment. Part cash,, balance to suit. SSll.OO '-MAC HI N E SHOP, AC TORY OR LAUNDRY SITE. Belmont, one block from East Morrison. Part cash, balance terms. .....'. , COOK & TAYLOR 402-8-4-5 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Bta. 912 ACRES Oregon Electric Half in cultivation, good house, sard' and outbuildings, running stream an-l springs,' nice family orchard, t acres rich bottom land. '. . ; ', - 1 $400Q ;, Term W-v '--ii 'Mfay'. " SHAW & LOCKE aao rTOBZBioigs mo. East Eighth and Oak - come.; Fine apartment" site, i $15,000. Terms. GODDARD f; V." 213 STAF.II CI. Side - to Lots! Mo