The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 28, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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8, 1911.
county ' and Coroner McCullough of
Thurston county have failed to reveal
tha identity of an old man, killed on
the Tallroad track two miles from Cen
tralis last Fridays The remains were
interred in a nameless grave yeatarday.
The dead man was about 60 yeara of
age and was well dressed. The Initials
"E. R." were embroidered upon his cloth
ing. Nothing was found in hla posses
sion." His appearance would indicate
that he was well-to-do. '
The ease came .within the Jurisdic
tion of two coroners-because tha corpse
waa found on tha, 'boundary line of
Lewi and Thurston counties...
i i .
One of th , way tn wtilch the ex
pected 100.000 Americans are going- to
upend their hopedlifor-; tJ5.000.000 in
London' during the j coronation of - Kin,
tieorpo In Junt came to light through a
recnt aUvertl6metit In New . York
."r'Speiv" One advertisement reads:
"UulyvAugnsta Fane would b willing
to let her well furnished bouse, S3 Ted
worth Square, ; 6. W. London, for tho
month of June or coronation fortnight;
x bedrooms, bath, three reception
rooms and everv tnodern convenience;
' lour wrvanU left; also plate and silver.
Bent tor the montn, nouu; roauiiion u
for only coronation fortnight." A New
Torker who made Inquiries about the
house learned that iMy ran woum
leave London during the crowning of the
oxir liinir Tho msut Vis lSO tOld that
' neveral hundred other titled Londoners
would do the same thing, several Big
London- places have been rented by
Americana f Some have signed to pay
as much as I30PO for the month, this
Including the Iondon servants woo are
oiipeeting ft dsiallng harvest or tip.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. HoJbrook. Miss
Jiorothy Holbrook and Mrs. James Eli
nor returned yesterday from their stay
in California, The party went south
anticipating extensive motoring, but
were unable to do so on account of the
heavy rains. They made the trip fr,om
Pasadena to Riverside by motor and
after a short stay there went to Santa
Barbara, where t.iey passed a fortnight
The remainder of the time was spent
in San Francisco and Del Monte.
.- .V;y, V;' '.-', - ' .
Mrs. Frederick Ambrose Barker (Miss
Ruth Honeyman) is now at Fort D. A.
Russell, Wyo., where she will remain
until May. when the Barkers will sail
for Honolulu, ' The rhange from Fort
Asainolboine. Mont., to Fort Russell,
wa necessitated by the mobilization of
r troops on the Mexican frontier.
Fred Rothchlld had as his guest last
Week bis brother from New York, Ed
ward Rothchlld. i . ,
Mlsa Eleanor Cannon entertained at
the Orpheom this afternoon with a large
birthday boa party. ., .. . .. :;
Miss Persia Sargent will be made
guest of honor at an affair to bo given
Tuesday by Mrs. Norrls Gregg.
. .
Mrs. Ben F. Berger is entertaining
Saturday for Miss Ethel IJose Mcintosh,
; wnose engagement has been announced
to Carroll D. Hulbert. ,
. .;'-:. ., ' ,: . " '
Central ' W. C. T. U, will meet tomor
row at 2:30 in room 302,' Qoodnough
building. : The reports of officers and
superintendents, current events and roll
call will make up the program.
(Vntted Frets Leased Wlra.)
i Paris, March 2J.T-Arlator Lortdan Is
preparing today to purchase a new aero
plan following the loss of a new ma
chine which was taken ntecemeal by
country folk as souvenirs of his visit.
Loridan alighted In the fields several
miles from Paris. He went, to a nearby
farmhouse for food and , when, he . re
turned he found' only the motor, and
steel skeleton of hi machine intact.
f 1
4 T
, -X i ,
y 3
r J.
i , 4 A f . Jf-
Physician ttaniHhes Fat by New Mar
velous, Simple Method, After
.' Drugs, Medicine, Advertised
' . llemedle and Starvation
' Dicta Had AU Failed.
On November Jet, Dr. F. Turner, a
well known Philadelphia physician, was
one of the fattest wen In that great city.
He weighed , 254 pounds. His waist
measured 48. inches', and be wore 17 Vi
collar. His health was mleerabler he
was weak and tired all the time; dull,
heavy, and stupid In mind; wasn't able
to work, to sleep nights, or to digest his
. food. He had Just been refused life in
surance because of this excessive weight.
He was told, that his very life was In
grave danger, and that unless he could
get rid of his fat. b. might drop
any hi any moment.
lit ihvevion
t ri wl ati Hie mi1!)!-
ods Of flesh reduction known to morli.
cal science, starvation diets, purging,
violent exercise, etc., but they had done
. more harm than good.
With practically a death sentence
taring him in the face and a wife and
family to support, Ir. Turner thought
v bard. He worked, experimented, studied
on a plan entirely original and different
' from any he had used, and finally made
a mosi. wonaprrm scientific discovery
- bv means of which ho has actually re
duced his weight 100 lbs., gaining in
strength and general health with every
ponnd lie lORt.
On January 1st of this year Dr. Tur
nerweighed 150 lbs.: his waist meas
ured 37 Inches and he wore a 15
collar. His health is perfect, he is as
capable of hard work as at 25 years
of age, and his mind is clear and buoV-
,,. anU. ,
Dr. Turner's wonderful success has
amased his friends and fellow physi
. clans. His. method is simple, yet thor
oughly scientific. There are no medi
cines, or druss to be taken, nothing to
wew, no physical culture -or violent ex
ercise. no Turkish Baths, Sweating,
rurglnsr, Starvation Diets, or weakening
methodn of any kind. On the contrary,
the system, which any person can read
ily practice in their own home, with
out medical assistance of any kind, is
defclrned not only to remove super
fluous 'flesh at the average rate of
about 1 lb. a day. but to strengthen the
-'entire, hpAy and benefit the general
health right from the start.
Dr. Turner's remarkable, discovery and
experience created widespread attention
from both physicians and the general
public, and he has been fairly deluded
with requests for personal treatments.
Close friends have urged him to spe
cialise in this particular branch of work
where he ould command largre fees, but
othir tbuiness interest which occupy
much of his time hava decided him
against .tf.",''.f.,..,'M. ..-'..:,.
In answer, however, to the multitude
of requests for information and in ai
der that all may have the benefita'of
II. e system It wm his srood fortune to
discover, hs has prepared a small book
Jet trealin on bis method and tell
ing every fleshy man and woman How
they mar accomplish the same happy
ennventence. H has mailed these books
without charge to those who have writ
ten him and has a few hundred copies
left which he hat agreed to distribute so
' 7i ""'' last sinons: rieshv people,
' . Si
By Darra More. , t.
IT attract too much attention-
that's alHI aald to.Hortense,
who had come to me with tear-.
blurred eyes. "Ir tha code of
the 'also rans' that la a great
crime, th vary worst thing a girl
can do." . !'''' , .
Soma, kind friend had - told Hortense
that. Mrs. G. had said that Mrs. L had
heard that Mr E. had declared that
she "couldn't understand how Hortense
Marshall could afford to wear such pic
turesque clothes . on. her salary." .
This delicate little innuendo was start
ed rolling' lika the' proverbial snowball,
andJHortenBe, a splendid, gifted creature,
whose only offense 'against society Is
her cleverness, was-caught under Its Im
pact,: and crushed. -f.:.-: .'.;rU'
Hortense Is always the center of In
terest wherever she goes,, tha magnet
that draws the elect la any crowd. She
can say with. Mine. De Stael, "I am not
pretty, I am worse," for her vivacity.
her adaptability, her- Tunning ft
brilliant conversation, constitute a more
potent charm than physical perfections.
It was William J. Locke who remarked
o trenchantly, "Some women are aa
ugly as air, and as attractive aa the
devil.' Well. Hortense la not that ugly,
but she surely Is "attractive .as the
devll.'V Dependent upon her win for her
living, Hortense goes and cornea as aha
pleases; she has her own latch-key an
other great crime In the eyes of tha lit
tle caged girls who are burning for the
same, liberty....,:;, : .
She does not dreas extravagantly; in
fact, she garbs herself very inexpensive
ly, very simply. Her clothes are, always I
picturesque," because she is "pictur
esque." because sheJtnowa the science of
colors, combinations, etc.. becauae her
personality is so glowing, that her
clothes take the hue of her own fasci
nating moods. It is also Interesting to
know that aomewhera in the east. Hor
tense has a father, who sends an occa
sional check. An uncle down in Texas
Is proud Of his niece's achievements and
shows his pride by adding a sum of
three figures to her bank account at the
beginning of each quarter. But, Hortense
doesn't talk of her personal affairs to
the multitude; eh is of a bigger mold.
She need not stoop to that refuge of
thefeebie-mlnded,-TJ,perBonalitieef1 her
conversatloha .know a higher metier, 4;it
No roses are thornless. Hortense has
attained the stamp of success, with all
"the spoils, of the system." She must
pay the price of reaching; the heights of
"popularity" and "celebrity." Women
by instinct, nature, education and en
vironment are jealous, creature. The
cat ty tmngs must nav
revenge. They take up the only weapons
they know innuendo, insinuation, goa
sip.v it la their only way to "get even'
As I aald to Hortense I say to you.
"It Is only those who are 'doing things,'
who are rising above the level of the
commonplace ( that are talked about
Whetryau hear a scatter-brained, color
less bit of feminine clay wondering In
sinuatingly about Mlaa - Eo-and-8o'a
'source of income, you, may safely put It
down that Miss So-and-8o is a mighty
attractive girl, worth knowing whose
only sin la that she 'attracts too much
attention." ,.
Orpheum Has Clever Sketch as
Headlinerof '"Advanced
Vaudeville", i Bill.
Mrs. Julia Watts Curtis of Bridgeport,
t'onn., ,wlio secretly married Dr.
George Alfred Lawrence of New York
in .Wilmington, Del. The bridegroom
is one of the most noted neurologists
In the United States, while the bride,
'With a fortune estimated at $20,000.
. 000, is one of the richest women in
the country." She was Mrs. Julia Watt
M oris Curtis of Bridgeport. Conn.
Hints for, Sewing Room
Sewing machine needles may be used
much longer if. when the polnta begin
to get dull, they are rubbed on a piece
of emery board. (
. As good a a patent tipper la a steel
crochet book, which will catch under
threads, pull , out bastings, etc., in
double quick time
When drawing from linen In hem
stitching, save those long, even threads,
as they come in handy whan mending
table linen. . a ' 1
Keep a pair of tweezers in tha work
basket and see how useful they are to
pull out stubborn ends of. basting cot
ton, particularly , when the machine
stitching haa run, over the bastings.
s ( at ,
Filling Window Boies.
When filling window . boxes one is
confronted with . the necessity of se
lecting flowers that aTe not only effec
tive, but constant bloomers from - the
beginning to the end of the season.
When one haa several boxes, some are
usually exposed to a hotter aun than
others, so that the flowers selected
must also not be too sensitive to sun
or shade. This Is quite Important
The conventional filling Is, of course,
the red geranium, the German ivy, or
the trailing vinca. No selection could
better fill the requirements and no fill
ing is ever quite so effective or ao sat
isfying. The brilliant scarlet la beau
tiful against either a atone house or a
house painted dark green, gray, brown
or white, but If it la a red brick house,
beware! Select soma other color for
the flowers. White and green is the
safest combination against dull red.
Harper's Bazar.
: It l ft
Old Fashioned Dried Apple Pie.
Take two quarts of dried apples, put
them in an earthen pot that contains
one gallon. Fill it with water and set
it In a hot oven, adding a handful of
cranberries. After baking one hour
fill up the fo again with water. When
done and the apple cold strain it and
add the Juice of three or four limes,
ralglns, sugar, orange peel and cinna
mon to your taste. Lay it in a good
paste."'' '
gg J
Nut Naiad.
jnt tiiere will be given prompt alien
Chop very finely a quantity of al
monds, walnuts and pine kernels. Take
the well bleached, crisp centers of sev
eral roots of celery, rejecting leaves
and outer stalks. Cut these small and
mix in a bowl with the nuts. Sprinkle
with pepper and salt, heap in a salad
bowl, moisten with vinegar and oil,
garnish with sliced lemon and sprigs
of watercress. Serve very cold.
H It K
Lenten Dishes.
SoupPrepare three carrots, three
turnips, and three onions by scraplnsr.
peeling, and washing. Slloe them and
fry a golden brown in lard or drlppinr.
Cut up a head of celery, put in and fry
a few minutes. Add two cloves, one
teaspoon of salt, one half teaspoon of
pepper, a little parsley and a little
grated nutmeg. Cover this with nearly
three quarts of water and simmer three
Roast Cook fish until tender and
mince. Simmer together for one hour
one pint of milk, one small onion, and
one gill of water. Thicken with one
taoiespoon of flour. In individual
dishes place layer Of minced fish, then
layer of sauce. Repeat till dish is filled.
Cover wltT cracker crumbs and bake
till nicely browned.
opposition to, what we knew io be the
will of the people as expected at the
polls and in the matter- of legislation,
This Important duty remains to in
form the people how their representa
tives served them. - ;A 'V-'..-'-.
"I am going to make this my per
sonal duty. " Within a few, weeks I
shall undertake to call the roll of the
legislature throughout the state. I
shall go Into every district and tell the
people as plainly, as frankly and aa
fairly as 1 can bow those men whom
they sent to represent them, served
them. The people have the right to
know this and it Is " Important that
khey be informed. I shall see to it
personally that they are Informed ac
curately. That It will word towards
the good of the state Is certain. At
all events, the people will be in a posi
tion to vote with a full knowledge of
the facts." v- .; ". --
The session was marked by the pass
age of a score of Important measures,
and a host of smaller ones In the inter,
est of cleaner politics, the betterment
of labor conditions and the reforma
tion ' of Judicial procedure.
Bsoord Xs Established.
The consideration of mors than 8000
bills by the lawmakers was one of the
records established.
With the many important measures
that passed were a few that failed,
among them being senatorial and As
sembly district reapportionment, based
on the federal census; an anti-alien
land owning law, which passed the sen
ate but failed in the assembly a dou
ble session of the legislature to-permit
Its membera to study all bills intro
duced, and the defeat of the anti-injunction
bill sought by organised labor.
A reason for the good work of the
legislature, given . by one of Its mem
bers was that it acted in conjunction
with Governor Johnson throughout tha
session, and at no time was there any
friction between tha leaislatlva and -
ecutlve branches of the state govern-
ment. .
Some of Bills Passed. '
Some of the progressive legislation
passed by the session which closed to
day follows: 1 -. ' 1
Resolution to submit to the people a
constitutional amendment providing for
the initiative and referendum. Under
this proposed amendment petitioners for
an Initiative .and referendum election
must number not less than 8 per cent
of ail the votes of all candidates for
governor at the last general atata elec
tion. , v
Resolution to submit to a vote of the
people a constitutional amendment pro
viding for the recall of all elective
officers, including the Judiciary. Peti
tioners for a recall election must num
ber not less than 12 per cent of the
Votes cast for all candldatea for gover
nor at the last, state election. -Power
Xa Extended. --Railroad
rate bin Extending "'the
powera of the state railroad commission.
- Although common in other lines, most
manufacturers of cooking fatt dare not
ell their products "Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded." Their
goods- are usually put up in loose-covered
pails or tins, which cannot and do
and the roods soon spoiL
The N. K. rairbank Company guar
antee Cottolene no matter how long it
is kept on. the grocer's shelves. 'They
are able to do. -this because Cottolene
is sacked in sails with covers of spe
cial design, making the package abso
lutely air-tight and insuring freshness
of the product indefinitely.
One Indication of the fulfillment of
Governor Johnson's promise to "kick the
S, out of California politics." -Ji
The meaaure provides for physical
valuation of railroads and the estab
lishment Of rates on that valuation. Tha
powers of the commission to fix and
maintain rates are extended.
A resolution to submit to the. vote of
the people a constitutional amendment
that will extend the Jurisdiction of the
railroad commission to all public utili
ties corporations. It is known as the
public utilities commission amendment.
Board of control bill Designed to ef
fect more efficient management of pub
lic institutions. The measure provides
for three membera to be appointed by
the governor. The board of control will
replace the old board of examiners. It,
la empowered to purchase all supplies
for public' Institutions, let contracts,
supervise alt expenditures, inspect all
work-done for the state and otherwise
prevent waste and extravagance.
Totes for Women.
Resolution to submit to a rota of the
people a constitutional amendment
granting suffrage to women.
Full train crew bill, penallslna- rail
roads for failure to carry full crews on
all trains.
Amendments to election laws nrovid-
Ing for. a return to the Australian bal
lot system by abolishing tha party cir
cle. Tha election of Judges and of the
state superintendent of publio Instruc
tion is made non-partisan by the pro
vision that candidates for those offices
shall have no political designation on
the ballot
Bill limiting the labor of women, to.
eight hours per day and 48 houra per
week, except in the perishable fruit in
dustry; Violation of this law la made
a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or
imprisonment. 4 "
A bill and a constitutional amendment
resolution to shorten the ballot by pro
viding that the atata printer and the
clerk or the aupreme court be appointive
by tha governor Instead of elective aa at
(United Prets temd Wire.)
San Bernardino, Cat, March ! 18.
Charles Cluskev the oldest Elk in the
world, started . today his 102d year In
hla .home in San Dlero, nut the mem
bers of hla lodge here, No. 836, cele
brated his birthday royally. Cluaker
was initiated in 1803.
- R AT.'
Once again the Orpheum is the home
of "advanced vaudeville" and t Iva of th
seven acta are tip top. . '
Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Drew head the
Mil, In a clever aKetch of the Boxer
upriainav "The Yilm . nn hih
."" interesting rrom start to nn
"!-';' ooa with the flight of a
united States secret service man, who
disxulses himself
into the temple, in deteotad and makes
"" ' escape oy taking refuge in, the
' . an American wiaow. , Kerreali
iijm v urizmaiicv ar intrn,.f.ttn i. m
marked rfeglureian4jtheclelLfllla
Radically different, but quite as much
Of. a favorlt maa titan nhn vnHK1.
holds the world's headline honors aa a
T-niriioquist. ventriloquism, as present
ed by Lester, la raised from -the com
monplace and becom an rt oHvinai
Ity marks .vary portion of the act
Hum, in comeoy to me reata perrormed.
Which are nothlna- ahnrt nt marvalniia
' It' looked for m. ttma Inat tilirht it
Elsie Taye might atop the show. If she
urn not nurry oacg in-response to tre
mendous annlanee. T.f
It la Miss Faye, who appears with Jon
Miller and Sam Weston in "The Act
wainiy. u , la also she who sin as
"Simple Mary" in - that way all - her
own and does' those perfeotly remark
able things with her eyes. The act la
one or the delights of the bill.
For a genuine novelty "Dick, the Ca'
nine Penman.' takea the blua rlkhnn
Dick gallops through several simple
Diuoiems m arunmetic and then non
chalantly seats himself In front of an
easel and with pen In paw draws t a
square inangie, circle, writes hla, name
ind draws a nortralt nt hla m
Mildly atated, the act was .a hit
The Four Caetlng Dunbars give an
unusually good act of that description.
They have some new twists and there la
a freedom about - their, work which
makes it really thrilling. ; ' .
Mlsa Irene Romam offers some songs
and a recitation which are not shining
with newness, but she got them over
nd won her applause.' ? -
Lupin opens the bill by getting oat
of a straight Jacket and freeing himself
from handcuffs and leg chain! ln a
locked trunk thrown in a tank of water.
London. March 18. The statement
that Mormons In Europe are striving
vigorously to send immigrants to Utah
m oruer o overcome me growing anti
Mormon f vote in that state. Is made
here today by Secretary H. P. Freece of
the International Reform . bureau at
Washington, who is charged with the
work of driving Mormon missionaries
from Europe.
Every Mormon woman convert f nter
talnlng Utah becomes a voter after
a yeara resident!. : Freece Is in touch
with the authorities In tha principal cit
ies of Holland, Germany and Denmark,
which with England, are the countries
from which the largest number of Mor
mon proselytes come.
' " - (Speeial Pitpateh to The Joarsitt
Central la, Wash., March 88. The ef
forta of Coroner 8ticklln of Lewis
-' 1 ..' '.' gga
Want Pink Cheek Red
, ' s Lips?
Some unfortunate men and women
are prone to wonder why some of th'eir
friends are blessed with an abundance
of color pink cheeks and red Hps
while theirs are always colorless. The
reason for this last named condition
is there is not enough red blood cor
puscles in the blood under a micro
scope the blood is thin and watery. The
nesn is nanny, too. well known phy-
sicians assert inst A tne regular ad
ministration ' for several months, of
three-grain hypo-nualane tablets will
greatly improve the color, add to the
weight make the cheeks pink and tha
lips red,- and in general be very bene
ficial. For self -administration, obtain
from any of the best apothecary shops.
For insomnia, headache, neuralgia and
rheumatic pain take Blackburn's Pain
A way-Pill s.
Chimists and au
thorities say Cres
i cent4s pure-and -wholesome.
Full Pound
(Continued from Page One.)
the measures that looked towards pro
gress., .
XOst Splendid One.
"Tbs list ot .vlstories is a splendid
One. It is no longer and no shorter
than I anticipated; and yet, had we
won only the initiative, referendum and
recall, '"the session would have .been
abundantly 'worth- while.
f rmth those measures in the form of
oonsmuuonai . amendments to be sub
mitted to the people, the voters were
supplied with the means of taking the
.wr ur aovernment ' into the r own
:.rTa.n 'forsta'-Thyr 'hWdrprtbe" aitkrexefclseof the rfght
fdreas Is rr w: Turne Triarw f f raakln fr- rejecting them and Of
M lisle : Rldif.. Suite lo'jori; VvTacuse N controlling their public officials. With
V . and anv Tfimest for , tha hnz-.Vfoi th adjournment of the iealalatura' (un
duly is but partially performed. '
"As I say, there has-been stub
Days to Chicago
Orescent Coffees, Teas, Kaple
tne, gploes, Tlavorlng Ixtraots, .
Btc., enjoy a well deserved rep
utation. Orooera everywhere
- sell them.
CBSBcurr sera, co., Beanie
ob nanrwe wxoxrxo
t st. pattx. Am Birx.
7 The handsome equipment of .these trains supplies. th
comforts and appointments of the best hotels. The dining
service is particularly good. , t
Leave Portland 9.-00 A. 7:00 P. M.
Arrive Chicago, 3 Days to the Hour. ..
North Bank Station, Eleventh and Hoyt Streets
-Oil" I -TICJSLBT-djrriO'JEg"
Third and Uorrlsoa wtu. isa Third n.
ZOO Third It,
Alveolar Dentistry
In a majority of our advertisements
we lav a-reat stress on our soeciaitv.
Alveolar dentistry, replacing missing
teeth without a plate or bridge work,
and the curing Pyorrhea (loose teeth).
The work is so remarkable In its char
acter that it Is apt to overshadow, thoaa
other oases which come to us the sim
ple cases. We don't want the idea to
obtain that we are Alveolar specialists
alone. We are that, but something more
general practitioners of tha first
class. We do dentistry in all its
branches, from -the simple piece of fill
ing ' up. It's a ' boastful statement to
make, but we can do anything that is
nnaslble in dentistry, and what we do la
always of the very highest class. Our,
Ihonkfftta Alveolar Dentistry and exam.
inationa are free. There are 12 Alveolar
Dental Co. offices In the west. About
60,000 people are wearing our Alveolar
teeth. About 1000 people in this city
ami state have teeth suoDlied bv this
office. Ninety-nine per cent, if not every
single one will tell you if asked that
it's the beat investment they avar made
In dentistry. In many cases where
bridge work Is Impossible and all cases
m.UmmA 0.4b rteil Vil at ttaa Attn Me.1n.
teeth with beautiful, -artistic, comfort-
able, cleanly and everlasting teeth that i
we will aery anyone, aenttst or layman,
to tell from natural teeth. For full in
formation see our Sunday ads.
IU to 314 Ablngton Btdg., 10Va d at.
Tsrms to reliable piopla. -
once childless, now happy and physically well, with healthy children,'
: will tell how Iyd& E. Ilokham's Vegetable Compound made all this
possible, ; Here are their names and correct addresses. "Write them '
and learn for yourself. .The are only a lew out of thousands.
MnMr;nmuna)oh 1
"My baby has takea three prises as the
healthiest and pretUeit."--Mrs. A. P. Ander
son, SIS Highland Ave., Indlanapolli, Ind.
"I am the mother of a twelve ponad boy
and he is strong and healthy.' Mis, Mary
Amondeon, B-F.IX No,l, Box SO, Cadott, Wis.
"My baby Is strong and healthy sad I sa
well. VMrs. B. M. Bohora, 1068 Woodbridge
Street. St. Paul, Mian. -
-"Since my baby eame we are a. happy A
family." Mrs. Ben). H. Stantbery, B. No, , w
;Oox is, upper Dinamty, omo,
"My health baa lw restored and I now
hare a big baby boy." Mr. Anaa Aadertoa,
Boi 19, Black Duok, Minn.
"Am now a well woman and bare the daaiw
est baby boy." Mr. Frank Harpham, B B
Ho. 1, Holtteln, Kebraaka. -
"I have a big, fat. healthy boy."-Mri. Ju
A. Bslenger, R. P. D. Ko, 1, Baltimore, Ohio.
a "I nave one or tne oneat baby girls you ever
f ." Mrs. O. B. Goodwin, SIS S. Uta Street,
wiiminaton. a. u. .
1 "Wo are at last blessed with a sweet little
baby girU" Mrs. Q. A. Laperoose, Moategut,
La, -
"I have a lovely baby boy and yea eaa tell
every one that he If a Plnkham' baby." Mr. '
Louis Fiseber, S2 Monroe 81, Carlatadt, M.J. .
"I have three children and took voar Com.
pound each time." Mrs. Joan Howard, WU
aalnctoa, Vermont. ,
. ai y nusDaaa is tne happiest man alive
to-aav." Mrs. tiara uarbraxe, n Mariemoni
St., Buffalo, N. T.
"I hare a An trong baby danshter now."
Mrt. A. A. Gila, DewlttvOle, N.Y.,Kout 44.
. "Our first babv it strong and healthy and
we attribute thb result to th timely use
of your Compound." Mr. Fred Tohana,
Aurora, uregon.
A iirjrvooienvsr
'' ' j
j wrt i . i
iiMrlCf&oilwIn )
I "No
"low my life and say baby's good health
osr vompouno." Mrs. w . u. npeaeer, a.
'twin" A'UfrV
No. 3. Trov. Alabama.
'Now 1 hare a nice babv rirl. th iov of our
bom." Mrs. Doaylve Cbb U7 Southgat
Bfc, Woreeater Mas. .
"An tb mother of a twelve pound baby
boy who la th pletur of health." Mr.
Flora Ahr, 1974 State Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.
"W hat On of th nnast baby boy."
Mrs. A. O. DaVanlt, Xlme, Mo.
"I owe the health of Kysalf and three
.v ii J UB t ... i. w nuvv.i. v.,.vt.
m i.omponna, wrs. Aureq. i uaie, sos cw, ar ,v.-.
iononougn,fi. I.
"I hav an aleven pound boy." Mr. Mag
lie Eater, B. F. D. Ko. I, Wetleyvtll, Pa.
"YourToedlcin ha bronght happlanaj to
Our horn." Mr. Jo Grantham, 62S W.
V anaarear Bt., layiorviiw, tu. ' dt
"Now nt bom I mad hanov by ii
baby hoy.-Mra. Mary Sedlock, Boa 127;
Negaunee, Michigan,
wyM l t.U.,.,.,f
VP '
(Mrt'Joen Howard L
f For further Information, address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her
advice is free, always helpful and strictlv confldential '
MjTo Surveyor'"'
You Buy a Good
At a Cut Price?
..We.; tre closing out Surveyors' Com-s
passes, and tthis is your chance. Coma
in and see them. It's a long time be
tween sales of this kind. Now is the
' time to make a saving.
Note These Reductions:
- . ... . ..... , ri -
SURVEYORS 3-INCH COMPASSES, ball-and-socket moontings,
folding sights; always sells for $9.00; while they last we (A AA
offer them at $01111
mountings; regular $10.00, now , tP'.eUU
SURVEYORS' 3-INCH COMPASSES, ball-and-socket 010
mountings, . folding sights; regular $11.00....... tPOUl
SURVEYORS' 3-IN. COMPASS, ball-and-socket mount- (PA AA
ings, folding sights, 2 levels; a $13.00 compass for only PUU
SURVEYORS' 4-IN. COMPASS, ball-and-socket mount- d1 A A
ings, folding sights; a $20.00 compass, only .......... . . DluUU
SURVEYORS' S-IN. COMPASS, ball-and-socket mount- (JJ-I .tA
ings, folding sights; regular $22.50, only1... , . . . . . , ..... . . PXOeO,U
Season's First; Sale
Lawn Mowers, Hose
Why bother wijh the old one? It's seen its best
days. Own a new one.
$3.75 LAWN MOWER, J.4-inch, four-CJO 00: A
blades, plain bearings, at...... tPaWeaO
$5.35 XAWN MOWER, 14-inch, four AO "
blades, ball .bearing, at Vl4:0
$12.75 LAWN f MOWER, lfinch size, S blades; ; '
high'wheel, ball : bearing, easy run- flQ AD J ;
ning; t perfect machine , tpVtVO i
$5.25 LAWN AND GARDEN HOSE, 50 feet, cotton or flQ QQ
rubber, guaranteed for one year, now on saleat only......' vOeaO
Mays Fresh Garden Seeds. . God Fish, 2Sf Each '
Open an Account --'
.11 .v I
Insist on Getting Our
W6bdlark,, Rose Spray
I -