The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 23, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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attentions Intended tor Mrs. Theodore
There to Only Quo ;
4way remember the full name, t Look , J&fTf. V '
lor thi gignaturo on eVery box..:; 25o. (j jyytff
Roosevelt ' , , '. - , "
-A clerk at a local hotel here, where
Mrs, Roosevelt had engaged accommo
dations, was, sent to 11jd Angeles to
meet Mrs. Roosevelt-, When the clerk
greeted Mrs. ; Clemens as Mrs.; Roose-
velt, the Pennsylvania woman assumed
the part in a spirit of fun, and during
the 100 mile trip the clerk was very
attentive. Explanations followed, and
Mrs. Roosevelt was very much amused
Woman Supposed to Live at
Portland Acquires New Y6rk
"House of Mystery?
Not Return Farson Coin
Minister Says Trouble Coming
and No Reason for Japan
Keeping Out of It. ,
Robber in Northern Woods
Commits Atrocious Crime;
, His Victims Woodsmen.
oy me niunaer.
A single New Tork' office building
contains more than 760 miles of tele
phone . wire. : ; '
Journal Wnt Ads bring resulta
- Till Text of Objection to
. ;! Bonds Comes. '
f. ; ".' '-.:- -. lyt: v v,' v'i' ',.,
125,000 CHECK
- h.
1 tl
! . - ' t - t
" ' s (SpcMil f)inatrh to Tho Journal.)
New York, Mrch 83. Detectives and
proces-servers are searching for "Anna
Levy,' to whom the "House of Mystery"
was- conveyed by: the mysterious Mrs.
John , W. Jenkins. Just as foreclosure
proceedings were Instituted by Mrs. Be
dell H. Harned, to recover the property
she had sold to Mrs. Jenkins. - ;
( Mrs. Jenkins; a New Orleans girt, vari
ously knowhas Helen Fuld-Dwell-Fleld-Jenklns,
was the 'youngest of five sis
ters of a Louisiana family,' one of whom
also Is known as Anna Mitchell-Levy.
During the fall: of 1910 the last named
resided at, a hotel In Oakland, Cal.,: but
.the record of the deed conveying the
"Mystery House' refers to "Anna Levy'1
of Portland, Or. Two of the sisters of
Mrs. Jenkins claim residence 4n New Or
leans. One a the wife of an attorney.
The Interesting tour ,of Mrs. Jenkins
runs through the various southern cen
ters where the racing game is popular,
across the continent at least twice and
in and out-of Chicago and New Tork
Cty with remarkable frequency. ; ', ?
Throughout all the story the same
mystery follows the Identity of ."John
VT. Jenkins." The latest information
places his residence close to Chicago,
and Identifies him with the possession of
many millions made in leather.. Nathan
.Ollen of Kenosha, Wis., a founder of the
1(0.000,000 leather- trust, was ssked if
he was the Mysterious John W. Jen
kins. r"I will net deny I know the
worrfan, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs,- Fuld, Mrs.
Dwell or whatever you choose to call
her. ." He said, "I do not. deny I have
visited her many times, but ' I deny
emphatically that I purchased for Mrs.
Jenkins the 'Mystery. House."'
Colonists Arrive at Aberdeen.
. ' (Soeclal rtli pitch to The JonrnaLt
Aberdeen, March 23. About 200 colo
nists have so far arrived on Orays har
bor as a result of the colonist rates
now in operation. Of those some 125
are' Polish people, coming to settle the
lands of the Washington State Colonisa
tion company," oh the Wlshkah river,
Russians and i few Oreeks. The rt
mntnder' are eastern 'people who have
come to visit friends, or to look st the
country, with a view to settling.
Oratorical Contest at Dallas.
J Spclal Diapatch to The Journal.!
Dallas, Or., March ; 23 The annual
intercollegiate oratorical contest, under
tho auspices of the Intercollegiate Pro
hibition association,, will be held In this
city tomorrow night The winners of
the debutes will go (to Los Angeles in
May for the Pacific) Coast contest.
Options on 14.000,000 feet of timber
tributary to the Nehatem river, were
taken, this week by some unknown gen
tlrrnan who identity we did not learn,
RHya the Enterprise. At any rate we
are Rind to nee something doing all
th time
Helpful Hints on
Hair Health
Scalp andrHair Troubles Gen
erally Caused by Care- .
Dandruff Is a contagious disease
" caus(1 by a microbe which also pro
duces baldness. Never 'use a comb or
brush belonging to some one else. No
mater how leanly the owner may be
these articles my bo Infected with mi
crobes which will Infect your scalp. It
Is far easier to catch hair microbes than
It is to get rid of thetn, and a single
stroke of an Infected comb or brush may
" well lead to baldness. Never try on any
body else's hat, Many a hatband la a
resting place for microbes.
If you happen to be troubled with dan-.
' druff, Itching scalp, .falling hair or bald
ness, we have a remedy which-we be
lieve will completely relieve these trou
bles. We are so sure of this that we of
fer It to you with the understanding
that it will cost you nothing for the trial
if it does. no produce the results we
claim. This remedy pls called Rexall
"83"' Hair Tonic. We honestly believe
It to be thp most scientific remedy for
scalp and hair troubles and we know of
nothing else that equals it for effective
ness, because of the results It has pro
duced In thousands of cases.
Rexall "98" Hair Tonlo Is devised to
banish dandruff, restore natural , color
when its loss has been brought about by
disease, ana inaKe me iiair naturally
silky, soft and glossy. It does this be
cause It stimulates the hair follicles, de
stroys the germ matter, and brings
about a free nealthy. circulation of
blood, which, nourishes the hair roots,
causing them to tighten and grow new
hair. We want everybody who has any
trouble wfth hair or scalo to know that
Rexall "83" Hair Tonlo is the best hair
tonic, and restorative in existence, and
- no one .should scoff at or douhr thin
- -atatemant-untlt they have pu t mr-elaim
to a fair test, with the understanding
that they pay us nothing rpr tlfe remedy
If it does not give full and complete sat
isfaction In every particular. Two size
50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can
obtain Rexall Remedies only st the Owl
Drug Co., Inc., cor. 7th and Washlng-
.Inn Kts. .,. '
All yellqv laundry soaps
''contain from 20 to 40
. rosin. Sunny Monday. Soap1
k contains no rosin that's
why it's white. It is made
from pure materials," and its
' use means", the saving of
1 clothes.
i ' Sunny Monday contains 1
a wonderful .chrt-starter-7-
-it saves- rubbing,- time- and
labor. -
Portland holds a $20,000 check from
Farson. Son & Co. of Chicago. ' If will
npt be returned to the firm until the i
city has received the text of the opinion
of the firm's' attorneys, wherein the
I500,00K issue' of : Broadway bridge
bonds, bid upon some time ago by these
brokers, la declared Illegal.
'.Word came from Farson,, Son Co.
yesterday that the firm's attorneys had
passed adversely on the bonds ; after
two months' consideration, Tne text
of the opinion - was not cited. Mayor
Simon and City Auditor Barbur took
this as an act of disrespect to we
city they will respond In kind.. ' ' "t 't-
' In several of the great advertising
mediums of the . east, advertisements
for . the sale of 1500,000 : additional
Broadway bridge bonds will appear next
Monday. The bonds will be sold April
11 at the same .time water bonds are
sold. They will be advertised for sale
subject to legality, not subject to the
opinion of attorneys, as' was tne diock i
bid on by Farson. Son-Co. City Au
ditor Barbur ald this jnornlng that the
lattefs bid ha4 been irregular in me
first place. , It was not accompanied by
the proper certified check. It was made
subject to the opinion of attorneys, when
the nsual procedure is to declare it sub
ject to legality; -. It was necessary to
obtain the check by telegraph. City Au
dltor Barbur ' maintains that' the city
lost In several ways, besides time In
bridge construction, by fooling with
Farson,. Son & Co. .;. ' ; '
. Subject to legality This Time.
City Attorney Grant aald this morn,
lng he thought the new block of bridge
bonds should be advertised subject te
the legality of the bonds as construed
by the supreme court of Oregon. He
maintains that in declaring the bonds il
legal the attorneys of Farson, Son A
Co. have overruled the supreme court
of Oregon, with Its five Judges, and
have also overruled five judges of the
circuit court, and one federal Judges all
of whom had declared legal , and regu
lar the initiative actvy which the bridge
bonds were authorised; and further
Judged that the case of the obstruc
tionists,' Frant Kiernan and RalplrDtm
lway, was without any merit.
After having their various esses tried
In all the - courts accessible, the ob
structionists gave notice of appeal to
the aupreme court of the United Statea.
If they should win there the judgment
of the court would include a decision
that Oregon's Initiative and referendum
are unconstitutional. . Ralph Dunlway,
the obstructionists attorney, has said
that is the real purpose of the litiga
tion; to wipe out Oregon's direct gov
ernment.. Tv;
Direct Taxes tot Bridge Possible.
City Attorney Grant said this morn
ing that the acts of congress and of
the legislature, authorising the bridge,
had not only made' the Initiative un
necessary, but had given the city au
thority , to pay for the bridge out of
general taxation, even as the new coun
ty courthouse Is being built. However,
he has not' ftled a' "motion to dismiss
the obstructionist case from hearing be
fore the United States supreme court,
because of a slight question Involved
as to whether the obstructionist case
shall ultimately be construed to apply
only to an attack upon the Initiative
and referendum.
In the meantime, the city, and its of
ficials are not at all discouraged by
the refusal of Farson, Son A Co. to
take the Broadway bridge bonds. Mayor
Simon said this morning:
"The- adverae decision i Is extremely
unfortunate, But I've arranged to have
the city auditor secure a copy of the
opinion rendered by the attorneys of
Farson, Son & Co., before we return
their check for $25,000. We should have
this opinion Inside of a week and then
we will know whether or not they merit
the return of the check. Aa for re
bidding, the city auditor is already au
thorised to try It again and so we will
keep on trying It again until we win."
' (Ualted rreta Least Wlr.
Victoria, B. C. March 23 Trluble tn
China is predicted in an official report
made to Japan by Mr. IJuin, minister
to China, on his return to TOklo. This
news was brought by the Tacoma Ma
ru. The Japanese minister thought Ja
pan should carefully watch the Inau
guration of the new Chinese parliament
lnfim. He said there wete in China
a number of secret political bodies like
ly to stir up a:.revolutlonary war, The
government always succeeded In sup
pressing petty i riots but It ' would be
no easy task to subdue great civil strife
when It arose, supported, by these, po
litical bodies. . , ; ; - :
r What the minister feared most was
not troubles of local character, but a
collision between Chinese and Manchu
statesmen in the capital.' .
It Was not necessary, he aald, for Ja
pan to sacrifice everything for the pres
ervation of peace ana tne integrity ox
China. ... . : ,
No Blaca on the habitable globe can
produce a happier, more contented class
of citizenship than Is found In the Wil
lamette , valley, and. especially in tnis
portion of it, remarks the Eugene Reg
ister. ' -
, (TTalted Pteis Leased TTIrs.)
VPort Arthur, Ont,, March. 28." To get
possession of time checks which he is
now unable .to. cash, an unknown man
killed one and wounded two Finnish
woodsmen on their way out from the
Pigeon i River 'Lumber company's camp
near Silver Mountain. ' -
The men vfere on the road' leading
from the camp to the railroad. Intend
ing to take a train to Port Arthur, when
they met a stranger who offered to di
rect them, to the railway by a short
cut His offer was accepted and at' a
convenient moment the stranger opened
fire on the three, killing one and seri
ously wounding the other two. He
then took, their time, checks, In the
meantime using - a bunting knife so
freely that one man has nine wounds.
The robber made off, leaving his
wounded victims to suffer.. They lay
beside the dead body of their compan
ion all night. Today one managed to
reach the railway and get word to Silver-Mountain.
': ,.V ;Vi-r-'.'v
Hag Fan Personating Mr. T, It.
(Halted Fyim LMWd Wirt.)
Santa Barbara. March 23. as a re
sult of mistaken identity, Mrs., F. G.
Clemens, of Pottsvllle, Pa., has received
Is just 1V2 miles from the
shopping center of Portland
It is the best improved residence addi
tion in Portland. It is Teached by three
carlines and is only 15 minutes by car
from" Third and Morrison.- .Yet you can
buy a lot there 'for $900, , with a cash pay
ment of but $90 and 2 per cent, or $18
a month until paid for.:
Do you know of any otrrer exclusive
residence addition as well irmprpved and
,as advantageously ' located where a , lot
can be bought at so low a price and on
such desirab.le terms,?,,
Call to see MEAD & MURPHY, sales
agents, 522 Cprbett Building, and talk the
proposition over.
Prices $900 and up. Ten per cent cash
and 2 per cent discount; 15 per cent dis
count to builders.
lllp . Mead & Murphy
Phones Main 1503, A-15I5.
522 Corbett Bldg.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Gahanna, Ohio, March 23. Headed by j
Mayor Dawson of this city, a posse aur- j
rounded live saieoiowers in tne under
brush near here early today. Two rob
bers were wounded in the fight that
followed, but all finally made their
Late last night the bandits blew the
safe in the postofflce here and wrecked
the building, but were driven off before
they got any money. The thieves took
refuge in a barn, and later took to the
brush, where a heavy fire was main
tained until dawn. No member of the
posse was wounded.
The presence of the bandits in the
town was tipped off10. citlsens,. who
Immediately armed and took up posi
tions near the. postofflce. In the run
ning battle which followed, two of the
bandits were wounded, but they were
carried off by their companions. The
yeg'gmen got 1200 worth of stamps, but
these were thrown away during the
fight t ... : -
e You've often passed a business 4
or residential location and seen
4 the sign "For Rent" In the win- 4
do w, and afterwards. tried to, re-
'member where the- sign was
It's been an impossibility, like as
e not, to locate the sign again.
How different with the "For
Rent' locations that are Hated In 4
the Want Columns, Just cut out 4
e the column and mark the loca-
tlons that are of interest to you,: 4
4 Oppose you wlch to visit several 4
4 of tho pieces of property that ' 4
4 are listed; you have the lnfor- 4
4 matlon before you in the clipping ' 4
4 andcan easily arrange a tour of 4
4 Inspection with the least possl- 4
4' ble Inconvenience. .. 4
4 The Ideal place to advertise 4
4 property that's for rent Is In The 4
Journal Want Columns.!' ' ' 4
") - . . . .' 4
4 4 4 4
.Frank S. Fields, county clerk, has re
turned from a two weeks trip to Cali-rornlarThr"Ve'Sler-parrof
the time
was spent in Los Angeles, and he says
the weather was more disagreeable than
any. weather Portland exoeriencaii last
winter, ( Mrs. Fields accompanied htm on'
me trip.
J , Journal Want Ada bring results.
3 The Totally Different Store C
1 No Cash Required
tHen $1 a Week
Baturday night this liberal offer ends. Any responsible person
can secure a credit charge account here nothing down and 11.00
a week. We invite a comparison of our prices, for we know you
can do better here not alone better prices, but better treatment
and better terms. We make no extra charge for credit
We carry complete lines of Women's Tailor-Made-Suits,
Coats, Skirts, Shirt Waists, and the lowest prices prevail here
at all times.
Men's Suits
The men of Portland 'have never
before had such a wonderful op-
fortunity to be well dressed at so
ittle cost. We want you to see our'
$18.00 and $20.00 values we are selling
this week for:
Tot men who, won't Btand for any-'
thing but the very best, we offer a
line of, hand-tailored suits; garments
that cotild not be duplicated at any
tailor's -under $30.00 and $35.00 and'
our price is only--. .
. 245 MORRISON ST. -
Bet Second and Third Sts.
f I I, '. I -
$22.50 ;,, M Vv
Ask to see
'. our
Ask .to see
Paul Jones !
Middy Suits
Boy's .
That are differ
ent from
Superior in
style, fit and
Moderately Priced
$5 to $15
That are genur
ine novelties
and con-
by us
Moderately Priced
With every Boy's Suit or Reef er,
a baseball and bat, glove,
mitt or baseball suit
BOYS' BLOUSE WAISTS-In all the new Spring color
ings Light and dark Regularly sold at 50c O Cp
Special for Friday and. Saturday, only.......;;i..."-V-,
Our landlord has arranged with us to vacate the Litt location, 351 Washington''
street, at once, and vacate -we must in less than 30 days. We must get out of the
iT Litt store. Every spring garment far this great store must be sacrificed at oncey
regardless of their value. Every Press, Coat, Suit, Skirt and Petticoat has the Fare-- ;
well Price oh it that will force every garment out quick. ; ' ; r .
New Lingerie and Marquisette Dresses I Alii
Go in This Unrestricted Removal
ri7 -
. (ii ; i" i.i.i'. .'".
Most of these new Frocks. areParisian modclsiin others, features from imported
models are cleverly adopted and introduced. All are distinguished by some of .
the out-of-the-ordinary m design, coloring and trimming-." You have yoarown:
choice it girat RemOTal S8Jr Reductiottf
$12.50 DRESSES, now fl C QK
only P UeitJ
$20.00 DRESSES, -now QiO QC
only Plee7t)
$25.00 DRESSES, now jJg QQ
$35.00 DRESSES now ;
All Silk Pongee Tailor-made Suits, '
now at PRICE
- Spring Models jnlNew:
Tailor-Made Suits ;
35 new models to select from. Plain and braid trimmed styles. Men's mtxtar
fray, tan and cream Serges and the new black Wool Back Satins, Whipcords and
Diagonals. Farewell prices are 'so astonishingly low every, garment will soon
be gone. We1 are only too glad to say farewell to them, as our landlord wants
the premises and we must vacate. "- "
$25,00 SPRING SUITS,' 0"t 4 QC $35.00 SPRING SUITS, 0O4 Qf?
now... Ple7J now OJldHttU t
now Dl7eOt) now 'DiiteOU.i
$50.00 SPRING SUITS ...S 34.05 '''? .
Advance Styles in. Women's ;
Street and Afternoon Coats
Present displays include distinctive models in black satin, fine mixtures. Serges
and Diagonals. Top Coats in Imported Tweed Diagonals are: t'
$2a00' COATS, now at 95
$35.00 COATS, now at
; Only ,h1nit,tt.M,
$25.00 COATS,-now at A QCT.- . $45.00 COATS, now at COQ QK
only tDleatl only ...'',. , OmU00
$30.00 COATS, now at g :? ; $50 to $60 COATS, now jjjJJ (Jg
...,, : ,:: in, mi!, m.i in ' ; ., Im. . ... ii i in ,r .1, 1,11 .....r.u.,,. , ,
... ;