:-r-:iL THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.-- 1UESSAY EVENING. MARCH 81.' 1E11. HORSES, VEmCLr.9. ETC 18 2700 lb.-team horses, age 7 and 8, true and reliable to work any place, also their harness almost new; price com , . plete. allowing1 trial, $286. 60& Alder at . Mare and, gelding and harness, this team weigh 800 lbs. and are little thin In flesh and are worth $800 to anyone - who wants to derive the benefit of Improving them; this team will bo .guar Anteed and trial allowed. 605 Alder st $50 buys chestnut mare, weighs 1170 lbs., has become a little tender in front , feet from constant tisa on pavomneta, , will become sound in country, 605 Alder fTKbuys lfBO lb. mare, halter broke, wortlt $150 to anyone who has use for her. 605 Alder at. ' - - $40 Brown horse, ags 7, will work In any kind of rig, a little tender'in front feet. 606 Alder at. - '-V -7 -- $90 buys 1350 lbr horse, age f.tru to work, a little thin In ' tWo, cost present owner 3185. last spring and worth a much today. 606 Alder itv; $250 RANCH OUTFIT COMPLETE $250 ;' Consisting of 2700 lb, team horses, ages ( and 8, will work any place, extra good . walkers, aet of heavy breeching harness, In good condition and Inch wagon, as ' good as new, guaranteed and trial al- owea. j bob Aider at. -: - - : - JUST arrived 3 carloads of draft and delivery horses from Idaho, weighing from 1100 to 1700 pounds: also one car load heavy drafters from Illinois weigh ing from 1806 to 8100 ; one Teglstered hire stallion, 7 years old. weight 1800; good saddlers and drivers. --. We sell strictly on commlssoln. Be us. before . buying. - Phone Wood lawn $400, Thom en & Malehorn, Union 8tockyards, Portland. Or. 7 : - ' .- 'I 'Horses for Sale '"' II horses, weight 1100 to 1200 lbs. horses, w sight 1760 to 1140 lba. . 10 horses, weight 1400 to 1100 lba. 10 horse, weight 1000 to 1100 lba. All will be aold under our guarantee , T HAWTHORNE AVE. BTABLES. , 420 Hawthorne Avo. - - is HEAD horaea at 290 Montgomery. . 2 horses 6 years old, weight 1000. - 3 horsea 7 yeara old,- weight 2900. -1 mare, S yeara old. weight 100. -. 1 trappy bay mar, 7 yeara bid, wght 1200.- ,: '" 1 cheap gray horse, 11 yeara - old, Weight 1400. - - 1 brown horae, I yr ; old weight 1180. . Several othera mismated. -: All guaranteed as represented. ' ? LIVESTOCK AND FOCLTRY 35 FOR BALE $ fresh eowrloolt-ehlck ene, also to rent acre lana; nouse, barn, chicken coop, $5 month. 47th ave., third house from corner fwest pf 68th a t. ' Fran k Ca reenter. - ... --..)'- " " -J guarantee 12 chicks, any - breed. Bet at my house for you. Settings for sale. JX. vir"11, '? Paul bi.. iaumovy. . ifOR SALE Cheap, beea and 25 pair ot Rhode Island eggs In incubator lota, ..van iaoor iiwi. , -v AWS A V , TH6ROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs iruiu cniuve inniiuB, riivv ye uuu dred. Bell wood 18S6. BL'FF Leghorn eggs for hatching, from special matcnea pens. ,,- itt vvaoaou. - Phone Woodlawn 1172, CANARIE3, fine slngera from imported : stock, few left. S47 Mfntgomery. main . TWO fresh cows. 1 extra fine Jersey, 4 gallons per day. .extra fine. Tabor . 1803. 998 E. Yamhill. WHITE Orpingtoa egga for hatching. " PHonSW6odTaWn695.""'Ad3resg"lJ03 Wilbur st. T II V Ul PT.-. , . .. If VC5U want to buy or sell dairy yaroH. wooaiawn ivv ORPINOTONS, Buff and White atock. and gga; see the au cocKerei. eseu wood 10. LARGE Jersey cow, Rested,, with or witnout neirer can. wi jiaisworia st. seiiwooa 765 FOR SALE Four young fresh oows. "WAN'TED--A good milch cow. -Phono Main 6860 HIGH class Silver Laced Wyandotte . I K A . 1 .AAA n A.W . XT. WILL buy fceef cows or ' veaL Call Woodlawn 2326. G. Bennett. EGGS from eastern priae winning Light Brahma. Phone Red 403, Mllwaukle. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD FKT8 03 CANARIES for sale, 1 male and 1 fe male; alBO 1 brass cage. W.1U sell ail for IB. Mam us. FIRST olasa watch dog for business place or country noma Main svos, WR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 LOT of , household goods; Iron beds, sortnEB. mattresses, sras range, eteel range, extension table, chairs, treasure, - lady'a desk,tath tub, tent, 10 - foot counter, small cook stove for laundry, I foot standing 'desk, 6 arm chairs, lot f linoleum, gaa water heater. 112 Union ave. 60 SLIGHTLY used sewing machines " at very 1owprlces, Singer, Wheeler and others. Machines rented by week and montn; an maxes or mac nines re S aired and work guaranteed. Singer ewlng Machine Btore, S. 8. Slgel, agent, st Morrison at. Main lies, A-4t NEW and aecond hand pool and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms: .bowling alleys, refrigerators for Imme diate delivery. Addresa the Brunswlck- Balke-Collender CO., 4 6th at easy terms; safes opened, repaired and . painted. Purcell Bafe Co. and Portland I Bftfe Ce.lBr6tIi it. Maln 6309. A-4118 NO DUST sweeping compound absorbs ! auBt. , write xor prices, , crescent cuemicai co., ui wash, at, Portland. vr. Main ixt. LARGE $46 phonograph, , with large UVI IB AUU VI IV . Il ' for 1 25. . Q-487, journal. horn and crane; 40 new records: all FOR SALE cheap 1 smoke hood 7 feet, suitable for ransce or aaa stove. Par tieuiars. can at sr Fianaers st TOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st st coin jinones. 616 Ellsworth atreet Phone Sellwood -7B. KKHXAUMfli' use. a aozen' new niok elplate Individual creamers at one ' r 1 1""- van rmme pnnne fi-sivo TWO guitarfor ale or trade for vlo- . lln. J. L. coates, expert violin maker ana repairer; ibb tram:, room a. Th!NT bungalow near Woodlawn station - ' - i 1 - .... . Til , ... ior hhib iTiien, riionn Yvuoniawn 8U4T FOR BALK 1$ h. p. gaa engine. 204 B, lth N. Kast 440. B-1668 SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fittings. new. za nana, tit mveretr. Mi 7BI7, $10 SINGER Sewlnff Machine with at tachmentn. Call 883 East Morrison. ' AXMINSTER rug, $15; New Home sew Ing machine. $4. 1022 B. 23d st. N, VAMKH--5II3CELLAJiTCOUS - ' Barger's Auction House Formerly -,ot the .Dollar Furniture House, now located at 870 East Morri Bon, , will buy toll knds of furnltura, atovea. bankrupt stocks, restaurants. aoteia, etc. , Will aeu real estate or livestock .on eommlsslon, olty o; ooun- a. M. oAKuER. WANTED People Of Portland to know top mat I pay tho nlghest cash price for rcona nana . nouBsnoia. kooub. . n, -ju, pestrr, nugrfii. low. i' YOli want the not money yovr ?r- nuure win Dnng, save ume, can Kast at. ses uawmrrne. Meier f urniture vO, BE WlbE: cei iirire for your urom hand lurnfture by selling It to-ford ' Aocuon co., in int. Main kbi, A-144B, kAST SXDiS auction Jjobbera' want Id nana rurniture. nigc set price paia. WANTEli The use! of a horse for its - reeo; ngnt worx; Dost of care, to 4S. . Journal: .' . . . WA NTEl-4- leaso-nveond - hand --noo! table, might buyt'lf cheap. Addre kox i, HrooKS, ur. EHEPARD Furniture Co. gives moet for used rurnuure, etc. Hi, 4. svn orand. i WANTED 2d hand furniture. Kast S13. $48 Hawthorne ave. Seater ft Martin. ' ' ' I F03 S.1LE AUTOMOBILES 44 SECOND HAND CARS STEARNS, 1909 model, 7 passen- ger, cyunaer, o ti. e.y siquia mem: Top, giaaa front, speedo meter, gas tank, . demountable rims, 4 extra casing ........... $500 1810 6-PAflSENGEH Chalmera JO H. P., ful'r equipped 1250 PEERLESS, 1909 model, 7 paeten- sen. jiquipmept: : Top, - glass fronts Warner speedometer, gaa ; tank ...... . . . 2500 MAXWELL,' J cylinder, 5 paseen- rer. , equipment: . Top, giasa ront," Stewart speedometer ... , - 460 PIERCE, 1910 model, 5 passenger. n. jr., t cylinder.. Equipment: Top, windshield, Stewart speed ometer, clock, seat covers...... 3500 PIERCE, 7 passenger, 190$ model, . iiioi ciass conaiuon . . REO, v 2 cylinder; 6' passenger, 800 cyuijjpou who top ina eiewari speedometer , . ; . ...... ..;. . w . 460 REO, 2 . cylinder. passenger. equipped with top and Stewart speedometer ... . , . , 400 OLDSMOBILE, 4, cyUnder, equipped wltlilop andlglaaa front -.. . . . .................. . (00 BUICK, 2 cylinder,' equipped with tup, wijiusnieia, Stewart speea ometer .... .......,. .. 460 BUICK, model ' 10, 1910 equipped wiui top, : gias iront jonea ; speedometer . . , . . ;,.;;... j , . 00 STUDEBAKER, 1910, 7 passenger, cuuippea wun top, glass xront, Stewart speedometer and clock. . 2000 THKSE -CAES HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH V 3" B X OWNERS TO BE SOLD. THKlf HAVING PURCHASED 1911 PIURCB , ARROW AND CADILLAC CARS. Covev -Motor Car-Co,- Main 6470. 7th and Couch Bt. MAKE THAT MACHINE OF YOURS NEW AGAIN ' Everv manhln nalntiul hv urn Im harkr4 by 22 years of practical factory . ex perience, insuring high-class mechani cal skill, classical work, best materials and personal supervision, even to the smallest detail. Come and see our work you'll be olea8ed, THE W. FLEETWATER AUTOMO BILE PAINT COMPANY. 64 Union ave., eorner East Davis at HAVE customers . for I Chalmers-De- trolts, I Maxwell runabouts, 1 Stev ens Duryea, 2 Cadillacs, 1 peerless,, 1 Bulck, . 1 Ford and 1 Packard. . Care caned ior and delivered. - fi atorace. free demonstration. For' quick results, ten va your wants. Address ti. MM1UUAM, Bales Mgr. 64 Union ave.i cor. E. Davis trest:- - . Bargains? ..Bargains! Auto tires and inner; tubes, all sizes at half price, Examine our stock be fore you buy. Phono A-8648, Elton Humer,.. v " ' -f'- ( - WILL SELL a 5 passenger Franklin cheap to right party, equipped with loose tonneau. truck body, wind shield. extra casings; guaranteed in A-l shape, aey reasonable terms. Call B-1017. OLD auto tires Oo per lb delivered. In ner tunes 180 per id. we also buy copper, brass, aluminum, cast iron -and solid tires, j. Leva, 18 Columbia at Main 6198. v"" J. v ; IF you have cash I will sell you a runa bout at your oyn price. I havo all kinds at prices that, will astonish you. Geo. .. G. Vance Co., 330 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall 297. -WE- WlLL-WTYr-SELI, OR TRADBr, YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR REAL E8- TATE. BEB US FIRST. FLETCHER & mcajstikcJ. 8QB-4 Board of Trade. Fnons Main 8za. A-il- ' WHITE gas car in A-l condition, fully equipped; must bo aold by March 21; $1500 if taken at once. Phone B-1017. ailtn fnr llorlif ilallvarv at UawthAm. avenue garage, in ana tiawtnome NEW and second hand cars of all kinds for sale or trade. Call East PACKARD 1910 7 passenger touring splendid buy. Packard Garago, 65 PACKARD 5 passenger car; overhauled and guaranteed; seat covers; repaint ed. wacKara uarage. es n, zsa ex. DANDY little Ford car for sale cheap or trade for suburban tot. X-489, journal ill model Wlnton Six auto, unused, AUTO in exchang for $1600 equity in 6 line ioib. k-4, journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 ROBINSON, expert violin maker; vlo- nnB oougiu ana soia. ib kubsoi pidg. FINANCIAL CI WILL pay cash for builders' equKles or first and second mortgages or con tracts. 608 McKay bldg. Marshall 2600. LOANS WANTED 30 WE can invest your money at good raiea oi interest, unt-eage securities. First mortgages. Long-termln vestments. Provident Investment & Trustee Co zewun goara or Traoe uicig. WANTED $2000 for 6- years,- 7 per cent. Real estate security. Tabor 280. - : - ' $4600 wanted from private party on Irvinaton house: will. Day I oer cant. K-499, Journal. MONEY TO LOAIT 2? Borrow Money 4. , from th - v: - Salary Loan Bank Jn Batrtiti'irv -i Evflrvtfilii tr snniMafiHsiV Lowest rates In tho city. State Security Co, 808 Falling Bldg; Third and Washington Sts. MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. Do you need money today 7 If so, come to roe and I will help you out ' 1 ad vance money Immediately and strictly confldentialljron furnItarTlanosrau tos and other aerm-lt l , . Rauonibli rates- of interest M. Maiden, 60S-04 pweuanq niog. Will I nan Ynn ru - m i , - - yu juui luiunure, piano or reat estrnte. Lowest rate of interest - Bee mo first i s a i s. J. t. NlChOlS 616 Yeon hldg. MONEY loaned in amounts from v$10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal praperty; week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Gray & Cunningham, room 201 Rcthchlld bldg., 287 H Vashlngtoa at. between' 4th and 6th sts. MONEY advKuced salaried people, house- keepers and others . upon their own names without security; cheapest mtea, easiest, paymenta: offices In 61 princi pal cities: save money by ; gettinc our terms. Tohnan. 917 Lumber Exchange. Quick . loans on furniture and $ pianos, storage receipts, life ineur- I anee follcles, livestock, real estate, $ etc., U, 8. Real Estate Brokerage $ Co., 212 Hamilton bldg. Main $084. $ Is food at the Employer Loan Co, 121 Abington, 10t M- 2d at ' - Money to Loan on Diamonds, jewelry at low ratij&of interest. p alack, $23 WAonijioiun, IF you own a lot and wish to build we Will build you a home,' from $200 uu anu u i, umuro w rent uren berg & Jovik rooms 807-J08 Jlblngton MORTGAGE loans on real estate ."low. . est rates Mortgages and contracts bought. ' Cowlishaw, 616 ; Commercial Block. Phone Main 6777. SMALL AND LARGE AMWNTgT" , TO LOAN ON REALTY. . ASK MR. EASTON, - . J. H. Tipton Co., 1108 SpaldlngAbldg. HOiNEy to loan, lsrsr. loans a specialty, building loans: lowest rates; fire In urante. v. O. Beck. 812 Falling.- . JiOXEV TQ LOAN XJ27 MONEY to loan on improved city prop, erty. E. J. Braxell. 609 Commercial 100,00a on mortpages. city ot farm property, fire Insurance. McKenxie m Co.. GerKng-r bid.. 2d and Alder. LOVVEST RATES; loans onvany eecurl- tles. chattels or rai estate, union Loan Co. 86 Lafayette bid.. th sV Wash. MONEY loaned on diamond and jewelry; strictly confidential. iift a. su, near Alder.---- ' WE loan money on good security, no publicity. 302 sweaiand mag. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. Oood- nough ft Seita. iu Bpauiamg oiag. $4000 or part to loan on Improved city property, iasi zous. VlOKTOAGE loans I to 8 per vent, city and farm -property, nut uouca otft. IjiiM: far tha aaklnc. salary or char tel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. WILL loan" $20,000 or less real estate. Farrington. 418 commercial cmp Diag. MORTGAGE LOANS, 7 PER CENtT LOUIS HALitJMUW, Z8 B1AM1V Pi, SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTLiEr F. A. Newton, 616 Henry bldg. iihiX to lai. on Improved real estate. U White, 701 Keuing oiog. QUICK loans on all swurlUea. S. W. tying. waHninxioiv pmg. main my- NOTICES r 26 '? NOTICR TO CREDITORS In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon In the matter of Frank F. Baker, bankrupt, No. 1762, in bankruptcy: Notice is here by given that on the 20th day of March, A. D. 1911, Frank F. Baker Of Portland, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that ins nrsi meeting or ma creauors wui be-held at the offices of the under signed, rooms 401-2-J, Fentott building, Portland, Oregon; on the 81st day of March, my, at 10 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other busi ness as. may property, come peiurs saiu meeting.. - - . 4 Claims muet be presented In form re quired by the bankruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses no as sets. , CHKSTER G. MURPHY, Kerereo in uanxrupicy. Dated March 20. 1911. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. - M In the District Court of the United SUtes, forthe District- of Oregon In the matter of G. M. Carey, bankrupt. No. 1751, in bankruptcy: Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of March, A. D. 1911, G. M. Carey of PorUand, Orftron. ih bankruDt above named, was duly adjudicated bankruptr and that th rt ntlnir-flf-hlB credltora will be held at the of ficea of the undersigned. rooms 401-2-3, teuton ouuamg, r ori- tanri nivs-nn. on the 30th dav Of March. 1911, at 10 a. m., at which time aald credltora may attend, prove their claims, annoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt. and transact such other business as may properly como.;,Deiore -saia meaung. Claims must be presented iniform re- auired by tho bankruptcy act, as sworn to. The schedule filed discloses no assets. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated March 20. 1911. ' SEALED bids will be- received at the office Of the county cieiK oi wuuno mah niintv PorUand. until Friday, April 14, 1911, at o'clock p. m., fdr the construction of the West Portland Each bid to conform to the plans and sneciflcatlons on file in the office of nonnv clerk of Multnomah county. Port- land, and bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the county ludflr of Multnomah county, for 6 per cent of the amount of the bid, to be for felted as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or reiuBes ta enter into -a. contract for the faithful ferformance of said work In the event he contract is awarded to him. Tha right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. F. 8. FIELDS, County Clerk. THR annual meetlnsr of the stockhold- ers of the Oregon Furniture Manufac turing company will be held at the of fice of Ladd ft Tllton bank, 8d and Wash in ft on sts.. Portland. Or., on Wed nesday, March 29, 1911. at 11 a. m.. for the Durpose or electing a Doara ox ui- rectors for, the ensuing year and trans acting such other business as may prop erly come before the stockholders' meet- ing. rwiiJHalt tjictct, rTestaeni. CAUTION to business and trades peo- pie. Mrs. Donald Allison has no business Interests in Demises No. 63 18th st. N. and will not be responsible for bills. MRS. D, ALLISON. TO all whom it may concern, I will not be responsible for any debts contract ed by my wire Kose uraaiey. csignea, u. j. ttraaiey, j-ienis, ur. LOST AND FOT7ND 21 LOST March 20. black silk watch fob with ooai matrix pendant ana-a aia mond shaped Masonio pin attached. Re ward to nnaer. nease notiiy h. jk. Taylor, room 211, . Beck bldg. Phone Main 8800,. local 14, FRENCH and willow plumes, stoles and - boas dyed- any ahadei cleaned and eurledr willows made and retled. ' faded plumes recoiored: - wora guaranteed. Mrs. HartneBS. zvx xayior. a-tsbz ENGLISH bulldog, 10 months old, light brindie ana wnite yiOBt near st. vin.' cent's hospital Friday evening. Re ward. Notify .Dr. B. L. Norden, Main 740. STRAYED From P. D. Newell of Jen nlngs Lodge, toward Portland,-- one 120O lb. bay gelding, on Friday evening, March it. Keward ror inrormation. LOST Saturday, a horse with halter, from 24th and Nlcolat Bta.? skinned on left side. A. Kargel, 206 V Washington st7j-my LOST A Brindie Boston terrier dog. Lewis l. Tflompson, Jfortiana neignts. Xrjj;e rewara FtJUND Repairer of furniture at your home, -l-years in Portland. - East 6609. A PLACE to have your domes' steam or dry cleaned, 24 turs.' notice. College inn Cleaners, wssn.. opp. ism, A-iaoe. FObJND A "wheel on Saturday morn ing about 8 O'clock. 667 Pettjgrove. PERSONAL 22 YOUNG, respectable business man of -S-yearswlth-; good iiabltajeducatlon- and appearance,- iso good home, desires the -acquaintance of a young - lady of similar - circumstances 18-22 years of age; object, matrimony. Address Willis K. Benson general delivery, pity. ADA LINE LLOYD, spiritual and busl ness adviser, teacher of mental science. Know thyself; happiness and success wm be yours; tins is a oeautirui world enjoy It. Hotel BresUn'cbrner Wash lngton ana lUhBts. L A D I E S Ask your 'druggist for Chicesters PlUa, the-Diamond Brandy For ;s& years Known as best safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pius are sold by druggists everywhere. v Dr,: Mary Kramer . Confinement caBes specialty; herbs and root medicine for all Irregularities of the blood. Examination free, . Phono woodlawn 1673, 6i Mississippi ave. DR.TA. A. AUSPLUND. . Diseases of women and surgery; con sultation free. Phones A-2411, Main 4047. Merchants Trust bldg., 6th aud wasnington sts, DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly eures diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid- hey. oiaaaer ana plies. Hi First, Port mna. THE State Spiritualists' Association of Oregon will celebrate the 63d anniver sary nf t)lritllRllnm nn Huntlav Maroh 26. all day at Auditorium Hall, 8d at, near ,'xayior. DR. T. J. PIERCE, 245 H Morrison at. cures rheumatism, , nervous debility. paralysis, indigestion, constipation ohronlo diseases of - the stomach. neys end bladder. U Call or wrlto. A GENTLEMAN of 28 wishes to meet a lady of 26 or 80. Jolly and good look ing, matrimonially inclined; give phone. journal. - . , . BOOK-of'Nature.'ranftVHntTTirabe' Gray, Fatal Passion. Decameron. Be hind Footlights. 60c each. Catalogue irpw. ncnmaie i;o.. iz9 let Has removed to 609-10-11 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington sts. PEKSONAL DP. ALICE 'A. RI5 F. r. -. Diseases of women anil children cluaively. i Women are often saved se A vere eurglcal operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases ox- children a peclulty. -Private hospital accommoda ions. Confinements, cared for. . Cor- respor.der.M solicited. No charge for consultation. Phcnes. Main $928. A-8307. f rt floe room 10, Grand Theirs tldg Washlneton erd r"arli;. .,.- MEN CURED QUICKLY Modern electric treatment 'for dis eases of the prostate, nervous debility,. reciai, cnromc, Diood ana sum diseases. W. L Howard, M. D., 304-6 Rothchild bldg, 4th and Washington. DR. SANDERSON CO., Eivin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 box or $ boxes $5. Druggists or mat 1-. T. J. Pierce, 245 Morrison Bt. OCCULT,: new thought, aclentlflo and school booka boueht and sold. Send for free catalogue. Jones Book store, im pax Bfc Henry bldg. SEXOll) A marvelous cure for weak nese in men; money returned if it fails;, price $1. , T. J. Pierce. 246ft Mor- rison St.- -I - - - - LEGAL advice upon all business mat- tersrevidence secured in all personal matters., charges reasonable. Box 29L Portland, or. - - - - WOJ4EN Use Femoids when . .others fail; sold ana f uaranr.eeq oy tne aus- plunrt iruc t'o-. m n, tn st. Main siai LORENZ Nerve Tonlo Tablets restore' lost vitality, z&c box, s ooxes si.ze. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison. WKlNKLEd reit-vu, sagging corrected 8elUTig-H;rch bldg. Neo Plastlque A gey. MATRIMONIAL oaoer. many wlTE means. Mrs. Belt, 1816 Maanoua ave Los Angeles. Cal.- - - -. ;- " KiriTHY For poison oak, for sale by: UArftirdrtttgistar'' BALM of figs, remedy for diseases ef omen. S3 LaviB st Main tiia. MISS QILSON, S61V4 Morrison, room , eures danorurr nna railing nair. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS. AND APPRAISERS EVERYBODY wants positive values. Consult Northwestern Appraisal Co, "Experts." 606 Board of Trade. A- 1164, -.-'' -. ..- - AUTO SUPPLIES F, R. KEENAN CO.,-190 4thit?A-3'26, I M-avBz, empire Auto Tires, fope bi cycles, Auto. Bicycle and Motor sup plies, vehicle Kupper Tires. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. Belmont Auto School The "only - thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough ' instruction; competent management ana practical worx. - t, 23d and Morrison Take 8-8 or Mt Tabor car: look us no oeiore deciding to enroll eisewnere. ASSATERB WELLS PROEBSTEL, assayera, ana- iyt;cai cnemists. wash, m. 7oa MONTANA asoay office, laboratory and ore testing vorx. tub Morrison. BICYCLE REPAIRING S. W. BAILEY. 327 B. Wash. B-2709. Lawn mowers sharpened, locksmith. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, Attoroey-at-Law. Prao tics in an courts. Abstracts exam Ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71. A-2071. CHRISTOPHERSON MATTHEWS. general practice. 405-8 Buchanan oiag. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st jo inn jl hwk uj e I f, tv wl wu Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Kurexa tear. a-sii3. Main in. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES YALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels bought sold. Repairing. 138 lPth. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 817 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland office. 606 Electric bldg. J AS. McL WOOD tt CO, all kinds of insurance, surety bonds, McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING VACUUM Caroet Cleaning Co.. 868 E. Oak. Cleans carpets on floor. Work done promptly, , guaranteed. Agts. for vacuum carpet cieaners. tc art. JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleanlna Werka. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. Hi. 440, -is. z4 m. itn n. IONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovated: guaranteed. B. 860. B-2236. COLUMBIA Vacuum Cleaning Co. Tabor zeeu. COAL AND WOOD pecial cr ARwninn IWllC PRICES' ON w-.iTk.kJ If UUJU GREEN SHORT WOOD. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. INSIDE GREEN SHORT. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding; Tbe "Portland :SlafewMd Co. Main 2Ii9. A-7001. Dry Block Wood -yilh - small wood, r 1 4, Mixed se ti. ioaa, aoiiverea anywnero in city. Port land Wrecking Co., 106-107 N. 11th st MalnsS7. A-3YS6. THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles all tho fcebt grades of coal We make a specialty of furnaee and heating plant coal at a reasonable price. Special uiiuob vii car luaua. li-titt, Hmtt Zlt, Yamato Wood and P.nnl rnmiwnw B3ast 811 IL"' i"aiw, retail wood 3l3alS0 Hawed ta nrAor l,' i o 2777. GOAL tibii: 7 BLOCK W00D8tcV,V WOOD Meier Frank take oders fox our standard grades, or tfhone East 808. or C-3J0I. Edlef sen Fuel Co., Inc. DELIVERED , PROMPTLY Main- 8767. F. J. EVBRTS, Ft CUrry st hOiiTH PORTLAND SLA.BWOOD Ca Main 'ilbt. A-3842. Dry Inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for hrt. dlnf cure fuel; lX"kwood; - v PACIFIC , &LABWOOD CO. Dry Slabwood -Ma63709 FOR COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD PHONE HOLGATE FUEL CO. jSELLWOOD" 4S5.y RAINIER Slabwood Co., foot Yamhill; ' country slabwood, or short and blocs wood, inside wood. M'U 1204, A-3829. COOS BAY COAL CWTSl Burnslde St Phones, Main 2228, A-1276. ' 4 foot dry wood. Nat. Fuel Co.,. 811 Water at Marshall 960. Sawed wood deliv ered, any Quantity Main 1606. Homo A-1106 DRY WOOD 82 per load. Yard foot of E. Oak st Express and general Jiaul- Coal MCCO it. LaijiT wood - iiE.cn ot rftnn A-464f No. 1 dry wood, I ft, sawed to order. OREGON LUHBER ft' FUEircoTlIocl and trim wood. Tabor 2811 . C11F-M ARKlilWOOD-YA RiFcooFft bwii no ano L.iay. wain aa43.-A-4322 DRY MIXED cedar 32 a load for80 days only. Main 2153. A-3842. . c3rD wood delivered snywhtweln city, w holesale. n retail. East 819. B-3QSS. STANblSr) WOOD concord andslab wood. 347 E. Stark. East 2315. B-1695. Oil :;COAL AND WOODv -J SEGHERS WOOD CO, 9th and Gllsan. and 18th and Vaughn; fine country slab wood sawed In stove lengths; cord-j wooa an Kinas, acd r.ewiy cut railroad ties, f nones Main 3&s, X351. A.-Z416. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from oid carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 168 Union ave.. near B. Morrison. - PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works oioniai Patton avei rajr carpet and rugs. 1618 mane woodlawn !88. CHINESE., DOCTORS DR. Blng Choong, physician tor men and women, jjuaranteed cure. zlbW Alder. DR. U T. YEE & SONS, 142 1st st Maiir 8464.' A-8858. tt- CUiROP.RACTIO DOCTOlt DR. A. S. DOUGLASS. 838 Union ave. N. Phone East 6241. Consultation and examination free. 7 CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODT.manlcurlng.leoalp: Mrs. Dunton. 649 Wash. Marshall 1829. DR. GARTNER, Soeolallst on corns an,d bunions. 141 1st st, Room 7. CTRCLLAR LETTERS "PROMPTNESS and dispatch." , Crain torn, totter-co. a-4685. COLLECTION SPECIALIST ' - PHYSICIANS' and dentists'; collecUona only, U Pinckney White. Main 6674, A-7026. '-. ' f CLOTHES BUY, sell, all kinds clothes, shoes, fur nlture. 820 H Jefferson. Marshall 1962. WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes and snoes. lis irront Main 4or. coLLEcnoa YOUR own collector: published and sold by the Commercial Underwriters; sys tem by which you make your own col lection; no fees, no commissions, no ex tra expense whatsoever. For Informa tion call or write the Commercial Un- oerwriters, oi Worcester bldg. NOTES, accounts collected everywhere. Guarantee Collection Agency. 821 Hen ry bldg. Marshall 2688. A-7780. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All dents" collected. 317 Aiisay A-781T: m. 22X CONTRACTORS AKV BUILDERS PORTER & PENN Concrete founda tlon. construction estimates on ell kinds of cement, work. 107 N. 14th. Main 8887. y : FOR cement work, plastering, brick work, excavatlnc. call on G. C Olson. paarenan 1441; ivt urover st WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter an builder, lobbing and contracting. 204 4th. Main 6241. OLOF L. BROLINB, architect. Also builds for commission or bv contract iozi Board or Trade. Main 7907. STAR CONTRACTING CO. , Give us a chance to1 bid on -your con crete work. Sellwood 970. t TJITTJT-VM tit 1.1 ...t,..t t,n.. w. uii.,.,, . . ni 1.1111111.,-uutiuuii Estimates furnished. M. 1817, A-1817. UNITED Eng. & Construction Co.. engl- neers and contractors. 711 Lewis. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general con- tractor. 414 weiis-J argo oiog. -m. one. J. HYLAND. 212 Columbia.: M. 9016. A 4PZ0. carpenter and gen oral jobbing. CONSULTING ENGINEERS C 8. GOLDBERG & CO., 812 Couch bldg. Macnine designs, patent devioes, en gine and boiler Installations, concrete warehouses, freight elevators and con veyors. Marshall 8028. DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth Where bridge work Is impossible; does away entirely with plates, ,bridgewoi'k; we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable, people; Alveolar Dental Co -Ab- ington piog., luti ard st CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. 823 Washington, opr. 6th. DANCING MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. Class and social dance, 109 2d st, Monday evenings, 8 to 12: same, Allsky bldg., 8d and Morrison, Saturday even ings, 8 to 11. Fancy stage and social dancing dally in both schools. Walts and twostep guaranteed in four lessons. LESSONS 26c, 4 lessons 81: waits, three step, two step, stage dancing, etc: every morning, afternoon and evening. Prof. Wal Wilson's School, oldest only recognised academy for correct dancing. 386 Wash, st.. bet. W. Park yid 10th. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency, 421-423 Board of Trade bide. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar-. shall J72. DOG AND HOBS? HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. S,, Of 284l0t St U. 4086. Hosp. 69 E. 13th. E. 6446. DRAFTSMAN DRAFTSMAN. W. Andrew Clarke. Machines and patents designed. 736 Chamber of Com merce bldg,. Main 6969. A-8631. ELECTRIC MACHINERY " MOTORS for rent cr sale. Puclfid Eleo trlo Engineering Co.. 218 2d St. FOOT SPEClAiilST DR. C. W. HEVLAND, 17 Healy bldg. Grad. Chiropodist. Grand and E. Morrison FURNITURE AND. STOVES. WE buy, sell, exchange and pay best prices for second hand furniture, stoves, ranges, etc. Hartzell Furn. Co., 810 B. -1st Phone Marshall 2675. UNION Salvage Co., 183 Front at. MarJ 796. Highest price for 2d hand ggprts. S. J. Donaldson, 2618 1st st, Main 860, buys 2nd hand furniture and stoves. GASOLLNK KSUISKS STATIONARY and marine; eleotris aouipmenta; launches, aooasaoi-les, wholesale and retail; engine repairing, Kelerson Machinery Co.. 181 Morrison, , v MAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory, largest hat ren. ovators in the city. 61-68 3d st, ground noor Worcester Ding. tM'j direct rroaj tke factory at half price. GLAZING UNITt-O 1 LASS Sc GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work, 94 N,14th, M. 4481. HORSESHOEING DE NIKE7: 283 Front St. makes a specialty Of driving horses; 20 years' experience in New York City. . HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, 103 Rothchild bldg. Phone Main 703. INSURANCE McCAROAR, Bates & Lively, 318 Fan ning bldy. E?ery form Insurance, bonds. LAUNDRY SEE Lee, .Chinese. 209 Mill. Washing and Ironing carefully- done. i .A-4039. LANDSCAPE GARDENER O. BRENNEKE Landscape ' Gardener; - roses, standard varieties, shrubbery. Verly done. .-, Prl reasonable. 12b uenver ave, vvoouiawn ia. st-Johns Car.-' " ) '- i ';.- LAWYERS. " FRED W. BRONN. LAWYER. 1014 Ch. of cpm. Phona Main 8199. RE ALlESTATE KAMB 7 - '-' '"' c Baker, D. MU City, Farm Property..,.-.. onrng-eteete uoaiwoy .................... ....uronoa Iloor lwu SKl(.....Mla r.) A 1 trobaker A Bne4:ot ......................... S2 McKir BlJfi...... Mi, Burtenshaw A Buehler,.,.. .......... Hawthorne and E. 49th..,.. Tn bplD Herlow.. ........................... 8S2 Ciamher ot Comoiwc... Cook fc Co., B. B. .......................... ,.608 Corhett Bids .........Main I Kpp A Mokey. ....... ..... ................ I Chimber of Commcrpe. ...il- n . Oregon Seal folate Co.. The. .............. j..OmTd Ave. enit Mulluumali....aMt Kiiieiutf. ' i. H....r,.v;r......7;7..T;. ...... ... itolimrer Biug ...,.. .,.,. -.. . Thonipm, M. K. Co.1..... i..... ...... .. Weary Blhr.. 4th-Oalr, ....... .T. f LIBRARIES CIRCULATING Ubrsf arv. 186 6th, bet Taylor snd ramhtll. Books 3c per day. . LEATHER AND nXPlSGS CHAO. L, MASTICK A.Ca. 74 Front Leather or every aesenpuon: t9 manufacturers, finding -- ' - - jiACHINEKT & TRENKMAN A CO. Eydraulle and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th M1NIKG AND DCVELOPMEXT SWASTIKA Mining Co Ltd. 8nd for our booklet 220 Dreyel bldg. - MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT C HOLMSTROM, nerve, rheumatlo dl Mdg gestlve disorders. 3UZ- uregonian MXIJNERY GOODS N. Y. Hat & Cap Cowhala, 678.1st 8pee ;cap-OTders,Tnf Beavey ghlrt. M il 19 1 3 MUSICAL DEALERS BE1BERLING-LUCA8 MUSIC CO.. 184 Id: complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Buoschex band instrumentn. MaLTIGRAPHTNG 4 ' MULTIGRAPH. Hifh class circular letter work, lilss Weaver, 270 Stark Bt Phone Marshall 2687. multigrTphing. writing. M. 766. shorthand, type 418 Buchanan biclg. &IUS10 TUACHERS, E. TKIELHvRN. violin , teacher; pupfc Sevcik, 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar.1429. ROlTirrLAWSOTC"lSSI4th .st Phone Main 6197. Piano leesons 660. OSTRICH PLUMES Ostrich Plume Co, Largest stock In willows and French plumps; willows made, dyed, Cleaned, curled to satisfaction. 303 Washington. MADAM GILBERT. 8034 WASH INGTON BT.. ROOM 25. , 'JDYEINO, m.RAKTNG PI.TRF.1NG. MAKING OVER OSTRICH PLUMES, BOAS, ETC. WORK GUARANTEED, M. 4964, RES, M. 4443 OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL TcbC I26H Washing ton st Eyes examined. Free advice. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. W. W, Christie Osteopath, Chronic nervous diseases, 814-6 Maoleay bldg. Main 6172, A-4880. DR. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseasea SIT Fenton bldg. ' Main 8t) DR' 8MITH. graduate KlrkvUle. Mo, 1898; post graduate 107. 1122 Bell ing bldg. DR. L. 1L HOWLAND. general practi tioner, 802 Fleldner Piog. DftS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 409 Oregonian bldg. ' DR. KATHBYN RUETER. specialist women A children. 302 Flledner bldg. I PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F. E. BEACH k CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. 186 1st Main 1334. A-704J. feASMUSSEN A CO.. "High Standard paint,, pe. cor. 8d aV Taylor. M. A-1771. PATENTS U. 8. and foreign patents procured by O.O. MARTIN. 839 Chamber of Commerce Building. PAINTING AND PAPERING T. J. WILSON. 187 Madison, M. 1437; painting, paperhanglng, signs. Got prices. , WEST & MAGUIRE, coatract4ng paint ers, paperhanglng, tinting. Estimates, Main 6612: A-2612. . N.. L HUXLEY 282 2d. M. 7140. Paint- er and paperhanger, Res. .Tabor 2326. FOR bast work, prices right call P. A. Doane. 104 Union. Both chonea. GET our prices on painting, paper- mr. tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 173 1st FOR satisfactory painting, , tinting and paper hanging, phone East 1266. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attor. ney-at-Law, lat4 U. S. Patent Offioej book tree. 7l Board or xraao omg. R. & WRIGHT, K. S. and foreign pat - ents: lofrlnaement cases. ... 604 Dekum. : PI ANQTUNING J. T. CROURKE, eitpert piano tuning guaraatcgjjL, 222-JLiitu t.-7Maln660l PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office, "24th and York. Main 3489, PLUMBING AND HEATING M. FRIEDMAN. 352 1st, plumbing, gas fitting and gen, jouoery neaiiy uone. PLUMBING, heating, etc Robert GU Ian. 166 10th. Both phones. 'RINTINO WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers f clever things with type aad Ink on paper." 141 Ml 1st . E. 1-E. White & Co., Prlntera Barber - ft White.- Main -6800, A-8316. MANN , & BEACH. 92 1st , M. 444. A-1044. Commercial and color printing. c7Tirm'R'ftJ8'"&'t!0., printers. . Main 4644.-'24SM Morrison, bet. 2d and 8d. BA"RNtEti & CO.. 1 2315 1st St., cora merctal printing. M. TI188, A-7517. HAWK Printing & Pub. Co., 88 3d st Commercial printing, m. ROOFING, PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofinKl repairing, painting. and Job bing. Losll &Bolser. 312 JeffM. 1424. RUttEEU STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS, and office stationery. Cun ningham C0.F331 Stsrk. : Main 1407. SAFES THE Moaler Safe Co., 108 2d st Eafes at factory prices; repairs;, lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes JOHN E. DAVIS, Safes, safe counsel, bargains. Surgent Hotel. I'hone VS. 291 SANATORIUM HILL'S SANATORIUM, 695 Front. Main 451. uuaranteed cure Tor Rheumatism . SECOND . HAND FURNITURE THE PORTLAND pays highest price for 2d nana gooas. oa let. M il 1903, SHOWCASES AND-FIXTURES SHOWCASE fryey eeerlptlon ; , bank, tsar and store fixtures maie order. The I.utke Mfg. Co. Villi JAMES L MARSHALL MFG.- CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store snd office fixtures. 239 Ouch. M. 8703 It 1. BUILBKLL. ifATllllON llLLtl , Show cases In stock. Prompt 0 livery, dales agent M. Vi'iuttr Lumber Co. DIRECTORY itlURKS - ; : "tWI.KI'HONK 808 Corbett Bld.....A-4492. Moln H 'l s.r I T 4 j in 1 , I i, A -.' -1 A-i'-'ia . c-i ..n ' 4 A ! "7 I 6HIXGLES BEST . In Portland. See them, zoi Wet-Vtigton st 8. 8. Gilbert STATIONERY, OFFICE SUFPLIIS PIONEER STATIONERY CO., Buchanan bldg.; best typewriting papers. M. 75. 6URVEYORS SUBDIVISION work a specialty. A. Gv Benson. 20 Wash, bid. Marshall 18. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER Signs; the larr. a est sign makers in the northwest Jo. Jth and E. Everett sts. Phones, asi, iiu, noma u-nit. RANN SIGN CO., quality and service. 8S Alder Bt. East 6308. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portlaai Sign Co.. 287 Stark. -Mala 16Bi. STENOtiRAPHERS, COURT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Ass's. 404-401 ongtpny m. BU37, a-6339. impositions. TAILORING SCHOOL KIESTEB'S Ladles' Tailoring' college, learn dressmaking, taUorlng, 142 Ml TAhvORXNa MAN tailored suits, coats, skirts; per - feet fit guaranteed, prices reasonable; G. Sherman and Miss Sherman, Ladies' tailor and dressmaking, 1060 E. 18th st N. Tel. Woodlawn 1014. ALFRED OGILBEE, 110 Labbo bldg. a M " ashington. Suits to order. GUS SEAQUIST, tailor and draper; ox elusive patterns. 246H Washington st TAXIDERMIST F. B. FIN LEY, taxidermist and furrier; glass eyes. 249 Columbia. - TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. irnier ana iorwarnjng agSBlSk Storage; free trackage. Office, 810 Hoyt st, bet 6th and IOk ' . Phones: Main 69; A-l 169. - . PORTLAND Van Btorage Co. cor. ma and Everett sta, Just opened, newest. every convenience for safe and crooer handling of goods; lowest insurance ran in no-uwm iru imeim, vuu tor moving. Main or A-.1820. C O. PICK Transfer 4s Storage Col. of- lice and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west eorner2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for . shipment Main 696; -199f. FURNITURE, trunk moving. City Hall ' Transfer Co. M. 7089. A-4724. 266 6th. W.M, Johnson, 23 Union av.'; ResTaboi . rmnu, turn, moving. B-auu. to. 44l. TOWEL SUPPLY ?LEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap, ; owe! Supply Co, 9th and Couch sts. -81 per month. Portland Laundry Pbon ) Main 410. A -4419. TRUNKS SIMONS TRUNK WKR, 651 1st Trunks lactory prices. Kepeiring. M. sjis. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold, -t Cun- ningnam Co.. 331 BtarK. Main I4ST. RENT' a typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Arencv. 833 - Aakenv at Phones: Main 6273. A-435. VETERINARIAN DR. L. p. DILLON. Hawthorns Avenue piapies. ii,aat 7Z. 697. B-186S. WALL , PAPER AND TINTING M'CLINTOCK ft GROOCOCK, Ino., 189 4th. Main 9183. Tinting, painting. wmipupcr. pamvs, 011s ana varnisnes. W. F. BLAESING, 283 3d." Main 44,4t , WELL DlilLLINQ DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea sonable. Call Mam 1346 or writs R. West 182 Morrison st WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING ft FARRELL, produoo and commission merchanta 140 Front St, Portland. Qe. Phone Main 179. M. A. GUNST ft CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS , PORTLAND, OR. WADHAMS ft CO., wholesale grocers, . manufacturers and ooffeo roastera. 4tk and Oak sts. '--,-, , MORGANS - Wi-LL -PAPER CO., iW'.S mi., peiween aaimon anfl Main. ALLEN ft LEWI8---GR0CERIES. " TRANSPORTATION rT' A" T.T I T I The Oolden I Ani 1 I Osrdea of the Bonth Seas. 4 . EIGHT DAYS' STAT TBXv Celebration (July 14) Fall of y the Bastlle, native fetes, mystlo rites of walking over redhot stones, and all the rest of it Splendid driveway of 99 miles around the Island, unfolding trop ical scenes of surpassing beauty. A delightful trip for recreation and pleas-fc-(5temMre 613 round trip, first cla8. from San Francisco. Baling Juno 29. BOOK NOW. , Oceanic & & Co., 673 ainl itz pit cvi cinii r t xnv.60t vra ' ' '"-' y Line to HONOLULU, 8. 8. Bierra, Sailings, AprU 8, AprU 29, May 20, June 10, and every 21 days. Open River Transportation. Co. 5 IK. J. N. TEAL rreight retelved daily at Oak St. Sock for tvllln, The fallen, Hood Hirer, While salinnn. IlnHepwixxl-. Tfmitlllat Kcnnewlck l'a. Rlcblsml . lUniif.wH. Whir Binffe and ' all lntprmoillMin point. First rUM errlce, gtetmer lee Portlnnil, gnn., Tnm., Thurn. T a. in. , Returntng leetee Tbe lllr Mon Wed., Frl. 1 a. m., arrlrlns t Portland about fi p. m. name our. A. 8. Waiting, agent, W, 8. Small-wood, Oan'i Manager, fhine Mala 31160.. A-n27.. '.-' -., , . .---'.:; - -:'.' -, ftan rranclsco H roraan Cteamsaip On, New service to Los Angeles via Saa Francisco every five day. - From Alnswortn dock, Portliind 4 p. m.: BS. Boss City, Mar, 83, lieaver 38, Bear - April 3, 9 a. tn. - j From San Francisco, noithnound,' 13 m.i ES. Beaver Mr, ii. Bear, 87. Suae City - April 'I.: -'7v- ::'-,, From San Pedro, northbound: S3. Bear Man 85, Bos Olty 30, Beaver April . 4..;-' " v-1" ''' ' 7 '-uSj ' ". ' -''- VC.Q. Smith, C. T, Jm 149 Third fX J. W. Banaoro, Agent, Ainsworth Dock, Fhonesi Kain 403, fl0l A-1403. COOS BAY JUINU Btr. Breakwater sails from Alaska dork. I'ortluncl, 8 p,,. m. every 'lin'(i' night Freight received - st Ain- i dock until 6 p m., dail v. 1 .ni;er far 1st clanM, 10; 2 I i. -17, IncIuOing meals an4 hertha. 't on sale at Alnswortn dock. I'tioix . . 1 t8. A-1334, y . - . ; AWT :!" ,. w ;.. eo. SAacrrLiNcrsca lci ani s.iN ri: . ) B. 8. X.OAiMX : ai.ii ; . . . Kvery v e-j y, Pi. T!ck ' " I i hoe '; .' ' X7, w -