THE OREGON. DAILY. JOURNAL, P.ORTLAND, -SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1911. IS ;DOGS ANI HOUSEHOLD PETS 63 THOROUGHBRED ' Spits, " amps, two (males left, 5 eadh. Oregon City car, Boardman station, second house eapt or Inquire 88 8rd st , - - - -,. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 18 MOTORCYCLES Agency for Pierce' & Harley ' Davidson, pierce Arrow & Tale bicycles. A few of the following 2d hand motorcycles for sale cheap; Yale 160.00, Armack 76.00, Cirtis Twin 1160.00. Indian 4 $150.00, , Reading Standard $150.00. Reading Standard $175.00. Elullslor. $176.00. Pierce Ar row 120.00; also ,a stock of " id hand blceles," A big' . reduction on all trades of tires. City- Bicycle -Host pltal. 834 Oak corner 7th. . 60 SLIGHTLY used sewing , machines at very low prices Slngw, Wheeler ft Wilson, White. Nsw Home? Domestic and other, maclrlnes rented by week and month; all makes of machines repaired and work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Machine Store, B. S. Slgel, agents 836 .'-. Morrison st. Phone Main 8188. A-4699. TENv drophead sewing machines -.with complete attachments,, will - be sold during thanextJENDATTS At , TEN DOLLARS each. Do you want one? Write Sewings Machine Agency; corner. ' 11th and Washington t. r Phone-Main ' 2.;;--'; 'v V....;:;. ,.y.-.;- JEW and second hand pool. and billiard' tables bought and sold on easy term; 3 towling alleys, refrigerators for Imme 1 dlate delivery. Address the Brunswick -jrtaiKe-uoiienoer VJQ.. ,B.fttn st easy terms; safes opened, repaired and Sainted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland afo Co,,"88 8th. it. " Main 6809. ': A4118. fe"OR SALE- Two cows and milk dubI ness; also' home,' buggy and farm, im . plements, ;on 15 acres for rent; large .".orchard, close In: Phone Main -7274. COMBINED coops for. laying,' setting - and brooding, made to order. -Job - work and building, 3. A. Chapman, Box (66 Arleta. Resldenoe (823 73d st FOR ' SALEr-2 , special rifle for .big fame, brand new gun, ease and shells, ; corner 46th ave. and 66th at, south Mvrtle Park station,''" liO DUST sweeping compound absorbs dust.. ; Wrljle for" prices. Crescent Chemical : Co,-, C$6 Wash, st. Portland, Or. Main 1264. ' 845 COLUMBtA 'ohonoirrapn. fine reo- ords. chean!' larra nlr.kl horn. VICTOR DhonostraDh. cost $66. with $16 wood horn; never been in use; 889, 468, Journal. ' LARGE $46" phonograph, .with large horn and crane; 40 newjrecords: all fo'--128. Q-497,-journal. POR SALE cheap 1 smoke hood 7 feet suitable for range or gas stove. Par tlculars. " Call at 26T Flanders st DOROTHY PERKINS, 4 pink climbing roses and - Virginia creepers xor sate. H. m.,iiti uenver ave. y !fOR SALE or rent logging and hoisting englnesj. Railway Equipment Co., 1 1st st, Both phones.- - ;. CHOICE berry bushes for sale chean 815 EUeworth street Phone Sellwood 75. ; FOR SALE Dividend paying stock In Idaho gold mine. ' Call and invests fate. 883 Eat Morrison., st, room 6. OUR horsepower paeoline - drag saw: double cable, air cooler, cheap. Call 1856 E. Ynmhtll st. " TWO guitars for. sale or trade for rU II n. j. L. Coatea,, expert violin maker and repairer. ltH 8ra at, Toom a. . THREE room boathouse furnished, $200, y-n, yournai. REillNOTON typewriter No." t", ; goftd condition, 625. Y484. -Joumal.- it)R ' SALE A floss candy -machine at half nrloe. 288 a. Morrison. FOR SALE 20 horsepower motor cheap. -Address x-4 87, Journal. FOR SALK 12 h. p. gas engine. 204 E. tutn IN. BMBl 4W. a-ivus. $7.60 DOMESTIC sewing machine, good stitcher. Call 383 E. Morrison. BARBERS 8 work . stands for sale ' cheap. -'264M111 et ' v", - ' ; FOR SALE Small, alaed . National cash register, 2i; nearly new. Tel. E. 2010. SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fittings, ! new, 2d hand. 812 Everett M. -7917. ' W ANXED-MISCELLAXEOUS S fV Barker's Auction Housa . Formeriv of -the Dollar Furniture Bouse, now located at 870 East Morri son, wui Duy - au Kinas or . lumiiurek tovns bankniDt ' stocks. : restaurants. hotels. - etc . , Will sell real estate or livestock on commission, city or cun 1 8. H. BARQER. WANTED People of Portland to know ' vhat I par the nlghest oash price for second nana nousenoid goous. n. w, Beater, 143 Rusfell. East 1562. "IF YOU want the no money yoar tP nlture will bring; save time, call East 782. las tiawincrne. Meier irurnuure t;o. '-1' . " ' - '. ,'' WANTED First class 1 tent and awn Ing outter or upholsterer, worth8400, Worth lnveetlgating.' Addresa , C, Fox. Salem,. Or. 1666 N. 4th st BICYCLE or motorcycle In good con- anion; 'cneap. none Marshall 57 or evenings Main Hj. BE WlbE; gev more for, your second . hand turnfture by selling it to Ford Auction Co- 211 1st Main 961. A-t445. JCAHT HIDE auction Jobbers want Id . nana furniture, nigctst pnoe paia f orana eve.. rJ. loei. WANTED Good second hand electric vacuum cleaner; give name and price. -43, journal. ... MALTESE kitten wanted. MMll - - Denver ave.'" " ' SHEPaRD Furniture Co. gives most for used furniture, etc. ta. 99.' za urana. WANTED 2d hand furniture. Eaat 31 Jt 848 Hawthorne ave. Seater - Martin. .. MAKE THAT MACHINE OF. . .YOURS NEW AGAIN 5 - EverV machine painted by us is backed by 22rars.t practical factory ex certence. insuring high-class mechanic cal skill, classical work, best materials and personal supervision, even to the smallest detail. Come and aee our work yuai..b.pleaaed.:: THE - W. FLEET WATER AUTOMO , . . - BILE PAINT COMPANY. " V 84 Union ave., corner East Davis et. HAVE customers for 2 Chalmers-De-v troits, 2 Maxwell runabouts, 1 Stev- . Buick,rL' Ford and l PacKard. -Caro called for and delivered. Free storage, free demonstration. For quick results. tell us your wants. Aaaress v H. M'MILLAN. Sales Mar. 64 Union ave.. cor, E. Davis street 1910 REO tourin car, ruuy equippe . motor ao Horsepower. , tms is a dem onstrator 'and ias been run Jess than 1200 miles and la like new. It la guar anteed for one year. Cost $1550. Price $985. custom 11 House -Auto Co., 331. Ev erett. - -; Bargains! 4 Bargamsl 1 Auto tires and inner tubes, all ! at half price. Examine our stock be - fore you buy. Phone-A-8646, r Elton A iiumer. - IK you have cash I will sell you a runa bout at your oyn price. I have all kinds at Prices that will astonish you. Geo. G. Vance Co., 330 , Lumberrnens Bldg. Marshall 297. - WE WILL BUY,. SELL. OR TRADE YOUR AUTOMbBlLE ORREAL ES TATE. SEE US FIRST. FLETCHER & McANTIRE, 806-4 Board of Trade, Phones Main 8325. A-1018. WILL SELL a 5 pasttenger Franklin r f cheap to right prrty, eq sipped j with loose tonneau, truck body, wind shield, '. extra caBings; guaranteed in A-l shape, any reasonapie terms. ...can wuu. OLD auto tires 8o per lb delivered. In :- ner tubes 18c ner lb. We also - hnv Coteper, brass, aluminum. Tast iron 'and ; soiiflutires. j. uve, ,is Columbia st Main 6i. " WHITE gas car in A-l condition, fully equippea; must oe eoia Dy Marcn zi qulppi WP'sh's-i. tHKen. aj;. once... rnone ii-101? OH sale or trade for lotn. Mkwb1 MiA M 1 OrVl nalltfAWl Si 9 tlnmtl.Ai.. avenue garage,-7tn and Hawthorne.' tiEW' and second hand cat-'s of kinds for sale or trade. Call East IZ2. wuiaKeneer car. cost or ade. X-4S5, Journal., FOS ,SALE ACT03IOBILES 44 SECOND, HAND CARS ' STEARNS, 1909 model, 7 paasen. : S7i, ijiMiuur, iv XT., r, , jquip- -, ment: , Top, glass front speedo- -meter.- gas tank, demountable rims, 1 extra casing ............ 8509 1910 6-PASSENGER Chalmers 30 II. P., fully equipped.. 1250 PEERLESS, 1909 model, 1 passes- ..f. fen. equipment: Top, glass ront JWarner speedometer, gas"'" tank .......................... 2600 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder, 6 passen- for. equipment: i'op, glass ront Stewart speedometer .... 460 PIERCE, 1919 modeU 6 passenger,,. o it. r., cylinder, equipment; v.N., Top, windshield, Stewart speed-. ometer, clock, seat, covers. . , ;-. . 2500 PIERCE, 7 passenger, X906 model,," first class condition ...,;'$00 REO, 2 cylinder,; 8 passenger.,.?; ' equipped with -top and Stewart u ' speedometer . . 1.486 REO, 2 cylinder, 8 ' passenger. ' s equipped with topj and Stewart speedometer ',,,.., i 460 OLDSMOBILE, 4 J. cylinder ... cqmppea . wun top ana , glass -,-front ........ ,4, 690 BUICK, 2 cylinder, 1 equipped with top, winasnieia, Stewart ' speea-, ometer . ... ... . . 480 BUICK, model 10.-1910 equipped J ; ,. with top. glass front ' Jonea . 4 r speedometer 900 STUDEBAKER. I910 7 passenger, . equipped witn top, glaaa- rront Stewart speedometer and clock. . 2000 THESE CARS HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH US BY OWNERS TO BH SOLD. THEY HAVINQ PURCHASED 1911 PIERCE ARROW v AND CADILLAC H i DO - rr :':T - . I- MaJn 1470. -7th and Couch Bta, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 NEARLY - new Kimball , Dlano. - mahog -any case. fi, payments. Graves, 4 1 1 Washington sty any-case. 1187: payments, v.fernr c. WILL sell piano for $176; standard make, -mahogany case. Miss Pipes. 226 6th street . . u , . i PIANO, almost new. very resonable if . taKen oerore weanesaay 880s Bel mont flat 2. . . - - - - - ROBINSON, expert violin maker; vio lins bougtit ana sold, J Kussei bidg. PIAXCIAli 01 $6000 High class securities guarantee ing 60 Der cent oroflt: will stand full est investigations must be sold at once. jumni conBiaer one vnirn real esxaie. Address Miss I. Clifford,, 711 Washing ton st., city. WILL pay cash for builders' equities or first and second mortgages or con tracts. 08 McKay bidg. Marshall 2500. $5000 mortgage for sale, west --side. iTudhomme, o Spalding Didg. f LOANS WANTED. 80 WE - can invest your money at good - rates or interest, out-edge securities. First morteares. Lona-term Investments. PROVIDENCE INV. & TRUSTEE CO., 80i-zo ttoarq or lraae mag. WILL pay 10 per cent Interest 5 per cent discount for $ aoo, one year, sec ond mortgage, 'farm security, j-471, Journal. - , ' v ' $1200 wanted on Rose City Park dwel- nng, per cent to private party. j- 482 Journal. WANT $5000 LOAN , On beautiful house, value 818.000. Z 481, Journal. -. , y -' , . ' MONEY TO hOASt , 27 - -;";-;'-' ' )' - Borrow Money , from tbe ; Salary Loan Bank ' - No security. - Everything conffdential. ' Lowest rates in (he city. State Security Co, ' 80S Falling Bidg. . , Third and Waahlngton flta. Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lioweei rate oi interest, eee me iirrt i , J, t. Nichols ; .; -;- ' : ' 815 Yeon bidg. . ' MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. Do vou need monev todftvt . If so. come to me -and I will help you out I ad vance money Immediately and strictly confidentially on furniture, pianos, aa tos and other securities. Reasonable rates, .of interest M.. Maiden, . 603-04 Swetland bidg. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on-all kinds of securities -furniture, pianos or any personal property! week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. .Gray & Cunningham, room 161 Rothchlld bldg 287 Waahlngton si., petweon in ana stn sts. ONEr advanced salaried peopie, huse keepers and others unon their own Dames without securitr: chQanest -ntaa. easiest payments; offices in 66 princi pal cmes; save money or getting our terms. Tolman, 817 Lumber Exchange. Quick loans on v furniture and pianos, itorage receipts, life Insur ance policies, livestock, real estate, etc. U. 8. Real Estate A Brokerage Co., tlj Hamilton bidg. Main 1084. YOim CREDIT ' at the Employes' Loan Co til blngton. lOiV sd at. - : Monev to Loam ON DIAMONDS. "JEWELRY AT LOW KA'IXS OlT INTEREST. PALACE, 223 IF you own a lot and wish to build we down and up, balance i like rent -, Gren- oerg et jovik, room zaa AQington Didg. ,BMALL AND LARGE AMOUNfS" ASK MR. E ASTON, -J. H. Tipton Co., 1108 Spalding bidg. LOWEST RATES; loans on any seourt- iies, cnaueis or rai estate, union Loan Co., 86 Lafayette bid., 6th Wash, MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, ouuaing loans;- lowest rates; lire in surance. W. G. Beck, 212 Falling. xRESIDENCES financed and built A. C. Furlong, contractor, ess chamber of Commerce, Main 4664.' MONEYloaned tmtllamond and Jewelryr strictly confidenUal, 141 H 8d , at, near Alder. - ' $100,000 on - mortgages, city ui farm property, fire Insurance. McKensie A Co.. Qerllncer bidg., 2d and Alder, MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent city and farm property. , 205 Couch bldt. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. w The Loan Co., 414 Dekum. bidg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. rarnngton, tie rrommeroiai muo oiog. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 ft 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 232 STARK ST. ' SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL, F. A. Newton. 516 Henry bidg. MONEY to loaL on Improved real estate, I. L White, 701 Selling bidg.- QUICK loans on all securities. K Clng. 45 Washington bidg. Main 6100. PRIVATE funds to loan, applioatlon vuiil men iim. ricaoq fiiuiio. uob, ,vu, WB. loan money, on ; good security, no punncity. a4 awetiana Piag. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per oent Good nouprh ft Salts.. 210 Bpauldlng bidg. PRIVATE funds to loan, application -conriaentiai...;-f lease .pnwne n.ast gnp. - JJOTICE8 .SO THE annual meeting of the stockhold ers t)f the Oregon. Furniture Manurac turing company will be held at the of fice of Ladd & Jiltorr tank, 3d and Washington, sts.. Portland. Or., on Wwrt- nesday, March 29, 1911, at 11 a. m., for the purpose or electing a ooard or til. rectors for the ensuinK year and trans acting auuA.oU-.AC buaiuesa tut may- prn eriy -come oerore tne etocKnoiaers' meet ing. fl71uhkk wnn, tTesiaent, NOTTCB is hereby given that the annual Stockholders" . meeting of the Pacific States Fire Insurance company will be held .in .the Assembly hall of the Com lnrroel club building on Monday the 20th day of Maroh, . 1911, at the hour of 2 o'c-lock p. m. ' . ' - 20 IN THB COUNTY COUHT CrF THE STATE OF OREOON, IN AND FOR t MTTI.TKOMAH fOITNTY. In 'the Matter of the Estate of P. N. BKlnner, ieceased. ". - ; i . . - - c citation. ' . : To Alice M. Skinner, Ethel A. Lyman, ioa Florence i)ooiy, Baren a. camp v bell and Archibald Porter SklnnerJ heirs at law of P, N. Skinner, de . ceased; - s -'- In tha namtinf th at at A of Oregon. you and each of you are hereby cited and - required to . appear vat . the ' April term of the above entitled court, to-wit: on Monday, the 10th. day of April, 1911, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, at the room of the county court in the court house In- the city, of -Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not pe maae iq tne . sdovb enuiiea maner, authnrizlnp- knA cmrinwfrinr Alice M. Skinner, " the administratrix of the es tate of pu N. Skinner, deceased, to sea St private sale, in the manner provided y. lawfor the purpose of paying the claims against- said estate and the costs and expenses of said administration, and for .distribution au Of tne;reBi proper ty belonging to gald estate, described as follows, ,to-wIt: ..-' - s Situated In' the count; of Lane and State, of Oregon, and bounded as fol lows, to-wlt: Beginning at th north west corner of -the,:northeast quarter (NEK) of section numbered twenty five (25),. in f township fifteen (16), South of range five (6) west of the Wil lamette meridian, in the county of Lane and state of Oregon, thence running south 80 rods, thence east 160 rods to range line between ranges four (4) and five (5.) thence north 80 rods along ranges line to the corner , of sections twentv-four 241 and twentv-flve (26). thence running west 9.29 chains,' thence north Z6.47 chains, - inence west tv. i i chains, thence south 26.47 ohalns to the place of beginning, containing 161.29 acres., mora or less: ... - " -.- f . Also the following premises, to-wlt; Beginning at the northwest corner Of the. northwest quarter (NWtt) of sec tion numbered thirty ($0). in township fifteen (16), south of range four (4) west of the Willamette meridian, in said Lane county, Oregon, and running thence south along the range line be tween ranges four (4) and five (5). 4.88 chains, thence .east 11.84 chains, thence north 22H degrees Vest 8.82 chains to south line of the Donation land claim of John. D. Bates and wife,, thence west s.35 chains to tne place or Degmning, containing five (5) acres, more or leas: Also the following described premises to-wlt: The northwest Quarter (NW14) and the south half (S) ef the north east-quarter- (JNjfiy or section num bered twenty-five . (26), in ' - township flfttn 1R south.' of ' ranre five IS) west of the Willamette meridian, in the County or Lane and state or Oregon, and containing 240 acres, more or lesn. Said premises above- described con taining in the aggregate 406 acres, more or less, and being situated in the county OX LfHIlO ina BIBIO UL wrnvil, ' . -V Witness the Honorable T. J. Cleefon. Judee of the Countv Court Of Multno mah- county, Oregon, with the seal of said Court affixed this 3rd - day of aiarcn, ivu. j .- F. 8. FIELDS. County Clerk - and Clerk of the Court aioresaia, , Bv T. F. Noonan. Deputy. KATE E. INGOLDSBY ESTATE, NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. ; . 1 (In Probate.) Notice la hereby riven that the un derslgned. Administrator of the estate of Kate is. ingoidsoy, deceased, has rued his final .account and netltlon for dis cbarge as administrator with the clerk Of the county court of the state of Or egon for Multnomah county, and that tne county court or saw -state or Ore gon naa set the same for hearing and ex amination on the 27th day ef March. A v. lvii, at ;3 ociooic a. m. or said day. at the county court room- in the county court house, In the city of Port land in said county and state. Any and all persons Interested may at or before said hour of hearing file ob jections to said nnai account. JOHN K. KOLLOC1C. Administrator of the Estate of, Kata.E. ingoiasDy, ueceasea. ; Dated February 25. 1911. LOST AND FOUTTO SI LOST On 8d st, "netweeh Washington and Morrison, ladies' watch, 0 b!zo, jo year nunting case, nampton move ment. Case No. 7785199: movement Un. 2668069. Finder deliver to Bruns Jew elry store, 29J Morrison st, and leceive reward. LOST Between Sunnyslde and town, . Johnnie, English pit bull terrier: white, black lips all around, brindle spots 6n left Car, middle of back and root of tall; tall tipped white: has col- lar; reward, ynone uaoor J7; LOST In Yeon bidg.. Olds. Wortman A King or postof f ice, ladies' diamond ring, one set,,-liberal reward. Phone B- LOST Friday' evening on -"IT or Mt bcott car, goia waicn, initjais Xi. p.' newaru. ,as( u. - LOST A ruby ring;', liberal reward 204 Ek, Failing st. Phone Woodlawn 885. A PLACE to have your clotnea steam f or dry cleaned, 24 hrs.' notice. College inn uieaners. wasn., opp. istn. A-lbll. PERSONAL, 22 MEN CURED QUICKLY Modern electric treatment for dis eases of the prostate, nervous debility, reotaL' chronic, blood and. akin diseases. W. I Howard,M. X., 804-6 , Rothchlld piag.. 4tn and wasnington. .- Are You RuDtured? ; The perfect truss is made and fitted Dv a specialist to men. women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no cnarge. wiison, e em sl A MAN of. middle age. like the ac quaintance of a middle aged woman who is In business; rooming house pre ferred; object matrimony, . w-488. Jour nal. - - - : -'V ' ' DR. WALKER, specialist! quickly cure diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen gianda, kid - nty, oladder and piles. -1 81 - FlrstrPoir - Isnd. ' MRS. STEVENS, 16 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, nas her late book, -"Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 343 Yamhill, corner Sev enth st. BOOK" of Nature," Fannv Hllll Hlabei - Gray,-Fatal fassion, lecameron, Be hind Footlights, boo each.' Catalogue rree. Hcnmaie kook v;o.v- az 1st, OCCULT, new thought, scientific and school dooks oougnt and sold, send for free catalogue. Jones Book store, 284 Oak st. Henry Mdg. - ; DR. SANDERS6N CO., Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy Tor delayed periods; $2 box or 3 boxes $5. Druggists or man, r. j,1 rnrea, worrnun st. SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak- ness in men; - niuiivr rciurnw 11 it falls; price $1. T. J. Pierce, 24 V Mor- LEGAL advice, upon all business mat- ters, evidence secured in all personal matters, charges reasonable.. ,Box 291, rortiana. ur. YOUNG, man, 28 years old, with good home, would like to correspond with young gin, 18 to zb, ODject matrl MAN under 29, some 'means, wishes to . ua nlrtr MtAxletna tu ltr Mas vrAa A . UlcCk IHVQ tv vi ivtii tauj r HUV V V CI t) early matrimony; no general delivery o flirts. Z-485, Journal. -' San Francisco i Examiner 813 Vt Washington.' Main 9262 WOMEN use' f rooids When others fail: sold and ruaran'.eed ny .tha Aus. plund Drug Co.. 110 N. th st. Main ! LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality. 25o box,, 6. boxes 21.25. Btipe-Tayior urug uo.. -- in Morrisqn, WRINKLES reii ivea, sagging corrected - in is minutes; tree aemonstratiorts. i Belllng-hlriM'n bidg. Neo Plastlque Agcy, MATRIMONIAL paper, many with means. Mrs. Ball, 1(16 Magnolia ave. ijos KjrTrnY For poison oak. .for iNU lUA all druggists. A sals' by UALM : fixa, rauivdv loi' tlisvaees of women. ' 631' psvip st. Main sxia. MISS GIlON.' 351 4 Morrison, room 16, cure a, dandruff and falling hair, NOTICES 22 1 DP. ALICB A. wSIFI.i ' -, Dlseaaaa of women and children ex clusively. - Women are oftq saved se vere surgical operations by consulting tne. - Nervous diseases - of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. , Cor reSDonder.ea sollcttad. No . charge for consultation. Phones, Main 8928, A-6607. Office room 10, Grand Thoatre tldg Washington and Fart - -. MADAMifi ESTELLE, magnetic healer, ' reliable spiritual adviser.- 84$ Yam hill, room 2. Walk upstairs. Main 180. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AXVi APPBAISKRS . EVERYBODY wants positive values. consult Kortnwestern Appraisal co. 'Exnerta." 606 Board of Trade. A- 1164. . -.s.'i H-- AUTOiSUPPtTES F, R. KEEN AN' CO., 190 4th St. -A-4S25, xor838Z, Kmpire Auto Tires, tpo a ycles. Auto: Bicycle and Motor sup plies, 'Vehtete Rwbberlnsv- AUTOMOMLB BCHOOLB. rr Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly equipped school vr this pacific; coast. Thorough . instruction. comDStent management' and practical Work,; , ' ' I, :26i and Morrison ; Take 8-8 or ML Tabor car: look us uo before deciding to enroll elsewhere. ASSAYKKS - ; ;' - - WELLS PROEBSTEL, assayers. ana lytical chemists. 20444 Wash. M. 7601 MONTANA asay office, laboratory and ore testing vork. ;i$6 Morrison. BICYCtB REPAIBINQ . aW. BAILEY, 887 E. -Wash. B-2709. I4wn mowers sharpened, -iocicsmnn. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prao- - lice in an courts. Aostracts exam Ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71. A-297L CHRISTOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS,' general practice.. 405-8 Buchanan Mdg. BLANK BOOK MAKERS V HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 169 2d St Blank book mrg; agta. zor jouer ImDroved Loose-Leaf ledeersr see the Hw Eureka leaf. A-2188. Main 168. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES XALB Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels nought sold. Repairing. i iwtq BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO.- Btreet caving., aioewaiics ana cross ings. 817 Beck bidg. - THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland office, 605 Electric bidg. JAB. Mcl. WOOD ft CO.. all kinds of insurance, surety bonds. McKay Diog. CARPET CLEANING VACUUM Ctroet Cleanina Co.. 868 E. Oak. Cleans carnets on floor. Work done promptly, guaranteed. Agta. for vacuum .carpet oteaners. ju. . JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Works, Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our Specialty. E. 440. B-1968. 204 E. 19th N. IONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovated; guaranteed. E. 860, B-2Z39. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. PENINSULA Carpet ind .Rug works. Colonial rag carpet and ruga, 1611 Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn sesa COAL AND WOOD ftQTICE snSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. INSIDE GREEN SHORT. ' DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. , The Portland SJabwocd Co. Main 2119,rA-7001 Dry Block -Wood Mixed with small wood. 24.60 ner load, delivered anywhere In city. Port land-Wrecking Uo, 105-107 N. 11th st Main 37, A-3736. THE ECONOMx Fuel Co. handles alt the beet arades of coal. We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal at a reasonable prloe. Special prices on car loaos. ti-4ii3, j&ast an. 4e e.ast Aniteny, BEGHERS WOOD CO., 9th and Gllsan, and 18th and Vaughn; fine country slabwood sawed in stove lengths; cord wood all kinds, and r.ewiy cut railroad ties. Phones Mam 63 a, 8851. A-2415. Yamato Wood and ' Coal Company, St' FUEIi BURNSIDE FUEL" CO, 125 7th: wholesale, retail wood: aiao sawea to oraer. ti-iit, B- 2777; COAL Alblna Fuel CoT BLOCK 1 1 Aiutn WOODKeW AtcViV. WOOD Meier ft FranK take oders for our 'standard grades, or pnone xjest iui. oru-xvva Ediefsen Fuel Co Inc. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS, Ft Curry st SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. Main -2163. A-2842. Dry inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed- din cure mei; DiocKwooa. PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. Dry Slabwood :M;in W, 1"' " v"v ' jua. - f RAINIER Slabwood Co, foot Yamhill; I country slabwood. or short and bloc wood, maiae wooo. m ii uv. A-ann. , COOS BAY COAL CO.. 191 Burnstde St Phonos, Main 2228. A-l 278. 4 foot dry wood. Nat Fuel X?o.. 8l8 Watef it Marsnau vso. awed wood deliv ered. any Quantity. Main 1606. Home A-1106 No. 1 ary wooa. e it., sawea to order. Oregon Lumber & fuel co. Block and trim wood. Tabor 2811 City market wood yard, Cook a on. ad and may, jaain it3. DRY MIXED cedar 82 a load ' for 20 days only. Main 1153, A-8844T CORD wood delivered any whure In city, . i .. ; . , m.a . n ,.ii. wnoienaie, rinii.- ckbi 411, o-iusv. CORDWOOD for sale, about 35 cords) - inouire room 257 Corbett bidg. ' STANDARD WOOD. CO Cord and slab WOOd. 34TK. BtarK. KESt Hit). JB-16K0, CHINESE DOCTORS DR. Bing Choong, physician for men and women, viuaranieea cure, xiu Aiaer. DR L T.- YKE ft SONS. 142 Main 6464, A-385S. i. 1st CHIROPRACTIC ,-' DOCTOR DR. A. 8. DOUGLASS. 388 Union ave. N. Phone East 6241. Consultation and examination free. j r . , . CHIROPODISTS CORNS, bunions, callouses, lpgtown and club, nails .successfully , cured by graduate manicurist and Scalp speclal- CIIIBOPOE Y, manicuring ecaip. Mrs. Dunton. 549 Wash. Marshall 1829. ' GARTNER. Sneclallst) on corns and bunions. 141 let stMTtoom 7. TJIRCULAU LETTERS "PROMPTNESS and ; dispatch.' Craln PERSONAL 11 COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections r only, i U Pincknty Whits. Mala 6074, A-IVZS. - " CLOTHES TITTV Mil ' ,11 Vlna olntha ahna A. I Mil .th?"Jl?, ...vv... V7 WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes I ana snoes. jtt ront. Main uz. COLLECTIOB YOUR own collector: published and sold by the Commercial Underwriters; sys tem by which you make your own col lection; no fees, no commissions, no ex tra expense whatsoever. For informs, tlon call or write the Commercial Un derwriters, 301 Worcester bidg. - NOTES, accounts collected everywhere. - Guarantee- Collection Agency. 821 Hen-1 ry Piag. Marshall 8S8.- A-778Q. PORTLAND Collection Aaency. Ail debts ' oollected. tiT Allsky A-7317: M. 4221 1 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : '" About c that proposed building ofl Vura.. Wa ean aunnlv all vour needs even to financing: also the lota and do the building. ' I BEAUX ARTS BUILDING CO.. Ino. 201-202 Lumbermen's Bidg. - PORTER ft PENN Concrete founda- tion. construction estimates on all kinds of cement work.107 i ; N. 14th. Main 8887- FOR cement work, plastering. . brick work, excavating. caU on G. C. Olson. Marshall 1441; 192 Grover st WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter . and builder, lobbinc and contracting. ,204 4th. - Main 6241. ' OLOF U BROLINE, architect - i ' builds for commission or by contract 1021 Board of Trade. - Main 7907. Estimates furnished. M. 1917. A-1817. UNITED Eng. ft Construction Co., engl- neers and contractors. tii iewis. ROBERT WAKEFIELD., iteneral con tractor. i4 -yveiis-rargo piag. m. oho. J. HYLAND, 212 Columbia. M. 9016, A- carpenter and general jopping. CONSULTING ENGINEERS C. S. GOLDBERG ft CO., 812 Couch bidg. Machine designs, patent devices, en gine tand boiler lnsUHatlons. concrete veywhsU,Mrshalh302 BANCEfa MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. Clasa and social dance. 109 2d St. Monday-even In kb. 8 to 12: same. Allsky hlrlff . iA and MnrrlRnn. flatiirrlnv ,v,n. ings. 8 to li. ranoy stage ants social clanking dally in both schools. Walts and twostep guaranteed in four lessons. LESSONS 26c, 4 lessons ll; waits, three step, two step, stairs aancrng. etc.; fvery morning, afternoon and evening. rror. wai wiisons Hcnooi, oioest oniy recognised academy for correct dancing. BBBfr wasn. St., net, w. paric and iotn. DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where brldse work is lmnosaihie: does away entirely witn plates, brldgework; we cure pyrroheal (loose teetn aosoiuteiy, terms to re-1 liable people. Alveolar uentai uo.. ad- logton oiag., iue aru st. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. 828 Washington cor. Stn. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency, 4Z1-423 Board oi Trace Didg. - De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 873. ' DOG AND RORSr HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V, 8., of 284 W 1st at. j M. 40s! Mosp. 89 m. iztn. a. 4a. DRAFTSMAN draftsman: W. Andrew Clarke. Machines and patents designed 786 Chamber of Com- marra hlHir . Main S9d9. A.Shll. , ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent Or sale. Pacific Eleo- tno Engineering co.. 8ii xa st. ELECTRIC QUILTING Get Your Quilting Done at the ELECTRIC QUILTING WORKS, 1 965 Union ave. N. Brine- your pieced oilllt tops and backs and have them quilted In scroll, loop, mover icai or otner patterns, we furnish cotton at 25c per roll. FOOT SPECTAiJST DR. C. W. HEVLAND. 17 Healv bid. Grad. Chiropodist Grand and E. Morrison FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy, sell, exchange and pay beat I prices tor second nana rurniture, stoves ranges, etc. Hartzell Furn. Co.. I 310 . 1st. fnone juarsnan zit. . , . . . . -. . . .. . .i UNION Salvage Co., 183 Front st Mar. 796. Hignest price tor za nana goods. STJ. Donaldson. 2613 1st st, Main 660, buys 2nd hand furniture and stoves. 4i ABO LINE KKUlKtXS STATIONARY and marine; ' electric equlpmentaii launches, accessories, wholesale and retail: engine reoalrina. 1 Relereon . Mscblnery . Curl 8.Morrisoa. HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern uat Factory; largest hat ren- . i ,v.A .it. ai 9 A hA t floor Worcester bids. Hats direct from! llhe factory at nan pnee. GLAZINti waawstsajwawiaSseiM UNITi-O ouASS ft GLAZING CO All kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4481. UORSESHOEING DE NIKE, 283H Front St., makes a! specialty or driving corses; zp years1 experience in mow lorg city. HOSPITAB ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, 898 -Rothchlld bidg. : mono Main 703. INSURANCE McOARGAR, Bates ft Lively, 313 Fall- ing ma. t,ery form insurance, bonds. LANDSCAPE GARDENER O. BRENNEKK Landscape Gardener; Denver ave. woodlawn 1936, car. - - " tit lAkn. LAUNDRY SEE Lee. Chinese. 200 Mill. Washing and ironing careruuy . aone. A-4USS. LAWYERS. FRED W; BRONN. LAWYER. 1614 Ch. of Com. Phone Main 8199. , LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library, 186 5th. bt I xayior ana isjnniu. hooks bc per aay. LEATUER AND FINDINGS sHsasi-ssVeiNiSW VJEIll 4JL4V.V V S.. ,v ItVUk Leather of every description; tap uuuXactums, ndlnga,"" -- 'r"- i-.G0ME'"8EEUS. REALY ESTATE NAM-. -;.-' ,; Baker, D. VI., City. Farm Property...... WflS'Diavia UHBiau ............ ........... Brubiser B-nr4f.-t ...........!........... miri,nhw Hiinif riawtuorne ana K. 43tD. . ...Tatxvt 1741 Cbipla Herlow. .....E:a CWamher of Comqierre..... n j Cook Co., B. ...Sva Kliapp Micity......... .................... cnimner or Comror....MU mi 4 A-Jl Oregoa Beal Eiuto Co., : Tfte. ...... ........... Grn6 . u4 Multimah....Ct 7. C-lTt RbteUls. I. H.. ............,...,.. Oerllnrer Bldf.w,, .......Main e Tbomp-on, M. , B. Co ......Heary kins.. 4th)fc.........i. SWK. A-Xvt MACTJCTEKT a TnmifM A CO. Hvdrullc and special pipes, screens, cogging, mrainj machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th IDNIXQ AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co., Ltd. ', Send for our booklet, zzo irexei piag. MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT C HOLM8TROM, nerve, rheumatic, di gestive disorders. aua- uregoman pag ULILLINERY OOODS N. YHat ft Cap Co., whole., 678 1st, Bpec cap orders, mfg. Beaver enirt. m u ism MUSICAL DEALERS BEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO- 184 Id: complete line musical mase. cree catalogue Buescher .band instrument'. MtlLWORAPHINQ r MULTIGRA PHING, Shorthand, type- writing. M. 766. 412 Buchanan bidg. - . .. . ' ; M, . , : MUSIO TEACHERS B. THIEIJIORN. vloUn tjacner. pups. oevcis. uo aiarquam..A-u. wr.i. PROF. T. E. LAWSON, 126 14th st Phone Main 6197. Piano lessons 60c. OSTRICH PLUMES , Ostrich Plume Co. Lareest stock in Willows and French I plumes; willows maae, ayea, cicnueu. , nnriai in i idt uci trtn xii.i wfl.n n.ini ,r; n, Tro VesiT " wTr I MADAM .GILBERT. 303 H WASH- pgTRICH PLUMES. BOAS, ETC. WORK GUARANTEED. M. 4964. RES.M. 4443. i OraCAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO., 886 Washing- ton st. -Eyes examined. Free advice. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr, W, W, Christie Aatnnoth tihtnnlA vTlArvA11fli H 1 Rlan-JIPft- ll4.6 Macleay bidg. Main 6172. A-4880. pa LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe- diseases. -217 Fen tot bidg. Main 8961 rR SMITH. - radut Klrkvllla. Mo- 1898; post graduate 1907. 1123 Sell- lug mw. DR. L 11 HOWLAND, general praotl- tloner. 802 Fleidner blag. i ukh. i. u. aiu m. n. mau i m, senen practitioners. 409 Oregonian oidg. DH KATHRYN RUETER. sneclallst women A children; 902 FHodner bidg. PAINTQtL AND GLASS ? V. E. BEACH ft CO., Pioneer Paint Co. 185 1st. Msln 1834. A-704I. - RA8MUS8EN ft CO.. "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. Id Tavior - M- A-1T7I. PAINTING AND PAPERING T. J." WILSON, 187 Madison. M. 1487: painting, papernanung, siaua, . uvi prices. . WEST & MAGUIRE, contracting paint- ers. naperhansing:. tinting. Estimates. Main 6612: A-2612. IN. L HUXLEY 282 2d. M. 7149. Paint- er and paperhanger. Res. Tabor 338. FOR best work, prices tight, call P. A. poane. 104 union, notn gnones. GET our prices on painting, paper ing, tinting, turnest -Miner co.. ij it FOR satisfactory painting, tinting and paper hanging, phone. Kast last). PATENTS U. 8. and foreign patents procured by u. u. MAKT1W 839 Chamber of Commerce Building. PATENT ATTORNEYS pxTENXs procured by J. K. Mock, Attor- I . V a o. . ,rr,--. i - n,, IHK u, O. riKDl book free. 719 Board Of Trade bidg. B, C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign paU. ents: Infringement rases. S04 UKum. PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING. J. T. O'Rourke, ex pert piano tuning, guaranteed, izz 14th St. Main 6608. -. - . ' . j FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning, 82; 18 years experience, ynone main wii; PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co.- Factory and oirice,'Z4tn and iorK. main ai. PLUMBING AND HEATING M. FRIEDMAN. 852 1st plumbing, gas fitting and gen, joooery nauy gone. PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert GU- lan, lee iotn. notn pnones. PRINTING WELCH PKIHTING CO. "Doers of clever things with type and g'.V; 1. fc-- . K.V. .i" . Vo.'o V oi?" ""r Gt Willie, wmn pqvv. -n-oig. MANN ft "BEACH, 92 1st. - M. ,444. A-1044. Commercial and color printing. C. F. HARRIS ft CO., printers, Main 4644. 24&Vj Morrison, pet, za and ga. HARNDEl!!! COi. 123jA.-lBt -st. cot merclal prliiting. mT1i88, A-7617, HAWK Printing ft Pub. Co. 88 4 3d St. Commercial printing, m. ROOFING, PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roof inc. rerjalrimr.. painting and lob- i .wng. JU)Bii,&Hoiser,3;u: jerr. m. uz4. KURHER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun 1 nlngham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1497. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co... 108 2d at. Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes JOHN B. DAVIS, safes, safe counsel. bargains, sargent Hotel, ynone k. mi. SANATORICM HILL'S SANATORIUM, 695 Front Main 451. Guaranteed cure for Rheumatism. SECOND HAND FURNITURE THE PORTLAND pavs highest price for za nana gooas. aus isi. at it iuu;i. I SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES . cans, oar ana store fixtures mace to v, ." ..... n u . .- v- v THF. JAM138 I. MARSHALL MK1. rrv new and old showcases, cabinets, store and orrice fixtures. zs tjoucn. M. 8702. B H. BiRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDO. I onow ui iuu., rremp; aeiivery. Bales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHINGLES BEST ' rn Portland. Bee ' them. 201 STATIONERY,, OFFICE SUPPLIES -iirt-i '-"pi "-il-" ni " (wn i tl "i i-aXi.1iLJ'ir,4jrYj PIONEER STATIONERY CO., Buchanan bidg.! btst typewriting papers. M. 76, SURVEYORS I - " - I SUBDIVISION work a spe-laltv. A. f. Benson, S9 wash. bid. Marshall 19. DIRECTORY aookess - - . ;v r'':'."tLttoNit., 303 Corbett Bldg... .,A-4492. Main 141 ot,vhi aiuu. mg,iJUU 1 JII-. St UeKar BlJs.... ...Mats IHi t'ntbtt B Idc ......... . .. ; .11 tin 953. A-S:l ' ff. SION AND SHOW CARDS FOSTEH ft KLEISER Signs; the larg. ) est sign makers la the northwest, . Jthand E. Everett sta : , Phones. East 1111. Home B-2224. , RANN SIGN -CO., quality and service. 889 E. Alder st East 6J02. Pnrtlaad Sign Co., 287 Stark. inn i nil nAV l " Matst 1K91 , STENOGRAPHERS, COwRT u.iW-RJOORTER9--:r- OREGON Law RoporUng As Bv 404-406 Auumion. cq. boa i . A-oaSo. uepnsitinna. tAF.AOIUXQ MAN tailored suits," coats, skirts; per jf feet fit guaranteed,! prices reasonable, 1 Q. Sherman and Mine Sherman, . Indies tailor and dressmaking, 106ft JE 18th st N. Tel. Woodlawn 1014. ALFRED OGILBEE, 810 Labbo bMg, ujpq wasningtoB, , MUlts to oroer. GUS SEAQUIST. Uilor and draDer: ax 1 elusive patterns. 245 Washington st V -tajodeemistt-- F.' B FINLEY, taxidermist and furrier; aulas eyes. - 14s uolumDia. TRANSFER AND STORAGE ti k - l - .1. l "UI Oregon Transfer Co. ' Established 1976. Transfer and forwarding agents. - Storage; free trackage. v 1 Office. 819 Hoyt st, bet. 6th and Itlh Phones: Main 69; A-l 169. -PORTLAND Van Storage Cow cor. I3tk ' and Everett sta. Just cpened. newest,' most modem storage warehouse In city ever convenience for safe and proper V handling ;f goods; lowest insurance rate in no-tnwest; free trackage, van Tor moving. Main or A-l 6 20. C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co.. of fice -and commodious 4 story- prick warehouse, separate iron rooms - and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved end packed for nmpmeni.' main ess e-itss. FURNITURE, trunk moving. City Half, rangier t,o. fti. qgg, A-4724. ISB Btn. W. M. Johnson. 23 linlon av.: Res. Tabot 6. Piano, furn. moving. B-2060. E. 4441. TOWEL SUrFLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply few. 9th and Couch sta. si per montn. Portland Laundry . PhoBs Main 410. A-441. TRUNKS SIMONS TRUNK WKS., 657 1st. Trunks factory prices. Repairing. M. 9313. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun nlngham Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407. RENT a typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Agency, 333 Ankeny st' Phones: Main 6273. A-2435. VETERINARIAN DR. L. P. DILLON, Hawthorne Avenue Stables. East 72. 697. B-13C9. WALL PAPER AND TINTING M'CLINTOCK ft GROOCOCK. Inc., 189 4th. Main 9183. Tinting, painting, wallpaper, paints, oils and 'varnishes. ' W. F. BLABBING; 282'sd. Main 4441 ; Painting and papering., Get our prices. WELL DRILLING DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea- sonaoie. uui main is4 or write . West, 182 Morrison st. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING ft FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front si.. Portland, O,- Phone Main 179. M. A. GUNST ft CO. T DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS ' PORTLAND, OR. WADHAMS ft CO., wholesale grocers, manuiacturers ana eoiiee roaaters. 4th and Oak sts. . MORGAN WALL PAPER CO1.. 239 24 St., between Salmon and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. TRANSPORTATION Open River Transportation Co. STR. J. N. TEAL frela-ht noalved aaUy at Oak Bt Dock A CelUo, The Dnltes, Boot! Hirer, White Salmon, Underwood. TJmatUU. KnnmrM t'i ee. RlchUniV Haadford, White Blufl nd U internMdlate imUltS. Si rut ', Mn, jervlce. Steamer leaves Portland, Snn., Tum., luDo. i . in. necarmng lenres m Dalles Moa.. Wed,t Frl. t a. m., arrtrlng at Portland jbouf 5 p. m. same day. A. 8. Waiting, arat. 8, Smallwood, Oaa'VlUoagar, Pboawluia TAHITI s;-" lSouth Seas. EIGHT SAYS' STAY THXSE. ' , Celebration. (July 14) Fail of the Bastile, native fetes, mystic rites : of walking over redhot stones, and all. the rest-of it. Splendid driveway of 90 miles around the island, unfolding trop ical Bcenea tit aurntuiirliiff hLnt A : delightful trip for recreation and pleas- - virc. steamer tare is a round trip, first -class, from San Francisco. Saling-Juno 29. BOOK NOW.: Oceanic S. S. Co.. 672 dafkot stroctrSan Francisco; ' Line to HONOLULU, S. S. - Sierra. Sailings, April 8, April 29, May 20,'June ' 10, and- every 21 days. . . San Francisco ft roroand Steanisnip Co, New service to Los Angeles via San Francisco every five days. .... ... From Ainswortn dock. Portlund 4 n, m - BS. Bear March 18; . Cltr 83, Beaver 23. trom can r rancisco, nortnnound. 13 in.: BS. . City March 17, Beaver 83, Bear 95 Can C1in smefkkKtik M ,i. ES. Beaver March 80, Bear as, M, City 30. X W. Bansom, Agent, Alnswcrth- Dock, gnonesi Main oa, 888 A-1403. Astoria Bouts bTXAMXB UASSAXiO ' Leaves Portland '("ally except Saturday at 8:0 p. m. - Maa-ea all way landings, Arrives .at Astoria it S.OO a. in, i.eaveo Astoria -daily. expt Sunday, at 7:00 a. m. Arrives Portland at 5:00 v:m." Makes direct connection, with, steamer Nahcotts for Megier, iiwaco, ixtng Beach and all points on the Ilwaco dh iston. f STEAMER ANVIL TtTSSSAY AT 9 P. M. .,r--.-----.'. For -..f""- TILLAMOOlC, XTEWPOBT, T tOBElf CU, ( ACMXS AMD BAJTDOa 1 Freight and passengers. I'hones Main 151: A-1902.-' Ticket offtce 128 2d at Phone Main 628. - - gAIf FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES ; AND SAN DIEGO WKECI 02tTX pACxno a b. co. B. . BOAMOKB and 8. 8. X 10)41 gar Every Wednesday, alternately, al I a m. Ticket office 182 Third, near Aid Phones Main 1214, A-1814. MAKT1N 1. HIOLKY. Pass. AnxL . 4- W.taV BLUstfiiH,4frl4it- Aawt - COOS BAY JUIN12 Btxi Ereskwater sails from Alas,:- i x Portlands Ml P- m. viy An- nlRht Ftcifht - rc!ivi j dock nntll- 8 v ', 'is'"' sengor-fare '1 ' $7, including rn-' i" 1 - m e.-ila t Ahis a -ji ; s. . t,j , A-L. t.