THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, , THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, -1911. HORSlis, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 JUST arrived, a carload or first class horses and mares, weight from 1300 erythlng sold with guarantee ss rep resented. IT. B. StflmPB, Z48 r ront. LI VESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 SILVERLACED Wyandotte, egca, from birds that won at North Yakima, end I others that won at Portland, (3 per set ting; eggs from utility birds. ji.b per Betting; Silverlaced Wyandotte cocker- '" 3-50. to' each! Whits Lhoh eggs, laying strains, $1 per setting, $6 per hundred. . Inquire taples- t hundred, inquire Staple- the Jew tOu SALlt Balance of our stock olf brooders, bona cutters, pumps, , and nana on, power spraying maeninery De low cost. Also new stock Of gasoline en gines, steam engines, sawmills and drag " " ... IIMIb '11 1 DO. ,'VUi, . ..V. ... House, 1 81 V UnUro ave., South. Port land.., or... 'y... s. - RHODE ISLAND- REDS. V: By alt means get a start In them this year., They are the money makers. Eggs from my select pens of thoroughbreds, 11.60 per setting. jC K.-Carlton, Main 8900 or A.116S FOR BALK 3 fresh cows, flock ehlck- ' ens, also to rent acre land; nouse, tarn, chicken coop, $5 month.- 47th ave., third house from corner west of 68th at. Frank Carpenter 5 - ,v THREES White Orpington hens, 1 cock erel (Cook strain); also I Andaluslan cockerel wantedV -aettlng hens. j Phona Main 4lil. -" : ; RHODE Island Red' eggs for hatching; viaroroua lavlnr atock. tl.EO oer set- i ting of 16. Mrs. C. K. Butters. 498I 73d I St.. FJrlanfr station. - - I THOROUGHBRED Barred Rook Bggs ' from .selectad matlnas. rates ner. nun- dred. Bellwood 1SSB. ---- PH1LO metal hatchers. I have a new cycia and metal mother tor saie. b 474. JournaL ' IF YOU want to buv or sell dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce C. at stock- yaras. vvooaiawn itoo. BUFF LeghornT'Buff Orpington eggs for hatching. 11644 Wabash. Phona Woodlawn 1172. ; . I fif1 A9.qf"j fer.ft. 1-60 fcTAuJ f , i.." " trolu. 8 Maxwell runabouts, 1 Stav-ElQHT-freaU owa. go naikeraF or fenr-Dufyea,--Cadillacs!- Peerless, T particulars Tabor 1464, B-3697. ; Bulck, 1 Ford and 1 - Packard. Cara HIGH, clasa Silver Laced Wyandotte s egss, fl.60 setting. 1043 E. Sth st. N. VlLL buy beef cows or veaL CaU Woodlawn 2326. Bennett. myQ ood fresh" 'cow's ' for sale, Jersey i and DuQrham!SInqurre 630 BrcSkfyTO DOfiS AXD HOUSEHOLD PETS 63 FOR SALE Fine pedigreed ; English . bull terrier bltcb, 3 months Old, 110. ;v89 W"V 6th Vancouver, Wash. ,, ; ; yiu an w Miariri 1 awnrsi to I OK B.UiK -MlSCELLArEOUB IV ...v,.-.-..-,,-..- motorcycles Agency ror rierca a yai oicycice. a few 01 tna rouowing Id hand motorcvcles for sale chean: " Yale 160.00. A r mack 176.00. Curtis Twin JI6U.00. Indian 4 tibv.uu, Keaaing Standard 3160.00. Reading Standard 3176.00, Elullaior $176.00, Pierce Ar row $20.00; also a stock of 3d band blcvcles. A' big" reduction on all Tades of tires. City Bicycl Hos' pital. 834 Oak, corner 7th. U SLIGHTLY used -awl.;, macnine. and other machines rented by week and .u . ii n ..v,i., I ... 1 1 i waive, I(-)JB11U I . and work guaranteed. Singer sewing . v.,kin. fiinrft fa a ciot .r.n ? Morrison st. Phono Main 3183, A-4699. C, a O. OIACI, MVIIh VOW I LOT of household goodsi iron beds: . springs, mattresses gas range, stecA L n S,tnlnn tnhla ".haira trj3iir I l.r Jul, Avnr. h... m.Ahn. ,.h i tub.- tent, 10 foot counter, small cook ftSXCHANGE dandy Whit Steamer run stove for laundry, 6 foot standing desk, about. Just overhauled and; newly arm chairs. 112 Union- ave, painted, for anything of valuo. Must sell OFFICE lurniture .for sale cheap, con !tn.i luruuure iur Bute cneHp, WQ' I ahi s .rimtra i .wmiii and nevAml I siBimg or gooa rug. iiat top aean. other offic articles. . Rent 813 nar I month C-4T8 Journal NEW and second hand pool and billiard I tahlna hnurht and nold on eaav terms: fowling, alleys, refrigerators for imme-I rtlate delivery? Address ths Brunswick. I ; BaiRe-Conender Co.. 48 6tn st. - easy terms: safes opened, renaired and painted.. Puroell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.. U 6th St. Main 6309. A-4118. FOR SALE Two cows and milk bu( ness: also horse, buggy im plements, on 16 acres for rent: largo orchard. Close in. Phona Main 7W4. I COMBINED coops for laying, setting and brooding: made to orders Job worn ' ana emium. ' j. a. cnanman. i Box 655' Arleta. Residence 3828 73d at I 1 CYLINDERED hoisting or donkey , engine, a! norsepower; spienaia con dition, $250. A, Underdahl, room A, NO DUST sweeping nompnun .hnrS. dust Write for prices.. Crescent I Chemical Co.. C2j Wash, st;, Portland,! Or. Main 1264 $4$ COLUMBIA phonograph," fine reo ords, cheap; large nickel horn. 832 Mohawk bldg. , VICTOR phonograph.cost $65., with $16 wood norn; never oeen in use; is. o 4 Xn LARGE ' $45 phonograph, rlth large horn and crane: 40 new "records: all ror i zo. UM5, journal. FOR SALE A" cedar clothes cheat SvK f r uii BALtt-a. oeaar ciotnes cnest. zx6 I feet and 16 Inches deen: - varnished. r- 609 West 6th St., Vancouver, Wash. . churelu T.rf- ClT TJ MnnM 1 SmaLa (5 TT I ,mVr "SS .t". KTS ir,,i.V. r V.i . urm.;H. .t I i'OR SALE orient, logging and hoistin engines. Railway Equipment Co.. 1 1st st Both phones. BICYCLE or motorcycle In good con dltion; cheap. Phone Marshall 670 or evenings Mam 3743. CHOICE berry bushes for saie cheap. 915 Ellsworth: street Phona Sellwnnit 765. - ... UiNK ftuggy-ana delivery wagons, 175 u union ve, ana r remont ats., Mscksmith shop. - REGULAR $30 machine and six records WILL give piano otieck free. $112. Re-Mi OI1IV IIV. ItDV iltlUT piy at once, ,p88, journal. tOR SALK 13 b.. p. gas engine, 2u4 E. lth N.East 440. B-1968. V $7.60 DOMESTIC sewine- machine, good stitcher. Call 883 ET Morrison. - SHOWCASES, - fixtures, store, fittings. new.zd nand. in uvrett. M. 7117. ' WA-VrED--MISCELLANEOUS S T Barger's Miiction House M jorineriy or tne uouar- r urniture Hons now incatnd n 7A ft.-at Mnrri. aon, will buy alL kinds of . furnltura, stoves. nanKrnpf stocks, restaurants, , Jiott.13, etc. s Will sell real estate or J livestock on commission, city o; coun- - try., jrnor-e r.asi iviz, . -8. H. BARGER. and in good condition; win .trade Jot and some cash. Phona J. H. Scott. Main . mmj-iAt. . TUwT TT Cl.dli r-. ' 72JB. : WANTED People of Portland to know . uiat I pay tho nlgheet cash price for . eeoonq nana nuuiseuuiu guous,' , Al, eeater. 143 Kusreii. East 1582. IS YOU want the neat money or ntture will bring, save time, call East - 4(33.; ass uawtnerne.. Meier furniture ; WANTED First class tent and awn- - Ing cutter or upholsterer, worth $400. Worth Investigating. -Address H, C. I1 ox, Baicm, ur. ift6 rv, 4th st. Wr ANTED One small second hand cash register, cheap; also muslo box. Box BB WifcE; get mora for your second nana.iur , Auction Co, band, turnlture, by, selling It to, Ford KA'i' hil'rC auction, Jobbers want 3d rana rurniture. higf!t price pild. 94 r.rmifi v K. -1061. ,r -' .'"-."'-'' " BHEPARD Furniture, Co, gives most for' used Tunilture, etc. E. 948.'- 295 Grand. WANTED 2d hand furniture!' Last illZ $48 Hawthorne ave. Scaler & Martin., FO!t SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 T I SECONDl HAND CARS STEARNS, 1909 model, 7 , passen- ..'.,. ' ger, cyiintier. e h. k? tiquip . nient: Top, glass front, speedo- . meter.' gas tank. demountable " rims, 1 extra casing . .,. 3500 1910 6-PASSENGER . Chalmers ' 30 H, P., tally equipped....... 1250 PEERLESS. 1909 model. 7 naaien- .gen. Equipment: 'Top, glass , . rront Warner speedometer, gas tank 1(00 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder, S passen. .e, ... Koulnmentt .m isa Front. Stewart speedometer ... ; 450 PIERCE, 1910 model, t passenger, jo u. f.. 6 cylinder. Equipment: Top, windshield, Stewart speed ometer, clock, seat covers.,,!... 3500 100 PIERCE, 7 passenger, 1906 model, ' Hist ciass condition .,", ...... . REO,'; ' It cylinder, a passenger, . equipped with . top and Stewart speedometer , . .. . , . . j . ,, 490 REO. 3 cylinder, t passenger, equipped with top and. Stewart speedometer , , r 400 OLDSMOBILE. 4 J . cylinder. ' -uipped-Tth-iop-an4 glass - 1IUOI , .....,,..,, r. ........ . , BUICK, 8 cylinder, equipped "with ' 600 top; windshield, Stewart spaed-, ometer . , - , , , , ' '.... , , rf- 460 BUICK, model 10, 1910 equipped wiiii rop guie ironi, gunea speedometer - i , ,... , 00 STUDEBAKER, 1910, 7 passenger, equippea wun lop, giaes ironi. ciejvari speedometer ana ciock 3000 ' THRSR rinn Hivt! Ditm lbittt WITH US BY OWNERS TO BE SOLD, THEY HAVINO PURCHASED .1911 FIERC8S . ARROW AND CADILLAC Covey MbtOr'Car'Co, Main 4470. - 7th and Couch- fits, MAKE THAT MACHINE 09 . ; YOURS IEW ArtAIM :.A'':i-" Bvenr machine calnted bv ua la backed by tit years of practical factory ex- leal skilX classical work, best materials I and nersonal suDervlslon. ; even to the amal fest detail Come and sea our work tiIe'Uw fleet water atjtomo- HAVE customers ' for:1 3 crfalmer-Do. called tor and delivered. Free storage, frea demonstration. For oulok results, vf vt g-, MILLAN, ."gg p udiuh ira,- cur, rj. 0S5"rartS!S; glass front and condition. "Coat iifS" MVxwel; Jr.-,$400. - Tbi. car can a - nor no inin i rum nnw. . - , 1910 Hudson Roadster $860. 'Custom House Auto Co., 331 Everett. THREE passenger, 80-horsepower Moro. Car In perfect condition: owner MUST nftve CMn; wU1 saorlfica for 3560. : If yoa want a ur cheap, sea this and you will buy. Ask for Brooks. Shoemaker investment Co., .638.. Henry bldg. Main Bargains!, Bargains! Auto tlrea and Inner tubea. all sites at half - price. Examine our stock be fore you buy. phone A-8646, Elton & Humer. . - i WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR REAL, ES TATE. SEE US FIRST. FLETCHER ?he,87A.ll; WILL SELL! a .passen. & McANTlRE, 506- Board of Trade. passenger Franklin 1."SPB loose .tonneau. truck body, wind shield. , m.nrnn.AA i . , " rii Tii " any reasonable terms. Call B-1017. 1.OLD auto, tlrea 4c per lb delivered. In- i. :l"iJ22h. m - VJ SSX 21Ui5WiiJ5 ffl 5ii niLUSS!?? SOlld tires. J. LOVS, 186 Columbia St MAln 618H. this week.- Courtoia. 1454 First street. Room - 4i . FOR SaLHJ White fcteamer runaboht : 4 Just , overhauled ; and painted. Price lflv Must sell this week.' Phone Main DM Vifl passnger touring car In first class condition, run 6000 mllesjVwlU discount $1000 if taken at onca Phona owner, B-1017. NEW and second hand cars of all kinds for sals or trade. Call East 833. v. ' MUSICAL IXSTROIENTS 84 OWING to death will sacrifice $600 Chickerinsr unrlaht Dlano less than year old; bill of sale and aU particulars furnished; part payments arranged for renponBiDie purir. u-b, journal. s IllBBUYS fine UDrfaht Dlano: sickness compels me to Quit: can be seen at 106 6th st, ' - - - - . .v.. NEARLY new Kimball piano, mahog- ak n nnaiA t1D7l win i'imkm,' . hmm "avf. wasmngton st. FINK 6 octave organ, full set of stops: cost $100 -nly $37.60; $6 down, $8 monthly. Alder. ROBINSON, expert violin maker; vio lins nought and eold. 16 Russelbldg. GOOD Bufett clarionet' B-flai lpltch", ciieap. Mam 8368. FINANCIAL 01 $6000 High class securities guarantee ing 60 por cent profit; will stand fulW sl investigation; must oe sow at once, Mic-ht pn,iHidB on thiri ri .t3t, i5" wK"i2ef W.'?i"L.5.5 fr." JVy 'v or first and second mortgages or coil. tracts. 608McKayDltIgrMarsfiall "2500." - NEED money; . W1U sacrifice my two 3d mortgages at a good discount. H 486, Journal.' ft $5000 mortgage for sale, weet, side. LOANS WANTED 0 WE can Invest your money st good I tTt rai m-r cro crna T J(na.taKMi Irtvsa4nian rates i interest, uut-eage securities. PROVIDENCE 1NV. A TfttlST.RBl On . 1 wt-va Jooara or iraae oiqg, i WILL, pay 10 per cent interest 6 per I cent discount for $300, one year, sec- onl mortgage, . farm aecurlty. J-471. want to lxrow $1400 on city property ItfUWinni t worm jjuu. a per .cent ana commis- $400 wanted for. orio "year; will pay 10 per ceut first mortgage, E-4 80. Jour nal. - " -.' $1200 wanted on Rose City Park dwel ling, 8 per cent, to private party, D 482. Journal. - ! MONEY TO LOAX -w " andsh t2 buiw w; i 'jr., VsT. I down and np, balance like rent. ; Gren- berg & JoviK, room zgl Ablngton bldg. LOWEST RATES; loans on any eecurt- ties, cnatteis or roai estate, union Loan Co., 86 Lafayette bid., 6th A Wash. MONEY to loan, larss loans a specialty, Dunning loans; lowest rates; tire in surance, w. u. ueca. in raiting. WsnTKNCES financed and built. A. I -. 1. " - C. Furlong, contractor, ss uiamtier of Commerce. Maitu664. ' - MONEY loaned on diamond and jewelry; strictly confidential. ,1414 3d st, near Alder. $100,000 on mortgages, cltv or farm property, lire ins-jrance. racnensie at Co.. Qerllnger bldg.; Id snd Alder. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent city andxfarm 106 Couch bldg. I riiN for the asking: salary or, chat tel. Tne u)n u in uenum Diaav Wir.T. loan 120.000 or less real estate. yarrington. is t:ommerciai ciop nidg. MORTGAGE IiUAK, ft 7 fKK CENT, LOUIS HA1AJMUXM, Z8.H BTAKK, T. ', "Salary loans confidential. ' F- A. JJewton, SIS Henry bldg. JdONUY to loai, on Improved rwU estate. - L I White, vol Felling hirtg. - , iUJCK King. ICK loans on all .secuialn. ' B. W. 46 Washington nidr ; Main Bioo. PRIVATE funds to loan, application cmifldentlnl l'le;e Tihove K-iwt 2'53. -WE loan money on oud security,- no publicity. 302 Swetlaud bldg. 27 Borrow" Money : from the - ' Salary toan,Bank: ff0 , security. i , Everything confidential. ... Loweet rates in the city.- - State Security Co, 408 Faillnir RIil. Third' and Washington fits. , Will 'Loan You Money On (your furniture, plar.o or real estate. Lowest rate of interest. Sea tn first , : E, Nichols - - . C30 Fotrd of Trsde Building, MONEY' FOR" EVERYBODY. ' Do you need money today? If so, come to me nd I will help you out: 1 ad vance Tnoruy Immediately and strictly ?onfldentlaliy on furniture pianos,' au os and other - securities: Reasonable rates of Interest -, M. Maiden, 603-04 Ewetland Mriir ' M ONE Y loaned in amounts from $10 u on all kinds of securitlea, furnltnre, pianos or any personal property; week ly or-monthly payments; lovr rates; con fidential. Gray & Cunrlngham, room 101 Rothchlld bids., 287ft Washington st.( between 4th and 6th Sts. , i. r x: advaivced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own tameU without security", cheapest -ntes. easiest payments; of floes in 84 princi pal cities; av money by gettinr our terms. Tolman, 17 Lumber Exchange. Quick loans n furniture and pianos, storage receipts, Ufa Insur- 1 anco policies, livestock, real aetata, I etc. U. 6. Real Estate A Brokerage t Co.. 113 Hamilton nldg. Main 2084. i -MONEY, TO I.OAN. - 11600 and various other amounts. ,1 - v HARTMAN' & THOMPSON. 'n.;f:r .Loan Deptri . b'iX'h i Chamber of Commerce, Is good at the Employea' Loan Colll ADington. I0sv id at ' -' Monev to Loan ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AT LOW KATiJB OF INTEREST. PAIACE, 825 WASMIHUTOB,'!.' $2000, . $8000, $4000 "TO LOAN. ' ' ASK MR. E ASTON;- MARSHALL 3746, j.r-TTptoircroT-iiog Bpaidiny bldg, MONEY to loan, 6 to S per cent. CJood- npugn : eeits. aiu apauiaing mag. icoTiciib 20 REDEMPTION of bonds of tfi Oregon Consistory No.if l, Portland, Oregon, dated April 1, 1903. The following numbered bonds of the above? issue have , been drawn In con formity with Articla X of the mortgage executea to tne nncversigned, dated April 1. 1902. securing said bonds, and win bo paid tha Security Savings and Trust company, Portland. OrKo. on April 1, 1911, on surrender . of the bonds. Interest will ceasa to accrue on and after that date. y is 08. 1 v.-.-- 7... - n 15 19 23 x'-: ' " ' 33 -" ' 36 60 68 74 102 - 103 - '. ;;..S.. MONEY TO LOAI 138 . '--818 'v:t 464 142 3.19 . 471 176 -( 7 355 -Til : 472 .1X0 . ' 373 , . - 487 225 - SSI .i 494 Z ' J ' 895 . - : 497 2!B . 31i6 . 503 X.I . 399 511 M0 410 . 526 fx 2 412 680 3S5 v. ' , , 429 : m 443 o2 461' : security Savings and trust ; COMPANY, Trustee. By R. u. JUBITZ, Becretary. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned will, on Saturday. ADril 8th. 1911, at 13 o'clock. Noon, at the Pacific Feed & Sale Stables on the corner of Front and Salmon streets in the City of roniana, Atuicnoman county, ' uregon, proceed to sell at nubile auction one (I) bay stallion, about 8 years old with left white front foot of the breed known as Hamblctonlan, to pay charges for feed, cars and attention furnished and be stowed on the said horse at the request cr rn.- Ij. istrongi tne owner or lawrui possessor thereof, the said lien of the uncvrsignea against said norse ror reed, tabor, care and attention as aforesaid amounts to the sum of $290," the said horse being now In the possession of the undersigned. . JUHN J. UUliiKtit. Dated March 16, 1611. , U. 8. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. Custom House,. Portland, or., Marcn . 1911. Sealed proposals for hiring, for about 90 days, one large capacity auction dredge with about 2000 feet discharge pipe on pontoons, one tender and all necessary labor and materials for dredg ing channel west of Swan Island, Wil lamette river, wilt be .received at this office until 11 a. m., March 24, 1911, and then publicly opened. -Information on application. Ma J. Engrs NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual Stockholders'-meeting of tha Pacific States Fire Insurance company will be held In the Assembly hall of the Com mercial club building -on Monday the 20th day of March, 191V at tha hour of 2 o'oloek p. m. - -v. .-, LOST ANU FOUND 1 LOST Between Sunnyslde and town, Johnnie, English pit bull terrier; white, black lips - all around, brindle spots on left ear, middle- of back and root of tall; tall tipped white: naa col lar reward, phone -Tabor .3. LOST A ITttle black - female cocker spaniel, collar tied with string, nam "Toodlea." Call phono Woodlawn 1175. Reward. - - '--- - , LOST Iti Yeon bldg., Olds, Wortman & King or postofflce, ' ladies' diamond ring, one set, liberal reward. Phone B 1851. .-: ' ' ' - ' . - AN Eagle charm off of watch fob, en graving on back. O.- H. White. Re turn 147 6th. Reward. A PLACE to have your ciotnes Steam or dry cleaned, 34 luS.' notice. College Inn Cleaners. Wash. opp. 18th. A-1866. PERSONAL 22 YOUNG lady gives alcoholic, vibratory and genuine tub baths to ladles and gentlemen. Chiropodist, manicurist 7 Raleigh bldg. ; OCCULT, new thought scientific and school books bought and sold. Send for free catalogue. Jones Book store, 284 Oak st. Henry bide. .i itt. SANDERSON CO., Savin and Cotton - KOOt fins, sure remeajr lor oeiayea periods; $2 box or $ boxes $5. Druggists or mall. T. J. Plofce, 345 Morrison st SEXOID A marvelous, cure for weak- ness in -men;' money returned if it falls; price $1. T. J. Pierce, J46W Mor rison St. ' ' ' y " ." , " . . LEGAL advice upon all business mat- ters, evidence secured In all personal matters, charges reasonable. Box 291, Portland.' Or: ..'-, ;y .. ; .q . '.' YOUNG man, 23 years old. with good home, would like to correspond with young girl. 18 'to 26,J object matri mony. Address G-489, Journal. i San Francisco Examiner ' 313 wssnlngton, ' Main 9262. WOMEN Use : Frnids when others fail; sold and r uar&nteed by the Aue tlund Drug Co;. 110 N. lith st. Main 8104 LORBINS? Nerve- Tonio Tablets restore lost vitality. 26o box, 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 239 Morrison. WRINKLES re ii; iveu, sagging coirted In 15 minutes; l'reo demonstrations. 1 Welilng-Hlrfch bldg. Neo Plaatlque Agcy. kiHEL WARD. first class pedicuring, chiropody pavlors. Suite 26-27,. 32314 Washlncton st. Main 3755. ; PlARN hairdreBslcg and manicuring, curing, 85. 575 Everett, A-3952. MA DA in E ESTKLLe, magnetio healer", ; reiianie spirmmi naviser, as urn bill, room 3. Walk Upstairs. Main 1320. ftKW YORKunassage. facial and scald Uaa4jBU.-tuaal;uti4ig... 4ag-Aldes-W haHCHient floor. ' MATRIMONIAL- paper, many with - means. Mrs. Bei, 1815 Magnolia ave., Los AiiKeifs, t-a i.-. - '-i.';" For i-olson oak. for sale by all dniURlsts. ' fls, reinnd. tor iJtseanea of 633 Davis st Main 9311. . , woiuao. 23 Dr. ALICE A. wKIFF. Diseases of women and children ex clusively. Women are oftn saved se vere surgical operations vj consul nog Bit. -Nervous diseases i of children a leolalty.' Private hospital aocommoda ons. On flnements -cared - for. Cor- rSDOndoi.M aolioltad. No (liirM for consultation. Phones, Main 82. A-07, Office room 10, Grand Theatre tldg. Vh1nston and Park. ' . MENvCURED QUICKLY eases of the proetale, nervous debility, Are You RuDtuied? The tertact trues Is made and fitted bv a t pectallst to men. women and chil dren. . Satisfaction guaranteed or - no cnar. - wnson. & tn st -DfrMirt Kramer - - Confinement - cases specialty 5 herbs and root, medicine for all lrregdUrltlsa of the blood. Examination free. Phona Woodlawn 167,3, 861 Mississippi ave. L A D I E S Ask . your druggist for, Chicesters rPIllsTlna; Diamond Brand. t For 25 years known as best, safest Always reliable.- Take no 'Other, Chlchesters Diamond Brand PiUa are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. WALKER, speolallst; quickly cures . dlseaaea of men: blood snd skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, awollen glands, kid ney. Madder ana puea ji irsu Port land. -' - . . MRS. STEVENS, 16 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant has her late book, ''Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 343 Yamhill, corner Bevi enth st' ' - .'- BOOK of Nature, r Fannv Hill, Mabel Grayr Fatal Passion, Decameron, Be hind Footlights. 50C each. Catalogue free, Bchmale Book Co., 229 1st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS ANDrAITRAISERS- BVERYBODY wants positive values. Consult -Northwestern Appraisal Co. "Experts." 606 Board of Trade. A 1164. AUTO SITPLIES F. R.. KEENAN. CO-190 Jl-4326. M-S982. Empire Auto Tires. Pops Bi cycles, Auto, Bicycle and Motor sup plies, venicie KUDoer i ires, - AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. . Belmont Auto School v The only thoroughly equipped school ' UN THUS YAlllFlU LUAHT. Thorough T Instruction." competent management and practical wora, - - li-26a and Morrison Take 8-B or Mt Tabor car: look us no Derore deciding to enroll eiwewnere. ASSATERB WELLS ft FROEBSTEL, assayera, ana- iyt:cai cnemists. 804H ween, m. 7se, MONTANA asay office, laboratory and ore testing v orK. i s Morrison. . BICYCLE HEPAI1UXQ B?wTbAILEY.U 387 1b" Va'sh. 'BOSi! Lawn mowers sharpened, locksmith, ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prac tice in au courts. AOacts exam ined. 716 Cham, ef Com. MT71. A-8071, CHRlSTUPHERSOM at MATTHEWS general practice. 405-8 Buchanan Wdg. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 3d st Blank book nvfg; agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 163. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES SALE Motorcyclea. Second-hand wheels bought sold, Repairing. 133 10th. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO.- Street paving, sidewalks ana cross ings. 317 peon c-iag. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CD. Portland office, 606 Electric bldg. JAH Mcl. WOOD ft CO.. all kinds of insurance, surety uonos. iwcisay mog. CARPET CLEANING VACUUM Carpet Cleaning Co.. 368 E. Oak. Cleans carpets on floor. Work done promptly, guaranteed. Agts, for vacuum carpet cicaners, rj. Bit. t JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works. carpets cleaned ami laid, reritting our specialty. E. 440. B-1963. 204 K. 19th N. IONE Steam Cleaning, etrpets. feathers renovated: guaranteed, E. 360, B-2236. CARPET WEAVTNQ NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpeta, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 161 Union ave., near E. Morrison. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug worke' Colonial rag carpet and ruga, 161$ Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn S61S, COAL AND WOOD NOTICE i'tucesaonSLABW.0QI GREEN SHORT WOOD. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. INSIDE GREEN SHORT. . DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST for fuel and bedding. Jfee Pflrtlanfi " MbwMd : fa-1 Main 3119, A-7001. Dry Block Wood Mixed with' small wood, 14.50 per load, delivered- anywheM In city.. Port land Wrecking Co., 106-107 N. 11th st Main 37. A-3736. . THE ECONOMZ Fuel Co. handles all the best grades of coal. We make a pactulty of furnace and heating plant coal at a reasonable price, special prices on car loads. B-2341, Bast 114. o cast Aniceny. Meier ft Frame take oders for onr standard grades, or phone East 301. or C-1391. Edlefsen Fuel Co.. Inc. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8787. F. J. EVBRTB. Ft Cttrry St. &EGH12RS WOOD CO., 9tb and Gllsan, and 1 8th and Vaughn; fine country 9th and Gllsan. ntrv slabwood sawed in stove lengths; cord wood all kinds, and newly cut railroad ties. Phones Main 6356. 8361. A-8415. Vamato Wood and Coal Company, BAST 81$ B-186T BtiliNSlDE FUEL CO.. 125 E.; 7th: Wholesale, retail wood: aalso sawed to ordjsr. e-724, B- 2777, OflAI Albina Fuel Co, l-UAU 47 Albipa-avs. "BLOCiX WOODKeW gnW WOOD Prones E. 182. C-1117, RAINIER Slabwood CO., foot Yamhill; country slabwood, or short and blocs wood, Inside wood. M'll 1204. A-3829. MA COOS BAY COAL-CO., 141 Burnsldo St: Phones, Main ' S228. A-1379. 4 foot dry wood. Nat. Fuel Co., tit Water Bt Marshall 960. Sawed wood dellv- rr1. anv nuantltv. Main 1606. Home A-1106 COAL . . MCTP X, PAWa ti. 4 69s. WOOD .'-J iLtll w I null A-4547 No. 1 dry wood, 4 ft. sawed to order. QSES5N LUMBER ft FUEL CO.' Blook and trim wood. Tabor 2811 ctTV "MARKET WOOD YARD Cnnk A on( ua ann win Main 3243. A-4322. CORDW)Oi for sale, about 3i cordsT jlmiuirc room zdv cornctt Diag 1 -STANDARD WOOD CO Cord and slab I wood 347 VJ. Stark. Kast 2315. B-1695 1 fuUTLAND Collection A nancy. AH ueota 1 collected, 117 Allsky, A-7317; M. 4231 PEKSONAL COAL y DRY MIXED cedar 13 a load for 10 -. ...... t tuvi'1'4 " ptily.MaArLl?3A-3g42 J CORD wood delivered anywnra in city, wholesale.- retail. East 819. B-3089. COAL AND WOOD SOUTH PORTLAND SLAB WOOD CO. Main 2153. A-3842. Dry inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bed din ctire fuel; Mockwood. . - PACIFIC SLAB WOOD CO. Dry Slabwood -ftiffi'f CHINESE DOCTORS DR. Bin g Choong, physician for men and . women. Guaranteed cure. 225 H Alder. bR. I T YEEA SONS, 143 ' 1st at Main $464, A-3856. :;.. CHlKOPKAtic DOCTQli - Dlt A, S. DOUGLASS, 381 Union ave. N. Phone East - 624L Consultation and examination free. - CHIltOPODISTS CORNS, bunions, callouses, ingrown and club nails successfully -cured - by graduate manicurist and scalp special ist. 7 Raleigh bldg. - ,,..,,!.... CHIROPOLY, manicuring, Dunton. 149 Wash, Marshal DR. GARTNER, Sneclalist on corns arid bunions, 141 1st St., Room 7. ; COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections oniy. u f tnckney wnita. Mam eaia. CIRCULAR , LETTEItS PROMPTNESS and dIspach.M t ; Craln Com. Letter Co. A-4865. CLOTHES BUT.4" aelL" alt kinds clothes, ahoaa. fur- mtur 3 30 jerrerson. Msrsnau iim. WE pay highest price for 1 d hand clothes and shoes. Z73 I Front. Main 4802. COLLECTIONS YOUR own collector; published and sold njrnha commerciarunderwriterarays. tern by which you. make your own col lection; no fees, no commissions, no ex tra expense whatsoever. For Informa tion cau or .write tne commercial un derwriters, 801 Worcester bldg. COLLECTIONS t anywhere; no charges unleRS we collect Colton Adjustment co.( 4n ADington mag.,', ion v sa at M9.1n S41U. -JL j. i : . NOTES, accounts collected everywhere. Guarantee Collection Agency. Ill Hen- ry bldg. Marshall 2683 A-7710. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS . PORTER ft PENN--CnnCreta " founda tion, construction estimstes on sll kinds of cement work. 107 N. 14th. Main 8387. .. ;..'...'.....,. FOR cement work, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on G. C Olson, Marshall 1441; 192 Grover Bt WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and builder, jobbing ana contracting. 304 4th. - Main 6341. OLOF L. BROLINB. architect Also builds for commission or by contract 1021 Board of Trade. Main 7907. J.' BURTON, 148 IstJ architect-builder. Estimates furnished. M, 1817, A-1817. UNITED Eng. ft Construction Co., engi neers and contractors. 711 Lewis. ROBERT- WAKEFIELD, general con ' tractor!'414 Wells-Fargo bldg. M. 680. J. Hy LAND, 213 Columbia. M. 9014. A 4020. Carpenter and general jobbing. CONSULTING ENGINEERS C S. GOLDBERG & CO., 812 Couch bldg. glne and boiler installations, concrete warehouses, freight elevators and con veyors. Marshall 3028. . DANCKfQ MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. Class and social dance, 109 2d stv Monday evenings. 8 to 12; same. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison, Saturday even ings, 8 to 11. Fancy stage and social dancing dally In both schools. Walts and twostep guaranteed In four lessons. LESSONS 26c, 4 lessons 11; waltz, three every morning, afternoon and evening. Prof. Wal Wilson's School, oldest only recognized academy for correct dancing. 888 wasn. st., pet, vy. yarg ana mtn DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work Is impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework: we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ah Ington bldg,. 106 H 3rd st. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 16 years. 328 H Washington, cor. 6th. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency, 421.423 .Board of Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 372. DOG AND HORSxf HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. 8., of 214HlBt at U. 4084. Hosp. 19 E. 11th. B. 6446. DRAFTSMAN DRAFTSMAN. W. Andrew Clarke. - Machines and patents designed.- 736 Chamber of Com merce bldg., Main 969, A-8531. ELECTRIC - MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sale. Puctflo Else, trio Engineering Co.. 311 3d at. FOOT SPECIAuIST dr-.cwvland, ,jt Heaiy,bida Graff.TliTropodrsTT1rancrina"Ei Morrison FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy, sell, exchange and pay best prlcea for second hand furniture, ?toves. ranges, etc. Hartzell Furn. Co., 10 S. 1st, Phone Marshall 2876. UNION Salvage Co., iS3 Front st Maf. 796. Highest price fpiv2d hand goods. BTTonaidson. 2513 ist""st,"" Maln tfiO ' buys 2nd hand furniture and stoves. FURNITURE REPAIRING FINISHING ana repairing at your home, is years in roruana. East 6609. ' ". .. - - . GLAZING UNITi-O uLASS ft GLAZING CO.-Al! kinds glsss work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. G AS U LINK ENGINES aaBaaaS"SBaSaSaswSjs"at"aaaBSaSl STATIONARY and marine; eleotrU equipments; launches, accessories wholesale and reUil: engine repairing Relerson Machinery Co.. .1" Morrtsoq HAT FACTOR vm?"! nLfcam MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest bat ren ovators in the city. 64-66 3d st, ground floor Worcester mag. na: airect irocn tbe factory at half price. . HORSESHOEING DE .NIKE, 1 83 Front Bt; makes a : specialty Of driving horses;,. 20 years' experience in New York City. HOSPITAL ASSOCTATIONS v PORTLAND Hospital association, 861 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Main 701. INSURANCE McCARGAR. Bates A Lively, $18. Fail ing diqk;. hivery torm insurance, nonaa. LAUNDRY SEE Lee. -Chinese.- 300 Mill. Washing and ironing enrcrnuy none.' - a-4U3 ' FRED W, BRONN." LAWYER. 1014 Ch, Of Com. Phone Main 8199. XEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAD. U-MABTICK ft CO.. 74 gTOnt ' Leather of wvery deaorlptioni tap man u lecturers iinainga, REALIESTATE NAME Baker, D: M-. City, FarmJProp'erty 108 Corbett Bldg.....A-449i. Main 74?l Brctii-8tcel Oumnaiir .Omond floor Levi BU1(.... Jaila A H -1 Brabaker Benedii-t . 6a Wclv Blair... , ........... Mntn tt Burtenshaw ft Buahler.... ....... .4. .Hawthorne and E. 49th.....TaUor 1741 Cbapln It Berlow.. ...................... 133 Clumber of Commerc. ...... ...St. In ll Cook A Co,. B. .....C roibtt BMe. ....Mla a-,.i. .A : KnxpD A Mickey .................. ,....... , CTimli of Commrm...,H':n nl a-si-id Oregon Seal. Estate . Ca4. .!...... Tbotnixon. M. B. Co. ........ t y....... LANDSCAPE GARDENER Tf O. BRENNEKE ' Landscape Gardener; roses, standard varieties, snruooery, fruit trees, prunl and spraying prop erly done. Prlc reasonable. 1283 Denver ave. Woodlawn 1935. St Johns car. -- .. - ' - . MACHINERY BV TRENKMAN tt CO. Hydrullo and , apeclal pipes, screens. Nigging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. etn LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library. 116 6tn. Bet - Taylor and Yamhill. Books 3c pr day. V HHNIXO AND DKVELOPAIENT SWASTIKA Mining Co Ltd. . Send er our OOOKiei. qv lrcgei um. MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVluIENT r TTOI.VSTRT1M nerre. rheumatic, dl- gestlve disorders. uz- uregonian piog MILLINERY , 4300DS N. Y. Hat ft Cap CO;, whale., 571 let Spec cap orders, mfg. Beaver Shirt. M il 1913 MUSICAL DEALERS gEIBERLING-LUCA 8MUEIC CCvlH Id; complete line musical tndse. Frse catalogue Buescher band Instruments. M CLTIGKAPH1NO MULTIGR PHINQ, ahorthand. writing, M. 756. 411 Buchanan MUSIC TUACHERS B. 1 THIELHvRN, violin teaoher; pupr. Eevcik, 900 Idarquem. A-tieo. Mar.i6. Pr7JFT-T. E."L'iWBON, 135 14th st Phone Main 5197. Fiano lessons duo. OSTRICH PLUMES Ostrich Plume Co, Largest stock lii willows and French plumes; Willows made, dyed, cleaned. curled to satisfaction. 303 Washington. MADAM GILBERT. 303 "A WASH- 1NGTON BT., KOOM Z6. iJXHiiNUf, OSTRICH PLUMES. BOAS, ETC, WORK BUAKANTKBU M. 4964. KtsaMIM. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL. CO., 126 Washing ton st. Eyes examined. .Free aovioe. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr, W, W, Christie Oateopath, chronic nervous diseases, 814-5 Macleay bldg. Main 6172, A-4880. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, apy clallst On nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 817 Fenton hldg. Main 861 SMITH, graduate Klrkville, 1121 ell- ing Diag. DR. L. IL HOWLAND. general practi tioner, 302 Fleldner bldg, DRS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 409 oregonian Diag. DR. KATHRYN RUETER, specialist women ft children. 302 Flledner bldf FAINT, OIL AND GLASS F. K. BEACH ft CO-rPlonfier Paint Co. 186 1st Main 1334. A-7041. - RASMU8SEN ft CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. Id ft Taylor. M- A-I771. PAINTING AND PAPERING T. J. WILSON, 187 Madison. M. 1437 painting, papernanging, signs. jni .VEST ft MAGUl'nE, contracting paint ers, naperhanglng. tinting. Estimates. Main 6612; A-2612. N. L. HUXLEY 283 2d. M. 7140. Paint er and.paporhanger. Res. Tabor 23Z. FOR best work, prices right call P. A. Doane, 104 union, uotn enonea. GET our prices on painting, paper- ing. tinting, tsrnest Miner co,. uz it PATENTS U. 8. and foreign patents Procured by o. o. MARTIN ' 889 -Chamber of Commerce Building. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, At tor. ney-at-Law. latt U. S. Patent Of floe; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg R. C. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat ents: Infrlmtement cases. 04 uesum. PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning, 12; 11 years experience, rnone Mam 43i. PJPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office, 24tn ana York. Mam HPLUMBING-ANDHEATINt M. FRIEDMAN, 352 1st, plumbing, gas fitting and gen, joopery neaiiy gone, PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Gil- lan, 1S6 IJth. Both pnones. PIUNTINO WELCH -PKINTIHG COr. "Doera of clever things with type and Ink on papr. 141 1st. EJL. E. Willie & Co.t Printers.. jSJarber & wnite. Riain n.iiu, A-ia, MANN & BEACH, 92 1st. v M. 444. A-1044. Commercial and color printing. F. HARRIS & CO., printers, Main 4644. Morrison, bet. 2d and 3d liAUNDEN &, CO., 123 V4 1st. st, com mercial printing. M. 8188, A-7517. HAWK Printing ft Pub.oTg'jtd Bt, v;oin niBrvim yi imins. . s$i HOOFING, PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting and Job- Ding. Losll & Homer, 313 Jetr. m. nit. RL'HBElt STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham no,, skj tuarn. Main nvi. SAFES THE M osier Safe Co.. 108 3d st. Safes at factory prices; . t-epairs: iockouis opmefl. bargains w spcona nana sares. JOHN E. DAVIS, safes, safe counsel, bargains. Sargent Hotel. Phone E. 291. SANATORIUM HILL'S SANATORIUM, 6S5 Front. Main 451, Guaranteed cure for Rheumatism. SANITARY ENGINEERS J. A. GRANT, C. E . 214 Couch bldg.. A-4983. inspections ana reports, oac tertologlst. A ' 1 - SECOND HAND FURNITURE THE PORTLAND pays highest price for SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES FHOWCA HE9 of every deacrtptlfmrf bank, bar ana store iixturea mace to urdtfr. The mtue Mift. coj VUG JAMiid L MARSHALL MKU. VAX new and fid ahowcases, cabinets, stars and Oince iixiures. s voucn. m. iidi 1, h. eirdsEll, iiAMiLrafriEiJG: . Show casta in stock. Prompt delivery. euuea ageiu an. u inter jumuer co. , DIRECTODY AiUKESS TkLRPIIONK-. ZS'SLV'' n2, ,MU","-.-aat ST. C.7 Heary lm 4ih-0lr... M. H4. A nrj SHINGLES BEST . in ; rortUnd. See thenv V Khigton st a E. Gilbert 101 steno;raphers, COCRT ; REPORTERS . OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n. 404-40$ , Ablngton. M. 6037. A-6338. Depositions. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER Slgnsv ths Urg. r est sign maker in tha northwest El ' 7th and E. Everett sts. - Phones. KaaL 1111. Home B-3234. i RANN SIGN CO., and service. b K. Alder -st East 302, "oJGNH.THAT ATTRACT" por Portland1 feign co., 287 Stark. Main 119$. STATIONERY, : OFFICE SUPPLIES PIONEER STATIONERY CO Buchann bldg.l best typewriting papers. M. 75. ' SUB VEYORS aiesaSjiaaSasaOBSaaaBjaeaaaaB SUBDIVISION work a a. a Benson, 10 Wash. bid. Marshall 199. TAIiORINQ aVLFRED OGILBEE, 110 Labbe bid. ia ana waanington. units : to order. CJUs BEA(5UI3T, tailor and draper; ait ciumve pattema. 345 h Washington si - ta TAXIDERMIST F. B. FIN LET, taxidermist and furrlerj glasaeyes. -- 249 Columbia. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. , ' ' :f subllshed 1870. ' Transfer and forwarding agent. Storage frea trackage. Office. 310 Hoy t at, bet 6th and Its. ' Phonea: Main 69; A-1169. : PORTLAND Van Storage Co, cor. 18th and Evervtt ate., Just cpened, newest, most modern storsge warehouse in city every oonvenience for safe and proper handling cf goods; lowest Insuranca rate In no-tawest; frea trackage, vanai Tor moving. Main or A-l 610. C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co, of fice and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner; 2d and Pine sts. . Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Main 696; s-1996. FURNITURE, trunk moving. City Halt i ransrer jo. M. 70S9, A-4724. 385 Bth. W. M. Johnson, 23 Union av.: Res. Taboi. a. nano, rum, moving. B-2080. E. 4441. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, aoap. , -Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch ats. $1 per month. Portland Laundry -PbQP'S Main 1Q. A-4410. TRUNKS SIMONS TRUNK WKS., 657 1st Trunk isoiory prices. Kepvtring. M. 8318. TYPEWRITERS ALL maltefi rented, repaired, sold.' Cun ningham Co.. 231 Stark.- Main 1407. RENT a typewriter from the Oliver t Typewrlte'r Agency. 8;)3 Ankeny st Phones: Main 6273. A-Z433. - ' VETEIUNARIAN DR.- L. P. DILLON," Hawthorno Avenn Btahles. East 72. 697. B-1369. ; WALL PAPER AND TINTING ; M'CLINTOCK ft GROOCOCK, Inc., 180 tn. jnain '.bibb, . minting, painting,, wallpaper, paints, oa and varnishes. W- F. BLAESING, 282 3d. Main 447C fainting and papering. Get our prioea. r. WELL DRILLING DRILLING weUa a specialty; prices rea- soname. can wain asb or write . West. 183 Morrison Bt. , . n WHOLESALE JOBBERS aisSaasBSiv EVERDING ft FARRELL, produce and commission mercnants. lto Front at,. Portland, Of. Phone Main 17., M. A. GUN8T ft CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS ft CO., wholesale grocers, ' manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th and Oak sts. - '..,. !.-J-.-Jw.-i.r MORGAN WaIiL PAPErt"c6.,' 330' 21 St., between Salmon and Main. .ALLEN ft LEWIS OR OCERIEB. TRANSPORTATION Xei: rr-4 a w w fnrI Ooldea-' ; 1 J 11 111 Garden of tha : at. a Soth seas. EIOB ATS STAT THESE. Celebration (July 141 Fall of tha Basttle, native fetes, mystic rites of , walking Over redhot stones, andallth9L . lf ItT BDiondia driveway of 90 miles around the island, unfolding trop - leal -scenes of surpassing beauty, A v delightful trip for recreation and pleas ure, steamer rare is& round trip, iirat , class, from 6a n FranclBco Sallng Juno 29. BOOK NOW. Oceanic a S. Co., 671 Market street, San Francisco, I,lneto HONOLULU. S. S. Sierra.' Sailings, April 8, April 29, May 10, June '- 10, and every si aaya. Open River Transportation Co. 5 in. J. N. TEAL ' Freight noaivtd daily SB -Oik Bt. Dock for tVIIlo. The lxilles, Ho,.d Rler, wblte Sulmon, l.ntlnrwimd, liiuiittllu, Krnnewli-k. i'ao Klehlnnd . llniwir.u-,1. Whll . ib .ano, .au ..wiernMOisi-li-. poluts..i-rirst-'':' 1sse usssenser wrrlco. . Stesmet lw- fortlsnd, Smi., Tue., Tnnr. 7 I. m. Keturnlng l?i-s Tlin Dnllrit Mim., W0 t'rt t . is., Brrlvlnv at Portlund abuut 6 p. m. taiile flay, A. B. Wilting, ftmt. W. I. Bmallwood, Oen'l Kantrtr. . riuiue Mala 4nr, a-,i,'i. Astoria Ronte EAKOIH - HAbSALO "' ' Leaves Portland Caiiy except Saturday at 8:00 p, m., Mafes all way landings. Arrives at AStot:a ut e-tio a. m. i.'-kvoh Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 00 a. m. Arrives Portland at 6:00 p. m. M:ik direct connection with wteamer Nnhcotta for Megler. II waco. Long 15ach and all yolms on the llwaco div'ston. -; San Francisco 8t lortlan Steamsnip Co, New service to loi Anaii,vm baa Francisco every five days. From Ainsworth dock. Portlund 4 . m.i BS, Sear Marca 13, 3, C.'ty S3, Beaver 83. Fromean trancisco, nortnouit'ia. 13 m.t , fti. S. City IVIsrcU 17, reaver 22, Esar Ud svorn ftan ' P.Jro. "tiortlibmirvd SS. Beaver March 80, Bear 83, ItC'ty 30. E. O. Smltn, P. T. A., 144 'I'.-iUU sc. J. VT. Hansom. Agent Ainsworth Do.:. - Vhonasi Main 409. 386: A-1-W3. BAN FRANCESCO, LOS ANGKLI:.! AND SAN DIEGO Dir.rxi ' hosts nemo e. s. 00. S. s, aoAjioic aa s. a xx.oi.-i t?ti Every Wednesday, altorntttiBiy, i m. Ticket office 113. IMrd, near A1J- phones Main 1314. A-1314. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. Pass. Arnt H. BLUSSE&, Ffelgbt AsKt COOS BAY- LfNi Str. Brsakwatar Bails from Alaska !- Portland, 8 P. m. tvery i ,1. . night Freight reiu-lvi ft M dock Until 6 - p. 1 sender far. 1st t-lf. J ;-.! $7, Incliidlruf ui'-fi!- 1 ' - Ci - . ft n-1 Al-'-U -n v ioi. A-i-J. 'll"WlliHl . .-v .