"I , THE OREGON DAILY: JOURNAL, PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 10, 1911. Store Open Tom ;:tqw Night Until 9:30 Authorized Portland Agents for Vudor Porch Shades and Willamette Scying Machines Saturday Last BiyMattress ContestH$25 for Pest Name and Design for for Particulars MEIER & FRANK'S ; MEIER & FRANKS MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S k Safe f W Gkki) $22.50 Watches $14.96 Waltham, Elgin or Hampden-1 7 Jewel IN EVERY way, the finest Watches you can buy reg j ularly at. $22.50. " ; A "Alur7Mwinnsfyileso choose from, one precisely as il lustrated. High-grade, 17-jewel, Elgin, Waltham- or Hampden movements, fitted in ' 20-year guaranteed " gold filled cases. EveryWateh rtarefuHy'-jimed and adjusted with compensation balance and patent micrometric screw regulator. The watches at our regular prices, but for the great March Watch 11 QQ sale they go for the extremely low price of only tyLVO To S 18 Watches G 1:1:98 Elgin, Waltham or Hampden Movcm'ts WATCHES - of . world .. famed ; reputation;;; Ei ther 15 or 17-jewel Waltham, Elgin or . Hampden . move- ment, , miea ' in guarameea 20-year open face or hunting (closed) cases, Styles Jot both men and women,' one in exact size as illustrated. K Movements all . carefully -; ad justed, with compensation bal ance; $16.50 to $18 Watches In every,-3, particular, ' di "I QQ tomorrow 'only, ea,- V J. JLVO MP 1 zk Women's Watches $849 : Either Elgin or Waltham I OMElS'S;beautif uneven-jewel . MHhf,Walthani Watche$- in in several ; sryjes, one . exactly as illustrated.' - Y&hti; ' ' . 1 . ; Moyemehtscarefully-; regulated and timed; fittecl in 20-year guar anteed hunting,' closed, or open face cases, handsomely engraved. Positive $12.50 to $15 watches for the ': Great-. '-Annual aa'ia March". Sale, tomorrow )0'xJ 2000 Guaranteed Seven-Jewel Watchea Made to Sell for 08 to $12, Special at $4.95! Sale in Jewelry Store, First Floor, New Building. . Mail Orders Promptly Filled. BY FAR the most sensational Watch savings ever offered on the Pacific Coast.' It was principally for this Great Annual March Sale that our jewelry buyer made a trip clear across the continent. In Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, he bought good, GUARANTEED WATCHES amazingly under value.' ; , In this great lot at $4.95 are over 2000 GUARANTEED WATCHES FOR MEN AND WOMEN, MADE TO SELL FOR $8. $10, $12 and some even higher. High-grade 7-jewel movements, fitted in 10 vear warranted gold-filled cases. Practically every modern size and style that's made FOR MEN AND WOMEN. The entire lot, without a restriction, go on sale tomorrow morning. Women's Hunting ' (closed) Watches Women'i new style Open-face Watches T) jl Women's fancy Swiss style Watches Men's good new. Thin-model Watches Men's Hunting (closed) Watches how Men's Gold Dial Open-face Watches Men's Handsomely Engraved Watches at Every case 10-year Gold Filled, at only Every movement guaranteed timekeeper flit XI . r v v ii i OS Every case warranted for 10 years Every movement guaranteed timekeeper & J LJACJ9J V V UIVUvu Uv Elgin or y7altham 7 Jeycl Movement TTHINK of buying a genu ine Elgin or Waltham Watch in a guaranteed 20 year gold filled case for $6.93 They're Watches never sold regularly under $10 and $12.50. Cases either hunting (closed) or open face styles one , exactly like illustration,, and same size. Both movement, and case are fully guaranteed. March Wtch Sale pricet tomorrow Of QQ for low price of only ' pOt0 The Nei7 Spring Styles in Meier ? : liaKfe . 'Third Floor. New Bids. ca i h. ' " loor. Aew BlOa. Order br MalL IN CLOTHING there are two kinds of style! One is the style that's pressed in with the tai lor's iron, only to disappear the first time you're caught in the rain or damp. , The other is THE STYLE THAT LASTS that is imbued by a master tailor a style and fit which last as long asyou wear the garment. That b the DEPENDABLE, "'"V"'4 iMting' ityle you get ; u ' e'er & Frank Clothing, whether price ia $15 or $35 Our Men's Clothing Store is under the new management of a man from the East. Mr. O. C. Graves comes to us with years of experience with the biggest houses. We want you to come and meet him personally. Spring Suits, Overcoats and Rain coats $15, $18, $20, $25 and upward. iiiJ Special Lenten Sale of Bibles and Testaments First Floor, Slain Building. Order by Ma(1 nr E CARRY at all times a complete stock VV of Bibles. Testaments and ReliVious Books.: Special Lenten sale for tomorrow see illustration., 85c Crystal Text Bibles, 3x7-inch 54 $2 Text, Brevier Bibles, 4x7-inch,4 $1.50 $2.25 Am. Standard Reference Bibles, ' $2.50 Bagaster's Teachers1' Bibles, $1.85 15c Cloth Testaments, 2x4-inch, each 9 35c Leather Testaments, 2x3-inch, each 25 $1.50 Leather Testaments, 5x7-inch, 91.12 Saturday Sale Fine Hosiery First Floor, Main Bldg. WOMEN have learned to look for the Sat urday Hosiery Bargain s the week-end . specials on woman's '' and children's Fine Hosiery 1 Instances of the economies follow: Women's 0c Black Cotton Hose, reinforced with -double heels and toe, and V seamless elastic, tops: Spe cial, 3 pairs for only KOf Children's 20c Cotton Hose, black and tan, fine ribbed, medium .weight, with dou ble seamless feet. Special for this sale, pair XZYij Infants' 20c Lisle Hose, fine quality, seamless, in black, white and all wanted . col- , ors. New arrivals in our 1 stocks. Special, 3 prs. 50 Women's $1.25 Black v Silk Hosiery, with lisle tops and split soles. Made of fine .thread ingrain silk. Spe-' , cial this sale, the pair 79 Special JJ 1 Dinner Tomorrow Night SjBvxsytx noos BBSTATOAJfT. pLAN to dine here on Saturday nights between the hours of 5:30 and 8 easy access from here to all playhouses. Excellent service, express elevator service. The following menu ' will be served tomorrow. Phone your seat reservations. MENU. Bin Soint Oyrtm oa Jv BlttU. Couommi im Xovftu. Orm of Tomato ftu Tftploe. Oroon OIItm. Celery on Bmnoh. Baited Pecftng. rurt d BoU Vent pc Pouudn POBdant. BniMd Tnarlola piout, la Morall. Crm do Menthe Punch. Bout Stuffed MUk-Ped OUekoa, BoMt Prim Blba of Boor, Torkahlxo Puddlnf. XMhed Potato, (tardoa Bplaaea au BatuaL Lottnoo and Tomato Salad. ftiMB Apple Pie. Banana too Cream and Aeaorted Oake. Boo.uefort Cheeae and Toasted Bent'a Oraokert, Semi Taaa. Spring Clothes for the Boy HERE you will find Boys' Clothes different from the ordinary clothes that have been given much' thought. Clothes with the cut, the snap, the style that are associated usually only with garments for the grown-ups!: The cost of our Boy' Clothing it , based on intrinsic worth! Every ,1- ! ,1,1,.11.1,.. ,,,),, .ui. .-- .1. suit is sold with the Big Store's guarantee of absolute satisfaction! '; There : are , eheviojsj j worsteds, homespuns' and stylish mannish mix tures in Norfolk style; also' mannish double-breasted effects with one or two buttons. PRICED FROM $5 TO $15. , i Conmlete assortments BovbV Ju- nnii ' .. . r - . . ' Vftnil iQiiifa ent Ru(n lmA fwim $5 to $15. Iff Mm ',4 iJM'fM I J I f it II I 'V V A. Men's to $4 Shoes and Oxfords $2.98 Third Floor, New Bldg. Order by Mll IGHTEEN HUNDRED pairs of: Men's Spring Oxfords and high Shoes at this worth-while re duction! Newest lasts and leathers, all with genuine Goodyear welt soles. Handsome pat ent, gunmetal calf, tan Russia calf, glazed kid and box calf leathers, in swing or medium lasts. Best regular . Q $3.50, and $4 shoes, tomor- Jrt d i row only, special per pair Nfy. SALE CHILD'S SHOES I , Boys' and Youths' School Shoes of strong box or kangaroo calf leathers. Blucher cut, good soles, healthy, roomy itoes. $2 Shoes, sizes 9 to 13, pair $1.59 $2.50 Shoes, sizes 1; to 5J, 1.09 v Bargain Square To35cNeckv'r 10c I ESS than half-and-in many cases-less "than two thirds on charming Neckwear pieces of every description! ; : For Saturday's Basement Bargain 200 dozen, pieces of Neckwear, including Rabats, Jabots, Cascades, Lace Collars and the pret t?est of lace and embroidered conceits. Sell regularly at 25c and-35c. Special f A for Saturday Bargain Square, each - 1UC Coffman's Saturday Candy Specials! First Floor, New Bldg. Order by Mail JUST for the week-end Candy Sale, two splendid specials on CoffmarPs delicious' ly good, fresh-made Sweets! Supply "your Sunday Candy Neds I 50c Bittersweet Chocolates, tomorrow 330 40c Fig Paste, special per pound only 25t ACreat Showing Pino Spring Shirts MVOUTE th biggest and bet Shirt stock west of Chicago," ,. a; representative of one of the gfeat shirt concerns told us the other day. And he know! the shirt business on the Pacific Coast "like a book." The Famous Manhattan " Earl St Wilson, Gotham, sStar and our own; M. ft F. Spe cial are here in thousands of - new Spring patterns. Come in tomorrow and see for yourself. Price start with our own famous $1 Special, up to. the . finest' custom-made grades a $6.50. -Men's Munsing Underwear. The celebrated Munsing Under wear for; men is here in all the new Spring styles and weights. . Union Suits and separate garments, RKt" prices ranging upward from UUi S- $1.50 Underwear. $1.9. Fine mercerized, form-fitting Shirts and Drawers, in pink, white, tan and blue. Spring needle-weave. Regul-, lar $1:50 quality, special CI 'OQ for tomorrow at, each Glftthmg'! of ' ttthihhp!! z" ' -' 'MA MLMk Special lot of men's fine, new 50c. Silk-Plated Socks, in plaid and ribbed effects, , also : solid colors.., Special for tomorrow's sale at only, Off 3 pairs for $1.00, f the. pair Otll i : i $2.50 Pajamas, $ W9.,. w C Men's fine c Soisette Pajamas lp ; plain and colors and fancyi stripes and figured effects:; Plain surplice collar and military styles; OT OQ regular, $2.50 suits, .special . Women's to 35c Collars at 1 2c - First Floor Main Bldg. j Order by Mall 2 TTHEY'RE the smartrnew laundered Byron Collars, which will be. the rage everywhere this coming spring and summer! The famous James JU Keiser tnake of linen and corded madras in white and colors, with pretty polka dot borders as shown in the above sketch. Also dainty allover . effects. .Regii-. t o- lar. 25c and 35c Collars, tomorrow special at only, each IlC 10c Handkerhcief 6c Special extraordinary on women's pure linen embroi dered . Initial Handkerchiefs.' And there are all initials in the lot. Just the sort for ever day use, 10c quality; eac Ik To 50c Ribbons 2 Ijc i Another -phenomenal sale of new Spring Ribbons I Beautiy ful fancy all silk grades also Persians, Dresdens, plaids, and new, blacjc-and-white Q1 checks, SScOc, grades CilC ti - nti rr tt v, v. . a.-.- . - o j- . aseMM w eat nee iniere Fifth Floor, Main Bldg. " ' Order by Mail-' jNCOURAGE the boy to exercise; it spells health' and happiness for him 1 Take advantage of our rousing Saturday specials on Sporting goods of every sortj-he will tell you-, they are - exactly: ih things 'he wants.-. For instance, tomorrowwe offer: VV . Fielder' regular $1 Mitt of tan leather, deep pocket, only- 79c Baterhan'$l Leather Mitt with tart back, special for only 79c f , -