t TJIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING,. MARCH 10, 1911. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 1 Horses- for-Sale -12 horses, weight 1100 to 1200 Ins, . 2 horses, weight 1750 to 1840 lea. 10 horses, weight 1400 to 1600 lbs, . 10 horses, weight 10CO to 1100 lbs. ..All will b sold under our guarantee,- HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES. . .. v 420 Hawthorne Ave. ; . y - CALL on Thomen'& Malehorn, commis ' sion dealers in horses and mules, be - fore-buying.,- We mast sell 60 head of i . horses this week to make room for our eastern shipment of 1800 lb. and 2000 . , lb. drafters, which wllL srrlvejn about ten days. No trouble to show our stock. ' Telephone Woodlawn 2400. Portland r.; Vn Ion Stock Yards. - J.S0 RANCH OUTFIT COMPLETE. Consistina-of- 2500 llhteami blocky puiu, true ami reliable; set or. neavy breeching harness and 8 inch wagon as good as new; a bargain for someone. 60S Alder St. . ' '- riUSr arrived, a carload of first claea homes and mares, weight from 1200 to 1800 lbs.; from 4 to 6 years old; ev erything sold with a guarantee as. rep resented. ? U. 8. Stables, 248 Front.- TEN head horses and mares direct from eastern .Oregon: well broke.- sen tie. prices 1 reasonable. Trial ' allowed; fully : guaranteed. 3U9 E. 7th. near Eaat Market LIVES! OCK AN AM POULTKl 85 8ILVERLACBDV Wyandotte ' eggs, from bird that won at North Yakima, and others that won at Portland. 13 Per aet ting; eggs from utility birds. $1.60 per setting; Sllverlaced Wyandotte cocker eia. fa.ev 10 i eacn: wmie jjegnorn eggH, laying strains, $1 per setting, $8 'per hundred, inQulre Staples the Jew. elea. . : Leghorn s and Buff Rocks. Eras S1.60 for IS. I have an eastern atrain ' of large, vigorous, heavy laylntr Leghorns including first vpr lie 'cockerel at last , Portland ahow. Come out and see them. -Yards at Ardenwald, Eetacada car line, 6c fare. -Addresa W. 37 Brown, box 83, , Hffiiwooq station. Portland, ur. -!FOR SALE Two first class family oows. Guernsy and - Durham-Jersey. now In milk. Near Greenber Station on Oregon Electr4trr wrlte-TVDe Lano, R. No. 1. Beaverton. Or. FOR SALE 200 egg Chatham lncuba- tor complete. flrst : clasa condition. 1426 Minnesota Woodlawn 2818. ave.. s or "call phone FOR BALE Cheap, an extra fine tub- i ercular tested Jersey cow. can't be beat for family use. ' 839 E. JOtb W. W. ; car, . .' ..'.:;:. y' IP Yet) - want to -nuv or sell dairy cowa, aee- Mokel-Bruce Caw. at stock yarns... wooqiawn BUFF ORPINGTONS, 20 fine oockerela, pullets, cheap; white, and buff eggs. Beuwood izso. WANTED Setting hens. Phone Tabor sua, k. Green. Eggs lor setting xrom anow niras. THQROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, 81.60 setting; rates per. hundred. Sell- WOOd 1336. FRESHX cow for sale, elves 6 ' gallons mflk. :or, 77th at. and. 60th av Fir land station.,' - ' f - . FOR SALE 200 live chickens. Julius Bchuls. Tigard, Or." " -lllGH class Silver Laced Wyandotte . egga, 81.50 getting. ioez e. 9tn st. n. AT my farm near Newberg, 8 cows and caivea ror aaie. staples tne jeweier, T,WO fresh cows,, with calves, tested; t i neaa young noraes. h m. lamnm. WILL buy beef cowa or veaL Bennett. rein Woodlawn 2828. Q. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 63 FINE Snita buds, males 17. females 25 1 Boardman station, Oregon City car, seebnd house east, or inaulre 88 3d st. WANTED Male Newfoundland pup. H. E. In low. Cottage Grove, Or. FOK 8ALE -M1SCELLAKEOUS 19 60" SLIGHTLY j used aewtne- machines At very low prices, Singer, Wheeler " it . Wilson, White. New Home, Domestio and other machines . rented by week and month; all makes of machines repaired no won guaranteed.' singer Bewim Morrison at Phone Main 2183. A-4699. NEW and second hand pool and bll'iard tables bought and sola on easy terma; bowling alleys, refrigerators for imme diate aen very. Address tne Brunawick. waiKe-uoiiender Co.. 45 6tw at. StEFRIGERAT6R. 1 8 apartmenta, 8220! will tkY 1120- mnnA .mm cost new, suitabl5"ror hotel or restaurant. Can be seen at 1st and Washington. ; Publio warnet at tne Elgin Dairy. -SAFES New and 2d hand; low bricea easy terms: safes opened, rem.. . ed and painted,, Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 85 6th at Main 6309. A-4118. FOR sale or trade, store bulldina-. 20 - miles from Portland, on railroad; also v acrea or iana; ponsiaer automomie. Call 616 Marquam bldg. BRAND NEW 150 ohonotftanh and 60 records, all-for 827.60; Includes large 812 silk horn. P-421, Journal. VURNISHING3 of small restaurant for 1100: will exchange ,,for furniture of small house. 295 Gl!uan st. FOR SALE cheap 1 smoke hood 7 feet auitable for ransre or s-aa ktrxvm f ar- A ttculars. Call at 267 Flanders st. J-OR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting - ciiBuicB. niuws .juipmeni vo- l lt at. Both phones. -. . ' ; viAauL.iiviii vvooa Haw. Mew c-horse- power engine, fnone M. 9648. FOR BALK-12 h, p. gas engtna. SO E. 87.60 White sewing machine with at- lacnnienis. wan 3 tu.-Morrison st SHOWCASES, futures, store, fitting new, za nana, all Everett. M. 781' FOR SALE 2 12x14 tents and one 8x10, neap. E. JUurnalde. . FOH. SALE Cheap, set" of beautifu furs, cost 8166., Phone Marshall 2588 PRETTILY marked shepherdpup for W CJISI OJO. . - j - FOR- SALE New Reading -Standard bicycle, jCheap.aPhone Sell 1143. B 2664. IHvo good secondhand barber chairs tor -only, t each. East 766.- . DOUBLE and single Victor phonograph records for Bale. 212 Madison st WAITED MISCELLA:SEOUB 5 ; Barger'erAuctiori: House; ; Formerly 'of the Dollar Furniture House, now located at 870 East Morrl son, will buy all kinds iof furniture, ei'jvrn, DHimrunt iiui-kb, restaurants, noieia. etc. , wiu sen real estate or livestock on commiBHion,- city or coun iry. fiione .asi ivzi. " ' , S. H. HARflTTR. , WANTKD People of Portland to know that I pay tho highest cash price for pecona ; nana notinenoia gooas. w. ju eraier, iu kubpcii, ' mt 16BZ. IF YOU want the rwi money yey? nlture will bring, save time," call East , t in, n aoa tiawinrrne., Meier i uruiture OLD MIRRORS r reailvered, new ones made ; to order; work guaranteed. Send postal; J will call with samples. bE WlaE; gei (rore for 'your oecond hand iurniture by selling it to Ford Aiicrion JQ en ist. Main B96I. A--I446. KAT ; tilLitS auction jobbers want Id nand rurnlture, highest price paid, 4 WANTED 2 or I fishing boats at bargain, 18 or 20 feet preferable. Ed Bush, Oregon City. 11th and Main nim. SVANTED 2 cheap tickets to Denver or east, about May 8 particulars, Z- : 496. Journal. 'j PIANO, almost new, will sell less th half coat. Phone Sellwood 149, SHEPARD Furniture Co. gives most for useo Turnuare. eio.ni. y48- ,9 Grand, WANTED 2d hand furniture. East 8131. bob -nawmonif ave. neater e Martin FOB SAU3 4t"F0M0BILES 44 WILLt TAKE auto In aaaA innii"a . .port. flrtBienLjaau.bungaows 4Hl, Journal. , , ; . . NliW and second hand care- of al kinds for sale or. trade. Call East WAMlilJ Htinabout: must be chean 230 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall 237. FOR SAIX AUTOMOBILES 44 SECOND HAND "CARS STEARNS, 1909 model, 4 cylinder, 20-60 H. P. Equipment: Top, , glass front; gas tank, clock, de mountable rlma .......... 13500 STEARNS, 1909 model, 7 passan Terrt cyunaer. bo n. r. uquip ment: - Top, glass rront speedo meter, gaa tank, demountable rims, 1 extra casing 8600 PEERLESS, 1909 model, T pasaen . gen. , Equipment: Top, glass , . iront, warner speedometer, gaa tank ......i., ............ ....... 2500 CADILLAC, Model "O" 1907, I : passenger.-Equlpmentr - wma shield, top 600 t 460 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder, S passen ?er. Equipment: Top, glass ront Stewart speedometer .... PIERCE, '1910 ' model. cylinder, s. i Equipment: , Top, windshield, . Stewart speedometer, clock, seat covers 1800 PIERCE, f-pasenger, -1 90 8 model, lira, ciass condition 800 REO, S cylinder, B passenger, equipped with top 'And Stewart apeeaometer , ............ 460 qaa a cylinder, a - pBBHenger, j. -, eauinned with, ton and. Stewart , speedometer , . i . i . . 400 OLDSMOBILE, . 4 it! 'I cylinder, l j equipped with top and v glass -front . . . . .. . . . J". . 100 BUIClC'a cyllnAer,' equipped; with " r top, winasnieid, Btewrt speea ' ometer ........ .V ,h . 460 BUTCK, model 10, , 1 910 equipped i . wnn iwp, glass ; ironi, rfonea . speedometer .....i ....t., 000 STUDEBAKER, 1910j '-j'. passenger, equipped wun top, glass iront, -Stewart speedometer and. clock. . 2000 THESECABS HAVE BEEN UEFT WITH US BY OWNERS TO BH1 BOLD. THEY HAVING PURCHASED llf PIERCE ARROW . AND . CADILLAC CARS. , 1 -'. , Covev Motor "Car- Co. " Main 6470. 7th and Couch Sts. MAKE THAT MACHINE OF 1 YOURS NEW AGAIN . ... Evert machine sainted bv ua la backed by 22 yeare . of practical - factory ex perience, insuring, high-class mechani cal skill, classical work, best materials and personal- supervision, even to the smallest detail. Come and see our work -you'll be d leased, v TUlfi W. FLEET WATER AUTOMO BILE PAINT COMPANY. , 64 Union ave., oorner East Davis st STANLEY Steamer 6 passenger touring car. 20 h. d steam, equal to 76 h. p. gaaoline . car; top, - speedometer, cloc k, pumper, aearcn iignts,- ou Hgnts; car good as new, guaranteed In every ' re spect I am going back to Minneapolis, ill take 81000 rather than shin car back. Car cost me 62100. . Phone owner, Main 7162. Car at Studebaker garage. Chapman and Alder sts. No trade. W. Fagei, 712 Washington st HAVE customers for 2 Chalmers-De- trolts. 2 Maxwell runabouts. 1 Stev ens Duryea. 2 Cadillacs, 1 Peerless, 1 Buick, 1 Ford and -1 Packard. Cars called for and delivered. Free storage, free demonstration. For quick results. tell us -your wantsv Address - , t Hr MM.lL.UAN, KSieB Mgr. 54 Union ave., oor. H. Davis stree. Bargains! Bargains! Auto tires and inner tubes, all sices at half price. . Examine our stock be fore you buy. Phone A-I648. Elton A Humer. . v , WHITE gaa car, In A-l shape, equipped wun speeaomeier. vop, siue curiaina, wind shield, presto tank, chains, tools. 2 extra casings, 61660, half cash, balance B per cent rnone b-ioi, - ' we wilV tetfY. Sell ! 6r ffeAbH YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR REAL ES TATE. SEE US FIRST. FLETCHER & McANTIRE, 206-4 Board of Trade, Phones Main 8zb, a-ipib, WILL SELL a 6 passenger Franklin Chean to right party, equipped with loose tonneau, truck body, wind shield. extra caamga; guaranteed in A-l anape, any reasonable terms. Call B-1017. FOR auto bargains see , the Custom House Auto Co., or write for our bar gain' list : We are sure to have the car you want. 381 Everett Main 1849. OLD auto tires 6c per lb., delivered; old inner tubes iso a io. deiiverej We also buy copper, brass, cast Iron. j. Leve, iz coiumnia at., m. oi8. FOR SALE -Ford touring car for 8576. Studebaker electric, 1600. 661 Haw thome ave..- cor. 18th . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 Robinson, expert violin maker;, old vio- uns bought and sold. 16 Kussei bldg. FOR SALE cheap, an upright piano at U6 iNorinrun st. FINANCIAii 01 WILL pay cash for builders' equities or rirsi arm secona mortgages or con tracts. 608 McKay bldg. Marshall 2600. LOANS WANTED, 80 WE Can Invest your money at KOOd,nlaas turn tn PorUn'a nharmin. s rates of interest Gilt-edge securities, First mortgages. Long-term Investments, PROVIDENCE INV. & TRUSTEE CO.. 201-203 Board of Trade Bldg. ' t WANT .8500 for one to three years at 8 er cent on new four room house and rood lot valued at 81200: will nav 30 bonus for quick action. . 606 Yeon Bld WANTED A loan of $26, on note from private party; will pay highest Inter est, per 80 days, responsible party. E-469, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Private funds to loan, annllcatlon con- fldentlal. Please phone East 2063. - -$3000 wanted on Irvlngton property; win pay b per cent to private party. X-476, Journal. ; 1200 wanted on improved realty from : nrlvate Dartv. 8 oer cent M-474. Journal. - 13000 WANTED on Irvlngton home; will pay private party 8 per cent A 483. journal. WANTED To borrow 12000 from prl yate party.- uooa city property, yn E. 60tb St. WANT help to finance house; have sold to duuo. Have lot; , a-4u. Journal. WANT 1600 on good security, 10 per rent; no agents. A-460, Journal. MONEY TO. LOAN 27 Quick' loana on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life Insur- I snce policies, livestock, real estate, I etc. U. 8. Real Estate 4k Brokerage i Co., 813 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084 j Is good at the Employes Loan Co, 111 ADington, ii ia su IF you own a lot and wlsn to build wa will build you a home, from $200 down and up, balance Jike rent Gren berg & Jovlk, room 228 Ablngton bldg. ilONEY to loan, largtt loans specialty, DUiiawg loans, igwni rules; tire in sflrante. W. G. Beck. 812 Falling. RESIDENCES financed and built A. C. Furlongs contractor, ea Chamber of Commerce. Main 4664. . .. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly" confidential. 141 Va Id st, near Alder-- r - $100,000 on mortgagee, city or farm property, fire insurance. MoKensie 4k Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent Good- nough sens, sm spauiaing pidg. MONEY to loan on reaJ estate. Harding et rteynoiqs, u cnamper or com. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent city ana iarm property. ua coucn Dldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chau tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. WILL loan 820.000 or '.less real estate. yarnngton. 418 commercial cinp bldg. MORTGAGS LOANS, 6 A 7 PER CENfT "SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL "'. F. A. Newton, 616 Henry bldg. , MONEY to loan on Improved real estate! L-XWhlte701-4elwg-bldg- - QUJCK loans on . all aecuritlea. BTW. King. 46 Washlna-ton bldg. Main 6168. WE loan money on good security, nj puniieiiv,' aus nwetmnq tang $2000 TO LOAN today. J, H, Tipton CO. - 110$ Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAW ., . Borrow. Money from the : Salary Loan Bank ; No security. ' - Everything confidential' v Lowest rates in the city. , , State Security. Co,.,,;. 308 Failing Bldg. - Third and Washington Sts. ' ' MONEY FOR"ETERYBODY. ' Do you need money today? . If so, come to me and I will help you out, I ad vance moneyJmmedi8tely Jmd strictly confidentially on furniture, pianos, au to and ' other securities. Reasonable rates of interest , M. Maiden, 60S-04 b wet land bldg. Will Loan You Money - On your furniture, piano, or real estate. Loweii raie ,r intereaw tn mi J, t. Nichols 820 Bodrd of Trade Building. MONEY loaned In amounts from 10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture. f 'lanos or any personal property; week' y or monthly payments; low rates ;con f ldentlal.i Gray ft Cunrlngham, room 01 Rcthchlld bldg., 187 44 Washlngto& st, between 4th and 6th sts. MONK? advauced aalaiied people, house- keepers . and othera upon their own names without security; cheapest rntes. easiest payments; offices la 48 princi pal. cities; save money by getting our terma Tolman, 817 Lumber Exchange, SMALL AND LARGE AMOUNTS TO LOAN ON KKALi'l'I, . : , . , ASK MB. EASTON. , ; ' j X H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg.' LOWEST RATES; loans on any seourt-' Uea, chattels or real eaUte. Union Loan Co.. 66 Lafayette bid., 4th e. Wash. NOTICES 26 NOTICE CLOSING STREAMS. Know All Men toy These , Presents, That Whereas, the board of fish com mlssioners of the state of Oregon and the United States bureau of fisheries have pronogated and atocked. and are propagating and, stocking the waters of the Willamette, and Clackamas rivers. and their tributaries, in the state bt Oregon, with salmon fish; and. '- - Whereas, Said streams are frequented by salmon fish, and for the purpose of ?ro tec ting the same, the said board of lsh commissioners has deolded to close the said Willamette river and its trlbu tarles. below and north of the . falls thereof at Oregon -City, and all of the Clackamas river and Its tributaries, to prevent fishing; therein, in any manner whatever, for salmon fish, during the period or time herein speemed. by said board of fish commissioners that said Willamette river and its tributaries, below, and ngrth of the falls thereof at Oregon City, and all of said Clackamas river and its triDUtanea, are, and eacn of them Is hereby closed to fishing. In any manner, whatever, for salmon fish between 12 o'clock noon, on the 16th day of April, 1911, and 12 o'clock noon, on the" 1st day of May. 1911 : and It Is and will be unlawful to fish for, or take, or catch any salmon, rish in any or said waters during the- said period of time above specuied. Any and all persons whomsoever so fishing in violation of this notice will do prosecuted, aa DJ aw proviaecu BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS. . By Oswald West Governor. By Thomas B. Kay. State Treasurer. Attest: R. E. Clanton, Clerk of the Board. tL S. ENGINEER'S OFFICE, Custom " aJ.VUBJO A VI lyicaiiu Xa Ma-Ota VIA eTf .flii jSealed proposals for hiring, for about u oays, one targe capacity suction dredge with about 2000 feet discharge Dine on pontoons, one tender and all necessary labor and materials for dredg ing channel west of Swan Island, Wil lamette river, will ba received at this office until 11 a. m., March 24, 1811, and then publicly opened. Information on application, . ,,, J.T. McINDOB, :. -r -..- -( ,'. Maj. Kngrs. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The undersigned has this day sold bis business as retail liquor dealer, doing business at 1 229 Alder? st, Portland, Or., and all parties holding claims against said undersigned are notified to present same within 6 days from date of this notice to the Star Brewery Co., Portland, Or. W. H. O'M ALLEY. , Dated March 7,' 1911. . NOTICE is hereby given that the annual stockholders' meeting of the Pacific States Fire Insurance company will be held In the Assembly hall of the Com mercial club building on Monday the 20th day of March, 1911,' at the hour of o'clock p. m.,-, 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The firm of P. Lambro and John Secager has changed hands. 196 4th st; which they are liable for all outstanding bills. LOST, AND FOUND 21 WILL rentleman who found lady's gold watch with, w monogram, on Pine be- tween 6th and ' 7th Thursday morning j Washington street and receive reward. LOST From corner of 67th at and 67th ave., Mt Scott one brlndle English bulldog, screw tail with growth on cor ner or one eye.- Phone B, L. Patrick, Main 93. LOST Between 72d and Mt Scott Feed & Fuel Co. on 41st ave, black purse containing gold and .silver and a key. Return 7116 41st ave, between 71st and LOST Between lid and Morrison and 12th, and Morrison sts, F. O. A. pen nan e pin. Return to Goldle, Lumber mens bldg. bouf fe. Suitable reward---- LOST, Btrayed or stolen,,.whlte female fox terrier, tan ears, collar bearing owner's name; rewtird. Marshall 2669. 850 Oak st ; , LOST Boy's openfaced gold watcli. Waltham movement valued sjLgift- ir round piease return to delivery room Ltpmnn. W'olfe & Co. N STRAYED Small English setter dog, white and black picked. Phone Fred L. Olson. Main 8090 or East 1764. A PLACE to have your clotnea steam or dry cleaned. 24 hrs.' notice.-College Inn Cleaners. Waah.. opp. 1 8th. A-l 866. LOST On . Alberta car, ailk - umbrella with gold knob. Phone C-2869. PERSONAL - 22 SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak ness In men; money returned if it falls; price 31 T. J. Pierce, 246 Mor rison st. 1TOUNG lady gives alcoholic, vibratory! . nnci general iuu imms to laaies and gentlemen, Chiropodist manicurlBt, .7 nanegn ouuaing. LEGAL, ad vice upon all business mat ters, evidence secured in all personal matters, charges reasonable. Box 291, Portland. Or. - . bCGULT, new thought, scientific- and school books bought and sold. Send for free catalogue. Jones Book store. 284 Oak st- Henry bldg. STOCKHOLDERS in Toutle River Min lng & Milling Co. will get information to tbelr interest by writing Z-496, Jour nal - 1- REV. JOHN SLATER, 8nirltual meeting v tonight, 8 sharp. 21 Selllng-Hlrsch MHir San Francisco. Examiner 313 Mi Washington, Main 9262, WOMEN Use Feirrnida when others fail; sold and guaranteed by the Aua nlund Drug Co.. 110 N. th at. Main Kiel MADAME ESTELLE, magnetlo healer. reliable splrltdal adviser. 848 Yam hul, room . walk upstairs. Mam 1320. BASE BALL fans, 1 want address of jonn - uassey, formerly fi Portland. rnone warn tin, LOR EN Z Nerve Tonlo Tablets restore lost vitality. 26o box, 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co, 289 Morrison. WRINKLES rn- iveo, sagging corrected in-i minutes; irree aemonatrations. 8 Jelllng-Hlrveh bldg. Neo Plaatlque Agoy. HAIR dresslna and' beantv piiltiira; ra. jsiAiKimuiNiAi- paper, many ' With y meana. ; Airs. Rail. ISIS Mavnnlla . MOTflY F.?r.l,0,son oak- 'or sale by bAt,M women. flKS, reined. tor dlaeaaes ot iz L'avis st, uain t.ia, 22 DR. ALICII A. Un.IF7. DIaeaaea of woman and children ex clusively. Women are -often saved se vere , surgical operations bv consulting me, ' Nervous dise&aea of children . a speolalty. Private hospital accommnda tiona. Confinements cared for. Cor reiponder.ee solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones, Main 8928, A-1607. umoe room 10, orana Theatre ciag- wningxon and Kara. MEN CURED QUICKLY Modern"" alentrlo treatment for dls eases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases. W. I..Howard,M D.t 804-jtRothcbild bldg., 4th and Washington. ' GET married; matrimonial- paper con- taming adveruaements marnageaoie people from all sections of the united States, 4-Casada, rich, poor, -young, old Protestants, catholics, mailed sealei free. D. Ki Gunnels. Toledo. Ohfo. Send 3-Hairs tf your hair is" not growing send l halra in clean paptr for free chemical analysis, w rue cyron eniord, spectaJ- lst, l4, Boylston it, Boston, JMasa. ' Are . You Rumured? Tha nerfeet truss la made and fitted by a specialist to men, women and ohll-dren.- Satlafaotlon guaranteed or bo cnarge, wnson, stn st t)R. WALKER, specialist; quickly ourea dlaeaaes of men: blood and akin dls- eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid rtey. oiaaaer and plies. il First, Port land ' . . ... GERMAN books, magaxtttM, novels, etc,, - Germav. English. French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign pooaa or au ainaa. ecnmaie W , i9 lit it ' . . , DR. SANDERSON CO., Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods; 12 box or 8 boxes 6. Druggists or mail, t. j. fierce, zDVt Morrison st BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS EVERYBODY wants positive values. Consult, Northwestern Appraisal Co. "Experts.". 606 Board Of Trade. A f.lVV ASSAYEK9 WELLS 4k PROEBSTEL, assayars, ana- lytloal chemists. 204 H Wash. M. 7608. MONTANA asay office, laboratory and ore testing vork. 188 Morrison. AUTOMOBILE! SCHOOLS. : Belmont Auto School The only ' thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent management ana practical work. E., 23d and Morison Take 8-8 or Mt Tabor car; look us no oerore deciding to enroll elsewhere. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prao tite in all courts.. Abstracts exam ined. -716 Cham, of Com. M. 71. A-207L CHR1STUPHERSON & MATTHEWS, general practice, 406-8 Buchanan bldg. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 Id St Blank book m'fg; sgts. for Jooes Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see tha new Eureka leaf. A-318S. Main 168. BICYCLE REPAIRING S. W. BAILEY, 887 B. Waah. B-2709. Lawn mowers sharpened, locksmith. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES TALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels nought sold. Repairing. 138 loth. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. 8treet paving, sidewalks and cross. Inga.. 317 Beck bldg. .--. '-- THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.1 Portland office. 606 Electric bldg. JAB. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of Insurance, aurety bond's. McKay bldg. , CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS.. Electrlo Cleaning Warka. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E 440, B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. IONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovated; guaranteed. B. 340, B-2236. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 163 Union. ave., near E. Morrison. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works. Colonial rag carpet and rugs. 16ll ratton ave. Phone Woodlawn 3636. COAL AND WOOD NOTICE pITSnSLABWOOD GREEN' SHORT WOOD. " GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. INSIDE GREEN SHORT. DRY SHORT. WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. - Tbe Portland Slabwwwl Co. Main 3119. A-700L Dry Block Wood with small wood, 34.6 Mixed 60 ner load, delivered anywhere In city. Port- land Wrecking Co, 106-107 N. 11th st wain it, A-17S. THE ECONOMY, Fuel Co. handles all -the ben grades of coal. We make a spclalty or furnace and heating plant coal at a .reasonable price. Special prices on caV loads. B-2343. East 814. 346 East Ankeny. BURN8IDE FUEL CO. 126 E. 7th. Whotesale and retail, 4 foot fir wood; also sawed to order EAST 724. B-2777 SEGHERS WOOD CO, 9 th and GUsan VOOD CO., and- 18th and Vauahn: fln nnuntrv slabwood sawed in stove lengths; cord- wuuu au mnuB, ar.a r.ewiy cut railroad ties. Phones Main 6369. 8351. A-241S. BEST fir wood, $5. $6.25 and $6.60 per cord; it will pay you to lay in'your next winter's wood 'now. Portland Cord wood Co, 208 Corbett bldg. Phones; Marshall 2899, A-4684. . Meier & Frank take oders for our standard grades, or phone East 303. or C-2I0S. 'Kdlefsen Fuel Co:. Tne. f,1 f DELIVERED UtM PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS, Ft Curry st Vamato Wood and Coal Company. BAST 818 K-I867 (1 BURNSIDE FUEL CO, "lJ8 h-e. 7th; wholesale, retail wood: ilalso sawed to order, r. 2777. COAL Tri?? BLOCK wood fri cii7.jVV00i RAINIER Slabood Co, toot Yamhill; country slabwood, or short and bloc wood, Inside wood. M'U 1204. A-3829. COOS BAY COAL CO, 191 Burnslde St. phones, Main 2228,A-1276. 4 foot dry wood. ,; Nat Fuel Co, 811 Water at Marshall 860. CE Sawed wood dellv-1 ered. any ouantlty. Main 1604. ,Hoirn A-1106 COAL WOOD NFFR X, FAHP' -..96. I1u1.il. -wk. ' 1 lilll A-fo4f- No. 1 dry wood, 4 ft, sawed to order. PACIFIC SLABWOOD COl Dry' Slabwood M;7ff itV ; 5 ' OREGON LUMBER FUEL" "etfJ'Blocl. and trim wood. Tabor 2811 CITY MARKET WOOD YARD, Cook ft son, zo ana jiny. Mam BZ43, A-43Z2. jaiXECUoeda. 84, iod fi- SjaV daya only. Main 2158. A-8843. CORD wood. delivered anywhere In city, wholesale, retail. East 319, B-8088. STANDARD WOOD ' CO Cord and alab wood. 47 K. ritark. Kest 2315. B-166i l'UH ifc.A.u v-oueuiion y.Ktiicy. Alldeots collected. 117 AUsky. A-7317; M. 4221 PERSONAL. c c on CHINESE DOCTORS DR. BlngChoong, physician for man and women, uaranieeq cure, zz Alder, DR. L. T. YEB & SONS. 142 1st mX. Main 8464. A-8866.' ' , ! .7 cnjjcopRAcnc doctor .... r DR. A. ar DOUGLASS, lit Union ave. N. Phone East 624L Consultation and examination free. " . CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manlourlns, soalp. Mrs. Dunton. 141 Wash. Marshall 1820. - CIRCULAR LETTERS "PROMPTNESS and dispatch.' Corn. Letter Co. A-4665. Craln CLOTHES J-BUY-aellrH.ll-4tlnd8cloihesi-shoesrur-" nnure. szuvk Jerrerson. Marsnall lu. WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes and snoes. Z7 Front. Main 4802. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only, u Plnckney White. Main 6074, COLLECTTONB oiiri ntiKltaVi aJ a 1 aatlA r by the Commercial Underwriters; sys tem by which you make your own col lection; no fees, no commissions, no ex tra expense whatsoever. For informa tion call or write the Commercial Un oerwritera, 801 Worcester bldg. LET US get your money for you. Claims of every . description collected . on a strictly v percentage c basis , anywhere. Telephone, Main 8410. Colton AdJust ment Co.f 410 Ablngton bldg., Portland. fclOTES. accounts collected everywhere. Guarantee Collection Agency. 821 Hen ry bldg. Marshall 2688, A-77IO. COX8ULTINQ ENGINEERS C. 8. GOLDBERG .& COM 1 1 2 Couch bldg. conveyors, elevators, patent devices, all klnda of maohinery. Marshall 8088. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS PORTER ' PENN Concrete founda . tlon, construction estimates on all kinds of cement . work. 107 N. 14th. Mam c8b7. '' . FOR cemunt work, plasUtrlnaj. . brick vork, excavating, call on G. C. Olson, sAarsnaii 1441; i2 orover st WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenUr builder, jobbing and contracting. 4th. Main 6241. and 204 J. BURTON, 148 1st,, architect-builder Estlmatea furnished. M. 1817, A-1817. UNITED Eng. & Construction Co., engl neers and contractors., 711 Lewis. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general con- traotor. 4i weus-yargo Diog. m. u. J. HYLAND, 212 Columbia. M. 9016. A- 4i'iio. carpenter and general jobbing. DANCING MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. . Class and social dance, 109 2d stt Monday evenings, 8 to 12; same, Allsky bldg,, 2d and Morrison, Saturday even ings, 8 to 1L Fancy stage and social dancing dally In both schools. Walt and wostep guaranteed in four lessons, LESSONS 26o, 4 lessons 1; waits, three i step, two step, stage dancing, eta; every morning, afternoon and evening. Pror. wai .Wilson's School, oldest only recognized academy for correct dancing. 386 Wash, st.bet. W. Park and 10th. DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work Is imnosslble: does away entirely with plates, brldgework: we cure pyrrobea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Alveolar Dental Co., ad ington bldg.. 109 3rd st , CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 16 years. 828 H Washington, cor. 6th. A. WISE! and Associates. Palnles Dentists. Third and Washington sta. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC Statea Secret Servloe Agency, 421428 Board of Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 372. DOG AND HORSt- HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. B, of 234 1st st St. 4086. Mosp. 8 Jfi. iztn. m. 6448. DRAFTSMAN DRAFTSMAN. W. Andrew Clarke. Machines and patents designed. J8S Chamber of Com merce mag. Main essy, a-3osi. ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sale. Pacific Elec trlo Engineering Co.. 218 2d st. FOOT SPECIAjJST DR. C.-.W; HEVLAND. 17 Heaty bid. Grad. CHlropodist. Grand and E Morrison FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy, sell, "exchange and pay beat prices for second nand furniture, stoves, ran bps, etc. Hartsell Fura Co., 810 8. 1st, ghone Marshall 2675. UNION Salvage Co, 183 Front st Mar. 796. Highest price f or 2d hand goods. 8. J- Donaldson, 25TS 1st at. Main 860, buys 2nd hand furniture and stoves. FURNITURE REPAIRING FINISHING and home. 18 years 6608, -- repairing In Portii at your East and. GLAZING UNITi-a UUASS ft GLAZING CO. All klnda glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. GAfiULINK KMtilI.ES STATIONARY and marine; electric equipments; launcbea, . aoceesorles, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest bat ren ovators in the cltv. 64-66 3d at. around lloor iVorcesUE bldg, - Hats dlreet from fi the factory at half price. HORSESHOEING DE NIKE, 283 W Front st, makes a " specialty of driving horses; 20 years' experience in New York City. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, 101 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Main 703. INSURANCE McCARGAR, Batea & Lively, 818 Fall lng bldg. Every form Insurance, bon d s. LAUNDRY SEE Lee, Chinese. ' 200 Mill. Washing -ana ironing careruuy none. a -4 1) 3 9 LAWYERS. " FRED W. BRONN. LAWYER. 1014 Ch. of Com. Phone Main 8199. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAD. L. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front Leather of - every description: tap canuiaciurvni.. iinaingv. - LANDSCAPE- GARDENER - a BRENNEKB Landscape: Gardener: roses, standard varletlea, shrubbery, fruit trees, pruning and spraying prbp-eriy-done. , Prloeawseasonabl?--'-'! 283 Denver ave, ,Woodlawn 1936. Bt, Johns car. -v --.,-; MACnTNERT B. TRENKMAN ft CO.Hvdraulle and special pipes, screens, basrglng, mining macninery. AViainaa repairs. 1Q4 rt 4ta REAL: ESTA1 1 NAMB H' '-''"t -r. . .. !:Uj?s :. TWLEPnoXiW Baker, D. M-, City, Farm Property...... tti Corbett Bldg.. .'LA-4492, Main 74 U Broiig-Steeft Compny Onini3 floor Lewis Bld.....Ula 4 Brnbaker A Beoediet ,..........,........ a WcKy BU.... ..Mula Shs Burtenehaw A Buehler,.,.....,,.....llawti)orne and E. 49th....,Tabor 174S Chspln A Hertow... .......,.... '2 Clumber f Cuairarc.,,.....,.Mata il l txa o.. . B.i..,...o... ...... ii""1 D'" ......Mala SM, A-ftw. j Knpp A Mackes.. ....... ....."..;v....-2. cb!n'.? l,eree....M:a mt A-amo Marshall, W. H., rartns, CHx Proem. .."" lt 2aoV Aldr Oregon Beal EMate Co.. Toe....... J2n od Multnomah, ...Sart T. C-17'H milt. J, H., .,.-.. BMg.., 4,Mhta wv Tbomp-ro. M. . Co.. Utmz1 4th-0k ,.M. Mm. A-flwvr LIBRARIES ; V-.i CIRCULATING Ubrsry. 188 ttn. net Taylor and rajnnw, hooks c per pt. MINL:0 AND DEVELOPMENT' SWASTIKA Mining Co., Ltd. - Send fer our booklet 2 gtt-Dreyel-bldr MASSAGE, SWEDISH : MOVEMENT C. HOLMSTROM. nerve, rheumatic, 'di gestive disorders. 802-8 oregonian oiag BLXLINEinr tiOODS N. Y. Hat A Cap Co., whsle., 671 1st. Spec cap orders, mfg. Beaver Shirt, M'U 1816 MULTIQttAPHlNa MULTIGRAPHING.-i shorthand,- - type - writing. M. 766. 413 Buchanan bldg. MUSICAL DEALERS EEIBERLING-LTJCAS ' MUSIC COH134 Id: complete line musical mdae. Free catalogue Buescher- band lnatrutnenf . MUSIC TUACiLERS B. THIELHORN, vloUn teacher; pupt Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar.1628. PROF. T. E. LAWSON, 1S6 14th st Phone Main 6197. Piano leaaona 60o. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS ton st. Eyes examined. Free advice. , OSTEOPATHIC PHYBICJAKS Dr. W. W, Christie ' Osteopath, ohrbnlc nervous diseases, 114-6 Macleay bldg. Main 8172, A-4880. DR. LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, ape clallst on nerves, acute and chronle diseases. I1T Fento bldg. Main 8861 DR. SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle. M, 1898; post graduate 1907. 1121 Sell Ing bldg. DR. L. R HOWLAND. general praetl tlnner. 109 Fleldner bldaT. DRS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 409 uregonian Diog. DR. KATHRYN RUETER, apecialist women ft ohlldren, 802 Flledner bldg. OSTRICH PLUMES Ostrich Plume Co, Largest stock in willows nd French plumes; willows made, dyed, cleaned, curled to satisfaction. 303 Washington. MADAM GILBERT, 303 WASH INGTON ST., ROOM 26. UXKINt. m ijAviwn PTtDT twn hj AWTMrl nvir.T OSTRICH PLUMES. BOA8, ETC. WORK GUARANTEED. M. 4964. KES. M. 4443. FAINT, OIL AND GLASS F. R BEACH A CO, Pioneer Paint COv 188 let Main 1834. A-7048. RA8MUS3EN 4 CO.. "High Standard" paint, ne. cor, id ft Taylor ' M.. A-l 771. PAINTING AND PAPERING T. J. WILSON. 187 Madison. M. 1437: painting, paperhanging, signs. Get prices. N. L. HUXLEY 282 2d. M. 7140. Palnt- er and paperhanger. Res. Tabor zs, FOR beat work, prices right call P-aV. uoane. 104 union. nom nnones. ' CtKT our crfcea on nalntlnc. naoer Ing. tinting. Ernest Miller Co., 172 1st PATENT ATTORNEYS U. S. and foreign patents procured by O. O. Martin, 889 Chamber of Com merce building. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock,' Attor T ney-at-Law. latt U. S. Patent Office; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat ents: Infringement esses. 04 Dum. PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning. 2j II years' experience. Phone Main 9431. PLUMBING AND HEATING M. FRIEDMAN. 362 1st plumbing, gas fitting and gen, jobbery neatly done. PLUMBING, heating, etc Robert Gil Ian, 166 10tb. Both phones. PRINTING WELCH PKEmRG CO. "Doers of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141H 1st y E. L. E. White & Co, Printers. Barber & White. Mam 6uo. a-2315. MANN & BEACH. 82 1st M. 444. A-1044 Commercial and color printing. HARNDEN & CO, 123 1st st ' com- merclal printing, u. U188. A-7617, HAWK Printing & PuBTCo. TSh iTst 1257. Commercial printing, m. ROOFING, PAINTING, REPALttlXQ TIN roofing, repairing, painting and Job- ning. L.QSU & Holier, in jerr. m. I4Z4. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS. STENCILS and office stationery. Cun- utnghanvforlSI fltarlt- Main T407. SAFES THE Moaler Safe Co, log 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes JOHN E. DAVIS, safes. , safe counsel. bargains. Sargent Hotel. Phone E. 291. "SANATORIUM HILL'S SANATORIUM, 696 Front Main 451. uuaranteea cure tor Kneumatism. SANITARY ENGINEERS assay fcsnswy J. A. GRANT, a E, 214 Couch bldg, A-4963. Inspections and reports, bac terlologlat. SECOND HAND FURNITURE THE PORTLAND pays'blgheBt price for 3d hand goods, sua 1st, m 11 1003. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures maCe to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co.' THE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. CO, new and old 'showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 8703. R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show cases in stock. Promnt dellvarv. gales sgent M. Winter Lumber Co.- SHINGLES BEST In Portland. Bee " tbem. 101 Waanigton st. b. B. UUDert. STENOGRAPHERS, COL'RT , REPORTERS , OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n, 404-408 Ablngton. m. 60S7. A-t33. Depositions. BK3N AND SHOW CARDS FOSTET. ft K LEI SEP. Signs',' the larg. - eat sign makers in the northwest, E. 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones, East 1111, Heme B-2284. 3 .- RANI- silGii-CCW-ualHy end-- servtw. 88 E. Alder St. East 6302. v y "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Bign Co, .287 Stark. Main 1696. STATIONERY OFFICE StJFPLIKS HONEER STATIONETCO bldg.; best typewriting papers. M. 7 & it. J DIRECTOR SURVEYORS SUBDIVISION work a specialty. A. O. t Benson, 20 Wash, bid. Marshall 191. TAUvORIXa tllIlioILSults to ordr. GUS SEAOmST. Ullor and drap?rei clnalve patterna. 245 Washlnaton at ' aiiored .ults and akirts; prices reasonable. Ui Blandena st. C-12H6. TAUDEI'JUIST glass eyes. 249 Columbia. 1 - TOWEL SUirPLI saSssSa,SMsSlawaSbBltt CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co, 8th and Couch sts. .81 per month. Portland Laaodry Pbotfs Main 418. A-4410. TRUNKS BIMONS TRUNK, WKS.. 667 lit Trtmks -- factory prices. Repairing.' M. 9818. - TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. ;':"'-J:;" . EsUhllahed 1878.' '';?'-.: Transfer and forwarding agentsv Storage; free) trackage. Office, 810 Hoyt St.. bet 6th and Itft. rnonw; fain s; A-11SS. PORT IjAND Van Storage Co, eor. 'l3tS and Ever-Jtt sta. Just opened, newest most modem storage warehouee tn city vrj;. convenience for safe and proper handling sf goods; lowest . tnsuranoe rate In no-thwest; tree trackage, vans nmTiog. Mam or a-idzp. C O. PICK Transfer Storage Co, of flce and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vsults for valuables; nOrtb Wejt comerfc Jd and Pine sts. Pianos maa lurniiu re moved an packed shipment 'Mala 698: 4-1991 for FURNITURE, trunk moving. City' frail JiiimtrLO. M. I Vow. A-4724. 365 6th. W.M. Johnson. 23 Union av.; Res. Tabor 3. Piano, furn. moving. B-2060, E. 4441. TYPEWRITERS ALL make rented, repaired, sold. nlngham Co., 231 Stark. Main Cun 1407. m typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Agency. 333 Ankeny st Phones: Main 6273. A-436- 1 VETERINARIAN UK. L. F-DILLON. Hawthorne Avenue Stables. East 72. 697. B-1369. WALL PAPER AND, TINTING M'fAINTP9K 9ROOCOCK. InC 189 ""n ioa. xintmg. painting,: wallpaper, nalnts. olln and vnrni.ho. W. F. BLAESING, 282 3d. ' Main '4444." rainung ana papering. Get our prices. WELL DRILLING DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea- sonable. Call Main 1346 or write R. West. 182 Morrison st WHOLESALE JOBBERS - ,' j EVERDING te FARRELL, produce and commission merchants, 140 Front at ; Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. GUNST & COT DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS ' PORTLAND. OR ' WADHAMS ft CO, wholesale grooere! "nufacturera and coffee roasters. 4th ni von mia. Ernest Miller Wail- Paper Co., imp. an3 dom. hangings, wholesale and retail MORGAN WALL PAPER CO, 280 2d St., between Salmon and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCER I KSL YOWSJ6 COMPACT. OityUnes. ; Ticket Office and Waiting Room. " First and Alder StreSts? . jrortiAnn utifi niArnM s-m,.. ' v lZlMfrlFhVt n$ 2der -;.TrSur73 m" V11 every 30 minutes. (on the hournd hlf hour) ta ilA inoludingr :00 p. tten 10 :00 pi m. Uiiii-m- Last train 12.00 mldnlaht 'KB i'Yi a.? 'SfT01;?1' polnfav s.68, 7:46, 8:45, 9:46. 10-S it -as. - s.fit'it.Jf.i Troutdale :65. e7M S Sill: Vti S-up.15' M ,:45: .r"2a.rw.ana intermediate points :4S'p. mV l iS' 4 -.V!. VanconTe Idne. t:io.-:pcy ioTie; liTlO. 11 V' 1:0ft, 8:86, r. :. U!30, XilO, 10 8:30. tin. 2ill':45. 8, ?0:,8-': On the third Monday In every monU the last car leaves at 7:06 p. ni Cara for Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Burnslde street and Portland boulevard to let off pas aengers, but make stops to pick un as sengers at ail transfer points. r wry leaves Vancouver to" connect - Jo On third Mondav of evr mnnth last furry leaves Vancouver at 1:34 P. m. -,-, v,-, ,,,,, Leaving time blackface, doubly trains. .;v.-, vt.i-,-v't.),- . ...Try Cars from Vancouver-make no ktops on Union avenue - between Portland boulevard : and Burnalde street exoept to let off passengers. ; .. , r Dally except Bundays - , - Dally except Mondays. Runs aa local on Union avanne. TRANSPORTATION, Open River Transportation Co. SIR. J. N. TEAL fnigbt iMid aally at Oak Bt Sook for Clilo, Th lall,s Roi Hlver, White Salmon, tindorwood. liniimua, Kennwlclt,' t'as eo. RkiiUtid). HandCurd, Whir Bluff , anil all lntrBieliai IHilnti. -. Flrat elaaa inusf.nvv errlce. Steamer leares Portland, Sim, Tu : Taura. 7 . m. Retorulng lcae The Dnllea Mod.. Wed., Fri 7 a. , arriTln it Portland attout 5 p. m. same day. A. 8. Wlitinf, ag-.at.-' W. 8. Bmallwood, Oaa'l Maaactt I'buoee Wlu 2Sfl0, 'A-8527. : Baa Francisco ft fortiasd Steamship Co, New service to Los Angeles via Saa Francisco every five days. From Atnswortn dock, Portlnnd 4 n. tn.: 6S. Beaver Maxes 13, Bear 18. K. City 83. From San Francisco, northbound. 12 m.t, S3. Bear March 13, XL City 17, Beaver U2. From San Pedro, northbound: BS. B. City March IS, Beaver 20, Bear S3. B. Q. smitn, a. t. a. ua Ts;rd Bt. jr. W. Ransom, Agent, Alnsworth Sock, Phones l Mala 403, S86f A-1409. COOS BAY LINE Str. Breakwater aaila from Alaska d,, k. Portland, 8 p. m. every Xiiemiiy night, , Freight, ' received ' at A!, - dock Until 6 v p. m flally. 1 'M senger fare 1st class, 110; 2d :lex. 7, Includlnc meals and berths. Tit kt. on sale at Alnsworth dock, f'lionea i. iiu 168. A-1234. - ' ' .wa lor runiaaa A. M. fi-00 6:35. 7:10. 7:46. 8:20, 8:88, 830, 10:10. 10:60, 11:30. P.'. M. 12:10, 12:50. l 30 2:10. . 8:60, 3:30, 4:10. 4:50. 6:39. 6 10 ' pv, i.in, o.vu, o.oo. i;o. 1U:Z(L :6611:80, 12:0S. .1' fiAS rRAroscaxcs a:.;;, : and SIN Dirt; a r rCITK PACITTtO a f-. ( - B. 0. tJiOil ana B. K. 3 Kerv S ednefiflay. iw !,, v, j m. Ticket oW hi i '!, i Jrh(Wi ,Ui 131, A-!fit J'AFli: J i ; w 17. Ju. UL- s