THE OREGON ? SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1911. 11 l"Sii s Argentina and Australia Are Lower for Spot Stuff Cht cago Closes' With Rise. Chicago, karch 4. Wheat was weak at the opening, but turned up with a ruth and tbere Was little on sale. Tha -close was at an advance at 1HO for May and l4o for July. . Corn and oata shared this strength and closed higher. The Wheat market showed no encour agements rrora the oabiea received oe f ore the opening, Foreign markets were generally- lower. Cheaper offerings from Argentina and Australia and con tinued; liberal shipments from Russia, with, a decline in the Argentina specu lative market at Buenos Ayres. gave the foreign Importers reasons to expect low- er prices. Weakness thus reported from . the other side caused a decline of at the opening here. The market conditions here; however, completely reverted im mediately after the openings and buying - became general and. heavy : throughout the rest of the day. . The receipts at ' the western primary markets 12,00U ' buehels short of last year, and the heavy decrease in Minneapolis stocks and comparatively large shipments from - thara -anil Athar wnatarn Bruin cntr Insure a . considerable decrease , In the visible supply, - Corn, too, opened weak, but this viHufl was -ovvruuaia wiicif huw o- vived and In the, end a- substantial gain was : made. Weather, , though fine for marketing, - 4a- being disregarded by the ; farmers, who appear to nave sold all ,: they intend to dispose of at the current ? rices. The enormous export today of 16,000 buehels from the Atlantic sea board was one of the .helps to the mar ket i . ... V..;,..?..;j yA .-': '.".-; , - Receipts In oata in Chlcago-for the oay were oniy xvt cirn, cumpunu iw ma the same day last year, and for the . week 1,161,000 bushela - were received, compared to 1,327,000 last year. These favorable comparisons did not restrain sellers, who were encouraged by weak openings In other centers and the excel lent weather conditions. However, when the other grains showed an advance, oats followed' and closed with an ad vance, ;,:,.;-.- t. There was a bullish tone in the mar ket for hog products. The demand was large for lard for foreign shipments and the offerings light. There was lit tle done in pork, but in ribs, as In lard, the business was of a good volume. WHEAT PRICE IS A : BOTTOMLESS PIT (Continued FromSPrecedlng Page.) ' far from showing the slightest degree of hope for the milling fraternity. An other drop of 20o a barrel was forced in patent and 10c In straight this week but it -remains a question If this will Clar is.. U - .l,,,i.n .in . MtU, have been hoping that an improvement would seti in thewheat trade, thereby giving them cause for a bigger flour demand but all this time the price of wheat has been slipping away until at this time it is at the low Doint Of . tha present season.' ing further losses there Is no Inclina tion among flour buyers to take hold except for their immediate requirements. Tliis sort of buying Is not conducive to a healthy Hour trade out mat is . a nnnr a i - rnar mi i aro ss n nw - nn aav pert until the situation in wheat la imnrnvan ... Await Argentina Developments. In a sense the wheat trade of the world is awaiting more definite news from Argentina and Australia. While It is known already to a, certainty that neither one of these countries had the enormous crop of wheat that bearish operators had forecast early In the sea- nun. nun ii. is aiiuwn mai ma won. oi Australia and Argentina cannot be se cured at present low valuee; the world's trade Is not Inclined to offer more, In a measure the fanners of Argen tina ana. Australia nave mo maaing ana unmaking of wheat prices In their grasp. Whether they can hold or will hold re mains to be seen but Until it is known definitely what " those countries intend to do there is not likely to be much bull ish enthusiasm expressed by Continental (tatting Oats in Kotloa. A flash of light waa ' noted In the -oats trade during the week but the lm . proyerrtent was not very extended. Rail- road and logging camp - operations are - again being pushed forward or planned and for that reason many horses will be used. This means additional consump tion oi oats, wneiner tnis win te suf ficient to take care of the offerings re ' mains to be seen. 5 What looked like a - verr aood indication waa tha bid of a leading export house for a large amount . of oats at $27 which could not be fll'ed at that figure. , Hay continues to snow, notning out weakness except for fancy timothy. Al falfa continues weakest with enormous' -stocks still offering from the interior. 4 business. Prices showed absolutely no movement quring me past weea. i BEAR DOWN FANCY r. CATTLE IN YARDS (Continued From Preceding Page.) big run of sheep and lambs in the yards and while the showing during the past six days is the smallest for . four weeks, still everyone Is overloaded with, sup plies and sales can' therefore be made only by a reduction in values. Natural ly this applies principally to the ordi nary' quality as real good sheep and lambs are not very plentiful. Past week's run of livestock compares with the same period In recent years as follows: , nogs, cattle, isneep 1811 ;. 1810 ........ 190: ........ 1 908. d j. nt" ' 1VVI , a 1S0 10S . r 42 892 835 461 "678 420 IDS 20 1097 605 1089" 464 S 64 B4 ' 80 74 " Tl 278 1801 A year aao for the oast week there was a firm tone in all llnea of. livestock with hogs touching a new high mark at 111 & 11.10. v .,v 4 Week's, Official Trades. ?:?"J Following are the trades of the week. They Indicate demand, supplies and quaL ity of fering: s - 3 . y a-s - " STEERS. ', . " : ' ' i ,:' ' . Avr. lbs. Price. 26 steers ,.,...,......1190 f.80 " there In an effort to boost the price on , the smaller killers while they get mora . lor weir own gooas. i ,, pi .. , ?t Sheen Quoted With' Xfivtir ' T'l There was a continuance of the former MEN CURED Pay AVh en Cured We have every known remedy ap pliance lor TMiltttl TOU.. Our ex. perience Is so grt and varied that no one of the ailments of mea is new to a OOKB IN AMD TAtX ST OVMa . .Otn.ral - iebiuty. Weak Verves. In. omnia Results of exposure, overwork and other - violations of Harare's laws. Diseaee of Bladder and Kidneys, Yart ose .Jus, aaickly aad permaneau eured at email expease and no detention from burtlnesa SPSOXaX t AXUirTS--Newly eon-' iracicu auu cnrunia cases aureo. - All burnlnf,' . Itching f. and Inflammation topped In 14 hours. Curea effected In even days. ConsulUtlon f rea If an b?J. C8JJ' wrltl for 1,st ' qaestlona; vvw twu4ar r i, W 9 JT JU Pacific Coast .Medical Co: - 084V, WA8XXVQTOV BTKEXT, i; IRMFCTFrP?. PIT I ? , 1 iia E Wa A UAMSi ajm mm mm aw I'll) la KWI ud 14 yurs known u Beit, S,lrt, Alw Rn,bi' Rlbbofl. r 25 steers ............. .1105 : 101 eteers "fa .- , t;,ttW6 ti 69 steers 188 2 5 steers i ; . , . . if , 1 1 5 8 , ; , .'r 't6. steers U -. . i : . . . 4 1 8 13 26 steers ........ lUi , ; 8 steers 1 4 4 5 T '28 steers 1887 $: 27 steers ..,1188 ' 26 steers l. .1134 -' 88 steers....... ,,.112; 26 Steers 24 steers 13 steers IS steers 1 steer 27 steers 4 steers 25 steers 26 steers 25 steers 14 steers t steers, 26 steers 25 steers 4 steers 25 steers 26 steers ( steers 16 steers 26 steers 25 steers 27 steers 27 steers 14 steers 16 steers 24 eteers - 26 steers 24 steers . 2 steers . 26 steers 2 steers 10 steers - 1 steer 1 steer 28 steers ,.131W . , -,.1800 .' 1824 . ,..1600 ; ..1WS3 , . 1027 "C .,..,...,1217,, ...1227 1840 J ..,,,1166 . ...1112 : 1184 p t M ill 4 .1084 i t $'.- ii ,1002N'v...;.'i 1084 " Z..-L . AOA , a,, 1116 v 1114 t t f : .;,... ..ii44 .M120 ,.1068 H 1046 835 ,,,1040 '. i ........ . 4lVi .....,.....'.,.1112 1030 948 . . . . ,,1088 873 ,,.......,..,,.1010 a - oowa 26 cows 6 cows 6 cows 25 cowa 28 cows 2 cowa 6 cows 8 cowa 7 cows 19 cowa 15 cows 27 cowa 3 cows 47 cows 3 cowa cows cowa cows cows cows 1 cow 2 cowa 7 cows 10 cows 26 cows 1161 1ZUU ,.1080 ; .1025; cows. 1 coW".w ."'... .-. .'l.1825 ..............iizt .............. 1010 ..1046 ,......,.... ..1135 ' ,.,...,..1010 ' i 4 m. .1480" V........ .841 998 aef)pe ae1086 1060 1065 ................1096 ........1082 ...4.... 763 . . ............ 1000 923 y-a J - a. ;, 922 : ,.,...... 960 3, '.v, ., , Jtfi , . 980 ...... ..1099 eta,. 926 . ............879 BULLS AND STAGS. 1 stag-, .............. .153a 1 stag 1220 1 bull i .1600 6 bulla .. 1335 . 1 buU .....1260 1 bull .....1800 1 bull ,1180 . ; 1 bull .., ,.1863 I bull 1990 - 1 bull ................1410 20 bulls 1333 1 bull ..141 4 bulla .1262 1 bull .....1060 8HEEP AND LAMBS. 76 78 77 -111 111 112 108 t ill ? 98 i 95 115 103 104 101 103 -102 87 91 105 ' 108 40 98 116 110 110 11S lit 111 115 115 87 IiU liuiu. , , 100 ) lambs , 26 lambs 100 wethers 100 wethers 100 wethers 100 wethers 100 wethers 360 mixed wethers 214 mixed wethers 29 mixed wethera ewes ,. ewes ewes ewea .. ewes . . wethers wethera wethers wethers 113 lambs . 187 yearlings .... Hi , . . . . . . ., . . t , 100 100 100 100 87 100 209 260 241 100 142 43 19 V 210 201 175 191 wethera wethers wethers wethera wethera wethers ewes ewes ewes r .... . . . . ....... 6.80 r .80 5? 6.80 6.80 1 .76 t .85 " 6.65 -i 6.80 6.60 ' 6.65 6.66 6.66 k .5 6.66 6.66 6.56 " 6.60 J 6.60 6.60 -6.60 S.60 .40 , 6.85 H 6.80 .25 6.25 . ; 25 Z 6.25 , 6.25 6.25 - 6.26 i 6.25 r' 6.20 t 6.16 6.15 'AM if 6.00 .oo 6.95 6.75 6.75 6.75 .6.60 (.60 6.60 6.26 16.00 5.75 6,75 6.75 6.60 6.40 6.86 - 6.85 6.25 6.25 (.25 6.26 6.15 6.10 6.00 6.00 4.75 4.75 4.60 4.60 , 4.60 1 4.60 4.60 4.00 . 4.00 3.75 8.00 $5.60 6.60 6.25 4.75 4.76 4.6J 4.26 4.25 6.25 - 4.60 4.80 4.25 4.00 4.00 35.75 T6.75 6.75 4.76 4.75 4.76 . 4.76 4.75 - 4.65 4.40 4.0r 3.86 3.86 3.86 8.86 3.85 3.76 3.60 4.86 4,85 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.40 . 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.85 3.75 3.75 1.60 II DS Volume of Business Delays Report on Bargain Day Awards . for 1911 Bargain Day; Winners: ' " 1 - Are Named. " ' " The fclrculatlQn department herewith present oompleted figures on subscrip tions tecetved ior 1411. Bargain Day. This Is of course a list of the leading awards 6nly, and;wa ara JndeJHed to a great many friend who sent in smaller amounts. ; We wish , to' thank ' those friends who smaller lUts; who did not succeed In procuring one of tha leading awards, but every one sending In 110 or mora will be rewarded in some way. The different awards for the list below will, bo ahlpped within tha next few days, .charges prepaidr;,-H pVV - zdst of B vgam Day Awarda. l-John T. Wood, Amity. Or.,.. $628.47 2 Hugh Klrkpatrick, Lebanon, - Or,. ,.;... ... .. 461.95 8 Imogene Gill, Bclo Or. ...... . 416.08 .4 Ole Nelson, Hood River, Orr862.75 '6-0, Neece, Ontario, Or., . 341.10 6A. Sutherland. Fliedd, Or.... . 320.73 J William Calvert, Junction,.. . City, Or.. 283.67 1 W. D. Henry, Salem. Or...... 229.78 9 J. R. Bowman, Balls ton, Or.. ,220.07 10 August Deslnier, Beaverton, ; Of ' r e-e a e e . 09.0 11 May- Prlcej-Bickreall, OroTtcr 205.6 1 12 Fred Davis, Madras, Or. ...v "301.20 13 O. W. Bobbins, Molalla, Or. . 195.30 14 O. C. Scheurer, North Powder, , , Or' ' e e ' a e 182.B8 15 C, H. Davis, Vancouver, Waah. 179.96 16 O. J. Molsan, Gervals, Or. 176.13 17 F. H. Herbr Banks, Or. . . ,.,.178.30 18 William Stubbe, Estacada, Or. 167.03 19 JT. Lamar, Tillamook. Or..... 162.41 20 W. E. Tate, Waaco, Of r,mt-160.94 21 J. H. DawsonAurora, Or..... 163.15 23--Jane Spence. Gaston, Or..... 149.40 23 R. O. Hendsreon, Chemawa, Or. ...................... 145.30 24 Diana Snyder, Aurora, Or. .. . 144.64 25 A. R. Lewis. Alrlie, Or. . .... 137.93 26 Mrs. Ella Herron, Junotlon ' City, Or. 187.89 27 VO. Rice, Oakland, Or...... 186.83 88 Miss Bernlce ine, Corvallls. ;- - , Or. 124.95 28 M. C. Brown, Tangent. Or.. .123.85 80 Fred Etllng, Latourell FaUs, Or. . i .. . . . . . . .... . . .... . 122.07 81 Claude Darby, Aumaville, Or.. 116.98 82 Edward Jonea, Jefferson. Of. 115.12 83 A. W. Holmep. Mt. Angel, Or. 110.89 84 U M. BuUer, Monmouth. Or.. 108.77 j5 West DrugCo., Woodburn, Or. 106.35 86 B. F. Darby, 9clo, Or........ 104.90 87 Elmer Ooff. Albany, Or. .. .. 98.62 28 Sam Ahodes. Rldgefleld, WashT ......r...... 89 F. W. Wells, Boaverton, Or... 40 William C. Vn Sice, Weiaer, 1 Idaho ... 41 O. Tp. Shoemaker, Newport, 42 -J. I Van Kirk, Forest Grove, 43 R. W. Craig, Macleay, Or . . . . 44 Arlle o. Walker, woodburn, ' - Or. 46 Halnea Drug Co., Haines, Or. 46 W, Simpson, Aumaville, Or.. 47 R. S. Willoughby, Harris- burg, Or 98 54 7,90 7.26 96 65 0.83 89.58 87.44 86.16 84.90 84.68 CALVES, . . 1 calf ................ 199 18.00 1 calf .............. 220 8.00 , 1 calf ; 180, 8.00 1 calf ................ 26J 7.00 7 calves ,. 832 6.60 HOGS. 61 China fata ....149 $9.00 68 China fata 113 9.00 65. hogs 281 8.75 65 hog 186 8.75 Following is the general range of values In effect In the North Portland yards: CATTLE Grain fed steers, $6.60; best bay fed steers, 36.50; fancy, 36.00; cows, best, $5.6006.80; ordinary, 35.25; poor, 94.00 4.25; stags and bulls. ij.uuwo.uv. HOGS Best llrht. 88.75: ordlnarv 38.40(98.60; heavy, $8.00$.26; China rat, .u. . SHEEP Bst yearling wethers, $4.65 4.75 Old wethers, $4,40; grain fed laraDs, fD.ouiB'o.vb; ewes, iz.hoq)8.2&, CALVES Best, $8.00; ordinary, $7.00: a! AA A i f A - puur, ta.vvitjii.uu. . , CHICAGO HOGS HIGHER ... .......... . Market Advanced Nickel . With j l Ran liesi Than a Year Ago. - cnicago, Marcn . urnciai run: noira. 9000. cattle zoo. sheen 1000. - Hogs opened strong to 6o up, close 6c higher; left over 2700; recelpta a year ago j.t,uuu. mixed o.Binw; gooa ana heavy, $6.90fi)7.16; rough, $6.70 6.85; Cattle Steady. Sheep Steady. , 48 R." Y. Blalock, Beaverton, Or, - 49 Mra. M. B.. Wyatt, Phllo- math, Or 50 J H. Conradrwaldport, Or.,, - 51 w.a Busbee, Yamhill, Or,,, v 52 L. M. Scholl, Hubbard, Or.. . ' 63 J. A. Davenport, Coqullle,Or. , 64 U Z. Stevens, Duf ur. Or.. . , ; . 66 W. Pj Flanary, Goldendale, - 6 L. Strong, Myrtle Point Or.,.' ' f2 F. Smith. Kerby. Or. rvT. , 5""?letcl,er Pants, Eugene, Or,. , 69 S. A. Pursel, Union, Or , fOrFrankN. Bettla, Cobwrg, OP. " 61 D, L Hudson, Carlton, Or. , . : : 62 J. A. Rankin, JJ1U City. Or... 63 H. Ai Webster. Dallas, Or.. 64 Mrs. A. Farlow, Albany, Or... ; 65 Joseph E. Hall, Brush Prairie. , 66 1. B. Ward, Cloverdale. Or...f 67 W. J, Ribelln. Halaey. Or.. 68-3," Gaff neyr Fossil, Or., . . , . , 69 J.-o. Samler. Yoncalla, 70 R. F. Fullerton. Warren, Or.. 71 B. F. Griffith, Boring, Or..., 72 Guy F. Crow, White Salmon, . il Wah, ........ . ... .'... 73 L J. Boedlgheimer. Stayton, : 74 W. W. ElderRoseburg, Or.., 76 A. G.; Mather, Clackamas, Or, 76 J. H. McMullon, Burns, Or,,, v 77 H.T. Corum. Waplnltia. Or... 78 C, E, Ban ton, Monroe, Or...... 79 8. A. Davis, Independence, Or, : 80 J. E, Morback, Sherwood, Or. ,' 81 James P. RuseelL ; Laiiglols, t ' r h , Ul ;.,! e' ti'iti ' 84.33 80.96 80.21 74.64 74.46 74.45 70.49 70.28 68.41 67.06 66.40 66.16 65.75 65.85 63.68 63.31 63.05 63.96 60.08 69.41 68.87 68.21 67.75 67,65 (7.42 6160 66.25 66.20 66.08 66.73 64.66 64.45 64.15 54.10 82 W. J. Turnldg-e, Crabtree, Or. 83 Herschel j McKinnls, AUcel, .Or.--.....,....... 84 I. J. Johnson, McMlnnvllle, Or. 85 Fred. H. Andrus, Elkton, Or. . . 86 ArUTar Benson, Newberg. Or. 7 John M. Eiscnblatter, gcap- poose. Or 88 H. J. Louctot, Tacolt, Wash. ." 89 J. M. Larsen, Suver, Or., .i'.. " 90 Nellla Elliott. John Day, Or.." 63.65 52.85 62.34 62.12 61.22 61.21 60.77 60.68 60.60 COUNT GIZYCKI GETS j . DIVORCE IS REPQRTED 'United Press Leatee Wire.) ' Chicago, March 4-A cable from Vi enna to the Dally News . saya Count Josef Glsyokl has secretly secured a legal separation in Hungary from his wife, who waa Mlsa Eleanor Patterson of Chicago. - '. : Counteas Glsyckl declares - she has not heard of her. husband's procedure.'' The decree, it is learned, was issued In " September of last year," the . count alleging that his wife had wilfully ab sented :herselfr7 taking with her their only child. Felicia. Under the decree the countess was assessed the costs of the proceedings. ' , , ; - MUNICIPAL PLANT AT - EUGENE IN OPERATION (8peclal DUpateh to The Jonrnit) - Eugene, 4 Or, March 4. Tha current from Eugene' $300,000 municipal eleo trlo plant at Waltervllle, on tha Mo Kentie river, was first. sent over tha transmission line to Eugene yeaterday afternoon, and the citywater-pumps ara- new : being operated by : electricity from that source instead of from tha Oregon Power company's plant In thia oity. Later the city will ; light tha street from the plant, and will prob ably do a commercial bnalnes. ' ' FORM : LEAGUE TO mm Northwest Governors to Get Together to Head Off Im migration to Canada, ; . Great Falls, Mont, March-4. Go v ernora of Oregon, Minnesota, the two Dakota, Idaho and Washington, or their representatives, will be Invited by Gov ernor Edwin L.- Norrla to come to Hel ena, probably about the middle of April, and organise the Northwestern Develop ment league, which has as Jts object the deflecting to the northwest. Immi gration into Canadian provinces. The foundations of the proposed league were laid last night In thla city by 80 secre taries of Montana commercial clube, all sections of the state being represented. Governor Norrla will issue a call for the meeting within the next 10 days. Raise $45,000 for Y, IL C A. Walla Walla, Wash., March 4. What is probably . the greatest organised movement-aver atarted tnthia city; is the "finish the job" campaign to raise the $45,000 debt on the Y. M. O. A building. This movement will bo be gun at an open meeting in the Keylor Grand, and will be run until the money has been raised.. . - OMAHA HOGS NICKEL UP Omaha Swine Market Is Strong; No ' Cattle or. Sheep in the Yard. South Omaha. Neb.. March 4. Cattle. none. Hogs, 6500, market strong to 6e nipnrr; saies o.ou ( Sheep none. - IT TITT TTTTV JUL Va VU ilUJ The Leading Specialist I make no mlfleadi&f proposition, 'promise no impossibilities, but perform all I promise. Fair dealing-, moderate fees, faithful service 'and speedy cures have won for me the confi dence aa patronage of the afflicted every where. ',";'"::-- - 1 I Have Cured Thousands I hare no specific or cure-all preparations, but treat each case separately and scientifically according to its particular requirements, close ly 'watching it and' carefully following its symptoms with varied remedies through every stage, and stake my reputation on, the result TsSSuaf llolallt. YOU PAY WHEN CURED ill Allnenti r Be sure your euro . Is thorough. Not one of my patients has over had a re lapse after being dfeohargad as cured, and I cure In leas time than the ordinary forma or treat- ment requlra Clocd Allsecfs No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harm loss ram edles that remove the last taint , -,' .jj.FreeJ-';? Museum Now Open Before beginning treat ment' for any chronic ail ment all men should visit Dr.. Taylor's $10,000 Mu seum of Anatomy. Larg est and finest in the Northwest , . ' ' Varlcesc Velci Absolutely painless treatment that cures completely. Investigate' my method. It is the only ' thoroughly scientific treatment for . this : ailment being- employed. v Piles, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, etc.,arelso among the ail ments I cure to stay cured. ' f io!2n StrclQhl, Square Troll. 1 It wlU oost you nothing to call and talk over your easa.' You can fln out all about our trouble and you eaa arrange later to begin treatment' any time you like. - Ur offices, composing ten rooms, are the largest, 'moat elegant and beat equipped In the west . Mir jrot a, ac. to a . sr. rnrsAT. 1001 ont, The? DR. TAYLOR Co. 1;- 2345 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON m CWM TO M Ml Jjo DO NOT CURE YOU IT. WILL NOT COST YOU ONE CENT Beoognlsed as Most Sraooassfnl SneelaUsi in Male Maladies. I TREAT MEN AND MEN ONLY . What would you not sacrifice to feel as you did a few years ago; to have the same snap and energy, the same gladsome, joyous, light hearted spirit and the physical strength you used to have? You know you are not the same man, and you know you would -like to be; You might as well be. It's easy. I am making men out of' wrecks every day by scientific methods, end I can make you as good a man as yox ever were in a short space of time. .. ; ...t MY SCIENTIFIC METHODS make vigorous, muscular men of the puniest, weakest specimens of, "halt men"; expand and develop every muscle and part of the body; warm the heart, increase the courage and give a man power of mind and body such as any man should be proud of. Make the eye bright and the step elastic; make an athlete of a sluggard. , Cure the dis ease by restoring strength. Methods based on science and experi ence alone can do this. I accomplish quick and lasting cures for all Blood Disease, Nervous Decline, Piles, Kidney, Bladder, Special and Cntonic Diseases of Men, Rheumatism, Pains in the Back and Hips, Lumbago, Constipation, Indigestion, Weak Kidneys, Loss of Memory, and all evidences of breaking down. My scientific methods will cure when all else has failed. My arguments are jptd, my system is good, but I know yem haven't time to study these. You want proof, and I am able to give you that, and lots of it. When your own neighbor tells you I cured him you will know I did. ' M I. Z YOU CAN PAY AS ABLE, WHEN DENE- Jj FITED, OR WHEN CURED. MY PRICES II WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERY MANjj Call at my office and Investigate what remarkable success I bay made In my specialty. , THXXX C, CuJtB TEX BSLOw, WITH THXZS OOltTZJCATXOarS, A3TD STOT OHXT CVMM Qtrxcrar btt at obit obb-baxt tkb bxtbstsb to tov that othxb fsozaxzstb czabqb. Varicose or Enlarged Veins .SZ2?:. latlon, Palpitation of the Heart Sour Stomach. Bad Memory, Short o? Breath, Trembling of the Limbs, Easily Excited, Tired Feeling In the morning. Low Vitality, Sluggish Circulation, ONE TREATMENT WILL SATISFY YOU MY METHODS ARB RIGHT. Will you continue suffering from these aliments or will you plaoe your case in my hinds and be perma nently cured In the right way and shortest time, pos blOOQ iMSeaSe EPITHELIAL GROWTHS and alt Skin Diseases are permanently and forever oured by my Specific Blood-Cell Remedies. They act directly on the Blood Cells, eliminate the -disease and restore the Internal parts to their normal conditions. I am rartlcularly anxious to hear Trom men who have been reated by other physicians without receiving any beneficial results or a permanent euro. MAmAiie Man who have brain panto will see how NerVOUS Men quickly the right methods at the right place and time will do . the work. Tieatorea atrenglh. nourishing the important parts. No man should give up hope or become discouraged or dis heartened until, he has consulted me. Dimtiira " HERNIA, PILES "AND FTSTtrJU-One nUpiUIC treatment t-ures permanently. No pain no Buffering. Thousands of these cases are operated on each year .without relief or a cure. You take no. chances when you place yourself in my hands. Klrfnpv Rlflrfrior AND rheumatic troubles MUllcyY DldUUCr permanently cured to IS daya if no other complications. These dlseasea are systemto and readily yield to . my Blood-Maklng and Blood Purifying. Remedies. . -, .., ,..,,,; Aflltp DldPOCOCi AND SWOLLEN i GLANDS ra Hulllc UldCddCd celve dally attention are permanently cured in a few days. These diseases, if allowed to run unchecked, will lead to serious compli cations. A word to the wise Is sufficient DpAetntitie Almost every third man, after ;tho age of eOyearsrla afflicted with Prostatitis and Its' dependent riUdUUlUo Bladder and Kidney complications, throigh various causes, thua obstructing the free passage of urine and causing retention. This residual urino b boo mea foul and ammoniacal, and serious and fatal kidney disease BCUfl cuoucn. ju, jruu wis Vi 1UI MUUJ ULj.Brvraf Tou havV perhaps worked hard In early life and saved a competency to retire and onloy your remaining years, only to find yourealth undermined, your nighU feat broken through frequent and painful urination and your strength lost or greatly Impaired. Don't despair. ! have saved, healed and cured thousands of men re- ncas and inflammation, cleanses and heals- tha Prostata. Uladdar and irirlnsva nmmHnt ,n nnnuiu. that the urine soon passes freely and naturally without burning or sediment. Avoid cutting and dilating- or erationa. This ia a delicate and dangerous malady. Don't experiment with family doctors and inexperienced pretenders. Remember, good health ia your most valuable asset, your working capital. Consult me today. 'Consultation and advice always free, whether at office or by mail. Medlclnea from tl.60 to 16.60 per course, within any mans reach. If you cannot call, write for self -examination, blank. i-,4-v HOVt . L TO 8 It BXTBBAT, TO 19 ST inillS MFnifAI. fft PORTLAND, OREGON vas uvvav muiAViia. w comzm beoobtx) ajtd yakhzzo. itxbsts 8JJJ Don't Go Around as If You Had a lO.-Lb. Ball Tied to Your foot You May Pay Wiien Cured ami0n0anaffi The object of this grand offer ia to prove to the sick and ailing citlaens of Portland and vicinity that we have the grandest . simplest and most suc cessful methoda of regtorln" baaJth and curing dla-, eases that is known to thf "cientlflo world. -- We want, the true meri of our aucceasful treat , ment known to everybody l kJJSwrf " ! better way of Introducing t-Kh7?PJ& n,in.n.. fDvn no ifl ABBE to all who call within 10 daya. Should your c" b tocurablo woT will franklv tefl v.i ad advise you against V .spending your money for 1u,1??r,tlm1eJ-- .ill --Manv of vou who have been taking medlclnea ana aollld0 treatment. fo7 months wl5 bo absolutely UI ?ol!lmW,P i the stomal, -Alt ?-OU farvou?' trap ve that tired feeling - w mYH)nii you nave spots noaung . beforethe eyea,. palpitations of the heart, short ness of breath, headaches, neuralgia, Bhootlng pains In the chest, ;back, hips or ankles? Have you varl- ' cose vema, ODBiruction, b lood poisoning, nervouel ucuuiiy, piico, or any oiseases- or tne ' reciumi Are you in pain rrorn rheu matism, lame back, sciatica, lum bago, locomotor ataxia or weak kid i neysT if so, there la quick relief and a permanent cure In store for you if - can upon tne 'British iCiectro-Medlcal Co., who will give you an honest opinion.- honestly . expressed, hon est dealing -and honest treatment, wlilpb-iirs- to stay-furd 4t -enrabla WB CUB Plle, natuia, nssurca. Prolapsus. Chronio Constipation and -A m iff! .J all Stomach and Intestinal Dlseasea, lowered Vitality, Blood Poison, Nerve, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, tost Bnerv, Varicose Veins and Associate Dlseasea of the Pelvis Be- . giOn,- -yr .-v.;-,. v. :-i The reasons why "wei are so suc cessful in the permanent aura of the above diseases are simple and easy of comprehension, yet extremely im portant. First Let It he said that to cure ktheae lingering, diseases requires many years' experience, i By treating hundreds of such diseases ' every Toar-we become Intimately aetjuelnt ed with their every phase and condi tion, which enables us to know at once just what form of treatment la required to effect speedy relief and a permanent ourei" A SPECIALIST'S ability to cure deep-seated diseases is in proportion to his yeara of experience, . FOR YEARS we have made a spe cialty of ouring complicated nervous, blood, kidney and bladder diseases and weaknesses of men and woman. - Diseases Peculiar to Women. . Very few women enjoy good health and many of them will buy some much advertised cure-all and treat themselves for- months, or go to some fake and in this way become chronic invalid. What else can you expect when such a delicate organism ia subjected to such hit or miss treatment? We treat successfully leueorrhoea. Inflammation, . uncera tlon, painful and irregular mensea and all female diseases. ' All who are afflicted Should call Upon us at once and receive our dlag- nosis of your casei absolutely free. We will examine you absolutely free. We will examine you absolutely free, and if you are Incurable we will ' frankly tell you so and advise you sgainst spending your money for use-1 less treatment Call at Ouoa. Consultation and X Bay examination Free. If you cannot call, write your symptoms. .,....,..,- Hours,, tol2;80, I to 6, 7 to 8;. Sundaya, 10 tQ12:0. - ' BBXTXSa ZircmW-MXDZCAI, COh, 407-408-408 Rothchild bldg., Port- : land. Or. Entrance 287 Washington bL' ' Take elevator to fourth floor, SLGEl rrsTEnc or MAN BUILDING TBSATHEXT THB 8PECXAXJ8T WBO CUBXS. It matters mot what you aOmsat is, nor who has treated tt. If It U curable wa will rive yoa Immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do aot allow money matters to keep you from getting well, we charge nothing to prove our meth od a win ear vou. Our rmarentee BTO BfOHBT BSQTIXES UWTH. BATZSPZXS 4a you absolute pro tection. Ooueultatloav examinatioa and diagnoala tree. We clalnv fot on lyoaumamt aothlng "wonderfol" or seexofv-W Is simply our suooesaful way of do ing IJUagS, . . j .ii1:',:;: VARICOSE VEINS - Weak. Swoiisa. Barring. Knettad, Wormy-like Yelna, Oloited, Stagnant Pools of Impure Blood, Weak, JTsrv ous, tfi-w Vitality, Mental Bopaaa. alon, .--f Wo dally demonstrate that "VARI COSE Veins and. hydrocele can be cured without severe surgical op eration. Beneficial - effects are Im mediate. Pain quickly ceases, en larged vema rapidly reduce, neajiny circulation apeedily returns, and strength, soundness and robust health ara soon restored. . -1 -1. - BLADDER AND KIDNEY Bnlanrad Prostata Gland. Inflam mation of Bladder and Kidneys. Pre- auent Desire, Painfnl, Smartlar, Burning Sensation, Cloudy, Vigbly Colored, Brlok Duet Sediment, Weak, Aching Back, Dry, Pale, Waxy Skin. These symptoms of PROSTATIC. BLADDER and KIDNEY troublea we rapidly overcome. There la no guess work about It. Wa remove every ob. struction, stop every waste, allay all irriiauon ana inuauimauun, reviuu Ize the weakened orarana and soon accomplish safe, thorough and permanent cure. , , SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON Baah. ' CoTivev-eolored fpots. Imp. Hons, Vloers, Sore Mouth or' Throat, Mncoue Patches, Swollen O lands, Palling Hair. uur Nc;ui;i-.iEy aivaiij ireai mat for SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON leaves no Injurious after effect, It floea not "lock In'' the poison, hut drives It out of the system, so there can be no comeback. Being a Blood Purifying, Blood Making, Blood Cell Remedy, it gives the pa tient a pure, fresh Blood Stream, and restores t)im to normal neaun. NERY0-VITAL DEBILITY The eause of Bervo-Vital Behilltv. as well as Its evil effect upon the phyiioal. mental and other powers, is familiar to all alflleted men. The symptoms neea not do enumerated. We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treat ment la the Ideal remedy for NERVO VITAL DEBILITY. It does not etlm ulata temporarily, but restores per manently. All disagreeable symp toms soon disappear, nerve energy la regained, self-respect, aalf-confldence and self-control return, and tha pa tient Is prepared for a new period of PILES AND RECTAL- - Bupturo or Kerala, Yilea, Mind, bleeding, itohing oi proinulingi Plstula Vloers, oto. ; . . Our proven methods make hos pital operations unnecessary, in mut 'cases no vain or datantlon from business. We guarantee quick reuet ana posiuve, permasani ouraa, kAffuaro'-iiDi''--- II ailing, yon certainly f not intend to always remAia so. Tea surely expeot to bo restored some time. Why not nowt Why delay and grow woroet ; "' .: ' What you wantls a oura Come to us ana gei n. unco unaer our treatment, you will quickly realise how simple a mini it is 10 ret wen in tha hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only yeara to life, but Ufa to years. Oirico hours, aaiiy s to t. Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to L DR. GREEN CO. tea Washington ShX, Portland. Or. I CURB Blood DUeasei, Nervous Decline, Varicocele, Hydrocele, -Obstructions. Piles, Rupture; Kidney, L- -Bladder, Prostatic and All , Diseases v-rv Peculiar to Men. . The Results of My Treat ment Are Felt Instantly No tim Is wasted. You are not per mitted to drajr along for days an1 weeks on promises until hope at l"t dies. By my treatment you fl tnt returning flush of health and power at lh vrv itirL Tha bounding em-re "of youth revived, the vigor of manhooJ restored r. routn ana JHKnnnoi; would you not rive to have thm bna again? 'And you can have thnn b-" a little effort will briiift- thm-l'it e effort of calling- at my of rite ami, v i out spending one cent, have a confi! : Ualhat..wUhtnann,.v ..., . . DR.UND57 rt t. Tha Old tellable t;c'vV-. Corner 'Aldof sn'd PMt trance Mi hi h;ou nu dr. Office hoi"e A. ; .Sunday, ltf A. It. l 1 1".