The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1911, Page 54, Image 54

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id; Sunday morning, march 5, 1911. . '' ',' s ;v :t -, ': .r-v .v ri- ,::--'v ' ;r:r.'-i:y y ' ' y', : ?
, , , . i, -' ' . tv, . - . ' ' v - - rtr i n ... 1 ,, ;. v ,. ;s - -
Our buyer, Phil Gtevurta, who
hfca Jnst returned from . tho
aat, to an Interview eay:
' "Manuf acturr everywhsr
fairly begged me to buy, buy.
buy, and that too. at prions
fully 16 per cent leaa than in
former year for the . same
claaa of goods. Everything -but
the coat of living is down. I
bought very heavily, the sur-
f lua stock of several .factories.
Ive big hotels and apartments
we have under way and others
In prospect -call for an enor
mous outlay for furnishings of
very class and character. This
aside from the regular de
mands of our two large retail
stores, which have been stead
ily growing from year to year.
Goods are already arriving for
the "Clark" j at .Twelfth and
'fitark streets, and tomorrow
morning wo shall begin lay
ing carpets in the "Simon" at
Nineteenth and Marshall and
the "Juliana," at Trinity Place
and Washington,, and very aoon " a. . . ,
the Installation of furniture will begin at the "Ramona" at Twentieth and Washing
ton. The "Lowengardt," at Fourteenth, and Waahlngton, wl a not be ready until late
In the season.. We also have several other very large hotel and apartment house
propositions under consideration. Tou see. it is not without reason that wo assert
that we are bringing to Portland this year tho largest shipment .of furniture ever
brought to the coast by a single dealer.
4 n. .tanuau m
Collage liners!
k i' J I .....
These Dininjr Chairs have brace arms,
ii jffi. cane sea is, naiuiai cai vcu yaum, apiu-
JLl.dle backs. Warranted to give good ser-
r. Vl.Ji.ii' nra call ir tViA tnrl mir.
5-1 ket at $1.25 -will be sold dur-'TC
. ing these sales at . . . . . . . . . . I
AFeMCaF ofi $25.00 Sewliig
: MacMiles
The SdiW sewinr time is near at hand and we
( have prepared for it in a large shipment of our
.oiaiWf'a4 "rWnrr-r Qiwiol" Marhinps the
. most' Donular . machine in Oreeon. We . want
P every woman to possess one, and to ; that Jend .
: have rhade;trie price and terms within the reach
or an. you ao not neea io join a uuu
Just Pay $1 Down
ana ouc wceiuy
V . I
j ' J ' ml il i
3 Cars oil Gas Manges
When you consider that there are
several hundred in a car, yon can
form an idea of the popularity
this gas range.
of V W
The 4Nc w Method9
Gas Burner is patented, and con
tains an entirely new principle.
It is guaranteed to use One-Fourth
less gas than other makes. Sold
on easy terms.
A four-burner "New Method"
Gas Range with large M O r A
baking oven ipl-etV
Ik Sale 1 Cirtaii SMekrs
- The season is at hand for renovating your lace curtains fcJE?
. . .l. ...:... i l i .k. a: wfciTT
hy bringing in a large shipment of curtain stretchers in three
styles. '"$1.75 stretcher with stationary pins is special at
05f . $3.50 curtain stretcher with adjustable pins for $28.00.
$3.00 curtain stretcher with adjustable pins f 1.45. No de-
n::. ISA
liveries made at this price unless other -goods are pur- TJtl
.chased. ..
,,,, , w .11 I I SI I SSI J
ftir,, b- art fiT'i
S 7 ii
f f iiiBir ii ii
Two Carloads o! Dining Tables
Sold Near Wholesale Prices
Our buyer was exceedingly for- . r, '. v,
tunate in oDiaming some excellent
values in this splendid lot of tables.
We have them in all sizes and all
styles, made of the best eastern 1
oak many of them fit . for the i 'V-TTT
Vjrt finest mansion in the world. The : -
J table -we wade ot
. . ',;'. if. H
k.. 'ii in '1 V 11 mIP
top, ana is maae, a leader xor our. u , iyz.
special sales at this Al A fatf--- '-
low price dlUeOU
I if .
v ... .. 7. P., .,..
rm o
ol Mern Shapes
1 ' a. I TIT IT ' "lp-i I 1 irwSJWI ffn
-wr- "-'st - iff?
The mirror Is Z6, by?7
inches in size., .'The case..
is 42 by 21 inches. It
..has three jdtawers fitted
- with wood ! pulls and is
made just ; like the cut
: The dresser should sell
, for $30. We are quoting
J a price during this sale at
$16X0. Mwotherstyles
"7; equally reduced itf price.
All the popular colors, in fine Serges and Pana-.
mas, best of workmanship and best of mate
rials only are used. Values to $25.00 assem
bled for this special sale at a really sensational
price. We have your size and undoubtedly
can suit you from this bargain lot Your in
spection invited.
nn 9 afiA. r
rt ;: -HUllilu
Has large 2-inch continuous posts just like
cut, in the popular Vernis Martin finish. V
Priced in other stores at $13,50 and more.
A carload of these fine enamel beds en
ables us" to make a price
Li . :nTiHTnimiiiT
iiLl I I 1 'i 'IT I 1 LLUW
Tapestry Brussels ;
0x12 In Size . ,
mm M.
these tuits are shown in oriental J
and floral designs,, many.beauti-.
ful effects, and any, of them, are I
worth - regularly $20.00:.' Only fj
sit tin tlS ac miif fViA r(Amnni4i I ai-ih
11 II
Lt3 9 f XVt0 ,t5
( I
house trade are we able to 'emote o MwV 5
such prices as these.
; Tomorrow morning we open the most gigantic
Purchased at prices 25 per cent less anrj in a much larger q
you'll come again to "buy.
,i m sssewi j- . . m nsw v.: v 'smiiiiiHZT sa
- , ' . 1 ''.-
V One Ji
., 1 " "L H 'k'We r , '
ji i'.. 'V"- j BjfWSflh t " ! vi
i i." i .J'-itii - ' .
For richness of color,
no rug; equals the Ax
showing in this sale I
rich' floral and two-to!
rugs, 9x12 size, special
dealer in the city is pref
prices. Compare the
be convinced.
;,: '
'k beautiful Dinner Set; of
Steel .Ranges. The dishes
a single penny more, 4 W
- You obtain the quickest a
rolled steel m the most pe
Very little fuel to bring th
; . We have sold thousd
, of them is giving, satisfad
05 Eoi
7hy GeyurtzvSj
WeBuy in mmtnieQiiantl
1 W V
First Qnd-amliill -U! ; 4 1? 'i-m n
on , the coastwithout
exception and ; we of
fer you -the 7
TT Tai Siva n..M....aAJ ! sLI O M
lt ' v . -.' . ; i- .
wn our regular trade demands, MUST BE CONVERTED
tit our needs of doing business quickly. Come and see and
1 ? ,
Df design,
. We are
s; $33.50
No other
neet these
i ou will
' '; .. '
fi 7..' ' !
s will be given FREE to all who purchase one of our celebrated
cost you a cent neither will the price-of the range be raised
buy the , . , 77 ;4hux -
S v i
: baking range on the market. . IHs;made of; the finest cold
nner. The plan of its construction1 is such that it requires
Jidents of Portland in the past ejghteeen years, and 'every one
lis da'-iiagjEta -
SUckley Rockers at
Special Prices
Stickley is the fad of the
. . . . w.V
on nis recent trip east, we are
hqnr, and our' buyer purchased
two carloads if Sticklev goods
able to sell Stickley Rockers
for less than any firm on the
coast.' We show today one
style of this unique, piece, made
of solid oak in fumed ' finish,
with genuine Spanish leather
seats on spring, upholstery. Its
ij cushion..' 6eats ,,aje,', removable,
ymakmet them very 'conTenJent
for dusting: We are quoting a
regular $17.60 Rocker for!$9.75.
Will Buy on
We make a specialty of Men's Fine
Tailored .Suits at $15.00 cash; or
crealt. They have fit, keep their shape
'and are models of style. Ask to see
FJen's Shirts j
Special at 69c O
These are regular i?l.25 values. A snap at our special price.
Of any establishment of like character in the city , of Portland , Furnish .your home.
uunug uur great special saies ana saw money; . ' 7 . ,
Two Carloads of
rn a-fiaaiaiu oiicais,w&
These Chairs., were the manufacturer's
sutplus stock. We took the entire lot
ai agrcax rcuuciion irom iorrncr,pnccs.
There are several styles awaiting your
choice. The one we picture has a full
box seat, corner braced, perfectly built,
quarter-sawed of trje finest quality. Or
dinarily these chairs were sold for $3.50.
Our sale price ort all you & 1 C(
want of them is ......... D 1 ) V
- 17.
Solid Oak Tables lor Less
'( ) '4
ithe Cheapest:
1 -L Jnmr 1
c iNi- Sax
-vf ;TI7A!7 TT:T rnvnn r7HTn)irnnN!n
" J ' (a.t l7 - J 11 , fc j '1 " ' 1 J 1 . ' w . ' A 14 ,t (. 'l ii
lEast Buraslde and , Union Avenue
' 7 xA.
; We show another Oak Table, 42-inch top, square pedestal, plain
, legs, in any weathered finish.- A table we usually sell for $ 1 5.00
will be listed for these salcs at an extra special price (fcQ E?A
of only, . . . . w : .v. ; puUU
u 1 ir
These goods may be obtained at either store7 We invite the ' East -Side
ucsiQcnis jo, can at uevuru jtrps,,iJiasi.ouTnsiae ana union avenue, a
f ? " ti. t
storetestablished for the convenience pf our" East Side customers! I .
New Style Solid
Oak Dressers IPur- f
Carload Lots
A splendid. Dresser, like cut. Has four drawers,
quarter-sawed fronts, wooden pulls. Case is 42JnSf
Dy mcnes m size, loppea wiin a rrcnen mirror i
22 by .2 7 inches. Priced regularly at 27.50 in all J
of Portland's rurniture stores, ; but we purcnased
such a quantity that our special sale, , price is only
tir$L s-t its?
3 Carloads of Simmons' Iron Beds
tu. c: i: .t m
is unequaled, being subject :!J
to a patent electrical process '?,
covered by United States .r
oatents. The bed we show
you nere comes m au enam-
cis. nas a'orass neaa ana .
foot rail, with brass Center rfC II -it
spindles and brass knobs on
the corner posts This bed,
sells everywhere for $7.50
our immense purchase of
this line enables
us to quote-price
4 ' ' J.,.
i y -
A Carload of Child's Cribs Purchased
to Sell Out Quickly :
These Cribs were a manufacturer's sarhplelstbcK which
we purchased at a 25 per cent reduction frpm regular
wholesale prices. They come in white, blue enamel and
Vernis Martin. They have the convenient-drop, sides,
wire springs for the mattress to lie upon, and would be
sold jegularly at $7.50. We shall convert Q 5 ?7C
them into cash quickly at ....;. I 0
A Carload of Go
f v-i I V "
" ' Many styles await jour selec
tion. .They come itt a, wide,
range of prices. ' i
- 1 The Sturgis is the only single
morion- folding . carriage on the
, market containing the Luxury,
back, and UJmproved to a high- J'll -er
point of perfection than any frk Tr-r-
other perambulator, regardless r-
jd jitylc.oc. price
Our $6.00 Sturgis has 10-inch
rubber wheels, fulf leather' hood ':
ind cover seat has patent sup- Cgf "1T '
porting springs; handsome uwv i -.
- enamel; j Folds flat with one (noo?