The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1911, Page 51, Image 51

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    . .
i In red hftfcbets and the national color,
palm and. Oiegon grape. : The; place
-J 4-ards wr mlnlatur-Jorge . Washing
" tona done lA water colors. ' The score
,'cards were painted in bunches ot cher
.li ilea:. : Four prlzeA-vere glven-inJUand-palnted
china, all of which waa the
work Of the hostess.1 The prizes were
won by Mrs. Hatfield,;; Mrs. Atwater,
Jtr. .Uayneaan(LMM..-JfIelllsli
quests - were; ; Mesdames J I. P. Mann,
Vaughn Brooks "Wltsel.1 Mlddlebrook,
Deavers, Seneca Fouts, Edwin SUnon
ton,' Itlng. Henry, Hiss Slmonton, Miss
Pearson, Mra Llndsey, Brown, . Warner,
Mattlock, Allen, Parish, Person Miller,
sellers, Bergen, Haynes , ana Mitier,
! Mrs. Walter V. Wraith and Miss Gene
vieve Thomnsmi were In New Orleans
last week, where they were guests for the
Mardi Gras. They ana planning' to go
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Page, with
their two children are leaving tomorrow
for a motor trip through southern Cali
fornia. They will probably be gone
; about a month. , -r f '
- , M1k Mabel Xawrenoe returned Tues
day from Arliona, where ehe has been
with Dr. and Mrs. William L. Wood. Dr.
Wood ,1s also home and expects Mrs.
Wood; accompanied by their two chil
dren and their guests, Mrs. C. H. Lead
better and MIbs Leadbetter, within a
couple of weeks, : ' , ,
; ;J;
Wrs. George Willard Brown was a
.Seattle visitor last week when she went
up for the weddlngof Miss Grace Kath
erine Cruse and Cltnile Eugene Hill on
Tuesday. Mra. Brown's hostess during
. her stay was Mrs. William Cruse.
------ : r'-"
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McPhe" and
their daughters. .Margaret, Dorrli and
Catherine, have left for the south to
be gone some . months. . Mr. McPhee
goes to " California to " examine some
mining properties.
-ivMrtkAbe-Tichner-is -reeeverlng from
an attack' of ptomaine poisoning, from
which she has been suffering for over
a week. Miss Hazel Tichner has re
turned from Labbish Meadows, where
she was the guest of Miss Gertrude
Jones, who was a Portland visitor last
' Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Matson bade
goodbye to their many Portland friends
8unday, and started for New Tork
by way of California. On Saturday
they will sail for Genoa. Dr. Mat
son is planning at least a year of study
in the large European universities be
fore returning.
w w
, Mrs. Charles Willard Simpson, a
prominent social leader of Seattle, was
a guest in Portland last week when ahe
,came- 4own to meet Mr, Simpson, who
' was returning from California. They
v left for their home In the north on Fri-
v Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Ij, Devereaux
j (nee Winalow) returned to" Portland,
last Thursday from their wedding Jour
ney in California.
; . Mrs. I. B. Mackte is In Salem, where
she Is visiting her sister Mrs. A. N.
1 Bush.
' Mr, and Mrs. Rafter B. Honeyman
'were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
'Zndoo Kiggs in Salem.
t w
M. H. Hanson, the noted impresario,
was a guest In Portland last week on
'his way to- Vancouver and Victoria, B.
C. .
w w
MIbs Ida Boyd, of Pendleton, who has
bpen the guest of her niece, Mrs. Charles
Samuel Jackson, for a couple of weeks,
returned to her' home Wednesday,
., Mies Elisabeth Stewart has returned
,,fo hir home after a aIhH In Seattle with
Miss Elizabeth Sander. Miss Stewart's
.stay In the sound city was punctuated
With delightful affairs planned for her
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rogers, Miss Hel
cne Kavanaugh and Miss Lucille Dunne
enjoyed, a trip to Goldendale, Wash,
Wednesday in Mr.. Roger's car. Miss
I - Dunne has been spending a week or
, moro In' Vancouver as a guest of the
? Rogers.
Mr. anil Mrs. Peter Kerr returned last
! Saturday from tlielr stay In California.
iBoth Mr. and Mrs. Kerr were proml
! nent figures in the Del Monte golf
U tournament.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Nltchy
were guests at the St. Francis in San
; Francisco, the last of the ..week.
f w
j Miss Maud Howell returned Sunday
rrom her vsit in Seattle.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank. G. Owen (Miss
M.ella Shelby) are In Chicago, where
- they have apartments at the Blackstone,
r Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Carey will
probably return the first of the week
from California. They left for the south
. Monday.
i Mrs. Gordon Voorhies, who has been
.' In Santa Barbara for some weeks, will
sail on Thursday; April 9L: for ashort
inp to Honoiuiu. Mrs. voorniea will be
Joined by her sister, Mrs. William 8.
Blddle and Colonel John Blddle, brother
or captain Blddle.
Mrs, Lewis Russell. Miss Catherine
"Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Mears
and Miss Margaret Mears returned Tues
day after a most delightful four months
of travel in the orient.
. Miss Dorothy Morrison returned Mon.
day from her sojourn of several weeks
."in San Francisco, where she was much
complimented. Mrs. Eleanor Martin was
a liostesj? for her.
' :i ' k
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney L. Boise re
v turned yesterday from their trip of
several weeks In southern California.
s Mrvand Mrs,-Charles-J. Schabel are
home again after a trip fn the. south
, which took them as far as Mexico.
Captain William S. Biddle and Master
v William Blddle vame home 'ast week
, from California, where they have hm
enjoying an outing. " : (
r. Miss Frances Brownstein has arrived
. rom New .York to be the guest of the
I. N. FIcischners for some time. - s
Robert Smith Is borne after his east
t em trip,
Mr, and Mrs. Tyler Woodward have
, been stopping at the Palace in San Fran
f clsco. j 1 - ,;
1 TVi KfAf , riitf-iit rltih mA tA...
s ' cessfully. eptcrtalned at the home of
7 - : "
Mr. ana jars. onr, sub Kast Mam street,
Friday evening. February 24. ; The Jiosts
-for the evening were D. Robinson and
. A. Watklns.. The chief entertainer Of
"V I , . ...
the evening was C. De Vol, who gave
the club and its guests a- very interesting-talk-
oittThrenoiogyrcMr; Walter
Campbell gave a short talk on the sub
ject, after which solos were sung by
Mr. Robinson and also Miss Lulu Clem
ens. Mrs. JohnBon was pleasing in two
delightful readings.; WlUiam Owen ren
dered a violin and Mrs. Jones a piano
ueuian Konr - were responsible for : a
well rendered flano duet, after which
refreshments were served, v The evening
was a decided uocesa, . .
Friday evening, February U, the Ep-
worth league of the Epworth Methodist
church met -at the residence Of the
Rev. Charles T - McPbson for their
business meeting and Washington party.
After- the' business session, in which
Mrs. L. G. Boyd was elected second vice
president and . Mrs. Charles T. McPher
son fourth vice president, 'an interest
ing program was carried out. Three
lively contests In thinking followed.
fTtii capUlnsof tlie. two sides were
Ralph M. Speelmon and Harry Weltzel,
and the result was a draw. Fruit Juice,
marguerites and ! cake ' were served.
Dainty souvenirs, consisting of flny
scarlet hatchets attached to cards in
scribed with a tribute to Washington,
wera given ,each guestThe bouse waa
beautifully decorated, with the national
colors The hostess, Mrs. McPherson,
waa ably "assisted by Miss Eliaabeth
WaitzeU . Those present were: Misses
Elsie Lathrop, Beulah Workman, Ruth
Workman, :'. Floran ce Boyd, - Eldora
Whltehouse, Elizabeth Weltael.-r Maud
McCartney, v Nora Hume,. Stella 'Gray,
Clara -Baileyr Jennie-- Fisher, -Myrtle
Fisher, Sina Norris, Vida Sperber, Alta
Evans, Gertrude Evans, Marie Burmels
ter. Vera DahL Edna Ross, Dora Lar
son, Alice Sunsteadt. Alma Wright,
Thelma Smith. Bertha .Austin, Hilda
Helgersrfn, Elizabeth Ray, Miss Addi
son, May Reed; Mrs. Reed. Mrs. George
Batdorf , . Mra i A,- ?. Workman, Mrs,
Lillle Rbthenberger, Mr. and Mrs. H.
FlewitJ, ,Rev. and ..Mrs.- C T. Mcpher
son, -Mr,, and Mra Lee G. Boyd, R. M.
Speelmon, Harry Weltsel, Andrew Lo
ban, Albert Mills,- Roy- Benedict, Harry
Rayburn, Hod Rayburn, Cornel Carlson,
Charles Reddy and Adlla Klsor.
An informal luncheon was given Wed,
nesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. E.
O. Hayward. by Mrs. Walter Francis
Shumway, at her home on Mt. Tabor.
Covers were laid for Mrs. H. A. Wal
ker, Mrs. E. L. Steinhof, Mrs. P. Toth,
Mfs. K. O.- Hay ward,. Mrs. G. F. Payne,
Mrs. G. L. Davenport, Mra. J. S. Roark,
Mrs. W. F. Rose well, Mrs. I. Franklin
Pierce, Mrs. A. C. Beede, Mra. P. H.
Robinson and Mrs. Walker Francis
A pleasant surprise party was given
for Miss Florence Applegate at her
home February 21, by the M. F. J. club.
Whist was enjoyed throughout the even
ing. First prizes were awarded to Miss
Nelson and H. W. Klrschner, consola
tion falling to G. W. Keller. Light re
freshments were served. Those, present
were Misses. Lela Nelson, Alma Mack,
Myrtle Horton, Elisabeth Horton, Beu
lah Ross. Jo Mathiot, Jo' Fens ta maker,
Helen AnJ)legate, Florence Applegate,
Messrs. Jack Theda, George Keller, Ed
Nelson, Marlon Jurhus, Orvllle Kruse,
LeRoy Halbrook, Hary Kirschner, Mr.
Ambrose arid Mr. Applegate. '
it -k
-Last Saturday nlgrht Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest S. Sigler entertained with six
tables of five hundred, with Mrs. Ben
Maxfleld of Wisconsin, and Mrs. Young
of Michigan, as the honor guests. The
rooms were tastefully decorated with
the national colors. The prizes were
awarded to Mrs. John Leroy and A.
R, Draper. The guests Included Mr. and
Mrs. Tllford Toung. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
gar A. Kllppel, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Har
NO NEED for the patron of the Meier
& Frank Store's Pure Food Grocery
to set a less dainty meal during the rigor
of Lenten regulations! Our freqfuent spe
cials on all seasonable Pure Foods permit
of an extensive menu. Butter, Eggs and
other staples always to be had here af
String Bea n s -"Jumbo''
brand ; firm, deliciously
flavored. Special, the doz-
. en cans, $1 ; the can, 10.
Canned Torjiatoes'pel
Monte" . brand ; red, ripe
tomatoes. Special, the
dozen, $1.40; each, 13.
Corn 'Alpha" brand, sweet,
compact kernel, grown in
" Maine-Special, the-doz-en
cans, $1.40; the can,
Peas "Encore" brand ;
, sweet and tender Spe--'
.cial, dozen cans, $l.u5i
. can, 15.
Pork and Beans "Camp
bell" ' brand ; deliciously
flavored . with torn a to
'sauce. Special, the 'can,-
V 8. . . '
, ; ,
Raisins" Lager" , bran d.
Sold in 5-lb. boxes.: , Reg-
tilarljr-fiOct-speeial, 53tr
Fancy Lager Raisins Solcl
in 2-1W boxes. Special at
23. '
rington, Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Torgler,
Mr. an Mrs. E. A. Redman, Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Murchard, Mr. and Mra D.
C: Richardson, Mr. -and Mrs. j: H. An
derson, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Draper, Mr.
and Mrs. John B. Leroy, Mrs. Emma
Gough, Mrs, Ernest E, Bailey, Mra Ben
Maxfleld, Miss Helen Gough and Mr.
and Mrs, Ernest Smith Sigler.
-: -Trrv.' j-'t-
The members of the Bachelor But
tons club, a social and danclngorgan
ization, held a surprise party In honor
of Mr. and Mrs. H.' A. Stiles, at their
beautiful home in Olmatead Park last
Sunday afternoon and evening. .Among
the guests were the members "off thq
orchestra over which Mr, Stiles pre
sides at - social functions, -and during
the evening they played repeatedly 'for
the jlellght of others. The time wa
pleasantly .spent, both amusements and
refreshments having been, provided be
forehand by Mrs. Stiles, , who was ad
mitted to the secret in advance..,) The
occasion was a very pleasant one," and
appreciated by the genial host and his I
charming wife, and by those who . de
scended upon :him - so unexpectedly;
Those present were; . Misses Grace
Thompson. Eva Buggies, Louise Pape,
Augusta Siefer, Blanche Mills, Gwen
dolyn Ross, Josephine Holt, Mesdames
Myers, Wlndprf. Miller, i McKlnley,
Messrs. Harry - Howard, William A,
Schroedet. Will Klinker, Chris Klinker,
E. Hansen, 3, N. Hansen, W. M. Cha
pin, P. Johnson, E. J. Weber, B, Hel t
kemper, G. Parrlsh, F. Kane, Ai Brlt
ting and J. Newman. .
' ' w
The Rose City Park Birthday club
met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Mc
Michael, East Fiftieth and Broadway
streets, Wednesday, March 1, this be
ing on social day. Business was sus
pended with the exception of the pre
sentation, of the cut glsss' set as a
birthday gift to, Mrs. McMichael. Miss
Ferris gave some of her most., excel
lent readings which were very pleas
ing to all. Mra. McMichael favored the
guests with instrumental music which
every one enjoyed. Those present were
Mrs. Boudlnot Seeley and Mrs. E. . E.
Lilly, who are- welcomed ea new mem
bers of the olub, Mrs. C. B. Hurd, Mrs.
C. N. Wonnacott. Mrs. Chamberlain,
Mrs. Frank Hilton, Miss Fleet, Mrs.
Floyd Campbell, Mrs. O. E. Brooks,
Mrs. Gale, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. McCuIly.
Mrs. iWheeler, Mrs. Skinner, Mrs. Ru
dolph Gantenbein, Mrs.' M. Saltmarsh,
Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. A. Tiggins, Mrs.
Bowman, Mrs. B. E. Brooks, Mrs. Has
eltine, Mrs. O. L. Ferris, Mrs. Sundgrin,
Mrs. A. A. Hopson, Mrs. L. J. Nedd,
Mra E. H. Carlton, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs.
Day, Mrs. W. S. Moddrey and Mrs. M.
L. McMInn.
The commodious parlors of Richard
T. Dabney's beautiful home were
thronged on Tuesday evening to listen
to the Shakespearean recital given by
Marlon Lowell to the Shakespeare club
and guests. The musical part of the
program was furnished by the Misses
Calbreath, recent acquisitions to Port
land musical circles and Miss Joy, who
sang a group of songs accompanied by
Ml6s Knapp. Miss Lowell's selections
from "Henry VIII," "Romeo and Juliet,"
"Macbeth" and "Julius Caesar," showed
tho versatility of this gifted artist.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance McClymonds en
tertained last week at their home in
Oakland, Cal., for Miss Agnes Duncan,
who is visiting- In, that city. Bridge fol
lowed by supper furnished tho diversion
of the evening. Miss Duncan Is the
fiancee of Charles H. Gordon, and dur
ing her stay In Oakland Is being made
the motif of many delightful affairs.
Mrs. Bade Hamilton entertained the
Morning Glory Five Hundred club at
her home In Linnton, Tuesday afternoon.
Members arrived on Hie 12 o'clock car
prices less than elsewhere and every pur
chase is backed by the Big Store's 54-year-old
guarantee of satisfaction or your
money back.
The following specials in force all dur
ingthe week. If you can't come, phone
your orders A-6 101 or Private Ex. 4.
Butternut Butter, the best
there is. Pure and wholesome,
made from . pure pasteurized
cream. Special, the 2-lb.
:Hams, genuine eastern sugar
cured, swpet and tender. Cut
from young milk and corn fed
pigs. Medium size. Spe-1 'n
cialprice the poundVis IOC
Oregon Ranch Eggs, guar
anteed strictly ' fresh. : Largi
size, Special, at the doz- rtf
en this week only. . . .. &oC
Fancy Breakfast Bacon, in
pieces ranging from 4 to H
Jounds. Great special purchase
of 1000 pieces. Regular- r
ly 35c. i Special,' pound CDC
Lentils: small, selected kind
ueucious in r croauettes. etc
Splendid for, Lenten meal
Special at, the pound .. ...
and found a delicious ' hot' dinner In
waiting. The afternoon was spent at
wards, The- honors felt to Mrs.-Delia
Mlckley. , Guests of the .. club were
Mrs. Minnie McCarty.Mrs.' Margaret
i Becker and Mrs. May -Buttkofer. .The
' companjnreturned on the 4115 car, much
pleased with the visit to Linnton and
the hospitality of MrarHamllton. ;'V-:
The Tuesday afternoon club met last
week with Mra. G, A. Johnson,. . The
following papers on Kipling were read:
The Common Soldier in . Kipungs
Verse.tLby MrL E, L. Sanborn "Pat
riotle and Imperialistlo Verse," by Mrs.
E. J. Halght, and "The Jungle Book,"
by Mrs. H. J. Jackson.' Mrs. A. W.
WhItmerL 737 5roadwaya.vUU.nic.r.u(n.
,1.. iLlA 1 V .......
ino viuu iiiiH worn.
Fleming-Winters orchestra. Phones A-
4004 B-'.'602
A very auiet but extremely pretty
wedding took piece at the Holladay
avenue home of Mr., and Mrs. J. D.
Welch Saturday, February-25, at :30
o'clock, when Mra Jennie Lang Ham
ilton and William P. Williams, both of
Grand Rapids, Mich., were united In
marriage by the Rev. Henry Marcotte.
Th Taride. charming in a gown of blue
meteor crepe, was given in marriage by
her. uncle, J. D. Welch, the beautiful
ring service .being used..' -The parlors
were prettily set off in Boston ferns
and white carnations and the dining
room in ferns and red carnations, im
mediately after the ceremony, a, nicely
appointed dinner was served. Both
bride and groom are prominent socially
in Grand Rapids, where Mr. Williams
is a well known business man. He also
has large interests in Pacific - coast
timber. They left Wednesday evening
for an extended trip through California
and the south, , ;
' ' W . '
William ttobert RoSebaugh and Miss
Marlon E. Molr of Winnipeg, Manito
ba, were united in marriage by Rev. W.
B. Hinson at the . White Temple Monr
day afternoon, February 27.
. w '
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dren
nen, .on- East Buruslde street, Sunday
afternoon, February 19, their daugh
ter, Hazel D. ' Drennen, was united in
marriage with Eldon ,B.Damon of Cor
vallis, Or. Rev. James D. Corby of
ficiated, using the beautiful serviee tf
the Universallst church. The young
people will make their home in Cor-
vallis, where the groom is In business.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Malone, 1074 Macadam street, on Wed
nesday evening, March 1, Harry R.
Baldwin and Mrs. Catherine E. John
son were united in marriage, Rev. J.
Bowersox officiating. Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Masson were their attendants. A
large concourse of guests . witnessed
the ceremony and were served bounte
ous refreshments. The happy couple
will spend some .time at El ma, Wash.,
and then most likely make their new
home in our city.
A quiet home wedding last week was
that of E. T. Stretcher and Miss Clara
Forsyth, at 5515 Thirty-seventh avenue,
Southeast. Rev, Robert McLean, pas
tor of tho Anabel Presbyterian church,
performed the ceremony. The affair
was Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. In
the newly furnished home of the young
couple. A dozen friends of the bride
and groom were present. Mr. Stretcher
is bookkeeper In the office of the school
clerk, and formerly lived In Indiana.
Miss Forsyth came from Manitoba,
On Monday evening, February 2(,'a
pretty home wedding took place when
Edmund V. Babsbone and MIbs Alice W.
Morgan were, married at the home of
the bride's brother, aQo East Taylor
street, the Rev. George, E. Paddock of
ficiating. Miss Rhoda Morgan, the
bride's niece, acted as bridesmaid, anJ
Mr. Foulton as best man. The rooms
were tastefully decorated with palms',
carnations and smilax, together with an
Imported Malaga Raisins
. Special,-the lb., 41.
Navel Oranges Robin Hood
brand. Sweet, juicy Wash
ington navels, with thin
20c Navel Oranges, doz. 12c
35c Navel Oranges, doz. 23c
45c Navel Oranges, doz. 37c
Table Prunes 10-lb. box.
' Special at 93.
Oregon Prize Prunes 25-lb!
boxes. Special at $2.65.
Dr.; Price Wheat Flakes
Special, the package, 8.
Tillamook Cream Cheese
Large size, rich, creamy
kind. Sbld elsewhere at
25c. Special here at, the
pofind, 16. -
Fancy Brick ; Cheese Spe
cial, the pound, 21j.
Imported Swiss Cheese
SDecial. the lh . 3S
Imported Roquefort Cheese
- -Special, the lb.,.42.
i - - -- -- -- - - - 7 Z '
assortment of flowers Indicative of
spring. . After the ceremony and con
gratulations,' refreshments were ser.ved,
when the bridal couple left for Vancou
ver, B. C, where they'' will make their
future Tiome. JJTha:bride's - bouquet was
caught by Miss Martha Nillsoiv Several
violin selections from MOzart With pi
ano accompaniment were rendered dur
ing the evening. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs.: John Bingham, Mr. and
Mra-AtfredjrBlhgharo, Mr.andMrs:
and Miss Evelyn Crump, Mr. and Mrs.
B. Balnbrtdge, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss
Hasel PlymptoirrMrsrEastman and Miss
Oliver, Frank Robinson, Mra Ntlsson,
Oscar and Martha Nllsson, Miss Rock
well, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paddock, "Mr.
Fouttom Mr. anaMrsr-aTiaMtgiRhTtda
Morgan, Professor Busse, and Mr. and
Mrs. J, P, Alorgan. ;
The wedding of Miss Esther Bader to
Carl Gel man took place Sunday even
Ug, February 28. at the home of the
bride's parents,-Mr. and Mrs. J.. H. Ba
der. The wedding march was played by
the ' orchestra - and Rabbi Abrahamson
performed the ceremony. The house dec
orations throughout were of pink and
white. The bride was attired In' a
gown of white chiffon over satin and,
wore a lojig tulle veil and wreath f
orange blossoms, Sh carried1 a show
er bouquet, of Bride xoati.., , The bridta
matds -were Miss Pearl Shub an1 Miss
Mathilda Jacobs. Julius Bader, a bro
ther -of, the bride, acted as bet man.
Following the marriage a wedding sup.
per was served when the tables were
beautifully decorated In pink and white.
Mr. and Mrs. Gelman left t for a six
weeks' trip east, visiting ' with- the:
groom's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sara Gel-
man at Indianapolis, lnd and other,
eastern principal cities,
Miss Emma Gapsch of this city, and
Frank Relgel of Clarke county, Wash
ington, were married at St. James Lu
theran church Jast Saturday noon. The
bride was attended by the sister of tho
groom, Miss Ida HclKal, of Btevenson,
Wash. Henry Gapsch, brother of the
bride, attended the groom. They will
make their home at La Center, Wash.
The cermony was performed - by Rev.
J. A. Leas, i '
On Sunday Dr.. Jonah B. Wise read the
marriage service Which made Miss So
phie Beck the bride of Leo Baldauf of
Oskaloosa, Iowa. ' Arthur ,'- Baldauf,
brother of the groom, acted as best man.
Following tlie ceremony a, wedding break
fast was served when covers were laid
for 35 and the table was beautifuily
decorated with jonquils and yellow tulle,
At 9 o'clock mass, St. Mary's church,
last Wednesday, Mrs. Albertina Major
Owen was married to William J. Prich
ard, by the Rev. W. A. Daly.
Henri Merz and Miss Jessie Hulford
were united in marriage' by the Rev.
J. J. Staub, Tuesday noon, February
28, at the parsonage of tho Sunnyside
Congregational church. '
Gloves, Dent
make ..9100
Enique Glove,
at ?1.50
Autocrat Glove
at f2.00
New Neckwear
An Extraordinary Sale
New Spring Suits
For Women and Misses, at the Popular Price of
Twenty Dollars
Consisting of the Following;
Silver Gray Mixed Suits !
Strictly 1 ailored Models
White Serge Suits
Wide Braid Trimmings ..... . . . .
Novelty Material Suits
Tailored and Fancy Models
Imported Serge Suits
Black and Navy. w With Sailor . Col
lars and Fancy Braids '. .
Special Sale of Dresgii
In all the popular shades of French Foulards, trimmed in broad bands and bor W n AA
ders to match material. These are excellent values. Price 4 , j) 1 0 U U
f '
Marquisettes and Lingerie,
$1,75, $2.50 and Up
and' Hand
Bags, in
all the New
est Creations
for Spring. .
The prominent features .In'jhe newjiat shapes jjrM
"1t'arbansari(I"T)6nnet"shapes, and "the large picture hats with abruptly up-turned brims. The Napoleon in
the prominent medium size model, crowns and entire turbans of flowers art being . strongly featured.
Large use is also being made of flowers, as well as ostrich, for trimmings:' Ribbons are used in good quan
tities, particularly wide taffeta, black velvets, uncut velvets and black and white striped effects, in vdvft,
I silk and 'satin. , .The prominent colors are, white and black combined, coral Q 4 ( "t f10 P'
cerise, royal blue, velvet and' empire green. Prices from v ') l.- 'JlCu J
-TVi members of the Corinthian Chap
ter Social club. Order of the Eastern
Star, will give another one of Its popu
lar dances on Tuesday evening, Marcli
7, at Masonic temple. Professor Jarro.
the celebrated " cnncer.Una-jlayer, 'will
furnish music for the occasion, t i
. "::. ; 1 '
-Wiilamatta chapter of the D AR.
will meet at the home, of Mrs. John
Flanders Beaumont, 430 East Forty
fifth street. North, Wednesday, March
y4-3:4S- Those-whooiiterapateloLn;
ing- the Willamette chapter may meet
the board of managers at that time.
' ''.!
Mrs. J. C. Hare. 274 Carruthers street,
will be the hostess of the Shakespear
ean club Monday. . Miss Marion Lowell,
of Boston, wilt be guest of honor. Re
freshments will ; ne serveu. t ,
,V vi--'.:;Li.-,.; . ... , J . ,
'The Daughters of the Confederacy
will meet with Mrs. Ruth Iee Melllsh
at the St.' -Croix apartments, St. Clair
Street, next Thursday, March 9. at 2:30.
A full attendance Is requested.
" '-. -
' Miss Buckenmeyers Monday evening
toncinBctaafr-Trow'Tneets Frldajrerc
niiigf. Linnea hall, Twenty-first and
, '' - ' ') w .
Mrs. Nfna Larowe Is forming the last
dancing class of the 'season, inquiry li
to 1 and Rafter 7 p. m.r except Tuesday.
Main 2329.;
r- m m. '
Stiles' orchestra. Marshall 224S.
Mr, and Mrs. Fleshman will recete
in honor of the engagement of their
daughter, Clara, to M.. Mosessohn, at
their home, 230 North Twenty-fifth
street, corner Northrup, Sunday after
noon and evening, March 12, from 3 to
5 and from 8 to 10.
Diamonds C. Chrlstensen, second fir.
Cnrbett bldg. Take elevator.
Mrs;- L, B. -Stearns, accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. M. E. Spaulding, and
two children. Marv Helen and Frances.
left "last Wednesday for Santa Barbara
or six weeks. '
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glendennlng will
have as their guests for several weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wpodin of Spo
kane. Miss Edna Knight is also in Salem,
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Louise
Forstner, as Is Mrs. J. J. Murphy, who
Is spending several days with Mrs. W.
P. Lord. .
Mrs. George Nevins and her sister,
Fourth . ftnd Morrison , Streets
for Dressy Occasions
trimmed with cluny lace. They come in. short sleeves, low
neck and embroidered in many colorings. ' -
Mrs. Peacock, were railed to California
Sunday. by the Illness of an uncle. ,
Mrs. Lillian Fuller and Miss MtUtred
Fuller have been guests at the Bellevue
in San Francisco. 'C? t': "s ' -: . " -
Miss Lillian Jackson recently spnt a
few days in Fresno, CaU as a guest at
the Fulton, v yifC:j". '?' :' ' -
Miss Fra noes'" Titus "his" been spend
ing a fortnight in Merced, Cal., as the
guest of her aunt, ; Mrs, dorwln Rad
clif f e, who. went to San Francisco to
meet her. ,. v; it. .. t, .. .
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. JV. Andrews lefl
yesterday for Seaside. Mr.; Andrews
will return the first of . the .week but
Mrs. Andrews will remain for : some
time, . v-. ' ".::;? -:ry; .'
1. C Clark olTAflzona" waa'euddenly
called to his home on account of. tha
serious illness of his father. -
' (8cUl DUiwteh to Tbw Journal.
Salem, Or., March 4.-rIn the contest
the Royal Neighbors for the 1 McGrath
cup. In which Oregon Grapo camp No.
1360. of Salem; McGrath camp No, 5227,
of -Sllverton, and Marguerite camp No.
1440r of Portland; were the. competitors, ,
the cup was won by Marguerite camp :
of Portland Instead, of McGrath camp
of gflverton, as was erroneously stated.
Mrs.' Ella Harrln' of Munroe waa elected
state oracle, Mrs. Mildred Wallace of
Cottage Grove, vice oracle, and Mra.
Frank Hood , of Portland i was .reelected
state recorder. The election of dele
gates to th g rand.lodse was the closest
of elections and resulted in the choice
of Mrs. Rose L. McGrath, deputy su
preme oracle for Oregon,-Mrs. Anderson
of Grants Pass and Mrs.-Georgia ChU-
ders of The Dalles. . .
(Special Il)teh to The Journal.) '
Spokane, Wash,, March 4. Aubrey Lea
White, president ofLthe public park
commission of Spokane, has sent aeveral
high-grade, milch, goats, bred, in. tha.
Toggenburg and Saanen valleys In
Switzerland, to his country, home at
Hayden, Lake, Idaho, where a herd will
be established to supply milk for babies
deprived of natural nourishment The
first milch goat, a Toggenburg, arrived
in Spokane from fianta Barbara, Cal.,
a few days ago with, two kids, which
were, born while the train was passing ,
through Oregon. The animals are of the
short-haired variety. ...
Swiss Watch Repairing-. Chrlsten
sen, second floor Corbett building. Take
elevator. . .- .. .
CHANDISE. to $9.00
Dainty Un'
dermusHns. .
New i Spring'
I Models "'
in La Camlle
Corsets .
:' nil