The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1911, Page 50, Image 50

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Miss Caroline Benson, whose engagement has been announced to SIgfrled Marmaduke Unander,
Georglna Bums' visitor from New
York; Mrs. Thomas Robertson tMtss
Kathleen Burns), Mrs. David Taylor
Honeyman, Mrs. Hunt Lewis, Mrs. Jo
seph M. Bradley, Mrs. John O. Edwards,
Mrs. Antolna O. Labbe (Miss Wlnni
fred Loom Is), Mrs. William 8. BMdle,
Mrs. J. Andre Foullhoux, . Mrs. David
C. Lewis, Mrs. Lee Hawley Hoffman,
Miss Hasel Dolph, Miss Hazel Weidler,
Miss Georglna Burns, Miss Caroline
Wilson, Miss Isabel McGunnegle of the
barracks, Miss Gladys Weidler, Miss
Evelyn Wilson and the hostess.
a SH WEDNESDAY, on March first,
A called a sharps halt on social ao
l tivlties except in a desultory sort
JfJ of way. The days before Lent
were crowded with affairs and it
: would seem that everyone but the so
; clety editor welcomes the quiet of the
.Lenten season as a time to rest, and
) pick up the threads dropped In a some
! what strenuous social season,
Washlngrton's blrthdayi saw the first
real gatherings at the ' WaveMy golf
, elub this spring but from now on the
links will be dotted with players. The
easen for outdoor riding Is also open
and mynbers of those fond of the eques
trian eport may be seen any day on
the roads and In the park. Nor is walkJ
J ing neglected for if anything It Is
..crowing in favor and there are more
than a few society women who point
'With pride to walks of ten' to fifteen
. . j" w ;
One of 1 Ihe most delightful affairs
' of the WeeTc was the reception tendered
Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison Tuesday
evening at Trinity parriah house by
. the members, of the the parish. The
eevnt was unique in that it marked the
liver wedding anniversary of Dr. and
- Mrs. Morrison as well as the twenty
i tilth anniversary of Dr. Morrison's
, service in the ministry. The f arish
; house was made most attractive with
- deeorat4ons-tpalmTindflowers.iSerT-Jng
at the table were Mrs. John Mo-
Cracken, Mrs.; B. G. Whitehouse Mrs.
Paul Deady and Mrs. W. K. Smith. The
.punch bowl was presided over by Mrs.
James Thompson. Dr. and Mrs. Morri
con were presented with an exquisite
band hammered silver service. Mrs.
, Morrison greeted the guests In a hand-
wme gown of black velvet. Over 2 JO
) I called during the evening.
j Miss Lesley Bmithtelephoned a few
'; tt the younger set and some young ma
trons for an Informal tea Tucsdav to
, meet Mrs. Henry McCall (Miss Dorothy
xtwson;. wrs. ueraia K. Beebe (Miss
Mary JLiirlngstone) and Mrs. Ersklne
Wood poured.
rfrT- ' w
i Miss Frances Wilson was hostess at
' pretty luncheon Monday when cov-itrs-were
laid for Miss Mary Fllnn of
, t Pittsburg, the guest .of Mrs. Hawley
j Hoffman: Mrs. Mary P. Rensan, Miss
Washington Bldg., 4th and Washington.
i:o:;cgrau stationers
The galleries of Kramer's riding acad
emy were packed to capacity and num
bers of spectators were standing last
evening when society disported itself
on horseback to benefit the cause of
the Oregon Humane society. The ring
and galleries were prettily decorated
with evergreen and flags and in the
dressing rooms cut flowers were used.
Orchestral music was furnished through
out the evening and all of the events
were received-with marked, enthusiasm.
The opening number, a music drill by
the Thursday Evening club, was parti
cipated In by Mrs. William S. Blddle
and Henry L, Corbett, who Ted It, Mr.
and Mrs. James A. Dougherty, Mr. and
Mrs.; C. Edward Grelle, Miss Caroline
Wilson, Miss Angela Kinney, Miss Dor
othy Huber, Miss Maida Hart, Chester
G.-MarphyVTIen ry'Wesslnger, Dr. J. N.
Coghlan, .Frederick II. Strong, William
L. Brewster, Walter F. Burrell. Haw
thorne K. Dent and J. Andre Foullhoux.
Quite the hit of the evening was made
by Master Martin Blddle, who led the
drill given by a portion of the children's
class of beginners. Others In the event
were Miss Margaret Blddle, Miss Mar
garet Ayer, Miss Virginia Burns, Miss
Isabel Clark, Miss Polly Kerr. Miss
Margaret Smith, and Master Charles
C. M. Clark was the guest of honor
at a luncheon given Monday nt the
Arlington club, with James A. Cranston
as host. About the table were seated
Mr. Clark, Mr. Cranston, W. B. Ayer,
C. 8 Jackson, Frederick V. Holman,
Hugh Hume, Oscar Huber, Roderick
Macleay, John M. Gearln, F. T. Grif
fith, Charles F. Swjgert, Charles F. Be
bee and Guy Webster" Tajbot.--Friday
Benage S. Josselyn was host at a lunch
eon, also given at the Arlington club for
Mr. Clark when covers were laid for
Hugh Hume, C 8. Jackson, John F.
Stevens, E. B. Piper, John F. Carroll,
W. B. Ayre, W. M. Ladd, C. F; Swigert.
F. V; Holman, F. . T. Griffith, Oskar
Huber, G. W. Talbot, C. E: S. Wood.
William MacMaster, R. L. Macleay,
Henry L. Corbett, General 'Charles F.
Beebe. Walter Beebe. C. N.. Huggtns,
John M. Gearln, Rv F. Wilbur and Dr.
A. E. Hockey.
w w
Mrs. Raipn w. Wilbur was a dinner
hostess on Friday when- she asked
guests t the Wilbur home on Love
Joy., w: ;, h.. ', .
The ; formal opening of ' the - Bowers
hotel !ast night was marked by num
bers of dinner and supper parties in
the grill, where a special musical pro
gram was given by Carl Reldelsbergefs
orchestra. Interspersed with vocal num
bers. Palms, roses and carnations were
used in the decorations. Making one of
the largest. supper parties were Mr, and
Mrs, Joseph M. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Hawley Hoffman, Mr; and? Mrs,
Antolne G. Labbe 5 (Miss Winnlfred
IOomls), Miss . Frances Wilson, Miss
Mary Fllnnf of New York, Kirk Smith
and Kurt Koehler. ; Mr. and Mrs..E. C,
Mears entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred-
rUtk- K. Pager-MAAd Mrs,CrJned
and John K. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs.
I. N. Flelschner ' had . as their guests
Mr and Mrs, Marcus Flelschner, Miss
Frances Brownstein, Mrs. Flelsohner's
cousin from New York, and Iatliam
Stuuft. Among others with parties In
the grill were Mr, nd MrsvN, E. Ayer,
Alumnae enjoyed its seventh , annual
luncheon yesterday at the Portland.
Among those present were Mrs. William
MacRae, Mrs. C. I'M ward Grelle, Mrs. J Bingham. -
Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur. Mrs. Otis, B.
Wight, Mrs, W. T. Foster. Mrs. Robert
B. French,Mrs.; Norman - Snaw, " Mrs.
William Finley, Mrs. .Laura Northrup,
Miss Lillian Sabln, Mrs. J. G. Elliott
King, Mrs. Edward Taggart. Mrs. Rich
ard Perkins, Miss Ethel Wakeman. Mrs.
iiad. Rmall iahla . wra irrintiil for
Boudlnot .Beeley. Mlsa Jeasia. NAtUngfinoiwo-j wlth-oover-jnrked-ior
ham, Miss Vera Darling, Miss Joaa
Stearns, Mrs. H. M. Williamson, Mrs.
J. T. Whistler, Mrs. Harry L. Powers,
Mrs. Roger currier. Mrs. A. M. Shan
non, Miss Agnes Murdock, Mrs. J. L.
Donald, Mrs. Samuel Banks, Mrs. A. A.
Llnsey, and Miss Emma Grelbel.
Dr and Mrs. George D. Peters, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Matson, Mr. and Mrs.
James Alexander Ellis, Mr, and Mrs.
Walter M. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Howell were the guests of Leo Hahn at
a theatre party last' evening at the
Helllg followed by supper at the Bow
ers hotel. -
Mrs. Lloyd Weaver (Miss Nine Guth
rie) was the honored guest at a bridge
afternoon given: Friday by Mrs. Irving
Stearns when guests were Invited : for
seven tables, f Card honors fell to Miss
George K. McGunnegle and Miss Isabel
McGunnegle were Colonel and Mrs.
George W. Van Deusen and Mrs. G. 8.
., An elaborate bridge luncheon "was" the
compliment paid Mrs.' William Drodrick,
of Vlotorla, B. Tuesday by 1emrts-ter-in-law,
Mrs. Frederick L. ; Stinson.
Daffodils decorated the living room and
in the dining room, red carnations were
invitations were Mrs. George J. Beach,
Mrs. Oliver G. Walker, Mrs. Bert Letter,
Mrs. - Oliver King Jeff ery, MrsJames
Alexander Ellis, Mrs. Clufrles Shea, Mrs.
Larkln Shell, Mrs., Joseph ; ' Maginnis,
Mrs. . Norrla Gregg. Mrs. Sidwln Levy,
Miss: Clarissa Wiley,. Miss Nona Law
ler. Miss Mary Cronan, Miss Hannah
ConnelL Miss Luclle Dunne, Miss Hasel
Tichner, Miss June sterling. Miss Cecils
WUey, Miss, Catherine Hunt, Miss Lola
Guthriev Miss Irene Flynn, Miss Persia
Sargent, Miss Mabel Shea, Miss Clara
Howell, Miss Main! Helen 'Flynn and
Miss Mary Dunn. T
. -
The many Portland friends of Charles
F. Townsend of Bryn Mawr, Philadel
phia, will bo more than interested to
know that his engagement to Miss Lil
lian H. Creswell of Ardmore,. Philadel
phia, was announced last Saturday. Until
a year ago Mr. Townsend, with his
brother,' Jack Townsend, lived for sev
eral years in Portland. He was a mem
ber of the University club and, was
prominent In the Klrmess. No date
has been announced for the wedding:
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pease are being
showered with congratulations on the
advent of a daughter Tuesday even-n-
... .
The departure of the Second field ar
tillery from Vancouver barracks on
Thursday for Manila was the incentive
for many affairs to bid the officers and
their families bon voyage. Saturday
the Vancouver Barracks club gave a re
ception to the officers and their wives.
The dubrooms were decorated 'for the
oceaalon. Receiving with , Colonel
Jg. Mrs.- 3. M. ' Elllcott. Mrs. ,W. H.
Boyer and Mrs. Katherlne Daly were the
winners of soore prliea in the games.
Mrs. Drodrick was accompanied by her
husband and they- -returned to
their' northern ' Jome on Friday
.ft-::'. :. : y:.:,.
; Word has come to Portland of the
death of Mrs. Seymour Montgomery
(Miss Lucy Twohy) last Frlday. as the
result of an operation performed two
weKs before. Mrs, Montgomery was
the daughter of Judge and Mrs. John
D." Twohy 'of Spokane and a frequent
visitor In Portland. 'where she has many
friends who willy be saddened by her
death. Her marriage to Mr. Montgomery
was an event of last September and
after their' extended wedding tour they
made their borne in San Jose, CaL
raoki was cotnpltmented with a-farewen
afternoon at cards Tuesday by Miss
Louise Williams. Three tables of five
hundred were played, and ', prizes cap
tured by Miss Ruby Crtchton and Miss
Gladya Donohoov'; in addition , . ta: the
guests : playing. . cards Miss Williams
asked others for tea when Mrs. John
Forbls and Mrs. L H. Birdsall poured.
The dining room was bright with dec
orations of yellow tulips, jonquils and
violets. . Miss Merjorla Forbls also as
sisted the hostess. Miss Bishop, In
company with hef mother and brother,
left with the Second Field artillery, for
Manila' Thursday. ; ; -:: . ' . .
- w
and Mrs.; F. D. Chamberlain and
Miss Ethel Chamberlain are in Califor
nia, where they have gone to benefit Mr.
Chamberlain's health. Their ultimate
point Is Long Beach, At ' present they
are in San Francisco, where they are
guests in the home of , Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Doe. Miss Marguerite Doe la
one of San Francisco's many popular
debutantes of the season and Miss Cham
berlain will no doubt be complimented
delightfully during her' stay.
; Miss Fcrsls Sargent and Cyrus Har
rison have chosen Friday, April 14, as
their wedding day. -
Qeyton Crawford entertained . at
bridge last Friday evening in his Seattle
home for -Miss Elisabeth Stewart, who
wa the guest of Miss Elisabeth Sander.
Daffodils' and other spring flowers were
used to decorate the- rooms. FWe ta
bles were played and invitations were
ctonflned to members . of the younger
set Among the guests was Miss Ma
rian Engle. who was recently a visitor
of Miss Mildred Grlndstaff's.
. ; :x '
Miss Mar Jorlfr Ferbis gave a farewell
dinner 'and ) theatre partyat the Helllg
Monday evnlng fot; Miss CarrJe -Neal
Bishop of , the barracks. Who started
Thursday for the Philippines. Twelve
guests circled the .table, which was
centered with red tulips and narcissus.
,''-' i W ;.r :: v . ...
Mrs. 'r Thomas Brlttain Foster ehter-talned--wl
t ha seven" tablebf id ge
Tuesday when prises went to Mrs. Allan
M. Ellsworth and Mrs.k Carlltos Dills.
After the ganes a few came In for tea.
The guests numbered Mrs.' Helen Card
well, Mrs. Alliston, Mrs. John Manning,
Mrs. George D. Green, Mrs. A. S. Bras-
Xlwld. Mrat F. H, Fogarty MrsAdrlen.
McCalman, - Mrs. O H. Flthlan, Mrs.
William M. Cake, Mrs. , Hicks Fenton,
Mrs. W. C. Bristol, Mrs. R. F. Farrell,
Mrs. Archie Pease, Mrs. Harry Sargent,
Mrs. Elliott Habersham, Mrs. R, - W.
Wilson. Mrs, Frank Vanduyn, Mrs. J. D.
Leonard, Mrs. J. H. Fox,-Mrs, Frank
Dooly, Mrs. F. A. Jones, Mrs. W. A.
Hathaway, Mrs. Robert ! Birdsall, Mrs.
W, F. Stlne, Miss Rosemary Baldwin
and Mlsj Hilda Hegele. Mrs. I Nathan
Sweet, Mrs. Frank Stokes, Mrs.' John
Jamison and Mrs. I. Vanduyn came In
for tea.' " - -.I.'--,'
Miss Nellie Flake entertained a num
ber" of Tier friends Tuesday with ' a
matinee party at tne orpheum, followed
by te.a at Tull4 Gibbs' . Wistaria tea
room, lathe party were Mrs. George
F. Sohott. Mrs. Oliver Luts,- Miss Eva
Wrigley, Miss Nona Lawler, J41ssT Bess
Hammond, Miss Blanche Schott, ' Miss
Lillian Rourke, Miss Eleanor Cannon,
Miss Mabel Weed, Miss Edith Levy,
Miss Jessie Buff um and Miss ' Grace
Kern. Miss Flake was the honor guest
at a luncheon given today by Miss Kern.
V- -,.,v;:--Vv, r,
Mrs. Jehn Toft asked a number of
friends In last Saturday for an Informal
bridge 1 to meet Mrs. Arthur Wilson
Jones, who has removed from ' Eureka,
Cal. Mrs. Charles F. Bunker and Mrs.
Charles E. Runyon were winners of
score prises. Additional guests were
Mrs. Horace Buttertield, Mrs. Chester
Deerlng, Mrs, Jay Smith,' Mrs. W, D.
Jelllson, Mrs. P. E. Brlgham, Mrs. Alex
ander McPherson, Mrs. C. R. Thomp
son, Mrs. Walter Raymond, Mrs. Elisa
beth Kloce, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Fred D.
Chamber 1 in, Mrs. Whittaker and Mrs.
Southerland., . i .. . . ,
Mrs. O. E, Overbeek gave a little fare
well party Wednesday for .her cousin.
Miss Grace Davis, who is returning to
her homo In Leavenworth, Kan., tomor
row, after a visit of four months in
Portlands Three tables were-arranged
for bridge. . ,,.,., .;.:.,,
Clarencs Eddy of New York, was en
tertained Friday night after the . con
cert at supper, by Rev. and Mrs. if. C.
Marshall, (Mrs. Alice Brown Marshall)
at their home, 861 Ladd avenue. Mrs.
Marshall ' played for Mr. Eddy at the
World's Fair. Chicago, 1693, and as
assisted, by him in securing the medal
offered, by Theodore,. Thomas. Those
present i,were T Mrsf; 4 William Mlram
Foulkeiv Dr. and Mrs.' Benjamin Young,
Mrs. Marshall,; was assisted, by Mrs.
McDonald and Miss Mascher. -
' Miss -June Sterling opened her home
Monday for the annual ta given bv
the Girls elub of All Saints' Episcopal
church. Miss Sherlock, received with
the hostess. Miss Grace Hand and Miss
Lorita Holmes poured at the table,
which was artistically decorated in -yellow.
-The candy booth was In charge Of
Miss Ethelwynrie Harris.. A large num
ber called during the hours and the tfa
was a great success... . ,, 'i .,
Tfie, v. V. V. business girls' club of
me , i. . v, c. A. gave a , tancy ,are-fa,
and chafing-dish party Tuesday at the
Y.'-W. C. A. They are planning a tea
for" business girls In the near futuee.. '
V.:t vf .
.Miss Nellie Flake, a.mucK complU
mented .bride-elect, was the guest of
honor at an informal bridge given last
Saturday by Miss Louisa Willlaws,. Four
tables were played, with prises won by
Miss Warjorle Forbls end Miss Louise
Qleason. Forns, carnations and tulips
decorated .the rooms. P Wednesday Miss
Grace. Kern gave a luncheon for' Miss
Flake when additional guests were Miss
Ruth Stipe. Miss Louise Peters, ;Mls
Mabel Weed, Miss Olive Wilson and
Miss Anna - Peters.' Decorations ; were
developed In an attractive color scheme
of red. Tuesday Miss Nona Lawler
win entertain with-a dancing party at
her home In Irvlngton for Miss Flake
and Miss Gladys Donoluoe, another pop
wis-. bridsv alaofc ; . .y-L.... . .
Miss Daisy Dean, .a bride elect of
March 15, Is coming In for her'-share
of prenuptlal affairs. Friday Miss
Mayme West entertained with, four ta
bles of bridge In her honor , when the
score prise fell to. Mrs. Thomas West.
The guests were Mrs. James Dowllng,
MrSfc LambertDunbarr-Mrs.-; Arthur
Barendrich, Mrs. . Earl. Parker,. Mrs.
Benjamin Morrow, Mrs. George D. Pet
era, Mrs. Irving Potter,., Mrs. - Charles
Stolte, Mrs. ' William Hendricks,' Miss
Saldee Knapp, Miss Rosemary Baldwin,
Miss Florence Hilton and Miss Llnley
Morton. . Saturday of last week Mrs.
Stolte complimented Miss Dean with
a matinee party at the Helllg followed
by tea at the Portland. r
On February 22, Mrs. Robert Berger
entertained at luncheon; after which 609
was played. The rooms were deoprated
(Continued on following page.)
Plant Sibson's Roses
i Now is the time to plant roses Sib
son's ROSeS! (.-' '-, .
. Our new Rose Catalogue (1911) is
now ready and will be mailed tree uopn
request- .. ,". - .
1180 J Mllwaukle ave.,4 Portland, .Or.
The Store of Efficient and
Courteous Service
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kerr, Mr. and
Mrs. David C. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Gay
Lombard, Mr. and Mrs, Sol Blumauer,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt. Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Selling, Dr. and Mrs. Sanford
Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Fish,
Hugh Hume and Sanford 'Hirsch.
., . V
The concert given Wednesday evening
by Miss Flora Wilson for the benefit of
the P. E. O. scholarship fund, was the
magnet drawing a goodly assemblage
of smart society people and muslo lov
ers to Women of Woodcraft hall, ush
ers for. the affair were young women,
daughters of P. E. O. members, who
were gowned in dainty frocks and added
a pretty touch. They were Miss Helen
Cake, Miss Ruth Church, Miss Con
stance Davis, Miss Dorothy Bliss, Miss
Unette Ferguson and the Misses Her
man. Mrs. John Flanders Beaumont
was the accompanist Miss Wilson was
gowned in a handsome Paris creation
of pale blue silk heavily brocaded with
gold and adorned with real lace and
mink. An Informal reception followed
the concert last evening when Miss Wil
son greeted many friends made during
her previous visit to Portland. Mrs.
Thomas H. Edwards entertained at
luncheon for Miss Flora Wilson. The
table, which carried decorations of nar
cissus and daffodils, was circled by
Miss-Wllson,-Mr8r-Dr M,-Watson,-Miss
Delta Watson, Mrs. C. R. Davis, Mrs;
W. Hull, Mrs. J. C. Mann, Mrs.' E. H.
Loomls, Mrs. J. P. Jaeger and the hos
tess. In the afternoon an informal re
ception was held at the Edwards ..home
on Tillamook street, when members of
the P. E. O. and a few friends called to
meet Miss Wilson, who returned Thurs
day evening to San Francisco, where
she is to fill another date.
The home of the secretary of the
Interior and Mrs. Balllnger has been
the scene of a number of dinners and
receptions during the season, at which
persons prominent in the eapltol have
been guests. At a recent dinner they
had as guests the Japanese ambassador
and Baroness Uchlda, the Belgian min
ister and Countess de Buiseret, the
Spanish minister and Mme. de Riano,
Solicitor General Lehmann, Major Gen
eral Carter -and Mrs. Carter,- General,
Sharpe ana Mrs. snarpe, near. Admiral
Clover and Mrs. Clover, Sir Robert and
Lady Hadfleld, Dr. and Mrs. Fremont
Smith, and Miss Patten. i
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Menefee arrived
a week ago from Fort Worth, Texas,
and have taken the T. W. B. London
residence on Johnson street Mrs. Lon
don, accompanied by Mr. London who
came down for, her. Miss Zulette Lon
don and young Master London, left
Friday for. Vancouver, B. C. wherft.the.
Londons will make their future some.
The Oregon brsnch of the Collegiate
And calunc J
r 301-305-306 BET4tht5th
1 IB
W 1 1 II -
Merchandise Up to the Stand-
ard Here Always
Tull & JGiblbs, Inc.
Morrison at Seventh
. Portland's Foremost
Complete Furnishers of the
Home and
Modart Improved Front Laced Corsets, .Lily of France Corsets and Madeleine Corsets
and Inquiries by Mail or Phone Given Prompt and Careful Attention
k'Fin Taiiloifed Suitsifor. Spring
.I, ! - 1
Handsome Models in Which Fashion's Ideal in Styles and Materials
Are Cleverly PortrayedA Detailed Description of a Few of Them
. . One a ; very handsome invisible stripe English light grey tweed, with
a touch of -old blue. Coat is plain tailored and semi-fitted, with notched
collar? 61 pongee, embroidered in blue and gold Large pearl rimmed
tailored buttons. Skirt perfectly plain, with stitched panels- front and
bacK, A ' decidedly, chic'model for ' early. Spring, $37.50.
Another a very fine French serge in light grey with plain gored sKirt
and strictly tailored with (old of light grey satin, finished with large tailored
buttons. Coat short and semi fitted; with wide-revers beautifully stitched.
A charming model, $50.00. T : - , i
, A Another beautiful model' at $50.00 is. of fine French serge in navy
blue with semi fitted saiJor collar of blue polKa dot, messaline silK collar,
sleeves and bottom of jacKet trimmed with wide all-silK novelty braid and
small steel ball buttons. Coat slightly cutaway and fastened with, two
large handsome steel buttons. Lined with light grey peau de cygne silk.
Skirt ha panel front arid habife back with side gores and plaits at bottom,
Of extra fine black French serge is a very -exclusive model with
shawl collar of black satinhandsomely braided with narrow silk soutache
braid." This suit is a beautiful combination of serge and wide basket weave
material silk braid and black satin. Coat made slightly cutaway,
laid Button holes and tailored satin buttons. Style individuality in this
model, $69.50. . , , . ' '
At $75.00 is a Max M. Schwarcz model of fine imported wale in light two. tone effect. Strictly
tailored coat, semi fitted cut-away style, lined with peau de cygne silk. Skirt plain gored, with highr
, waist line. Distinctiveness in this and all other Max M. Schwarcz' models. -
UlOVCU ,v" Who Cares
Women whatfre particular in the choke of their gloverf
find in those bearing the "Reynier" trade mark. that qual
ity excellence that assures perfect fit, durability and style!
"Reynier" Fowne'S, Dent's and other well known make
in the . newest shades and stitchings in the new glove
section. '- '' ,
. 2-clasp and3-clasp Glace Kid Gloves, bearing our
special tnark.'Narfcisse," at fl.50 and-f 2.00.
f Reynier Cheverette Tanne, with 1 pearl button or
clasp at 82.'25. ? . - '
i-clasp and 3-clasp buede-Kia jioves 4n DiacK, -wpiie
and colors at S1.50 and $2.25.
- Glace and Suede Gloves in 16, 20 and 24 'button
lengths, in black, white and opera shades, at f 3 to $6.
Women are as eager to .know about the new Spring
fancies In accessories as they are to know about the new .
Spring garment fashions. A brief note of some of the newr,
things in the neckwear section, v . ' - ,
White : and colored Embroidered Dutch Collars at
35 and K0. ...
Lace'. Collar 'in 'round' and;, sailor- effects," with and '
without cuffs, at T5 to f 1.05
- ' Embroidered Linen ' Tailored 1 Collars and Stocks at.,
25 to 75. ' i ' - t ' 1 A
Embroidered and hand made Lace Jabots'-in daintv
new 'styles, fl to $28.00. 1 - , -
Belts in. all widths and the? favored colors in leather,
Buede and elastic, 60 to f 3.05. . . :
New Spring! Dresses- Appear
' Many new, and clever fashion ideas shown in pur
one-piece dressescharming combinations of beautiful
materials and trimmings truly they must be seen to be
appreciated. 1 . .
i ? The kimono sleeve is a dominant feature, with pret-.;
ty little turn-back cuffs that flare slightly. v
. Skirts in the narrow effects.. -, , ,
' . " One model in a' dress is of bjack and white striped
cotton voile, with J black aatinn pipings and - girdle. -Touches
of white ernbroidery and pearl buttons, $15.
Another model .is of navy blue chiffon over pretty
combination of Persian silk and figured fish net.V Skir
and bodice of soft figured messaline, $ 35.00. -j.
' Dresses of handsome striped and checked foulards
and messalines in prettyand novel effects . showing
stflart touches of Velvet ribbon and Irish"crochet lace,
and small buttons, $17,50, $19.50, $21.50 $25.00 ;
and $2 7.50 1 ( , .
.l ' Dresses of fine French serges combined with satin
triitnning"- 'Have the sailor collar, girdle and turn-back
cliffs. ' Tailored .satifi buttons, ?$20.00, $25.00,
827.50, $31.50 and f 35.O0. ; , , -
' K Of beautiful all-wool challis are dresses with plaited
silk-girdle and Dutch neck: Small yoke, and under- -leveft'f"fwewhite,
net Materialise smalt-checks and
' ', - Ma
dots, $10.50, $22.50, $20.50 and $35.00.
rfliiisctte, linen and liirfeerie dresses in embroidered, lace trimmed and
tailored models, $10.0O, $15.00, $17.50, $22.50 and $25.00.