9 '20: era part of the elate. visited Portland biles, Fords and Rf gats were all reported as In the yards yesterday morning and will be ,"pbt ted" end unloaded the first thing Monday morning. the northwest is another automobile man who is tn the southern part of the tate this week. . : He will visit Grant Pass, Roseburg, Cottage Grove, Med ford, Salem and Ashland before return ing to Portland. t ft this week. He spent much time at the Maxwell 7 headquarters talking -over i i prospects. i Cre are reaching Portland In droves now.' Marions.. Oakland. A u hums' Port. Charles A. Rose of the John Deere Plow comhany, Velle distributors for mm i m n mi I , u i n i nm m. Hartords, Cadillacs, . Buicks, Hupmo- d Mi 1 THE OREGON SUNDAY 'JOURNAL,: PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH -,5a 1911. mo a ..vrr' :,,.y Henry Stockbridge (at- wheel) and Marshall Farsum of Baker StocV company wlth-H. A.' Burgess (In ton- no RANKLIN FACTORY A VIS! "Big Parts" Plants Behind in Manufacturing but Are . Catching Up. H. H. Franklin,' head of the H. H. Franklin Manufacturing company, build-' -era of Franklin motor ears, was a visitor la Portland this week, He cam totally unannounced, called at tha local head- 'quarters of the company, stayed moat of ., Tuesday afternoon and was gone again; , Portland mad a great impression on Mr. Franklin, who in the east ia re garded aa one of the : biggest mea in the automobile business. He has never been afraid to take a chance on the future, of the automobile business and has been successful. - ' ; ""Portland Is the prettiest city on the coast and undoubtedly . the liveliest," said Mr. rranklln. "There Isn't an other that appears to be doing the busi nees you are doing here. We never hear any bad reports from this city when we are at home and from what I have seen -of it I can now believe there are very few bad things to say. "Last fall when every section of the country was scared by the muc&-discussed flurry in the automobile busi ness, Portland was one of the few cities not affected. Manufacturers one and all Join In the statement that Portland dealers seemed absolutely unaffected by what was thought to be a panlo'by many sections of the country. From .y - - t 4.. i : . . What - V gather . there, wasn't . a ' failure recorded out here. y , , .-Tin thr Tst weTave entirely re Covered from Ibis flurry and. practical ly every factory In the. country Is work ing night and day trying to get Its or ders out on time. The bit Prt factories have tied tip many vof the ' factories through not being able to turn out their parts on time but all are catching up as best they can.",. . . . ..( ;s'f, ... .,, ' H. L. Marat ere of Roeeburg, one of the enthusiastic motorists of tha south '- v f l- Guaranteed for Lift. Can I Afford to Keep a Car? You can if it's a HUPMOBILE. because a HUPMOBILE will cost no ' more, for daily maintenance and service, than your average street car fare. ' " - SMITH-CLEVELAND CO., Distributors Seventh and Couch. Marshall 2376. NEATE & MCCARTHY, Inc. Main 6374,A-7577 694 Washington St, Cor. King Powcr--Rcliability--Comf ort Elegance . ! . r '-SERVICE : - . SATISFACTION: -: Highest QualityRockiBottom Price . : ' ; J: elie Motoi8 ar s Forty Horsepower Touring Car, Fully Equipped, f. o. b. : : ... Portland. . mo To Pay More is to pay for much besides INTRINSIC CAR VALUE To Receive Less is to fall short olwhat JTOIIHAVE RIGHT TO DEMAND-f ull value for your money. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. DISTRIBUTORS . ' $88 Washington Street ' - - Portland, Oregon ' E $1000 F.O.B. Detroit $700 F.O; B.Detroit . The Cua That Have Made the High-Priced Automobile a Fad I .'V 'W . J'.'" iS ! V.",'" ' . E. ffl. F. NORTHWEST CO. Chapman and Alder L H. Rose, Manager Portland, Or. MoJelTTorpedo Runabout FOR THREE YEARS the Model T Ford car has been mak ing a record for. sale and merited popularity never before even . approached by any other make f car. But thje Model T has not ieviously been supplied with a Runabout body, and prospective lyers" have been,clamonnfffof it; one of the results is shown ifl a style of ear illustrated below; the classiest, most practical Torpedo Runabout ever prodaced. . ' PRODUCTIQN HAS v BEEN UNDER ' WAY for several weeks and deliveries fan now be promptly made. - JTISjrHESAMEjCARt the sameFordengine tiejame. Ford transmission, the same Ford differential, and throughout are the same general Ford features that have won for this Model T Ford 30,000 sales and the foremost place in the rank of sue cessfut cars. j i -. -ONLY-SUCH CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE aa wera- necessary to give this model the long, rakish appearance and the pleasing "sure-to-be-popular" lines which the illustration shows the car possesses.. ' . f pwn lujiiiiieii.iiii' VT'e f'nV Torpedo Runabout, $825 This price includes the following complete equipment: Top, Windshield, Speedometer, Gas Lamps, Generator, 3 Oil Lamps, Tubular Horn, Kit of Tools. , ,The Runabout is also furnished unequipped, except with 3 Oil Lamps, Tubular Horn and Kit of Tools for $745 f. o, b. Detroit Ford Motor Company CAR AGENCY East Eighth and Hawthorne Phone East 648 I I I I I II LI lllll II I . I I LIIII III IL I Ill 77: j I J' I )' -" r 1 "i ". t i- ....... , i i . j i , , i ... , . , 7""": r , . , , . , , - . , - -'i.si ." "i -rt:; I; , ..- . --.-., . .- . ,., . s,- ..'.' $-. t, .... ,i ,f,-. , 1 i .. , 5fif- r't? -.. --, .-w -' ''I ' "'-l "k 3 ' ' ." - - . - - ' - . l TSTJ'iW ' LEKSFtTlEI.' HE CAR that has been con spicuous for the Interest it ' has created at every big auto show held this year. Everywhere it. has been : ' ; T the same at New York, Chicago, Omaha, Milwaukee, at ev ery first-class Automobile Show East, in the Middle West and on the Pacific. Coast; wherever the , Overland has been exhibited, it has won the intense interest both of Automobile deaiers on the lookout for the best in the mar ket, and private purchasers seeking the car with most, combined mechani cal excellence and comfort, roomi ness and class. FORE DOORS FREE. 1 All models have the new fore door' bodies, but we have the old style open ' fronts for those thatdeslre them. Also r Pacific Coast Distributers for the KISSEL KAR ,