The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1911, Page 42, Image 42

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Uniform Highway Legislation
, Put in Force When Govern
or Signed Bill, Which Takes
Effect Aygust 1.
When Governor Oswald Woat signed
substitute house bill No. 32. which
i'omltely changes the status of auto
mobile registration h made Oregon one
of the first western states to adopt
- uniform highway legislation. In fact
there -aw but -few-eastern-state- thai
have as complete and intelligent set
Of road laws as this state.
The new automobile law as many
call tt or the "Oregon motor law" as it
la known la said to be the most com
'' plete law governing traffic In force In
"the United gtates. The committee from
the Portland Automobile club, headed
by W. C Bristol and assisted by a com
mittee of dealers, which drew up the
' law. had -made an exhaustive study of
eastern laws and changed them to suit
the needs of this Oregon country and it
: la the unanimous verdict of the auto
mobile owners of the city that iney
have been successful. 1
One of the most radical changes
makes It necessary for every vehicle,
Including automobiles, carriages and
bicycles, to carry a lighted lamp on the
front, visible at least 100 reet in ad
vance of the vehicle, and showing a red
light to the rear. This provision is ex
pected to dp away with many of the
accidents on the highways at night lit
which teams and horses and carriages
have been run down by automobiles. - .
There is a heavy penalty attached to
the violation of this and every other
section-of the law. Fines Of $25 for
first offense, together with Imprison
ment, J BO and Imprisonment, If neces
" sary, for a second offense and still more
- for any other offense make It Incum
bent upon the owners -of all vehicles
to obey the law.
: The second radical change Is In the
law governing speed. While the law
Is changed and the rate of speed per
mitted increased through the clause
calling for a reasonable speed at all
times, it Is possible to arrest a man
driving eight miles 'an hour' if he has
been driving his car at a rate which
la unreasonable In view of the traffic
on the streets which' surround him.
However, it Is allowable . to drive at
a speed of 25 miles an hour on any
street or highway in the state not clear
ly marked as otherwise. ,
. In its treatment of, the driving on
mountain' roads, and ' street crossings,
and Its regulations' regarding all inter
sections, the, law has,, made a great
change. It goe Into "effect August 1,
Kissel Kar and Overland Of
fices Will Give No Space
?o Garaging.
Headquarters for -the Overland and
Klfsel Kar motor cars were opened in
Portland 1 this week - when the . J. W.
Leavitt companj'. one of the oldest mo
, . tor car companies on the Pacific coast,
. opened Us new Portland branch. The
new salesrooms are most modern and
many automobile men have been in to
: : admire them this week.
, The new building is the first big auto
' headquarters to be opened in Port-
land in which no effort is made .to do a
farage business. Nothing but sales
ooms, offices, shop and parts rooms
s j are provided.
The J. W. Leavitt company has been
established in California since 1894.
It has only recently enlarged its lerrl
tory to Include all Oregon, Washington,
western British Columbia and part of
Idaho, as well as California and Nevada,
.formerly controlled by them. The new
. ' building at 529 Wauhlngton street Is the
, rewult of the completion of their plans
for Portland.
The new building covers a lot 50x100
and Is a two story brick and steel
structure. On the ground floor are
large and commodious salesrooms and
offices, together with an elevator car
rying the cars to the shops above. The
parts room 1b just back of the elevator,
,'-ani here will be kept 325,000 worth of
parts. A well lighted shop on the arc
ond floor with storage room only for
demonstrating cars completes the bulld-
'". ing.
The salesroom Is one of the most
i1 pw-ttlly decorated In the city. A liufre
fireplace n thu west side add rheer-
fulness, while the tasty fittings, and
? th many elegant cups won in other
cltks In races and endurance contests
5. make the decorations most complete.
World's Record May 60
Lo$ Angeles After
; April. 8-9.
' A twenty-four ho,ur automobile race
ll)..'KUI iHtf'Mt vnt til !. Milt k.
jnuiwrurumr, rtpru a ana y,
Tl;e Simplex people, plan to send
K&lph !' Palma in to flo the shattering
st the wheel of a Bimbfi ninety, goms
what will be required or the
triir driver for his 24 hour, nerve
training stunt can be gathered from
the rt that, for the entire time. It will
r1 .1 . I :i:7:,y -. . !
be necessary to maintain an average
of better than a mile a minute in or
der to break the existing record. The
latter is now held by Walter Hedges
and was made on the Brooklands
track in England, about a year ago. In
making it. Hedges drove three different
six cylinder Napier cars.
( That De I'alma is out for the rec
ord is evidenced, by the preparations
being made to Insure him a straight
away drive. Extra wheels, tires, gas
tank are already on hand.
Some of his more formidable com
petitors, however, ere likewise in the
field. C. Ii BIgelow will be there in
the Mercer the -name BIgelow who
carried off the trophy for the light
car event at the Panama-Pacific road
. The Tires Used by
64 Makers of Cars
. Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires have been con
tracted by 64 leading motor car makers , for
their 1911 models. These patented tires'" out
sell our clincher tires six to one, now that the
price is equal They cut
The NeJUnvCat Tire
This Is the Goodyear No-Rlm-Cut
tire, which trebled our tire sales last
year jumped Jhem to $8,500,000.
. It has become the sensation. Every
man who knows it wants It. Millions
of dollars are being saved motor ,car
owners by the use of No-Rim-Cut tires.
Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires have no
hoofes on, the base. They don't need
to be hooked to the rim.
Your removable rim flanges are set
to curve outward when you use these
patented tires. So the rounded edge
comes next to the tire. One can run
this tire deflated for 20 miles without
the least sign of rim-cutting.
The hooks are unnecessary because
we have invented an unstretchable tire
base Into the base we vulcanize 126
braided piano wires. As the tire is
inflated these, braided wires contract.
They hold the tire to the rim by a
pressure of 134 pounds to the inch.
No hooks are needed no tire bolts
are needed. Nothing can force a No-Rim-Cut
tire over the flange.
We control this feature by patent. It
gives us the only, '
practical tire with
an unstretchable
base. It is the
only safe tire
which isn't hook
ed to the ri la
the only desirable
tire which can't
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With or Without Non-Skid Tr4
Branch anj AfHci im AUthi Principal Cititt WtMakAUSartofRabbrTlT
No Valves to Grind
No Engine Troubles
On the High Duty
Ten years' experience constantly perfecting the valveless.
two-cycle motor has brought out the most economical car
in the world.
Arranged Vertical under
Cast Separately.
.Dimensions 4x3.,
Cooling Water.
Radiator Vertical tube. '
Ignition Atwater-Kent. -Generator.
Shaft Drive.
PRICE $1250 F. O. B. FACTORY.'
Seventh and
Tlegal jjnderslurig" roadster One of recent arrivals.
race. Other likely entries are (Charles
Men in the National, and Hal Wilcox
in the National "Six."
, The first prlxe offered for the event
Is the hanrieome Lou Angeles Motor
drome twenty-four-hour trophy, to
gether with 15 per cent of the gross
receipts at the gate.. The second prise
Is six per cent of the gate receipts,
and the third four per cent. Trophies
emblematic of twenty-four-hour cham
pionships In piston displacement divis
ions will be given to winners in the fol
lowing; divisions: 161 to 230, 231 to 300,
301 to 450, 451 to 600' find 601 to 760
cubic inches piston displacement, pro
viding there are two starters in each
The event will be held under the
tire bills in two.
Ordinary CfincW Tire
Here is the clincher tire the ordi
nary tire fitted on the same rim. The
removable rim flanges must be turned
to cui4e inward to grasp hold of the
hook-fto dig 'into .the tire. when de
flated. This tire can be ruined in a
single block If yon run it flat.
10 Oversize
" Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires are made
10 per cent oversize. The hookless
construction allows that Yet they cost
no extra price.
That means 10 per cent more air-?
10 per cent more carrying capacity.
It means, with the average car, 25
per cent more mileage per tire.
Fully 19 in 20 tires are overloaded
beyond the elastic limit. It is done by
the extras the top, glass front, gas
tank, extra tires, etc. Also by over
weight passengers. Most of the blow
outs are caused by this fact. '
We give you these overalls),
No-Rim-Cut tires
without any ex
tra cost. The two
features together
cut tiro bills in
two. Each motor
ist should provo
this fact
Write for our
latest Tire Book.
Clutch Multiple disk.
Wheel Base 108 inches.
Gauge 56 inches.
Brakes Contracting and ex
panding on' b o t h rear
wheels., ,; 4. " , w- ,
Transmission i-S elective.
Sliding gear,r three for-,
ward, one reverse.
Tires 32x3J4 all around.
Kfc. J . mmmmm win iiiiiin mm in i
rules of the A. A. A., together with such
other, provisions as the conditions may
make necessary. , The number of start
ers, by reason of 'the : limitations of
room, will be 16 or fewer. No driver
will be allowed to drive for more than
three hours consecutively and he will
have, to rest an hour before he can go
back to the wheel.
Traveling Auditor Visits City
With Another Story of
Car Shortage;
C Clifford Blackman traveling, audi
tor for the E. M. F. Northwest company,
Detroit, Mich., is visiting the branch
of the E. M. F. Factory, the E. M. F.
Northwest company. Chapman arid Al
der streets Mr. Blackman is making
a trip through the northwest and will
visit the -branches at Spokane and Se
attle before 'returning to the factory.
This j Is Mr. Blackman s third trip to
the coast since August, 1910, and he
finds - conditions out here very satls-
Reliability Comfort
"Cy" J)
40 H. P., FORE DOOR $2100
30 H; P., FORE DOOR $1600
Fully Equipped, f. o. b. Portland
Our Motto:
No matter how good a motor car may be, if it
doesn't look well it can't be sold. No matter how
beautiful if may be, it will bring nothing but worry
and expense unless it has quality equal to its looks.
Our Cars Embody Principles1
Cars arriving from factory daily. We can make imme
diate delivery " Agency proposition open r .
to reliable outside parties.
Auburn Motor Car Co.
Distributors for Oregon and Columbia Stlrsr Conntlec.
604 Washington Street, Corner .King,
, ' Miu 6374 Telephones A-7S77. .
factory. The only piece of bad news
he brings is that tha outlook Indicates
a big- shortag-e of cars for the present
summer.. 'Ihs E. M. F, company, like
many pthers, is running at full capacity
at the present time, and turning out
about 1)0 cars a day, but the demand
exceeds the factory capacity io such
an. extent that, st 'the present time
the .factory Is 700 orders 1 behind, or in
other, words H "working jaysjehlnd
in Its orders. ' T ' '
Before coming- to Portland. Mr. Black
man visited the southern branches. . At
lanta. , KashYlHe snd, Memphis. and
found that conditions in that section
of the country are equally as bright
as they are in the northwest
''Wild Bob" Burman, Joe Mat
son, Caleb Jraggjtnd Their
. Like Will Be There.-
Jacksonrllle. March . 6. -"Wild Bob"
Piii-man an1 hln Buick sauad Of SDeed-
ers will be the big attraction for the
auto fans at the Jacksonville Beach
racing carnival on March 27, IS, 2 and
n . Th. Flint tiiiot will swoon down
on the space eaters at the Jacksonville
record 1 trials ana nis wore win oe
watched with Intarest -'
Tha onlrv tnnludea the tWO blS CSTS
which he and Louis Chevrolet drove
last year and' with which Burman once
won the Indianapolis Motor Speedway
himt and also the cars which were
entered in the, stock chassis events in
various sections of the country.
The Hershoff. national champion in
Its class, will be down trying to land
the : straightaway title for this class.
This car has performed wonderfully at
the Indianapolis. Motor Speedway meet
ings. In the 200 or 200 mile event for a
cash prize of 21000 the Pope-Hartford
will make an effort to land the big
money. -
Several cars of over 200 horsepower
will be at the carnival to try to wrest
the Utle of world's speed king from the
present holder, Barney Oldfield, with a
hew record, and the Indications now are
that there will be some high speed
Joe Matson will be on hand with a
new 200 H. P. Fiat creation that will
find Its way) to. the beach to try to get
the world's straightaway records for
one mile and one kilometer, and Walter
Christie's front drive monster will also
be called to the post with Caleb Bragg,
the young millionaire pilot, at the wheel.
Motor Cars
Other entries are -promised the man
agement and - It is thought that , the
racing carnival will, mean the launch-'
ing of tha I9ll racing season In the
most successful manner. 1
C. W, Ferris of the Hupmobile agency
Is touring southern Oregon this week In
a Hspmobile, being one of the first on
the road this spring. Mr. Ferris will
make many of the southern towns beore
returning to Portland, arranging agen
cies for the Hupmobile. '
Have-you seen the new Portland hotel
bus? The car has. been on the streets
i"lc.i.. A I WIWTFIr fn Vulcan ,
AUlUOUppiy u f is-eim vvi ' .
Largest Stock ,
. 86 ixth St, Portland, Or.
Belmorc, MacOougall, Moores Co.
Auto Bodies, Wheels and General Repairing!
' OAJtAOa. 0O3TO MT UTjrJlTM AMD AUH. ' t.
xmm Antft f.(
"The Car With
J. L Case Threshing
322 East Clay St
Vulcanizing & Retreading R. E. BLODGETT. 510 Alder SL Main 7005
From 1 to 30 horsepower, Power Sprajring Machines, Pumping
Plants, etc. . See our H. P. Stationary Engine for sawing wood,
etc.; for $185., Guaranteed., East Yamhill and Union avenue.
Phone East 514. "
Menzies-DuBois Auto Co.
. Xnnsdlate DeUvery
nonet A-3881, Mala 4880 ierenth and DstIs Streets
Sampson Trucks
Scliadit Motor Car
Commercial and Pleasure Cars
aiAiitiiniii nv uiuvuiLu nun
Demonstration by Appointment Phont Main 2583 .
since: Wednesday, and has -attracted
more attention in that , space of time
than any car, ' that has- appeared on
Portland's streets in many xnontha It
is built on a White ton and a half
chassis, and wiJJ seat comfortably 80
people. -It Is beautifully-painted, being
iiniBDea in urewsier green, v with
darker sunning gear and striping.-
- Ye Oregon Grille- 7"
Special engagement Handler, , Boy
Wonder Pianist - Every night this wee it
after . p. m. ' . -h t v i ; .
Journal Want Ad bring results.'
AUDurn motor can Co.
, ROBT. SIMPSON. Mbi'. ,
Knk-T: Ri
A 7339 Main 3674, '
Ml S
and Alder
the Famous Engine"
riven bv aDDointment
Machine Company, Inc.
, jfortiana, ur.
' """" '"s
"It's AH in the Tire"
West Coast Supply Co.
326 Burnside SI.
Xala 4337 FH0ZTZ8 A-7171
United Auto Go.
(Tormerly Maxwell Agency)
eTenteenth and Alder streets -sl
x. oonr, lcgr.
Oregon, Washington, California
and Nevada
S29.S31 Washington Street -
East Washington, Cor. Second Street
' Phones ast 5607, B-22 1 5 '