THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, SUNDAY. MORNING, MARCH aV 1911. (Ptsha. who wb one of the fsvorltc I mlnUterg o Sultan Abdul Hamld be- fore the . latter waa deposed from the Turklah " throne. : . ' .- - Following her separation from Hart broad. Its plans provide for the ad-1 vertlslng of. the soils and land products ' of the wesu No particular section will be - favored. Colorado, -. norther . and southern California. Utah. ; Montana, 1 New Mexico, Arisona, Idaho, Washing-' ton, ' Oregon and Mexico will display their resources under conditions Just as . favorable as - will attend those of southern California. , v - t v. Lecturers will explain the properties,! of the various soils- and their products cverr day and tnghflhe show Is opened to the public. In many ways It' will be the greatest educational enterprise the west-hae-yet knownr The-ralue of the ' soils, how the best results may be,1 Obtained and where the most accessible, markets are located, will be fully de scribed. -In addition, advertising liter--ature will Inform intending settlers where lands are, how to get to them and bow much It will cost to establish ' a home' or a farm. No essential detail t will fee overlooked in this great .cam- , palgn of education for the benefit of those who are seeking to invest money J In the west . . : v;. LIFE OF FARMER ATTRACTS ACTOR THEATHS lath AND MORRISON rhones Mala 11T. A-eaat . Oee b Baker, Qea, Mgr. II McKee, Mr a. MoKee aayg, the paacha waa a sympathising friend, , and she turned over to him the clocks and bonds for aafe keeping- She also alleges that he sold or pledged Jewels which she loaned THB BIGGEST LAUGH OF THE SEASON. ' him. -IK Startmg Sun. Matinee, Mar. 5th, 191 lToday Figure in .Divorce1 : Case Says --Hertfrust Has Been;- -. . - 'Violated. - 4 EGTED t ., ... . , : (Unltra Ptm tMrd Wlrt. Paris, March 4. A suit to recover, nearly half a million : dollars" worth Los Angeles March ,i. When the doors of the Pacific Land and Products exposition, the latest enterprise of this ity-4n-the-4ntereta:-f-ihe westr-are of stocks and bond brought by Mrs.J -j cornena : Baxter, Tevis-MCKee is pena- Ing here against Ned - Jib , Melham I opened on March II everything will be In readlnesa for the 200,000 visitors ex pected. For the first time , .the re sources of the Pacific coast and Bocky mountain states and the west coast of Mexico will-be thoroughly-exploited. The scope of the land show l very ; Ear! Dudley to Retire,' ; , t l' lilted PrM Uawii. W Ira. l i '. j ' Melbourne, March 4. Earl Dudley,, wllLTetlre-as governor general In July. He will be succeeded by Lord Ddham.'; PERCIVAL LENN0N m ' - : i HOUSANDSEXF AT LOS ANGELES M v . fi-:r:-r- ,y : W , ; i ii ,. . mm George VV. Monroe on his. farm. Which would you rather be. the best delineator of eccentric female Irish characters, with a salary of ' $1000 a week, or a truck farmer on. Long Is land In the state of New York, with a .$10,000 estate? : If you wish to know the answer, ak George W. Monroe, who appears In "The Midnight Sons" at the Helllg next week as "Panttf Burns," an eccentric female character which he has made one of the real stage creations of the past three years. Perhaps George W. Monroe will give you his version of. real contentment and happiness, that is, if you can "lnvagle" him into telling you. all about bis "farm" on Long" laland. Mr. Monroe has his own little neat at St. James on the ndrth shore of Long Island. He is within a stone's, throw of Mayor Gaynor of New York, whom he counts an, one of his personal friends; Willie Collier Is only a "short distance" away; Tony Farrell ts the bonlface of a ho tel within ; speaking distance; Jean PlBpurkftabjg;lan4w.ntp.romot Ing Stony Brooke which is ,a riva,l re sort to St. James; and in addition, many other theatrical luminaries make ' St. James their summer recreation grounds, and at no-place are they received with more cordiality than at the Monroe bun galow. ... COMIC OPERA IN VAUDEVILLE , -t v " ' J ' S. ' 'i'V J 1, f " f t ' ' "- 1 - - ' 1 a r . n-J 'S , ' ' ,K , , f k , I y a ; ' w r,;. , ' Ji - 1 CV) " , 1 V 1 te f ,, ','.-..-.w- k. Jr ,tf .; X i ' " 7 "H MIEI JiUT THEATRE Seventh aad Taylor Mala 1 A-naa 6 NIGHTS BEGINNING FEOZAX PBIOB wesstessat ad MATXITEZS ATtTKDAT , uhw ratss nUBSXaTTS - oirsxAoa The Mammoth MUSICAL SHOW THE axTsirCAJM T-S0HS With GEO. W. MONROE ' . IN HIS ORIGINAL CREATION OF "PANSY BURNS" XXGWLTWT CAST STUWaiWO CKOBTSR , CLASSY VAUDEVILLE STUNTS Evenings ; Entire lower floor Balcony, first .11 rows , Balcony, following 6 rows. Balcony, last 6 rows Entire gallery , . Box stats TKicxa 11.60 $1.00 . . 7 5c ..50c . .60c ........... $2.00 ' i 1 ' Both natlnees , Entire lower floor. 11.00 Balcony, first 11 rows... 75c Balcony, last 11 rows..........B0o Galleryv.reserved 2 rows.. 85e Gallery admission 25c Boxseats. .$1.50 SEATS NOW SELLING AUTOS AND. CARRIAGES 10:45 O'CLOCK He will appear In "The Hold-up," the New York and London suc cess at Pantages, one week only, commencing with the matinee to .BEAT 8AX.B QPEKi JTEXT TEXDAX n ihutre u Edward tb:b aTOTXD xvausK ACTOm r Terry KOITDAT TTTESDAY March 13-14 AND HIS LONDON COMPANY i (Llebler A Co., Managers.) KOHDAY, t" VABOB X3 "STWBET XVAYXBSES" TtTESDAY, SCABCB 1WIB3 aCAOISTBA.TB" , WtlOBS Entire1 lower floor. $1.50; balcony, firat 5 rews, $1; next 6 rows, 75c; last 11 rows, 6 Oo; gallery, 35c. 25c. Jess L. Lasky's Musical Stock com pany of 22 people are headed: for the "Portland Orpheum, where they will ap jearln 1'At lhaWaldorf!lntrQducing comic opera to vaudeville. The skit Is as handsomely mounted as anything that Mr. Lasky has over sent on the road, and those theatre goers who remember the "Houseboat" and "At the Country Club" will have some Idea of the mag nificence of the production that Is to be here in three weeks' time. The wonder Is that vaudeville ta accommodate auch stupendous acta. Time was that 22 peo ple were considered a large traveling company, and capable of playing the ft houses all alongtha circuits Ira ie soon Furnishings Arrive From East for Vancouver's $60,000 . Temple. t (Spei'lnl Dliixtcb to Tbe Jnertial.) Vancouver, Wash., March 1 Two carloads- of furniture and fixtures from 'Chicago, for the new Elks home' reached Vancouver Tuesday. The work of in stalling the furnishings which cost $10, '000 will begin next week and it. la ex : pected will be completed In about two weeks,ko that the opening and dedlca ' tlon of the temple will take place prob ably. In the early part of AprlL v The furnishings are rich and hand some. The furniture for 'the main lodge room isi mahogaity with plush "upholster ing, for, the lounging and cJub rooms j mahogany i with ? leather upholstering, for the ladles' room mahogany with ta tfrphohrterlng 1ir the1 emptreratyig of Louis XVI and-the. billiard; room will be In oak,' Everything! is the very best, no pains being spared, nor money in the selection of the -choicest pieces of turnl ture. . , . -When the Elks' new-home Is-completely finished and the furnishings are all Installed, the building and its furni ture and other equipment will have cost close to $$0,000. There are, of course, larger Elks' homes on the coast, but there is none that is more modern or more convenient or more handsome or complete in appointment and equipment r Three y o'CIock Today H j osef O F M A N HEILIG THEATRE PRICES $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00 Gallery Admission 75 Cents Gallery doors open 2:30. PhouM Mam 6, A 1090 Beginning Monday Matinee ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week, March 6 C.W wm Late Star of "The Summer Widowers" IN "THE DELICATESSEN SHOP" STUART BARNES HAMID ALEXANDER THE FREY TWINS STEWART and MURRAY ROGERS and HART WILLIAM FERRY Evening Prices: 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c SAXXiT HATOfXElBO, 23c, SOe. XOX.ZDAT XATZVSXS Bight Moea r Peopled Amusement Co, I 5000 Feet New Film Today STAR ,The Xaart of Barage. . . . . . .". .-. . . Blograph Tragedy I 'TfJrTJ Writing on tU Blotter. .7, i . . ; .fidleon Dram j 1 neaire - ,, oa YOU Clubman Pathe Comedy SaiVrBtt0- ' V mn Iwa. . , , . . .'. ...... .Magnetic ' Vocalist II a. m. t 11 p. to. ' Wwna Carney k Oaraar. ... .Piano. Pipe Organ, Drums '" 'V. ;' V 1 . : t ARPAHF Th Vxtoaa Bevolutlon. .. Scenes of the actual conflict rXlWfXUtU , of the Mexican patriots Iiv their fight for liberty. Continuous . Bertha's Mission.'. . . . . , . , ... . . ..Society Satire Bally - - Woman's Onto ' . i'J V..1. . . .v.-V; , Farcical 11 a. a. to 11 p. a. jir. Cowan. , Our popular singer .r .' s. . . - ".. . t " TIOI f ' Vaa Mexloaa IHUbatten . . . '. . . , .Genuine Reproduction llVVJLil of the present conflict. " r :,4 m,Mt ! y : t Kammy'a Ohost . . . i . . . . . . .. . . Civil War Story 5iVtn W tttmpi rind...... Comto f- Ir w-fiistratsd Bong Mr. Al Bather Matinees Sally ,t fj, Each picture originally produced. OdeorirTHeatre-l-Oh- Joy-Theatre- ,,'. , - , . . , Tha Ontbreak. V . , . , . . ,Blg Bensatlon The Desert's Edge. ...... ... .Draraatlo Haa's Diplomacy. , , . . A Comedy Hit Capt, Bamaele's Conrtshlp. ........ . Max Makes Mnsla. jv, , . , 4Very funny t ...... ; . 4 . Bv Charles Dickens ts, Pans Foety...;.,Farolcal rorWddem Cigarettes. .... ...Comical Another song hit by Mr, Robert , Mr. Houghton, the singer, brand new ' y . ' Forrest. Travalogue, Muto and Sffeets. . . t -.: ' -.A.. - -- HOME OF MUSICAL COMEDY v Seventh and Alder Streets WEEK COMMENCING TOMORROW MATINEE KEATING & FLOOD present EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION GODFREY ROAD Champion Long-Distance Walker of the World and the Lyric Musical Comedy Company "DiLLONMlNGINALABAZ THREE PERFORMANCES DAILY 2:45, 7:45, 9:15 'Friday Night CEoru Uu'IsT''Contest after each per- tormance. NEXT WEEK THE CHAMPAGNE GIRL Introducing the Famous Harem Skirt Chorus. . , ' One of the greatest, of all farce comedies. Years before the public and, like Charley's Aunt just as great as evert : ; HENRY STOCKBRIDGE FAY BAINTER, Ande of therbestBupportingr companies seen herethis ea--son. You start laughing and you never quit because you can't. 1 ' Clean, wholesome and ; bubbling ovef with merriment. , Clever song hits and specialties. If you miss Brown you miss arc evening ot hearty laughters Prices Evenings, 25c, 66c, 75c. Sunday and Saturday mat inees, 25c, 00c. Thursday .bargain matinee, zoc. . f aa Xu'baub, fan. Manager THEATRE Morrises ana aBevaafk . Pnoaes MaU A-SMel Bortlaaa's handsome, flrapreof plaraonae. faro eat borne ef the Incomparable Bakar . JSook Oa. , AKER All week, commencing matinee today, Sunday, March ft.1311 A" -superb production of Eugene Walters' famoos play, v TOE W(Q)ILF 1 First Time in Stock. .; ' Strange, fascinating pbt Scenes laid m the grand Cana dian forests. Unusual character studies. Beautiful seeob effects. , Perfectly cast. .',' Staged under direction of Marshall Fannm- - - , - r i " , - . ,.'.r- .i'.'f.y.' Evening prices 5c, 50c, 75c Sunday and Saturday' mati nees 25c, 50c. Wednesday bargain matinee, 25c all seats.' Next Week The College Widow U(X1V AN&CONSIDINE GRAND MATINEE DAILY AT 2:30 Tonr Ibows Bnnday, SlOO, SAO, TlS asA StlS T. M. Best Vaudeville)1.? for th ( o PT Price J n America American and European Vaudeville Week of March 6 ROAD SHOW No.' 4 : The Modern Hercules, Bobby Pandur & Brother In Picturesque' Poses and Amailng Feats of Strength. Sol Schwarta Presents the SIX GYPSY SINGERS In a Study of Gypsy Camp Life. Stars Who, Entertain - WHITEHEAD and GIUEIISON In a Tuneful Terpalchqraan Riot CHARLES A. MURRAY (Late of Murray and Mack) and Their Former Star MISS BAE HAMILTON In "Jerry the Janitor" - An Artist to His Ftarer Tina JOHN HAMILTON Painting; His Own Scenery and . Cartoona - , craoxax ittbt , aTwsaowoBT Master David Schooler (The Boy Paderewskl) Tiny Master of the Pianoforte. - GRANDASCOPE MATTWXXB BaVZbT AT SlBOl , , , srxazv At rso uu tns UiStdQU ALLtD VAUDtiVlL,L-tt WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY MATINEE, MARCH 6 EXTRA SPECIAL ENGAGEN1ENT EXTRA MAJCMOTX rBODUCTXOIT OT LOBDOB AJTO IIV TOBJK SVCCXSS :witb: PERCIVAL LAYTON Stupendous ' Scenlo Bfeota Thirty people Two .Trains," '? VARSITY TRIO Bonis and Patter. -JAMES' H. UCHTER The Earon at the Piano. Fitzsimmons and Cameron Entertainers De Luxe. AERIAL SHAWS f ' Daring Mldatr; Artists. 4-ERIIL MERICLE - " 'Character Impersonator. PATfTAG - Latest A hi ii t i: L4 fit. Popular Pric:s-r.!z!:n-; D;:!yCi:r!t3 2:Z ?, 7: D V.