The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1911, Page 37, Image 37

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Jr. .
1 .
George Washington has had attached to his name an adver
tisement that has lived'170 yars The jsaying .'.' '
-'!. 'Yes father 1 did it-1 cannot tell a lie." , : ,
There has never been recorded, as far as we ,know, any
statement contradictory that George Washington; said this
so the saying may be accepted as a truthful advertisement.
The word ."Value so conspicuous in the majority of the
advertisements in, Portland, is used to make extravagant claims
of-bar gains to produce immense .price reductions to create
glaring announcements by which to attract people with state
ments not wholly based on facts. ,
Thinking merchants, seeing this good word so abused and
Corrupted, have ceased' using it -
The public wise to its real intent and purposes-shun it
Stores conducted on high standards need no subterfuge to
attract a clientele. ' t
ave viou a
or Slender Figure?
HereV a-NeW.W. B,
Spring Mo d e 1 Corset
Special $1.39
A splendid model for me.
dium and slender figures, giv
ing the ' new approved lines,
Madeof good quality cojutiL
Has -medium bust, finished
with embroidery and draw
string. Long over the hips
and back. " Four hose support
ers attached. Sizes 18 to 26:
"WHY NOT'Dress Goods From Us?
WHITE AND BLACK Complete stocks of the - latest
black and white wool suitings. - Pekin stripes, shepherd checks,
all sizes. Tennis stripes, hairline stripes, club checks and pin
checks. Priced from 50 to 92.00 the yard. .
SILK AND AVOOL Poplins. The first showing of this
popular, fabric for 1911. lEvery yard guaranteed; 44 inches
wide. New and exclusive designs in brocades and twenty
five modish new colors. For street and evening wear. $1.50
to 82.00 the yard. .' , - , ' . v v - - 4
-FRENCHiCHALLIES AlUwool,-inthenew-bordered
effects for street wear. ' Polka dots in aU colors arid sizes
small floral r effects for children's dresses and new Persian
effects. Prices 50. 59S 65 and 75 the yard.
SCOTCH SUITINGS-Gray and tan mixtures in the new
rough -effects- fortailor suits- and "coats. Prices i $li75"to
82.50 yard.
$35 Body Brussels Rugs $24.85
In small neat designs, , tans and browns.
Suitable for office, living rooms and dining
rooms. Full five fram quality. Size 9x12.
Many attractive patterns. '
No Restaurant
No Grocery
No Liquors
Special Needlework
In our Needlecraft Depart
ment we are equipped for ex
ecuting all branches of needle
work, consisting of table lin
ens; " gowns, t lingerie, dainty
waists and brides' trousseau.
Join the Classes
Learn Irish Crochet and the
art - of making collars, jabots,
belts andendless bits of finery.
All classes are FREE::" You
are welcome to join at any
Royal Society Packets
It s New Miladv
The Buckie Swathe
For the Coiffure
This swath . will complete
thecoiffureasan elegant ac
companiment. , The - satisfac
tion of possessing natural wavy
hair surrounding the Chignon
of curls or puffs. Price 83.00
and 85.00 each. -
Gray Transformations, 83.50.
CJueeiLHair-Bolla, everyshade,
50. ;
Gray Chignons for 86.00. ;
Real French Hair Switches, 24
inch, 88.00.
Real French Hair Switches, 23
inch, 812.00. 77rr
Natural German Wavy
: Switches," 810. 1 ' '. .
No Men's Clothing
No Pots and Pans
No Bakery
$55.00 Wilton Rugs $41.00
Beautiful Wilton Rugs of superior quality,
exact copies of real Oriental rugs, with ex-
Lquisite soft colorings. Large assortment of
handsome patterns. Sue 8x18. , ' : ! ' : "
,um,,--Smart fjate tn great profusion
Vr: 7 ; 1' ITrimmed and Semi-Trimmed Hats
There is a boldness and a dash to the trimming of these hats that give them a distinguished
bappearance', such as tailored hats have seldom had. - . s
r Designers haver'esercised their greatest ingenuity in the fashioning of these attractive hats.
- ; : !"..-TOne rtyle in particular is shown in many novel twists and
;, '.turns. - It is the new "broad-across-the-face" effect, which on
i" the heaij has a most becoming appearance. ' ' L
.Heavy, ; coarse praias are again pupuuu.
U-In theCemiimmed hats the trimming is mostly petite roses and small flowers. . Many are
trimmed with: tiny blossoms in great masses, others with pompons. We have , never, at this
early; dateV showy juch 4 vard stock as is ready for your inspection tomorrow. '
up tb(lD.00. v J
Joto u tfje tooman tuiQ can retet tljes(e
neto Jroularte . , Jfromarfe
Foulard silks first in woman's favor. A fabric no longer a whim
of Fashion., Every woman counts on at least one Foulard dress
among her gowns for spring. They will be in constant demand for
street or house wear.
-And to meet the inevitable demand we
show tomorrow a magnificent collection of
imported Foulards, of interest to those
women of fashion in search of something
Bordered Novelties in such great favor this season are shown in
profusion. Every fashionable shade, every conceivable style is assem-
bled in this comprehensive collection.
Of greatest importance is the fact that we have one dress pattern
of a kind only. Three windows show a partial display, the balance
is exhibited in the Silk Department
Prices range from 81.00 to 83.00 the yard.
abp tijmgs at little Uby price
75c Infants' Skirts 59c
Infants' long white Daisy cloth or outing flannel skirts; best qual
ity, finished with dainty scalloped edge and has cambric waist.
75c Infants' Gowns 59c
White Daisy cloth gowns, buttoned in front and finished with rib
bon binding. The sleeves have turnback cuffs and drawstring in the
hem. Exceptional quality.
r25c to 50c Hose 15c
Special lot of infants' tan and black silk, lisle and cashmere hose,
also pink and blue lisle, lace and plain styles. Size 4 to 6.
25c and 30c Booties 22c
Dainty little wool booties, hand made, in the regulation and sock
lengths. All white, blue and white, pink and white colors. Crochet
or knit
35c Infants' Sacques 25c
Crochet sacques in colors or plain white, also of white outing flan
nel with crochet edge. Has plain or open sleeves.
$1.35 and $1.50 Sacques $L19
Infants' fine cashmere sacques and nightingales, with scalloped
edges of white, blue or pink silk, ribbon-tied. Also dainty hand-made
crochet sacques in white and colors, with yokes. -i- -
$1.25 and $1.50 Pillow Slips 98c
Baby's lawn pillow slips, with hand-embroidered corners and ruffle
of hemstitched embroidery. Also hand-made pillow slips with scal
loped edges.
Men See the Difference at a Glance
Between Smart and Bargain "Neckwear
We are being complimented constantly on the smartness
of our men's furnishings Men tell us we show the nobbiest
and newest things in the city, and that there is a touch c
exclusiveness different from the things shown about town
There is a reason for this.
We have a new manager A man who has catered all
his life to the finest trade.
As an example: Black and white is very fashionable this
season. Budd of New York used his entire corner window
a week ago for his opening display of new ties in black and
white. ... . . . -
Today we show the same styles In shepherd checks, flowing
ends. The price, 50c ' ,' ''V
New derby ribbed spring underwear in white lisle Trimmed
with silk, open front and finished cuffs. $1.00 the garment
.'V H . ''mmmmmmmmmmjtmmmmmmmmimlmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Sale of
Attention B o y 3 and Girls
..v Here's Real Live News Read on
. u Your .Choice .1 9c
Popular books that have been famous for
'years. Those good, standard books written by
world-famous authors na. have been the de
light of .boys and girlsayear after year.- -We
offer 3000 fine cloth, bound books printed
on good paper, in clear type., i , t '
- Books by; Alger Hnty, 'Trowbridge, Jules
Verne,! J. Fennimore Cooper, Edward .Ellis,
Harry Castleman, Lieutenant R. H. Jane, Cap
tain Mayne Reed, Charles'. Carleton Coffin, C.
Aj Stevens, Oliver Optic; ' .
Stories of adventure, fascinating stories per
taining to the great rebellion and revolution
adventures in i the .forest and jungle Indian
stories, war, stories tories of pluck and dat
ing Tn fact, stories to suit the taste of every
boy and girl to be found in this immense sale.
Join the Book Lovers Club
$1.00 Down-$l a; Week
New Beauty Unfolds
In These 191 1 Wash Goods
A particularly handsome wash fabric of de
cidedly new construction. ; A, sheer texture in
white grounds with self-warp cluster stripes,
over which are printed floral and geometrical
designs. Price 25 the yard. t. .
This is an Imported cloth of sheer Organdie
weave, white and tinted grounds, in neat as
well as elaborate patterns. Artistic designs.
25 the yard. idLi!--J-
A domestic fabric rivaling in beauty of de
sign and colorings the imported fabric frdm
which it, gets its name. A washable material
of more than ordinary merit. . Light, medium
and dark effects. Only 25 yard. -
Arough woven cloth of extraordinary qual
ity which is not impaired by laundering. Spe
cially adapted for. the Eton jacket suits. All
the standard and new spring shades. Price
25.the yard. -
This-f abricwbich-bids fair to-lead - in-th
wash dress goods materials, is an exact coun
terpart of the wool fabric. Is less liable to
muss and wrinkle than most of the cotton ma
terials. . A very large range of colors. 25
the yard., '
m ti)t& Imga, tjen abmtt tfiep are tfte most
beautiful eber exBtmteb fjere
A European Agency Secured for the New Store
Plaisance et Cie
Paris . . Vienna
Creators of Beautiful Opeia and Carriage Bags
Reproductions in the same materials, with the same frames and the
same trimmingsbags in vogue in court circles during the 15th and
16th centuries.
.A great vogue has arisen in Paris for these artistic and elegant
bags. They are used for theatre and calling purposes and replace card
cases and vanity purses. ......
In this display there are no two alike. v Nor will there be any dupli-
caies. rnccs range irom xv.uu 10 po.uu.
50c DoWn--50c Week ,
w4, will ' deliver " a .Victor . Talking
Machine and your choice of 12 records
I to your home upon the first payment
of bos . . JLl-J.
THPBoesi tlje curtain
Wit Spring afjoto fe on
The Plot Pellard Tailored Suits j
The Price Forty Dollars
The Cast-Imported Materials, Correct Fashion, Perfect FiU
Man Tailoring, Best Workmanship ' $;
Designed of the finest quality double-twisted serges, in
black, navy or gray. Also fancy imported . cloth such as b
now being used in men's fine tailored suits in browns, tans, '
grays and blues. ' y; ? ,t, ;,v "A
The jackets are made 24 and 25 inches long . ' ;
with semi-fitting or three-quarter fitting hack
and single breasted fronts. . ?
A feature of the PeUard suit is the collar and revers, which'
are tailored to perfection. All the sleeres are modeled after
the newest coat style to be found only in the finest man
tailored suits. . ' . ;! ' " .) j
The linings are the very best quality all silk Peau de Cygne'
and Serges.
The skirts are made in this season's most popular and ap
proved shapes. They are from 2 to 1x yards wide, in the ;
tube, straight, flare or panel models. ,V ; I
All Pellard French skirts are modified' to suit the American
woman..' i - , 1 '','' ''
The Adjusto-Belle Petticoats
r (. i.llliinii.ii...y phi , .1, ,1 mw,mtm iwmiwmm. .jjf 'V';'
The only petticoat that can be made smaller in the waist
and larger on the hips or larger in the waist and smaller on
the hips as the form demands practical adjustment. , r ; '
Hits perfectly to any shape, opens on the side.
'JLnis petticoat is made of finest quality all silk mescaline
in black," navy,, gray, tan, Copenhagen, rose or white, lit '
with deep accordion plaited flounce. At S0.00, ar
SilkrJergey"Tbp' Petticoats
With fancy tucked, fluted and accordion, plaited fv
trimmed with knife-plaited ruffles. Black, nvy, nr"7.
Copenhagen, brown, champagne and white. TT''
adjustLU Etlla patent, ?3.t0 and i;?t.Z.i .